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Republic of the Philippines


A University of Excellence, Innovation and Inclusion
Faculty of Governance, Business and Management
Martinez Avenue, Dahican, 8200 Mati City, Davao Oriental | Tel/fax: (087) 3883-195

Academic Integrity Declaration and Permit Acknowledgement for

Individual Assessment Task

Course Number
and Description
Title of
Type of
√ Tasks Requirement Seminar Paper
(Tick appropriate
Name of Lecturer /
Hours / Date Due 2400HRS 8October2023
Name of Adviser N/A

I declare that this assessment item is my own work unless otherwise properly acknowledged and
is in accordance with the State University and international standards/policies on academic integrity.

I certify that this assessment item or piece of work has not been submitted previously for
academic credit in this or any other course. I acknowledge that the assessor/instructor of this
assessment item may, for the purpose of assessing this piece of work:

• Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the Faculty;
• Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may
then retain a copy of the item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking).
• Submit the assessment item to other forms of plagiarism checking systems

ID Date Submitted
Name of Student/s Signature
Number (mm/dd/yyyy)

JAWAD S PERDISO 11/15/2023

Part I. Letter to the Respondents / Participants

Dear [Respondent/Participant],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Jawad Perdiso, and I am the researcher/principal investigator conducting
the research titled "Evaluating How Prudent Financial Management Affects the Profitability of Entrepreneurs in
Barangay Central." As part of this study, we are reaching out to entrepreneurs like yourself to contribute valuable
insights that will enhance our understanding of financial management practices and their impact on profitability.

Objectives of the Research:

The primary objectives of this research are to assess the financial management practices employed by entrepreneurs in
Barangay Central and to analyze how these practices influence overall profitability. Your participation is crucial in
achieving these goals, and your firsthand experiences will significantly contribute to the success of the study.

Reason for Conducting the Research:

Barangay Central serves as a microcosm of entrepreneurial activities, and understanding the dynamics of financial
management in this community is vital. By delving into how prudent financial management affects profitability, we aim
to provide valuable recommendations for entrepreneurs, policymakers, and stakeholders to enhance financial

Ethical Considerations:

Ensuring the ethical conduct of this research is our top priority. Your participation is voluntary, and your responses will
be kept confidential. All data collected will be anonymized, and your privacy will be rigorously protected. Should you
have any concerns about the ethical aspects of this research, please do not hesitate to contact me at JAWAD PERDISO IN

Your willingness to participate in this study is highly appreciated, and we assure you that your contribution will be
instrumental in advancing our understanding of financial management practices among entrepreneurs in Barangay

Jawad S. Perdiso

Researcher/Principal Investigator
Part II. Socio-Economic Attributes of Respondents/Participants

Please take a moment to provide information on the following socio-economic attributes. Your honest and accurate
responses are crucial to the success of this research. All information collected will be kept confidential.

1. Informed Consent:

- Have you read and understood the informed consent statement provided at the beginning of this survey?

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

2. Demographic Information:

a. Age:

- Under 18

- 18-24

- 25-34

- 35-44

- 45-54

- 55-64

- 65 or older

b. Gender:

- Male

- Female

- Non-binary

- Prefer not to say

3. Educational Background:

- What is the highest level of education you have completed?

- Less than high school

- High school graduate

- Some college or vocational training

- Bachelor's degree

- Master's degree or higher

4. Employment Status:

- Are you currently employed?

- Yes, full-time

- Yes, part-time

- No, not employed

- Self-employed

- Student

5. Income Level:

- Please select the range that best represents your annual household income.

- Less than P20,000

- P20,000 - P40,000

- P40,001 - P60,000

- P60,001 - P80,000

- P80,001 - P100,000

- Over P100,000

6. Business Ownership:

- Do you currently own a business or are you involved in entrepreneurial activities?

- Yes

- No

7. Years of Business Operation:

- If applicable, how many years have you been operating your business?

8. Financial Management Practices:

- How would you describe your approach to financial management in your business? (Open-ended)

9. Challenges in Financial Management:

- What are the primary challenges you face in managing your business finances? (Open-ended)

10. Investment Strategies:

- Do you currently have any investment strategies in place for your business?

- Yes

- No
Your willingness to provide this information is highly appreciated, and your responses will contribute significantly to the
depth of our research. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me at JAWAD PERDISO IN

Thank you for your participation!

Certainly! Below is a template for Part III of your research instrument, the Main Instrument. Since you mentioned that
your research has at least three objectives, I'll provide a general structure with a few sample questions for each
objective. Please customize these questions based on the specific details and objectives of your research.

Part III. Main Instrument

Your responses to the following questions will help us address the objectives of our research. Please answer each
question thoughtfully and accurately.

Objective 1: Assessing Financial Management Practices

1. Informed Consent

- Have you read and understood the informed consent statement provided at the beginning of this survey?

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

2. Financial Recordkeeping:

- How do you maintain and organize financial records in your business? (Open-ended)

3. Budgeting Practices:

- Do you have a budgeting system in place for your business?

- Yes

- No

- If yes, please describe your budgeting practices. (Open-ended)

Objective 2: Analyzing the Impact of Financial Management on Profitability

4. Profitability Assessment:

- How do you currently measure the profitability of your business?

- Profit margin

- Return on investment (ROI)

- Other (please specify)

5. Financial Decision-Making:

- What factors influence your financial decision-making processes in your business? (Open-ended)
6. Financial Performance Indicators:

- Could you identify key financial performance indicators you use to evaluate your business's financial health? (Open-

Objective 3: Identifying Factors Influencing Financial Management Practices

7. External Influences:

- To what extent do external factors (e.g., economic conditions, government policies) impact your financial
management decisions? (Open-ended)

8. Training and Education:

- Have you undergone any formal training or education in financial management?

- Yes

- No

- If yes, how has this training influenced your financial management practices? (Open-ended)

9. Technology Adoption:

- To what extent do you use financial management technologies (e.g., accounting software) in your business?

- Extensively

- Moderately

- Minimally

- Not at all

Thank you for your participation!

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