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Functional Specifications to Contracts status WP2814_

reportFunctional Specifications 020_MM_REP

SAP Implementation in NEdM

Contracts Status Report -Functional

Specifications - SAP

Table of Contents Page i SAP Implementation in NEdM

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Functional Specifications to Contracts status WP2814_
reportFunctional Specifications 020_MM_REP

Document Control Information

Document Information
Document Identification WP2814_ 020_MM_REP

Document Name Functional Specifications to Contracts status report

Project Name SAP Implementation in NEdM

Client Nissan Exports de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Document Author Nallely Vázquez Rojas
Document Version 1
Document Status Version Release 3-4
Date Released 12/09/2016

Document Edit History

Version Date Additions/Modifications Prepared/Revised by
1.0 23/06/2016 Creation Nallely Vázquez

Document Review/Approval History

Date Name Organization/Title Comments
12/09/2016 Cesar Guatirrojo NEdM Purchasing Jr

Distribution of Final Document

Name Organization/Title
Cesar Guatirrojo NEdM Purchasing Jr Manager.

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Table of Contents
1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Business Driver............................................................................................................................. 4
2 Functional Specification Details........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Impacted Subprocess(es).............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Assumptions.................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Risks.............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Impacted Systems......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Operational Considerations............................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Data Source................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Trigger........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Processing Options....................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Dependencies................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4.1 Environment / Configuration................................................................................................. 6
3.4.2 Development Dependencies................................................................................................ 6
3.4.3 Run / Execution Dependencies............................................................................................6
3.5 Expected System Load.................................................................................................................. 7
4 Design Considerations....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Design Details............................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Filtering Criteria.................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 Mapping and Transformation............................................................................................... 8
4.2 Triggers and Other Process Requirements...................................................................................9
4.2.1 Triggers................................................................................................................................ 9
4.2.2 Transaction Information...................................................................................................... 10
4.2.3 Legacy Transaction Information......................................................................................... 10
4.3 EDI Functional Requirements...................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Error Handling, Correction and Recovery....................................................................................10
5 Security and Controls....................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Security Requirements................................................................................................................ 12
5.2 Auditing and Control Requirements............................................................................................. 12
5.2.1 Special Processing Requirement.......................................................................................12
5.2.2 Routing Rules..................................................................................................................... 12
6 Attachments and Documentation.................................................................................................... 13

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1 Overview

1.1 Overview
The objective of this Functional Specification is the Contracts Status Report on SAP System through the
development for the purchasing process of Nissan Exports.

1.2 Business Driver

Once the contracts are created into SAP System, the business needs contract report with relevant

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2 Functional Specification Details

2.1 Impacted Subprocess(es)

The process affected with this Development :
 P-050-06-001 USA Parts Purchasing
 P-050-05-001 National Parts Purchasing
 P-050-10-001 Precious Materials Purchasing

2.2 Assumptions
 The contracts has been created into SAP System.
 Pre-requisites are the Material & Vendor Master Data has been created
 Table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT updated with every change on the contract

2.3 Risks
If the contract has not been created , the report wont be carried out.

2.4 Impacted Systems

SAP R/3 (ECC) Sales and Marketing / SAP CRM SAP BI
Procurement / SRM Portal Middleware
Supply Chain / SCM Others / Legacy (List Name/Function) _________________

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3 Operational Considerations

3.1 Data Source

The data source will be the Information of Contracts Control, obtained from table previously created for
Contracts Creation Process.

3.2 TriggerX
The trigger of this process, is the execution by the user of the Z transaction.

3.3 Processing Options

Should be obtained information of contracts.
Processing Mode (Check all that apply)
Batch Online – via Transaction Code Online – via Menu Path
Processing Type
The Frequency as needed.
Annually Quarterly Monthly
Weekly Daily As needed
Other (If other, describe here)___________________________________

3.4 Dependencies
The Development of Upload to Massive Trials Contracts
Table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT update with every contract update and change.

3.4.1 Environment / Configuration

Predefined to Customizing:
1.- Organizational Structure
2.- Material Master Data
2.- Vendor Master Data
3.- Document Type
4.- Account Determination

3.4.2 Development Dependencies

The Development of Upload Massive Trials Contracts and the update of table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONTwith
every contract change

3.4.3 Run / Execution Dependencies

The contracts documents , should be created before the execution of this Development.

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3.5 Expected System Load

The records to Download are between 500 a 1000 contracts.

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4 Design Considerations
The objective of this Functional Specification is to obtain information of Contracts through on report into
SAP System.

4.1 Design Details

The “Z” transaction will be created to review and download the historic information of Trial Contracts

The table of the Information for Contracts creation was Previously created for “MM_019 Creation of Trial
Contracts” development, therefore the report should be obtained from this table : ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT

This report should have the option to download as .XLS file, also all the buttons to apply filters, order
columns, change layout, etc.

4.1.1 Filtering Criteria

Execution parameters
Field Technical name Mandatory Match code Wildcards?? Range
Plant ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contract ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- No Yes Yes Yes
number EBELN
Vendor ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT– No Yes Yes Yes
Efective ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- Yes Yes No Yes
Valid until ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- No Yes No Yes
date KDATE
Status ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- No Yes Yes Yes
Destination ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT- No Yes Yes Yes

4.1.2 Mapping and Transformation

Sequen Name of the Origin table Origin Logic to determine Format Data Available
ce column field values hierarc at first
hy view

1 Purchasing ZMTT_LEV_P EBELN Extract from Left justify Y

T table considering the
data given by the user.

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2 Price level ZMTT_LEV_P ZNIVEL Extract from Left justify Y

T table considering the
data given by the user.
3 Material ZMTT_LEV_P MATNR Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
4 Vendor ZMTT_LEV_P LIFNR Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
5 Plant ZMTT_LEV_P WERKS Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
6 Efective date ZMTT_LEV_P ZKODA Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
7 Price ZMTT_LEV_P NET_P Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
8 Currency ZMTT_LEV_P WAERS Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
9 Status ZMTT_LEV_P ZEVEN Extract from Left justify Y
T table considering the
data given by the user.
10 Destination ZMTT_LEV_P ANGNR Extraer de la tabla Left justify Y
T según los
parámetros de
selección del usuario

4.2 Triggers and Other Process Requirements

 Information stored into SAP from Contracts.

4.2.1 Triggers

Transaction Name or Batch Job:

File Appearing N/A

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4.2.2 Transaction Information

You can use a transaction as suggested of NMEX : ZX_MM_A061 .

Transaction Code : Should be created a transaction for NEdM.

Name of Transaction : Report Display Contracts List
Name of First Screen : Report Display Contracts List

4.2.3 Legacy Transaction Information

Transaction Code : N/A
Name of Transaction : N/A
Name of First Screen : N/A

Field Description Technical Field Table (if known) Example Value


4.3 EDI Functional Requirements


4.4 Error Handling, Correction and Recovery

It is required that the program validates that data captured by the user exist on table

1. Plant must exists on table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT - WERKS, if it doesn´t exist it will show the
error message “ No contracts exist for plant indicated”

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2. Vendor must exist on table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT - LIFNR, if it doesn´t exist it will show the
error “ No contracts exist for vendor indicated”
3. Status must exist on table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT - ZEVENTO, if it doesn´t exist it will show the
error “ No contracts exist for status indicated”
4. Destination must exist on table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT - ANGNR, if it doesn´t exist it will show
the error “ No contracts exist for destination indicated”
5. Adicionally the program must validate that the combination of data from the selection parameters
exist on the table ZMTT_LEV_PR_CONT, if it doesn´t exist it will show the error “ No contracts
exist for data indicated”.
6. The program should validate the net price obtained to 4 decimals and extract on report.

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5 Security and Controls

5.1 Security Requirements


Role Transaction Code(s) Level of Security


5.2 Auditing and Control Requirements

5.2.1 Special Processing Requirement

Application Post Processing: N/A

Close Loop Processing: N/A

Audit Trail / Logging N/A

Data Encryption / Decryption Requirements N/A

5.2.2 Routing Rules


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6 Attachments and Documentation


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