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Uphill Climb, when we try to understand this phrase, the first thing that

comes to mind is a picture of a hill.

Even though a hill has got nothing to do with the meaning, it can be a
great approach to understanding it. For instance, imagine yourself trying
to climb up a hill. The rocks and steep paths that can prevent you from
reaching the top of the hill is your obstacle. That pretty much sums up the
definition of an obstacle.

However, here is a clear way of putting it. Obstacles exist only when you
perceive them to be obstacles. But when you change your perspective,
you’ll see that they are present to increase your chances and your overall
strength, physically and mentally.

Now, think of when you achieved something, something that you are
proud of and was really tough to achieve. It could be acing a test or
learning something new. This pride that we all have can only be brought
to us by successfully overcoming obstacles. In short, overcoming
obstacles is what makes life worth living.

As we live our life to the fullest, we must never take our eyes off of the
main goal. With determination and perseverance, we can overcome any
obstacles that may come our way.

Thank you.

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