TUGAS - TH - Muhammad Zakyfarine Ramsi

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commitment to reduce greenhouse gasses
HW MS4101

COMPANY PROFILE On the 7th of August in the year 1957, a corporation known as NV
Semen Gresik, PT Semen Gresik was established. In 2012, NV
Semen Gresik, PT Semen Gresik underwent an official
transformation, and its designation was altered to PT Semen
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. This transition also marked the
commencement of its role as a State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
Holding Company. PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, in its
capacity as a subsidiary, holds a significant stake in several
notable cement-producing entities, including PT Semen Gresik,
PT Semen Padang, PT Semen Tonasa, and Thang Long Cement

It is worth noting that PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk (Holcim), a

company headquartered in Jakarta, assumes ownership of PT
Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Subsequently, in 2019, PT
Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk underwent another name
alteration and became known as PT Solari Bangun Indonesia Tbk
(SBI). This transformation solidified SBI's position as one of the
preeminent global manufacturers and Southeast Asia's largest
producer of cement, boasting an impressive installed capacity of
53 million tons per annum.
HW MS4101

HW MS4101


In 2020, the company is committed to sustainable development. to control emissions by lowering
the intensity. By 2024, it is up to 16% by 2024. The company has set a target. related to the
reduction of GRK and emission intensity of the production process, 595 kg CO2e/tonne cement
equivalent in the year 2024.

In 2020, the company was able to reduce its absolute GRK. over 3.03 million tons of CO2, or 9.94%
lower than the previous year. Likewise, the rate of emission intensity continues to decline year by

As of 2020, the company has used 248,427 tonnes of alternative fuel. 4.04% of the total energy
required in the production process. The company has an alternative fuel use target to reach the
Thermal Substitution Rate It had a population of 15% in 2024.

SBI has established cooperation with the Environment Office (DLH) of DKI Jakarta Province and
PT Unilever Indonesia in the management and utilization of domestic waste in Place Bantar
Integrated Waste Disposal (TPST)gebang is an alternative fuel of Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) has
been used in its subsidiaries such as in the Manufacturing Plant. Narogong West Java, PT Semen
Padang in West Sumatra, PT Semen Tonasa in Sulawesi South, PT Solutions Bangun Indonesia
(SBI) Cilacap Factory, PT Solutions Bangun Andalas (SBA) in Aceh and the East Java Tuban
Factory SIGr.

Specifically for the Tuban Plant SIG, the use of biomass to be an alternative fuel has been used. It
has been carried out since 2008 and the biomassers used are not urban waste as in the previously
mentioned company, but rice husk, cocopoeat, Sawdust, tobacco waste, and corn seeds. The
agricultural waste was taken from the district
Tuban, Lamongan, Bojonegoro and Banyuwangi. In addition to being more efficient when
compared to coal, the use of this alternative fuel also empowers farmers and residents around
the country a factory.
HW MS4101
In my opinion, the solutions proposed by the 1. Implementation of a Waste Heat Recovery Power Generator
company are already very good, especially in the (WHRPG): The energy requirements can be minimized by
harnessing various forms of wasted energy. During the coal
development of biomass energy usage, which not
combustion process, the heat generated from the kiln and
only promotes a reduction in CO2 emissions but
preheater can be utilized as a heat source for the boiler in the
also advances the agricultural industry around the factory's power generation system.
factory. However, the energy demand in the
cement industry is very significant, and if coal 2. Installation of Inverters or Variable Speed Drive Motors: The
usage is to be entirely replaced by biomass, a use of variable speed drive motors, especially in the rotary kiln,
substantial quantity of biomass would be required, can be highly beneficial. The power output of the DC motors
employed in the kiln is heavily dependent on kiln rotation speed,
given that 200,000 tons represent only 4% of it,
feed quantity, and fuel consumption (coal). Therefore, by
whereas the capacity of municipal waste is limited. adjusting the rotational speed, the process can be further
Therefore, emission reduction efforts must be optimized to ensure both the motor and the process operate at
supported by a decrease in energy demand, which their highest efficiency.
can be achieved through improved process
efficiency and the use of efficient equipment. 3. Substitution of Fossil Fuels with Alternative Fuels Beyond
Biomass, such as Solar or Wind Energy: Consideration should be
Some efforts that can be undertaken to support
given to replacing fossil fuels with alternative sources of energy,
these goals include:
such as solar or wind energy, in addition to biomass.
HW MS4101


These are for the emission prediction for the next seven years from 2023 - 2030


Reduce 0.1% every year and a total of 3,036,666 tons of CO2 per year
for total greenhouse emissions in 2018 --> 24,201,399 tons of CO2
for total greenhouse emissions in 2030 --> 8,551,061.76 tons of CO2
So, the emission decreasing from 2018 until estimated 2030 has already improved
-15.650.337 tons of CO2

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