Pinurih Lukitaningtyas 2113042015 Etm Higher Level

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AND ASPECTS (Example for Higher levels)

(Negotiation texts/Simple Present Tense)

A. Listening (Example)
Activity 1
Students listen to the conversation about how to bargain with the seller and ask for a lower price They
then analyze what do we need to do to ask for the lower price.

A: Excuse me, how much is this t-shirt?

B: This t-shirt is 50,000 rupiah.
A: Hmm, that's a bit higher than my budget. Can you lower the price, please?
B: I'm sorry, but that's the best price I can offer. It's a high-quality t-shirt, and it’s 100% made from
A: I understand that, but I can only afford 30,000 rupiah. Would you be willing to sell it at that price?
B: (pauses for a moment) Okay, I can give you a discount since you are a student. How about 35,000
A: Alright. I'll take it!
(Retrieved from Person to Person)

Activity 2
Please answer the questions below based on the conversation between seller and buyer you have listened
1. What is the purpose of negotiation based on the conversation?
2. Why did the seller give a discount to the buyer?

Activity 3
True or False
The seller lowered the price to 30.000 rupiah after the negotiation (True/False)
The seller gave the buyer a discount because she is a student (True/False)


Activity 1
1. Students pronounce Friction consonants taken from the text and they repeat after the teacher
1. A: Excuse me, how much is /z/ this /z/ toy?
2. A: Thank you, that sounds /z/ reasonable /s/. I'll take it!

Activity 2
The students are asked to pronounce the word in correct intonation.
e.g. Excuse me↑, how much is this toy↓?
C. SPEAKING (Example)

Activity 1 (Meaningful contexts)

The students are asked to create a dialogue about negotiating.

B (Buyer) : Excuse me. Do you sell chili, Ma’am?

S (Seller) : Yes, of course. How much do you want?
B : How much is the price per kilogram, Ma’am?
S : The price for 1 kilo is Rp 90.000.
B : Ok, I take it, but can you give me a lower price because I will take two kilos. How about
Rp 180.000. For two kilos?
S : Please increase it a little bit, I will give you Rp 187.000. For two kilos. What do you
B : How about Rp 185.000. For two kilos, Ma’am.
S : Well then. Okay you can get it. Do you need anything else?
B : No, I think that’s all what I need. Here is the money, Ma’am, Thank you!
S : Thank you

Activity 2
Students work in pairs and practice the dialogue.

D. READING (Example)

Activity 1
The students are asked to read the negotiation text and find 3 explicit facts from the text.

Activity 2
The students are asked to comprehend the text they have read in Activity 1 by answering the following
questions as below.
1. Whats the price deal did the buyer get?
2. How much discount does the seller give?


Find the synonym of the following words retrieved from the reading text. And make every single word
into a sentence.
1. Discount (reduce: can you reduce the cost? cut: I can cut the price to Rp.20.000, lower: sorry, I
can’t lower the price)
2. Increase
3. Price

Activity 1
A: Can I have this necklace for Rp.75.000?
B: Sorry, but I only can lower the price to Rp.90.000
C: I will buy three of these. So, can you … ?
a. Give me more discount?
b. Give me much discount?
c. Lower the discount?

B: My mom is a regular customer here. So, please cut the price

S: Sure, Rp.280.000 for two pair of shoes. How about it?
B: How about Rp.200.000?
S: Please increase it a … bit, I will give you Rp 250.000. What do you think?
a. Little
b. Fewer
c. Less

Activity 2
Create sentences based on the following words.
1. Much, pricey, discount
2. Money, price, extra


Activity 1
Please choose one of the following topics and write it down into a paragraph
1. Negotiation between student and teacher
2. Negotiation in traditional market

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