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Ubuntu:Feisty -

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Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

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Ubuntu:Feisty -

Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was released on April 19th, 2007 and is no longer supported. It is recommended to upgrade to the current version of Ubuntu.

Other Versions
For all versions of Ubuntu, see the Main Page. Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) is a LTS (Long Term Support) version, released on April 24, 2008, and will be supported with security updates for ve years on the server and three years on the desktop. Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was released October 18, 2007, and is Feisty+1 (the very next release after Feisty). If you are using an outdated version of Ubuntu, you should consider updating it to the current version of Ubuntu. There have been considerable improvements. If everything works perfectly for you, you may wish to stay with a Long-Term Support (LTS) version. To upgrade an outdated version or update your current version, read #Updates and Upgrades.

1 Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) 2 Introduction 2.1 Other Versions 2.2 General Notes 2.3 Are there other *buntu guides? 2.4 Desktop environments 2.4.1 Where to view Ubuntu screenshots / screencast 2.4.2 Where to view Kubuntu screenshots / screencast 2.4.3 How to install KDE (Kubuntu) How to uninstall KDE (Kubuntu) 2.4.4 Where to view Xubuntu screenshots / screencast 2.4.5 How to install XFCE (Xubuntu) How to uninstall Xfce (Xubuntu) 2.4.6 Where to view Ubuntu Studio screenshots 2.4.7 Where to view Ubuntu Enlightenment Window Manager screenshots 2.4.8 How to install FluxBox 2.4.9 How to install Blackbox 2.4.10 How to change the USplash Screen when you boot or shutdown the computer 2.4.11 Where to look for style elements for your desktop

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2.4.12 How to congure GLSlideshow 2.4.13 Using gksu vs. sudo How to run commands in the command line terminal 2.4.14 3-D Desktops Compiz / Desktop Eects OpenCompositing: Beryl and Compiz How to install Compiz Fusion (Universal) How to install Beryl (ATI) Install Beryl using Open Source drivers Uninstall Beryl (open source installation) Install Beryl using proprietary FGLRX drivers from ATI How to install Beryl (Nvidia) What to do if Video players crash while using Beryl How to x black windows during video playback How to improve sub-pixel font rendering for Feisty How to congure GLSlideshow How to install Compiz-Fusion (a Compiz-Beryl fusion) How to install Compiz (Nvidia) Project Looking Glass 2.5 Updates and Upgrades 2.5.1 Upgrade Ubuntu Edgy to Ubuntu Feisty Upgrade from Dapper Drake to Edgy Eft to Feisty Fawn 2.5.2 Enable automatic updates 2.5.3 How to manually update Ubuntu 2.6 Adding new programs 2.6.1 How to add extra repositories Using menus Manually edit sources.list Adding a CD-ROM or DVD repository 2.6.2 Adding programs from the GUI menu Add/Remove Programs Synaptic Package Manager Automatix2 Install Automatix using apt (alternate method) 2.6.3 Add programs from a command-line menuing program 2.6.4 Add programs from the command line 2.7 Add-On Applications 2.7.1 Working with archives and packages Handling ".tar.gz" (Tar/GZip) Archives Handling "" (Tar/BZip) Archives Handling ".7z" (7-Zip) Archives How to compile a program from source code Create an Ubuntu (Debian) package (.deb) 2.7.2 Utilities

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Ubuntu:Feisty - How to handle rar les How to install WinRAR How to install an IP address calculator How to install Firefox Widgets Keeping your clock synchronized with time servers How to Set Flickr Images as Ubuntu Feisty Wallpaper 2.7.3 Browser plug-ins How to install Java J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox How to install Flash Player (Macromedia Flash) Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Install using Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get Install from Firefox (method 2) Install from tarball (method 3) GNASH open source alternative How to install Flash Player (Macromedia Flash) Plug-in for (64-bit) Mozilla Firefox (only) How to install Adobe PDF Reader with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox How to block Ads and Java/Javascripts in Firefox Streaming in FireFox 2.7.4 Multimedia Codecs & Browser Plug-ins How to install Multimedia Codecs How to install DVD playback capability How to install MIDI sound server (Timidity++) How to install multimedia plug-ins for Firefox Totem plug-in (Ubuntu users) Kaeine plug-in (KDE users) MPlayer plug-in (Installs MPlayer media player as well) VLC plug-in (Installs VLC media player as well) Helix plug-in (plays Realplayer les) 2.7.5 Multimedia Players How to install Elisa Multimedia Player How to install MPD Multimedia Playing Server How to install Xine-ui Multimedia Player How to install MPlayer Multimedia Player MPlayer Frontend (SMPlayer) How to install VLC Multimedia Player How to install XMMS Multimedia Player How to install Songbird Multimedia Player How to uninstall Songbird Multimedia Player How to install amaroK Multimedia Player How to uninstall amaroK How to install Banshee Music Manager and Player How to uninstall Banshee How to install Listen Music Manager and Player How to uninstall Listen

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Ubuntu:Feisty - How to install Exaile! Music Manager and Player How to uninstall Exaile! How to install RealPlayer 10 Multimedia Player (RealPlayer) Install from real website Install from prepackaged .deb le How to install Helix Multimedia Player How to install Stream Directory Browser (streamtuner) How to uninstall Stream Directory Browser (streamtuner) How to install Internet TV (Democracy TV / Miro) 2.7.6 Internet Utilities How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (Azureus) How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (Deluge) Installing Binary (Stable) Compiling Deluge Source From Trunk (Unstable) How to use Torrent under Wine Older method How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (KTorrent) How to install Pidgin 2.2.0 Instant Messenger Easy instructions Manual instructions for Pidgin 2.1.1 How to congure Google Talk for Pidgin How to install Ninan (NZB usenet client) How to congure (64 Bit)Ekiga for GIZMO PROJECT Account 2.7.7 Graphics Blender 3-D graphics content creation system For normal (Linux32) users For 64-bit Ubuntu users How to install Inkscape vector illustrator 2.7.8 Web content creation and management systems Drupal website content creation and management system 2.7.9 Games KDE games Frozen Bubble 2 Super Nintendo Emulator (ZSNES) 1.510 for i386/AMD64 Playstation 1 Emulator (pSX) 1.11 for i386/AMD64 Playstation 1 Emulator (ePSXe) 1.6.0 for i386/AMD64 2.7.10 Text/Code Editors SciTE Geany 2.7.11 Oce How to install Clip-Art How to install third party windows fonts How to open .docx les Install an optical character reader (tesseract) 2.7.12 Home Security / Home automation Complete systems LinuxMCE (Media Center Edition)

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Ubuntu:Feisty - Omnipotence software (commerical) Home Security / Surveillance Install Zoneminder surveillance system Home automation programs and hardware 2.7.13 Miscellaneous How to install applications for study of religious texts How to install Gnomesword (Bible study program) How to install a Quran researching tool (Zekr) 2.8 Cross-platform enabling Applications 2.8.1 Virtualization Technology Virtualbox VMWare Server / Workstation Manual install (optional) for VMWare Server How to install CrossOver Linux to run Windows Applications How to install and run Wine (Open Source version of CrossOver Linux) How to manually run programs in Wine (from a command-line terminal) How to make Wine apps look like Windows XP Install Internet Explorer 6 for Wine How to install Windows Games (Cedega) How to install Maple 11 How to install Win4Lin (Windows combined with Linux) How to Install Citrix ICAClient 10 How to Uninstall Citrix ICAClient 10 2.9 User Administration 2.9.1 How to switch to root user in Console mode 2.9.2 How to set/change/enable root user password 2.9.3 How to disable root user account 2.9.4 How to allow root user to login into Gnome 2.9.5 How to add/edit/delete system users 2.9.6 How to add/edit/delete system groups 2.9.7 How to automatic login into GNOME 2.9.8 How to allow more sudoers 2.9.9 How to use "sudo" without prompt for password (not secure) 2.9.10 How to kill the "sudo" session 2.9.11 How to change les/folders permissions 2.9.12 How to change les/folders ownership 2.9.13 How to change les/folders group ownership 2.10 Hardware 2.10.1 Mice Activate side-mouse-buttons in FireFox Install & Congure IMWheel How to congure Apple Mighty Mouse 2.10.2 Touchpad Disable the touchpad while typing Adjust touchpad sensitivity Enable vertical, horizontal and circular scrolling

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2.10.3 Graphics Card How to setup nVidia drivers in 7.04 How to setup Dual Monitors with NVidia in Feisty Fawn How to align monitors left-to-right How to change primary display from CRT to LCD How to install Beta Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) How to setup pivot (screen rotation) with default NVIDIA drivers How to setup pivot (screen rotation) with proprietary NVIDIA drivers How to disable NVIDIA graphics logo on GNOME startup How to congure dual head on NVIDIA based cards How to install Graphics Driver (ATI) How to Correct the Graphics Resolution (Intel) How to show nvidia GPU temperature (nvidia-settings) How to detect CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltages (lm-sensors) How to control fan speed (lm-sensors) How to monitor CPU, GPU temperatures, fan speeds and voltages (GKrellM) How to detect CPU temperature, fan speeds for Dell Laptops and install Gkrellm plugin (i8kutils, gkrellm-i8k) 2.10.4 CPU How to enable your CPU's Power Saving/Frequency Scaling features 2.10.5 Modems / Network How to identify Modem chipset How to install Atheros Wireless Drivers How to install USB ADSL modem drivers and congure the connection How to install Windows Wireless Drivers (Ndiswrapper) Ndiswrapper for Broadcom 43xx wireless chipset How to enable WPA with Ndiswrapper driver How to install Modem Driver (SmartLink) Using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE as Internet modem Other Method: Using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE as Internet modem 2.10.6 Palm How to congure PalmOS Devices 2.10.7 Hard Drive How to list partition tables How to list lesystem disk space usage How to list mounted devices How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting How to spin down a hard drive How to use Logical Volume Manager (LVM2) How to install software RAID Install EVMS GUI for LVM2 and RAID

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Ubuntu:Feisty - Other GUIs for LVM2 and RAID How to Increase ext3 and ReiserFS lesystems Performance How to backup/mirror/synchronize directories using rsync 2.10.8 USB How to list USB devices Workaround for random device disconnections How to recover lost disk space How to Add Logitech USB audio device 2.10.9 Optical Drives How to speed up CD/DVD-ROM How to mount/unmount CD/DVD-ROM manually, and show all hidden and associated les/folders How to forcefully unmount CD/DVD-ROM manually 2.10.10 Monitors / Displays How to enable Large Widescreen Support How to enable CRT output (external monitor/projector) for notebooks (Intel) 2.10.11 Sound 2.10.12 Creative x-Fi sound cards (64 Bit Only) How to make sound work with Intel Integrated Sound Cards How to setup and test surround-sound speakers (5.1 and others) with ALSA How to change the default soundcard How to setup PulseAudio Sound Server 2.10.13 Printers Which default printer drivers are provided in Ubuntu Linux? How to add a printer Hewlett Packard (HP) Printers / Scanners / Copiers Brother Printers / Scanners / Copiers 2.10.14 Misc How to list PCI devices How to install a Wacom tablet How to x strange mouse behavior when using a KVM switch 2.11 CD/DVD Burning 2.11.1 How to blank CD-RW/DVD-RW 2.11.2 How to burn les/folders into CD/DVD 2.11.3 How to burn Image (ISO) les into CD/DVD 2.11.4 How to duplicate CD/DVD 2.11.5 How to create Image (ISO) les from CD/DVD 2.11.6 How to create Image (ISO) les from folders 2.11.7 How to generate MD5 checksum les 2.11.8 How to check MD5 checksum of les 2.11.9 How to mount/unmount Image (ISO) les without burning 2.11.10 How to set/change the burn speed for CD/DVD Burner

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2.11.11 How to enable burnproof for CD/DVD Burner 2.11.12 How to enable overburn for CD/DVD Burner 2.11.13 How to install K3b (CD/DVD burning software) How to install MP3 support for K3b 2.11.14 How to Burn .img DVD Images 2.12 Networking 2.12.1 How to activate/deactivate network connections 2.12.2 How to congure network connections 2.12.3 How to congure dialup connections 2.12.4 How to congure broadband connections 2.12.5 How to change computer name 2.12.6 How to change computer descriptions 2.12.7 How to change computer Domain/Workgroup 2.12.8 How to use dynamic IP addressing for your host using the free DynDNS service Maintain Dynamic IP address with IPcheck utility Maintain Dynamic IP address with ddclient utility 2.12.9 How to share folders the easy way 2.12.10 How to browse network computers 2.12.11 How to access network folders without mounting 2.12.12 How to mount/unmount network folders manually, and allow all users to read 2.12.13 How to mount/unmount network folders manually, and allow all users to read/write 2.12.14 How to mount network folders on boot-up, and allow all users to read 2.12.15 How to mount network folders on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write 2.12.16 How to get ipw2200 and WPA to work 2.12.17 How to get ipw3945 and wep/wpa to work 2.12.18 How to get Broadcom BCM4318 wireless card to work 2.12.19 How to Congure and start PPTP tunnels (VPN) 2.12.20 How to setup a PGP key with Seahorse and Evolution 2.12.21 How to Setup BIND DNS Server 2.12.22 Connect to Internet using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE 2.12.23 How to set up internet connection sharing 2.12.24 How to resolve Netbios hostnames 2.13 Remote Access 2.13.1 Remote Login via XDMCP What is XDMCP? How to turn on the XDMCP feature How to login from another PC running Ubuntu 2.13.2 Run an Ubuntu host from a Windows Client machine 2.13.3 Remote Desktop Sharing/Duplication using VNC How to congure a Remote Desktop host How to connect into remote desktop or VNC host from a Ubuntu/Linux machine How to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop host from a

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Windows machine How to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop host from OS X How to Run a Windows machine from Ubuntu securely using VNC 2.14 Windows 2.14.1 How to Mount Windows Partitions How to Mount NTFS Partitions How to mount/unmount Windows partitions (NTFS) manually, and allow all users to read only How to mount/unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read/write How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow all users to read only How to mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow users read and write access 2.15 Security 2.15.1 What are the basic things I need to know about securing my Ubuntu 2.15.2 How to disable all interactive editing control for GRUB menu 2.15.3 How to disable history listing in Console mode 2.15.4 How to disable recently used documents 2.15.5 How to clear history listing in Console mode 2.15.6 How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Del from restarting computer in Console mode 2.15.7 How to enable prompt before removal/overwritten of les/folders in Console mode 2.15.8 How to setup a LoJack system for your laptop 2.15.9 How to get advanced protection against buer overows with grsecurity 2.15.10 How to add Access Control Lists (ACLs) 2.15.11 Firewall Manually conguring IPtables How to install IPtables Firewall Conguration GUI (Firestarter) How to minimize Firestarter to a panel icon when closed How to make the Firestarter GUI start automatically at startup How to have Firestarter start without the root password 2.15.12 Using Shorewall to manage iptables 2.15.13 Anti-virus ClamAV AntiVirus Server How to update virus denitions How to install ClamAV automatic updater daemon How to scan les or folders How to install ClamTk GUI frontend for ClamAV

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Ubuntu:Feisty - How to automatically scan les/folders for viruses 2.16 Boot Menu 2.16.1 How to gain root user access without login 2.16.2 How to modify kernel boot-up arguments, to gain root user access 2.16.3 How to use Ubuntu Installation CD, to gain root user access 2.16.4 How to change root user/main user password if forgotten 2.16.5 How to change GRUB menu password if forgotten 2.16.6 How to restore GRUB menu after Windows installation Super Grub Disk Grub 2.16.7 How to identify the name of the boot drive (hd0, hd1, hd2, etc) 2.16.8 How to add Windows entry into GRUB menu 2.16.9 How to boot into Windows installed on a seperate SATA drive 2.16.10 How to hide GRUB menu on boot-up 2.16.11 How to change the timeout seconds for GRUB menu on boot-up 2.16.12 How to change default Operating System boot-up for GRUB menu 2.16.13 How to display Splash Image for GRUB menu on boot-up 2.16.14 How to convert Wallpaper to Splash Image for GRUB menu 2.16.15 How to display only one kernel on GRUB menu How to read Linux partitions (ext2, ext3) in Windows machine How to Boot Ubuntu from the Windows Bootloader 2.16.16 How to temporarily skip boot-up services 2.16.17 How to permanently disable/enable boot-up services 2.17 Tips And Tricks 2.17.1 How to enable lame for FFMPEG (needed to encode FLV with sound) 2.17.2 How to enable smooth fonts 2.17.3 How to Install Tor to Surf Anonymously in Ubuntu Feisty with Firefox 2.17.4 How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer 2.17.5 How to turn on Num Lock on GNOME startup 2.17.6 How to remap the Caps Lock key as another Control key In the Console In X Windows 2.17.7 Howto upgrade kernel(2.6.22-9-generic) in Feisty Fawn 2.17.8 How to Convert a .nrg (Nero) le to a .iso le 2.17.9 How to run programs on startup when login into GNOME 2.17.10 How to speed-up your Ubuntu box 2.17.11 How to switch to Console mode in GNOME 2.17.12 How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace from restarting X in GNOME and KDE 3.5.x 2.17.13 How to enable Ctrl+Alt+Del to open System Monitor in GNOME 2.17.14 How to refresh GNOME desktop 2.17.15 How to refresh GNOME panel 2.17.16 How to enable autosave in Gedit and disable creation of some_le~ les 2.17.17 How to show all hidden les/folders in Nautilus

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2.17.18 How to browse les/folders as root user in Nautilus 2.17.19 How to install a "View in Terminal" Menu for Nautilus 2.17.20 How to change default le type "Open with" program 2.17.21 How to change preferred email client to Mozilla Thunderbird 2.17.22 How to open les as root user via right click 2.17.23 How to disable beep sound in Terminal mode 2.17.24 How to change backspace behavior in Mozilla Firefox to do page back instead of page up 2.17.25 How to handle mms protocol in Mozilla Firefox 2.17.26 How to handle rtsp (realmedia) protocol in Mozilla Firefox 2.17.27 How to load Web site faster in Mozilla Firefox 2.17.28 How to disable beep sound for link nd function in Mozilla Firefox 2.17.29 How to install Flock Web Browser in Ubuntu 2.17.30 How to install/uninstall .deb les 2.17.31 How to nd out which version of a package I have installed 2.17.32 How to convert .rpm les to .deb les 2.17.33 How to compile .deb les from source 2.17.34 How to rename all les in directory at once 2.17.35 How to manipulate all image les in directory at once 2.17.36 How to set System-wide Environment Variables 2.17.37 How to save "man" outputs into les 2.17.38 How to force GDM to system beep when login screen ready 2.17.39 Clean up Ubuntu GNU/Linux System 2.17.40 How to clean /tmp/ folder contents on shutdown 2.17.41 How to scroll up and down to view previous outputs in Console mode 2.17.42 How to nd out which version of Ubuntu I am using 2.17.43 How to set up (automatic) background/wallpaper-changer application for GNOME 2.17.44 How to add keyboard layouts for other languages 2.17.45 How to add keyboard layouts toggle for other languages (Xfce) 2.17.46 How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet 2.17.47 How to type extended characters 2.17.48 How to set the Compose key to type special characters 2.17.49 How to install ubuntu-title font used in Ubuntu logo 2.17.50 How to associate Adobe Reader with les in Nautilus 2.17.51 How to print from Adobe Reader 2.17.52 How to pull apart and combine pdf les 2.17.53 How to remove jedit when Synaptic package manager fails after install 2.17.54 How to compile a kernel the Ubuntu Way 2.17.55 System requests (What to do if your system is unresponsive) 2.17.56 How to add locales to Ubuntu the command line way 2.17.57 How to set default Terminal App window size 2.17.58 Using VI editor 2.17.59 How to play DVDs 2.17.60 How to install Gmail Notier alternative (CheckGmail)

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2.17.61 How to emulate Mac OS X Spotlight (Deskbar) 2.17.62 How to make Ubuntu look like Mac OS X 2.17.63 How to remove temporary les on shutdown 2.17.64 How to tile windows in gnome 2.17.65 How to install a virtual PDF printer 2.17.66 How to pass module options for Ubuntu to pickup on startup 2.17.67 How to correct paper size to Letter 2.17.68 Troubleshooting Feisty Fawn 2.18 Servers 2.18.1 Monitoring Server 2.18.2 Print Server (cupsd) How to install cupsd How to add a printer How to remove a printer How to print on remote Ubuntu machine from another Ubuntu machine How to print on remote Ubuntu machine from a Windows machine 2.18.3 NFS Server Installing NFS Server Installing NFS Client Mounting Manually Mounting Automatically 2.18.4 Samba Server How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service How to add/edit/delete network users How to share home folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) How to share home folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) How to share group folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) How to share group folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) How to share public folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) How to share public folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) How to share public folders with read only permission (Authentication=No) How to share public folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=No) How to print on remote Ubuntu machine via samba Windows networking error: "The account is not authorized to log in from this station." Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) How to install INETD Superserver How to install SWAT for Samba daemon

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2.18.5 SSH Server How to install SSH Server for remote administration service How to SSH into remote Ubuntu host How to copy les/folders from remote Ubuntu host into local machine (scp) How to copy les/folders from local machine into remote Ubuntu host (scp) How to copy les/folders from remote Ubuntu host into local machine (rsync) How to copy les/folders from local machine into a remote Ubuntu host (rsync) How to mount remote host folders into local Ubuntu machine (sshfs) How to SSH into a remote Ubuntu host from a Windows client How to copy les/folders from/into a host Ubuntu machine from a Windows client How to limit the user accounts that can connect through ssh remotely Using SSH to Port Forward Protecting SSH from brute force attack 2.18.6 Rsync Daemon How to install the Rsync Daemon for remote backup and restoration of les 2.18.7 Enable SSH Banner 2.18.8 DHCP Server How to install DHCP Server for automatic IP addresses assignment 2.18.9 Backup Ubuntu System Sbackup Dar and Kdar 2.18.10 Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server 2.18.11 Database Server How to install MYSQL Database Server MySQL Database backup using AutoMySQLBackup How to install MYSQL Administrator How to install MySQL Query Browser (SQL Client) How to install Oracle Database XE 2.18.12 Apache HTTP Server How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service How to install PHP for Apache HTTP Server How to install PHP5 Installing recommended modules How to install MYSQL for Apache HTTP Server How to install Python for Apache 2 How to map URLs to folders outside /var/www/ How to change the default port number for Apache HTTP

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Server How to parse RSS into PHP for Apache HTTP Server 2.18.13 FTP Server How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service How to congure FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directory How to congure FTP Server to allow anonymous FTP user to read only How to congure FTP Server to allow anonymous FTP user to read/write How to map anonymous FTP user to folders outside /home/ftp/ How to change the default port number for FTP Server How to ftp into remote Ubuntu host from a Windows client machine How to FTP to a remote Windows host from an Ubuntu client machine How to congure your NAT/router/gateway/rewall for FTP server 2.18.14 Personal Apt Repository Setting Up Repository Updating Repository 2.18.15 Streaming Media Server How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service How to change the default directory containing multimedia les for GNUMP3d How to change the default port number for GNUMP3d How to enable downmixing support (for streaming outside your LAN) How to downmix MP3 to Ogg Vorbis (better quality) How to add downmixing support for FLAC audio How to add downmixing support for AAC/MPEG-4 audio 2.18.16 Groupware (Email/Calendaring) How to install Meldware Communication Suite 2.18.17 Image Gallery Server Gallery1 How to install Gallery1 for Image Gallery Server service How to congure Gallery1 to be accessible via Internet (Hostname or x IP) or LAN (x IP) How to congure Gallery1 to be accessible via LAN (dynamic IP) How to backup/restore Gallery1 data Gallery2 How to install Gallery2 How to congure Gallery2 2.18.18 How to install Subversion version control server (with Apache

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support) 2.18.19 How to install Subversion version control server (svnserve) 2.18.20 PhpGedView Server How to install PhpGedView Server How to congure PhpGedView with MySQL 2.19 Troubleshooting 2.19.1 How to disable system time/date from being reset to UTC (GMT) 2.19.2 How to congure sound to work properly in GNOME 2.19.3 How to forcefully empty Trash in GNOME 2.19.4 How to remove duplicate menu/menu items in GNOME 2.19.5 How to refresh Places menu in GNOME (if mounts to /media/ in /etc/fstab does not show up) 2.20 Requests 2.20.1 Guide Development

General Notes
1. This is an Unocial Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Starter Guide. It is neither associated with Ubuntu nor with Canonical Ltd. 2. This guide can be discussed at the ocial Forum ( at Stop by and join the discussion. 3. If you see a bluish box, this means you have to execute the commands in Terminal mode (Applications -> Accesories -> Terminal) or use the content of that box as mentioned in some other instructions. 4. To reduce typo mistakes, copy and paste the commands into Terminal mode (right click on the commands -> "Copy" or "Paste". You can also use Ctrl+C to copy and Shift+Insert to paste it) 5. "sudo" means substitute user do. "sudo" will prompt for your "Password:". Please specify your user password. You could for example substitute for anouther user on your system - eg sudo -u peter <command> would run a command as user peter on your system. 6. If you want more information about any command, simply look at the manual page for it using the "man" command. For example, "man sudo" will display the manual page for the "sudo" command. 7. If you are tired of typing "apt-get" all the time, use the synaptic package manager, a front end to apt-get. 8. "aptitude" and "wget" requires Internet connection to install/update/download programs 9. All references to "aptitude" will be replaced with "apt-get". You may still use "aptitude" if you wish, however could cause dependency issues. 10. To download a le, right click on the link -> Select "Save Link As..." -> Make sure le name and extension are correct 11. If you wish to help translating Ubuntu to your native language or to help Ubuntu otherwise visit

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12. May the "humanity to others" spirit be with you always .....

If you are using 64-bit version replace any "i386" with "amd64"

Are there other *buntu guides?

KubuntuGuide ( XubuntuGuide ( Ubuntu Step By Step Guides For Ubuntu Users ( The Ubuntu Wiki ( Free Ubuntu Linux E-books ( Ocial Ubuntu Documentation Help Guide (

Desktop environments
Where to view Ubuntu screenshots / screencast
This is the Gnome based desktop environment, which is the default for Ubuntu. Ubuntu 7.04(Feisty Fawn) Screenshots Tour ( - video howto's for human beings ( Ubuntu Video - linux videos for human beings (

Where to view Kubuntu screenshots / screencast

This is the KDE based desktop environment. See ( . Kubuntu 7.04(Feisty Fawn) Screenshots Tour (

How to install KDE (Kubuntu)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories You may also look at some KDE Screenshots ( See (
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

The system will ask you if you want to use kdm or gdm. gdm is recommended.
System -> Quit -> Log Out

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Ubuntu:Feisty Sessions: KDE

How to uninstall KDE (Kubuntu) If you used aptitude to install Kubuntu:

sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop

If you did not use that command, then see this tutorial ( /puregnome) .

Where to view Xubuntu screenshots / screencast

This is the minimalist XFCE based desktop environment. It works best on PCs with minimal memory and/or slow RAM. See ( . Xubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Screenshots Tour ( Ocial Xubuntu screenshots (

How to install XFCE (Xubuntu)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories You may also look at some XFCE Screenshots ( /index.php?page=screenshots&lang=en) See ( .
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

The xubuntu gdm theme will be set as the default.

System -> Quit -> Log Out Sessions: XFCE

How to uninstall Xfce (Xubuntu) If you used aptitude to install Xubuntu:

sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop

If you did not use that command, then see this tutorial ( /puregnome) .

Where to view Ubuntu Studio screenshots

Ubuntu Studio is a desktop environment oriented towards multimedia usage.

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Ubuntu Studio Screenshots Tour (

Where to view Ubuntu Enlightenment Window Manager screenshots

This is a special-eects oriented desktop environment, with features from both the Gnome and KDE environments. Ubuntu Enlightenment(DR17 or E17) Window Manager screenshots Tour (

How to install FluxBox

Fluxbox is a popular minimalist Window Manager. For more info see the Screenshots ( . Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install fluxbox menu

Start Fluxbox from GDM:

echo "exec startfluxbox" > ~/.xinitrc

Change the login sound:

sudo apt-get install sox gksudo gedit ~/.fluxbox/startup

Find this line:

exec /usr/local/bin/fluxbox

Put this above it somewhere:

play /usr/share/sounds/login.wav > /dev/null 2>&1 &

How to install Blackbox

Blackbox is a lightweight desktop environment. It is not updated frequently. See the Blackbox Wiki ( for more info.
sudo apt-get install blackbox menu

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How to change the USplash Screen when you boot or shutdown the computer
When you add another Desktop Environment, the USplash screen may change (saying Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu). If you want to change it, do the following:
sudo update-alternatives --config

This will bring up a list of installed USplash screens. Type the number that corresponds to the one you want and press Enter. Then type:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash

Then reboot.

Where to look for style elements for your desktop

How to congure GLSlideshow

GLSlideshow is a screensaver that shows your images in a slideshow with smooth panning and fading. To enable it:

Feisty doesn't oer a way to edit the directory for the images graphically. To set the image directory create a le called .xscreensaver in your home folder (if it doesn't exist allready) and place the key 'imageDirectory: /path/to/your/pictures' in it. You might also want to add the key 'chooseRandomImages: True'. If you had a preview running while editing you'll have to reset GLSlideshow by selecting another screensaver and the reselecting it.
cd ~ echo "imageDirectory: /path/to/your/pictures" >> .xscreensaver echo "chooseRandomImages: True" >> .xscreensaver

You can edit the behaviour of GLSlideshow using the le /usr/share/applications /screensavers/glslideshow.desktop. Where it (usually) says 'Exec=glslideshow -root' you can set options by adding parameters which control things like how long every image should be shown, how much you want to have it move or how long the transition between pictures should be. GlSlideshow has it's own manpage where all the options can be found (man glslideshow). However, these changes can only be done as root!
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And again, if you had preview running it will only show these changes after having selected another screensaver and reselecting
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/screensavers/glslideshow.desktop find the line where it says Exec=glslideshow -root and replace it with something like Exec=glslideshow -root -duration 16 -pan 6 -fade 6 -zoom 60

Using gksu vs. sudo

Commands (in the command line terminal) that require administrator or root privileges must be preceded by sudo, or the graphical version, gksu. For most uses, the commands are interchangeable and either can be used. However, there are some subtle dierences. Specically, gksu launches with the root conguration les, while sudo launches with the user's conguration les. Here ( is a nice discussion. This discussion recommends gksu for all uses except when a purely command line environment is being used, such as when there is no desktop environment installed. In that case use sudo. In this guide, both are used. When commands are applicable to both the server-only versions of Ubuntu as well as the desktop versions, sudo is used. However, in a Gnome desktop environment, gksu can usually be substituted. (Note: gksu is the version of sudo for use in Gnome, the default desktop for Ubuntu. For Kubuntu (KDE) users, use kdesu instead.) How to run commands in the command line terminal This is for Gnome. Start up the command line terminal:

If you do not see the Terminal menu item, then add it to your menu:
Right click Applications-->Edit menus-->Accessories-->Terminal (checked)

3-D Desktops
Compiz / Desktop Eects In Feisty, Compiz has been installed. It is still experimental, though, and many eects do not work for many users. To access some eects from the menu:
System--> Preferences --> Desktop Effects

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To change the compiz conguration (not recommended at this time): Enable the Conguration Editor menu item:
Right Click Applications-->Edit Menus-->System Tools-->Configuration Editor (checked)

Run the Conguration Editor:

Applications-->Edit Menus-->System Tools-->Configuration Editor apps-->compiz--> ??

OpenCompositing: Beryl and Compiz Beryl has been discontinued as of March 2007, but is still supported. Beryl and Compiz are being (re-)merged, under the OpenCompositing banner. Visit ( for more info. Compiz is installed by default in Feisty. A full installation guide with specic instructions for nVidia, ATI, and Intel graphics card can be found at the Compiz documentation ( /Documentation) site. Instructions for obtaining the newest version are available at Compiz Ubuntu Installation Guide ( . If compiz is not installed, install it from Synaptic Package Manager or from the command line terminal:
gksudo apt-get install compiz

How to install Compiz Fusion (Universal) Reboot. If any plugins fail or freeze, Restart X (Ctl+Alt+Backspace) and then disable them from the (System->Preference->CompizCong Settings Manager). Alternatively, do so by pressing (Alt+F2) and typing "ccsm". If this does not x the problem, Reboot. You should have 512 MB RAM and an acceptable graphics card. TO check your graphics card, type: glxinfo | grep direct in a terminal, and see if it says direct rendering: Yes Misc: PaintFire is (Super [Windows, Mac Apple Key] + Alt + Mouse, and Super + Alt + C to clear) --- Background Info: Compiz Fusion is eyecandy that puts Mac OSX and Vista Ultimate to shame.
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To start compiz fusion at startup, goto System->Preferences->Settings click "Add" and type "compiz --replace". The Wikipedia Entry: The Home Page: Problems: As with all software, there are compatibility issues and freak accidents. This could hurt your computer, fair warning. As a trend though, Compiz Fusion has turned out to be a lot more stable than Beryl or Compiz. I will say that the guide above and Forlong's Blog have been 200% more successful than many others I have followed. The rst problem everyone has is Video. That's ne; /2007/08/10/solving-video-playback-problems-in-compiz-fusion-beryl/ it includes xes for Totem/GStreamer, VLC, MPlayer, Xine/Kaeine etc.. The most annoying problem I've had with Compiz Fusion was it maxing out CPU usage. The problem turned out to be emerald, but that was only after I reinstalled and recongured the desktop-eects app as well as all of the compiz les. This guide ( is much more in-depth comprehensive than the rst one that I posted, but requires thinking. It does mention sexy-python, a package for getting cooler buttons. It lets you have more understanding of what is happening and therefore oers more exibility. If you're not in a hurry, this would be the ideal way to install Compiz Fusion. OK. If you run into the situation when you know you got all of the right drivers, graphics card, RAM amount, CPU power, and everything else but you still can't get Compiz Fusion to work after searching all of Google and; goto Synaptic and search "compiz". Uninstall everything. Search "emerald" and do the same. Follow the above Forlong's blog CAREFULLY again. And if the desktop-eects package is accidentally uninstalled, reinstall it. A common bug link is posted. This involves no cube and or only one desktop. Read all associated bugs to pinpoint your needs; /desktop-eects/+bug/89786. When using Compiz Fusion for the rst time, I found it much better to run the "compiz --replace" and the "emerald --replace" commands separately. If this will not work for you, combine them as "compiz --replace -c emerald --replace&"

How to install Beryl (ATI)

For an introduction to Beryl, read Beryl (Wikipedia) ( /wiki/Beryl_%28window_manager%29) Read: #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories These are legacy instructions and may not work. Always try the Ubuntu compiz package rst.

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Please note: There are 2 ways of installing Beryl for ATI Cards: one using open source modules and one using proprietary modules. Try the open source method rst; uninstall steps are listed in case it does not work, or if you would like to try the proprietary drivers instead, afterwards. (They may have better frame rates and may support your card better.)
Install Beryl using Open Source drivers

This works on a 64 bit system as well This works with older ATI cards This method uses the open source radeon drivers. This method uses AIGLX. If direct rendering is not working for you yet, rendering will be slow until you can get that up and running. Read #How to add extra repositories. Add this to your repository list (or directly to /etc/apt/sources.list using gedit):
deb feisty main

Add the GPG key for the repository and update the packages list:
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add gksudo apt-get update

Make a backup copy of your xorg.conf conguration le then edit it:

cp -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorgold.conf gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Under "Module" section, make sure that the following lines are included (add them if they are not):
Load "dri" Load "vbe" Load "glx"

Make sure these lines are at the end of the le:

Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection

Reboot. (Don't restart X only. I had odd things happen to me when I skipped rebooting.) Install the beryl window manager:
gksudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager beryl-manager --no-force-window-manager

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This will start beryl but wont activate it yet. Change the setup to include AIGLX:
Right click on the diamond near the clock-->Advanced Beryl Options Window Manager: Metacity(GNOME) Rendering Path: copy Advanced-->Change Rendering Platform: AIGLX.

Right click the diamond-->Select Window Manager: Beryl If it all works and you can spin the cube ok, etc., then change the rendering path back to automatic. If it doesn't work properly, reboot and re-start beryl:
beryl-manager --no-force-window-manager

Make Beryl start automatically at boot:

System-->Preferences-->Sessions New: beryl-manager

Uninstall Beryl (open source installation)

If the open source installation method did not work, revert by following these steps: Drop to console outside GUI. Type:
rm ~/.config/autostart/beryl-manager.desktop

This removes beryl from startup. Copy your originally saved xorg.conf le back.
gksudo cp -p /etc/X11/xorgold.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Reboot. Run the nautilus le browser. Show hidden les. Browse to your user's home directory and delete the .beryl and .emerald folders, and the .beryl-managerrc le. This can be done from the command line as well:
rm -r ~/.beryl rm -r ~/.emerald rm ~/.beryl-managerrc

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Remove the beryl packages:

gksudo apt-get remove beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes gksudo apt-get autoremove

Remove the repository.

Install Beryl using proprietary FGLRX drivers from ATI

For more info:ubuntuforums discussion ( /showthread.php?t=399643&highlight=beryl+200m+feisty) This has been tested for 32-bit version only. The ATI fglrx driver will not support the built-in Compiz features in Ubuntu. Install Xgl to run the new version of Beryl with an ATI card:
gksudo apt-get install xserver-xgl

Write a script so Xgl can start on its own:

gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/

Enter and save this script information:

#!/bin/sh Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer & DISPLAY=:1 exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

If you are missing your shutdown and restart buttons, use this instead:
#!/bin/sh Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer & DISPLAY=:1 cookie="$(xauth -i nextract - :0 | cut -d ' ' -f 9)" xauth -i add :1 . "$cookie" exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

Make the script executable:

gksudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/

Put in an Xgl option in the GDM login screen:

gksudo gedit /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop

Enter and save this script information:

[Desktop Entry]

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Ubuntu:Feisty Encoding=UTF-8 Name=GNOME with XGL Comment= Exec=/usr/local/bin/ Icon= Type=Application

Make this script executable:

gksudo chmod a+x /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop

Disable the universe repositories (these provide Beryl software that is incompatible with the fglrx driver):
System > Administration > Software Sources Uncheck Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)

Add the correct repository key:

gksudo wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Read #How to add extra repositories. Add this to your repository list (or directly to /etc/apt/sources.list using gedit):
deb feisty main

Add the GPG key for the repository and update the packages list:
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add gksudo apt-get update

Install Beryl:
gksudo apt-get install beryl

Install your ATI drivers (if needed):

System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager Enable: ATI graphics card

Reboot. Choosing Xgl from the Sessions list at your login screen. Then test Beryl:
beryl-manager emerald --replace

Right-click on the black diamond next to the clock-->Select Windows Manager: Beryl

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Ubuntu:Feisty Select Windows Decorator: Standard Beryl Decorator (Emerald) Reload

If you are using ATI with XGL, you'll may get an error that beryl-xgl is missing. Download beryl-core:

Unpack beryl-xgl to ~/Desktop and copy the module to the appropriate directory:
gksudo cp ~/Desktop/beryl-xgl /usr/bin/beryl-xgl

If you are having problems with multiple users in XGL,see this thread ( . Add Beryl and the Emerald themes to your start-up programs:
System > Preferences > Sessions New-->Name: Beryl Command: beryl-manager New-->Name: Emerald Theme Command: emerald --replace

Re-enable your universe repositories, but make sure you do not let it update anything related to Beryl.
How to install Beryl (Nvidia)

For an introduction to Beryl, read Beryl (Wikipedia) ( /wiki/Beryl_%28window_manager%29) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories These are legacy instructions and may not work. Always try the Ubuntu compiz package rst. Read Beryl and Nvidia Drivers Installation Steps ( Read Howto Fix Beryl Workspaces Problem in Feisty Fawn ( Back up xorg.conf:
gksudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Install Nvidia Driver for Graphics Card:

System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager Enable: Nvidia Drivers

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Restart X-Windows and conrm Nvidia Drivers are working correctly. Install Beryl:
gksudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes beryl-manager

Start Beryl:

Start Emerald (if it doesn't start on its own):

emerald --replace

Load Beryl and Emerald automatically load at login:

System -> Preferences -> Sessions Startup Programs -> New: beryl-manager Startup Programs -> New: emerald --replace

Reboot. If program menus aren't displaying in the correct layer (you can't see them when you select them because they are displaying behind the window):
Right click on the Beryl Manager icon-->Reload Window Manager

The problem should be solved the next time you reboot. If your windows have no title bar (with the minimise, maximise and close buttons) or borders, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf conguration le:
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Add this line to the Device section:

Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

and change the Screen section to:

DefaultDepth 24

(See this page ( for more details.) If you are using a NVIDIA GeForceGo graphics card you may also need to add to the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

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Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"

If that still doesn't help then right click on the beryl diamond icon by the clock and select
advanced beryl options-->rendering platform: force AIGLX

What to do if Video players crash while using Beryl

See bug 96226 ( You will need to change video driver from xv to x11 in ~/.mplayer/cong and gstreamer-properties.
How to x black windows during video playback

There is a workaround to this bug by changing the video output device on your video player to x11/xshm. (Note that this will decrease the quality of the video output and requires a lot more CPU.) For gstreamer-dependent players (Totem, etc.):
gstreamer-properties Video-->Default Video Plugin: X Window System (No Xv)

Click Test to verify that video playback is working (you should be able to see the standard TV testing colour stripes). For VLC player(if installed):
VLC-->Settings-->Preferences Video-->Output modules-->Advanced: X11

For MPlayer (if installed):

Mplayer-->Right-click on the screen-->Preferences Video-->Available Drivers: X11 (XImage/Shm)

Some users report that MPlayer may not be able to show videos in full screen. For Xine player (if installed):
Xine-->File-->Configure-->Preferences experience_level: Master Of The Known Universe Video-->Driver: xshm

For RealPlayer (if installed):


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Ubuntu:Feisty Hardware-->Deselect: Use XVideo

For more info: Video playback problems(black) after installing Beryl (or Compiz)/February 23rd, 2007 ( and Re: Movies minus blue background/May 3rd, 2007 ( /showpost.php?p=2587563&postcount=2)
How to improve sub-pixel font rendering for Feisty

This will improve the appearance of fonts. The patched libraries are built against Freetype 2.3.x (not currently in Feisty) and include David Turner's sub-pixel rendering patches. For i386, read #How to add extra repositories and add the following to the repository list (or directly to /etc/apt/sources.list using gedit):
deb feisty fonts deb-src feisty fonts

Add the repository keys:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 937215FF gpg --export --armor 937215FF | sudo apt-key add -

For AMD64/EMT read #How to add extra repositories and add the following to the repository list (or directly to /etc/apt/sources.list using gedit):
deb feisty experimental deb-src feisty experimental

Add the repository keys:

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Note: 25th July 2007 - This repository doesn't work. Install the font packages
gksudo apt-get update gksudo apt-get install libfreetype6 libcairo2 libxft2

Recongure font settings. The following settings work well: Native, Automatic, No bitmapped fonts.
gksudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config gksudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig

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Reboot your computer or restart X-Windows to see the changes take eect. Note: If you later decide to go back to Ubuntu packages, you must downgrade all three installed packages. For more info: see here ( /showthread.php?t=343670) .
How to congure GLSlideshow

Create a .xscreensaver le in your home directory:

gksudo gedit .xscreensaver

Add this line:

imageDirectory: /path/to/images/

Save it and test the screensaver by locking your screen. You'll see your images, but it will repeat the same one over and over. To x this, change your glslideshow.desktop conguration le:
gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/screensavers/glslideshow.desktop

Look for the following entry:

Exec=glslideshow -root

Modify this line to instead read:

Exec=glslideshow -root -duration 10 -pan 10 -fade 3

Save and try the screensaver again. You should see all of your images in a randomordered slideshow. More info here (
How to install Compiz-Fusion (a Compiz-Beryl fusion)

Read: #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories and add this repository (or edit your /etc/apt /sources.list using gedit to include):
deb feisty eyecandy deb-src feisty eyecandy

Add the GPG key:

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wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Reload sources:
gksudo apt-get update gksudo apt-get -y upgrade

Back-up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf le and edit it:

cp -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorgold.conf gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Under the Module section "Module", include the following lines, if they are not already there:
Load "dri" Load "vbe" Load "glx"

Also ensure the bottom of the le has:

Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection

Reboot the system (Don't restart X only. This gives problems). Install Compiz for Gnome:

gksudo apt-get -y install compiz compiz-gnome compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig-back

or Install Compiz for KDE:

gksudo apt-get -y install compiz compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig-backen

Run Compiz:
compiz --replace

More info: How to Install Compiz Fusion on Ubuntu ( /news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml) )

How to install Compiz (Nvidia)

How to enable Compiz in Feisty with Nvidia drivers ( /compiz-and-nvidia-on-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html) .

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Project Looking Glass This is a 3-D window manager based on Java technology. Read Getting Started with Project Looking Glass ( A .deb package is available for download.

Updates and Upgrades

Upgrade Ubuntu Edgy to Ubuntu Feisty
Method 1:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Method 2: Step By Step Upgrade Guide with Screenshots ( How to Upgrade Ubuntu Edgy Server to Feisty Server ( /upgrade-ubuntu-server-610-edgy-eft-to-704-feisty-fawn.html) Upgrade from Dapper Drake to Edgy Eft to Feisty Fawn Method 1: System-->Administration-->Update Manager. You can upgrade from Dapper to Edgy. Once you have done the upgrade to Edgy, then repeat the process to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty. Do not upgrade directly from Dapper to Feisty -- your system will fry (the fried feisty fawn OS). Method 2: Read Upgrade from Ubuntu Dapper or Edgy to Feisty Fawn (

Enable automatic updates

Enable automatic updates from the menu:
System-->Administration-->Software Sources-->Updates

Select Important Security Updates and Recommended Security Updates and any other desired updates. Choose frequency of updates.

How to manually update Ubuntu

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Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories From the command line:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

From the menu:

System -> Administration -> Update Manager

Adding new programs

How to add extra repositories
Read #General Notes Using menus Choose distribution-friendly repositories. These are part of the Ubuntu distribution system. This is the recommended method.
System-->Administration-->Software Sources

Check the repositories you think you will need (main, universe, restricted, multiverse). You probably won't need the 'sources' repository. Add any third-party repositories. Such repositories are not monitored in any way. Some are quite popular, however. Use any third-party repository at your own risk.
System-->Administration-->Software Sources-->Third-party software-->Add

Add the name of your repository. In this example, we will use Medibuntu, a popular third-party repository not aliated with Ubuntu in any way.
APT line: deb feisty free non-free

Download any needed gpg keys and add them to the keylist. This key veries the repository to your system. The Medibuntu repository (not aliated with Ubuntu) example is shown:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Manually edit sources.list

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Manual updates are at your own risk. Mixing incompatible repositories can break your system. Create a backup of your current list of sources, overwriting any previous backup.
sudo cp -i /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup

Use a text editor (gedit or nano) to edit the sources list:

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Edit the repositories in the sources.list similar to this template: To use your local mirror you can add "cc." before, where cc = your country code e.g. deb feisty main restricted universe multiverse
## See for how to upgrade to ## newer versions of the distribution. ## Add comments (##) in front of any line to remove it from being checked. ## Use the following sources.list at your own risk. ## Uncomment deb-src if you wish to download the source packages ## If you have a install CD you can add it to the reposity using 'apt-cdrom add' ## which will add a line similar to the following: #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Beta i386 (20070322.1)]/ feisty main restricted deb feisty main restricted #deb-src feisty main restricted ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the ## distribution. deb feisty-updates main restricted #deb-src feisty-updates main restricted ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security ## team. deb feisty universe #deb-src feisty universe ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu ## security team. deb feisty multiverse #deb-src feisty multiverse ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports' ## repository. ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features. ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team. deb feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse #deb-src feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb feisty-security main restricted

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Ubuntu:Feisty #deb-src feisty-security main restricted deb feisty-security universe #deb-src feisty-security universe deb feisty-security multiverse #deb-src feisty-security multiverse

## PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported. May contain illegal packages. Use at own risk.) ## Medibuntu - Ubuntu 7.04 "feisty fawn" ## Please report any bug on deb feisty free non-free #deb-src feisty free non-free ## CANONICAL COMMERCIAL REPOSITORY (Hosted on Canonical servers, not Ubuntu ## servers. RealPlayer10, Opera, DesktopSecure and more to come.) deb feisty-commercial main ## enlightenment e17 beta, use at your own risk ## E17 is in Beta and may break or break your system #deb feisty e17 #deb feisty e17 #deb-src feisty e17

Download any needed gpg keys and add them to the keylist. The Medibuntu repository (not aliated with Ubuntu) example is shown:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Here is another example using the Enlightenment repository (not aliated with Ubuntu):
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Refresh packages list:

sudo apt-get update

Other third-party repositories are listed at: or Adding a CD-ROM or DVD repository How to add the (k)ubuntu CD or DVD as a repository for sources.list Insert the CD or DVD and in the terminal write:
sudo apt-cdrom add

Adding programs from the GUI menu

Add/Remove Programs Using the Add/Remove feature is very easy and it will not damage your Ubuntu installation.
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Search for the sort of program you want to add. Example: type MP3 to see a list of mp3 software. Check the box next to the software. Click the "Apply" button. It will show you a list of the software packages that it will install. Click OK. Synaptic Package Manager Synaptic Package Manager provides access to many more programs and modules than does Add/Remove programs. It installs programs with their associated dependencies, and does so with a very usable GUI interface. It is the standard method of adding packages in Ubuntu.
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager

Search for the sort of program you want to add. Example: type MP3 to see a list of mp3 software. Check the box next to the software. Click the "Apply" button. It will show you a list of the software packages that it will install. Click OK. Automatix2 Warning: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and is known to fail and break systems. The Ubuntu community WILL NOT provide support for it, and strongly discourages its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it may result in having to reinstall your entire Ubuntu system. Ubuntu/debian developers have reviewed automatix and found it to be quite dangerous. See the review here ( . Use Automatix at your own risk. Some users report successful use when installing it right after a fresh install of Ubuntu, with no Adept or Synaptic package update, or any other software installed. The apt-get method may be less prone to mishaps, but use at your own risk. Obtain the latest package here ( . For normal (i386) systems, get this package:

Install with this command:

sudo dpkg -i automatix2_1.1-4.7-7.04feisty_i386.deb

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For amd64 systems, get this package:

Install with this command:

sudo dpkg -i automatix2_1.1-4.6-7.04feisty_amd64.deb

Automatix2 is available in Applications > System Tools > Automatix Automatix2 Installation guide with Nice Screenshots ( /install-popular-applications-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn-using-automatix2.html)
Install Automatix using apt (alternate method)

echo "deb feisty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list wget gpg --import automatix2.key gpg --export --armor E23C5FC3 | sudo apt-key add sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install automatix2

Add programs from a command-line menuing program

Some users do not have a desktop environment but desire a menu for installing programs. They can access a menu by typing from the command-line:

They can then choose programs from their repositories.

Add programs from the command line

Command line users who do not use aptitiude can enter commands directly using apt-get. This is the most common method for installing Linux programs from the command line. Most program installation/removal must be done with root user privileges, so sudo (or gksudo) must be entered rst:
sudo apt-get install <packagename>

Removal commands are similar:

sudo apt-get remove <package-name>

Incompletely installed packages can be repaired:

sudo apt-get install <package-name> --reinstall

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For more info see the ocial APT guide here ( /apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html) .

Add-On Applications
Working with archives and packages
Some programs are not available in Ubuntu repositories. They may be available as Debian (.deb) packages (Ubuntu is based on Debian), may be archived in tar, gzip, and gzip archives, or may only be available as source code packages. Handling ".tar.gz" (Tar/GZip) Archives To extract:
tar xvzf package.tar.gz

Note: tar extracts les from an archive. It cannot decompress them. -x means extract. -v means verbose (with a list of what is extracted). -f species the le to use. -z means lter through gzip. (gzip compresses/decompresses the archive, not tar.) Alternatively, you could decompress a package (ending in .gz) rst by using the command gzip, then extract the resulting .tar le. You would then not have to specify the -z switch. To create:
tar cvfz package.tar.gz folder

Handling "" (Tar/BZip) Archives To extract:

tar xvjf

To create:
tar cvjf folder

Extracting ".bz" Archives


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Extracting ".gz" Archives

gunzip file.gz

Handling ".7z" (7-Zip) Archives To install:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

To list les in archive:

7z l file.7z

To extract les in archive:

7z x file.7z

How to compile a program from source code Make sure you have all the neccesary development tools (i.e. libraries, compilers, headers):
gksudo apt-get install build-essential gksudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

"uname -r" lists the current kernel you are using. Extract your package (as detailed above)
tar xvzf package.tar.gz

Commence the build (compiling) process:

cd /path/to/extracted/package ./configure make make install

(Note - typing ./ before a lename tells unix to execute the le as an application.) Create an Ubuntu (Debian) package (.deb) Install package tools:
gksudo apt-get install checkinstall

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Rebuild package using "checkinstall":

cd /path/to/extracted/package ./configure make checkinstall

Keep the resulting ".deb" le for future use. It can be installed using:
gksudo dpkg -i package.deb

Note: These are basic instructions that may not always work. Some packages require additional dependencies and optional parameters to be specied in order to build them successfully.

How to handle rar les
sudo apt-get install unrar

How to install WinRAR

sudo apt-get install rar

(This is a 30 day trial, but you can click 'maybe later' and continue using WinRAR.) How to install an IP address calculator Gip is an IP address calculator that integrates with the Gnome desktop. For info: Simple GIP Installation Guide ( How to install Firefox Widgets Firefox Widgets improves Firefox's components (such as buttons, radio buttons, text boxes, text areas, and many others) by making them look much cleaner and better. For info: Firefox Widgets ( Keeping your clock synchronized with time servers From the menu:
System-->Administration-->Time and Date

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For single synchronization, click 'Synchronize Now'. To keep synchronized with an Internet Time Server:
Configuration: Keep synchronized with internet time servers Install NTP support (when prompted)

To manually install the ntp package (which synchronizes with internet time servers) (instead of above method):
sudo apt-get install ntp

You do not need to congure anything if you install ntp from the command line, as it automatically sets itself up to update with Ubuntu's clock. To immediately synchronize the clock:
Right click on the panel clock-->Adjust Date and time

How to Set Flickr Images as Ubuntu Feisty Wallpaper (Warning: This is a private website and is not aliated with Ubuntu, Flickr, or any known ocial repository. These instructions direct you to download and install a private program. Use at your own risk.) For more info: Webilder website ( Edit /etc/apt/sources.list le:
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and add these lines to the end of it:

deb feisty main deb-src feisty main

sudo apt-get update

If your are using the Gnome Desktop then run this command:
sudo apt-get install webilder webilder-gnome

If you are using the KDE Desktop then run this command:
sudo apt-get install webilder webilder-kde

Right-click on the GNOME panel and choose "Add to Panel"

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Under "Utility" near the bottom, you need select "Webilder Webshots Applet" and click on "Add" You should see one small camera icon added to your desktop panel Right-click on Flickr and select "Preferences" to edit it. Ocial Website: Please click for features and photos of the installation process (

Browser plug-ins
How to install Java J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories (Note: The sun-java6 and sunjava6-plugin modules are also automatically installed as part of the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta-package. You can install ubuntu-restrictedextras instead, using the Synaptic Package Manager (or by using apt-get install from the command line terminal). This will install not only Sun Java but also Adobe Flashplayer, msttcorefonts (Microsoft fonts), and some multimedia codecs as well.) Install using command line:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

There's no 64-bit refox plugin for AMD64. A 32-bit refox is necessary. Ubuntuforums provides special scripts ( /showthread.php?t=202537) for conguring some 32-bit applications in amd64. An alternative for amd64 is to use blackdown Java. However it is buggy and not all Java applications work. It is also a closed source application. It has been the default Java application for distributions like Gentoo, however.
sudo apt-get install j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin

This installs blackdown Java. How to install Flash Player (Macromedia Flash) Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox There is a free open source Flash replacement called GNASH (see below). This can be used instead of Flash.
Install using Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories

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(Note: The ashplugin-nonfree module is also automatically installed as part of the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta-package. You can install ubuntu-restricted-extras instead, using the Synaptic Package Manager (or by using apt-get install from the command line terminal). This will install not only Adobe Flashplayer but also msttcorefonts (Microsoft fonts), Sun Java, and some multimedia codecs as well.)
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager-->Search-->flashplugin-nonfree-->Mark for installation

or (from command-line terminal):

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Install from Firefox (method 2)

Visit Version test for Adobe Flash Player ( /knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_15507) . Follow the steps for installation.
Install from tarball (method 3)

Visit:[1] ( /download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash) Save the .tar.gz le to your desktop.

tar -xvzf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz sudo mv install_flash_player_9_linux/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ sudo mv install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ rm install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz rm -rf install_flash_player_9_linux

There are cases in which plugins reside in /usr/lib/ashplugin-nonfree/. In this case, verify that there is a link pointing to /usr/lib/ashplugin-nonfree/ instead of /usr/lib /refox/plugins :
cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ ls -las flashplayer.xpt -> ../../flashplugin-nonfree/flashplayer.xpt -> ../../flashplugin-nonfree/

Copy and ashplayer.xpt to /usr/lib/ashplugin-nonfree/ :

sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/ /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/

If sound doesn't work in Flash Player (for example on YouTube), then edit the conguration le:
sudo apt-get install alsa-oss gksudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc

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Restart Firefox. Note: This method doesn't work for amd64, since there is no 64-bit Firefox plugin. A 32-bit Firefox is necessary. Ubuntuforums provides special scripts ( /showthread.php?t=202537) for conguring some 32-bit applications in amd64. If after trying the above you still don't have sound in Flash try PulseAudio: How to setup PulseAudio Sound Server ( /wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_PulseAudio_Sound_Server) I found that PulseAudio can be a better solution, and, using it, Firefox can share the sound with other apps at the same time. GNASH open source alternative Gnash is an open source alternative for the Flash player. It does not yet play all videos. More information here ( . Install Gnash:
sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash

64 bit users please note - this is a better workaround than installing 32 bit refox plugins. For most simple Flash functions (other than YouTube and Google Videos, for example), you can use this GPL version of Flashplayer within your browser. However, Gnash may not be fully functional for playing YouTube and Google Videos. For these, you may need to enable (in the Firefox settings) an external player such as VLC (see below). How to install Flash Player (Macromedia Flash) Plug-in for (64-bit) Mozilla Firefox (only) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Uninstall all plugins (like Gnash) for refox that you have installed. Install compatibility modules:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2

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Download the last version of .rpm les for the Plugin and Viewer from this site:
wget wget

Install alien and unrar:

sudo apt-get install alien unrar

Debianize packages with alien:

sudo alien nspluginwrapper- sudo alien nspluginwrapper-i386-

Install packages:
sudo dpkg -i nspluginwrapper- sudo dpkg -i nspluginwrapper-i386-

(Filenames might be slightly dierent) Download FlashPlayer from the Adobe site:
wget tar xf flashplayer9_install_linux_082207.tar.gz

Go into the directory of created from untar and copy the 2 les into /usr/lib/mozilla-refox/plugins:
sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins

Run nspluginwrapper:
nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ sudo cp ~/.mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/

Load the module as an automatic service:

System > Preferences > Sessions-->New Name: Nspluginwrapper Command: nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

How to install Adobe PDF Reader with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Read Install Adobe PDF Reader with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox (

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How to block Ads and Java/Javascripts in Firefox Firefox has many extensions and plugins. They can be accessed:
Mozilla Firefox-->Tools-->Add-ons-->Get extensions

This takes you to the Mozilla website for add-ons/plugins. Two of the most popular extensions provide signicant added security and browsing pleasure. NoScript blocks all Java and Javascript scripts by default unless you enable them for that page or website. You can whitelist pages temporarily or permanently. You can enable/disable some or all of the scripts on a page. This is far greater control than simply turning Java/Javascript on/o in the Firefox settings. Flashplayer scripts can be ltered by this method as well. Look for NoScript in the Popular Extensions sections and click on it to install. AdBlock Plus has a free built-in list to block ads. You can also add an ad to the block list by clicking on the ad. A free subscription to a service keeps the list updated. Look for AdBlock Plus in the Popular Extensions sections and click on it to install. I use Firefox with AdBlock Plus. Until recently, I never even knew that Ubuntuguide had ads on it! Streaming in FireFox Read Media Player Connectivity Plug-in for FireFox ( /refox/addon/446) . Install from extensions/plugins website for Firefox:
Mozilla Firefox-->Tools-->Add-ons-->Get extensions

Multimedia Codecs & Browser Plug-ins

How to install Multimedia Codecs Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories The "ubuntu-restricted-extras" is a meta-package that installs : ashplugin-nonfree, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, msttcorefonts, sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin. These packages are proprietary to their restricted developers (Adobe, Sun, Microsoft, etc.) You accept the licensing terms of each developer when installing them:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

W32codecs has the Microsoft multimedia codecs (WMV, AVI, etc). By installing it you

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agree to Microsoft licensing terms. A third-party repository, such as Medibuntu, must be enabled as a software source. Read adding software sources using menu to enable Medibuntu. (Note: Medibuntu is not aliated with Ubuntu. Use at your own risk.)
sudo apt-get install w32codecs

You may also need other modules:

sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gst

Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer Note: WMV9 codecs on amd64 currently seem to work only in VLC, the latest version of Mplayer (>= Version 1.0rc1), and Xine. How to install DVD playback capability Note: The gstreamer dvd plugin is available as part of gstreamer0.8-plugins but may have a few bugs. However, Totem can also work with the xine backend (instead of gstreamer) to play DVDs. (Xine-UI and Mplayer also use the xine backend). This method allows using xine with Totem. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Install dvd modules:
sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/

Install xine backend for Totem (if you are using Totem):
sudo apt-get install totem-xine

Finish installing modules:

sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2

How to install MIDI sound server (Timidity++) Timidity allows for the playback of MIDI by those who do not have MIDI hardware or MIDI processing built into their sound card (most users) via a software synthesizer. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories You can install timidity from Synpatic Package Manager without additional steps.

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Optionally, you can install from the command line:

sudo apt-get install timidity

Set up Timidity to use ALSA for sound by default (assuming you are using ALSA):
gksudo gedit /etc/default/timidity

Uncomment the following line (remove the "#" sign):


Set the required modules to load at bootup:

gksudo gedit /etc/modules

Add the following modules to the end of the le:

snd-seq-device snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq

Reboot How to install multimedia plug-ins for Firefox Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Choose the plug-in that matches your preferred media player. If multiple or conicting plug-ins are installed, the desired plugins can be set using the Firefox menu:
Firefox Web Browser-->Edit-->Preferences-->Content-->FileTypes:Manage

Totem plug-in (Ubuntu users)

Read Read Read Read

#General Notes #How to add extra repositories #How to install Multimedia Codecs #How to install DVD playback capability

sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin

Restart Mozilla Firefox

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Ubuntu:Feisty Kaeine plug-in (KDE users)

Read Read Read Read

#General Notes #How to add extra repositories #How to install Multimedia Codecs #How to install DVD playback capability

sudo apt-get install kaffeine-mozilla

Restart Mozilla Firefox

MPlayer plug-in (Installs MPlayer media player as well)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories See also:#How to install Multimedia Player (MPlayer)
sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer

Restart Mozilla Firefox

VLC plug-in (Installs VLC media player as well)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories See also: #How to install Multimedia Player (VLC)
sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-* mozilla-plugin-vlc

In order to stream video via vlc, you also need to install the following packages.
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon sudo apt-get install avahi-utils

Helix plug-in (plays Realplayer les)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories See also: #How to install Helix Multimedia Player
sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player helix-player

Multimedia Players
How to install Elisa Multimedia Player

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Fluendos Elisa is a free software media center application that can play your DVDs, video les, music, and pictures. Since it is designed for extensibility, Elisa has the potential to do much more. It does not handle television or video recording functions. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Step By Step Installation Guide for Elisa Multimedia Player ( How to install MPD Multimedia Playing Server MPD is a audio playing server. It acts as a digital jukebox allowing playlist management over the network. The computer with MPD running on needs to be connected to an Amplier (or similar) as it does not stream audio by default, it simply plays it. However, it can be congured to stream using Icecast and JACK. For more info: Music Player Daemon (MPD) ( Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Install MPD:
sudo apt-get install mpd

Create link to your audio (MP3 etc) collection

sudo ln -s /path/to/your/music /var/lib/mpd/music/collection

Restart MPD
sudo /etc/init.d/mpd restart

Edit conguration:
sudo gedit /etc/mpd.conf

Install Gnome client (other desktop clients are available -- see wiki ( ).
sudo apt-get install gmpc

Update/Install gmpc 0.15: If you want to install from source - you might wish to downgrade your checkinstall to version 1.6.0 from Or else, download the deb les from You will need to remove the original libmpd0 installed.

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sudo apt-get remove --purge libmpd0 sudo apt-get install gmpc*.deb libmpd*.deb

Congure GMPC:
Applications > Sound & Video > Gnome Music Player Client Options-->set Host, Port and connection options-->

The default settings will connect to MPD running on "localhost". Set the "Autoconnect" option if required. The default MPD port is 6600, make sure you unblock this port on your rewall. Using GMPC: Playlist--> Expand the "Browse Filesystem" tree, right-click on your audio collection and click "Update". This will cause the MPD server to reindex your audio les. No les are changed during this process. When completed, navigate through your audio via the "Browse Filesystem" tree. Right-click on folders and tracks to add them to playlist, or manage existing playlist. How to install Xine-ui Multimedia Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs Read #How to install DVD playback capability Read How to install xine Multimedia Player (
sudo apt-get install xine-ui sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs

Run from menu:

Applications -> Sound & Video -> xine

How to install MPlayer Multimedia Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs Read #How to install DVD playback capability Read Mplayer Installation and Multimedia Codecs (libdvdcss2,w32codecs) in Ubuntu Feisty Guide (
sudo apt-get install mplayer libxine-extracodecs

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An MPlayer plug-in for Firefox can also be installed:

sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer

Run from menu:

Applications -> Sound & Video -> MPlayer

Mplayer Installation with Screenshots ( Fine Tuning MPlayer (

MPlayer Frontend (SMPlayer)

SMPlayer is an MPlayer frontend. See SMPlayer ( /smplayer-nice-frontend-for-mplayer.html) . How to install VLC Multimedia Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-*

In order to stream video via vlc, you also need to install the following packages.
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon sudo apt-get install avahi-utils

A VLC plug-in for Firefox can also be installed

sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc

Applications -> Sound and Video -> VLC Media Player How to install XMMS Multimedia Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs
sudo apt-get install xmms xmms-skins xmms-wma

Applications -> Sound & Video -> XMMS How to install Songbird Multimedia Player

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Read #General Notes Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs Download this installation script from to your desktop: Install from the command line terminal using the script:
cd Desktop chmod +x ./

Applications-->Sound & Video->Songbird

How to uninstall Songbird Multimedia Player

Download this installation script from to your desktop: Remove the program using the script:
cd Desktop chmod +x ./

How to install amaroK Multimedia Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs Note: Amarok is already installed if you are using KDE.
sudo apt-get install amarok

Run from menu:

Applications -> Sound & Video -> amaroK

Note: If amaroK complains about the "dcopserver" program not running, follow this tip from
sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` ~/.*

How to uninstall amaroK

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sudo apt-get remove amarok

How to install Banshee Music Manager and Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs
sudo apt-get install banshee

How to uninstall Banshee

sudo apt-get remove banshee

How to install Listen Music Manager and Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs
sudo apt-get install listen

How to uninstall Listen

sudo apt-get remove listen

How to install Exaile! Music Manager and Player Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs
sudo apt-get install exaile

How to uninstall Exaile!

sudo apt-get remove exaile

How to install RealPlayer 10 Multimedia Player (RealPlayer) The Linux Realplayer is based on open-source Helix player. Helix itself can be installed as a package easily (see below) and used instead of Realplayer but is unable to deal with streaming and real encoded data. These instructions are to install the proprietary version

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of Realplayer only.
Install from real website

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Download Realplayer's Ocial Linux Version ( Add execute permissions to the installer and run it:
chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

Install from prepackaged .deb le

This installation uses deb le packaged as part of debian-multimedia project (kudos to Christian Marillat). open a terminal and type,
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 wget -c sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.8-0.1_i386.deb

How to install Helix Multimedia Player Helix is the open-source package that plays Realplayer les. Realplayer is actually based on this package. Note: Currently it's not supported for 64-bit machines yet. You can install helix player by one of three methods. 1) Add/Remove programs.
Applications-->Add/Remove... Show: All open-source applications

Search for Helix and install Helix Media Player. Note: This does not install the Firefox plugin. You must do that by installing the mozillahelix-player package separately (see below). 2) Synaptic Package Manager:
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager

Search for both the player and the refox plugin:

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helix-player mozilla-helix-player

3) Command line (apt):

sudo apt-get install helix-player mozilla-helix-player

How to install Stream Directory Browser (streamtuner) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install streamtuner streamripper

Applications -> Sound & Video -> streamtuner

How to uninstall Stream Directory Browser (streamtuner)

sudo apt-get remove streamtuner streamripper

How to install Internet TV (Democracy TV / Miro) Democracy TV has been renamed Miro. This open source player allows you to play over 2000 channels, including podcasts, RSS feeds, YouTube, and video blogs. Read #Firewall. You need to make sure the ports used for the BitTorrent downloader in Miro are open. You can do this using Firestarter (the GUI for the Firewall). On installation, Miro uses ports 8400-8500 by default, but you can change them in the Options section of Miro. If you have a router, make sure your ports are forwarded. The previous version is available from the Ubuntu repositories: Install Democracy Player
sudo apt-get install democracyplayer

Install extra codecs (if needed):

sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs

Applications-->Sound & Video-->Democracy TV

To get the newest version of Miro, see instructions here ( /download/ubuntu.php) :

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Read #How to add extra repositories. Add this to your repository list (or directly to /etc/apt/sources.list using gedit). (It is an Ubuntu-aliated repository.):
deb feisty/

Reload the sources if you are using Synpatic Package Manager, or from the command line:
gksudo apt-get update

Find and load the miro package in Synaptic Package Manager, or from the command line:
gksudo apt-get install miro

Internet Utilities
How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (Azureus) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read azureus Bittorrent Setup Guide including Screenshots ( Install:
sudo apt-get install azureus


Another BitTorrent client based o of Azureus is available at This client is called BitTyrant. It is designed to have faster download speeds when leeching, by leeching from the fastest provider, automatically. It actively seeks other BitTyrant users when leeching, and gives them preference when seeding, theoretically providing faster speeds, as well. It is not currently available in a .deb package. How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (Deluge) Read #General Notes
Installing Binary (Stable)

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Download and install (i386)

wget && \ sudo apt-get install libboost-date-time1.33.1 libboost-filesystem1.33.1 libboost-thread1.33.1 && \ sudo dpkg -i deluge-torrent_0.5.5-1_i386.deb && \ rm deluge-torrent_0.5.5-1_i386.deb

Download and install (amd64)

wget && \ sudo dpkg -i deluge-torrent_0.5.5-1_amd64.deb && \ rm deluge-torrent_0.5.5-1_amd64.deb

Compiling Deluge Source From Trunk (Unstable)

Download dependencies, get latest source, build the source, and install
sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential python-all-dev python-all \ python-support libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-serialization-dev \ libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev && \ svn checkout deluge && \ cd deluge && python build && sudo python install

Remove install les

cd .. && rm -Rf deluge/

Delete old conguration les (If upgrading)

rm -Rf ~/.config/deluge/

Download Deluge Plugins ( (Optional) Launch the program by going to: Applications -> Internet -> Deluge BitTorrent Client
How to use Torrent under Wine

wget wine uTorrent-1.6.1-install.exe

Older method

I've left the older method below for reference: Edit:

gksudo gedit /usr/bin/utorrent

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Paste into that le:

#!/bin/sh cd ~/YOURPATH/utorrent if [ "$1" != "" ]; then var="`echo $1 | sed 's/\//\\\/g'`" var="Z:${var}" wine utorrent.exe "$var" else wine utorrent.exe fi

Replace "YOURPATH" with the location of Torrent. Make executable:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/utorrent

How to install P2P BitTorrent Client (KTorrent)

sudo apt-get install ktorrent

This is a KDE application, but will also run under GNOME and Xfce. It is in the main repository and is therefore fully supported by Ubuntu's support team. How to install Pidgin 2.2.0 Instant Messenger This is an Internet messenger replacement for GAIM. You can also choose Internet Messenger programs from the Applications-->Add/Remove.. menu bar (recommended).
Easy instructions

Manual instructions for Pidgin 2.1.1

Install tcl, tk and libgtkspell:

sudo aptitude install tk8.4 tcl8.4 libgtkspell0

Install the Pidgin debian package:

wget sudo dpkg -i pidgin_2.1.1-1_i386.deb

How to congure Google Talk for Pidgin

Congure for Pidgin/Gaim ( /

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How to install Ninan (NZB usenet client) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Ensure that Java is installed by reading #How to install J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v6.0 with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Set the export Path for Java:
whereis java

You will get something like this:

java: /usr/bin/java /etc/java /usr/X11R6/bin/java /usr/bin/X11/java /usr/share/java /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz

Paste that path in a Terminal:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java

Download and unpack Ninan:

wget gunzip ninan-1.1.0.tar.gz tar -xvf ninan-1.1.0.tar

Move it to where you would like to install it, in my case, i used /usr/local/bin/ninan/
sudo mv ninan-1.1.0 /usr/local/bin/ninan

Ensure that is executable

cd /usr/local/bin/ninan chmod 755

Start Ninan in the background:

nohup ./ &

You can now access it via this link: with the username: admin and password:password If you would like ninan to start automatically:
gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/ninan/

Add (and replace with your own path):

cd /usr/local/bin/ninan

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Right between "" and touch restart:

fi cd /usr/local/bin/ninan touch restart

Then add ninan to your start-up programs:

Go to System > Preferences > Sessions Click the New button Type "Ninan" (no quotes) for the Name text box Type (and replace with your own path) "nohup /usr/local/bin/ninan/ > /usr/local/bin/ninan/nohup.out &" (no quote Click the OK button

Ninan should now start upon boot. How to congure (64 Bit)Ekiga for GIZMO PROJECT Account NOTE: This is more for UBUNTU 64 BIT users who cant install Gizmo Project, it should also work for 32-Bit users.
Open EKIGA CLICK "Edit" "Accounts" "Add"

Account Settings:
"Account Name:" gizmo "Registrar:" "User:" <your GIZMO USERNAME> "Password:" <your GIZMO PASSWORD>

Click "More Options"

"Authentication Login:" <your GIZMO USERNAME> "Realm/Domain:" "Regisrtation Timeout:" 3600

Click "OK" Click Checkbox under "A" in "Accounts" dialog If "Status" says "Registered", all went well. To dial PC->Phone:
sip:1<phone number>

I veried that this method does charge your GIZMO account.


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Blender 3-D graphics content creation system Blender is an open source 3-D graphics content creation and visualization system.
For normal (Linux32) users

sudo apt-get install blender

For 64-bit Ubuntu users

Download and extract:

wget tar -xvjf blender-2.44-linux-glibc236-py25-x86_64.tar.bz2

Copy to appropriate folders and add to desktop menu:

sudo cp blender /usr/bin/blender gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/blender.desktop

Insert the following lines into the new le:

[Desktop Entry] Name=Blender Comment=Blender Exec=blender Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Graphics;3DGraphics;RasterGraphics;GTK;


How to install Inkscape vector illustrator Inkscape vector illustrator is an open source graphics program similar to Adobe Illustrator. Install:
sudo apt-get install inkscape

Applications-->Graphics-->Inkscape vector illustrator

Web content creation and management systems

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Drupal website content creation and management system Drupal is the leading open-source website creation and management system. It allows professional website creation, and allows modules with a wide range of functions, such as blogs, online shopping, and almost every conceivable website function. For more information visit the Drupal website ( . Install the drupal-5.1 package from Synaptic Package Manager, or from the command line:
sudo apt-get install drupal-5.1

Set up a MySQL database for Drupal If this is the rst time you have used MySQL, the default global MySQL superuser root will not have a password. You should set one now. Instructions for setting mySQL initial privileges are here ( . In short:
mysql -u root mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('your_new_password') WHERE User='root'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> quit

In addition, you can set up an additional global MySQL user (such as mysql_user, for example) by following the instructions here ( /create-user.html) . That way you can reserve root login for emergencies. In short:
mysql -u root mysql> CREATE USER 'mysql_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql_user_passwd'; mysql> quit

Now you must create a MySQL database for use by Drupal. This is an administrative MySQL command, so you must use one of your global MySQL users (either root or mysql_user, as created in the example above). You can name your Drupal database anything you want, instead of drupdatabase.
mysqladmin -u root -p CREATE drupdatabase

mysqladmin -u mysql_user -p CREATE drupdatabase

Create users for the Drupal database. As always, I create a root user for emergency use. I use the same password for root as I do elsewhere on my system. Then I also create a user named drup_user (but you could also create a user named mysql_user, to keep everything
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consistent). [I use a unique user here because this is a publicly displayed system, after all, and I don't want it breached.] These users are specic to this database; they can be the same users as used elsewhere in the system or can be unique users.


Note: mysql commands (i.e. any entered at the mysql> prompt) must end with a semicolon. If you forget the semicolon, nothing will happen. Run Drupal:

Beginner's instructions are at: Drupal Cookbook ( . Set up cron tasks for Drupal: Install Cron tasks GUI Gnome Scheduler. Install from Synaptic Package Manager or from the command line:
apt-get install gnome-schedule

Run Gnome Scheduler and add the task for Drupal:

Applications-->System Tools-->Schedule

Add http://localhost/drupal/cron.php as a new recurring task with the description 'Drupal Cron'. Leave the No output box checked.

KDE games The kdegames metapackage contains a collection of games based on the KDE framework. It is similar to gnome-games for GNOME. To install from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install kdegames

The KDE libraries will be installed automatically if not present. This package integrates very well with Kubuntu and the kubuntu-desktop package. It also receives support from the Ubuntu security team. To uninstall:
sudo apt-get remove kdegames sudo apt-get autoremove

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Frozen Bubble 2 Frozen-Bubble is a puzzle game similar to Bust-a-Move where you shoot bubbles and match colors.
sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble

Super Nintendo Emulator (ZSNES) 1.510 for i386/AMD64 Read #General Notes For support or questions please see this thread /showthread.php?t=432642
echo "deb feisty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list wget -O- | sudo apt-key add sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install zsnes32 #for amd64 users sudo apt-get install zsnes #for everyone else

Applications > Games > zsnes or zsnes32 Playstation 1 Emulator (pSX) 1.11 for i386/AMD64 Read #General Notes For support or questions see
echo "deb feisty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list wget -O- | sudo apt-key add sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install psx32 #for amd64 users sudo apt-get install psx #for everyone else

Applications > Games > pSX or pSX32 Playstation 1 Emulator (ePSXe) 1.6.0 for i386/AMD64 Read this tutorial:

Text/Code Editors
For text and programming editors. SciTE This is an alternative text editor. It features syntax highlighting for many programming languages.
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sudo apt-get install scite

Geany This is another alternative text editor with syntax highlighting, useful for programmers. Install:
sudo apt-get install geany

How to install Clip-Art How to install Open Source clip-art for and others program.
sudo apt-get install openclipart

How to install third party windows fonts Note: These instructions are for specic fonts only. Microsoft core fonts can be installed as part of the ubuntu-restricted-extras package. Read #How to install Multimedia Codecs for information on installing this package. How to install third party windows fonts (like Arial,...)
sudo apt-get install cabextract gsfonts-other msttcorefonts t1-xfree86-nonfree ttf-f500 ttf-isabella sudo apt-get install ttf-larabie-deco ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-uncommon ttf-staypuft ttf-summersby sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title ttf-xfree86-nonfree xfonts-artwiz xfonts-intl-european

How to open .docx les See this tutorial: Install an optical character reader (tesseract) This commercial optical character reader was made open source in 2005. Tesseract reads .tif images only. It does not strip out images. It does not recognize multiple columns. It can achieve 97% accuracy. Install the tesseract-ocr from Synaptic Package Manager or from the command line:
apt-get install tesseract-ocr

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Run tesseract from the command line:

tesseract example.tif outputfilename

Home Security / Home automation

Complete systems
LinuxMCE (Media Center Edition)

LinuxMCE ( is an integrated home theater/security camera and motion detector/home automation/telephone PBX/intercom system for your home. It is a community project that is a fork of the Linux Pluto commercial endeavour. There is a version that runs on Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) and a version for Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy). LinuxMCE can run either as a standalone system on a single PC, or as a network of multimedia PCs within the home (one of which runs as a "Core" server). A large number of multimedia devices can be integrated into the system. For more info see the LinuxMCE website ( . To install LinuxMCE on a single PC or on a central Core server, the DVD installation is recommended (preferably on an empty computer with an Nvidia graphics card (6000, 7000, or 8000 series)). The disk will install the Kubuntu OS as well as the LinuxMCE system. LinuxMCE can be installed as an add-on package to an existing Kubuntu system. To do this, the LinuxMCE 2 CD installation is recommended. A Kubuntu LiveCD is also needed for installation, even if you already have a full Kubuntu installation in place. (The LinuxMCE installation uses the Kubuntu LiveCD for additional modules.) The LinuxMCE version must match the Kubuntu version -- i.e. the LinuxMCE 710 version CDs require the Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) Live CD. With the 2 CD installation, it is possible to run Kubuntu separately from LinuxMCE on the same PC. In a network of multimedia PCs, however, it is recommended to dedicate at least one PC to function as a LinuxMCE core server. LinuxMCE incorporates MythTV ( , Pluto ( home automation, Motion ( /Motion/WebHome) security surveillance, Asterisk ( PBX, VDR ( video disk recorder, and other home automation/security /theater packages in an integrated platform. At this time, the automatic installer for Linux MCE uses the KDE desktop (Kubuntu) ( . There are users that have made Linux MCE work with the Gnome desktop (Ubuntu), but it is recommended to stick with the automatic installation instructions for now.
Omnipotence software (commerical)

ECS (Omnipotence Software) ( -- controls X10, Insteon, and many other types of devices (commercial).

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Home Security / Surveillance

Install Zoneminder surveillance system

Zoneminder manages surveillance cameras and stores images on the hard disk. Images can be viewed using a (LAMP) server remotely. X10 devices can be triggered using built-in perl scripts. For more info see the Zoneminder website ( . Read #General Notes Read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server Detailed instructions at You must have the LAMP server installed. In addition, you will need additional modules:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libarchive-tar-perl libarchive-zip-perl libdate-manip-perl libdevice-serialport-perl sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libmime-perl libstdc++6 libunwind7 libwww-perl zlib1g

Download the .deb package from the package manager's website: Install using the Debian package manager. (No other method seems to work.)
dpkg -i zoneminder_1.22.3-8_i386.deb

(Note: If some dependencies are still unsatised, make sure you have these packages installed):
sudo apt-get install libc6 libc6.1 libgcc1 libgcc4 libstdc++6

(These should already be installed as part of the LAMP installation):

sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5 libmysqlclient15off mysql-client mysql-server php5 php5-mysql

Copy the conguration le and restart the Apache2 server.

sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

View Zoneminder from your web browser:


Set up a MySQL database for Zoneminder If this is the rst time you have used MySQL, the default global MySQL superuser root will not have a password. You should set one now. Instructions for setting mySQL

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initial privileges are here ( . In short:

mysql -u root mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('your_new_password') WHERE User='root'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> quit

In addition, you can set up an additional global MySQL user (such as mysql_user, for example) by following the instructions here ( /create-user.html) . That way you can reserve root login for emergencies. In short:
mysql -u root mysql> CREATE USER 'mysql_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql_user_passwd'; mysql> quit

Now you must create a MySQL database for use by Zoneminder. This is an administrative MySQL command, so you must use one of your global MySQL users (either root or mysql_user, as created in the example above). You can name your Zoneminder database anything you want, instead of zmdatabase.
mysqladmin -u root -p CREATE zmdatabase

mysqladmin -u mysql_user -p CREATE zmdatabase

Create users for the Zoneminder database. As always, I create a root user for emergency use. I use the same password for root as I do elsewhere on my system. Then I also create a user named zm_user (but you could also creat a user named mysql_user, to keep everything consistent). [I use a unique user here because this is a home security system, after all, and I don't want it breached.] These users are specic to this database; they can be the same users as used elsewhere in the system or can be unique users.


Note: mysql commands (i.e. any entered at the mysql> prompt) must end with a semicolon. If you forget the semicolon, nothing will happen. Home automation programs and hardware X10 and Insteon refers to the two protocols of communication between home automation devices. Devices are available from Smarthome (both Insteon and X10), (X10

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only), and Leviton (X10). Read the Home Automation website ( /auto/home+automation.aspx) and the Linux Home Automation website ( . Each company makes a handheld controller (and usually also sells MS Windows-based control software), and an interface for a PC. This is a list of the most widely used PC interfaces: PowerLinc 1132CUP Controller (Smarthome) -- allows multiple macros storage and has long battery life. Uses X10 and Insteon protocols. PowerLinc 1132CU Controller (Smarthome) -- similar to above but has fewer programmable features. CM15A Interface ( -- connects by RF to C15A wireless modules. Has some bugs. Uses X10 protocol. CM11A Interface ( -- connects through power lines. Reliable. Short battery life. Uses X10 protocol. Has been the standard interface for most Linux software. C17A Firecracker computer interface for X10 ( -- Short battery life. Uses X10 protocol. Also a standard interface for Linux use. CP290 is an older, now hard-to-nd interface for X10. Leviton devices can be controlled by any X10 controller. Linux software largely has relied on one of two interfaces: the CM11A and the CM17A Firecracker. These both use the X10 protocol. There are now Linux modules for the PowerLinc interfaces that use either the Insteon or X10 protocol. Note that you can usually use any hand-held controller that uses the compatible protocol (X10 or Insteon), in parallel with the PC interfaces. Read Linux software ( . Here are some examples: Heyu ( works with the CM11A interface. BlueLava ( allows you to access Heyu over the Internet for remote control. HomeDaemon ( uses the CM11A interface. Bottlerocket ( works with the C17A Firecracker device. There are several GUI frontends and web interfaces for it (see site.) bottlerocket is available as a module from Synaptic Package Manager, as is wmx10, an applet GUI for bottlerocket. GtkX10 ( is a GUI for the C17A Firecracker. The Tk (Wish)-based GUI for X10 is available as a Synaptic Package Manager package named x10-automate (which will also install the x10 interface package). It works with the the (older) CP290 interface. Project WiSH ( provides drivers to control PowerLinc interfaces (version 1 USB and Serial, but not version 2), and CM11A. It is provided as a .tar.gz package. It can be used with x10web Java GUI.
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Insteon PowerLinc support page ( /index.html) -- you must like to get into the nuts and bolts! Not for the beginner. MisterHouse ( is a collection of powerful perl scripts that is quite congurable, if you don't mind customizing perl scripts. Zoneminder surveillance software can trigger X10 events using built-in perl scripts over a CM11A interface.

How to install applications for study of religious texts For study of Bible see GnomeSword ( For study of Quran see Zekr (
How to install Gnomesword (Bible study program)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories This installs the english version of the program.
sudo apt-get install gnomesword sword-language-pack-en sword-text-web

If you require other languages type:

sudo apt-cache search bible

Take a look at the sword-language-pack's and the sword-text's for additional languages and install as needed. Gnomesword is found under Applications-->Accessories. Under KDE, use kio-sword instead of Gnomesword:
sudo apt-get install kio-sword

How to install a Quran researching tool (Zekr)

Zekr ( is an open platform Quran study tool for simply browsing and researching on the Quran. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v6.0 with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zekr.list wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add sudo apt-get update

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Ubuntu:Feisty sudo apt-get install zekr ttf-me-quran ttf-sil-scheherazade sudo apt-get install ttf-farsiweb flashplugin-nonfree

Zekr comes with extra Quran translations in Persian, Urdu, French, Russian, English, Turkish, Bosnian, Dutch packaged as zekr-quran-translations-XY where XY is the ISO code of the language. Run
apt-cache search zekr-quran-translations

in a shell to list them all. Then among the result list choose the appropriate package and install it: For example if you want to install English Quran Translations run the following command:
sudo apt-get install zekr-quran-translations-en

For more info see Zekr wiki ( /index.php?title=Installation#Ubuntu.2FDebian) .

Cross-platform enabling Applications

Virtualization Technology
Virtualbox Innotek VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. Complete wiki about Virtual Box ( Create and Manage Virtual Machines Using VirtualBox ( /create-and-manage-virtual-machines-using-virtualbox.html) VMWare Server / Workstation VMware Server is a free virtualization product for Windows and Linux servers with enterprise-class support and VirtualCenter management. The free server doesn't allow for a "passthrough" share between the Ubuntu host and the Windows guest (you'll need to use samba etc. for that) but otherwise is a fully functioning virtual application. It also has the advantage that when running it is desktop independent - you can restart GNOME/KDE while it runs and reconnect with the guest session. The same installation instructions apply to both VMWare Server and Workstation. VMWare Workstation is a paid commercial application and works without modication on Feisty, but needs patches for earlier versions. For more info see

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Install and Congure Vmware Server in Ubuntu Feisty ( /how-to-install-vmware-server-from-canonical-commercial-repository-in-ubuntufeisty.html)

Manual install (optional) for VMWare Server

Download Choose the tar.gz version, not the RPM version (you won't have to convert it), download it to a directory and expand it. Make sure you have the necessary build environment for it:
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`

Change to the unpacked vmware directory and run:

sudo ./

This will install all necessary parts, choose the defaults unless you have a reason to change them. When it nishes it will oer to start the conguration for you, choose "yes". Choose the defaults that are oered. If there are compiling errors, you need 2 patches. Download:
wget -c wget -c

As root place them (still as tar packages) in /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source, overwriting the existing packages (save the old ones under a dierent name.) Re-run the conguration script as root:

For more info: How to install CrossOver Linux to run Windows Applications How to install and run Wine (Open Source version of CrossOver Linux) Wine is a system that enables Windows programs to run under Linux. It is an open source version of CodeWeavers' CrossOver Linux (see above). Many Windows programs, but not all, are supported under Wine.

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Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories For more info see Wine HQ ( Add the WineHQ APT Repository: Add WineHQ repository key to repository keyring:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Add WineHQ repository to Software Sources (read #How to add extra repositories):
deb feisty main deb-src feisty main

or from the command-line:

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list

Install wine from Synaptic Package Manager:

System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager-->Search--> wine System -> Administration -> Update Manager

or from the command-line terminal:

apt-get update apt-get install wine

Set your conguration as desired:

System-->Preferences-->Wine Configuration

Set the location of your virtual "C:" drive

System-->Preferences-->Wine Configuration-->Drives

Note specically that you can set the directory you wish to use as the "C:" drive for Wine. By default, this is /home/USER/.wine/drive_c but you can set it to any directory you wish, including a pre-existing Windows directory on your computer. However, changing the default directory may cause some problems with Wine and is not recommended. You can set a link to your home folder for the Wine "C:" drive to make it easier to nd:
ln -s ~/.wine/drive_c ~/drive_c

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Add Applications:
System-->Preferences-->Wine Configuration-->Applications-->Add Applications

Your added programs will be given a desktop icon on your Ubuntu desktop, for easy startup. See on the Wine wiki for details on installing Wine for 64-bit users of versions of Ubuntu older than Feisty.
How to manually run programs in Wine (from a command-line terminal)

Read #How to Install Wine

wine /PATH/EXENAME.exe

How to make Wine apps look like Windows XP

Thanks to
gksudo gedit ~/.wine/user.reg

Find the part that starts [Control Panel\\Colors] random numbers, and insert this:
[Control Panel\\Colors] 1085191500 "ActiveBorder"="212 208 200" "ActiveTitle"="10 36 106" "AppWorkSpace"="128 128 128" "Background"="58 110 165" "ButtonAlternateFace"="181 181 181" "ButtonDkShadow"="64 64 64" "ButtonFace"="212 208 200" "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255" "ButtonLight"="212 208 200" "ButtonShadow"="128 128 128" "ButtonText"="0 0 0" "GradientActiveTitle"="166 202 240" "GradientInactiveTitle"="192 192 192" "GrayText"="128 128 128" "Hilight"="10 36 106" "HilightText"="255 255 255" "HotTrackingColor"="0 0 128" "InactiveBorder"="212 208 200" "InactiveTitle"="128 128 128" "InactiveTitleText"="212 208 200" "InfoText"="0 0 0" "InfoWindow"="255 255 225" "Menu"="212 208 200" "MenuBar"="212 208 200" "MenuHilight"="0 0 0" "MenuText"="0 0 0" "Scrollbar"="212 208 200" "TitleText"="255 255 255" "Window"="255 255 255" "WindowFrame"="0 0 0" "WindowText"="0 0 0"

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Ubuntu:Feisty Install Internet Explorer 6 for Wine

IE 6 is not recommended for general usage, but some Windows packages (installed under Wine) require IE6 to complete installation. Furthermore, IE 6 is useful for checking code for developers who want to see how their web pages appear under IE 6. Install the required package cabextract from Synaptic Package Manager (or from apt-get install cabextract). Download and run the IEs4Linux installation script from the IEs4Linux website ( :
wget tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz cd ies4linux-* ./ies4linux

Accept all the defaults for installation. How to install Windows Games (Cedega) How to install Maple 11 Insert the Maple 11 cd for Linux and mount if asked.
cd /cdrom sudo sh ./installMapleLinux32

Install to /usr/local/maple11 instead of the default, if you choose. Create symbolic links:
cd /usr/local/bin sudo ln -s /usr/local/maple11/bin/xmaple sudo ln -s /usr/local/maple11/bin/maple sudo ln -s /usr/local/maple11/bin/mint

How to install Win4Lin (Windows combined with Linux) How to Install Citrix ICAClient 10 Install Open Motif (>=2.2):
sudo apt-get install motif-clients

Get and install Citrix ICA Client (English package) from the Citrix website at
78 of 242 10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty - downloadID=3323#top:
wget -c

wget -c

If wget doesn't work, then go directly to the website and download the package by following the links. Unpack and install (use the proper version downloaded):
gunzip en.linuxx86.tar.gz tar xvfz en.linuxx86.tar ./setupwfc

Enable certicate verication in Firefox:

Applications-->Firefox Web Browser-->Advanced-->Encryption-->View Certificates-->Authorities

Find your certicate authority and click on it.

Edit-->"This certificate can identify web sites."

In my case, as an example, I enabled Thawte Consulting cc-->Thawte Serve CA as the authority to identify my web sites. But you could also use Verisign, Geotrust, Equifax, or one of many other verication services. I downloaded the certicates from I unzipped the le, found the certicate I needed, and copied it (changing the extension slightly) to my ICAClient certicate folder:
cp ThawteServerCA.cer ~/ICAClient/keystores/cacert/ThawteServerCA.crt

Make sure your Firewall (IPTables) are set to allow Citrix ports (1494, sometimes 443 and 1603). You can use Firestarter to adjust the rewall settings (see below). Read #Firewall. Alternate installation instructions are here (German site) ( /wiki/index.php/Citrix_ICA_Client_10_on_Ubuntu_7.04_Feisty_Fawn) and here (Malaysian site) ( .
How to Uninstall Citrix ICAClient 10


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User Administration
How to switch to root user in Console mode Read #General Notes For a login shell as root, i.e. similar to "su -",
sudo -i Password: <specify user password>

sudo su Password: <specify user password>

To start a root shell while maintaining the current directory and various other settings of your normal user (such as the USERNAME environment variable):
sudo -s -H Password: <specify user password>

sudo su Password: <specify user password>

How to set/change/enable root user password Read #General Notes

sudo passwd root

How to disable root user account Read #General Notes

sudo passwd -l root

How to allow root user to login into Gnome Read #General Notes Read #How to set/change/enable root user password
System -> Administration -> Login Window-->Preferences Security -> Allow local system administrator login (Checked)

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How to add/edit/delete system users Read #General Notes

System -> Administration -> Users and Groups Users -> Add User... /Properties/Delete

sudo useradd jim sudo userdel jim

For more info read

man usermod

How to add/edit/delete system groups Read #General Notes

System -> Administration -> Users and Groups Groups -> Add Group.../Properties/Delete

How to automatic login into GNOME Read #General Notes Automatic login is not secure.
System-->Administration-->Login Window Security-->Enable Automatic Login

Choose a user from the drop-down menu. How to allow more sudoers Read #General Notes
EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo

Append the following line at the end of le

system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL

or, since everyone in the admin group can use sudo:

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sudo adduser a_username admin

This appends the admin group to the user's supplementary group list. They will now have sudo access. How to use "sudo" without prompt for password (not secure) Read #General Notes
EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo

Find this line:

system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL

Replace with this line:

system_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

How to kill the "sudo" session Read #General Notes

sudo -K

How to change les/folders permissions Read #General Notes

Right click on files/folders -> Properties

Permissions Tab -> Read/Write/Execute (Checked the permissions for Owner/Group/Others)

How to change les/folders ownership Read #General Notes

sudo chown system_username /location_of_files_or_folders

If you want to change ownership of all containing les and folders recursively, use the -R option like this:
sudo chown -R system_username /location_of_files_or_folders

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How to change les/folders group ownership Read #General Notes

sudo chgrp system_groupname /location_of_files_or_folders

If you want to change group ownership of all containing les and folders recursively, use the -R option like this:
sudo chgrp -R system_username /location_of_files_or_folders

Activate side-mouse-buttons in FireFox Just add two lines to xorg.conf will activate side-mouse-buttons in FireFox. This should work with most 5-button mouse. Here is a list of mice that worked with this instruction. Logitech MX310 Logitech MX510 Logitech MX518 Logitech MX700 Logitech MX Revolution Intellimouse Explorer (rst edition) Razer Copperhead Backup conguration le
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak

Modify the conguration le

gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find the Input Device section for your mouse and add two lines as shown below. You may also increase the number of buttons if your mouse has more than 7, just x the rest of the section based upon the number of buttons (remember back/forward, wheel click & tilt left/right all count as buttons) Change:
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer"

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Ubuntu:Feisty ... Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" ... Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection

Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" Option "Buttons" "7" Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7" EndSection

Buttons still won't work in Nautilus unless you install the imwheel dameon. Install & Congure IMWheel Install IMWheel
sudo apt-get install imwheel

Modify IMWheel conguration le

gksudo gedit /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc

Insert the following at the bottom of this existing le

".*" None, Up, Alt_L|Left None, Down, Alt_L|Right "(null)" None, Up, Alt_L|Left None, Down, Alt_L|Right

Create IMWheel start-up script

sudo mkdir /home/login gksudo gedit /home/login/mouse

Insert the following into this new le

#!/bin/sh exec xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" & exec imwheel -k -b "6 7" &

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Ubuntu:Feisty exec $REALSTARTUP

Grant execution for everyone to this new script

sudo chmod +x /home/login/mouse

Congure this script to be executed at start-up 1. Select 'System' > 'Preferences' > 'Sessions' 2. Click the StartUp tab 3. Click Add, then input: /home/login/mouse 4. Click OK, then Close Reboot your computer or your Gnome environment and then test your back/forward mouse buttons in Nautilus (Dont know why but the above worked awlessly for me with Dapper but not with Feisty, to get it to work in Feisty had to enter a space between 6 and 7 on the line exec imwheel -k -b "67" & hope this helps) How to congure Apple Mighty Mouse Apple Mighty Mouse works out of the box, this how to should cover setting up of horizontal scrolling using ball and sidebuttons. This is placeholder only. Please, provide working howto.

Disable the touchpad while typing The utility

can be used to temporarily disable a Synaptic touchpad while typing.


First you must edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to allow the settings. Make a backup of the le, then:
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

utility to access the touchpad's

Find the touchpad section:

Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad" Driver "synaptics" Option "SendCoreEvents" "true" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "auto-dev" Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0" Option "SHMConfig" "on" EndSection

Add the


option if it does not already exist.

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After you restart X (log out and log in again), you will be able to run
syndaemon -t -d

You may have to restart your computer. Use

syndaemon -h

to view additional options.

To have syndaemon start up automatically when you log on, add the command as a new startup program (System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs). Adjust touchpad sensitivity Although gsynaptics allows you to adjust sensitivity, it still isn't sensitive enough for all users. This allows for greater ne tuning of touchpad sensitivity. First you must edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Make a backup of the le, then:
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find the touchpad section:

Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad" Driver "synaptics" Option "SendCoreEvents" "true" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "auto-dev" Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0" Option "SHMConfig" "on" EndSection

Add the following after

Option Option Option "MinSpeed" "MaxSpeed" "AccelFactor"


"1.0" "1.3" "0.3"

Modify the values to personal taste. After you restart X (log out and log in again), you will using the new sensitivity settings. Enable vertical, horizontal and circular scrolling This howto will explain the procedure to setup a Synaptics touchpad for vertical, horizontal and circular scrolling (The same procedure may work for other touchpads, but has not been conrmed) First: Install gsynaptics
sudo apt-get install gsynaptics

Second you have to edit your

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to allow


to access the the

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touchpad's settings Second: Backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf

cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak

Third: Allow gsynaptics access to the touch pads settings

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find the touchpad section:

Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad" Driver "synaptics" Option "SendCoreEvents" "true" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "auto-dev" Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0" Option "SHMConfig" "on" EndSection

Add the


option if it does not already exist.

After you restart X (log out and log in again), from the Gnome menu goto System > Preferences > Touchpad From the Touchpad window you can modify you touchpads settings

Graphics Card
How to setup nVidia drivers in 7.04
System > Administration > Restricted Devices Manager Enable Driver Apply Changes

Insert Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn CD-ROM or Cancel > Close

Applications > Add/Remove Applications

(Add / Remove apps will load up checking dependencies) Click Preferences next to help in the bottom left of the add / remove applications windows. Uncheck the "CD ROM With Ubuntu 7.04..." option from the list of installable CD-ROM volumes.

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There, now every time you use the add / remove applications program to install things, it goes onto the internet to get the packages instead of the discs. The idea behind this is to get the LATEST updates. Close the options, close the next box, then click OK to exit out of add / remove applications and save the changes we just made. Make sure the nVidia glx is downloaded and installed from either the internet or the install CD, or the next step wont work, as the command will have nothing to execute. thats right, you really need NVIDIA GLX. :) With the nVidia Driver enabled in the restricted devices manager, we can safely go into the console and mess with the newly loaded drivers' settings to get a nice looking desktop with an acceptable resolution, color depth and refresh rate. These drivers also let us adjust the positioning of multiple monitors much like the forceware drivers in windows, but totally not like windows at the same time. You'll see what I mean when you see the layout and complexity of the panel! Now we must reboot.
System > Quit > Restart

Load up Applications > Accessories > Terminal

If you haven't already done so you may right click on Terminal under Applications > Accessories > Terminal and then add the application to the panel, to make the terminal easier to access in the future. Load up the terminal, and type in...
sudo nvidia-settings

Then type in your root password (whatever that is) Be careful about cranking the resolution or refresh too high. If you want to enable dual monitors then try twinview. How to setup Dual Monitors with NVidia in Feisty Fawn From Dual Monitors with NVidia in Ubuntu - Ubuntu Geek ( /dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html) Install nvidia-glx driver
sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx

Make a backup of xorg.conf

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak

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Edit xorg.conf
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Under the "Module" section, replace "nv" with "glx" Under the "Device" section, make sure that "Driver" says nvidia Under the "Screen" section, add the following line:
Option "RenderAccel" "true"

Save xorg.conf Restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace If X will not start, type the following to restore xorg.conf to working status:
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and reboot. Assuming everything went well, were quite close to having dual screens working. Edit xorg.conf again
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Under the "Screen" section, add these lines:

##This Option ##Here Option turns on NVidias TwinView "TwinView" Im setting the resolution to the individual monitors. "MetaModes" "12801024 12801024"

Restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace You should now have dual monitors

How to align monitors left-to-right

Method 1: Edit xorg.conf Under the "Screen" heading, add:

##Orientation Options are: LeftOf, RightOf, Below, Above, or Clone Option TwinViewOrientation LeftOf

Save xorg.conf Restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

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Method 2: Run nVidia Settings

gksudo nvidia-settings

In X Server Display Conguration, drag the visible displays around Apply and Save to X Conguration File when you're happy with the settings

How to change primary display from CRT to LCD

From: First display on TwinView - nV News Forums ( /showthread.php?t=54638&page=12) and nVidia Readme ( and Dual Monitors HOWTO - Zulu's Tips ( Get the nVidia driver working, as per the howto above Run nVidia Settings
gksudo nvidia-settings

Click the Save to X Conguration File button to tidy up the cong Restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Backup xorg.conf
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak

Open xorg.conf in an editor

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Add the following line at the bottom of the "Screen" section:

Option Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP, CRT" "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP, CRT"

Save xorg.conf Restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace How to install Beta Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) WARNING this is very error prone.. a better method is to use Alberto Milones Envy program;

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Thanks to Alberto Milone The nVidia driver has been split into dierent branches; latest and new legacy. See to nd out which driver you should be using. Latest=97xx / New Legacy=96xx Read #How to add extra repositories
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add ONE of the following lines based on your architecture

deb binary/ deb binary/

deb binary/ deb binary/

Save the edited le Add the GPG key

wget gpg --import tseliot.asc gpg --export --armor | sudo apt-key add -

Update and install

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx sudo apt-get upgrade

The upgrade should update your linux-restricted-modules & linux-restricted-modulescommon packages.

sudo nvidia-xconfig

Add a menu option for nVidia Settings

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/NVIDIA-Settings.desktop

Insert these lines in the new le and save

[Desktop Entry] Name=NVIDIA Settings Comment=NVIDIA Settings Exec=nvidia-settings Icon= Terminal=false Type=Application

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Restart the computer and your new drivers should be installed. Test the install with these 2 programs
glxinfo glxgears

How to setup pivot (screen rotation) with default NVIDIA drivers Read #General Notes Some LCD monitors are equipped with the pivot feature, to take advantage of it the display has to be rotated 90 degrees. The default nVidia drivers shipped with ("nv") support software screen rotation. Note that it's unaccelerated and can be slow, read #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) if you decide to install the proprietary driver. If you have the proprietary drivers from nVidia installed, please read #How to setup pivot (screen rotation) with proprietary NVIDIA drivers instead. To rotate the screen nd the "Device" section for the "nv" driver in the /etc/X11 /xorg.conf le:
Section "Device" Identifier Driver

"NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]" "nv"

Add the following options to this section:

Option "Rotate" "CW"

Where the "Rotate" option has two possible values (depending on the orientation of the monitor): 1. CW - rotate the display clockwise (right). 2. CCW - rotate the display counterclockwise (right). Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer. How to setup pivot (screen rotation) with proprietary NVIDIA drivers Read #General Notes Read #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) Some LCD monitors are equipped with the pivot feature, to take advantage of it the display has to be rotated 90 degrees. The proprietary nVidia drivers support hardware rotation with the Xrandr extension.

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To enable rotation support nd the "Device" section for the "nvidia" driver in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf le:
Section "Device" Identifier Driver

"NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]" "nvidia"

Add the following option to this section:

Option "RandRRotation" "on"

Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer. Then the display can be rotated (direction depends on the orientation of the monitor) by: 1. Setting the "Rotation" property to either "Left" or "Right" in the "System > Preferences > Screen Resolution" dialog. 2. Issuing either "xrandr -o left" or "xrandr -o right" command. How to disable NVIDIA graphics logo on GNOME startup Read #General Notes Read #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) The easy way
sudo nvidia-xconfig --no-logo

Alternative method
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Find this section

... Section "Device" Identifier Driver BusID ...

"NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400]" "nvidia" "PCI:1:0:0"

Add the following line below it

Option "NoLogo"

Save the edited le Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer

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How to congure dual head on NVIDIA based cards Read #General Notes Read #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) Install binary driver Make a backup of xorg.conf
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup

Edit xorg.conf
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Add these lines to the "Device" section

Option "TwinView" "True" Option "TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf" Option "UseEdidFreqs" "True" Option "MetaModes" "1280x1024,1280x1024; 1024x768,1024x768" Option "UseDisplayDevice" "string" #replace 'string' with either 'DFP' (Digital flat panel connected via DVI port), 'CRT' (any monitor that is connected via VGA ports), or 'TV'

Save and close xorg.conf Restart X-Windows or reboot This was tested on an NVIDIA FX 5200 and known to work using "CRT" as an option for the second monitor If you run into trouble where X is hosed and can get back to the command line, replace xorg.conf with the backup copy
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Information and inspiration drawn from /showthread.php?p=1773584 How to install Graphics Driver (ATI) See Unocial ATI Linux driver wiki ( /Ubuntu_Installation_Guide) Or ( Or ( /Main/LinuxHardwareInfoATIRadeonX800) How to Correct the Graphics Resolution (Intel) Read #How to enable Large Widescreen Support if you have a larger (>20") monitor Intel 915g, 945g, etc. graphics chipsets only have a limited set of resolutions initially installed, despite the correct driver being detected.

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Install the resolution altering tool:

sudo apt-get install 915resolution

Run the following to see the availible modes:

915resolution -l

Choose a resolution you don't need and replace, for example the following changes 1920x1440 to 1920x1200
915resolution 5c 1920 1200

Restart X-Windows. To conrm resolution change look at the "System>Preferences>Screen Resolution" tool. If it works correctly then you can make the change permanent:
sudo gedit /etc/default/915resolution

Find this lines:


And replace with the following lines:

mode=5c XRESO=1920 YRESO=1200 BIT=24

Save and restart your computer to conrm it works.

Another way to get the resolution you want is to do this(doesn't always work):
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel

With this you don't need the 915resolution anywhere in your Feisty as your resolution will now be handled by X, the windowing system in Linux. How to show nvidia GPU temperature (nvidia-settings) Read #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA)

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At a terminal, type

How to detect CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltages (lm-sensors) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors

Create le called, and paste in the following

#!/bin/bash # Here you can set several defaults. # The number of devices to create (max: 256) NUMBER=32 # The owner and group of the devices OUSER=root OGROUP=root # The mode of the devices MODE=600 # This script doesn't need to be run if devfs is used if [ -r /proc/mounts ] ; then if grep -q "/dev devfs" /proc/mounts ; then echo "You do not need to run this script as your system uses devfs." exit; fi fi i=0; while [ $i -lt $NUMBER ] ; do echo /dev/i2c-$i mknod -m $MODE /dev/i2c-$i c 89 $i || exit chown "$OUSER:$OGROUP" /dev/i2c-$i || exit i=$[$i + 1] done #end of file

Make this le executable, then run it

sudo chmod +x sudo ./

Now detect sensors, and answer "y" to all questions.

sudo sensors-detect

To load the manual modules, type

sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools

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Load the modules into kernel with

sudo sensors -s

And check the output

sudo sensors

How to control fan speed (lm-sensors) Install and cong lm-sensors rst, see section above. Then run pwmcong to test your fans

If you can control fan speeds, great. Now create a le called /etc/init.d/fancontrol, and paste in the following
#!/bin/sh # # Fancontrol start script. # set -e # Defaults DAEMON=/usr/sbin/fancontrol PIDFILE=/var/run/fancontrol-pid PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin test -f $DAEMON || exit 0 . /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in start) log_begin_msg "Starting fancontrol daemon..." start-stop-daemon --start -o -q -m -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON log_end_msg $? ;; stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping fancontrol daemon..." start-stop-daemon --stop -o -q -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON log_end_msg $? ;; force-reload|restart) sh $0 stop sh $0 start ;; *) log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/fancontrol {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" log_success_msg " start - starts system-wide fancontrol service" log_success_msg " stop - stops system-wide fancontrol service" log_success_msg " restart, force-reload - starts a new system-wide fancontrol service" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0

Make it executable
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sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/fancontrol

Test it
/etc/init.d/fancontrol start

/etc/init.d/fancontrol stop

If it works ne, autoload it when you reboot. Insert the following line into /etc/rc.local, before "exit 0"
/etc/init.d/fancontrol start

How to monitor CPU, GPU temperatures, fan speeds and voltages (GKrellM) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Install lm-sensors rst to monitor CPU temps, fan speed, and voltages in GKrellM. #How to detect CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltages (lm-sensors) Install nvidia video driver to monitor the nvidia GPU temperature. #How to install Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) Install hddtemp rst to monitor hard drive temperatures
sudo apt-get install hddtemp

GKrellM is a hardware monitor that can display CPU and GPU temperatures, fan speeds, voltages, CPU load, network load, disk activity, disk temperature, memory usage, and swap usage. The installation is very easy, and conguration is just a few mouse-clicks. You can set alerts to warn you if the CPU is too hot or there is a fan failure. The hddtemp utility works with GKrellM to allow it to sense the disk temperature, as keeping your disks cool (e.g. less than around 40C) will allow them to last longer than if they run continually at higher temperatures (e.g. above 50C).
sudo apt-get install gkrellm

To run the program

Click Applications -> System Tools -> GKrellM

To congure the settings,

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Right click on GKrellM -> Configuration

I was struggling with lm_sensors before, but it doesn't detect all of the sensors on my computer. Later I found "GKrellM". It displays the GPU temperature on my nVidia 6600 GT out of the box. GKrellM also has plugins that show weather info, set reminders, etc. Add an audio alert (optional Step): Here is how to play an audio message when the CPU is too hot or a fan fails. First you need to nd or record your own audio alert les. (I use Audacity to record my own.) Then go to:
Configuration -> Builtins folder (Left side)-> Sensors -> Temperatures folder (Right side)-> CPU -> Alerts Button

Paste ONE of the following lines into a Terminal window rst to test the sound. If you have two sound cards, you can use "-ao oss:/dev/dsp1" option to route the sound to the second sound card. Modify the le path and name so it points to the correct le. If you can hear the sound, then copy that line to a command line text eld on the GKrellM's Alerts window.
mplayer /home/myfolder/alert_messages/heat_alert.mp3 mplayer -ao oss:/dev/dsp1 /home/myfolder/alert_messages/heat_alert.mp3

How to detect CPU temperature, fan speeds for Dell Laptops and install Gkrellm plugin (i8kutils, gkrellm-i8k) Read #General Notes Read and Complete #How to monitor CPU, GPU temperatures, fan speeds and voltages (GKrellM) Install i8k utilities
apt-get install i8kutils gkrellm-i8k

To load the module automatically run the following in a terminal window

sudo gedit /etc/modules

Add the following to the end of the le

i8k force=1

Load the module by restarting or

modprobe i8k

To monitor with Gkrellm, Load Gkrellm, goto Gkrellms conguration page, enable the Dell i8k Plugin in the Plugins section. You should now see a new section on the Gkrellm panel with fan controls, CPU
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temperature, service tag etc

How to enable your CPU's Power Saving/Frequency Scaling features Read #General Notes Read Howto Change CPU Frequency Scaling in Ubuntu ( /howto-change-cpu-frequency-scaling-in-ubuntu.html) For an easier way to enable CPU scaling. Check whether or not you already have working power-save (it should install automatically!) Open a Terminal window (in Applications > Accessories) and type,
cat /proc/cpuinfo

Look for the reference to "cpu MHz" and compare it to the ocial MHz of your processor. If it is considerably lower, e.g. a 2.0 GHz processor reporting as 1.0 GHz, then the power-save frequency scaling is probably already working. You can further test this by running a cpu intensive process, e.g. glxgears, and then retesting the cpu speed -- if it has increased to the ocial MHz then the automatic scaling is already working. (Note: the instructions below can also allow you to manually set the cpu speed.) Step 1: Enable BIOS Support Enter your BIOS at boot and make sure both ACPI and Cool'n'Quiet (AMD) or SpeedStep (Intel) are enabled. Some BIOSes may not have option at all. If that is the case it is probably enabled by default. Other BIOSes may have the option but it is listed as another name altogether. If that is the case check your BIOS manual for more info. Step 2: Remove Userspace Scaling Software powernowd
sudo apt-get remove powernowd

sudo apt-get remove cpudyn

Step 3: Install CPU Module Identify your cpu type by running the command
cat /proc/cpuinfo

You can also Check the following links AMD CPU Chart - [[2]

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( /page20.html) ] Intel CPU Chart - [[3] ( /21/the_mother_of_all_cpu_charts_2005/page21.html) ] AMD Sempron/Athlon/MP ( K7 ) Socket Types: A, Slot A
sudo modprobe powernow-k7

AMD Duron/Sempron/Athlon/Opteron 64 ( K8 ) Socket Types: 754, 939, 940, S1 ( 638 ), AM2 ( 940 ), F ( 1207 )
sudo modprobe powernow-k8

Intel Core Duo

sudo modprobe speedstep-centrino

Intel Pentium M
sudo modprobe speedstep-centrino

Intel Pentium 4
sudo modprobe p4_clockmod

Others (Unknown) I'm not entirely sure which cpus are supported using this module. If your cpu doesn't work with one of the above methods try this one.
sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq

Step 4: Scaling Modules

sudo sudo sudo sudo sudo modprobe modprobe modprobe modprobe modprobe cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_ondemand cpufreq_powersave cpufreq_stats cpufreq_userspace

Step 5: Testing/Conguration Show Available Governors

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors

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You should see output similar to

powersave conservative ondemand performance

Step 6: Load Modules at Boot Add the following lines to the end of /etc/modules
cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_ondemand cpufreq_powersave cpufreq_stats cpufreq_userspace Also add the module you selected in Step 3

Step 7: Install cpufrequtils This is a simple, eective tool for using the modules from the command line.
sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils

Test that it's working.


Step 8: Select a governor The dierent governors control how the CPU speed is scaled. Your choices are: ondemand CPU frequency is scaled based on load. conservative The CPUfreq governor "conservative", much like the "ondemand" governor, sets the CPU depending on the current usage. It diers in behaviour in that it gracefully increases and decreases the CPU speed rather than jumping to max speed the moment there is any load on the CPU. This behaviour more suitable in a battery powered environment. performance CPU only runs at max frequency regardless of load. powersave CPU only runs at min frequency regardless of load. See [[4] ( ] for more details. I typically use ondemand. You get a very slight performance hit and save a lot of power

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(and produce a lot less heat when idle). Try it out:

cpufreq-set -g ondemand

On systems with more than one CPU you need to repeat the last command for every other CPU you have with specifying the parameter -c (CPU). To set the governor for the second CPU write:
cpufreq-set -c 1 -g ondemand

To see how many CPUs you have type:

ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/

Step 9: Congure cpufrequtils to automatically set this governor on boot Edit the le /etc/default/cpufrequtils. Change the line:


Set the GOVERNOR value to the governor name you chose in Step 8. Sources: [[5] ( /showthread.php?s=a98372407aafdee660ab498a531c55e9&t=248867) ] [[6] ( ]

Modems / Network
How to identify Modem chipset Read #General Notes To install Modem chipset identier Read #How to install Basic Compilers (build-essential) Read Setting up Dial-up connection in Ubuntu (
wget -c gunzip -c scanModem.gz > scanModem chmod +x scanModem sudo cp scanModem /usr/bin/

To identify Modem chipset

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sudo scanModem gedit Modem/ModemData.txt

How to install Atheros Wireless Drivers You may have received a message about the restricted drivers manager, in which the atheros HAL has been enabled. You can congure the wireless using the Network Settings Manager
System --> Administration --> Network

If, after conguration the wireless still does not work, it is because the wrong driver (ath_pci) has been loaded. To correct this, remove the unwanted module:
sudo rmmod ath_pci

Reboot How to install USB ADSL modem drivers and congure the connection This instructions works with the following modems: Sagem Fast 800, Speedtouch series, all EAGLE based modems and all Connexant AccessRunner based modems Go to UbuDSL download page ( Install the main package and a package for your modem Run the program and follow instructions on the screen In case of any problems UbuDSL website oers a detailed instruction ( .

How to install Windows Wireless Drivers (Ndiswrapper) Read #General Notes In order to install ndiswrapper you need a copy the windows drivers for your Wireless ethernet device. This is only meant to be installed if your card isn't supported by Ubuntu, check Ubuntu's list of natively supported wireless cards ( /community/WiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported) . Check ndiswrapper's list of supported wireless cards if your card isn't supported natively, please visit Ndiswrapper's ocial supported cards list ( If your card is supported by ndiswrapper, you can install and congure it via a gui tool (ndisgtk) very easily. Use the Add/Remove Applications tool and search for "Ndiswrapper driver installation tool". Once installed, you can congure the wireless connection by going to System -> Administration -> Windows Wireless Drivers. Some more information on this here ( .

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To Install manually follow the steps below: Find out if you have acx module loaded. Because acx module interferes with windows driver, we need to remove it if it is found.
lsmod | grep acx

Remove the acx module if found. It could also be acx_pci or similar. Please Note: New kernel updates will auto load the acx module again. So repeat the following two commands every time the kernel is updated.
sudo rmmod acx sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

Add a new list at the end of the le like this:

# drivers wireless ACX blacklist acx

Install ndiswrapper and drivers (due to a bug in Edgy, you need to specify ndiswrapper-utils-1.8)
sudo sudo sudo sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 ndiswrapper -i /location_of_your_wireless_driver/your_driver.inf ndiswrapper -l modprobe ndiswrapper

Set ndiswrapper to load on startup

sudo ndiswrapper -m gksudo gedit /etc/modules

Add the following module to the list


Now you can congure your wireless card with ifcong and iwcong. e.g. Supposing wlan0 is your wireless device.
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "AP" key ababababababababab mode Managed iwconfig

You sould now be able to see the MAC address of the access point and signal rate. Please note that certain card drivers have re-association errors when used with ndiswrapper. This means that whenever you restart Ubuntu, your internet connection does not work, even if it is set to load on startup. To combat this, use this line in the
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terminal (also assuming wlan0 is your wireless device).

sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid x mode Managed

Using an RTL8180 card and ndiswrapper, swapping the order of the key and essid in the conguration command is required to get a connection. e.g. Supposing wlan0 is your wireless device.
sudo iwconfig wlan0 key ababababababababab essid "AP" mode Managed

Common errors: Be sure to put the key in hexadecimal if your network conguration says so( and the majority of the keys are). Ndiswrapper for Broadcom 43xx wireless chipset The Broadcom 43xx (bcm43xx) wireless chipset is one of the most common chipsets, so special scripts have been written for it. Only follow this if you have a bcm43xx device. To check in the Terminal type:
lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation

If it displays a line similar to this,

0000:02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)

you have a Broadcom wireless chipset. Please proceed with the instructions. Put the Ubuntu CD that you installed Ubuntu with in the CD drive. Download this ( d=1177587401) to the desktop (the Firefox default, so if you haven't changed it, that's where it went/will go). Note - you will have to register to get this le. Registration is free so please don't report a broken link. In a terminal type
cd ~/Desktop (or wherever you downloaded the file) tar -xf bcm4318*.tar.gz sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup

Your wireless chipset should now work. Try rebooting if you have problems. Please see this thread if you have problems: highlight=install+ndiswrapper Edit : The above guide did not work for me (Pete) on 64 bit ubuntu. My lspci
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output read:
03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)

However I found a much easier way to install the drivers, this will probably work on 32 bit as well (someone please conrm). Edit: I (Dun) conrm this. In my Feisty it worked but when I tested the same method in Edgy it did not work as in Feisty. Code in terminal :
sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter

fwcutter asks if you would like it to extract the rmware as part of the setup. Say yes. After this type:
sudo modprobe bcm43xx

Unplug you Wired connection, wait 30-60 seconds and then enjoy wireless using network manager by the clock. Note: I (mobius) found the fwcutter method to work well, except at a very limited speed (100kb/s max, as opposed to the 6.75mb/s max in a G network). Ndiswrapper is a bit less reliable, but gives much greater speeds at the moment. Anouther edit by pete: Sorry Someone just let me know that this method no longer works as the link no longer exists. Sorry I didnt realise this sooner for those of you without wireless for the past month. Do this instead for now: Add the repositories listed here : to the top of your sources.list le. Type:
sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-firmware

Thats it! Reboot and enjoy. You dont need to install bcm43xx-fwcutter. Pete How to enable WPA with Ndiswrapper driver Make sure on your own that the Ndiswrapper driver works by itself without encryption. Create a le called /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, and paste in the following. Modify the ssid and psk values.

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ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant network={ ssid="YourWiFiSSID" psk="YourWiFiPassword" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK proto=WPA pairwise=TKIP }

Run the following code to test it and make sure your router is broadcasting its SSID.
sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

(If your wireless interface is not named "wlan0", replace "-iwlan0" with "-i[name-of-yourwireless-interface]". E.g. "-ieth1")

If your WPA works, change your conguration le so Ubuntu automatically connects you to your network. Run:
gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

In the editor, change your wlan0 (or whatever your wireless interface is) section to the following: If you are using static IP:
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address netmask gateway pre-up wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf post-down killall -q wpa_supplicant

or this, if you are using dhcp.

auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp pre-up wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf post-down killall -q wpa_supplicant

Reload your network conguration:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Alternately, you can follow the instructions in congure roaming WPA authentication.
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How to install Modem Driver (SmartLink) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
uname -r (must be 2.6.10-5-386) wget -c sudo dpkg -i sl-modem-modules-*.deb sudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon

Using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE as Internet modem "GPRS Easy Connect" (GPRSEC) is a free program for Linux which congures and manages Internet connection via mobile phones. GPRSEC supports COM, USB, IrDA and Bluetooth connections on GPRS, EDGE and UMTS technologies. Read GPRSEC Homepage ( Read Install GPRSEC into Ubuntu Linux ( /news/view.php?id=260)

Other Method: Using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE as Internet modem Create a le called 'gprs':
sudo gedit /etc/chatscripts/gprs

Paste the text below in the le and save and close it:

Note: Pay attention to the line containing 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"'. This might vary depending on your mobile service provider. It would be best to call customer service and make sure you get the 'APN' from them. Create another le called 'gprs'. Notice that it's a dierent location:
sudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/gprs

Paste the text below in the le and save and close it:
# You usually need this if there is no PAP authentication

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Ubuntu:Feisty noauth # The chat script (be sure to edit that file, too!) connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs" # Set up routing to go through this PPP link defaultroute # Set this to /dev/ircomm0 or similar /dev/ttyACM0 # Speed 115200 # Reconnect on disconnect persist # Be extra verbose debug # You may need these passive noipdefault noproxyarp ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote ipcp-restart 2 ipcp-max-configure 20 ipcp-max-failure 20 asyncmap 0xa0000 novj nodeflate nobsdcomp # Use remote DNS usepeerdns # With GPRS, authentication is normally done automatically # via your cellphone number, so leave login name empty user ""

Note: Pay attention to the line containing '/dev/ttyACM0'. This port might vary depending on your phone model and connection type. I also made it a choice to connect directly to /dev/ttyACM0. You could always symlink to /dev/modem by running the command:
sudo ln -sf /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/modem

Create yet another le called 'gprs':

sudo gedit /usr/sbin/gprs

Paste the text below in the le and save and close it:
#!/bin/bash PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin" export PATH XDIALOG_HIGH_DIALOG_COMPAT=1 export XDIALOG_HIGH_DIALOG_COMPAT # Get root [ "`id -u`" != "0" ] && exec sudo "$0" "$@" TMP="/tmp/gprsconnect$$" bailout(){ rm -f "$TMP" exit 0 }

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Ubuntu:Feisty DIALOG="dialog" [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/Xdialog ] && DIALOG="Xdialog" trap bailout 1 2 3 15 # [ [ [ [ LANGUAGE etc. -f /etc/sysconfig/knoppix ] && . /etc/sysconfig/knoppix -z "$LANG" ] && export LANG -z "$LANGUAGE" ] && export LANGUAGE -z "$CHARSET" ] && export CHARSET

disconnect(){ poff #$DIALOG --clear --title "$TITLE1" --msgbox "$MESSAGE_DISCONNECT" 8 35 exit 0 } trap disconnect 1 2 3 15

#$DIALOG --title "$TITLE1" --yesno "$MESSAGE1" 12 65 || bailout #[ -x /etc/init.d/sysklogd ] && /etc/init.d/sysklogd start >/dev/null 2>&1 # echo "AT" >/dev/modem sleep 1 if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && type xterm >/dev/null; then pon gprs xterm -T "$TITLE_LOG" -e bash -c 'tail -n 0 -f /var/log/messages | egrep -e "(chat|ppp)"' disconnect else # Start pppd right here. pppd updetach call gprs sleep 2 exit 0 fi

Make the le executable by running the following command:

sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/gprs

Connect your phone to the cable and and make sure it's powered on. (When I run the 'lsusb' command I get 'Bus 003 Device 006: ID 22b8:4802 Motorola PCS'. This is because I have a motorola phone with USB modem connected to my Ubuntu box.) Note: Make sure the phone itself already has the gprs service congured on it. This can be done by your dealer. Some service providers can send the settings (gprs template) to your phone and you can save it. Try connecting to the internet by running the following command:
sudo gprs

Note: Use this method if you don't don't already have access to an internet connection. If you are using Ubuntu and you have internet access you can always install kppp and congure it to use your phone modem. If you are using Kubuntu you should already either have kppp installed.

How to congure PalmOS Devices

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First, if you are syncing via USB, try changing "/dev/pilot" to "usb:" in your sync software. This works with JPilot with a variety of PalmOS Devices. If that doesn't work, follow the instructions below. Read #General Notes
gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules

Insert the following line into the new le

BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", NAME{ignore_remove}="pilot", MODE="666"

Save the edited le Add the pilot-applet to the Taskbar by Right-Clicking on an empty spot Follow the instructions on screen

Hard Drive
The Disk utility was removed from Gnome. To manipulate the hard drive partitions, you can use one or both utilities: Gparted ( (Gnome Partition Manager) and/or Pysdm ( . Gparted is also available as a Live CD. Any manipulation of the partitions of your hard drive risks data loss. Be careful. To install Gparted:
sudo apt-get install gparted

To run Gparted
System -> Administration -> GNOME Partition Editor

To install Pysdm
sudo apt-get install pysdm

To run pysdm:
sudo pysdm

How to list partition tables Read #General Notes

sudo fdisk -l

How to list lesystem disk space usage

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Read #General Notes

df -Th

How to list mounted devices Read #General Notes


How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting Read #General Notes

mount -a

How to spin down a hard drive Read #General Notes For an ide drive (assuming the hard drive is at hda)
hdparm -y /dev/hda

For an sata or scsi drive (assuming the hard drive is at sda)

sudo apt-get install sdparm sdparm --command=stop /dev/sda

How to use Logical Volume Manager (LVM2) The Logical Volume Manager allows a logical drive distributed over dierent physical media, such as hard drives, USB drives, etc. It allows expandability of storage without the need to rename the drive. It is installed as part of the kernel. However, to use it, free space on a hard drive must be partitioned for use as a LVM device. Either one of the 4 primary partitions on your hard drive must be free to use for LVM, or a logical partition contiguous to other logical partitions must be available for LVM use. Read LVM HOWTO ( . Read #Install EVMS GUI for LVM2 and RAID. Using Partman as the partition manager that is included as part of the Ubuntu installation package (i.e. the Live CD), create an LVM-formatted partition in unused free space on your hard drive. To do this, you must pretend to be installing to the hard drive, and complete all the steps until partitioning. After writing the partition changes, abort the installation to prevent installing a new system over your old one (unless this is a new install for you.)
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Create a Volume Group on the LVM partition, still using Partman on the Ubuntu Installation Live CD. Create one or more logical drives in the Volume Group, still using Partman. Write the partition changes to disk. (If you already have a system installed, abort the installation at this point.) Restart your computer. LVM2 (the Logical Volume Manager) is installed by default in Ubuntu Feisty. You can conrm this by searching Synaptic Package Manager for the packages lvm2 and lvm-common. If they are not installed, install them. As root user, look in the /dev folder. Find the Volume Group you created with GParted. Make sure the permissions for the Volume Group folder are owner:root:read and write, group:root:access les, others:access les. You should see the logical volumes created previously by Gparted within that volume group folder. Conrm and activate the Volume Group (substitute your volume group name for VolGroup00):
sudo modprobe dm-mod sudo vgscan sudo vgchange -ay VolGroup00

Conrm your logical volumes:

sudo lvs

Place the ext3 lesystem (or whichever lesystem you are using) on each logical volume (substitute each logical volume name for LogVol00):
sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

Create a mount folder for each logical volume, with desired permissions (substitute your desired mount name for each logical volume for logdrv0).
sudo mkdir /media/logdrv0

Permissions should be owner:root:create and delete les, group:users:create and delete les, others:access. Make sure you have the users group created and with appropriate members. Add entries to /etc/fstab so that the logical volumes are mounted each time at bootup.
sudo gedit /etc/fstab

Add a line for each logical volume:

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /media/logdrv0 ext3 defaults,rw,user 0 0

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Remount all partitions (with conguration saved in fstab):

mount -a

How to install software RAID Read #General Notes Read RAID HOWTO ( . Read #Install EVMS GUI for LVM2 and RAID RAID controls hard drive access when logical volume partitions are spread over two or more hard drives. A logical volume can span multiple drives, and therefore can be expanded by adding hard drives to your system. Although you can use RAID on a single hard drive, there is no advantage to doing so unless you anticipate expanding in the future. RAID is similar to LVM2 (discussed above). There are RAID "levels" or schemes of storing data that allow for distribution of data across drives, and mirroring of data as a backup across drives, to protect against loss of data in the event of a single hard drive failure. See this discussion ( /Software-RAID-HOWTO-1.html#ss1.4) for more details. Again, a single hard drive user would not benet from these levels. Any hardware RAID controller on a hard drive can be used with the Linux RAID software manager, except for Windows-based "pseudo-RAID" drivers (such as WinModem). RAID partitions under Ubuntu can be created with the Ubuntu Installation Live CD. The Ubuntu installation Live CD is used. The Partman partition manager included on the Ubuntu Installation Live CD will be used to create the RAID partitions. Start installation with the "Install to the Hard Disk option." Go through the initial steps until you come to the partioning options. When asked about disk partitioning, select "Manual" Delete any undesired partitions. (Be careful if this is a multi-boot system!) Select Free Space and create a 'partition' of Type = "physical disk for RAID". It is recommended that your base system (root or /) remain on an ext3 partition. However, you may put a second boot system on a RAID partition, and you may put other mount points (e.g. /tmp and /home) on the RAID partitions. If you are not installing a new system at this time, you may write the partition changes to disk and then abort the installation. Your previous system should remain intact (except for the partition changes, of course). If you are installing a new system, you may continue as normal. Install EVMS GUI for LVM2 and RAID EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management System) ( . This is an ocial Ubuntu package which manages your LVM and RAID logical drives from a menu. Install evms-gui from Synaptic Package Manager, or from the command line:

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apt-get install evms-gui

Other GUIs for LVM2 and RAID LVM GUI Project ( . Java based. Not updated since 2001. How to Increase ext3 and ReiserFS lesystems Performance Read #General Notes Read: Step By Step Tutorial How to Increase ext3 and ReiserFS lesystems Performance ( How to backup/mirror/synchronize directories using rsync Read also #How to copy les/folders from local machine into remote Ubuntu machine (rsync) Read also #How to copy les/folders from remote Ubuntu machine into local machine (rsync) Read also #Rsync Daemon Read this tutorial ( . Note: To merely update the les from one directory to another directory, use:
cp -u <source> <destination>

The -u or --update ag means to copy only when the SOURCE le is newer than the destination le or when the destination le is missing.

How to list USB devices Read #General Notes

Workaround for random device disconnections Random disconnection is a kernel bug that is not xed yet. Some users report randomly disconnecting USB devices, especially external hard drives. One solution is to start the system with the option "irqpoll" in grub, but this doesn't work for everybody, and is believed to make the whole system slower. The other solution is to disable USB 2.0. This will result in way slower read/write, but the connection remains stable. To disable USB 2.0, type this in the terminal:

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sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd

Test if the copy/write process is stable, and if you want to disable USB 2.0 upon boot, type:
sudo sh -c 'echo blacklist ehci_hcd > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ehci' sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`

How to recover lost disk space This error appears to be related to deleting les outside of Ubuntu, and has several Bug listings. If the free disk space on your USB drive is being reported as less than actual, try this: Unmount the volume (if the device is a Sony PSP or other device where the USB port must be enabled, leave the port enabled)
sudo umount /media/disk

Run Dosfsck
sudo dosfsck -a /dev/sda1

Turn the device o then on again

How to Add Logitech USB audio device The USB audio device can be easily added and set as default audio device using the following steps.
cat /proc/asound/modules

This displays the available audio devices. Please check if your USB audio device is listed in here. Assuming your in-built audio card is the default device (audio) . First check if the USB audio is working.
cat /bin/bash > /dev/audio1

Then type the following command

sudo gedit /etc/asound.conf

Key in the following text into the opened blank le

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pcm.!default { type hw card 1 } ctl.!default { type hw card 1 }

Save the le and restart the Alsa using the following command
sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart

Optical Drives
How to speed up CD/DVD-ROM Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that /dev/cdrom is the location of CD/DVD-ROM
sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom sudo cp /etc/hdparm.conf /etc/hdparm.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/hdparm.conf

Append the following lines at the end of le

/dev/cdrom { dma = on }

Save the edited le How to mount/unmount CD/DVD-ROM manually, and show all hidden and associated les/folders Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that /media/cdrom0/ is the location of CD/DVD-ROM To mount CD/DVD-ROM
sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide

To unmount CD/DVD-ROM
sudo umount /media/cdrom0/

How to forcefully unmount CD/DVD-ROM manually

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Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that /media/cdrom0/ is the location of CD/DVD-ROM
sudo umount /media/cdrom0/ -l

Monitors / Displays
How to enable Large Widescreen Support 24/23" widescreen monitors sometimes have issues running 1920x1200. Examples include: Dell 2405, HP 2335 or an Apple Cinema Display.
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

CAUTION: Feisty has something called Desktop Eects which can recongure your xorg.conf le automatically. If you manually edit the le, Desktop Eects may not work properly. (Always make a copy of the xorg.conf le before editing: cp /etc/X11 /xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak ) Add the following line to the appropriate "Monitor" section:
Modeline "1920x1200" 154 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235

For example the HP2335 should now look like:

Section "Monitor" Identifier Option Modeline EndSection

"hp L2335" "DPMS" "1920x1200" 154 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235

How to enable CRT output (external monitor/projector) for notebooks (Intel) Note: Valid for Intel graphics controller-based products only Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install i810switch

Turn on CRT output

i810switch crt on

Turn o CRT output

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i810switch crt off

Sound Creative x-Fi sound cards (64 Bit Only)

Installation is not reliable. For info, see When prompted at installation:
Select X-Fi -> Sound Blaster -> (Select your sound card)

How to make sound work with Intel Integrated Sound Cards Read #General Notes Edit the le /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:
gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base

Add the following line to the end of the le, replacing '3stack' with your avor (see below)
options snd-hda-intel model=3stack

If this doesn`t work for you, see the other avours and options in the source of this information: How to setup and test surround-sound speakers (5.1 and others) with ALSA Read #General Notes Edit the ~/.asoundrc le (create it if it doesn't exist):
gksudo gedit ~/.asoundrc

Enter the following section:

pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "surround51" slave.channels 6 route_policy duplicate }

This will play the surround output by duplicating the stereo output to all 6 channels (not only the front ones).

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To test it type in terminal: For 4.0 surround:

speaker-test -Dplug:surround40 -c4 -l1 -twav

For 5.1 surround:

speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav

For 7.1 surround:

speaker-test -Dplug:surround71 -c8 -l1 -twav

How to change the default soundcard Read #General Notes View available soundcards:
gksudo asoundconf list

You should get something like this:

Names of available sound cards: Live V8237

Set the default soundcard (use your desired soundcard in place of example_soundcard):
gksudo asoundconf set-default-card example_sndcard

How to setup PulseAudio Sound Server PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data, like transferring the audio to a dierent machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one. For more info: Install:
sudo apt-get install "pulseaudio-*" paman padevchooser paprefs pavucontrol

Optionally, also install the GStreamer 0.10 plugin for PulseAudio:

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sudo apt-get install gst-pulse

If you have Flash Player, install support for PulseAudio:

wget sudo dpkg -i libflashsupport_1.0-2219-1_i386.deb

Here is an alternative mirror for the package in case the link above dies: libashsupport_1.0-2219-1_i386.deb ( Edit the ALSA conguration le:
sudo mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound.conf.backup gksudo gedit /etc/asound.conf

Add this to asound.conf:

pcm.pulse { type pulse } ctl.pulse { type pulse } pcm.!default { type pulse } ctl.!default { type pulse }

Go to System->Preferences->Sounds and check Enable Software Mixing Mixer screenshot ( /pulseaudio1.jpg) Go to Applications->Sound & Video->PulseAudio Preferences (or in a terminal type):

Set the following settings: Settings screenshot ( /pulseaudio2.jpg) Make sure that Multicast/RTP is o or else youll have problems with skipping and latency. Reboot or in a terminal type:

Go to Applications->Sound & Video->PulseAudio Device Chooser if you have more than one PC with this setup. Youll be able to choose which computer to send the

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audio to. Add everyone to the pulse-access group:

System->Administration->Users and Groups->Manage Groups pulse-access->Properties

Check everyone in the list. Otherwise, youll get weird no-sound errors and lockups. Users screenshot ( /pulseaudio3.jpg) To control the volume:
Applications->Sound & Video->PulseAudio Volume Control

Volume screenshot ( /pulseaudio4.jpg) Final Notes PulseAudio still has some bugs. Skype doesn't work well with PulseAudio (it's better to killall pulseaudio before trying to make a Skype call, although I did get it working through OSS and padsp). More info: The Perfect Setup ( Revolution Linux wiki ( (

Read #Print Server (cupsd) Which default printer drivers are provided in Ubuntu Linux? Search through the OpenPrinting database ( /printer_list.cgi) . How to add a printer Introductory basic instructions are available at /C/printing.html#local. Then read #Print Server (cupsd) Hewlett Packard (HP) Printers / Scanners / Copiers To install the drivers for any HP printer or "All in one" machines, follow the
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instructions at Brother Printers / Scanners / Copiers Brother provides Linux drivers for both lpr and CUPS for their printer and MFC models. Debian/Ubuntu installation packages are provided. They provide fax, scanning, and printing functions for local use as well as network use. See their Linux driver website at

How to list PCI devices Read #General Notes

How to install a Wacom tablet Read #General Notes For a detailed guide (Dapper) with screenshots about how to congure the "Extended input devices" in your graphic applications, see With the version of the Linux Wacom driver (0.7.2) in Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake, if you unplug you tablet, it won't function when you plug it back in and you will have to restart X. For this reason, it is best to leave the tablet plugged in. This limitation will be removed when the 0.7.4 version of the driver is included in Ubuntu. Using Synaptic package manager, check if the packages xserver-xorg-input-wacom and wacom-tools are already installed - if not, install them. Or, from the command line:
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom wacom-tools

Save a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup

Edit xorg.conf:
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Change all /dev/wacom occurences to /dev/input/wacom (created by wacom-tools udev scripts).

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Restart. restarted X. Remember to congure the "Extended input devices" in your graphic applications (Gimp, Inkscape). You can already check if it's working by moving your stylus on the tablet: the mouse cursor should go across the whole screen. How to x strange mouse behavior when using a KVM switch Read #General Notes Some 2-way KVM switches with PS/2 connectors (Keyboard-Video-Mouse switches which allow sharing of these peripherals between dierent machines) do not function properly. The mouse may jump around on the screen and randomly activate functions. When the KVM switch is activated, power is briey lost to the mouse. This resets the kernel's mouse driver (psmouse) to 'basic (base)' mode even if it had been set to 'advanced' mode previously (imps or exps protocols). Check whether your psmouse kernel driver supports the options needed:
modinfo psmouse

Look for the line:

parm: parm: resetafter:Reset(...) proto:Highest protocol extension to probe(...)

The resetafter parameter tells the mouse driver how many bad packets are accepted before the mouse is told again which protocol to use. In this case you want to change from the default (= never) behavior. The proto parameter tells the mouse driver how deep to probe the mouse interface. In some cases you will want to change this depth to bare. Edit the /etc/modprobe.d/options le:
gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options

options psmouse resetafter=1 options psmouse proto=bare

Restart the mousedriver:

sudo modprobe -r psmouse sudo modprobe psmouse

For more info: see here ( / .

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CD/DVD Burning
How to blank CD-RW/DVD-RW Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that /dev/cdrom is the location of CD/DVD-ROM
sudo umount /dev/cdrom cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast

How to burn les/folders into CD/DVD Read #General Notes

Places -> CD/DVD Creator

Drag les/folders into window

File Menu -> Write to Disc... -> Write

How to burn Image (ISO) les into CD/DVD Read #General Notes
Right click on Image (ISO) file -> Write to Disc... -> Write

How to duplicate CD/DVD Read #General Notes Read #How to create Image (ISO) les from CD/DVD Read #How to burn Image (ISO) les into CD/DVD How to create Image (ISO) les from CD/DVD Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that /dev/cdrom is the location of CD/DVD-ROM
sudo umount /dev/cdrom readcd dev=/dev/cdrom f=file.iso

You can also use embedded Linux command

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso

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How to create Image (ISO) les from folders Read #General Notes
mkisofs -r -o file.iso /location_of_folder/

How to generate MD5 checksum les Read #General Notes

md5sum file.iso > file.iso.md5

How to check MD5 checksum of les Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that le.iso and le.iso.md5 are in the same folder
md5sum -c file.iso.md5

How to mount/unmount Image (ISO) les without burning Read #General Notes To mount Image (ISO) le
sudo mkdir /media/iso sudo modprobe loop sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.iso /media/iso/

To unmount Image (ISO) le

sudo umount /media/iso/

If you want to mount/unmount your ISO image directly right-clicking on it, you can do this from your home dir:
cd .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ gksudo gedit Mount

Copy this script into Mount le

#!/bin/bash # for I in "$*" do foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "Enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"` sudo mkdir /media/"$I" sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop "$I" /media/"$I" && nautilus /media/"$I" --no-desktop

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Ubuntu:Feisty done done exit0

Save and close, than do the same with unmount le:

gedit Unmount

Copy these script into Unmount le

#!/bin/bash # for I in "$*" do foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "Enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"` sudo umount "$I" && zenity --info --text "Successfully unmounted /media/$I/" && sudo rmdir "/media/$I/" done done exit0

Make them executable with:

chmod +x Mount chmod +x Unmount

Or a graphical tool type in terminal:

sudo apt-get install gisomount

to run type in terminal:

sudo gisomount

How to set/change the burn speed for CD/DVD Burner Read #General Notes Applications -> System Tools -> Conguration Editor Conguration Editor
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> default_speed (set/change the burn speed)

How to enable burnproof for CD/DVD Burner Read #General Notes Applications -> System Tools -> Conguration Editor Conguration Editor
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> burnproof (Checked)

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How to enable overburn for CD/DVD Burner Read #General Notes Applications -> System Tools -> Conguration Editor Conguration Editor
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> overburn (Checked)

How to install K3b (CD/DVD burning software) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo aptitude install k3b

How to install MP3 support for K3b

sudo aptitude install libk3b2-mp3

How to Burn .img DVD Images First, Install the udftools package:
sudo apt-get install udftools

Here is the command-line method to burning .img images to a dvd:

growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=full_path_to_mydvd.img

Complete Ubuntu Networking Tutorial ( This is Step By Step Ubuntu Networking Guide for Beginners and Advanced Users

How to activate/deactivate network connections Read #General Notes System -> Administration -> Network Network settings

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Connections Tab -> Select "Ethernet connection" -> Activate/Deactivate

Note: in Feisty, the network names have changed. Instead of "Ethernet connection", you may have "Wireless connection", "Wired connection" and "Modem connection". Also, they don't have an Activate/Deactivate option. Instead, go to "Properties", and activate or deactivate from there. How to congure network connections Read #General Notes System -> Administration -> Networking Network settings
Connections Tab -> Select "Ethernet connection" -> Properties Connection -> Enable this connection (Checked) Connection Settings -> Configuration: Select "DHCP/Static IP address"

DNS Tab -> DNS Servers -> Add/Delete

Read #How to activate/deactivate network connections How to congure dialup connections Read #General Notes To congure dialup
sudo pppconfig

To connect dialup
pon provider_name

To disconnect dialup

How to congure broadband connections Read #General Notes

sudo pppoeconf

How to change computer name Read #General Notes System -> Administration -> Networking
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Network settings
General Tab -> Host Settings -> Hostname: Specify the computer name

Save and close all opened applications, Reboot computer Alternatively

gksudo gedit /etc/hostname

Change your hostname Also take a look at /etc/hosts. And change your old name to your new one too. How to change computer descriptions Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu) ...

Replace with the following line

server string = new_computer_descriptions

Save the edited le

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to change computer Domain/Workgroup Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line


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Ubuntu:Feisty workgroup = MSHOME ...

Replace with the following line

workgroup = new_domain_or_workgroup

Save the edited le

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to use dynamic IP addressing for your host using the free DynDNS service Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Register a free account at Dynamic DNS ( /dns/dyndns) ( You can register up to 5 free URLs, or more for a monthly fee.
Maintain Dynamic IP address with IPcheck utility

sudo apt-get install ipcheck gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update

Insert the following lines into the new le, replacing "myusername" and "mypassword" with your unique username and password.
#!/bin/sh USERNAME=myusername PASSWORD=mypassword cd /root/ if [ -f /root/ipcheck.dat ]; then ipcheck -r $USERNAME $PASSWORD $HOSTNAME else ipcheck --makedat -r $USERNAME $PASSWORD $HOSTNAME fi

Save the edited le

sudo chmod 700 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update sudo sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update

Maintain Dynamic IP address with ddclient utility

Install ddclient from Synaptic Package manager or from the command line:

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sudo apt-get install ddclient

Edit the ddclient conguration le:

sudo gedit /etc/ddclient.conf

Place the following in the le:

protocol=dyndns2 use=web, # login=my_dyndns_id # (Use the Account Login username you set up at DynDNS) password='my_dyndns_password' # (Use the Account Login user password you set up at DynDNS) # (include the quotation marks) # (Use the URL you selected at DynDNS) # # (Use the second URL you selected, if any) # # (Use the third URL you selected, if any) # # (Use the fourth URL you selected, if any) # # (Use the fifth URL you selected, if any)

Restart ddclient:
sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient restart

How to share folders the easy way Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
Right click on folder -> Share folder

Shared folder -> Share with: Select "SMB" Share properties -> Name: Specify the share name

How to browse network computers Read #General Notes Read #How to access network folders without mounting
Places -> Network Servers

How to access network folders without mounting Read #General Notes In this example: Network computer's IP:

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Shared folder's name: linux Press 'Alt+F2' (Run Application...) and enter:

How to mount/unmount network folders manually, and allow all users to read Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service In this example: Network computer's IP: Network computer's Username: myusername Network computer's Password: mypassword Shared folder's name: linux Local mount folder: /media/sharename To mount network folder:
sudo mkdir /media/sharename sudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword

To unmount network folder:

sudo umount /media/sharename/

How to mount/unmount network folders manually, and allow all users to read/write Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service In this example: Network computer's IP: Network computer's Username: myusername Network computer's Password: mypassword Shared folder's name: linux Local mount folder: /media/sharename To mount network folder:
sudo mkdir /media/sharename sudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword,dmask=777,fmask=777

To unmount network folder:

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sudo umount /media/sharename/

How to mount network folders on boot-up, and allow all users to read Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service If you do not have smbfs installed yet, install that rst:
apt-get install smbfs

In this example: Network computer's IP: Network computer's Username: myusername Network computer's Password: mypassword Shared folder's name: linux Local mount folder: /media/sharename
sudo mkdir /media/sharename gksudo gedit /root/.smbcredentials

Insert the following lines into the new le:

username=myusername password=mypassword

Change the privileges of the saved le:

sudo chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentials

Copy a backup of the fstab le then edit the fstab le with the mounting options:
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Append the following line at the end of le:

// /media/sharename smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials 0 0

Read #How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting How to mount network folders on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service In this example:
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Network computer's IP: Network computer's Username: myusername Network computer's Password: mypassword Shared folder's name: linux Local mount folder: /media/sharename
sudo mkdir /media/sharename gksudo gedit /root/.smbcredentials

Insert the following lines into the new le:

username=myusername password=mypassword

Change the rpivileges of the .smbcredentials le:

sudo chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentials

Make a backup copy and then edit the fstab le (which has the mounting options):
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Append the following line at the end of le:

// /media/sharename smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777 0 0

Read #How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting How to get ipw2200 and WPA to work Under Feisty, WPA works right out of the box with network manager. How to get ipw3945 and wep/wpa to work Under Feisty, the driver for Intels ipw3945 is loaded by default, no conguration is needed. How to get Broadcom BCM4318 wireless card to work Install the driver::
sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter

How to Congure and start PPTP tunnels (VPN) Read #General Notes
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You can use NetworkManager which comes with Feisty. Congure VPN with Network Manager In a terminal
sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp

Restart after install. To setup a VPN:

NetworkManager Icon in the tray-->VPN Connections->Configure VPN

Use the defaults and be sure to check the box:

Authentication: Refuse EAP

To get my connection to work I also had to check:

Compression & encryption: Require MPPE Encryption

More info: Edgy VPN tutorial ( Alternative programs: Automatically install PPTP Clients ( OR Install manually
wget -c tar zxvf pptp.tar.gz cd ./pptp/ sudo sh install cd ..

Congure a PPTP Client:

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/pptpconfig.desktop

Replace content of this le with the following lines:

[Desktop Entry] Name=PPTP Client Comment=Configure and start PPTP tunnels (VPN)

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Ubuntu:Feisty Categories=Application;Network Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=gksudo pptpconfig Icon=gnome-remote-desktop.png StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application

The above lines change the default le in three ways: the application is placed in the Application/Internet category, gksudo will make the application run as superuser and an icon appears in the menu. Start the client:
Applications -> Internet -> PPTP Client

How to setup a PGP key with Seahorse and Evolution Read #General Notes Install:
apt-get install seahorse

Applications --> Accessories --> Passwords and Encryption Keys Key --> Create New Key

Select "PGP Key", then ll out information. Ensure that you use your real email address. Right-click on the key entry to export, sync or publish your key. Evolution should now hopefully see the key transparently. How to Setup BIND DNS Server The BIND DNS Server is installed as a meta-package in Feisty.
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager-->Mark packages by task-->DNS server

This will install all dependencies and conguration les. Alternatively, you can install from the command line (see this reference ( ):
sudo apt-get install bind9

Congure the main Bind les. Usually, if you install Bind from the source code, you will have to edit the le named.conf. However, Ubuntu provides you with a pre-congured Bind, so we will edit another le:
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gksudo gedit /etc/bind/named.conf.local

A zone is a domain name that is referenced in the DNS server. Insert the zones in the named.conf.local le:
# This is the zone definition. replace with your domain name zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/zones/"; }; # This is the zone definition for reverse DNS. replace 0.168.192 with your # network address in reverse notation - e.g my network address is 192.168.0 zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/zones/"; };

Ok, now, let's edit the options le:

sudo -e /etc/bind/named.conf.options

We need to modify the forwarder. This is the DNS server to which your own DNS will forward the requests he cannot process.
forwarders { # Replace the address below with the address of your provider's DNS server; };

Now, let's add the zone denition les (replace with your domain name):
sudo mkdir /etc/bind/zones sudo -e /etc/bind/zones/

The zone denition le is where we will put all the addresses / machine names that our DNS server will know. You can take the following example:
; replace with your domain name. do not forget the . after the domain name! ; Also, replace ns1 with the name of your DNS server IN SOA ( ; Do not modify the following lines! 2006081401 28800 3600 604800 38400 ) ; ; Replace the following line as necessary: ; ns1 = DNS Server name ; mta = mail server name ; = domain name IN NS IN MX 10 ; ; Replace the IP address with the right IP addresses.

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Ubuntu:Feisty www mta ns1 IN IN IN A A A

Create the reverse DNS zone le:

sudo -e /etc/bind/zones/

Copy and paste the following text, modify as needed:

;replace with yoour domain name, ns1 with your DNS server name. ; The number before IN PTR is the machine address of the DNS server. in my case, it's 4, as my IP address is 192 @ IN SOA ( 2006081401; 28800; 604800; 604800; 86400 ) ; IN NS 4 IN PTR

Restart bind:
sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Test the new DNS server... Modify the le resolv.conf with the following settings:
sudo -e /etc/resolv.conf

Enter the following:

// replace with your domain name, and with the address of your new DNS server. search nameserver

Test your DNS:


Connect to Internet using mobile phone/GPRS/EDGE Read Ubuntu:Feisty/Hardware#Using_mobile_phone.2FGPRS.2FEDGE_as_Internet_modem How to set up internet connection sharing

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How to resolve Netbios hostnames Read #General Notes System -> Administration -> Network Network settings
sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf

Find this line

hosts: files dns

Replace with the following line

hosts: files dns wins

Save the edited le

sudo apt-get install winbind

Remote Access
Note: By themselves, neither XDMCP nor Remote Desktop sharing (VNC) are secure methods of sharing. Both send unencrypted data. They are recommended only for use within your rewall-protected LAN, or coupled with secure tunnels such as SSH or VPN. Remote Login via XDMCP
What is XDMCP?

Gnome (like other display managers) supports multiple simultaneous users. XDMCP is a thin client that allows multiple remote Gnome (and other display manager) users to log into a host machine, even if a local user is signed in there. There is no screen sharing with the local user; each login has their own session. (This is in contrast to VNCviewer (Remote Desktop), which merely duplicates the host screen for display on the remote client and provides screen sharing capabilities with the remote computer.) The thin client features of XDMCP allows users on the LAN to login to a host to use CPU-intensive applications on a host server. XDMCP uses UDP port 177 and TCP port 6000. You should make sure that your router does not allow these ports to be accessed from the Internet, or your system will be potentially accessible from the Internet. If you have Firestarter installed as a local rewall, make sure that you open the ports for your LAN only by specifying incoming/outgoing trac on these ports for your LAN: (if your LAN is on, for example).

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You are strongly urged to learn how to use IPTables (or the Firestarter GUI which manages IPTables) before using XDMCP .
How to turn on the XDMCP feature

To turn on the XDMCP feature on the host computer:

System-->Administration-->Login Window--> Remote-->Style:Same as Local

You can reach the same conguration panel by typing in the console:
sudo gdmsetup

Restart your network:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

How to login from another PC running Ubuntu

Note: XDMCP is not encrypted and is not secure outside of a rewall-protected LAN. If you are attempting to use XDMCP over the Internet, it should be used with VPN secure tunneling. Unfortunately, UDP port forwarding is not available with SSH, so XDMCP cannot be used with SSH. At the login screen:
Options-->Remote Login via XDMCP

Type in the host name or IP address (example: of the remote computer. Run an Ubuntu host from a Windows Client machine You can run a screen-sharing-only solution (through an SSH tunnel) using VNC (remote desktop). Read #How to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop host from a Windows machine Xming is a full X-client for the Windows platform, that allows a windows user to access applications on a Linux host. For full information, see the Xming website ( . Cygwin/X is a miniature Linux installation on your Windows machine that runs Linux applications, including an X-server. See the Cygwin/X website ( for more information. Also Read Installing OpenSSH with Cygwin ( /LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html) . Remote Desktop Sharing/Duplication using VNC

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Unlike the Gnome thin-client XDMCP VNC (Remote Desktop) is merely a screen sharing , solution. It allows a remote user to view and manipulate the desktop of a single user logged into the host computer. Combined with an SSH tunnel, however, it can allow secure remote access to the host computer's Gnome (or other GUI) desktop.
How to congure a Remote Desktop host

Note: By itself, Remote Desktop (VNC) hosting is not a secure method of sharing your desktop because communications are not encrypted. Simple password authentication is also used (which can be broken by simple hacking programs). It should therefore not be used outside of a rewall-protected LAN unless it is coupled with a secure SSH or VPN data tunnel. Remote Desktop will only work if a user is currently logged in to Gnome Leaving a computer with an unattended Gnome session is not secure. It is recommended to use System-->Lock Screen and switch o the monitor when the computer is left unattended. Enable Remote Desktop (VNC):
System --> Preferences --> Remote Desktop Remote Desktop Preferences

Sharing -> Allow other users to view your desktop (Checked) Allow other users to control your desktop (Checked)

Security -> Ask you for confirmation (Un-Checked) Require the user to enter this password: (Checked) Password: Specify the password

How to connect into remote desktop or VNC host from a Ubuntu/Linux machine

Read #General Notes If the remote host is an Ubuntu machine, it must have Remote Desktop congured (read #How to congure a Remote Desktop host) If the remote host is a Windows machine, it must be running a VNC server such as TightVNC server ( . In this example, the remote host computer has an IP address on the LAN of
vncviewer -fullscreen

The -fullscreen option creates a fullscreen replica of the remote computer's screen on your screen. To run the viewer in a window, do not add this option. To quit vncviewer

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Press 'F8' -> Quit viewer

How to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop host from a Windows machine

Read #General Notes The remote Ubuntu host must have Remote Desktop congured (read #How to congure a Remote Desktop host) Note: This method is not encrypted and should not be used outside of a LAN unless secured through an SSH (or VPN) tunnel. Opening a VNC server on port 5900 to the Internet is very risky. Port 5900 should be opened for use within your LAN only. If more than one VNC/Remote Desktop session is to be used, you must open more ports (5901, 5902, etc.) In Firestarter, this can be done by selecting the appropriate ports (5900-5904, for example) and restricting this port range for incoming and outgoing usage to your LAN, for example). See Wikipedia port forwarding ( and the Firestarter instructions. Several VNC clients are available for Windows. Download and install one. Tight VNC: (Recommended. Best for low bandwidth solutions such as DSL or wireless.) RealVNC: (The original VNC. Also available in an enterprise edition.) DotNetVNC: (Requires the Microsoft DotNet framework ( .) Run the VNC application. You can enter the IP address of your remote computer ( in the example) in any of these formats: (assuming this is the rst connection. Use for the second connection, and so on.) (assuming this is the rst connection. Use for the second connection, and so on.) If you wish to connect with VNC over the Internet, you must tunnel VNC through SSH (or VPN). Ubuntu has the OpenSSH server installed by default, but the service must be started. PuTTY ( is an SSH client for Windows that will connect to OpenSSH. Once an SSH tunnel is established, VNC can be run through the SSH tunnel port (and not port 5900) in an encrypted, secure fashion.
How to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop host from OS X

Read #General Notes Remote Ubuntu host machine must have Remote Desktop congured (read #How to congure a Remote Desktop host) Note: This method is not encrypted and should not be used outside of a LAN unless secured through an SSH (or VPN) tunnel. Opening a VNC server on port 5900 to the Internet is very risky.

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Port 5900 should be opened for use within your LAN only. If more than one VNC/Remote Desktop session is to be used, you must open more ports (5901, 5902, etc.) In Firestarter, this can be done by selecting the appropriate ports (5900-5904, for example) and restricting this port range for incoming and outgoing usage to your LAN, for example). See Wikipedia port forwarding ( and the Firestarter instructions. Download and install: ChickenOfTheVNC: Run the VNC application. You can enter the IP address of your remote computer ( in the example) in any of these formats: (assuming this is the rst connection. Use for the second connection, and so on.) (assuming this is the rst connection. Use for the second connection, and so on.) If you wish to connect with VNC over the Internet, you must tunnel VNC through SSH (or VPN). Ubuntu has the OpenSSH server installed by default, but the service must be started. MacSSH ( is an SSH client for OS X that will connect to OpenSSH. Once an SSH tunnel is established, ChickenOfTheVNC can be run through the SSH tunnel port (and not port 5900) in an encrypted, secure fashion.
How to Run a Windows machine from Ubuntu securely using VNC

By itself, VNC is not a secure solution over the internet. SSH (or VPN) tunneling is recommended in combination with VNC. OpenSSH is the SSH hosting/tunneling package used for both Ubuntu and Windows. OpenSSH is installed by default in Ubuntu, but must be installed (with Cygwin) on a Windows machine. To set up a secure SSH tunnel on a Windows machine, you should set up Cygwin (a mini-Linux installation for Windows) rst, selecting OpenSSH under Cygwin as part of the installation process. Read Installing OpenSSH and Cygwin on Windows ( . Follow the instructions exactly. Make sure you open the appropriate ports in IPTables (using Firestarter, for example) for SSH tunneling on your Ubuntu client. Also open the port in the Windows Firewall for your Windows host. Port 22 is the standard SSH port, but if you want extra security, you can change the SSH port (see the OpenSSH conguration instructions) to an alternate port number. Make sure the router on your host LAN forwards the chosen SSH port (e.g. 22) to the Windows host computer. For example, if your Windows SSH host on your LAN is at, your router must forward port 22 to (If you have multiple SSH hosts on your LAN, each individual host can have its own dedicated SSH port to be forwarded by the router. Change the OpenSSH conguration le on each host to reect the chosen dedicated alternate SSH port number.) Read #How to SSH into remote Ubuntu host. When you request an SSH tunnel from
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your remote Ubuntu client, you must SSH to the IP address of the router, not the host. If the router's IP address changes dynamically, you must set up Dynamic DNS addressing for the host LAN through a service such as DynDNS ( . You would then create the SSH tunnel to the DynDNS URL assigned to your LAN instead of to the actual IP address (which constantly changes with dynamic IP addressing). When the SSH tunnel has been conrmed as working all the way to your Windows host on your LAN, install a VNC server on the Windows host machine. TightVNC Server ( is recommended. Read the TightVNC instructions for tunneling over SSH ( . Read #Using SSH to Port Forward. Create a tunnel over SSH for port 5900 (the port that VNC uses by default) to either your host LAN's static IP or to the DynDNS URL you have set up. This will direct any calls to port 5900 from the remote Ubuntu client through the SSH tunnel, instead of sending them over the Internet directly over port 5900 (a risky proposition).
ssh -L <local port>:<remote computer>:<remote port> <user>@<remote ip>

In this example, port 5900 is used locally for VNC on both the host and client computers, but data is passed through the SSH tunnel (on port 22 by default). The user named foowho has an account on the host computer. The host is on a LAN that has dynamic IP addressing through the DynDNS service and has a URL The router forwards port 22 to the host, where the TightVNC server is listening on remote port 5900.
ssh -L foowho

In this example, port 5900 is again used by VNC on both sides of the tunnel. This time the host LAN has a static IP address of The host OpenSSH is set to listen on port 11022 in the ssdh_cong le. The TightVNC server is listening on remote port 5900.
ssh -L 5900: foowho -p 11022

On your Ubuntu remote machine, VNC to, the loopback address.


VNCViewer will then (by default) look for local port 5900 in the loopback, on which the SSH tunnel is running from the previous step. The Ubuntu SSH client will now send the VNC connection data over port 22 (instead of over port 5900) to the Windows OpenSSH host server, which is listening on port 22 (unless you have changed it). The Windows OpenSSH server (in Cygwin) will then internally redirect port 5900 communications to the TightVNC server on your Windows host. By using this tunnel for all VNC/port 5900 communications, port 5900 on your router needs never be open to the Internet, since all port 5900 communications are handled only locally on each end, and sent over the internet
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through the tunnel. In fact, port 5900 ought to be remain closed on your router, to prevent non-secure VNC connection attempts from the Internet (by hackers/crackers). Routine usage requires starting the SSH tunnel to your Windows host rst, then starting the vnc client (vncviewer You can write a simple two line script le to automate the process.

How to Mount Windows Partitions
How to Mount NTFS Partitions Step By Step Guide How to Mount Windows Partitions in Feisty ( How to mount/unmount Windows partitions (NTFS) manually, and allow all users to read only Read #General Notes Read #How to list partition tables In this example: /dev/hda1 is the location of Windows partition (NTFS) Local mount folder: /media/windows To mount a Windows partition:
sudo mkdir /media/windows sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222

To unmount a Windows partition

sudo umount /media/windows/

How to mount/unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read/write Read #General Notes Read #How to list partition tables In this example: /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (FAT) Local mount folder: /media/windows To mount a Windows partition
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sudo mkdir /media/windows sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000

To unmount a Windows partition

sudo umount /media/windows/

How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow all users to read only Read #General Notes Read #How to list partition tables In this example: /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (NTFS) Local mount folder: /media/windows
sudo mkdir /media/windows sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Append the following line at the end of le:

/dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0

Read #How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting How to mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write Read #General Notes Read #How to list partition tables In this example: /dev/hda1 is the location of Windows partition (FAT) Local mount folder: /media/windows
sudo mkdir /media/windows sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Append the following line at the end of le

/dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0

Read #How to remount /etc/fstab without rebooting

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How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow users read and write access Warning: The software you will use is still in Beta. You should not enable it on production machines Read #General Notes Enable universe. Read #How to apt-get the easy way (Synaptic) Applications -> Add/Remove -> search for 'NTFS', you should nd NTFS Conguration Tool, install it. Applications -> System Tools -> NTFS Conguration Tool -> Enable Write Support (depending on your device internal/external) Further troubleshooting is listed at this comprehensive howto thread ( .

What are the basic things I need to know about securing my Ubuntu Read #General Notes Ensure hard drive is rst in BIOS boot-up sequence To prevent trespassers from using Linux Installation CD which allows them to gain root user access To prevent trespassers from using Linux Live CD (e.g. UBUNTU/KNOPPIX /MEPIS) which allows them to destroy/browse/share the entire hard drive To prevent trespassers from installing another Operating System Ensure a password is set for BIOS To prevent trespassers from changing the BIOS boot-up sequence Ensure computer is located at a secured place To prevent trespassers from removing computer's hard drive which allows them to destroy/browse/share the entire hard drive from a dierent computer To prevent trespassers from removing computer's on-board battery which resets the BIOS password Ensure passwords used on the system cannot be easily guessed To prevent trespassers from cracking password le using brute force attacks (e.g. John the Ripper) Create password with minimum length of 8 characters Create password with mixture of characters/numbers, and upper/lower case Not create a password with just a single or just a typical union of main languages (english, german, french, spanish...) dictionary words Ensure interactive editing control for GRUB menu is disabled To prevent trespassers from modifying kernel boot-up arguments which allows them to have root user access Read #How to disable all interactive editing control for GRUB menu Ensure history listing is disabled in Console mode

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To prevent trespassers from seeing previously issued commands Read #How to disable history listing in Console mode Ensure Ctrl+Alt+Del is disabled in Console mode To prevent trespassers from restarting the system without permission in Console mode Read #How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Del from restarting computer in Console mode Ensure interactive option is set for remove, copy and move of les/folders in Console mode To prevent accidental removal/overwritten of les/folders Read #How to enable prompt before removal/overwritten of les/folders in Console mode For day to day usage, login as a normal user To prevent accidental deletion/modication of system les/folders Read #How to add/edit/delete system users Disable root user account, use "sudo" instead To reduce the amount of time spent with root privileges, and thus the risk of inadvertently executing a command as root "sudo" provides a more useful audit trail (/var/log/auth.log) Read #How to disable root user account Install a Firewall A rewall does not guarantee security but it is in most environments the rst line of defense against network based attacks Read #How to install Firewall (Firestarter) Perform vulnerability test Nessus is a great tool designed to automate the testing and discovery of known security problems Read #How to install Vulnerability Scanner (Nessus) How to disable all interactive editing control for GRUB menu Read #General Notes Run This:

Password: Retype password: $1$tumnZ1$xB/shuXs7MlawZXkLiBDV/

Backup your current conguration le

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this section


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## password ['--md5'] passwd # If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing # control (menu entry editor and command-line) and entries protected by the # command 'lock' # e.g. password topsecret # password --md5 $1$tumnZ1$xB/shuXs7MlawZXkLiBDV/ # password topsecret ...

Add the following line below it

password --md5 $1$tumnZ1$xB/shuXs7MlawZXkLiBDV/ (encrypted password above)

Find this section

... ## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options ## e.g. lockalternative=true ## lockalternative=false # lockalternative=false ...

Make the following change:

... ## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options ## e.g. lockalternative=true ## lockalternative=false # lockalternative=true ...

Save the edited le then run update-grub:

sudo update-grub

This will make it so your grub console will require a password to edit the lines, and the recovery modes won't work unless the password is typed. To access the other grub options at the menu, follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen. It will be something like pressing p and typing your password. How to disable history listing in Console mode Read #General Notes From Gentoo Wiki ( /SECURITY_Adjusting_The_Way_Bash_History_Funtions) :
rm -f .bash_history gedit ~/.bash_profile

Add the following:


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Ubuntu:Feisty unset HISTFILE

# Change this to a reasonable number of lines to save, I like to save only 100. export HISTSIZE=1 # Ignores duplicate lines next to each other export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

This will disable Bash history for the user, retaining keystroke history and recall to use while limiting recall history to 100 lines. This will also not record duplicate lines next to each other. How to disable recently used documents Read #General Notes From Disabling recently-used documents. ( /showpost.php?p=3005775&postcount=4) To disable run this in your user directory. Example: /home/username/
sudo rm ~/.recently-used ~/.recently-used.xbel && mkdir ~/.recently-used.xbel

How to clear history listing in Console mode Read #General Notes

history -c

This will just clear your current history. How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Del from restarting computer in Console mode Read #General Notes
sudo cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab_backup gksudo gedit /etc/inittab

Find this line

... ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now ...

Replace with the following line

#ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

Save the edited le

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sudo telinit q

How to enable prompt before removal/overwritten of les/folders in Console mode Read #General Notes
sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc_backup gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

Append the following lines at the end of le

alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i'

Save the edited le How to setup a LoJack ( system for your laptop Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to use dynamic IP addressing for your host using the free DynDNS service Read #Maintain Dynamic IP address with ddclient utility If your laptop is stolen and then subsequently connected to the Internet, you will be able to nd out from which IP address it connects to the Internet, by this method. Get a free dynamic IP account from one of the many providers, such as DynDNS ( . Read #How to use dynamic IP addressing for your host using the free DynDNS service. Remember the hostname you set up, such as Install ddclient. Read #Maintain Dynamic IP address with ddclient utility. Ddclient updates the IP address at DynDNS every 5 minutes by default (unless you change it). The hostname ( in the example) that you registered with your dynamic IP service (i.e. DynDNS) should be updated whenever someone runs your computer, stolen or not. You can nd out from which IP address the computer was last run by using the ping command:

You can then look up the IP address with a reverse IP service and at least get an idea in what city your laptop is in. Of course, if the IP address resolves to one of a large bank of addresses used by an ISP provider, such as AT&T, you may not be helped much by this method.

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How to get advanced protection against buer overows with grsecurity ( You can get advanced protection against buer overows by using a PaX/grsecurity enabled kernel. You can get a precompiled version for Ubuntu at kernelsec ( How to add Access Control Lists (ACLs) You can obtain ner control of permissions over les and folders similar to NTFS in Windows by installing acl. Additionally, Eiciel ( will add an Access Control List tab to le and folder properties in Nautilus. Original instructions were found here ( . See the serfacl command manual ( for information on setting ACLs from the console.
sudo apt-get install acl

After installing, modify your /etc/fstab to add the "acl" option to each device/partition you want to have ACL functionality. It should look like something similar to this:
# /dev/hda3 UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # /dev/hda4 UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx ...

/ /home

ext3 ext3

defaults,acl,errors=remount-ro defaults,acl 0 2

Remount the le system(s) ACL will be enabled on:

sudo mount / -o remount sudo mount /home -o remount ...

Install Eiciel:
sudo apt-get install eiciel

Restart Nautilus (may need to be manually restarted). See Eiciel installation page ( for more details.
nautilus -q

Firewall Ubuntu has a built-in rewall system called IPtables (netlter) that is enabled by default. At installation all ports are open and there is eectively no ltering/protection. To close the ports and leave only the ones you want open, you must either manually edit the iptables or use a GUI (such as Firestarter). Once you edit the iptables conguration, your

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computer will be better protected from attacks from the Internet.

Manually conguring IPtables

Read UbuntuHelp Iptables ( Read Netlter's documentation for iptables ( /HOWTO//packet-ltering-HOWTO-7.html) Read the manual:
man iptables

How to install IPtables Firewall Conguration GUI (Firestarter)

Read #General Notes Firetarter is a Gnome GUI. For KDE (Kubuntu) users, try fwbuilder, guarddog, guidedog, kmyrewall, or knetlter. You are strongly recommended to learn and use Firestarter for managing iptables/netlter. For more information: Firestarter is the easiest GUI to change the IPtables and alter the rewall functions. Firestarter itself does not perform these rewall functions. It is only a method for changing your IPtables rewall settings. When Firestarter is installed from the package, it integrates with iptables, which runs in the background as a system service. After running Firestarter's initial setup wizard, your iptables will be changed and most ports closed. Firestarter then needs to be run only when you wish to change settings. To install the package, the universe repository must be enabled. Read #How to add extra repositories. Then install the package:
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager-->Search-->firestarter-->Mark for Installation

or (from command-line terminal):

sudo apt-get install firestarter

Run Firestarter:

How to minimize Firestarter to a panel icon when closed

System-->Administration-->Firestarter-->Preferences-->Enable tray icon

How to make the Firestarter GUI start automatically at startup

Note: Once you have setup the iptables rewall the rst time using Firestarter, you do

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not need to have Firestarter running to be protected by the IPtables rewall (which is then always enabled in Ubuntu). Firestarter is only the GUI for changing the settings of the rewall; it only needs to be started when doing so. The following step is therefore unnecessary for most users.
System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs -> New Name: Firestarter --start-hidden

How to have Firestarter start without the root password

Read #Security Warning: This is NOT secure. It is unnecessary for most users. The original instructions can be found at the Firestarter FAQ website ( . Edit the conguration le:
sudo gedit /etc/sudoers

Note: You can also edit the sudoers le using:

export EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo

In the Defaults section of the le, comment out this line with a with a hashmark (#) at the beginning of the line (optional):
#Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn

Add this line right after it (optional):

Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn,env_reset,env_keep+="DISPLAY HOME XAUTHORIZATION"

At the bottom of the le add the line:

your_user_name ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter

Replace 'your_user_name' with your actual username. Reboot. Using Shorewall to manage iptables Shorewall is an alternative to Firestarter. It allows more options to be set, but is more dicult to use. It can be administered from a GUI using Webmin ( .

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Read Getting Started with Shorewall (

ClamAV AntiVirus Server Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Although viruses and spyware are less common in Linux systems, they do exist. Furthermore, many users share les with Windows users, either on their own computer or on LANs. ClamAV is useful for checking these les. Install ClamAV AntiVirus Server:
sudo apt-get install clamav

If you get errors, try running the command again

How to update virus denitions

Virus denition updates are provided by the clamav-freshclam module, which is installed as part of clamav. Run freshclam manually:
sudo freshclam

How to install ClamAV automatic updater daemon

The clamav daemon will run freshclam automatically to keep denitions up-to-date. It will also run e-mail server checking modules for e-mail attachments.
sudo apt-get install clamav-daemon

How to scan les or folders

sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders

How to install ClamTk GUI frontend for ClamAV

sudo apt-get install clamtk

ClamTk can be accessed from the Menu: Applications--> Accessories-->Virus Scanner Note: As of August 1, 2007, the Ubuntu repository version of ClamTk is 0.31, which

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has a bug that does not allow it to run. Obtain and install the current version of ClamTk 0.99, which functions ne in Ubuntu Feisty:
wget -c sudo dpkg -i clamtk_2.99-1_all.deb

How to automatically scan les/folders for viruses

Read #General Notes Read #How to install ClamAV AntiVirus Server This method is used to automatically scan les/folders for viruses at a scheduled time. * * * * * means: minute hour date month year Edit the crontab le:
EDITOR=gedit sudo crontab -e

comment: sure? (root's crontab) or, simply,

gksudo gedit crontab -e

comment: sure? - (its work?) Append a line similar to the following line at the end of le. In this example, scanning will be done at 02:04am every day of every month of every year.
04 02 * * * sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders

Boot Menu
How to gain root user access without login Read #General Notes Easiest method (will not work if GRUB menu password is set) Boot-up computer If GRUB menu is hidden, press 'Esc' to enter the GRUB menu Select
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 (recovery mode)

Press 'Enter' to boot Other methods Read #How to modify kernel boot-up arguments, to gain root user access

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Read #How to use Ubuntu Installation CD, to gain root user access How to modify kernel boot-up arguments, to gain root user access Read #General Notes Boot-up computer If GRUB menu is hidden, press 'Esc' to enter the GRUB menu If GRUB password is set, press 'p' to unlock the GRUB menu Select
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386

Press 'e' to edit the commands before booting Select

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash

Press 'e' to edit the selected command in the boot sequence Add "rw init=/bin/bash" to the end of the arguments
grub edit> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash rw init=/bin/bash

Press 'b' to boot How to use Ubuntu Installation CD, to gain root user access Read #General Notes Boot-up computer into Ubuntu Installation CD At "boot:" prompt, add "rescue" to the argument
boot: rescue

Follow the instructions on screen How to change root user/main user password if forgotten Read #General Notes Read #How to gain root user access without login To change root user password
# passwd root

To change main user password

# passwd system_main_username

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How to change GRUB menu password if forgotten Read #General Notes


grub> md5crypt Password: ****** (ubuntu) Encrypted: $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password) grub> quit

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this line

... password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/ ...

Replace with the following line

password --md5 $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password above)

Save the edited le How to restore GRUB menu after Windows installation
Super Grub Disk

Use Super Grub Disk ( More info on how to use it here ( /SuperGrubDiskPage.html)

If you have booted your linux distro with Super Grub Disk, or a live CD and want to restore your grub, follow the below instructions: As root (or with sudo), type grub When at the grub prompt, type find /boot/grub/stage2 This will return something like (hd0,2) To setup the boot partition boot type root (hd0,2). This is the harddrive and the partition your linux is installed on... And then to congure grub type setup (hd0) Now you're done, so exit with quit How to identify the name of the boot drive (hd0, hd1, hd2, etc)

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Press "c" on boot menu. If you don't see a boot menu, press ESC key rst when booting to show the boot menu. Type:
root (hd0,0)

Most likely you will get "(hd0,0) ext2fs", which should be your current Linux drive. Now change hd0 to hd1 to see what is there.
root (hd1,0)

If you get "(hd1,0) lesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7", then hd1 is a Windows drive. Now change hd1 to hd2, keep going until you reach hd7. OR In a terminal you can type:
cat /boot/grub/

You will get something like this:

(hd0) (hd1)

/dev/hda /dev/sda

This represents that grub recognizes your IDE drive and assigned it the value hd0; and also your SATA drive and assigned it the value hd1. Note that grub assigns ALL hard disks, be they IDE or SATA, by hd* where * is a number. This is useful if you are editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst from a terminal in Ubuntu and need to know what grub is seeing. Use
sudo fdisk -l

to nd which drives are bootable How to add Windows entry into GRUB menu Read #General Notes Read #How to list partition tables

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e.g. Assumed that /dev/hda1 is the location of Windows partition

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Append the following lines at the end of le

title rootnoverify savedefault makeactive chainloader Microsoft Windows (hd0,0)


Save the edited le How to boot into Windows installed on a seperate SATA drive Read #General Notes Read #How to identify the name of the boot drive (hd0, hd1, hd2, etc) This conguration applies to people who have Linux installed on a IDE drive, and Windows installed on a seperate SATA. The IDE drive boots rst, so we need to add an entry to the boot menu on the Linux disk. Here we assume the name of your Windows drive is hd1. If you are not sure, click the link above to nd out.
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Append the following lines at the end of le.

title Windows XP on SATA drive map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) chainloader (hd1,0)+1

Save the edited le Finally, do

sudo update-grub

This will update the grub bootloader and nalize any changes you made

How to hide GRUB menu on boot-up

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this line

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... #hiddenmenu ...

Replace with the following line


Save the edited le

How to change the timeout seconds for GRUB menu on boot-up

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this line

... timeout ...


Replace it with the following line, where X_seconds is a number representing the number of seconds before the menu should timeout.
timeout X_seconds

Save the edited le

How to change default Operating System boot-up for GRUB menu

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this line

... default ...

Replace with the following line, where X_sequence is a number representing the number of the Grub menu item you want to be the default operating system.
default X_sequence

To gure out which number corresponds to the desired operating system, scroll to the bottom of the menu.lst le in gedit and look for lines that begin with the word title. The rst "title" is 0, the second is 1, etc. Count "title" entries to nd the number of the desired

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operating system and enter that number in place of X_sequence in the line above. Save the edited le

How to display Splash Image for GRUB menu on boot-up

Read #General Notes
wget -c chmod 644 ubuntu.xpm.gz sudo cp ubuntu.xpm.gz /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup sudo update-grub

How to convert Wallpaper to Splash Image for GRUB menu

Read #General Notes e.g. Assumed that wallpaper.png is the Wallpaper to be converted to Splash Image splash.xpm.gz is the Splash Image for GRUB menu ImageMagick is installed
convert -resize 640x480 -colors 14 wallpaper.png splash.xpm && gzip splash.xpm chmod 644 splash.xpm.gz sudo cp splash.xpm.gz /boot/grub sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup sudo update-grub

How to display only one kernel on GRUB menu

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup-`date +%F` gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Find this line

... # howmany=all ...

Replace with the following line

# howmany=1

Where 1 means to keep the last kernel, 2 to keep the last 2 kernels, etc. Do not delete the # symbol. The menu will be updated once a new kernel will be updated by the system, not before. Save the edited le Update /boot/grub/menu.lst

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sudo update-grub

How to read Linux partitions (ext2, ext3) in Windows machine Read #General Notes Download Explore2fs: Here ( OR See (

How to Boot Ubuntu from the Windows Bootloader You may choose to have the Windows bootloader set as the default, and use that to boot into your Windows install or to load GRUB so you can boot into Ubuntu from there. While in Ubuntu setup, at the very last prompt before the actual installation/copying process begins there will be a button labeled "Advanced" that presents you with an option to change the location of GRUB. The default is the MBR of the boot drive. You should change this to point to your Ubuntu partition instead. For instance, the second partition of the rst hard-drive would be hd(0,1). If you've already installed Ubuntu, you'll have to use grub-install to install GRUB to the bootsector of the Ubuntu partition. There are two methods of adding Ubuntu to the Windows bootloader. The easiest method is if you are using Windows Vista, by using EasyBCD ( and simply pointing EasyBCD to the Ubuntu partition and asking it to create an entry there. Full instructions available at NeoSmart Technologies ( /EBCD/Linux) . If you're using Windows XP the process is slightly more involved and requires that you use , the `dd` command to copy the rst 512 bytes of the Ubuntu partition: dd if=/dev/sda2 of=~/Desktop/Ubuntu.mbr bs=512 count=1 Then copy the resulting Ubuntu.mbr le to C:\ of your Windows drive, and add an entry C:\Ubunutu.mbr Ubuntu in the Windows' Boot.ini le.

How to temporarily skip boot-up services

Press 'Ctrl + C'

How to permanently disable/enable boot-up services

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Read #How to install Boot-Up Manager (BUM)

Tips And Tricks

How to enable lame for FFMPEG (needed to encode FLV with sound)
KINO FLVs silent? You need to recompile FFMPEG with LAME enabled. FFMPEG can be installed via apt-get as a package, but is not able encode MP3, which is the audio stream in FLV video (like Google & YouTube). Ensure Ubuntu Universe repository is selected #How to add extra repositories Download and install lame liblame-dev and gcc packages (mp3 encoder + GNU compiler collection)
sudo apt-get build-dep ffmpeg sudo apt-get install liblame-dev libfaad2-dev libfaac-dev libxvidcore4-dev liba52-0.7.4 \ liba52-0.7.4-dev libx264-dev libdts-dev libgsm1-dev libvorbis-dev libdc1394-13-dev \ checkinstall build-essential gcc

Download and extract FFMPEG source to current working directory

cd /usr/local/src sudo apt-get source ffmpeg

Compile FFMPEG from source

cd ffmpeg-* sudo ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-vorbis --enable-libogg \ --enable-a52 --enable-dts --enable-dc1394 --enable-libgsm --disable-debug \ --enable-mp3lame --enable-faad --enable-faac --enable-xvid --enable-pthreads \ --enable-x264 maybe try instead = sudo ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-libvorbis --enable-libogg \ --enable-liba52 --enable-libdts --enable-dc1394 --enable-libgsm --disable-debug \ --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac --enable-xvid --enable-pthreads \ --enable-x264

sudo make sudo checkinstall [accept defaults, set version to 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu2]

If during the make it dies at 'x264.c:147: error: `struct <anonymous>` has no member name `i_rf_constant` you need to do the following. Open libavcodec/x264.c and goto line 147. Change 'i_rf_constant' to 'f_rf_constant' and retry. If an application you are using employs FFMPEG to encode FLV, it should now work properly. You can also call FFMPEG directly from the command line. The extension/sux of the outle tells FFMPEG which audio or video format to encode to.
ffmpeg [-i infile] [outfile]

How to enable smooth fonts

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gedit ~/.fonts.conf

Paste in this text after the declaration <?xml version='1.0' ?><!DOCTYPE fontcong SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">:
<fontconfig> <match target='font' > <edit name='autohint' mode='assign' > <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> </fontconfig>

Youll have to log out and back in to see the dierence.

How to Install Tor to Surf Anonymously in Ubuntu Feisty with Firefox

If you want to Surf Anonymously in Ubuntu Feisty check this guide Howto Surf Anonymously in Ubuntu Feisty (

How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer

See Restart X-Windows If these instructions did not work, read #System requests (What to do if your system is unresponsive)

How to turn on Num Lock on GNOME startup

Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install numlockx sudo cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backup gksudo gedit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default

Find this line

... exit 0

Add the following lines above it

if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then /usr/bin/numlockx on fi

Save the edited le Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer

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How to remap the Caps Lock key as another Control key

gksudo gedit /etc/console-tools/remap

In the Console Change

#s/keycode 58 = Caps_Lock/keycode 58 = Control/;

s/keycode 58 = Caps_Lock/keycode 58 = Control/;

Save your work

sudo /etc/init.d/

Try using it In X Windows

gksudo gedit ~/.Xmodmap

Add this:
keycode 66 = Control_L clear Lock add Control = Control_L

Now, apply the changes.

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

To apply them on startup If ~/.xinitrc does not exist,

cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc

In all cases
gedit ~/.xinitrc

Make the rst line this:

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xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

Restart X-Windows Log In, a dialog should pop up, add .Xmodmap to the left side with the add button, and Save.

Howto upgrade kernel(2.6.22-9-generic) in Feisty Fawn

If you want to Upgrade kernel in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Howto upgrade kernel(2.6.22-9-generic) in Feisty Fawn ( /howto-upgrade-kernel2622-9-generic-in-feisty-fawn.html)

How to Convert a .nrg (Nero) le to a .iso le

If you want to Convert a .nrg (Nero) le to a .iso le check the following link Convert a .nrg (Nero) le to a .iso le in Simple steps ( /howto-convert-a-nrg-nero-le-to-a-iso-le-in-ubuntu.html)

How to run programs on startup when login into GNOME

System -> Preferences -> Sessions Sessions
Startup Programs Tab -> Add/Edit/Delete

How to speed-up your Ubuntu box

Read the following post: NOTE* INCORRECT LINK

How to switch to Console mode in GNOME

To switch to Console mode
Press 'Ctrl + Alt + F1' (F2 - F6)

To switch between consoles in Console mode

Press 'Alt + F1' (F2 - F6)

To switch back to GNOME mode

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Press 'Alt + F7'

How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace from restarting X in GNOME and KDE 3.5.x

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Append the following lines at the end of le

Section "ServerFlags" Option EndSection



Save the edited le Read #How to restart GNOME without rebooting computer

How to enable Ctrl+Alt+Del to open System Monitor in GNOME

gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete" gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"

How to refresh GNOME desktop

killall nautilus

How to refresh GNOME panel

killall gnome-panel

How to enable autosave in Gedit and disable creation of some_le~ les

Applications -> System Tools -> Conguration Editor Conguration Editor
/ -> apps -> gedit-2 -> preferences -> editor -> save -> create_backup_copy (Unchecked) / -> apps -> gedit-2 -> preferences -> editor -> save -> auto_save (Checked)

How to show all hidden les/folders in Nautilus

Places -> Home Folder To temporary show all hidden les/folders in Nautilus

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Press 'Ctrl + H'

To permanently show all hidden les/folders in Nautilus

Edit Menu -> Preferences

Views Tab -> Default View -> Show hidden and backup files (Checked)

How to browse les/folders as root user in Nautilus

sudo nautilus

To add File Browser(Root) to panel

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Nautilus-root.desktop

Insert the following lines into the new le

[Desktop Entry] Name=File Browser (Root) Comment=Browse the filesystem with the file manager Exec=gksudo "nautilus --browser %U" Icon=file-manager Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;System;

Save the edited le Read #How to refresh GNOME panel To browse les/folders as root user in Nautilus Applications -> System Tools -> File Browser (Root)

How to install a "View in Terminal" Menu for Nautilus

Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal

Read #How to refresh GNOME desktop Nautilus -> Right-click on folder or background -> Open in Terminal

How to change default le type "Open with" program

Right click on file -> Properties

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Open With Tab -> Add Select "Open with" program

Select "Open with" program (Checked)

How to change preferred email client to Mozilla Thunderbird

Read #How to install Email Client (Mozilla Thunderbird) System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications Preferred Applications
Mail Reader Tab -> Default Mail Reader -> Command: mozilla-thunderbird %s

How to open les as root user via right click

gedit $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ as\ root

Insert the following lines into the new le

for uri in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS; do gksudo "gnome-open $uri" & done

Save the edited le

Places -> Home -> View -> Show Hidden Files -> .gnome2 -> nautilus-scripts -> Right click on Open as root -> Properties -> Permissions -> Execute Right click on file -> Scripts -> Open as root

How to disable beep sound in Terminal mode

Not for Dapper---- ringstone Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal Terminal
Edit Menu -> Current Profile...

General Tab -> General -> Terminal bell (Un-Checked)

How to change backspace behavior in Mozilla Firefox to do page back instead of page up
In the adress bar in Firefox type:

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Search for 'browser.backspace_action' in the list Change the value from 1 to 0 by doubleclicking on the number Restart Firefox

How to handle mms protocol in Mozilla Firefox

Read #How to install Multimedia Player (VLC)

Open your refox. Type as url: about:cong Now just right click somewhere into the main window. A little box with options to choose will appear. Choose "new", then "string". Then copy the following line into the appearing text eld:

Into the next text eld copy this:


Now you do the same thing again, but this time you do not choose "string" but "boolean", and the line to copy is:

Then set

How to handle rtsp (realmedia) protocol in Mozilla Firefox

Read #How to install Multimedia Player (RealPlayer 10)

Open your refox. Type as url: about:cong Now just right click somewhere into the main window. A little box with options to choose will appear. Choose "new", then "string". Then copy the following line into the appearing text eld:

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Into the next text eld copy this:


Now you do the same thing again, but this time you do not choose "string" but "boolean", and the line to copy is:

Then set

How to load Web site faster in Mozilla Firefox

Speed Up Firefox Web Browser Tips ( Applications -> Internet -> Firefox Web Browser Mozilla Firefox
Address Bar -> about:config

Filter: -> network.dns.disableIPv6 -> true network.http.pipelining -> true network.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> 8 network.http.proxy.pipelining -> true

Restart Mozilla Firefox

How to disable beep sound for link nd function in Mozilla Firefox

Applications -> Internet -> Firefox Web Browser Mozilla Firefox
Address Bar -> about:config

Filter: -> accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound -> false

Restart Mozilla Firefox

How to install Flock Web Browser in Ubuntu

Flock Web Browser Setup in Ubuntu ( of 242 10/14/2011 02:47 PM

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How to install/uninstall .deb les

To install .deb le
sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb

To uninstall .deb le
sudo dpkg -r package_name

How to nd out which version of a package I have installed

dpkg -l packagename

How to convert .rpm les to .deb les

Read #How to install .rpm to .deb Converter (Alien)
sudo alien -d package_file.rpm

How to compile .deb les from source

Read #How to add extra repositories There are various programs available to help automate the process of create .deb les from source. For more information, see the links at the end of this section. A basic well tested method is described here. Install the necessary software to build the source (build-essential may be all that is necessary, though there may be other dependencies) and checkinstall (which creates deb les).
sudo apt-get install checkinstall build-essential

In the directory where you have extracted the source, after you have run ./congure and make you can create a .deb le and install it with either of the following commands. The second -D option creates a .deb le in the directory that you can share with others or install without needing the source.
sudo checkinstall

sudo checkinstall -D

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For more info go to CheckInstall home page ( /checkinstall/index.php) and the Installing software on Ubuntu page ( . Autodeb ( uses a modied version of AutoApt ( to complete the entire process above including extraction from the .tar.gz le, however it is still in an early stage of development.

How to rename all les in directory at once

To install "mvb" le name renamer
wget sudo sudo sudo -c tar zxvf mvb_1.6.tgz -C /usr/share/ chown -R root:root /usr/share/mvb_1.6/ ln -fs /usr/share/mvb_1.6/mvb /usr/bin/mvb

To rename all les in directory at once


How to manipulate all image les in directory at once

To install bash batch image processing script Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo wget sudo sudo apt-get install imagemagick -c cp /usr/bin/bbips chmod 755 /usr/bin/bbips

To manipulate all image les in directory at once


How to set System-wide Environment Variables

sudo cp -p /etc/profile /etc/profile_backup sudo gedit /etc/profile

Append the System-wide Environment Variables at the end of le Save the edited le

How to save "man" outputs into les

man command | col -b > file.txt

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How to force GDM to system beep when login screen ready

This is useful on computers where headphones are usually plugged in, allowing them to utilize the speakers for this attention-getting task.
echo foo >> ~/foo.wav

System -> Administration -> Login Window -> Accessibility Now make sure the "Login Screen Ready" check mark is checked. Click on the folder icon and navigate to your home folder and select "foo.wav".
rm foo.wav

The drop down menu should now say "(None)"

Clean up Ubuntu GNU/Linux System

Clean up Ubuntu GNU/Linux System ( - This is a very detailed step by step procedure on how to Clean up Ubuntu GNU/Linux System with dierent tools.

How to clean /tmp/ folder contents on shutdown

sudo cp /etc/init.d/sysklogd /etc/init.d/sysklogd_backup gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/sysklogd

Find this section

... stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping system log daemon..." start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --exec $binpath --pidfile $pidfile log_end_msg $? ...

Add the following line below it

rm -fr /tmp/* /tmp/.??*

Save the edited le

How to scroll up and down to view previous outputs in Console mode

To scroll up to view previously outputs
Press 'Shift + Page Up'

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To scroll down to view previously outputs

Press 'Shift + Page Down'

How to nd out which version of Ubuntu I am using

cat /etc/issue

How to set up (automatic) background/wallpaper-changer application for GNOME

You must have Python installed (python package in Synaptic Package Manager, or from the command line):
sudo apt-get install python

Method 1 uses a simple Python script named Download and rename the python script change-background-py and make it executable:
wget mv change-background-py.html chmod +x

Create a folder for your wallpapers and make a link (in your home directory) to it named .backgrounds:
mkdir ~/wallpapers gksudo ln -s ~wallpapers ~/.backgrounds

or make a link (in your home directory) named .backgrounds to your /usr/share /backgrounds folder:
gksudo ln -s /usr/share/backgrounds ~/.backgrounds

Create a menu entry for wallpaperchanger:

Right Click on Applications-> Edit Menus -> File -> Accessories -> New item Name: Wallpaper changer Command: ~/ (or python ~/

Change desktop background every time you reboot your computer:

System -> Preferences -> Session -> Startup Programs Add: ~/ (or python ~/

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To change the desktop background every X minute of the hour:

crontab -e

In the opened le enter:

X * * * * * python ~/

1 as X would mean: every hour:01. For every minute, just use * as X. To exit: press ctrl+x, y Method 2 uses a more complex Python script named To install the script into a dierent location than your home directory, replace "~" with your path
cd ~ wget chmod +x ~/ gedit ~/.wallpaperchanger/

Edit all the lines not beginning with an "#":

gksudo gedit

Create a menu entry for wallpaperchanger:

Right Click on Applications-> Edit Menus -> File -> Accessories -> New item Name: wallpaperchanger Command: ~/

Change desktop background every time you reboot your computer:

System -> Preferences -> Session -> Startup Programs Add: ~/

To change the desktop background every X minute of the hour:

crontab -e

In the opened le enter:

X * * * * * python ~/

1 as X would mean: every hour:01. For every minute, just use * as X. To exit: press ctrl+x, y

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How to add keyboard layouts for other languages

Go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Choose Layouts Press Add... to add the secondary keyboard layout. It is simpler to have two layouts; the maximum is currently four for Xorg. Choose Layout Options Expand option Group Shift/Lock behaviour Choose the key combination that enables you to switch between keyboard layouts. The default is by pressing both Alt keys at the same time. A common alternative is to use Alt+Shift. Press Close. See #How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet to add the Keyboard Indicator applet.

How to add keyboard layouts toggle for other languages (Xfce)


les on


to select 2nd_laguage_code

setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,2nd_laguage_code

you can add it to a startup le, which will be set to be executed on startup, with the following lines (remember to 'chmod +x' the le):
#!/bin/tcsh setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,il

How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet

Read #How to add keyboard layouts for other languages Right-click on empty space on the top panel so that you see the pop-up menu. Click Add to Panel... Choose Keyboard Indicator (it is under the Utilities section, at the end) The Keyboard Indicator applet appears on the panel. The default language should be USA for U.S. English. You can either right-click on this applet for more options or see above on how to congure.

How to type extended characters

Read #How to add keyboard layouts for other languages Read #How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet Add the keyboard layout US English International (with dead keys) Make US English International (with dead keys) the default keyboard layout.

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The key marked ['"] is now a dead key. When you press it, nothing happens. However if you press a consonant immediately afterwards, the consonant appears with an accent. '+a= '+e= and so on for i-, o-, y-, c-, z-, n-, l-, u-, r- "+a= "+e= and so on for y-, u-, i-, o- Similarly, ` and a consonant generates , , , , . Similarly, ~ and a consonant generates , , , , . To type ' and ", press RightAlt+' and RightAlt+" respectively. To type ' and ", you may also press '+<space> and "+<space> respectively. There are more characters available by keeping RightAlt pressed and typing a character. Therefore, RightAlt+q = RightAlt+w = RightAlt+e = RightAlt+r = RightAlt+t = RightAlt+y = RightAlt+u = RightAlt+i = RightAlt+o = RightAlt+p = RightAlt+[ and ] for and respectively. RightAlt+a = RightAlt+s = RightAlt+d = RightAlt+l = RightAlt+; = RightAlt+: = RightAlt+z = RightAlt+c = RightAlt+n = RightAlt+m = RightAlt+, = RightAlt+/ = RightAlt+1 RightAlt+2 RightAlt+3 RightAlt+4 RightAlt+5 RightAlt+6 RightAlt+7
181 of 242

= = = = = = =

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RightAlt+8 = RightAlt+9 = RightAlt+0 = RightAlt+- = RightAlt+= = RightAlt+! = RightAlt+@, then o = (and ). RightAlt+#, then a = (and ). Similarly for , , , . RightAlt+$ = RightAlt+% = RightAlt+^ = RightAlt+& = RightAlt+*, then a = (and ). Similarly for , . RightAlt+(, then a = (and ) RightAlt+(, then g = (and ) RightAlt+), then a = (and ) RightAlt+_ = RightAlt++ =

How to set the Compose key to type special characters

Read #How to add keyboard layouts for other languages Read #How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet Click System, Preferences, Keyboard. Under Layout Options, expand on Compose key position. Choose Right-Win key is compose, click Close. Now you can type extended characters using the RightWin key (next to AltGr), according to this keyboard settings le ( /gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c?view=markup) . Specically, the lines that start with GDK_Multi_key are those that we can use here. The Compose key is actually GDK_Multi_key. Some examples, RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin RightWin + + + + + + + + + + + + + C + = produces = + C produces C + O produces O + C produces a + ' produces a + " produces a + ` produces a + ~ produces a + * produces a + ^ produces a + > produces a + , produces e + - produces

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RightWin + S + 1 produces RightWin + S + 2 produces RightWin + S + 3 produces

How to install ubuntu-title font used in Ubuntu logo

sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title

Now you can use this font in your favorite applications

How to associate Adobe Reader with les in Nautilus

Read #How to install PDF Reader (Adobe Reader) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Open Nautilus (Places -> Desktop) Browse to a .pdf le Right-click the .pdf le, select Properties, go to the Open With tab, choose Adobe Reader. Now when you double-click on a .pdf le, it will be opened with Adobe Reader.

How to print from Adobe Reader

Read #How to install PDF Reader (Adobe Reader) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox Read #How to add a printer Applications -> Oce -> Adobe Reader File -> Print In the Print Command box, append -d printername. For example, if your printer was named FS-1010, the Print Command would read:
/usr/bin/lp -d FS-1010

How to pull apart and combine pdf les

Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install pdftk cd mkdir bin cd bin gedit pdftk_burst

add the following text to pdftk_burst:

#!/bin/bash cd ${1%/*} /usr/bin/pdftk "$1" burst rm doc_data.txt

save and close pdftk_burst

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gedit pdftk_cat

add the following text to pdftk_cat:

#!/bin/bash cd ${1%/*} outfile="00out.pdf" if [ -f $outfile ] ; then rm -f $outfile fi /usr/bin/pdftk *.pdf cat output $outfile

save and close pdftk_cat

chmod u+x pdftk_burst pdftk_cat

open Nautilus (Places -> Desktop) and browse to a .pdf le right-click the .pdf le, select Properties, go to the Open With tab, click Add, click Use a Custom Command, click Browse, browse to pdftk_burst. Do the same with pdftk_cat. Now, when you right-click on a .pdf le, you'll get two extra options: Open With -> pdftk_burst which will convert a 30 page pdf le to 30 x 1 page pdf les Open With -> pdftk_cat which will join together all the pdf les in the same directory, and create a le called 00out.pdf Note: this won't work with pdfs with any type of protection - read man pdftk for more command line options.

How to remove jedit when Synaptic package manager fails after install
Read #How to install jedit
sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends --force-remove-reinstreq jedit

Now, you can use your Synaptic package manager again.

How to compile a kernel the Ubuntu Way

System requests (What to do if your system is unresponsive)

You can "talk" to the kernel directly via system requests: Press "ALT" + "sysreq-key" + "one of the keys" listed below (The sysreq-key is also known as the 'print screen' key): (Taken from /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt)
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'r' - Turns o keyboard raw mode and sets it to XLATE. 'k' - Secure Access Key (SAK) Kills all programs on the current virtual console. 'b' - Will immediately reboot the system without syncing or unmounting your disks. 'c' - Will perform a kexec reboot in order to take a crashdump. 'o' - Will shut your system o (if congured and supported). 's' - Will attempt to sync all mounted lesystems. 'u' - Will attempt to remount all mounted lesystems read-only. 'p' - Will dump the current registers and ags to your console. 't' - Will dump a list of current tasks and their information to your console. 'm' - Will dump current memory info to your console. 'v' - Dumps Voyager SMP processor info to your console. '0'-'9' - Sets the console log level, controlling which kernel messages will be printed to your console. ('0', for example would make it so that only emergency messages like PANICs or OOPSes would make it to your console.) 'f' - Will call oom_kill to kill a memory hog process 'e' - Send a SIGTERM to all processes, except for init. 'i' - Send a SIGKILL to all processes, except for init. 'l' - Send a SIGKILL to all processes, INCLUDING init. (Your system will be non-functional after this.) 'h' - Will display help ( actually any other key than those listed above will display help. but 'h' is easy to remember :-) Note that you may have to enable system requests. Read "/usr/src/linux/Documentation /sysrq.txt" for details. By default it is enabled though.

How to add locales to Ubuntu the command line way

Open up a terminal Become root:
sudo su -

Generate a /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local from /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED:

cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED | grep "en\|ru" > /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local

This example shows all Russian (ru) and English (en) locales being chosen. Look through /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED to nd the ones for you, then put them in a list, replacing en\|ru and separating each language with a \| (backslash, bar). If you only want one language, just put it in quotes. Then regenerate all of the locales:
dpkg-reconfigure locales

Then set your locale:

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update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

In this step, make sure to choose the language and country that you would like your computer to think it is in. Here, I choose en_US, the United States version of English. Once again, look at your /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local or /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED for the one right for you. You may also want to research locales, using the Internet. That was easy, now the command

will open up the Unicode version of xterm or your translated software will display things properly, like vim.

How to set default Terminal App window size

The size for a gnome terminal session can be passed through the geometry parameter, specifying columns and rows like 80x40. The default geometry is 80x25. First way is to add the following parameter to gnome-terminal launcher:
--geometry 100x40

Other way is to change this parameter globaly for all gnome-terminal launcher's. Go to /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop and edit the EXEC line like this:
Exec=gnome-terminal --geometry=120x30

Using VI editor
A few very simple tricks of using basic but strong unix editor called vi can be found here ( .

How to play DVDs

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Install the codecs:
sudo apt-get install libdvdnav4 libdvdplay0 libdvdread3 libdvdcss2

Use totem-xine instead of the default "totem-gstreamer":

sudo apt-get remove --purge totem totem-gstreamer sudo apt-get install totem-xine

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Install LinDVD: Get the latest version from here: Use Alien to convert .rpm le to .deb
sudo apt-get install alien sudo alien -d lindvd*.rpm sudo dpkg -i lindvd*.deb

Fix some crashing issues

sudo cp /usr/share/lindvd/ /usr/lib/ sudo ldconfig

Restart LinDVD

How to install Gmail Notier alternative (CheckGmail)

Add the following sources to the repository list:
deb dapper main dupdate french deb ubuntu main dupdate french

Install the application

sudo apt-get install checkgmail

Go to 'System/Preferences/Sessions/Startup Programs' and add the following path to start notier automatically
Sessions windows

File:Add startup program.png

Add startup program window


After this the program will appear in your notication area.

How to emulate Mac OS X Spotlight (Deskbar)

Right click to your panel and select 'Add to panel...'. Now choose 'Deskbar' applet and

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click 'Add' button. Install 'Beagle' packet to enable data indexing on your computer

How to make Ubuntu look like Mac OS X

Detailed instruction can be found here ( .

How to remove temporary les on shutdown

Already in this guide as #How to clean /tmp/ folder contents on shutdown.

How to tile windows in gnome

First, download the wmtile debian package here ( /url_deb/tile_0.7.1_i386.deb) . If you are not running i386, the project's homepage is here ( /projects/tile) . Double click the package and install it. Login as root and browse to /usr/share/tile/ Open the rc le in gedit Change the second option to read "multi-desktop netwm" Save the rc le Now, create a launcher: Right-click on the gnome panel (the taskbar at the top of the screen) and choose "Add to Panel" Select "Custom Application Launcher" and ll in these values: Type: Application Name: Tile Windows Vertically Command: tile -v -w You can also select an icon to use with the launcher. Click "OK" Now open a couple windows and click your new launcher button to test it. This works great with two or three windows, but it can get a bit strange with more. If you want to create another launcher that tiles windows horizontally, just follow the same directions, but use the command "tile -h -w"

How to install a virtual PDF printer

-Install cups-pdf from the Synaptic Package Manager Go to System -> Administration -> Printing -Add a printer with Printer -> Add Printer or double click on "New Printer" icon "STEP 1of3" PDF Printer (Virtual Printer) should now be in the local detected printers list

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so select it and click 'Forward' "STEP 2of3" Select "Generic" as the manufacturer and "PostScript" as the printer. Now click 'Forward' "STEP 3of3" Give the printer a sensible description and location and click 'Apply' The "CUPS/PostScript" printer should now exist in the print dialogue of you applications and will save the output PDF le to the /HOME/PDF folder. It may be possible to change the destination by editing /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf

How to pass module options for Ubuntu to pickup on startup

sudo <your editor of choice> /etc/modprobe.d/options

How to correct paper size to Letter

If you use letter-size paper and are having trouble getting your printers, etc. set properly, follow the following steps:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libpaper1

Then delete any printers that need to print in letter size and reinstall printers. System --> Administration --> Printing

Troubleshooting Feisty Fawn

Fix broken Ubuntu Feisty Fawn ( This is simple Procedure how to x broken Ubuntu Feisty

Monitoring Server
Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories If you want to monitor your Ubuntu servers and clients like memory usage,CPU usage,Load average,Disk usage,Mysql monitoring, Network Monitoring,Processes Monitoring this is for you Monitor your Ubuntu Servers and Clients using Munin ( /monitor-servers-and-clients-using-munin-in-ubuntu.html)

Print Server (cupsd)

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
189 of 242 10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty -

How to install cupsd Cupsd should be automatically installed during standard installation. Checkout if there is a le "/etc/init.d/cupsys". If you want to manually install it, do
sudo apt-get install cupsys*

How to add a printer Go to System -> Administration -> Printing. Choose "Add printer". "Add printer wizard" should start and tell you what to do. How to remove a printer
sudo lpadmin -x printernamewhere

printername is the name of the printer you want to remove How to print on remote Ubuntu machine from another Ubuntu machine Make sure your local printer is well congured. Enable local printer sharing - System -> Administration -> Printing -> Global Settings menu -> Share printers Server ip address: Client ip address: Server conguration
sudo cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.backup gksudo gedit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

nd the block
<Location /> ... Allow localhost ... </Location>

and add the following line into it.


Restart cups.

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sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

Client conguration
sudo cp /etc/cups/client.conf /etc/cups/client.conf.backup gksudo gedit /etc/cups/client.conf

And add the following line into it.


Restart cups.
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

Now try "lpq" and you should see something like

vitek@lightfox:~$ lpq HPLJ6P is ready no entries

How to print on remote Ubuntu machine from a Windows machine Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service Read #How to print on remote Ubuntu machine via samba How to set up 4 port printer server Setting up COMPUSA print server on Ubuntu (1) go to System, Administration, Printing. (2) Then Add a printer (3) Network Printer and choose HP JetDirect (4) Where it says Host you put in the IP Address of the Print server. You can nd it with Smb4k (5) Where it says Port you put 9100 for USB port 1. 9101 for USB port 2. 9102 for USB port 3. and 9103 for USB port 4. (6) Then click on forward and install your printer

NFS Server

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Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read NFS Server and Client Setup Guide ( Installing NFS Server
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

Recongure Portmap to not bind to loopback interface:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart

Dene which folders to share (export):

sudoedit /etc/exports

Add share (export) denitions: This will export path to all IP addresses between and with Read/Write access:

This will export path to all IP addresses between and with Read Only access:

When nished, save changes and restart the NFS Server:

sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Export your new conguration:

sudo exportfs -a

Installing NFS Client

sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common

Mounting Manually

cd ~

192 of 242

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Ubuntu:Feisty mkdir temp sudo mount temp

You may need to restart NFS services:

sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart

Mounting Automatically

Create mountpoint:
sudo mkdir /mnt/files

Edit conguration:
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Add something similar to below: /mnt/files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0

Test new conguration:

sudo mount /mnt/files

Reboot to test automatic mounting.

Samba Server
Using Samba book ( How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install samba smbfs

You must also open the ports for incoming/outgoing use by Samba in the IPTables (rewall). This can be done using the Firestarter GUI, for example. Read #Firewall How to add/edit/delete network users Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service

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To add network user Read #How to add/edit/delete system users

sudo smbpasswd -a system_username gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers

Insert the following line into the new le

system_username = "network username"

Save the edited le To edit network user

sudo smbpasswd -a system_username

To delete network user

sudo smbpasswd -x system_username

How to share home folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Uncomment the following lines:

;[homes] ;comment = Home Directories ;browseable = no ;valid users = %S ;writable = yes

Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

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sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share home folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Find this section

... # By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change next # parameter to 'yes' if you want to be able to write to them. writable = no ...

Replace with the following lines

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change next # parameter to 'yes' if you want to be able to write to them. writable = yes

Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share group folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo mkdir /home/group sudo chmod 777 /home/group/

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Ubuntu:Feisty sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Append the following lines at the end of le

[Group] comment = Group Folder path = /home/group guest ok = yes read only = yes create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share group folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service
sudo mkdir /home/group sudo chmod 777 /home/group/ sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user

196 of 242

10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Append the following lines at the end of le

[Group] comment = Group Folder path = /home/group guest ok = yes read only = no create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share public folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read [[#How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service]
sudo mkdir /home/public sudo chmod 777 /home/public/ sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Append the following lines at the end of le

[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public guest ok = yes read only = yes create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

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Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share public folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=Yes) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service If sharing a FAT32 partition, read #How to mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write
sudo mkdir /home/public sudo chmod 777 /home/public/ sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following lines

security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

Append the following lines at the end of le

[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public guest ok = yes read only = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

Save the edited le Read #How to add/edit/delete network users

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share public folders with read only permission (Authentication=No) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service

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sudo mkdir /home/public sudo chmod 777 /home/public/ sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following line (make sure it does not begin with a semicolon)
security = share

Append the following lines at the end of le

[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public guest ok = yes read only = yes create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

Save the edited le

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to share public folders with read/write permissions (Authentication=No) Read #General Notes Read #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service If sharing a FAT32 partition, read #How to mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write
sudo mkdir /home/public sudo chmod 777 /home/public/ sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this line

... ; security = user ...

Replace with the following line (make sure it does not begin with a semicolon)

199 of 242

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security = share

Append the following lines at the end of le

[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public guest ok = yes read only = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup

Save the edited le

sudo testparm sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

How to print on remote Ubuntu machine via samba Read #Print Server (cupsd) Make sure your Ubuntu printers are congured properly.
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.backup gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find the following lines

... # printing = cups # printcap name = cups ...

and uncomment them.

printing = cups printcap name = cups

Restart cups server

sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

Now printers working on your Ubuntu machine should be acessible via samba. Windows networking error: "The account is not authorized to log in from this station." When accessing the Samba server from a locked down Windows computer, the following

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error may occur: "\\hostname\sharename is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. The account is not authorized to log in from this station." This is sometimes caused by the Windows computer requiring digitally signed communications. The local Global Security Policy on the Windows computer needs to be changed. The following policies need to be disabled under Computer Conguration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options:</p> Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always) ( /568.mspx) Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) ( /570.mspx) Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT)
How to install INETD Superserver

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories

sudo apt-get install netkit-inetd

How to install SWAT for Samba daemon

Read Read Read Read

#General Notes #How to add extra repositories #How to install Samba Server for les/folders sharing service #How to install INETD Superserver

sudo apt-get install swat

Open inetd daemon conguration

sudo gksu gedit /etc/inetd.conf

If string is:
<#off#> swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/swat

Change to (due to know BUG which resets peer connection):

swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat

Restart daemon

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sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart

If you have not set root password, do it, because you'll need it to access swat for editing Read #How to set/change/enable root user password


SSH Server
SSH stands for secure shell. It is a method for establishing encrypted communications over a data channel (a "tunnel") between a remote host and a local client. It is similar to, but simpler than, a VPN connection. How to install SSH Server for remote administration service Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install ssh

How to SSH into remote Ubuntu host Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. In this example: Remote Ubuntu machine: username is a valid user on the remote host
ssh username@

You can tunnel to a URL as well:


If your LAN uses a dynamic IP to connect to the Internet, you can use a Dynamic IP service (such as DynDNS) to assign a static URL to your LAN (, for example). An SSH request over the Internet to your URL (e.g. would then be routed by the DynDNS service to your modem/router. Your router must then be set to forward the port used for the SSH tunnel to your host machine on the LAN. (SSH tunnels generally occur by default over port 22, but it can be changed (see below)). For some humor: Read Etymology of foobar ( .
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You can explicitly select the port number (instead of port 22) for the SSH tunnel:

However, if you do this, the host SSH server must be listening on the same port (port 11022 in the example). The port to listen to can be set in the ssdh_cong le of the OpenSSH server (provided in Ubuntu) on your host. Also, your router must be congured to forward port 11022 to your OpenSSH host. How to copy les/folders from remote Ubuntu host into local machine (scp) Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. In this example: Remote Ubuntu machine: Remote les/folders location: /home/username/remotele.txt Local machine save location: . (current directory)
scp -r username@

How to copy les/folders from local machine into remote Ubuntu host (scp) Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. In this example: Local les/folders location: localle.txt Remote Ubuntu machine: Remote Ubuntu machine save location: /home/username/
scp -r localfile.txt username@

How to copy les/folders from remote Ubuntu host into local machine (rsync) Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. In this example: Remote Ubuntu machine: Remote les/folders location: /home/username/remotele.txt Local machine save location: . (current directory)

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rsync -v -u -a --delete --rsh=ssh --stats username@

How to copy les/folders from local machine into a remote Ubuntu host (rsync) Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. For this example: Local les/folders location: localle.txt Remote Ubuntu machine: Remote Ubuntu machine save location: /home/username/
rsync -v -u -a --delete --rsh=ssh --stats localfile.txt username@

How to mount remote host folders into local Ubuntu machine (sshfs) Read #General Notes The remote Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server service. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. For this example: Remote machine: Remote machine folder location: /media/music Install sshfs
sudo apt-get install sshfs

Load kernel driver for sshfs

sudo modprobe fuse

Join the 'fuse' user group

sudo adduser your_user_name fuse

Logout and login for this to take eect. x group on /dev/fuse

sudo chgrp fuse /dev/fuse

Create local mountpoint in your home directory

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mkdir ~/remote_music

Mount the remote folder into ~/remote_music

sshfs ~/remote_music

How to SSH into a remote Ubuntu host from a Windows client Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must have an SSH Server running. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. Download PuTTY from the PuTTY website ( /~sgtatham/putty/) onto your Windows client. How to copy les/folders from/into a host Ubuntu machine from a Windows client Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. Download FileZilla from the FileZilla website ( /showles.php?group_id=21558) . How to limit the user accounts that can connect through ssh remotely See Limit the user accounts that can connect through OpenSSH remotely Using SSH to Port Forward Read #General Notes The Ubuntu host must be running the SSH Server. Read #How to install SSH Server for remote administration service. The format of the client command to create an SSH tunnel to an OpenSSH host listening on the default port 22 is:
ssh -L <local port>:<remote computer>:<remote port> <user>@<remote ip>

An example is:
ssh -L 6669: foowho

In this example, local port 6669 on the local client computer is tunneled by encrypted SSH over the default port 22 to the router at The router must be set up to forward port 22 to whatever the internal LAN IP (such as of the SSH host is. The host is running OpenSSH (ssdh service) and is set to listen to port 22. It then routes the incoming data to the host port 6667, where presumably some other program is waiting for

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data. foowho has an account on the host running the OpenSSH server. SSH tunnels can also be established using URLs and even alternate ports. An example is:
ssh -L foowho -p 11022

In this example, local port 5900 on the client is forwarded through an SSH tunnel on port 11022 to The DNS service translates into the appropriate WAN (Internet) IP address, where the router is listening. The router is set up to forward port 11022 to the LAN machine hosting the OpenSSH server, which is listening on port 11022. It then sends the data to whatever program is running on port 5900 on the host. You can forward a local port to a dierent port on the remote host. Example: Make port 80 (web server/browser) on the remote host at available locally as port 81
ssh -L 81:

You can create secure SSH tunnels to multiple hosts using multiple ports.
ssh -L 81: -L 82: -L 83:

Now, local port 81 locally forwards to port 80 on the host at, local port 82 forwards to port 80 on the host at and local port 83 forwards to port 80 on the host at In this example, user has an account on all three host machines at,, and Once port forwarding is set up by ssh, an application is directed to the SSH tunnel for port usage by using the loopback as the destination. Example 1:
ssh -L 81:

http://localhost:81 or

will direct a web browser to use port 81 locally, which is being redirected by SSH to port 80 on the remote host at Example 2:
ssh -L foowho vncviewer or vncviewer localhost

will direct vncviewer (which uses port 5900 by default) to direct its trac through the ssh tunnel to the host at, where, presumably, a VNC server is listening on port 5900.
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Protecting SSH from brute force attack Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories It is possible to easily protect SSH from a password brute force attack with a pam_abl module. You can install it by the two ways: Manually according to pam_abl documentation ( and manually apply patch for a bug 405041 ( /12/msg00160.html) onto openssh-server Automatically by the repository from To install from a repository: Add a repository for your distribution listed on the ssh brute force protection ( page And execute the following commands:
sudo sudo sudo sudo apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install libpam-abl /etc/init.d/ssh restart

First command is to fetch the repository listing. Second is to upgrade the openssh-server package to patched version (openssh-client will be also updated). Third is to set up a protection plugin. And the fourth is to restart a server with a new security plugin.

Rsync Daemon
Rsync ( is a backup/mirroring/synchronization tool to keep two directories, local or remote, synchronized. Read this brief tutorial ( . How to install the Rsync Daemon for remote backup and restoration of les Read #General Notes Usually by default Ubuntu will have rsync installed but not enabled. But to make sure run this command:
sudo apt-get install rsync

Now we need to create the conguration le. This tells the daemon what to do:
sudo gedit /etc/rsyncd.conf

Copy and paste the following into the le but make sure to replace all instances of "username" with your username:

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[usernamebackup] path = /home/username/backup comment = Backup uid = username gid = username read only = false auth users = username secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets

Set the permission on the le to be safe:

sudo chmod 644 /etc/rsyncd.conf

Create a username and password le:

sudo gedit /etc/rsyncd.secrets

And enter in your credentials:


Make the le secure, we don't want the password's stolen:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.secrets

Now the rsync daemon is not enabled by default, so go edit /etc/default/rsync:

sudo gedit /etc/default/rsync

And set:


This allows the daemon to become active and lets you back up your data! To kickstart the change, restart the daemon:
sudo /etc/init.d/rsync restart

Enable SSH Banner

After login you can have the contents of a "banner" le displayed on the user's screen. Open up the sshd conguration le:
208 of 242 10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty -

sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

#Banner /etc/

Banner /etc/

Edit the le to contain what you want displayed:

sudo gedit /etc/

Add what you want:

_ ___ _ _ ___ _____ ___| |___ | -_|_'_| .'| | . | | -_| |___|_,_|__,|_|_|_| _|_|___| |_| Welcome to my server

Restart SSHD:
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

DHCP Server
How to install DHCP Server for automatic IP addresses assignment Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories In this example: "eth0" is the interface for network card IP Address Range: to Subnet Mask: DNS Servers:, Domains: Gateway Address:
sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server sudo cp /etc/default/dhcp3-server /etc/default/dhcp3-server_backup gksudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server

Find this line:

209 of 242 10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty -


Replace with the following line:


Save the edited le

sudo cp /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

Find this section:

... # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name ""; option domain-name-servers,;

default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; ...

Replace with the following lines:

# option definitions common to all supported networks... #option domain-name ""; #option domain-name-servers,;

#default-lease-time 600; #max-lease-time 7200;

Find this section:

... # A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet. #subnet netmask { # range; # option domain-name-servers; # option domain-name ""; # option routers; # option broadcast-address; # default-lease-time 600; # max-lease-time 7200; #} ...

Replace with the following lines:

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet. subnet netmask { range; option domain-name-servers,;

210 of 242

10/14/2011 02:47 PM

Ubuntu:Feisty option domain-name ""; option routers; option broadcast-address; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; }

Restart the DHCP server:

sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

Backup Ubuntu System

If you want to backup your ubuntu system try one of the following backup tools Sbackup Backup Using Sbackup ( - Backup and Restore Ubuntu System Using Sbackup Dar and Kdar Backup Using Dar and Kdar ( - Backup and Restore Ubuntu System Using Dar and Kdar

Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server

LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP These components together comprise . the easiest and most widely used web server. Feisty has made a LAMP server installation a one-click process. If you are installing from an Ubuntu Server disk, you will be given the option of installing a LAMP server during initial installation. No other steps are required. If you have not installed a LAMP server during installation, it can be installed from Synaptic Package Manager as a package. No other steps are required.
System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager-->Edit-->Mark packages by Task-->LAMP Server-->OK

How to further setup your LAMP server by creating and using MySQL databases, etc, go here ( . If you want to do a manual installation (much more complex), it can be found at Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server Installation with Screenshots ( . From the command line, the LAMP server package can be installed using:

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sudo tasksel install lamp-server

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server

Database Server
How to install MYSQL Database Server Read #General Notes Note: The MySQL server can be installed separately or as part of a LAMP integrated server package (Linux, Apache2, MySql, PHP). To install the integrated package, read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server. Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

MySQL initially only allows connections from the localhost ( We'll need to remove that restriction if you wish to make it accessible to everyone on the internet. Open the le /etc/mysql/my.cnf
gksudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Find the line bind-address = and comment it out

... #bind-address ...


MySQL comes with no root password as default. This is a huge security risk. You'll need to set one. So that the local computer gets root access as well, you'll need to set a password for that too. The local-machine-name is the name of the computer you're working on. For more information see here ( /en/default-privileges.html)
mysqladmin -u root password your-new-password mysqladmin -h local-machine-name -u root -p password your-new-password sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Validate the existence of the socket le

find /var/run/mysqld -name *.sock

If it does not exist then create it.

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touch /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

MySQL Database backup using AutoMySQLBackup Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install MYSQL Database Server AutoMySQLBackup is a script to take daily, weekly and monthly backups of your MySQL databases using mysqldump. AutoMySQLBackup Script Features Backup mutiple MySQL databases with one script. (Now able to backup ALL databases on a server easily. no longer need to specify each database seperately) Backup all databases to a single backup le or to a seperate directory and le for each database. Automatically compress the backup les to save disk space using either gzip or bzip2 compression. Can backup remote MySQL servers to a central server. Runs automatically using cron or can be run manually. Can e-mail the backup log to any specied e-mail address instead of root. (Great for hosted websites and databases). Can email the compressed database backup les to the specied email address. Can specify maximun size backup to email. Can be set to run PRE and POST backup commands. Choose which day of the week to run weekly backups. Download from here ( AutoMySQLBackup Requirements The AutoMySQLBackup script only requires mysqldump (A standard utility provided with the mysql client) and gzip or bzip2 for compression of the backup les. If you would like to have the log emailed to you then you will need to have permission to execute the mail program. If you want the compressed backup les mailed to you then Mutt must be available on the server. Finally you will need a bash shell and the standard system tools and utilities (all these requirements should be the default on most linux system.) What AutoMySQLBackup does Every day AutoMySQLBackup will run (if setup in /etc/cron.daily) and using mysqldump and gzip will dump your specied databases to the /backups/daily directory, it will rotate daily backups weekly so you should never have more than 7 backups in there.. Every Saturday AutoMySQLBackup will again backup the databases you have chosen but they will be placed into /backups/weekly, these will be rotated every 5 weeks so there should never be more than 5 backups in there.. Every 1st of the month AutoMySQLBackup will create a backup of all databases and place them into /backups/monthly. These will never be rotated so it will be up to you to do your own house keeping. I would suggest taking a copy of this oine every month or two so

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that if you have a hard drive failure you will be able to restore your database AutoMySQLBackup Installation The install is as simple as editing a few variables in the AutoMySQLBackup le. The full setup is documented in the AutoMySQLBackup script le below the variables section. Download and place it into your /etc/cron.daily directory or your home directory. Edit (at least) the following lines :
... USERNAME=dbuser PASSWORD=password DBNAMES=DB1 DB2 DB3 ...

Note:The user must have at least select privileges to the databases and make sure to keep the quotes otherwise it wont work Make the le executable :
sudo chmod u+rwx

Create the following directory


Thats it...Now you can run it using the command line ./ or if it is in /etc/cron.daily it will run each day when cron How to install MYSQL Administrator Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install MYSQL Database Server
sudo apt-get install mysql-admin

Read #How to refresh GNOME panel Applications -> System Tools -> MySQL Administrator How to install MySQL Query Browser (SQL Client) Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install MYSQL Database Server
sudo apt-get install mysql-query-browser

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Read #How to refresh GNOME panel Applications -> Programming -> MySQL Query Browser How to install Oracle Database XE Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read Add the following repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb unstable main non-free

Get the public key

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Install the software using apt-get

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-xe

Add your login to the 'dba' group (where your login name is username)
sudo usermod -G dba -a username

Run the initial conguration

sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

You can congure any ports you want as long as they don't interfere with any other services listening on ports. You can choose the defaults by pressing enter instead of entering something in.

Apache HTTP Server

How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service Read #General Notes Note: The Apache2 server can be installed separately or as part of a LAMP integrated server package (Linux, Apache2, MySql, PHP). To install the integrated package, read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server. Read #How to add extra repositories Install:

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sudo apt-get install apache2


Depending on how you setup apache, you may need to run a command to map public_html directories (inside user home directories) to ~. like, http://localhost/~chris. The optional command is:
sudo a2enmod userdir

How to install PHP for Apache HTTP Server Note: PHP can be installed separately or as part of a LAMP integrated server package (Linux, Apache2, MySql, PHP). To install the integrated package, read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server.
How to install PHP5

Note: PHP4 is no longer supported in Feisty. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service
sudo apt-get install php5 sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

To test if php5 installed correctly

gksudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php

(Optional) Insert the following line into the new le

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Save the edited le http://localhost/testphp.php Be sure to remove the le afterwards, as it may pose a security risk If that didn't work (for example, if your browser prompted you to save the testphp.php page), try these commands:
sudo a2enmod php5 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

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Then try opening http://localhost/testphp.php again

Installing recommended modules

Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Install recommended PHP5 modules which are PEAR, GD, XSL, and cURL.
sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-gd php5-xsl curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl

(Optional) The ability to use the mail() function is also recommended. You need a package that enables you to use the sendmail command and Postx is a good one. If you do not want to install this, then go to the Restart Apache step and you're nished.
sudo apt-get install postfix

After running that, you will be prompted to congure postx. Restart Apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Many PHP applications use XSLT technology as well as server-side graphic manipulation (via GD). Also, PEAR provides access to PHP's module repository. cURL is a way to simulate a user's actions at a web browser. One can use it to get content o a website such as to create dynamic statistics. How to install MYSQL for Apache HTTP Server Note: MySQL can be installed separately or as part of a LAMP integrated server package (Linux, Apache2, MySql, Perl). To install the integrated package, read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server. Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service Read #How to install PHP for Apache HTTP Server Read #How to install MYSQL Database Server
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql

Select either php4-mysql or php5-mysql depending on which version of PHP you installed
sudo apt-get install php<version-number>-mysql sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

If you installed phpmyadmin using apt-get and cannot log in, run sudo apt-get purge

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phpmyadmin and then sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin. To get PHP to work with MySQL, open the le (where <version> is either 4 or 5 depending on which PHP you installed)
sudo gedit /etc/php<version>/apache2/php.ini

You'll need to uncomment the ";" line so that it looks like this
... ...

Save the le then exit

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

http://localhost/phpmyadmin If you cannot log in, set a password:

sudo mysqladmin password <NEWPASSWORD>

Alternative if the above doesn't work (which it probably won't and this probably will):
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

How to install Python for Apache 2 Read #General Notes Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service
sudo apt-get install python sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_python.conf

add the following lines

AddType application/x-httpd-python .py AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On

cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled sudo ln -s ../mods-available/mod_python.conf mod_python.conf sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

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How to map URLs to folders outside /var/www/ Read #General Notes Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service
gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/conf.d/alias

Insert the following lines into the new le

Alias /URL-path /location_of_folder/

<Directory /location_of_folder/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

http://localhost/URL-path When you get "403 - Permission denied", you might try:
chmod o+x /location_of_folder/

If that doens't work, the following might help:

chmod o+r,o+x /location_of_folder/

How to change the default port number for Apache HTTP Server Read #General Notes Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service For this example: The new port number will be 78
sudo cp /etc/apache2/ports.conf /etc/apache2/ports.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf

Find this line:

Listen 80

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Replace with the following line:

Listen 78

Restart Apache:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Check to see if you can access the Apache web site on the new port:

How to parse RSS into PHP for Apache HTTP Server Read #General Notes Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service Read #How to install PHP for Apache HTTP Server For this example: RSS is - News
wget -c sudo mkdir /var/www/feeds sudo tar zxvf magpierss-0.71.1.tar.gz -C /var/www/feeds/ sudo mv /var/www/feeds/magpierss-0.71.1/* /var/www/feeds/ sudo rm -fr /var/www/feeds/magpierss-0.71.1/ sudo chown -R www-data:root /var/www/feeds/ gksudo gedit /var/www/feeds/index.php

Insert the following lines into the new le:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title> - News</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ /* DEFAULT TAG STYLES */ body { background: #ffffff; margin-left: 20px; font-family: bitstream vera sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } h1 { font-family: luxi sans,sans-serif;

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Ubuntu:Feisty font-size: 15pt; } /*]]>*/ </style> </head> <body> <?php require_once ''; error_reporting(E_ERROR); $url = ''; $rss = fetch_rss($url); if ($rss) { echo "<h1>"; echo "<a href=$url>", $rss->channel[title], "</a><br/>"; echo "</h1>"; foreach ($rss->items as $item ) { $url = $item[link]; $title = $item[title]; $description = $item[description]; echo "<li>"; echo "<b>Topic:</b> <a href=$url><b><u>$title</u></b></a><br/><br/>"; echo "$description<br/><br/>"; echo "</li>"; } } else { echo "<a href=$url>", $url, "</a> - Server Down!<br/>"; } ?> </body> </html>

Check your feeds:


FTP Server
How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo apt-get install proftpd

How to congure FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directory Read #General Notes

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Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service

sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Find this section

... DenyFilter ...


Add the following line below it

DefaultRoot ~

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart

How to congure FTP Server to allow anonymous FTP user to read only Read #General Notes Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service ProftpD Server Setup in Ubuntu Tutorial (
sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Append the following lines at the end of le

<Anonymous ~ftp> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message <Directory *> <Limit WRITE> DenyAll </Limit> </Directory> </Anonymous>

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart

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How to congure FTP Server to allow anonymous FTP user to read/write Read #General Notes Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service
sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Append the following lines at the end of le

<Anonymous ~ftp> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message </Anonymous>

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart

How to map anonymous FTP user to folders outside /home/ftp/ Read #General Notes Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service
sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Append the following lines at the end of le

<Anonymous /location_of_folder/> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message <Directory *> <Limit WRITE> DenyAll </Limit> </Directory> </Anonymous>

Save the edited le

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sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart

How to change the default port number for FTP Server Read #General Notes Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service For this example: The new port number will be 77
sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Find this line:

Port 21

Replace with the following line:

Port 77

Restart the FTP server:

sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart

How to ftp into remote Ubuntu host from a Windows client machine Read #General Notes Warning: An unsecured FTP server is a security risk. FTP servers should be used either within a rewall-protected LAN only or in conjunction with SSH or VPN over the Internet. The remote Ubuntu host machine must have the FTP Server service running. Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service Download and install FileZilla for Windows: Here ( /lezilla/FileZilla_2_2_18_setup.exe?download) FTP addresses take the form:

Note: the username and password are optional. If they are not given and the server is not congured for anonymous access, then they will be requested. How to FTP to a remote Windows host from an Ubuntu client machine

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Warning: An unsecured FTP server is a security risk. FTP servers should be used either within a rewall-protected LAN only or in conjunction with SSH or VPN over the Internet. Install FTP Server on your main le host. You can use FileZilla Server for Windows ( or CrossFTP Server for all platforms ( (CrossFTP Server Tutorial ( /tutorial_server_setup_demo.htm) ), which requires Java. Install an FTP client on your local client machine. Again, you can use FileZilla ( or CrossFTP ( . FileZilla is available as a package by enabling the universe repository and obtaining lezilla from Synaptic Package Manager, or:
apt-get install filezilla

The FTP address normally has the form:


How to congure your NAT/router/gateway/rewall for FTP server Read #General Notes The host machine must be running the FTP Server service. Read #How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service Congure your FTP server with a limited passive port range so that TCP range can be opened in the incoming rewall. For proftpd, edit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf:
gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

and edit this line with the desire port range to use for FTP transfers:
PassivePorts xx-yy

For security, it's a good idea to operate the server at a non-standard port, see #How to change the default port number for FTP Server. For proftpd, edit the /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf le on line:
Port x

where x is the port over which you wish FTP trac to be directed.

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The NAT/router/gateway/rewall devices or software must be congured to allow the congured incoming TCP ports (port x in the example) to be forwarded to your host on the LAN.

Personal Apt Repository

Read #General Notes Setting Up Repository Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service Note: This type of repository is known as a Trivial Repository ( /doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto.en.html#id2452849) . This type of repository does not fully comply with Debian standards, so should not be used commercially. However, it is ideal for home or personal use. Install Package Tools
sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

Create Repos on Filesystem

mkdir /somewhere/apt mkdir /somewhere/apt/archives mkdir /somewhere/apt/archives/binary

(Optional) Copy existing local APT cache to your Repos

cp -v /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /somewhere/apt/archives/binary/

Create Package Lists for Repos

cd /somewhere/apt/archives dpkg-scanpackages binary /dev/null | gzip -9c > binary/Packages.gz

Publish Repos with Apache

cd /var/www sudo ln -s /somewhere/apt/archives apt

Add Repos to Sources (on all PCs) to /etc/apt/sources.list Open /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

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Add the following to the bottom of the le:

# My Repos deb http://localhost/apt binary/

Update APT Database

sudo apt-get update

Updating Repository Simply copy or download ".deb" les to /somewhere/apt/archives/binary/ and then update the Packages list:
cd /somewhere/apt/archives dpkg-scanpackages binary /dev/null | gzip -9c > binary/Packages.gz

Streaming Media Server

How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories Read #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service e.g. /var/music/ is the directory containing multimedia les
sudo apt-get install gnump3d

http://localhost:8888 Streaming Media Server Guide ( How to change the default directory containing multimedia les for GNUMP3d Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service In this example: The new directory containing multimedia les is /home/music/
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

Find this line:

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root = /var/music

Replace with the following line:

root = /home/music

Find this line:

user = gnump3d

Replace with the following line:

user = root

Restart the Gnump3 server.

sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

Verify the service is running:


How to change the default port number for GNUMP3d Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service e.g. Assumed that new port number is 7878
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

Find this line

port = 8888

Replace with the following line

port = 7878

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

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http://localhost:7878 How to enable downmixing support (for streaming outside your LAN) Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

Find this line

# downsample_enabled = 1

Uncomment the line (remove the '#' hash symbol) so it looks like this
downsample_enabled = 1

Then nd these lines

# downsample_clients = ALL # no_downsample_clients =

Replace them with these lines

downsample_clients = ALL no_downsample_clients = no_downsample_clients = no_downsample_clients =

Finally, nd these lines

#downsample_high_mp3 #downsample_medium_mp3 #downsample_low_mp3 # #downsample_high_ogg #downsample_medium_ogg #downsample_low_ogg = /usr/bin/lame = /usr/bin/lame = /usr/bin/lame --mp3input -b 56 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 32 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 16 $FILENAME -

= /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 -

And uncomment them as well (remove all the '#' hash symbols) so they look like this
downsample_high_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame downsample_medium_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame downsample_low_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame --mp3input -b 56 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 32 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 16 $FILENAME -

downsample_high_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 downsample_medium_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 downsample_low_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 -

Save the edited le

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sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

How to downmix MP3 to Ogg Vorbis (better quality) Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service Read #How to enable downmixing support (for streaming outside your LAN)
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

Find these lines

downsample_high_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame downsample_medium_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame downsample_low_mp3 = /usr/bin/lame --mp3input -b 56 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 32 $FILENAME --mp3input -b 16 $FILENAME -

Replace them with these lines

downsample_high_mp3 = /usr/bin/madplay $FILENAME -o raw:- | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 downsample_medium_mp3 = /usr/bin/madplay $FILENAME -o raw:- | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 downsample_low_mp3 = /usr/bin/madplay $FILENAME -o raw:- | oggenc --raw --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 -

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

How to add downmixing support for FLAC audio Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service Read #How to enable downmixing support (for streaming outside your LAN)
sudo apt-get install flac

Find the following lines

downsample_high_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 downsample_medium_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 downsample_low_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 -

Just under those, add the following lines

downsample_high_flac downsample_medium_flac downsample_low_flac = /usr/bin/oggenc --downmix -b 96 $FILENAME -o = /usr/bin/oggenc --downmix -b 64 $FILENAME -o = /usr/bin/oggenc --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 $FILENAME -o -

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Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

How to add downmixing support for AAC/MPEG-4 audio Read #General Notes Read #How to install GNUMP3d for Streaming Media Server service Read #How to enable downmixing support (for streaming outside your LAN)
sudo apt-get install faad

Find the following lines

downsample_high_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 downsample_medium_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 downsample_low_ogg = /usr/bin/sox -t ogg $FILENAME -t raw - | oggenc --raw --downmix --resample 22050 -b 32 -

Just under those, add the following lines

downsample_high_m4a downsample_medium_m4a downsample_low_m4a = /usr/bin/faad $FILENAME -d -o - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 96 - -o = /usr/bin/faad $FILENAME -d -o - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b 64 - -o = /usr/bin/faad $FILENAME -d -o - | oggenc --raw --downmix -b --resample 22050 -b 32 - -o -

Save the edited le

sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

Groupware (Email/Calendaring)
How to install Meldware Communication Suite Read #General Notes Read #How_to_install_Java_Development_Kit_.28JDK.29_v5.0 Meldware Communication Suite provides a multi-platform alternative to popular groupware like Exchange or Lotus Notes including Email(SMTP/POP/IMAP) and Calendaring(iCAL,WCAP). It depends on Java and, optionally, for the webmail/webcal client, Flash.
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun

Download the jar le for a recent milestone or build here ( /mediawiki/index.php/Downloads#Milestone_Builds) Open a new terminal (capture java path updates) change directory to your download directory replace below lename with correct version based on your download

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sudo java -jar buni-meldware-20070225.jar

A series of conguration questions are asked, for destination directory specify /opt/mcs
sudo cp /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/meldware-cs gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/meldware-cs

Replace the value in the line beginning with PATH with "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin: /bin:/opt/mcs/bin" excluding quotes (assuming you specied /opt/mcs as the destination directory to the installer) Replace the value in the line beginning with DESC with "Meldware Communication Suite" including quotes Replace the value in the line beginning with NAME with "" excluding quotes Replace the value in the line beginning with DAEMON with "/opt/mcs/bin/$NAME" excluding quotes Replace the value in the line beginning with DAEMON_ARGS with "-c meldware" excluding quotes Replace the value in the line beginning with SCRIPTNAME with "/etc/init.d /meldware-cs" excluding quotes save (ESC):wq
sudo sudo sudo sudo chmod ln -s ln -s ln -s 755 /etc/init.d/meldware-cs /etc/init.d/meldware-cs /etc/rc3.d/S21meldware-cs /etc/init.d/meldware-cs /etc/rc6.d/K21meldware-cs /etc/init.d/meldware-cs /etc/rc4.d/S21meldware-cs

start MCS
sudo /etc/init.d/meldware-cs restart

Additional documentation is available here ( /Documentation)

Image Gallery Server

For a comparison between Gallery1 and Gallery2 see here ( /index.php/G1-G2_Comparison) Gallery1
How to install Gallery1 for Image Gallery Server service

Read Read Read Read

#General Notes #How to add extra repositories #How to install Apache HTTP Server for HTTP (Web) Server service #How to install PHP for Apache HTTP Server

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sudo sudo sudo sudo sudo sudo

apt-get install gallery (when prompted to restart Apache, choose No or Cancel) apt-get install imagemagick apt-get install jhead apt-get install libjpeg-progs /etc/init.d/apache2 restart sh /usr/share/gallery/

http://localhost/gallery/setup/index.php Gallery Conguration

Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 1 Next Step ->

Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 2 General settings Tab -> Admin password: Specify the password Locations and URLs Tab -> Album directory: /var/www/albums/ Temporary directory: /tmp/ Gallery URL: http://localhost/gallery Albums URL: http://localhost/albums Next Step -->

Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 3 Next Step -->

Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 4 Save Config ->

How to congure Gallery1 to be accessible via Internet (Hostname or x IP) or LAN (x IP)

Read #General Notes Read #How to install Gallery1 for Image Gallery Server service In this example: The host's Internet URL is
sudo cp /etc/gallery/config.php /etc/gallery/config.php_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gallery/config.php

Find this section:

... $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://localhost/gallery"; $gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://localhost/albums"; ...

Replace with the following lines:

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$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = ""; $gallery->app->albumDirURL = "";

Verify the gallery is accessible:

How to congure Gallery1 to be accessible via LAN (dynamic IP)

Read #General Notes Read #How to install Gallery1 for Image Gallery Server service For this example: the host running Gallery 1 is located on the LAN at (dynamic IP):
sudo cp /etc/gallery/config.php /etc/gallery/config.php_backup gksudo gedit /etc/gallery/config.php

Find this section

... $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://localhost/gallery"; $gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://localhost/albums"; ...

Replace with the following lines

$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "/gallery"; $gallery->app->albumDirURL = "/albums";

Look for the gallery:

How to backup/restore Gallery1 data

Read #General Notes To backup Gallery data

sudo tar zcvf gallery.tgz /var/www/albums/ /etc/gallery/

To restore Gallery data

sudo tar zxvf gallery.tgz -C /

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Ubuntu:Feisty How to install Gallery2 How to congure Gallery2

How to install Subversion version control server (with Apache support)

Read #General Notes Install Subversion and Apache 2 Module
sudo apt-get install subversion apache2 libapache2-svn

Enable Subversion/DAV Apache 2 Module

sudo a2enmod dav_svn

Congure Apache 2
sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf

Edit the le to look something like this:

<Location /svn> DAV svn SVNPath /home/svn AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd Require valid-user </Location>

Create Subversion Repository

sudo mkdir /home/svn sudo svnadmin create /home/svn

Give Apache 2 Permissions to Repository

sudo chown -R www-data /home/svn

Create Repository User Replace 'username' with your username

sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd username

Enter password when prompted.

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Restart Apache 2
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Working with the new repository Open a terminal window and paste:
svn checkout http://username@localhost/svn lucky

You will be prompted to enter the password. Now you have a working copy in the directory 'lucky'. Now lets create a le and commit it.
cd lucky

mousepad Hello.txt

Enter anything you like in the le and click save, Exit.

svn add Hello.txt

Now you added the le but it won't appear in the repository yet, you have to commit it. To commit, its as easy as doing the following:
svn commit

Now check your repository using the web browser at http://localhost/svn/.

How to install Subversion version control server (svnserve)

Read #General Notes Install Subversion and Internet services daemon
sudo apt-get install subversion xinetd

Create user that will own the repositories

sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --home /var/svn --group --disabled-login svn

Create directory that will hold the repositories

sudo mkdir /var/svn sudo chown -R svn:svn /var/svn

Create le /etc/xinetd.d/svnserve with the following content

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service svn { port = 3690 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = svn server = /usr/bin/svnserve server_args = -i -r /var/svn }

Restart xinetd
sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Create the rst repository

sudo -u svn svnadmin create /var/svn/testrepo

It should be possible to check out the repository and work on it

svn co svn://localhost/testrepo

PhpGedView Server
PhpGedView allows you to view and edit your genealogy (family tree) on your website. How to install PhpGedView Server Read #Ubuntu Feisty LAMP Server Read #How to install MYSQL for Apache HTTP Server
sudo apt-get install phpgedview

How to congure PhpGedView with MySQL

gksudo gedit /etc/phpgedview/config.php

Edit /etc/phpgedview/cong.php to reect the following changes.

$DBTYPE $DBHOST $DBUSER $DBPASS $DBNAME = = = = = "mysql"; "localhost"; "phpgedview_my_family"; "password_for_dbuser"; "phpgedview_my_family";

I made $DBUSER the same as $DBNAME because it is easier to create user and database privileges using phpMyAdmin.

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Log into phpMyAdmin as root with no password if you have not changed the root password for MySQL yet. Click on "Privileges" (fourth from the bottom in the middle column). Click "Add a new User".
Login Information User name: [Use text field:] phpgedview_my_family (same as $DBUSER above) Host: [Local] localhost Password: [Use text field:] password_for_dbuser (same as $DBPASS above) Re-type: password_for_dbuser (same as $DBPASS above) Database for user [x] Create database with same name and grant all privileges

Click "Go". MySQL should now have your new PhpGedView user and database. Go back to phpMyAdmin's home page and "Reload privileges". Add PhpGedView to Apache.
sudo ln -s /etc/phpgedview/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpgedview sudo a2ensite phpgedview #equivalent to 'ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpgedview phpgedview' sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

gksudo gedit /etc/phpgedview/config_gedcom.php

Optionally edit /etc/phpgedview/cong_gedcom.php to reect the following changes.

$CONTACT_EMAIL = ""; $WEBMASTER_EMAIL = ""; $HOME_SITE_URL = "http://localhost/phpgedview"; $HOME_SITE_TEXT = "My Family PhpGedVIew";

Create the initial administrator account for your new PhpGedView server.

Continue creating users, uploading your existing GEDCOM le, or start creating your family tree.

How to disable system time/date from being reset to UTC (GMT)

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Read #General Notes

sudo cp /etc/default/rcS /etc/default/rcS_backup gksudo gedit /etc/default/rcS

Find this line

... UTC=yes ...

Replace with the following line


Save the edited le System -> Administration -> Time and Date Set the correct time/date
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart

How to congure sound to work properly in GNOME Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories
sudo killall esd sudo cp /etc/esound/esd.conf /etc/esound/esd.conf_backup gksudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf

Find this section

... auto_spawn=0 spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 5 ...

Replace with the following lines

auto_spawn=1 spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 2 -d default

Save the edited le

sudo apt-get install libesd-alsa0 gksudo gedit /etc/asound.conf

Insert the following lines into the new le

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Ubuntu:Feisty -

pcm.card0 { type hw card 0 } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "dmixer" } pcm.dmixer { type dmix ipc_key 1025 slave { pcm "hw:0,0" period_time 0 period_size 2048 buffer_size 32768 rate 48000 } bindings { 0 0 1 1 } }

Save the edited le

sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

System -> Preferences -> Sound Sound preferences

General Tab -> Sounds for events (Un-Checked)

Save and close all opened applications, Reboot computer How to forcefully empty Trash in GNOME Read #General Notes
sudo rm -fr $HOME/.Trash/*

How to remove duplicate menu/menu items in GNOME Read #General Notes Type "rm -f $HOME/.cong/menus/" in a terminal window Read Ubuntu:Edgy/TipsAndTricks#How to refresh GNOME panel How to refresh Places menu in GNOME (if mounts to /media/ in /etc/fstab does not show up) Read #General Notes

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sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart

If you have requests that you would like to be part of this guide, put them here. How to run Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger under wine. How to connect to mobile phones. How to connect to a mobile phone via infrared to use phone as an IR modem. How to produce an update cd/dvd similar to the install cd which can be used as a repository How to upgrade to new release from an ISO le (without burning) How to enable bluetooth and bluetooth internet connection sharing How to install SElinux on ubuntu 7.04 Server? How to install (and use) a Intel 536ep modem? How to enable sound on a Toshiba Satellite A110-103? How to enable optical audio out via IEC958, aka. S/PDIF? How to set up Spam Assasin to lter emails on a client machine? How to emulate an iPod device when have just a simple MP3 player attached via rewire or USB device? How to get a very simple text editor for the konsole that compares to MS-DOS EDIT style editors / Ncurses interface? How to install low saxon support for feisty How to install and congure OpenVPN server and client How to change default applications from archive manager to Package Installer How to stop your cat from walking on your keyboard while you type. Guide Development Place ideas here to increase the look and performance of this guide. Add a new section for Gnome Themes from and KDE Themes
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from Make headings (categories) stand out more visually. Have entries under their headings in alphabetical order. Try to keep the guide neat and clutter free. Possible "Short Version" Table of contents without each "How to". Add a [top] link to the end of each article. Reference ( . If possible, include a 'nd/search' function to easily access queries. Retrieved from "" This page was last modied on 8 October 2009, at 12:26. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Supported by Download Knoppix.

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