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As life expectancy is increasing, people work after retirement with pay.

Alternatively, some
people start to work at a young age. Are these positive or negative impacts?


- Life expectancy = lifespan = longevity ~ life.

- Retiree
- Young age ~ earlier than the norm
- Work = seek employment = pursue a career = get employed


Introduction: In the wake of medical innovations and bettered life conditions, a considerable
increase can be seen in human’s longevity. Accordingly, a number of retirees remain employed with
salary, while many commence their pursuit of occupation at an early stage of life. From a personal
standpoint, these attendant phenomena of prolonged lifespan spell both wonder and disaster.

- On the one hand, working later and earlier than the conventional standard proves to be
 The first rationale behind this is that those who persist in their positions after retiring age are
liable to be veterans and have acquired excellent empirical skills and esoteric experiences.
Hence, they can provide a more efficient and adept performance at problem – solving and
hurdle – handling.
 Another point is that young employees are inclined to be more aspiring and ambitious, as
well as energetic and inventive. Therefore, they would be determined and zealous with the
profession, together with producing novel and out – of – the – box ideas.
 Moreover, the youth are more often than not digital natives, thereby capitalizing on the
availability of state – of – the – art technology to optimize performance and further
immensely boost productivity.
 In a bigger picture, this trend amounts to a more gigantic workforce, which will
tremendously bolster the regional economy.
 Considering all the afore – discussed points, the efficacy of enlarging range of working age is
unquestionable to a certain extent.
- On the other hand, staying employed sooner or later in life might produces certain
adverse effects:
 The most notable one concerns (the increasingly) intensified competitiveness of the labor
market, which may culminate with large – scale redundancy. This in turn will be the primary
culprit of rampant criminality and vandalism.
 Also noteworthy is the mounting occurrences of conflicts in the workplace by virtue of
generational discrepancies in mentality and ideology. Consequently, the tension and
disaffection among employees would be exceedingly exacerbated, acting as a precursor to
unfruitful co – operation and slowed collective progress.
 In addition, those seeking employment earlier than the norm usually suffer from lack of
perspicacity and wariness, thus having a high chance of falling victim to unscrupulous
proprietors and inadvertently partaking in proscribed practices, namely smuggling
contraband or multi – level marketing.
 For illustration, in one of Vietnam’s remote provinces, a juvenile whose parents had
unfortunately passed away, while struggling to rear two younger siblings, was lured to drug
smuggling, unknowing that he was committing a capital offence. Poignantly, he was later
apprehended and received no extenuating circumstances. This case is the quintessential
example of the calamitous upshot of inexperienced job seeking due to tender age.
 Even in the case of being employed by legitimate corporations, young age may lead to low –
quality output on the grounds of limited specialization and experiential understanding.
 Given the above reasons, the disastrous influences of younger and older working age cannot
be belittled.

Conclusion: In summary, the impact of longer life expectancy in terms of increased and decreased
age of workers appears to be both auspicious and deleterious. In my opinion, it is advisable that job
hunters opt for professions that are commensurate with their level of maturity and breadth of
knowledge and experience, as well as strive to create a harmonious working environment for the
sake of optimal performance.

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