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Method of Statement For LV MCCB


Project No.
End User

Method of Statement
Dismantling and Installation of

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

Table of Contents

1. General………………………………………………….……………... Page 3

2. Prerequisites…………………………………………………………… Page 3

3. Safety precaution…………………………………………..…………...Page 3

4. Types of MCCB……………………………………………………...…Page 4
5. Required Tools…………………………………………………..……. Page 4
6. MCCB Dismantling Procedure………..………………..…………..… Page 4-5

7. MCCB Installation Procedure………..…………..……..……….…… Page 6-7

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

1. General:

The following procedure is for Dismantling and Installation of LV-MCCB.

2. Prerequisites:
1. Establish an Electrical Safety Isolation area using safety tape barrier with mandatory steps as mentioned:
a. Required Valid Permit to works in which include (exact identification of disconnected load or
system, approval from concerned parties with starting and ending times).
b. Each Isolation shall be locked off with a safety padlock with a LOTO tag stating the following :
 Equipment Tag No.
 Unique Safety padlock no.
 Work Permit No.
 Date and Time -Signature
 Contact Person
These steps must be fulfilling in order to perform any dismantling and installation of LV-MCCB.
Verify all personnel, except for authorized personnel all other should be outside of the area before
beginning the test.

2. Dedicated temporary power source (if permanent not available) shall be used as a power supply while
executing these activities. Ensure no other tools i.e. grinder, welding machine are being connected to that
source as it may affects the accuracy of test results.
3. Authorize representative should be available from Client and contractor during these activities.
4. Site team must wear appropriate Personnel protective equipment.
5. Equipment Grounding must be installed & verified.
6. The Incoming & outgoing bus bar/cable should be de-energized prior to start any site activities.

3. Safety Precaution:
1. Applications of Permit to Work which include of needed document for application are;

a.Method of Statement
b.Drawing which state the Specific location of the activity
c.Eligible Manpower details for the site activity.
d.Before Start dismantling and installation activities make sure Power is disconnected, Main
Incomers are in Rack out Position and Bus Bar are properly grounded.
e. Highly Flammable material like CRC must be return after finish site activity.
Submit and coordinate all the needed information to HSE Department before starting any activity.

2. Other HSE Requirement will be required depending on the Test to be performing e.g. Third Party
Certificates of Personnel or some involve equipment.
3. All involved personnel must go through HSE Induction that includes sub-contractor; supplier of any
performing bodies (must be coordinate to HSE Department).
4. The contractor will advise of any hazardous processes in the vicinity of the work place and will provide
suitable control measures to ensure the safety of testing crew.
5. The contractor shall advise his team of any potential risks arising from the activities by others.
6. The mandatory PPE for testing crew.
7. Follow emergency procedures as per HSE plan.
8. Follow Covid-19 PPE

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

4. Types of MCCB:
1. NSX 100F
2. NSX 160F
3. NSX 400F
4. NSX 630F

5. Required Tools:
1. Multimeter
2. Torque wrench
3. Complete Tool Box

6. MCCB Dismantling Procedure:

Disconnection of bus bar:

Before start any activity, site team must ensure the panel is out of power and must fulfil all
requirements as stated in section # 2 and section # 3.

Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe electrical work practices

The main circuit breaker must be in the O (OFF) position and discharged.

Disconnection of Vertical
Bus bar Connection

Disconnection of Horizontal
Bus bar Connection

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

Follow this procedure to disconnect the circuit breaker:

Step Action

Switch the circuit breaker to the O (OFF) position.

Remove both mounting screws.

3 Pull out the circuit breaker, keeping it horizontal.

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

7. MCCB Installation Procedure:

Before installation, need to inspect the MCCB as mentioned below


1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications.

2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition.
3. Inspect alignment, grounding, and required area clearances.
4. Verify that MCCB sizes and types correspond to drawings.
5. Verify Frame rating and plug rating of the MCCB as per drawing.
6. Inspect for physical damage, cracked insulation, tightness of connections, defective wiring, and overall
general condition
7. Verify manual close, latch and trip operation of MCCB.
8. Verify all MCB manual close, latch and trip operation

Follow this procedure to connect the circuit breaker:

Step Action

Switch the circuit breaker to the O (OFF) position.

2 Connect the circuit breaker.

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager
Method of Statement For LV MCCB
Project No.
End User

Step Action

3 Tighten the screws using torque wrench

Date Approved By (Arab Tech) Approved By Rev.

19/11/2023 Hamid Gulzar 00
Technical Manager

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