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Nowadays, we can see the use of a solar system everywhere. The sunlight is a
natural and free source of energy.A solar tracker is a device that orients a payload
toward the Sun. A Solar Tracking System is essential to know the exact orientation and
inclination of our location.The most-common applications for solar trackers are
positioning photovoltaic (PV) panels (solar panels) so that they remain perpendicular to
the Sun’s rays and positioning space telescopes so that they can determine the Sun’s
This solar tracker control system is designed to take light measurements from the
east and west (left and right) side of the solar panel and determine which way to
move the panel to point it directly at the source of the light. A servo is used to
actuate the panel tracker.

➢ To design and build a solar tracking system which can be easily mounted
on solar panels.

➢ It should actively rotate the solar panel toward the light source in order to
receive maximum incident energy.

➢ It should also calculate the sun angle at any point of time

Rotationally every season comes with its translation movements which
affect the cycles of day-night and the temperature differences around the world.
Electromagnetic radiation depends on these movements. These radiations will
change depending on the latitude and the time of the year.
Angle of incidence of sun rays at noon and on a horizontal surface in
winter and summer. Thus, daily solar orientations vary depending on the latitude
and they directly affect the angle of incidence of sun rays. This angle of incidence
is a key point in producing solar energy.Hence a solar tracker with active angle
adjustment is more practical than a timed circuit.
LDR which is also a photocell also show this dependency on angle of
incidence. Hence they can be used to find the position of light source and
actively reposition the panel accordingly. For this purpose a combination of 2
LDRs placed at 2 opposite edges of the panel
are used. The variation of resistance will be
similar to the variation of Vo in Photovoltaic cell
(as in the graph above).The LDRs have
minimum resistance when the intensity of light is
maximum ie. when the sensor is facing the light
When both LDRs are facing the light
source at the same angle both give the same
value and this can be identified by Arduino. The
resistance of both LDRs are connected to the analog input pins of the Arduino via
a voltage divider circuit. The servo motor is given input to move till the input from
both the LDRs are equal. Thus the panel rotates towards the LDR which has a
higher intensity of light hitting its surface.
Circuit Diagram
Components Used
● Arduino UNO R3
● Servo motor SG90
● Photovoltaic cell
● LDR*2
● 10k resistor*2
● LCD display JHD162a
● bread board

Softwares used
TinkerCad - Simulation
Arduino IDE - Microcontroller programming

1) Arduino UNO R3
Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board
based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs.They operate at 5 volts.
Each pin can provide or receive 20 mA as
recommended operating condition and has an
internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of
20-50k ohm.Optimal input voltage is 7-12V

2) Servo motor SG90

SG90 9 g Micro Servo Tiny and lightweight with high
output power.Servo can rotate approximately 180 degrees (90
in each direction).

Torque - 1.8kg/cm(at 4.8V)

Input Voltage - 4-6V
Rated current - 220 ±50mA, stall 650 ±80mA
3) LDR
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) is a type of photocell. It
changes resistance with the change in the ambient light exposure on
the surface of the sensor. Its resistance varies from 100Ω in the
sunlight, to over 10MΩ in absolute darkness

4) LCD display JHD162a

The JHD162A display controller is a
monochrome LCD module .The display is 16
character by 2 line display and needs 7 general I/O
pins ( in 4-bit Mode) to interface to this LCD
screen. It also includes an LED back-light.

Operating Voltage - 4.7V to 5.3V

Operating Current - 1mA

To measure the position of the light source the intensity of light is measured with
LDRs using Arduino and the intensity of light falling on both LDRs are compared . The
LDRs are placed on the edges of the solar pane. The LDR with light falling at a steeper
angle will receive greater intensity of light on its surface hence has lower resistance.
The LDRs are connected in series to a 10k resistors across the supply and ground
forming a voltage divider circuit.The potential difference across the LDR is fed as input
to the Arduino.As the intensity of light falling on the LDR increases its resistance
Based on the change in this potential difference the change in intensity of light is
identified.By comparing the values from both LDRs, proper signal is given to the servo
motor to cause the movement. When the intensity of the light falling on the right LDR is
more, the panel turns towards the right and if the intensity is higher on the left then the
panel turns towards the left side. The panel stops when both LDRs read the same
intensity.This angle of the servo motor axis is displayed on the LCD screen along with
the voltage generated by the photovoltaic cell.
Microcontroller code

#include <Servo.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define LDR1 A1
#define LDR2 A2
#define error 10
#define solar A3
const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
int Spoint = 90;
Servo servo;
float val;
float vin;
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

void loop() {
int diff=30;
vin = val*5/1023;
int ldr1 = analogRead(LDR1)+diff;
int ldr2 = analogRead(LDR2);

int value1 = ldr1 - ldr2;

int value2 = ldr2 - ldr2;
Serial.print("Ldr1 = ");
Serial.print("\t Ldr2 = ");

if (abs(value1) <= 20) {

} else {
if ((ldr1 > ldr2)) {
Spoint = --Spoint;
if ((ldr1 < ldr2)) {
Spoint = ++Spoint;
else if(Spoint<=0){Spoint=90;}
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
if(Spoint<10){lcd.print(" ");}
if(Spoint<100){lcd.print(" ");}

lcd.setCursor(12, 1);

Social Relevance
Scientists and engineers are trying to increase the efficiency of solar cells and
decrease the expense.Traditionally, solar panels are fixed and the movement of sun
over the horizon means that the solar panel does not harness maximum energy most of
the time. In order to maximise the power from the solar panel, the panel should face the
sun all time.
A solar tracker aligns the panel directly towards the sun and increases the efficiency of
the solar panel. A single axis solar tracker improves solar output by around 25%.
Hence it is much more economical and efficient to use solar trackers in solar farms,
portable solar generators etc.


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