36 Waiting For A Nice Thing

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Waiting for a nice thing

Amazing things are worth the wait. Since Cristiano Ronaldo switched his clubs, I have
been looking forward to the start of Asia Champions League, because there was a slim
chance that his team might get drawn in the same group as my local team, which has
been the case.

That is just straight out of a movie. I mean Ronaldo's coming to my tow. I've been a
massive fan of his forever, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Of course, the moment I learnt about this I rushed to buy a ticket for the match. But
here's the catch—it cost me three times the usual price. Was it worth it?
Absolutely. When you're talking about seeing your idol, Ronaldo, in the flesh, it's a

I can't even put into words how I'm feeling about the prospect of finally meeting him. The
excitement is through the roof. It's not just a game; it's a chance to watch Ronaldo, the
football legend, up close and maybe, just maybe, get a chance to say hello. The days
leading up to the match feel like forever, but I know it's going to be a memory for a
worth the wait: Refers to something being sufficiently valuable to justify a long wait.

slim chance: A low probability or very little likelihood of something happening.

get drawn in the same group: When teams or individuals are selected to compete
together in a tournament or competition.

straight out of a movie: Describes a situation or experience that is so extraordinary it

seems like it's from a film.

once in a lifetime opportunity: A rare chance that may not come again in one's

here is the catch: Introduces a condition or drawback in a situation.

in the flesh: Meeting or seeing someone in person rather than in a picture or on-

no brainer: A decision or choice that is very obvious or easy to make.

can't even put into words: Expressing that something is beyond description.

the prospect of: Refers to the possibility or expectation of something happening.

through the roof: Signifies a high level or an extreme degree.

up close: Being in close proximity to something or someone.

feel like forever: Describes a situation that seems to last a very long time due to
anticipation or impatience.

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