G5 Unit 2 Five Senses

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Reading Comprehension

Warm Up: How do your senses help you? Can you survive without them?

Text 1
Read the passage “The Five Senses” and answer following questions:

The Five Senses

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human
beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience
the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and
to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has
in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities
around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the
people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also
helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside
the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too
dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of
light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help
them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away,
which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they
are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which
helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help
guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the
ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people
can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then
sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds
a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which
transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes
and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends it to your brain for

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance
that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold
the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person
breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as
cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the
nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their
nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense
of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a
person's nose.

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body
through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than
other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most
of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach
ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body.

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated
earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four
different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a
combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a
person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.
In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. The five
senses work together to help you live, protect yourself, learn, and enjoy the world
around you.

Define all the underlined words. Write their definitions in your notebook.


1. Which of the following senses is most helpful for reading, traveling, and moving
from place to place?
A: Hearing
B: Smell
C: Sight
D: Taste

2. Which of the following best explains what happens to a person's vision when they
are farsighted?
A: They can see things up close but not far away.
B: They can see things far away but not up close.
C: They cannot see things far away or up close.
D: They can see everything as far as the eye can see.

3. If a person can see up close, but may need glasses to see far away, which of the
following conditions to they have?
A: Close-sightedness
B: Nearsightedness
C: Farsightedness
D: Braille

4. Which part of a person's ear contains the eardrum?

A: Inner ear
B: Middle ear
C: Outer ear
D: Upper ear

5. Which of the following best explains how cilia works with the sense of smell?
A: Helps with the taste of food
B: Helps filter the food a person eats
C: Helps filter the air a person breathes out
D: Helps filter the air a person breathes in

6. Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, and dry are all related to which
of the following senses?
A: Taste
B: Smell
C: Hearing
D: Feeling


Reading Comprehension

Warm Up: What happens to your food after you have swallowed it? How long can you
go without food?

Text 2
Read the passage “Your Digestive System” and answer following questions
Your Digestive System

Have you ever wondered what happens to your food after you've chewed it in your
Your body is amazing and has a system that sorts and uses the food you eat to make
sure your body has everything it needs to work properly. This is called your digestive
system. Here's how it works.

Before the Stomach

First of all, we all know that you put food in your mouth to eat it. You enjoy the taste
and the feel of the food in your mouth whilst your teeth break it down into smaller
pieces. Saliva is the juice in your mouth that is mixed with your food to help make it
When food is small and soft enough to be swallowed, it goes down big tube to your
stomach called the esophagus (say: a-soff-a-guss). Muscles in the esophagus take
turns to move the food to your stomach. These muscles are so good at this job that
they could even get the food to your stomach if you were standing on your head!
(Don't try to eat your tea standing on your head though!).

Fact File
An adult eats about 500kg of food per year. Your body can produce up to 1.5 litres of
saliva every day. An adult esophagus is about 25cm long.
A camera has been invented now that is as small as a pill (called Pillcam). It can be
swallowed so it passes through your esophagus in order to take photos of the inside of
your body. It can take up to 55,000 pictures over the 8 hours that it's in there! It's been
used since 2001 to let doctors see inside patients.

At the Stomach

When the chewed-up food arrives in the stomach, it is mixed with acid that breaks the
food down even more into something that looks a bit like porridge - This substance is
called 'chyme'.

After the Stomach

The next part of the journey for your food (which doesn't look like food anymore) is
through the small intestine. In the small intestine, all the goodness is taken out of the
food so it can go off to different places in the body to keep you healthy.
When the small intestine has done its job of getting all the goodness out of the food,
all the material that is unwanted goes into the large intestine. Then, it makes its way
out of the body as poo at the end of the large intestine.
So, there you have it. Isn't your body clever?

Define all the underlined words. Write their definitions in your notebook.

1.Why do you have to chew food before it goes down the esophagus?


2.What mixes with the food in your mouth?


3.How much food does the average adult eat in a year?


4.Put these organs in the correct order to show the stages of the digestive system:

large intestine mouth small intestine stomach esophagus


5.Where in your body does all the waste go right before it leaves the body?


6.Why has the author used an exclamation mark after the word ‘head’ near the end
of the ‘Before the Stomach’ section?



7. What does ‘chyme’ look like?


8.Why has the author started the text with a question sentence?


9.Why has the author written ‘(say: a-soff-a-guss)’ in the ‘Before the Stomach’



10.At the end the author says: ‘Isn’t your body clever?’ Do you agree? Why or why



The Five Senses

You are going to listen to a passage about the five senses Listen carefully and
answer all of the questions.
You will hear the passage at least four times.
1. What are the five senses?


1. What sense was the experiment testing?


3. What did the people do in the experiment?


4. Who were the people involved in the experiment? Circle the correct answer.

A. Professional chefs
B. Students
C. Men
D. Children

5. What colours were the liquids provided?


6. Did the liquid flavours match their colours? ____________________________

7. What colour was the strawberry flavoured drink?________________________

8. What colour was the mint flavoured drink? ____________________________

9. What was the taste of the orange coloured drink?________________________

10. In the second experiment, which sense was stronger?___________________

You have five minutes to prepare, then you will be called to speak in front of the class.

Lesson 4: GRAMMAR

Fun with Capitalization

 the word I (Dan and I are playing)
 names of particular people or places (Cory, Christina, New York
 formal titles and certain abbreviations (Miss Katherine, St., Ave.)
 the first word of every sentence (It is important!)
 names of people and pets (Izzy, Carol, Snowball)

Rewrite each sentence using capital letters correctly.

1.my mother asked mr. peterson to pick up our mail last saturday.

2.michael and i went to valley view elementary to watch a play.

3.disneyworld is located in orlando, florida.

4.i would like to visit portland, oregon next summer with my family.

5. my parents met with my teacher, mrs. reynolds, to discuss my grades.

6. carl and mona went to visit ms. perry on lightview street.

Capitalizing Words in a Sentence

Capitalization is the writing of a word with its first letter as

upper case and the remaining letters in lower case. Capital
letters are used to start sentences and identify proper nouns.

Write each sentence below. Capitalize each one correctly.

1. the class was ready to go on the field trip to the new york zoo.

2. ms washington was an excellent helper at the school.

3. we went to the grand canyon for vacation during the summer.

4. my friends love to go to disneyland during the winter.

5. students get restless in the month of may.

6. lebron james is one of the greatest basketball players in the nba.

7. italian food is one my favorite types of food for dinner.

8. the olympics will be held in the country of brazil next year.

Directions: Write each sentence below. Capitalize each one correctly.

Example A: i got out the bread to make a turkey sandwich

Answer- I got out the bread to make a turkey sandwich.

1. did the class go for a nature walk

2. the rope almost broke because too many people pulled on it
3. that effect was spectacular we enjoyed it very much
4. the solution to the problem was posted on the board
5. i feel so alive today
6. the captain of the team told others what to do
7. my family lives in the valley

Lesson 5 – 6

How to Make a Yummy Pizza


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The Packet of Biscuits

A woman was shopping one day. She was tired, hungry and thirsty that she
decided to buy a packet of biscuits and a coffee and find a comfortable
place to sit in the sun. She sat on a bench, took out her coffee and started
to read her magazine.

A few minutes later, a teenage boy wearing punk clothes came and sat
next to her. Then the woman realized that the punk boy was taking biscuits
and eating them slowly.

The woman was angry, but she didn’t say anything. She took a biscuit
herself. The boy looked at her, smiled and took another biscuit. The woman
thought “ I have to eat these biscuits quickly before this boy eats them all.”
She took another biscuit and ate it fast. There was only one biscuit left. The
boy picked it up, broke into two and gave her half, smiling. The woman
smiled but inside she was furious.

The boy got up, said good bye and went away.” Young people today just
have no respect,” she thought to herself. She opened her bag to put her
magazine away and what did she see?!! Her packet of biscuits!!! “Oh, no!! I
was eating the boy’s packet of biscuits!”

A. Read the story and put the pictures in order.

1.____ 2. _____ 3. ____ 4._____ 5. ____ 6._____ 7._____

B. Read the story again and answer the questions.

1. Why did the women buy biscuits and coffee?


2. How did the woman feel when she saw the boy eating biscuits? Why?

3. Why did the woman start eating the biscuits quickly?


4. What did the boy do with the last biscuit?


5. How did the woman feel at the end of the story? Why?

C. Put the events in the correct order.

The woman got a magazine and started to read.

The woman started to eat the biscuits quickly.

A punk came and sat next to the woman.

The punk shared the last biscuit.

The punk went away.

The woman did some shopping,

The woman realized she was eating the boy’s biscuits.

The woman found a bench and sat down.

The punk started eating biscuits.

Lesson 7 – 8
Focus: Setting – Where and when the story takes place.
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1 and complete the activities below.
While reading activity chapter 1 on page 61 in the reader

A. Answer the following questions.

1. How old was Mary?

2. Why was Mary given to a servant?
3. Who was Mary’s mother talking to on the veranda?
4. Why were people dying so quickly?
5. How did Mary feel about the death of the people around her?
6. Where was Mary sent after her parents’ death?
7. Who was Martha?
8. Why did Mary get angry with Martha?
9. Who was Dickon?

B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.

True False
1. Mary’s parents spent a lot of time with her.
2. Mary was selfish, rude and spoilt.
3. One morning, when Mary woke up, her mother was at
her bedside.
4. An officer advised Mary’s mother to leave in two weeks.

5. Mr. Archibald Craven was Mary’s grandfather.

6. Mary felt lonely because she was never close to
7. Mrs. Medlock was Mr. Craven’s housekeeper.
8. Mary asked Mrs. Medlock many questions about the
place she was going to.
9. Mr. Craven’s house was very big and very old.
10 Mr. Craven has been traveling a lot ever since his wife

C. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

awful curious despite dish endless frightened

manor skinny strange worried

1. Mary was smaller than girls her age, in face people often said that she
was very ____________ .

2. At first Mary didn’t care about Martha’s stories but later she
when Martha mentioned the secret garden.

3. People were very ________when they found about the cholera

outbreak, in fact they were terrified.

4. Porridge is a popular _____________in England.

5. Many things were __________that morning – the normally peaceful

house was full of panicking people.

6. Mary tried to look out the window and see the moor, but she could only
see the _____________darkness.


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