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School BBI ES (LAWANG PARI) Grade Four

Teacher MARYBETH C. Learning English

Teaching April 24, 2023 Quarter Third Quarter
Week No. Week No. 11 Checked
GRADE 4 by:
Master Teacher II
I. Learning Analyze a story in terms of its elements (EN4RC-Ib-2.1.1)
II.CONTENT Story in Terms of its Elements
A. Reference
1.Teacher’s Guide Page. 117-118
2.Learner’s Page 108-111
Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
Resources from
Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning YouTube, PowerPoint presentation
A. Review previous Before we explore more from our new topic, let us have a quick review on the previous
lesson or discussion. Can you still remember?
presenting the new
lesson. In the previous lesson, you learned about inferring the speaker’s tone, mood,
and purpose.

Read the following lines with correct expression and give the mood expressed.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. “Only one peso? What can I buy with that these days?”
a. discontentment b. happy c. honesty

2. “What a place! It’s so beautiful.”

a. contentment b. amazement c. excitement

3. “Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.”

a. amazement b. contentment c. excitement

4. “Oh! my dog is hurt.”

a. worried b. joy c. excitement
5. “Oh! there is a snake in the broom.”
a. sorrow b. fear c. anger
Characters in the story express their mood and feelings in what they say and do. In
oral reading, it is important to read these lines with correct expressions to convey
the moods and feelings expressed by the characters in the story.

B. Establishing the Do you appreciate the things around you?

purpose to the Do you follow what your parents say to you?
How does John change from his bad habit?
Let’s find out in the story.

Let the pupils read the story first.

C. Presenting The Naughty Boy
instances of the John is a naughty boy. He refuses to follow his parents command.
new lesson He is fond of wasting water and electricity.
He often cut and pull out the plants and
throw garbage wherever he goes.
Although Aling Edna, John’s mother always reminded him
to be a good boy, he still could not avoid doing bad things.

One day, John found himself in a very dirty and smelly place.
He felt irritated and could not take the dirt around him.
He continued walking, until he came to a very hot
place. He looked for a tree to rest, but there was no tree in
his sight, nothing he found, but sand. Because of the distance, he walked he
suddenly felt tired and thirsty. He looked for water but he could find no water. He
cried and cried because of the extreme thirst and heat he felt. He shouted for help
but no one seemed to hear him.
“Get me out of here. Help! I don’t want to be here anymore,” shouted John while

All of a sudden, he heard a familiar voice. “John, John,” called Aling Edna
while tapping him. John is awakened by his mother call realizing it was just a dream.
He hugged his mother and said he will follow what his mother always telling him.
After what had happened, John realized the importance of the things around him.
He promises not to do the bad habits that he is used to do.

1. Who is the boy in the story?

2. When did the story happen?
3. How did the story start?
4. How does the story end?
5. What did you learn from the story?
D. Discussing new Let us study the graphic organizer.
concepts and
practicing new
skills # 1

Read the following questions.

1. What does the graphic organizer all about?
2. What are the elements of a story?
3. What is referred to in the story if the question is the setting? The character? And the plot?
4. What is referred to in the story if the question is the beginning? The middle? And the

The story has elements. These are the setting, character, and plot.
1. The setting talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened.
2. The characters are the people or animals in the story.
3. A plot is the sequence of the story.

The Plot has parts and these are the beginning, middle, and ending.
Beginning- Start of the story. It gives the problem faced by the main character.
Middle- It presents the actions made by the characters to solve the problem.
Ending- End of the story. It gives the solution to the problem.
E. Discussing new
concepts and Group Activity
practicing new Group 1
skills # 2
Directions: Read the short story below. Analyze the story elements by filling in the graphic

Pablo and the Eggs

Pete, the grasshopper, and his friend Pablo, the praying

mantis, were playing in the garden. One day, they found some
small round objects in the grass. Pablo wanted to play with them
because they looked like small balls. He was about to pick them
up when Pete stopped him, “Those are not playthings.”
“They look like small eggs,” Pablo said. “No, they are not eggs.”
“I am going to play with these balls,” Pablo insisted.
He got two and prepared to throw them. Suddenly the eggs
broke and out came little bugs.

Source: Department of Education, K to 12 English 4 Learner’s

Material, Do and Learn, page 110
F. Developing Group 2:
Mastery (Leads to Direction: Read and understand the short story below. Analyze the story elements.
Assessment 3 Julie’s Birthday Cake

Julie and her Mom, are planning about Julie’s birthday cake.
They were in the kitchen, It was only one week until Julie’s
birthday. Julie’s mom asked her what kind of birthday cake she
would like to have. Julie thought for a long time. Some of her
friends liked white cake. Others liked chocolate cake. Julie
wanted everyone to like her birthday cake. So they decided to buy
a two-layered cake for her birthday!

Source: Story Elements, Reading Comprehension Worksheet,

Title: ________________________________________
Characters: _______________, _________________
Setting: __________________, __________________
Beginning: __________________________________
Middle: ______________________________________
Ending: ______________________________________

Group 3:

Read the following group of words. Write setting if they tell about a place or
time; character if they tell about a person; and plot if they tell about an event.

1. A warm sunny day -__________________________

2. Fairy Godmother -__________________________
3. They went to the mansion to attend the party. -__________________________
4. Cinderella -__________________________
5. Friday night -__________________________
G. Finding practical
applications of Let us read the story.
concepts and skills Lesson Learned
in daily living Once there was a child named Bell, She is a child with unusual
behavior. She did not want to clean her body, and she is lazy in
taking a bath.

Bell likes to play in the mud so, her clothes are completely dirty.
She often fell asleep without cleansing her body and brushing her
teeth. Aling Jenny, Bell’s mother always telling her to clean her
body, but she does a lot of excuses.
One day, she went to her playmates to play. Instead of playing with her, they avoided
Bell because of her smell. No one wanted to play with her so, she just went home
and play alone.

While playing in the backyard, Bell felt the irritation of her body and excessive itching
of her skin. She cried for help because she cannot take the feeling anymore. Aling
Jenny quickly went to her daughter as she heard it crying and shouting for help. She
told Bell to immediately take a bath and clean her body.
Bell took a bath and clean her body. She felt the comfort in her body.

She was now started liking that feeling and seeing her body clean. Her playmates begin
with her again. Bell realized the importance of cleaning her body and taking a bath every
day. She learns from the experience and since then she makes sure to keep her body clean

Let us read the phrases and sentences from the story we have read.

1. Backyard
2. Bell felt the irritation of her body and excessive itching of her skin.
3. Aling Jenny
4. Bell took a bath and clean her body.
5. Playmates
6. Bell learns from the experience and since then she makes sure to keep her body
clean always.
7. One day
8. Bell

Which of these are appropriate for the boxes in the graphic organizer?

H. Making Complete each sentence by filling the correct word. Choose the answer in the box
generalizations and below.
abstractions about 1. The ____________________ talks about the time and place the events in the story
the lesson happened.
2. The ____________________are the persons, and animals in the story.
3. The ____________________ is the sequence in the story.
4. ____________________ is the start of the story. It gives the problem faced by the
main character.
5. ____________________ is the end of the story. It gives the solution to the problem.
setting plot character

beginning middle ending

I. Evaluating
learning A. Directions: Read the short story below. Analyze it and be able to identify its
elements. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Buddy and the Cat

Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Cockroach

always tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her
with half an ear not believing in what she says. “How could they not like me?
I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna.
Surely, they would love me,” he thought.

One day, Buddy saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she is
wrong. “But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started
running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he
could to the dark place under the cabinet and never came out.

Source: Department of Education, K to 12 English 4 Learner’s

Material, Do and Learn, page 109

1. What is the title of the story?

a. Buddy and the Dog
b. Buddy and the Cat
c. Buddy and the Dinosaur

2. Who are the characters in the story?

a. Ant, Grasshopper
b. Mother Hen, Little Hen, Worm
c. Little Buddy Cockroach, Mother Cockroach, Cat

3. What is the setting of the story?

a. one day, in the house
b. one night, at the zoo
c. noontime, the garden

4. What is the beginning of the story?

a. Mother Cockroach always tells Buddy Cockroach to eat healthy foods.
b. Mother Cockroach always tells Buddy Cockroach to stay in dark places and hide.
c. Mother Cockroach always tells Buddy Cockroach to sleep early at night.

5. What is the ending of the story?

a. Buddy Cockroach learned to hide in dark places.
b. Buddy Cockroach became friends with the cat.
c. Buddy Cockroach learned to eat vegetables.
J. Additional
activities for Look for a story and identify the elements of the story.
application or
remediation Title: ______________________________________
Setting: ______________________________________
Characters: ______________________________________

Beginning: ______________________________________
Middle: ______________________________________
Ending: ______________________________________

Prepared by: Observed by: Noted:

Teacher Master Teacher II Principal I

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