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Assignment: Operating Systems Functions and


Total Marks: 10

This assignment is worth 10% of your overall grade.

Answer all the questions below.

1) Provide clear explanations, examples, and real-life scenarios wherever necessary.

2) Submit your assignment in the required format and by the 29/5/2023 (Monday).


1) Explain the main functions of an operating system, and provide real-life examples to
illustrate each function. (3 marks)
2) Describe the components of an operating system and their respective roles. Discuss how
these components work together with real-life examples to facilitate the functioning of an
operating system. (3 marks)
3) Compare and contrast the following types of operating systems: batch processing, time-
sharing, and real-time operating systems. Explain their characteristics, advantages, and
provide real-life scenarios where each type is commonly used. (4 marks)

Note: Your answers should demonstrate your understanding of the functions and components
of operating systems.

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