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152 people think that itis good for a country’s culture to broadcast foreign films and TV shows. Others however, think itis best to produce Local films and shows. your own opinion, Discuss both views and. 1 ni Dén gid nay ban da hiéu hon vé tirng bude. Ban hay ty PLAN bani ch dién nhitng IDEA cu ky don gian va ngan gon vao egtihe 3 ma minh da t6 mau ghi. Ignore cdc 6 khac. Nén nho ban phai that su tén trong y tuéng ctia ban. Don't look at me. HERE 1 HERE 2 Ts1 HERE 3. 14 HERE 4 44 12 HERE 5 1.2 Ts2 HERE 6 24 HERE 7 24 22 HERE 8 22 153 In recent decades, movies and TV series have been | imported films, imported at an increasing rate, causing some public | controversy, viewers, controversy. recent decades , some traditionalists [1] development comes at the expense of [2] a country's | culture culture, plenty of evidence suggests that the opposite is true believe that this | Good for a country’s TS1 There are a number of reasons why local films and shows benefit a.culture. Local films 14 First, motion pictures [3] are an effective way to crystallize and project the intangible element of a culture. [4] To project a culture 44 Therefore, if local films and shows are the primary focus [5], viewers [6] would find it easier to assimilate the beliefs, values and assumptions [7] of a culture, which can be difficult to achieve by the use of written form. 1.2 Second, producing more local films will enrich the cultural library. (3) Enrich the local library 1.2 For example, since local programs are abundant in India, the Indian culture appears more vivid and unique than other cultures with fewer local films produced. [9] TS2 On the other hand, imported movies and TV series bring a lot of advantages to a local culture. Foreign films: 24 24 First, thanks to foreign programs, local ones become more distinguishable and thus appreciable, especially in the eyes of local residents. In fact, if one never watched other countries’ programs, he or she would be susceptible to [10] taking his or her culture for granted. Make the culture stand out 22 ‘Second, by getting new ideas from overseas [11], a local culture will obtain the opportunity to fix its existing flaws and therefore get perfected [12]. Make the culture better 22 For intance, the South Korean culture has fewer flaws than North Korean one [13] because it is more open [14] to new ideas in the form of foreign films. in conclusion, only focusing on producing local films and shows will do more harm than good. Local officials should also recognize the benefits of purchasing foreign movies on preserving their culture.

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