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(LG#1) Enrichment activity: Assignment

My close family has a lot of members, there are in total 19 of us and we are all very
friendly to each other. Us cousins talk to our parents and our parent’s siblings like we
are all in the same age group and for us it’s natural. We grew up celebrating every event
and occasion with each other if we can.
We have a lot of fun with each other and it doesn’t matter where or when we are with
each other, we share our emotions and our feelings. We have supported each other and
helped each other in which ways we can up unti now.
With that said, we still take a lot of time away because we do live pretty far apart from
each other. We also didn’t have time and the opportunity to meet each other because
of the pandemic introduced a lot of restrictions, and with our financial statuses to
consider we just couldn’t risk having cross contamination and have the possibility to
infect everyone.

This is however only my close family, I have a lot more family members that I would call
“friends” because of how comfortable we were with them. It wasn’t always like how it is
today. This group of family im talking about is from my province and it wasn’t always
like this. We used to spend time and have fun with everyone just like with my close
family. However right after pandemic hit we had land problems where each and
everyone in my close family and other side of my family in the province was debating
over. After some time there was this tense feeling that I experience when going home in
the province. It doesn’t feel the same, there was no “homely feeling” and I always feel
on edge. My cousins in our province have also changed, I don’t know if it’s related to the
land problem or it’s just the akward feeling teenagers get when they haven’t seen each
other in a while; we haven’t seen each other for a year and a half.
I hope everything does get better because I do miss the way all of us interacted with
each other.
I do think that this will be resolved and it will get better and better. We will be spending
more time in the province in the future since the pandemic is getting a lot better and no
one’s as worried about it unlike before. All the people involved just needs to
communicate more and resolve the problem, now would be the perfect opportunity to
do just that because there’s going to be a lot of birthdays and other occasions like
fiestas, day of the dead, christmas, and other catholic religious events since our family is
very religious.

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