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 In 1986, Рhiliррine regained deсарitаtоr the hаnds of а

dictatorship. The 987 Рhiliррine соnstitutiоn also саlled

the freedоm соnstitutiоn defines the rоle of demосrасy, and

at the identiсаl time it enumerаtes the funсtiоns, аnd

resроnsibilities оf the regime units within the соuntry.

Bаrаngаys аre the tiniest sосiаl unit s within the

Рhiliррines, аnd these аre heаded by bаrаngаy сарtаins.

Generаl Sаntоs Сity where the study wаs соnduсted is оne

аmоng the рrоgressive сities within the соuntry. it is 26

bаrаngаys where tо imрlement the рeасe аnd оrder рrоgrаms оf

the соuntry thrоugh their рeасe аnd оrder соunсils, heаded

by the bаrаngаy сарtаins. The study оn the imрlementаtiоn оf

рeасe аnd оrder, аnd аlsо the leаdershiр fоrms оf leаders

within tоwn wаs dоne tо see the extent оf its рrоgrаms

imрlementаtiоns, аnd sаme time figuring оut the leаdershiр

style utilized by their bаrаngаy сарtаins generаlly Sаntоs

Сity, Рhiliррines.

 The community medical experts (CHW) or domestically referred

to as Barangay medical experts (BHW), square measure people

that have underneath gone coaching programs under any

authorized government and non-government organization; they

voluntarily render primary health care services within the

community, when having been authorized to perform per se by

the local health board in accordance with the rules

publicized by the health department. Currently, there square

measure 229,830 registered BHWs within the Philippines. The

study investigated the information, attitude, and practices

(KAP) of BHWs regarding the utilization of the first Health

Care Services. The study utilized the applied math

percentages to point the extent of the information,

attitude, and practices whereas the spear man methodology

was wont to look at for relationships. The premise of the

study was the modification Theory that underpins that for a

change to occur, one ought to grasp the amount of data,

attitude, and apply of the individuals. Results showed that

BHWs have a far better information (86.7%) and perspective

(87.5%) however has poor apply (37.8%). Further, information

(r = zero.174, p = 0.105), and perspective (r = -0.089, p =

0.412) weren't considerably associated with apply. The

results of the study were a basis of a Primary Health Care

program to boost the information, attitude, and skills of

the BHWs.

 Climate change's consequences are on the horizon, especially

if societies around the world do not create resilience.

Extreme events are often caused by changes in climate

variables, resulting in Climate Change Related Disasters

(CCRD). Farmers in Barangay Mabalbalino, San Carlos City,

Pangasinan, Philippines, were studied for their resilience.

It determined the respondents' demographic profile, as well

as their awareness of climate change and associated

disasters, preparation and initiatives for climate change-

related disasters, and programs and resources for climate

change-related disasters. The analysis used a qualitative

technique, especially the phenomenological process. Farmers

were interviewed according to a set of guidelines. The

results revealed that the farmers were unaware of the

meaning and characteristics of climate change and the

disasters associated with it. In terms of farmers'

preparedness for CCRD, it was discovered that they were not

resilient to the phenomenon, as demonstrated by the

demographic profile of the farmers. However, it was

understood that there were community-wide efforts to adapt

to CCRD, which made farmers more resilient to a degree.

Elevation of homes, development of two-story houses for

flooding, and irrigation practices for drought conditions

were among the initiatives. Farmers were considered

vulnerable and at risk due to a lack of programs and

resources to combat the effects of CCRD. Based on the

results, it was suggested that programs and services be

developed to help farmers improve and strengthen their

resilience. To tackle CCRD, it is also essential to

reiterate and implement mitigation and adaptation strategies

from the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change.

 In recent years, there are increasing considerations on the

adequacy of ancient political economy statistics, like gross

domestic product (GDP) as measures of current and future

living conditions. Cases that created gross domestic

product associate inaccurate live for

economic prosperity rouses inquiry to utilize the

knowledge gathered from Community primarily

based watching System (CBMS) of the 629 respondents

of thirty sitios of Barangay Lumbia. The barangay is one

amongst the upland barangays in Cagayan American

state Oro town, Philippines. quicker pace of economic

activity is visible nearer the barangay hall or the

town road wherever faculties, barangay hospitals, church and

few business institutions square measure set. Few

kilometers far from the most political and business zone,

activities square measure slower and

laidback whereas support services square

measure either inadequate or non-existent. Study explores on

the socioeconomic condition of the residents of

the thirty sitios by trying into the four socioeconomic

components: personal income,

income, instructional attainment, and housing tenure.

To any the analysis, the analysis derived the standardized

score of the four socioeconomic elements and combined them

into one socioeconomic scale normalized to a base of a

hundred. Socioeconomic scores square measure reportable on a

seven-point categorical scale. Findings indicate that

residents within the sitios with poor

socioeconomic standing as sitios with low socioeconomic

scale. Results any signifies that the best variety of the

residents within the community has low capability

to conjointly sustain from shocks and are not ready to cash

into opportunities given the assorted resources within

the community.

 The construct and apply of reducing and managing disaster

risks through systematic efforts to analyses and manage the

causative factors of disasters, as well as reduced exposure

to hazards, reduce the vulnerability of individuals and

property, wise management of land and therefore the

environment, and improve state to minimize its result ought

to be a worldwide priority specially for countries that are

thought about extremely prone just like the Philippines. The

Philippines continues to face challenges caused by typhoons,

monsoon rains, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and

landslides. Throughout the recorded history of the

Philippines, disasters in varied components of the country

are according once a year. Unmistakably, floods, storms,

eruption, and earthquakes are the foremost often occurring

natural disasters. This confirms the high level of exposure

of the country to hazards and natural disaster thanks to its

location and geographics. the placement and geographic

options explain the prevalence of earthquake, tidal wave and

landslide are frequent. The frequency, instruction Forum

July 4-6, 2017 Hong Kong International Conference on the

Social Sciences ISBN 978-986-5654-00-9 130 intensity and

variability of hydrometeorological hazards even have

heightened the compelling need for the state to adopt

programs on disaster management. a rise within the levels of

vulnerability particularly in areas that are thought-about

disaster prone would like special attention to scale back

loss of lives, property, crops, natural resources, and

alternative assets in several components of the country.

Tropical storms amid significant rains and robust winds that

yearly affects our country might end in floods, landslide,

and storm surge are the foremost prevailing sorts of

hydrometeorological hazards within the country. The

Philippines is located on an extremely active seismic plates

that are lying on the Pacific ring of fireplace wherever

major tectonic plates meet and is very susceptible to

earthquakes and eruption, earthquake disasters occur less

frequently than typhoons and flooding, the impact to

affected communities is huge and devastating. There is a

desire for proactive adaptation and disaster management

measures to scale back the negative impacts of natural

disasters on the setting and lives of individuals. simple

adaptation measures will increase the resilience of

individuals, and conjointly scale back the danger of climate

related disasters. Educating the individuals is usually the

simplest approach of building resilience. Disaster risk

education at colleges ought to be embedded as a key pillar

of broader public disaster risk education to reinforce

community resilience to disasters, gain support for school-

led activities, and encourage voters to participate in

native risk assessment and designing. Disaster risk

education ought to be integrated into college curricula

because of kids are among the foremost vulnerable throughout

a disaster and that they are terribly effective

communicators and disseminators of disaster risk reduction

and state messages at the family and community level.

 On September twenty six, 2009, an extraordinarily high

volume of rain and powerful winds brought by storm Ondoy

sweptwing island, as well as railroad Manila. For simply an

00amount of twelve hours, the administrative body recorded

associate astonishing 450 metric linear unit of

precipitation, that they later delineate as “an

extraordinarily rare occurrence”. within the wake of the

storm, a deluge resulted within the overflowing of rivers

and dams caused large flooding in varied provinces. Barely

per week later, on Gregorian calendar month three, another

devastating storm, Pepeng, affected island again; armed with

powerful winds reaching up to 230 km/hr. Pepeng was even

additional harmful, it poured tremendous volume of

precipitation that scientists expressed as an occasion that

solely happens once in each fifthy years! The aftermath:

Ondoy and Pepeng leafed nine.3 million folks affected,

almost 1,000 folks killed and over 100 additional missing

(Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng PDNA 2009). The higher than

description regarding the impacts of typhoons Ondoy and

Pepeng offers United States of America a glimpse of what

disasters will do and the way it will massively have an

effect on people and communities. Natural phenomena like

typhoons, however, area unit nature’s hazards and aren't

mechanically disasters (Leoni and Radford n.d.). These

events become solely a disaster after they have an effect on

each the lives and livelihoods of individuals (Nakagawa and

Shaw 2004). we tend to area unit forever confronted with the

threats of various types of disasters, could it's natural or

semisynthetic. Disasters typically raid while not warning;

it's going to happen within the most unexpected time and

area, and even though they are doing, people “face

surprising and unfamiliar with issues that demand direct and

prompt action” (Miller 1985). Miller (1985) claimed that

once disasters occur, social relationships area unit

discontinuous , communities area unit remodeled, and other

people face ambiguous, serious things that necessitate

immediate selections. However, it's conjointly throughout

these ambiguous and unstructured things that distinct styles

of collective behavior emerge. once disasters strike, we

tend to witness families finding surprising ways that to

survive out of the restricted resources they need at hand,

standard people rising as leaders and initiators of social

policy and also the formation of latest social arrangements

and patterns of behavior that change the folks to cope and

endure the disaster’s effects. Sociologists finding out

collective behavior area unit notably interested on however

folks act and respond throughout and when disaster


 With the chop-chop increasing urbanization and increase

beside the changing consumption pattern, the quantity of

worldwide solid waste generation has augmented significantly

over the years. In 2012, 1.3 billion loads of solid waste

was generated by urban population globally that is regarding

forty eighth increase over the past ten years and it's

expected to increase to a pair of.2 billion tons by a pair

of025 (Hoornweg & Bhada-Tata, 2012). According to Bernard &

Mildred (2015), solid waste management could be a growing

concern and to effectively manage solid waste could be a

major challenge for any country. It remains inadequate in

most of the cities of developing countries, wherever a major

portion of the population don't have access to a waste

assortment service and solely a fraction of the generated

waste is collected. Management of solid waste within the

Philippines has long been a responsibility of the Local

Government Units (LGUs) within the country since the

enactment of Republic Act 9003, also referred to as the

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2002. Yet, there

square measure still barangays that fail to accommodate the

mandate of the govt. concerning correct waste disposal. In

the absence of effective and economical solid waste

management systems, residents in barangays resort to

dangerous environmental practices to induce eliminate their

waste. The waste generated from varied human activities may

result to health hazards and have a negative impact to the

setting. Thus, it's expected that harm to the setting and

adverse 2 health effects would persist, and even a lot of

risks shall arise, unless applicable measures are now

enforced by the authorities. On a aspect note, there are

factors influencing improper waste disposal among

households. Solid waste management isn't exclusively the

responsibility of the govt. in developing countries;

however, it's additionally the responsibility of the

residents (Igbinomwanhia & Ohwovoriole, 2012). The low level

of environmental consciousness of the residents is partly

liable for the difficulties encountered in implementing and

imposing environmental laws and policy, significantly, laws

on cleanliness and sanitation. The common observation is

that folks square measure apathetic and indifferent toward

waste problems (Bennagen, Nepomuceno, & Covar, 2002). In

this study, the proponents shall reveal the perception of

the residents regarding concrete and effective solutions

given by the barangay officers in response to the garbage

downside in Barangay Lalayat, San Jose, Batangas. Further,

this study aims to consider exercise bins as perceived aid

in addressing improper waste disposal in their community.

With a comprehensive understanding of the residents’

perception and background regarding the waste downside, the

proponents will perceive the perspective of the community

members WHO square measure the only beneficiaries of this

study. to attain this, respondents are going to be asked to

answer queries concerning the state of waste disposal in

their section, the factors that influences the present state

of affairs, and also the measures that may be done to ease

it. Barangay Lalayat, San Jose, Batangas could be a rural

community home to or so 2,226 residents. On the typical,

everybody produces regarding zero.5 weight unit garbage a

day in the rural areas within the Philippines (Castillo &

Otoma, 2013). whereas there square measure programs such 3

as the “BasuRa Air National Guard Pagkukunan!” whereby

members WHO square measure in want of medication like

antibiotics and paracetamol trade their garbage at the

barangay hall, some believes that it is not enough to

unravel the prevailing improper waste disposal. during this

regard, it is the proponents’ hope that the condition of

waste disposal can greatly improve, and property growth are

going to be a lot of comprehensive within the community.

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