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100 Years of Lajna Imaillah and our Responsibilities

In Jesus’as time, loyal female helpers such as Mary Magdalene worked tirelessly to spread
Jesus’as message. Her contribution has been noted in Christian history as a source of pride,
even though she was not one of the twelve disciples. A far greater number of female
Companionsra were noted as being the Companionsra of the Prophet Muhammadsa. If in
sincerity and ardent devotion the male Companionsra loved the Holy Prophetsa, then so did the
female Companionsra.

“One such lady was Hazrat Umm Ammarahra. When she saw that the Holy Prophetsa was
outnumbered during a battle, she immediately picked up a sword and proceeded to the
battlefield to defend her beloved Mastersa.”

Then we see Hazrat Khaulara who set an example on the battlefield, where she displayed great
courage and bravery and freed her brother who had been taken hostage by the Roman army.

Thus, segregation in Islam has never meant that women do not take part in pursuits outside the
home. Islam’s history testifies that women did.

(Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, English Mulaqat, 16 June 1996)

These women showed that whilst guarding their chastity, they were able to volunteer for the
front line.

Indeed, these female Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa were great leaders. Then, in the era
of the Promised Messiahas, women would be required to take on a similar role for their faith.
During the Promised Messiahas time, he personally trained the male members of the Jamaat,
how to respectfully, and kindly treat women and how to keep their rights in view.

(History Lajna Imaillah, p. 2)

The Promised Messiahas taught, “We should treat women with courtesy and kindness.”

(Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p. 307)

Establishment of Lajna Imaillah
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II ra established Lajna Imaillah on the proposal of his second wife,
Amatul Hay Sahibara, on 25 December 1922, and its first secretary was Hazrat Amatul Hay
Sahibara. After Hazrat Amatul Hay Sahibara, this important service was entrusted to his other
wife, Hazrat Sara Begum Sahibara and then, to Hazrat Syeda Umme-Tahirra.

When the launch of this organisation was brought into effect, members of Lajna Imaillah
humbly requested Hazrat Ummul Momineen [Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara] to accept
presiding as its Sadr. The first gathering most probably occurred under her presidency.
However, having seated Hazrat Umme-Nasirra in her position at the very first gathering, she
nominated her as Sadr. Thus, till her demise on 31 July 1958, Hazrat Umme-Nasirra carried out
this responsibility in an outstanding manner.

Thus was the inception of Lajna Imaillah. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II ra wrote the following
exposition addressed to the ladies of Qadian on 15 December 1922:

“Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe Wabarakatuhu. In order to fulfil the aim and objective of
the purpose of our creation, the efforts of women are as necessary as that of men. In my
opinion, the perception of what Islam expects of women has not dawned upon them and how
their lives should be spent whereby they can, attaining the pleasure of God, become the
inheritors of the bounties of Allah Almighty, not only in the hereafter but in this world as well.

“If one reflects, it will dawn upon them that most women do not have an understanding of
whether they are capable of other work aside from daily chores.

“The enmity for Islam that is instilled in children through women (mothers) in anti-Islam circles
can be countered only through our women. Further, if a spirit of sacrifice can be created in
children, then that can also only occur through mothers. Thus, besides their own spiritual and
academic progress, the progress of the future Jamaat is mostly dependent upon the efforts of
women, since the influence which children retain when grown is not as deep as is retainable in
childhood. Similarly, the reformation of women can also occur through women.

“Bearing these matters in mind, I invite those sisters who second this idea and admit the need
of the following matters to initiate work together, in order to fulfil these objectives. If you also
agree upon the following matters, please notify me so that this work begins as soon as possible:
Responsibilities of Lajna Imaillah
1. Women should collaborate to increase knowledge and share it with others.
2. An organization is needed for formal continuation of this work.
3. Rules should be established and followed by all members.
4. Rules should align with the Ahmadiyya Jamaat's Islam.
5. Members should write and read essays on Islam topics.
6. Invite knowledgeable speakers to increase knowledge.
7. Actions should align with the Khalifa's guidance.
8. Strive for unity in accordance with Islamic principles.
9. Focus on moral and spiritual development.
10. Educate children in religion and Islamic values.
11. Overlook faults and work for reformation.
12. Endure scorn and mockery without giving in.
13. Encourage like-minded individuals.
14. Only agreeable members should participate.
15. Promote love and equality among members.
16. Propose and act on methods to serve Islam.
17.Emphasize supplication and prayer for guidance and success.

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