Chapter I

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1. Background of the Study

Human use language as a tool of commmunication. In social life,

communication is needed in order to fullfill human needs. People

communicate with others, express their ideas, and to know others’ ideas as

well. Communication takes place, where there is speech. Without speech we

cannot communicate with one another. Speaking skills takes place in

communications among people in society.

The need for speaking mastery in English has been dramatically

increasing due to the strengthening position of English as a language for

international communication. Language is used in different situation to

convey messages, share ideas, and communicate with others. This productive

skill is used by people while working, enjoying the moments of life and so


As the second language speaker, students facing difficulties in

expressing their ideas through speaking. Learning to talk is difficult. The

students had difficulty communicating their views to others. To fulfil the task

of communication, speech is required. So, speech is imperative for

communication. Owing to the importance of speaking skill, EFL learners

struggle hard to get command over productive skill.

Speaking does not only knowing the linguistic feature; linguistic

features of the message expanding oral communication requires more than

memorized vocabulary and grammatical but understanding. Speaking also is a


part of everyday human life that must be developed by everyone in a smooth

and detailed language. One of the most important factors about language is

that it relates to social and cultural contexts. In speaking, students should

master the elements of speaking, such as vocabulary, pronunciation,

grammar, and fluency. As a foreign learner in Indonesia, many students have

amount vocabularies and mastering the grammatical structure, but they still

have difficulty and courage in speaking.

According to observation which conduct by writer in his teaching

practice program, it is found that students facing some difficulties in speaking

such as:

a. The students felt difficult in pronouncing word because, in English

between pronunciation and writing was different.

b. The students lack of grammar.

c. The students have difficulty in compiling the structure of English


d. The students was afraid of making mistakes when speaking English.

e. The students cannot think of anything to say because of lacking practice

and vocabulary.

f. The students was embrassed when they are required to speak in English


g. The students face anxiety/nervousness when learning a foreign language.

h. The students lack confidence because their low ability in speaking


Those speaking difficulties arise because students are afraid of making

errors in class, they had no idea what to say, they are not confident and

comfortable if they make mistakes, and they were not interested with the

topics that are given by teachers.

In order to develop students’ speaking skill, teacher need to solve

those problems. The teacher may give more time to practice speaking in any

context correctly, so the students remember the pronunciation, fluency of

vocabulary that they already learned. Teacher may use different kinds of

teaching technique and method in teaching speaking skills.

For this research,writer will focus on the used of teaching technique

and method in teaching speaking skills. Teaching method is a well-defined

procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task in the classroom. It is

important for teacher to master the teaching method, because the students’

learning improvement will be better if the teacher practices a correct teaching


Writer focuses on the uses of grammar translation method in

improving students’ speaking skill. grammar translation method is known

as traditional way of foreign language teaching based on explicit

instruction in the grammatical analysis of the target language and vice

versa. This method focuses on instructing students in grammar, and

provides vocabulary with direct translations to memorize.

Students in the grammar translation method are taught through

mother tongue. Teacher teaches grammar rule deductively then stimulate


students to translate back between target language and student’s native

language. There are also assigment that ask students to memorize vocabulary

in the form of list.

Based on the concept of the grammar translation method above shows

that grammar translation method is seem suitable to improve students’

speaking skills. Because both of speaking and Grammar translation method

are focuse on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. The writer would like

to conduct a research which is entitle “ The effect of Grammar Translation

method on students’ speaking skills at Eleventh Grade Students of SMK SP

Al- Jumhuriyah Sosa.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Background of the study above describes that the problem of this

research is students’ speaking ability that should be mastered by students, but

many students still unable in increasing their speaking ability, it is caused by

some factors. Such as as anxiety, shyness, lack of vocabulary, grammar and

so forth.

Teaching method that used by teacher in teaching speaking is also

affect students’ speaking ability. When teacher used same method in every

teaching material, students tend to get bored in the learning process so they

can not increase their achievement in speaking skills. Teacher need to use

different teaching method in every teaching material to make the learning

process is interesting and students will get excited in the learning process

because they will feel different kinds of experience in every learning sessions.

There are many kinds of teaching method in teaching English, such as:

grammar translation method, disscussing, reading aloud, role playing,

drilling, questioning, repetition, picture describing and so on. Through these

kinds of teaching method, students will able to increase their speaking ability.

By mastering speaking ability the students can transfer and communicate

their opinions, idea, thought and feelings. So, to increase the students’

speaking ability, the students needs some supports from their parents,

teachers, friends, environment, especially from the students themselves.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

The writer limits the problem of this research about the technique that

the teacher used. The writer limits the research about how the teaching

method of grammar translation method affect the students’ speaking skills at

the eleventh grade students of SMK SP Al- Jumhuriyah Sosa. The indicators

for speaking ability are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and


1.4 The Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research is “Is there any significant effect of

Grammar Translation Method on students’ speaking skills ?”.

1.5 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research is to know the effectiveness of

grammar translation method on students’ speaking skill.


1.6 Significances of the Problem

Theoretically this research is expected will prove the previous theory

about students’ speaking ability in senior high school. The result of this

research will enrich and make the previous story becomes stronger.

Practically the result of this research is expected will be useful for the

headmaster of SMK SP Al- Jumhuriyah Sosa as an illustration to encourage

the English Teacher in solving the students’ speaking ability weaknesses. The

students as a support to solve their problem in speaking ability. The teacher

who has a responsibility to improve the quality of the students’ speaking

ability and for STKIP Padang Lawas as an input data.



2.1 Theoretical Description

2.1.1 Grammar Translation Method The Nature of Grammar Translation Method

The grammar translation method is derived from traditional

approaches to the teaching of Latin and Greek in the nineteenth

century. It is "a way of studying a language that approaches the

language first thought detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed

by application of this knowledge through the task of translating

sentences and text into and out of the target language.

Bailey (2020:18) as the name suggests, grammar-translation

lessons focused mainly on grammar, but they also emphasized learning

vocabulary. Speaking and listening were seldom seen as essential.

Lessons often started with a reading passage in the TL and a list of ten

to twenty vocabulary items found in that text. Students were not

necessarily expected to learn about the information contained in the

reading passages. The primary function of those texts was to situate the

vocabulary and the grammar points for the lesson. For this reason, the

subject matter in such readings is referred to as carrier topics (i.e.,

those passages carried and contextualized the vocabulary and grammar

points of the lesson).

Sana (2021) says that the grammar translation method is a

language teaching method to learn a foreign language. GTM is derived

from the classical/traditional method of teaching Greek and Latin. This


method aims at studying and analyzing the grammatical rules of the

target language. In this method, a practice of grammatical structures

was carried out through the means of translating both into and from the

mother tongue. The GTM is totally based on the written word and


According to Lestari (2019) the Grammar Translation Method

GTM) is a foreign language teaching methodology derived from

classical methods (sometimes called traditional) method in teaching

Greek and Latin. In this method, the teachers usually have the students

to translate whole texts word for word and memorize grammatical

rules and exceptions as well as sets of words. This method relies on the

activity of reading and translating text.

Based on the explanations above the writer concludes that

grammar translation method is a kind of teaching method where the

students will learn and memorize the grammatical rules of both the

target language and their native language.

Elmayantie (2015) explain the major characteristics of Grammar

translation method as: classes are taught in the mother tongue, with

little active use of the target language, much vocabulary is taught in the

form of lists of isolated words, long elaborate explanations of the

intricacies of grammar are given, grammar provides the rules for

putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the form and

inflection of words, reading of difficult classical texts is begun early,


little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as

exercises in grammatical analysis, often the only drills are exercises in

translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the

mother tongue and little or no attention is given to pronunciation. The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method

Larsen-Freeman (1986) in Lestari (2019) provides some typical

techniques associated with the Grammar Translation Method:

a. Translation. The students are instructed to translate a text on target

language to their native language.

b. Reading comprehension. The students need to answer some

questions and find some information based on the text they are


c. Antonyms and synonyms. The students are instructed to find the

antonyms or synonyms of a set of words.

d. Fill in the gaps. The teacher provides incomplete sentences and the

students are instructed to fill in the gaps with the words or terms

they have just learnt.

e. Memorization. The students memorize a set of new vocabularies or

grammatical rules.

f. Use words in sentences. Students need to create sentences to define

or describe the words or terms they have just learnt.

Teacher must be able to apply the best strategy in practicing the

teaching method. Suitable strategy in teaching method will stimulate the


students ability in communication both in productive and receptive skills.

Teacher should pay attention to some aspect in implementing grammar

translation method, as explained by Nasir (2018) in his paper as follows:

a. Learning Contract

In this case, before researcher is going to the main activity (teaching

process) the first thing first, researcher will do an agreement to the

students. This intends to overcome of the annoying students, naughty

students, and lazy students. Then introduce the teacher’s authority to

give a punishment to the students who do not obey the rules in

teaching process.

b. Groups Division

Groups division aims to overcome the number of students in the class.

It helps teacher to control class. There are 20 students for instance. The

teacher will divide in to five groups to make the teaching process more

be effective. Each group will be controlled to run teaching process.

Before disporting of group, it will be explained of grammar

presentation generally. The first step, the students will be given certain

information of language knowledge by focusing on one particular

grammar item e.g pronouns. The next, the teacher will provide a text

with a list of new vocabularies of a certain topic e.g introducing other

people in the students’ native language to be translated in to target

language. The sentence structures in the text are primarily focused on

the application of the grammar rule. And then students have to write

their translation. The next step, the teachers initially provide the correct

translation to show to the students and give an opportunity to the

students to check whether they have correctly translated. Then student

are free to ask for question related to the incorrect sentences they have.

The teacher, then get the students to read the correct translation

together by imitating their teacher. The next step going to divide group

to get student in to some groups and get students sit face to face in

pairs. Then the students are going to communicate each other. In fact

these strategies are based on grammar translation method framework

(Kaharuddin, 2013:58).

c. Materials Determination

In determination of material that will be implemented bases on

syllabus sample of the communicative grammar translation method.

For elementary level or beginning level is selected to be exemplified in

implanting the principles of CGTM since the students in the beginning

level generally need to be equipped with language form grammar and

vocabulary to be able to improve their communication skill. The Advantages of Grammar Translation Method

According to Aqel (2013), the grammar-translation method

(GTM) is an important teaching methodology for teachers to adapt to

teach English as a second language. The researchers should highlight

the advantage or disadvantages of this method. Many reasons are

behind that, first, because it is an applicable method and easy to


conduct. Second, the first intellectual act the learners can use when

they feel unable to express by the target language is interpreting by

native language, and that exactly the core of this method. Third, the

great benefit of joining the knowledge of both languages free the

learner from the ambiguity of the target language. After all, the

researcher recommended that after exhibiting the language skills and

the grammatical rules, the usefulness of translation decreases.

Heydari Asl (2015) The Grammar Translation Method has been

practiced so widely and has survived so long for its main advantages.

First, as many schools still have classes with large number of students,

GTM with its focus on teacher centeredness is cost-effective and

appropriate. Next, its main technique, translation into learner's L1,

along with some sort of accuracy in understanding synonyms helps

meaning to be clarified and the possibility of any misinterpretation or

misunderstanding removed. Further, this method saves a lot of time

because via translation from one language into another the meanings,

words and phrases of the target language would quickly be explained.

So, even teachers who are not fluent in L2 can teach through this

method. Finally, teachers are less challenged because the students

understand, and will not have any problems in responding the

comprehension questions asked in the first language. This helps

teachers to understand whether the students have learned what they

were taught or not.

13 The Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method

There have been various disadvantages of the use of the

grammar translation method for the teaching of modern languages.

Heydari Asl (2015) Marks provide a few objections:

a. Speaking and understanding are more important for learners of

modern languages than reading and writing. However, the

grammar translation method prefers written language to spoken


b. This method uses a graded grammatical syllabus and learners must

gradually accumulate and accurate command of each item in the

syllabus. This may be a big disadvantage for learners who want to

start using the language straight away. Learning through exposure,

experience and use is preferred nowadays.

c. But grammar translation method uses conscious memorization of

grammar rules or vocabulary instead.

d. In grammar translation method the teacher and the learners speak

mainly in their mother tongue. But the last experience shows that

the target language should be used as much as possible. In the

grammar translation method the teacher plays a very prominent

role and learners interact with the teacher, not with each other.

e. Nowadays it is recommended that learners should make their own

discoveries independently. They should be able to co-operate as


well. At present it is believed that translation, a basic technique in

the Grammar Translation.

2.1.2 Speaking Ability The Nature of Speaking Skills

Speaking is expressing thought, ideas, and feeling which use the

ability to pronounce the words to organize the words into phrases or

sentence to choose the words related to the topic. Someone can be said

mastering English if he knows how to convey the information or

expressing his thoughts and feelings in spoken language.

Mc Donough (2013:157) state that “speaking is desire- and

purpose-driven; in other words, we genuinely want to communicate

something to achieve a particular end. This may involve expressing ideas

and opinions; expressing a wish or a desire to do something; negotiating

and/or solving a particular problem; or establishing and maintaining

social relationships and friendships”. To achieve these speaking purposes,

we need to activate a range of appropriate expressions.

According to Kaharuddin (2013: 23), in his work that speaking is

the act of saying something orally in which the act is built by a language

system containing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation as well as cultural

awareness in a spoken discourse

Thornbury (2012) cited by Bailey (2020:80) notes that spoken

language characteristics “are the audible effects of the demands of real-

time production. These include the use of hesitations (um, uh), repeats,

false starts, incomplete utterances, and syntactic blends”.


Based on the opinions above the writer concludes that speaking is

the skills to express someones’ opinions about things that happen around

them. The Component of Speaking Skills

According to Harmer cited by Masroh, (2019) states that

speaking is a complex skill because at least it is concerned with

components of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency and

comprehension. Speaking have some important components, there are:

a. Pronunciation

According to Richard and Schmidt cited by Masroh,

(2019) said that pronunciation is the way a certain sound is

producing. It’s different with the articulation cause related with the

real pronunciation of sounds production in the mouth, the stresses

of pronunciation is on the sounds way producing by the hearer. So

pronunciation is very important, because if the people just have a

good grammar or vocabulary, they have not good speaking, so the

other people don’t clearly understand what do you talking about.

Pronunciation is a complex area, with a lot of sub skills that

can be practiced. The basic rule of thumb is that an average speaker

can speak and be understood. A skilled speaker can use the sub

skills of pronunciation to emphasise and make the communicative

effect of their speech more impactful. The sub skills of

pronunciation include: word and sentence stress, intonation,


rhythm and the use of the individual sounds of a language. A good

way to practice your pronunciation is to copy! Simply listen to how

someone with good pronunciation speaks, and try to imitate them

as closely as possible.

b. Grammar

According to Nunan cited by Masroh, (2019) grammar

usually can be thought as a set of rules specifying the correct

pattern of words at sentence level. And the conversation is difficult

to understand if the conversations with someone have many

mistakes of grammatical. So, to help the students to speak more

accurately have been studying about English grammar.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the important components of speaking,

because someone cannot say something without vocabulary.

According to Pollard cited by Masroh, (2019), vocabulary is a

basic building block of language learning. It’s mean that

vocabulary is the basic skill of language that must to learnt,

because with vocabulary the students be able to speech and make a

good sentence.

Being a good speaker means constantly growing you’re

vocabulary. The more interesting words you know, the stronger

your speaking skills. The best way to grow your vocabulary is to


read in English and make a note of any new words that you

encounter in a vocabulary notebook.

d. Fluency

Hornby et al. cited by Masroh, (2019) said that fluency

is able to speak a language easily and well. According to Pollard

cited by Masroh, (2019) fluency is defined as the ability to

speak communicatively, fluently and accurately. Fluency explained

about the good speaking without the wrong. So to know the

students’ fluency, the researcher could be check students’ ability to

speech correctly and fluency front of the class without something


Fluency is about how comfortable and confident you are in

speaking English. If you can speak for an extended period of time,

that is an indicator of strong fluency. It is also about showing a

clear connection between each point that you are trying to make.

This skill means that the listener can follow what you are saying

and does not get lost.

e. Comprehension

Hornby cited by Masroh, (2019) expressed that

comprehension is the mind, act power of understanding exercise

aimed in improving is testing ones. It is explained that

comprehension is the most important skill of speaking.

18 The Types of Speaking Skills

As stated by Brown cited by Daeli (2022) the basic types of

speaking are divided in to five categories, namely imitative, intensive,

responsive, interactive, and extensive (monologue).

a. Imitative is the ability to imitate a word or phrase or a sentence.

This type is like parrot which imitate the sounds. This used to

assess the oral production and the kind of it is phone pass test.

b. Intensive is the type of speaking that assessment the context of

production in competences grammatical, phrasal, lexical and

phonological. And the kind test of this types is directed response

tasks, sentence ordialogue completion tasks and oral questioner

and picture cued tasks.

c. Responsive types is assessing tasks interactions, it such as question

and answer, paraphrasing, giving instructions and directions, test of

spoken English (TSE).

d. Interactive is the type which is including the tasks that involve long

stretches of interactive discourse it such as interviews, role play,

discussion, games. And this type has long duration but less

interaction such as speeches, telling longer stories, and extended


e. Extensive speaking tasks involve complex and relative stretches of

discourse. The variations of this type on monologues, it such as


oral presentation, picture-cued storytelling, retelling a story, new

event and translation.

Every types of the speaking above can be used in the classroom,

but the writer decided to use extensive speaking to measure the students

speaking ability in the eleventh grade students of SMK SP Al –

Jumhuriyah. Teaching Speaking in the Classroom

Ababio (2013) defines teaching itself as the process where a

teacher assists a learner or a group of learners to a higher level of

knowledge or skills. Rajagopalan (2019) says teaching is an interactive

process, primarily involving classroom conversations that occur

between teacher and student and occur during certain predetermined


Paul cited by Pratama dan Awaliyah (2016) lists several

principles that teachers need to consider in preparing students to

communicate in English:

a. Introducing and practicing patterns in ways that feel meaningful to

the children, such as in games, in situation where the children

genuinely want to express themselves, and through personalization.

b. Practicing new patterns in combination with the other patterns the

children have learned, so the children can internalize them more


c. Giving the children many opportunities to guess how to use the

patterns flexibly in novel situation.

d. Giving the children confidence to speak out in front of others by

talking independently with other children and the whole class.

e. Building the children’s inner strength to deal with confusing and

novel situations, by presenting them with puzzles to overcome and

solve, and making sure they are finally successful. Teacher Roles in Teaching Speaking

Pachina (2020) describes the role of teacher in speaking class as


a. Instructor

When most people mention the teacher, they are thinking of the

role of the instructor, the "knower" of specific knowledge. They are

the resource center ready to help students if needed. Most teachers

play this role when they are teaching a class. Students expect their

instructors to know what they don’t and able to teach them. For

example, an English teacher is playing the role of the instructor

when he is teaching grammar, explaining the structure of the

English language, demonstrating correct grammar form, and

answering questions. Basically, the role of the instructor is when

the teacher gives out information to the students helping them learn

and understand.

b. Controller

The controller is the role that the teacher is in complete charge of

the classroom. There are many responsibilities for this role, such as

give instructions to students, control the pace of the lesson,

maintain class discipline, etc. For example, teachers are the

controller of the classroom when they instruct students to do a

certain activity. The teacher must have overall control of the

classroom because it helps the lesson progress better.

c. Role Model

Teachers usually do not think of themselves as role models.

However, Teachers are typically being respected by people in the

community. And the student spends a lot of time with their teacher

and look up to teachers and may shadow their behavior. Therefore,

the teacher usually becomes a role model for them. This can be

either positive or negative. For example, the teacher instructs the

student to read a paragraph in the book, but the teacher

himself/herself playing the phone while the students are reading.

Students see that teacher is not paying attention when they are

reading, they might stop paying attention to the class. Hence,

setting a good example for the students is very important because

they are the role model.


d. Mentor

A counselor or mentor is one of the biggest roles a teacher may

have. Every student may have some problems either in their

personal life or in the classroom. They might go to the teacher to

get help and ask for advice. Especially when students have some

issues and they do not feel comfortable to let their parents know,

they will most likely ask the teacher for advice if they have a good

relationship with the teacher. Moreover, mentoring is a great way a

teacher encourages students to be the best they can, such as enjoy

what they do in class.

Jeremy Harmer cited by Liandry (2022) also said in his book

“Practice Language Teaching: Fourth edition”(2007). Teacher has

different roles in speaking fluency such as:

a. Prompter

sometimes, when students involved in a role-play activity for

example, students lose the thread of what is going on, or 'lost for

words' (i.e. students may still have the thread but be unable to

proceed productively for lack of vocabulary). The student may not

be quite sure how to proceed. What should teachers do in these

circumstances? Hold back and let them work things out for

themselves or, instead, 'nudge' them forward in a discreet and

supportive way? If a teacher opts for the latter, it means adopting

some kind of a 'prompting' role. Often a teacher prompts students


in monolingual groups to speak English rather than use their

mother tongue.

When prompt, a teacher need to do it sensitively and

encouragingly but, above all, with discretion. If a teacher is too

adamant, they risk taking initiative away from the student. On the

other hand, they are too retiring, they may not supply the right

amount of encouragement.

b. Participant

The traditional picture of teachers during student discussions, role-

plays or group decision-making activities, is of 18 people who

'stand back' from the activity, letting the learners get on with it and

only intervening later to offer feedback and/or correct mistakes.

However, there are also times when the teacher might want to join

in an activity not (only) as a teacher, but also as a participant in

our own right. There are good reasons why the teacher might want

to take part in a discussion, for example. It means that a teacher

can liven things up from the inside instead of always having to

prompt or organize from outside the group. When it goes well,

students enjoy having the teacher with them, and for the teacher,

participating is often more enjoyable than acting as a resource.

The danger when teachers act as participants, of course, is that

they can easily dominate the proceedings. This is hardly surprising

since teachers usually have more English at their disposal than


their students do. But it is also due to the fact that even in the most

egalitarian classroom, the teacher is still frequently perceived of as

'the authority' and tends to be listened to with greater attention

than other students.

c. Feedback provider

The vexed question of when and how to give feedback in speaking

activities is answered by considering carefully the effect of

possible different approaches. When students are in the middle of

a speaking task, overcorrection may inhibit them and take the

communicativeness out of the activity. On the other hand, helpful

and gentle correction may get students out of difficult

misunderstandings and hesitations. Everything depends upon our

tact and the appropriacy of the feedback we give in particular

situations. When students have completed an activity, it is vital

that we allow them to assess what they have done and that we tell

them what, in our opinion, went well we will respond to the

content of the activity as well as the language used.

2.2 Conceptual framework

“without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed.” Spoken grammar is defined by McCarthy and

O’Keefe (2014) as “the grammar we find in regular and repeated use by the

majority of native and expert speakers of a language in the majority of their

spoken interactions”.

The writer decide to use Grammar translation method to find its effect

on students speaking ability. GTM is a kind of teaching method that focuses

on translating the text .

In this research, the writer chooses grammar translation method that

more chance to improve the students’ speaking ability. Knowing grammar

means understanding what the text means correctly. It is because when they

study about grammar, they are taught about subjects, predicates, part of

speech, etc. Besides that, grammar gives language users the control of

expression and communication in everyday life. The students who speak

English are able to communicate because they intuitively know the grammar

system of the language and the rules of making meaning. However, no matter

how good the students in English, they still need to learn how to transfer their

knowledge of grammatical concept to spoken language.

One of the skills which have a strong effect of grammar is speaking.

Speaking is oral communication that usually used in daily activity. Speaking

can be used to give information, idea, opinion, and feeling to the other people.

It means that by speaking, the students can communicate each others to

achieve certain goals or to express their opinions, intentions, hopes, and

viewpoints. Furthermore, in almost any setting, speaking is the most

frequently used language skill. Speaking is productive skill in oral mode. It is

like the other skill, more complicated that it seems at the first and involves

more than just pronouncing words.


Speaking ability is included in two main categories: accuracy and

fluency. Accuracy consists of using vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation

through some activities, fluency take into account the ability to keep going

when speaking spontaneously. Some aspects that can make success students’

ability on speaking are using grammar accurately, assessing characteristic of

the target audience, selecting vocabulary that is appropriate, applying strategy

to enhance comprehensibility, and paying attention to the success interaction.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that there is a

great assumption of effect of Grammar translation method on students’

speaking ability.

2.3 Previous Study

Research in exploring how to improve students’ speaking ability

have been conducted by several researchers. Kuśnierek (2015), Basit (2018),

Sridatun (2020), Gumelar and Sugara (2019), Basit (2017), conducted

research that concerned in improving students’ speaking ability through role

play technique. Students speaking ability can be improved if the teacher using

a suitable teaching method in teaching speaking.

Elmayanti (2015), Mazher (2015), Khan and Hafiza (2016), Bahrum

(2019) highlighted the reasons why teacher used GTM in language learning.

This method could help the students to improve their vocabulary and

comprehend the text. In addition, the teaching-learning activities run quite

well. research shows that GTM put more emphasis on learning English words,

phrases, sentences and structure pattern; but it has failed in practical use of

English in real life situation. Also mentioned that GTM could help the

students in learning English. By applying this method, the students could

understand the new vocabularies better as they are introduced in their mother


Research which are conducted by M. Ikbal (2014), kurniawan

(2021), Zulkarnain and Widiati (2021) found that grammar-translation method

affects students’ reading comprehension and motivation, the results showed

that gtm has a significant effect on students reading comprehension and

reading motivation.

Suseno (2022), akrami (2022) conduct research that teacher

uses the grammar translation method to begin the learning process. The

teacher used podcasts to help students improve their grammatical

understanding. The information was presented in the form of short stories and

conversations. Students learn vocabulary, hearing, speaking, and grammar by

modifying them. From the analysis, it can be concluded that employing the

grammar translation approach and podcast material can assist students

improve their speaking skills. Other teachers could use the same outcome to

teach related subjects. Other researchers can build on them to get other results.

Arjun (20180, Ayu and Santoso (2022), Matofani (2018) conduct

research to find out the effect of GTM on students’ writing ability and found

the result of the research showed that using grammar translation method

was good. It was proven by the improvement mean difference of pre-test

and post-test after treatment. And suggessted that grammar translation


method can be used as the alternative method in teaching which especially

to improve writing skill.

2.4 Hypothesis of the Research

Hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon

or scientif problem that can be tested by further investigation. Researcher has

concluded hypothesis in every research because it helps to assume the

probability of research failure and progress.

Donald Ary, (2014:7) states that hypothesis is a statement

describing relationships among constructs as the expected answer to the

research question. Similarly, Dayanand (2018) says a hypothesis is a statement

of the researcher's expectation or prediction about relationship among study

variables. The research process begins and ends with the hypothesis.

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that hypothesis is

the prediction answer of the research question. Based on the quotation above,

the hypothesis of this research are:

Ha : There is a significant effect of Grammar Translation Method on

students’ speaking Skills at the eleventh grade students of SMK

SP Al- Jumhuriyah Sosa

Ho : There is no significant effect of Grammar Translation Method on

students’ speaking Skills at the eleventh grade students of SMK

SP Al- Jumhuriyah Sosa



3.1 Research Design

This research is categorize into Experimental research. The Purposes of

this research is to find out the effect of each subject that being studied. Ary

(2014:28) says Experimental research involves a study of the effect of the

systematic manipulation of one variable(s) on another variable. The

manipulated variable is called the experimental treatment or the independent

variable. The observed and measured variable is called the dependent


Mills & Gay (2019: 273) state that in experimental research, the

researcher manipulates at least one independent variable, controls other

relevant variables, and observes the effect on one or more dependent variables.

This research was pre – experiment by using “one group pre –test and post test

design. Where the writer did an experiment in a single group only.

Table 1
The Research Design
Pre –
Treatment Post – test

Y1 X Y2


X : Treatment
Y1 : Pre – Test
Y2 : Post - Test

3.2 Location and Time of the Research


The writer chooses SMK SP Al – Jumhuriyah Sossa as research place

because the writer is interested in doing the research at this school and the
topic is relevant to their own curriculum and the the problem of this research

is occur in this school. This research was conducted for three months ( july-

September 2023).

3.3 Research Variables

Every research study variables. The researcher studies the

relationships that exist among variables. According to Ary (2014:40) A

variable is a construct or a characteristic that can take on different values or

scores. There are two kinds of variables named dependent variable and

independent variable.

Sutama (2016: 47) says that research variable is a noun concept which

means variation in an object class, such as seat, gender, eye color,

achievement, motivation, or running speed. In addition, research variables are

also events, categories, varieties, types, or classes, behaviors, attributes that

express a construct and have different values, depending on how they are

used in a particular study.

Based on the opinion above the writer concludes that research variable

is the object that being studied to find out the charateristic and the

relationships among them.

Independent Variable (X) Dependent Variable


GTM Speaking Skills


3.4 Population and Sample

a. Population

According to Sugiyono (2016:215), the population is the general

area that consists of an object/subject which has particular quality and

characteristics which is chosen by the researcher to be studied and then

take a conclusion.

The population of this research is the entire of students of the

eleventh grade students of SMK SP Al – Jumhuriyah Sosa which is

consist of one class students consist of 31 students.

b. Sample

Sample is the specific group that you will collect data from in other

words sample is the portion of a population. Mills & Gay (2019: 147)

state that sample is a group of individuals, items, or events that represents

the characteristics of the larger group from which the sample is drawn.

Based on the opinions above the writer concludes that the sample is

the representative of the population that being the research subject in

order to solve the research problem.

Due to the small size of the population, only consist of 31 students

and only one class, the researcher decide to use total population sampling

as the teachnique of sampling in this research. Total population sampling


Sugiyono (2019:38) is a type of purposive sampling technique where you

choose to examine the entire population (i.e., the total population) that

have a particular set of characteristics. The sample of this research is the

elevent grade students of SMK SP Al – Jumhuriyah Sosa which is consist

of 31 Students.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

Observation sheet and speaking test is used as the instrument in this

research, observation sheet is used to collect data about students participation

in teaching learning process in speaking by grammar translation method.

While, speaking tests s used to measure the students‟ English speaking skill

on both fluency and accuracy (vocabulary). The writer divided the score into

five criteria, which are the scores of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency and comprehension. Each criteria, then is rated into five scale of

rating scores, it is based on Haris’ scale rating scores.

3.6 Technique of Collecting the Data

The researcher uses observation and test in collecting the data.

Observation is used when the researchers wants to immerse herself in specific

culture to gain a deeper understanding while test is a list of questions to

measure skill, attitude and intelegence of someone.

The researcher used the quantitative research approach, so the

technique used to get the data which related to the teaching speaking using

role play are oral test in pre-test and post-test.

3.7 Testing the Instrument


3.7. 1 Validity

The first criterion of good test is validity. According to Mills and

Gay (2019:154) validity is totally indispensable; there is no quality or

virtue of a test that can compensate for inadequate validity. Other

definition, Gay (2019) explains validity is the degree to which a test

measures, what it is supposed to measure. It means that, the used of valid

instrument is very essential to determine the validity of data.

In this research, content validity is the degree to which a test

measures an intended content area and the test must appropriate with the

grade. The researcher made a test based on the objectives of syllabus so

that it was not out of contents. Moreover, the try out test of this research

had content validity because the items were taken from sources for

eleventh grade students of SMK SP Al – Jumhuriyah Sosa.

3.7.2 Reliability

According to Mills and Gay (2019:182) Reliability is the degree

to which a test consistently measures whatever it is measuring. The

more reliable a test is, the more confidence we can have that the scores

obtained from the test are consistent and essentially the same scores that

will be obtained if the test are administered to the same test takers at

another time or by a different person. To measure the reliability of the

test, the researcher will administere tryout to see if the result of the test

was reliable or not.


Tryout was done to make sure that the instrument was clear and

the test was not either too easy or too difficult. The formula used was

Pearson-Product Moment formula.

rxy = n ¿ ¿

r : correlation coefficient
n : sample total
ΣX : items total score
ΣY : answer items total score
ΣX2 :
total square items score
ΣY2 : The sum of the total squares of answer scores
ΣXY : Total multiplication score of an item's answer with total

3.8 Technique of Analysis Data

Descriptive and inferential analysis were the techniques of analysis

the data in this research. Donald Ary, (2014: 117) describes that

descriptive analysis is statistical procedures which enable researchers to

organize, summarize, and describe observation. This study collects data by

giving oral test and observation sheet.

The American FSI (Foreign Service Institute) in Hughes (2003:130)

explain the procedure that can be used as the spoken language tester. This

procedure requires two testers concerned in each interview both to assign

candidates to a level holistically and to rate them on a six-point scale for each

of the following: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency,


Table 3
Scoring Rubric
No Aspect Criteria Score

1. Pronunciation Pronunciation frequently unintelligible. 1

Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent

make understanding difficult, require frequent 2

“Foreign accent” requires concentrated

listening, and mispronunciations lead to
occasional misunderstanding and apparent
errors in grammar or vocabulary.

Marked “foreign accent” and occasional

mispronunciations which do not interfere 4
with understanding.

Native pronunciation, with no trace of

“foreign accent.”

2. Grammar Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in

stock phrases.

Constant errors showing control of very few

major patterns and frequently preventing 2

Frequent errors showing some major patterns

uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation 3
and misunderstanding.

Occasional errors showing imperfect control

of some patterns but no weakness that causes 4

No more than two errors during the interview. 5

3. Vocabulary Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest


Vocabulary limited to basic personal and 2

survival areas (time, food, transportation,

family, etc.).

Choice of words sometimes inaccurate,

limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion
of some common professional and social

Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss

special interests; general vocabulary permits
discussion of any non-technical subject with
some circumlocutions.

Vocabulary apparently as accurate and

extensive as that of an educated native 5

4. Fluency Speech is so halting and fragmentary that

conversation is virtually impossible.

Speech is very slow and uneven except for

short or routine sentences.

Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky;

sentences may be left uncompleted.

Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some

unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping 4
for words.

Speech on all professional and general topics

as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s.

5. Comprehension Understands too little for the simplest type of


Understands only slow, very simple speech

on common social and touristic topics; 2
requires constant repetition and rephrasing.

Understands careful, somewhat simplified 3

speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may

require considerable repetition and


Understands quite well normal educated

speech when engaged in a dialogue, but 4
requires occasional repetition or rephrasing.

Understands everything in both formal and

colloquial speech to be expected of an 5
educated native speaker.

The maximal score is 25

The total score is calculated by using formula:
S= x 100
S = Scoring of the test
R = Number of correct answer
N = The maximal score
After accumulating the data and sum up the total score The data of

this research will be described by score criteria below.

Table 4
The Criteria of Score
No. Class of Score Predicate

1. 80 – 100 Very Good

2. 70 -79 Good

3. 60 – 69 Enough

4. 50 – 59 Bad

5. 0 – 49 Fail

To find out the effect of role play on students’ speaking ability, the

data will be analyzed by using “t” test. Before calculating the data by using t-

test, the writer have to analyzed the normality and the homogenity of the data

as the precondition of t – test.

a. Normality test

A normality test is used to determine whether sample data

has been drawn from a normally distributed population (within some

tolerance). The writer decided to use Lilliefors technique in this

research. The hypothesis should be taken before conduct the normality

test. The hypothesis of this research are: the data are normal if Lo< L

@ means the hypotesis is accepted and if the Lo > L@= the data are

not normal and the hypothesis is rejected. In order to test the

normality of the data, the writer used the formula below:

X− X
Zi= i

The normality test was done on pre test and post test data,

means the data which got before treatment and after treatment was

given to students.

b. Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test was intended to know whether the variant

of data is homogeneous or not. Procedure used to test variant of

homogeneity was by determining F-max value. In homogeneity test F

empiric should be lower than F theoretic (table).

c. T-test

After the process of collecting the data is done, it continues to

analyzing the data. The researcher used statistical analysis as the

technique to analyze all the data. According to Henry, T-test is a

statistical test which is suitable to measure the result of pre-test and post-

test. The test also can be used to test two connected large samples in

order to find the significance of them.

In this research, consist of several procedures in the process such

as normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis testing. In determining

whether the data were parametric or non-parametic, the researcher used

normality test. There upon to find out whether the data from controlled

and experimental class were the same variant, the researcher used

homogenity test. Meanwhile, in proving whether the audiovisual aids are

an effective medium to improve students‟ listening skill the researcher

used t-test, Here are the formulas;

t 0 = SE


t0 : Test Observation
MD : Mean of Differences, the Average Scores from differences
gained Scores between I variable and II variable, which
calculated with the formula.
SE MD : The standard Error from mean of differences that is gained
with the formula;

After t-test is conducted, the next step is calculated the gain score

between students listening ability before and after treatment. Gain score is

gotten from comparing the score of pre test and post test. The formula of

gained score as follows:

The Score of Post test −The Score of Pretest

g =
Maximum Score− pretest score

After obtaining the results, it can be interpreted based on the criteria:

Table 3
The Interpretation of The Effect Result

Koefisien of Gain Normalisation Classification

g < 0.3 Low

0.3 ≤ g < 0.7 Middle

g < 0.7 High



4.1 Description of the Data

After conducting the research, the writer calculated the scores of the

variable by applying statistical analysis which can be illustrated into

description of the data in order to describe the students result. Meanwhile, to

know the effect of grammar translation method on student speaking ability the

formula of t –test was applied.

The data collection was done two times by giving pretest and post test

after the treatment. Treatment was done by taught the students by using role

play teaching technique.

4.1.1 Pre test Data Description

After conducting the pretest on grade eleventh students of SMK

Al – Jumhuriyah Sosa on English class in speaking material. The

calculationfound that the mean of pretest is 53.06, and the median 60,

while the mode 60. It is also found the highest score is 80 and the lowest

score is 20, then it is calculated in order to know the description of the

data. Standard deviation is 14.40 and the standard error is 2.63.


0 50 100

Figure 1: the position of mean score of Pre test in teaching speaking by

Using GTM in grade eleventh students of SMKS Al- Jumhuriyah

4.1.2 Posttest Data Description

This part describes the post – test score of the sample. After

collecting the data, it is found that the highest score is 90 and the lowest

score is 40, then it is calculated in order to know the description of the

data. Standard deviation is 9.24 and the standard error is 1.68. The result

of the calculation also found that the mean is 75.32, mode is 75 and the

median is 75.

Based on the explation above, the position of the mean can be

dranwn as follows.


0 50 100

Figure 2: the position of mean score of Post test in teaching speaking by

Using GTM in grade eleventh students of SMKS Al –
Jumhuriyah Sosa

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes after got

treatment by teaching speaking by using role play technique the students

score getting better. Most of the students got score 75 – 80, they are 22

students from 31 students which criteria is very good.

4.1.3 Gained Score

It is stated that the class score has increased after given treatment by

using role play in teaching speaking. It means there are gained score

which can be calculated by subracting post- test score with pre –test

score. Here is the further detail of gained score from each student:

Table 11
Gained Score between Pre – test and Post - Test
No. Students Jk Score
1 Abdul Habib Hasibuan Lk 65
2 Ali Rajib Batu Bara Lk 62
3 Amalsyah Lk 55
4 Ariantoni Hasibuan Lk 50
5 Dela Pinta Rojulani Hsb Pr 45
6 Diva Chairumandhani Parotua Hrp Pr 48
7 Elminta Ito Nasution Pr 53
8 Eni Hasibuan Pr 48
9 Gusriyan Hasibuan Lk 50
10 Ilham Munandar Nasution Lk 50
11 Indah Aulia Jai Pr 52
12 Indra Sandi Muara Lk 53
13 Juina Harahap Pr 51
14 Khoirul Umri Pasaribu Lk 51
15 Marito Siregar Pr 50
16 Martua Nst Lk 50
17 Mhd Amirzan Pohan Lk 50
18 Mhd.Ridwan Sakti Lk 45
19 Mizanul Khoir Daulay Lk 45
20 Nismawati Hasibuan Pr 46
21 Nur Samsia Pr 43
22 Nuraisah Hsb Pr 42
23 Rahmadani Nasution Pr 43
24 Rahmadhani Hasibuan Pr 43
25 Ramadan Siregar Lk 43
26 Rosihan Anwar Hasibuan Lk 43
27 Sahman Rifai Hasibuan Lk 43
28 Siddik Hasibuan Lk 43
29 Sintia Lestari Hasibuan Pr 43
30 Siska Marito Hasibuan Pr 42
31 Wardah Afrina Nst Pr 39
32 Yenni Sari Pr 39
33 Yuni Safitri Hasibuan Pr 39
34 Yus Larah Daulay Pr 35
35 Zainal Alamsah Lubis Lk 35

The gained score in the table 8 shows that the highest score is 80.

Gained score means that some students do better in the post –test than in pre –

test. It indicates that some students are improved in their speaking skill.

4.2 Data Testing

The data testing described below includes; normality test with

Lilliefors Test, homogeneity test and T test. The normality test is used to

check how normal the distribution of the score, while homogeneity test shoes

the equality of the students’ ability.

4.2.1 The Normality test

The normality test is used to check how normal the distibution

of the score. Normality test is used as the precondition before do the T

test. Before conduct the normality test by using Lilliefors technique,

the writer should take the hypothesis of the normality test. The

hypothesis are:

The data are normal if Lo< L @ means the hypotesis is accepted

and if the Lo > L@= the data are not normal and the hypothesis is

rejected. In order to test the normality of the data, the writer used the

formula below:

X− X
Zi= i

The normality test was done on pre test and post test data, means

the data which got before treatment and after treatment was given to

students. Normality test calculation can be seen in the appendixs.


a. Based on the calculation of the pretest mean = 36.42 and n = 35

while the standard deviation is 12. 20. The value of L count is

0.0643, while the value of L table is 0.1499. if Lo < L@

(0.0643<0.1499) means the data are normal.

b. Based on the calculation of the post test after given the treatment,

the mean is 83.11 and n = 35, while the standard deviation is 6.59.

The value of L count is 0.1492, while the value of L table is

0.1499. if Lo < L@ (0.1492 < 0.1499) means the data are normal.

4.2.2 Homogenity Test

The data are homogen if the value of F count < Ftable. F count is

calculated from the (maximum variance divided by minimum variance).

Most F-tests arise by considering a decomposition of the variability in a

collection of data in terms of sums of squares. The test statistic in an F-

test is the ratio of two scaled sums of squares reflecting different sources

of variability. These sums of squares are constructed so that the statistic

tends to be greater when the null hypothesis is not true. In order for the

statistic to follow the F-distribution under the null hypothesis, the sums

of squares should be statistically independent, and each should follow a

scaled χ²-distribution. The latter condition is guaranteed if the data values

are independent and normally distributed with a common variance.

The calculation of homogenity test can be seen in the appendix.

Based on the calculated of homogenity test, it is found that the F count is

1.86 and the value of F table is 4.139. the data are homogen if the nilai Fo

is lower than F table or Fo (1.86) < F table (4.139). the value of f table which

is lower than F table shows that the data are homogen.

4.2.3 Testing the Hypothesis

It is important to mention the hypothesis in a research because a

research is an effort to prove the hypothesis. Therefore, it would be

profitable to mention the hypothesis again. The hypotesis in this research


Ha : There is a significance effect of Role play on students’ speaking

ability at the Tenth grade student of SMKS Al -JUmhuriyah Sosa.

Ho : There is no significance effect of Role play on students’ speaking

ability at the Tenth grade student of SMKS Al -JUmhuriyah Sosa.

The score of the data which is taken from the participant are

tabulated and calculated in order to test the hypothesis.

t 0 = SE

Md =
∑ Fd

Md = = - 46.68

SDd =
√ ∑ Fd 2 − ∑ Fd
N ( N ) 2

SDd =
√ 77750 −1634

35 (
2= ) √ 2221 , 42−2179.02

= 6.51

SD d 6.51 6.51 6.51

SEMd = = = = = 1.11
√ N −1 √35−1 √34 5.83
t 0 = SE

= - 42.05

The result of – 42.05 indicated that there was a difference of degree

as much as -42.05. regardless the minus, it doesn’t indicate negative score.

Then, to complete the result of the research, the writer finds out the degree

of freedom (df) of this research is 34 (df= n-1).

Based in the table of “t” value at the degree of significance of 5%

and 1% with df 34, it is found that the value of 5 % of degree of

significance is 1.69092 and the value of 1 % of degree of significance is

2.44115. the result is 1.69092 < 42.05 > 2.44115.

The result of analyzing the data by using the above formula shows

the coefficient is 42.05. it means that there is a significance increase affter

role play is used teaching speaking.

4.3 Discussion

Having analyzed the data of pre – test and post – test by using t – test

the result shows that the coefficient is 42.05. It means that there is a

significance effect of role play on students speaking ability.

From the result calculation, it is obtained the value of the t observation

(to) is 42.05 the degree of freedom (df: is 34 ). Since the score obtained from

the result of calculating, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the

null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

a. If the result of t observation is higher than the t table (to > tt), the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted. It means that there is a significance effect of role play on

students speaking ability.

b. If the result of t observation is lower than the t table (to < tt), the null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

rejected. It means that there is a significance effect of role play on

students speaking ability.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students’ score of
speaking taught by using role play is better. It means that the use of role play in
teaching speaking is quite effective. Role play is effective because by using role
play the student enjoy the learning proses,

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