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You can use this Toolbox to go through the The first stage:
innovation process step by step.

It is your manual, but you can also use it to show 1-1 Identify the target sector for your innovation
other participants your work and get useful

There are four stages in total, and they correspond 1-2 Identify the types of user within this sector
to the four weeks of this course.

You can complete your workbook bit by bit with

the help and advice of Orsolya.
1-3 Choose a main target

1-4 Create a Persona which represents your target

You can start right away with the first step:
create your Persona.

Make this Toolbox your own! Try it out yourself!

If you’re carrying out this project for your own business, then choosing a sector should be easy.
If this isn’t the case, then you should choose a sector or product where you are already familiar
1-1 Identify the target sector for your innovation with the market and the customers.
Once you’ve chosen your sector, write it here and illustrate it to bring it to life!


Pick 2-3 types of user from your chosen sector. Don’t try to be exhaustive, and don’t try to be too specific. For
example, choose types by frequency of usage - occasional, regular, or intensive. At work, you should try to talk to
your colleagues in marketing or sales: you should think of these people as your most valuable resources! If you’re
1-2 Identify the types of user within this sector not doing this within a work context, you can research online, or simply use your observation skills and
Write the different client types in the space below and draw something to illustrate it.

STUDENT WHO Employee who doesn’t • Employee who

DON’T HAVE have much time to wants to update
ENOUGH MONEY TO study themselves in a
GET TO UNIVERSITY field of study

Aim to choose a client type who you already know

STUDENT WHO DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH something of, especially if you know members of that group
1-3 Choose your main target: MONEY TO GET TO UNIVERSITY personally.
Write the target group you have chosen to think
about for your innovation in the box.
Argue, journalist and students, 22 years old

DRC, Kinshasa, 7th kimpoko street

Address: Financial situation:
200$ per month
Family situation: Engaged

Values :

Media: Reading Articles from nat Geo gold, Euro news,

Digital : He uses Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, with spending sometimes in the journey.

Hobbies :
Using cubaise to create music

Their goals:
1-4 Create a Persona which represents your target Succeding in his relationships,profession, personal finance development, and especially he wants to
learn a lot of things.
In this second stage, you will:

2-1 Describe a moment in the life of your Persona

The needs of your 2-2 Identify a problematic for your Persona

2-3 Turn the problematic into a need

Your turn!
Imagine a moment in the life of your Persona. Concentrate on the moment where they are most
likely to need to use the product or service which you’d like to develop.Observe the people
2-1 Describe a moment in the life of your Persona around you for inspiration. The boxes on the right are for words, and the left hand side is for

He works, half day, from Monday to Friday as a journalist each weeks.

7 to 12 AM, he is in work space

1 to 3 P.M he takes a rest an he tries to read something , almost every day

3 to 7 in Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday he is in the church

8 to 10 pm it’s a time to be in social media

2-2 Identify a problem for your Persona
Using the moment you described earlier, identify a time when they were discontented.
Describe this point by writing a sentence and choosing an image.

I wish, I could find an online education which costs less with a accredited
diploma so that I could realize my dream

I can’t go studying at the University because my salary is

not enough and also I won’t get another job quickly
enough to pay my rent if I leave this one
2-3 Translate the problem into a need.
Turn the problem into your Persona’s need in the form of a declaration. Start with the phrase “I would like…”
The need you identify here will be your point of departure to develop a new product or service. Next week we
will begin the creative phase of the development.
In the third stage we will:

3-1 Generate several innovative ideas using creative techniques

Your innovative idea 3-2 Choose the most promising idea

3-3 Describe your innovative idea in one sentence

Your turn!
From the basis of the identified client need, and using one or more of the creative techniques
3-1 Generate several innovative ideas (60 min) presented in this week's videos, generate some innovative ideas which provide solutions to the need
of your Persona.

Scholarship with job and

A fully online Academic program
accomodation, for students

A set of Mooc

3-2 Choose the most promising idea Choose the idea which is most beneficial to your target user, whilst being technically feasible

A set of Mooc
3-3 Describe your idea in a sentence (20 min)

Once you’ve chosen an idea, write 2-3 lines describing the benefits your innovation will bring to users. These lines will be use d when you interview your target about an acceptable price for your innovation.
Try to use the following formula:
● A new product which allows you to…
● A new app which lets you…
● A new service which helps you...
Be precise: you should reflect the key elements of your idea.
Be clear: your words must be understandable, particularly to your target. Avoid jargon. Ask someone else to read it through to make sure they understand what you’re trying to say.

A set of MOOC, made up of several courses,at least 3 weeks, per course

essential for a specific field for students, all awarded by paid certificates at
the end of each course and which will be ended by a professional diploma.
All in 2 years
In this step you will:

4-1 Define a price range to use in interviews

The price range for 4.2. Carry out your interviews
your innovation

4.3. Decide on the acceptable price range using your interviews

Your turn!
4.1. Define a price range to use in interviews 20min 4.2. Carry out your interviews (10 min per interview)
Before you can find out the price your target user is prepared to pay, you’ll need to establish a
price range. This is what you’ll use when you interview your target users. Create a scale with 10
Choose at least 5 people who correspond to your target. Briefly explain them your innovation and then
different price levels . When you choose these initial prices, take your competitor’s prices into
show them the table listing the price range and ask them the two following questions:
account. Be careful though, in the case of innovation there is often no competition, even if
“Thinking about the product/service I described, at which price would you say you wouldn’t buy it,
different products and services exist which fulfil the same need. Write the 10 prices you have
either because it would be too expensive or you wouldn’t have the money?”
chosen into the first line of your table.
“And at what price would you say you wouldn’t buy the product because you would have doubts about
its quality?”

Describe the people you interviewed, how you are connected with them, how you contacted them and
the method you used (by phone, on internet, while having a coffee at work…). Add details so the person
reading that can pinpoint the interviews method used and the interviewees.

100 150 200 400 500

0…€ 10€ 20€ 30€ 50€
€ € € € …€
User 1 I interviewed, 5 afican students with difficulties to
pay Academic fees.
User 2
User 3 They are between 20 and 25 years old, some of
them are employed,
User 4
User 5 The interviews was for some minutes, so their
response allowed me to establish the price range.
And some of them declared, having a PC or mobile
phone but they never heard about Mooc , and
advantages that this could be for their professional
career. They are interested about this innovation.
Make a table adapted to your needs, using this example as a
4.3. Decide on the acceptable price range using your interviews (10 min)

After your interviews, use a colour to mark the high and low prices suggested by each intervewee.

100 150 200 400 500

0 10 20 30 50
€ € € € €

User 1 x x
User 2 X x
User 3 x X
User 4 X X
User 5 x x

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