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Template for a monologue describing a person for the IELTS Speaking test

Beginning: Introduction
"Today, I'd like to talk about [Person's Name], who is [relationship to you, e.g., 'my
best friend' or 'my grandmother']. I've known [Person's Name] for [length of time,
e.g., 'over ten years'], and they've had a profound impact on my life."

Body: Physical Appearance

"Starting with their appearance, [Person's Name] is [height, e.g., 'of average height'],
with [color, e.g., 'dark'] hair and [color, e.g., 'bright blue'] eyes. They have a
[distinctive feature, e.g., 'prominent nose' or 'warm smile'] which makes them
instantly recognizable even in a crowd. Their style is [description of style, e.g.,
'elegant and understated' or 'vibrant and quirky'], and they often wear [specific
clothing or accessory, e.g., 'vintage brooches' or 'colorful scarves']."


Body: Personality Trung

"In terms of personality, [Person's Name] is incredibly [positive trait, e.g.,

'compassionate' or 'dynamic']. They have this innate ability to [specific quality, e.g.,
'make everyone around them feel at ease' or 'energize a room with their
enthusiasm']. One of the things I admire most about them is their [admirable
quality, e.g., 'resilience in challenging situations' or 'unwavering honesty']. But like
everyone, they also have their quirks. For instance, they can be quite [quirk or
habit, e.g., 'forgetful at times' or 'obsessed with collecting antique clocks']."
I remembered when i reminded him of an ex-classmate, he appeared to know When he faced up to hard maths problem, he was really calm and gradually
nothing about her analyzing it and found solution
Body: Memories and Experiences
him I lost my wallet, he
"One of my most cherished memories with [Person's Name] was when [describe immediately
a reported
to supervisor and
toghether looked for
specific memory or event, e.g., 'we took a spontaneous road trip together' or 'they
it. Fortunately, it was
helped me through a difficult time in my life']. That experience really encapsulated
the essence of who they are – [reiterate quality, e.g., 'a true adventurer at heart' or
'a pillar of strength and support']."
Conclusion: Significance in Your Life
"In conclusion, [Person's Name] is not just [relationship, e.g., 'a friend' or 'a relative']
but a significant part of my life's journey. They have taught me [life lessons, e.g.,
'the importance of perseverance' or 'the joy of finding beauty in the mundane'], and
I feel genuinely privileged to know them."
Template for a monologue describing an item for the IELTS Speaking test

Beginning: Introduction
"I'd like to talk about an item that holds great significance for me – it's [Item's Name
or Description, e.g., 'a vintage wristwatch' or 'a hand-painted porcelain vase']. I [how
you got it, e.g., 'received it as a gift from my grandfather' or 'bought it during my
trip to Italy']."

Body: Physical Description

"This [Item] is [size description, e.g., 'quite compact' or 'imposingly large'], with
[color and material, e.g., 'a sleek silver finish' or 'a deep blue ceramic texture']. One
of its most striking features is [specific detail, e.g., 'its ornate gold markings' or 'the
intricate floral designs that adorn its surface']. It's [another physical characteristic,
e.g., 'quite heavy to hold' or 'surprisingly lightweight for its size']."
Body: Functionality and Use
"As for its functionality, it's designed to [primary function, e.g., 'tell time with
remarkable accuracy' or 'serve as a centerpiece in a living room']. Whenever I
[action related to the item, e.g., 'check the time' or 'have guests over'], I find myself
drawn to its [specific feature, e.g., 'elegant hands' or 'mesmerizing patterns']. It's not
just its primary use that I value; it's also [secondary use or sentimental value, e.g.,
'a reminder of my grandfather's impeccable taste' or 'a keepsake from my travels']."

Body: Memories and Experiences

"There's a special memory attached to this [Item]. I remember [specific memory or
event, e.g., 'the day my grandfather handed it to me, explaining its history' or 'the
quaint little shop in Florence where I stumbled upon it']. That moment was
[emotional description, e.g., 'bittersweet' or 'filled with excitement'], and every time I
[interaction with the item, e.g., 'wear the watch' or 'look at the vase'], it transports
me back to that day."
Conclusion: Personal Significance
"In summary, while it might seem like just an ordinary [Item] to others, for me, it's a
treasure trove of memories and emotions. It's a testament to [what it represents,
e.g., 'the passage of time and generations' or 'the beauty of foreign lands and
cultures']. I genuinely cherish it and hope to [future intention, e.g., 'pass it down to
my children' or 'add more such items to my collection']."
Template for a monologue describing a location for the IELTS Speaking test

Beginning: Introduction
"I'd like to share about a special location that has left an indelible mark on my
heart – [Location's Name, e.g., 'the serene beaches of Bali' or 'the bustling streets of
Tokyo']. I first visited this place [when or why you went there, e.g., 'during a summer
vacation with my family' or 'for a work assignment last year']."

Body: Physical and Sensory Descriptions

"One of the first things that struck me about [Location] was its [primary
characteristic, e.g., 'vast expanse of golden sands' or 'neon-lit skyscrapers']. The
air smelled of [distinctive scent, e.g., 'salt and freedom' or 'a mix of street food and
car exhaust'], and everywhere I looked, there were [visual details, e.g., 'palm trees
swaying gently' or 'people bustling about, each with a story to tell'].
The sounds of [ambient noise, e.g., 'waves crashing against the shore' or 'horns,
chatter, and the distant hum of trains'] provided a constant backdrop, creating an
atmosphere of [emotional ambiance, e.g., 'tranquility and retreat' or 'energy and

Body: Activities and Attractions

"During my stay in [Location], I had the opportunity to [activity, e.g., 'take long
walks on the beach, letting the waves kiss my feet' or 'explore the maze-like alleys,
discovering hidden eateries and shops']. One of the highlights was [specific
attraction or event, e.g., 'the local night market that came alive with colors and
flavors' or 'the ancient temple that stood majestically amidst the urban sprawl'],
which offered a [description of the experience, e.g., 'glimpse into the region's rich
culture' or 'moment of serenity in the chaos']."
Body: People and Culture
"But beyond the scenic beauty and activities, what made [Location] truly
unforgettable were its people. They were [description of locals, e.g., 'warm,
welcoming, and wore smiles that seemed to reach their eyes' or 'hurried but always
ready to help a lost traveler']. The local cuisine, with its [characteristic, e.g., 'rich
flavors and aromatic spices'], was a revelation, and the [cultural aspect, e.g.,
'traditional dances performed by the beachside' or 'craftsmanship evident in the
local markets'] spoke volumes about their rich heritage."

Conclusion: Personal Significance

"To wrap up, [Location] isn't just a place on the map for me. It's a montage of
[emotions or experiences, e.g., 'memories, flavors, and sounds that I'll forever
cherish' or 'discoveries, adventures, and connections I made']. I hope to [future
intention, e.g., 'return there someday to relive those moments' or 'explore it further,
diving deeper into its hidden gems']."
Template for a monologue describing an experience for the IELTS Speaking test

Beginning: Introduction
"I'd like to recount an experience that, for me, was both transformative and
memorable. It happened [time frame, e.g., 'last summer' or 'when I was in high
school'], when I [context, e.g., 'decided to backpack across Europe' or 'volunteered
at a local animal shelter']."

Body: Setting the Scene

"The day began as any other, with [description of the environment, e.g., 'the sun
casting golden hues across the sky' or 'the sound of dogs barking playfully in the
distance']. I was feeling [your emotional state, e.g., 'a mix of excitement and nervous
anticipation'] as I [activity that kickstarted the experience, e.g., 'boarded the train
to my next destination' or 'prepared to feed the animals for the first time']."
Body: The Main Event
"As the day progressed, something unexpected happened. [Describe the
unexpected event or turning point, e.g., 'While hiking a trail, I got lost with no
phone signal' or 'One of the older dogs, Max, suddenly fell ill']. I felt a rush of
[emotion, e.g., 'panic' or 'concern'], unsure of how to proceed."

"[Detail the actions or decisions you took, e.g., 'I remembered the basic survival
skills I'd read about, like finding a water source and setting up a makeshift shelter'
or 'I quickly alerted the shelter staff, and we rushed Max to a nearby vet']."
Body: Resolution and Reflection
"Eventually, [how the situation resolved, e.g., 'by nightfall, a group of fellow hikers
stumbled upon me, and together, we found our way back to the main path' or
'thankfully, after some treatment, Max began to show signs of recovery']. The relief
I felt was immense."

"That day taught me [lessons learned, e.g., 'the importance of always being
prepared and not underestimating nature' or 'the fragility of life and the value of
quick thinking and teamwork']. It was an experience filled with [emotions, e.g.,
'twists and turns, fear, and ultimately, gratitude']."

Conclusion: Personal Significance

"In retrospect, that day stands out not just for the challenges it presented but for
how it [impact on you, e.g., 'shaped my perspective on adventures and the
unpredictability of life' or 'deepened my commitment to animal welfare and
community service']. It's an experience I often reflect upon, drawing [something you
draw from it, e.g., 'strength from my own resilience' or 'inspiration to always act with
urgency and care']."

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