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Partial Discharge Localization in a Power

Transformer: Methods, Trends, and Future

Mithun Mondal & G.B. Kumbhar

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Partial Discharge Localization in a Power Transformer: Methods, Trends, and

Future Research
Mithun Mondal and G.B. Kumbhar
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India

This paper presents a comprehensive review of various techniques of partial discharge (PD) Acoustic methods; Electrical
localization. The technologies reviewed are acoustic, ultra-high frequency (UHF), optical, and methods; Partial discharge;
electrical according to their chronological order of development. The paper outlines the distinctive Power transformer; UHF
acoustic and UHF sensors, along with the algorithm for the localization of PD source. Various digital methods; Winding modelling
signal processing and statistical techniques applied are likewise discussed. A substantial effort has
been given to electrical methods since they represent the most active and current field of PD
research. In this paper, the techniques of PD localization used so far are compared, and their
advantages and limitations are pointed out. The challenges and trends in future research in PD
localizations are also discussed. The review given in this paper will be useful to develop the future
technologies for PD localization thereby avoiding insulation damage. Thus, this paper is intended to
serve as a guide for the research on the localization of PD inside the transformer winding.

1. INTRODUCTION PD detection by DGA cannot be considered a good

approach for localization. Later, discharge signals in the
The power transformer is one of the most expensive
form of EM or acoustic waves originated at the PD sites
assets in a power transmission network. It costs nearly
are utilized to localize the PD source.
60% of the total substation capital cost. Breakdown or
fault on it may lead to high costs for repair or replace-
The techniques of PD localization can be broadly
ment. Moreover, an unplanned outage of a power trans-
grouped into two categories:
former is highly uneconomical. Nevertheless,
appropriate maintenance and health monitoring can
(1) Conventional techniques and
increase the life of a transformer by a substantial
(2) Unconventional techniques
amount. One of the key indicators of insulation condi-
tion is partial discharge (PD). Sustained PD activity can
The conventional techniques are the one that conforms
cause irreversible damage to insulation material, and
to the IEC 60270 standard of PD measurement. The
thus estimating the magnitude and precise location of
standard comprises the associated PD terminologies,
the PD sources is the prime concern for health monitor-
quantities to be measured, information about the test
ing and diagnostic studies of the transformer. However,
and the measuring circuits, the analog and digital mea-
finding the location is a very challenging task due to the
suring techniques, methods for PD calibration, etc. The
highly complex and non-uniform structure of power
electrical methods of PD localization fall under the con-
transformer windings, and stochastic nature of PD.
ventional techniques. The conventional techniques have
certain limitations, for e.g., it cannot be used on-site due
PD emanates signals of various natures such as electro-
to EM and transmission interference, etc., and as such
magnetic (EM), acoustic, optical, chemical, etc. To moni-
the manufacturers opted for unconventional techniques,
tor and localize the PD activity, sensors based on
which make use of the various sensors based on acoustic,
acoustic, ultra-high frequency (UHF), electric, and
UHF, and hybrid systems.
hybrid technologies are employed. The chemical reac-
tion-based research on the PD detection deals with
This paper introduces qualitative assessment of the tech-
examining the oil sample in the form of dissolved gas
niques of PD localization in a power transformer and
analysis (DGA). It indicates the presence of PD, but
proposes consolidating narration of comparatively
could not determine its geometric position. Also, DGA is
numerous number of papers dedicated to the topic. The
normally conducted on a periodic basis. Hence, chemical
© 2016 IETE

aim is to develop a knowledge database of the various PD

localization techniques adopted so far in power trans-
formers so that researchers can acquire a quick knowl-
edge of these techniques and differentiate among them.
An exhaustive bibliographic information is appended
which would serve as the guide to assist researchers and
utility engineers working in the field of transformers
insulation diagnostic, especially in the area of PD locali-
zation in power transformers.

The rest part of the paper is organized into the following

Sections. Section 2 presents the different acoustic meth-
ods and sensors used with their operating principle. Sim-
ilarly, Sections 3 and 4 deal with the UHF and electrical
methods, respectively. Section 5 discusses the optical
methods, and Section 6 presents the hybrid technologies.
Section 7 discusses the advantage and limitations of dif-
ferent techniques and suggests the prospects in the PD
localization. Finally, the paper concludes in Section 8. Figure 1: Position of the PD source and the sensors in the Carte-
sian coordinates
PD, pulse-shaped discharges generate mechanical stresses, source is located in three dimensions by triangulation algo-
which produces acoustic waves. These waves propagate in rithm [2]. If the PD location is not possible in three dimen-
the transformer through the surrounding oil and can be sions due to the insufficient channel, then channel activity
observed by acoustic sensors located outside the trans- determines the source location, by recognizing the most
former tank. The time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the active and first hit channel. But piezoelectric AE sensors
signals to the multiple sensors gives the PD location. The located along the external wall of the transformer tank are
typical acoustic system includes acoustic sensors, filters vitiated due to different velocities of the sound to propa-
and pre-amplifiers, signal conditioning and acquisition gate in oil, solid insulation, and steel tank wall, resulting
units, and expert system software for detection of dis- the PD to follow multiple paths and travel time between
charge location. The location of the PD source can be the origin of the source and location of the sensors. The
determined by applying the Pythagoras theorem between problem can be mitigated by placing high-frequency fibre
the position of the PD source and the sensors in the Carte- optic AE sensors inside the transformer tank rather than
sian coordinate. Figure 1 shows the position of sensors mounting it outside the tank. The PD location can be
and the PD source, and can the location can be determined determined by triangulation method under the condition
by applying Equation (1), where (x,y,z) and (xi,yi,zi) are the that the directional sensitivity of the sensor is flat up to
position of the PD source and the sensors, respectively. §40 from sensor axis and frequency range is up to
150 kHz [3]. Fibre optic sensors do not affect the insula-
di D ðx ¡ xi Þ2 C ðy ¡ yi Þ2 C ðz ¡ zi Þ2 (1) tion integrity and are immune to EM interference. A pat-
tern recognition technique for PD localization in the oil-
The on-site PD localization method based on enhance- filled transformer is proposed by dividing the transformer
ment of acoustic signals emanating from discharge source into 20 £ 20 £ 20 mm3 sub-modules and the spatial dis-
using arithmetic manipulation to calculate the time differ- tance of each module to acoustic sensors gives the location
ence of observed signals between two sensors is given in of PD source [4]. The technique avoids complicated math-
[1]. The time is converted to distance using the velocity of ematical deduction, convergence or divergence of initial
sound in oil, which depends on the temperature of the oil values during iterations, and out of bound cases when PD
and frequency content of the discharge signal. The speed is located at the outer boundary of the transformer. But
of PD location depends upon the emission repetition rate when the discharge is located in the winding, the propaga-
and the amount of energy present in the discharge. A mul- tion velocity and direction of the signal no longer remain
tichannel acoustic emission (AE) instrument measures the constant and thus creates problems in source localization.
acoustic waves coming from the PD source to the multiple A method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is
sensors located at different points on the tank, and the PD proposed, which proved to be effective and give the close

location to PD source compared to least-square approach amplitude of the received signal reaches the peak value.
[5]. The PD location using AE sensors requires a large The second technique determines the cross-correlation
number of sensors, and iterative algorithms. A technique between different signals detected by the sensors. Finally,
using four AE sensors and non-iterative algorithm for PD the third technique estimates the cumulative energy of
location is given in [6]. A technique of online PD localiza- the signal. The results were compared with and without
tion using wireless acoustic sensor network providing easy the presence of noise in the received EM signal and
installation, low cost, and galvanic isolation is discussed in found that first peak method gives better accuracy, fol-
[7]. In another work, two simultaneous PD sources in the lowed by cross-correlation and cumulative energy
three-phase transformer are located using modified parti- technique.
cle swarm optimization [8], and its performance is com-
pared with a genetic algorithm. PSO offers high The UHF sensors utilize as complementary to high fre-
computational efficiency and quick convergence compared quency current transformer (HFCT) sensors and are also
to the genetic algorithm. A technique of PD localization in used to trigger the external acoustic sensors. Since the
transformer oil using an array of circular sensors is dis- UHF sensors are extremely susceptible to the noise sig-
cussed in [9]. It is found that circular sensors have better nal, sometimes they can generate a false trigger to the
accuracy compared to linear and phased sensors which acoustic sensors.
determine the PD position in one direction only and are
restricted by the Rayleigh limit, respectively.
The acoustic sensors are used directly without any modi- The application of the electrical method in PD detection
fication and can be applied in both online and off-line and localization depends on the observed PD pulse
environment. As acoustic signals suffer from multiple which directly depends on several other factors, such as
reflections and diffraction, the sensitivity of PD localiza- wave-shape of the original PD pulse, distortion while
tion is severely affected. Also, the high computational travelling from the origin to the terminals, frequency
effort is required to localize the PD source in three- response and bandwidth of the detector and oscilloscope,
dimensional coordinates. etc. The PD pulse can be digitally simulated using an
resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) oscillatory cir-
cuit which complies similar with conventional interna-
tional electrotechnical commission (IEC) detectors and
The PD inside the oil-filled transformer emits EM waves can be simulated as given in (2)
in the frequency range of 300 MHz up to 3 GHz, and 
can be detected by UHF sensors located either in the oil 0 0tt0
P ¡ ðt ¡ t0 Þ (2)
valves or attached externally to the transformer tank. Ae t cosð2pf0 ðt ¡ t0 ÞÞ t0 < tT
The gas-insulated substations (GIS) application have the
facility to place the UHF sensors inside the transformer where, A is the amplitude of the PD pulse, t0 is the time
tank, but transformer does not have this facility. of occurrence, t is the damping factor, f0 is the resonant
frequency, and T is the sampling time-period of the
The PD location is determined by measuring the TDOA pulse. A typical PD pulse in the time domain and its fre-
of EM signals to the sensors. But, the main problem lies quency spectra is shown in Figure 2.
in measuring the accurate time of arrival of the PD sig-
nal. The problem of improving the resolution of time The PD location by electrical methods is based on analy-
arrival is discussed in [10]. It is proposed to increase the sis of the winding responses measured at the terminal.
frequency band with an upper-frequency range up to The advent of electrical methods for PD localization are
3.5 GHz in the radio-frequency (RF) range (15 GHz) grouped into the following four categories (1) capacitive
to pick the fast rise time of the signal. Diamond-shaped transmitted pulse, (2) pulse comparison, (3) travelling
antenna arrays increase the time resolution by increasing wave, and (4) inception stress. These methods are based
the cross-correlation coefficient between sensor mea- on different principles, such as measured impulse capaci-
sured signals. Two array antenna eliminates the EM scat- tance component ratio, comparison of PD response
tering by the iron core, and hyperboloid genetic polarities, TDOA of EM waves, etc. The methods are
algorithm searches the PD source. A comparison of three decided based on the frequency range, for e.g., in the
different techniques for estimating the TDOA of EM sig- low-frequency range (00.01 MHz), the PD propagation
nals to sensors is discussed in [11]. The first technique is EM in nature following the galvanic path, intermediate
determines the first peak i.e. earliest instant at which the frequency range (0.010.1 MHz) is characterized by

1 0.025

Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)


-1 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
-4 6
Time (seconds) x 10 Frequency (Hz) x 10

(a) (b)

Figure 2: PD signal in the time and frequency domain (a) Time domain PD signal and (b) frequency spectra of the PD pulse

resonance of the winding, and in the high-frequency calibrator to produce discharge signal is given in [19]
range (0.1 to 10 MHz), the PD propagation is through and for LC network and real discharges (corona model
capacitive elements of the winding. and floating object in oil) is given in [20]. The series res-
onance frequency of the winding is utilized to construct
The above-mentioned methods have some limitations, a network model which consists of self-inductance,
for e.g., travelling wave measured the time delay of series, and shunt capacitances (commonly known as the
arrival of PD signals at the terminal, but it is difficult to LKC model). The PD location is determined by “order
decide the start time of arrival of PD signal at terminal, matching” of the series resonance frequency between the
capacitive location method fails when the neutral termi- model and the experiment [21]. The PD input signal can
nal is solidly ground, which is normal condition at on- be located from the output winding response measured
site. PD localization using wave-shape recognition and at the bushing and neutral, and the sectional winding
comparison with calibrated waveforms by cross-correla- transfer functions (SWTFs) derived from the winding
tion is proposed in [12]. The efficient localization model [22]. In practical situation during online measure-
requires a range of calibrated waveforms and thus ment, the PD signals are corrupted by noise. Under such
increases the measurement complexity. PD localization circumstances, the TDOA of multiple PD signals are
by measurement and computation of capacitive voltage recorded, and the matched filters are designed to pro-
distribution at the inception of PD using a lumped duce the maximum output at the time of arrival of PD
capacitance model is used in [13]. The capacitive lumped pulse, which gives the PD location [23]. The internal PD
model for studying PD pulse distribution is valid for a sources are located by analysis of frequency spectra and
certain range of frequency. Digital filtering technique is time-resolved response of the winding [24]. The average
used to extract the appropriate frequency range of capac- power spectral density (PSD) of the secondary voltage of
itive pulse distribution due to PD [14]. Application of a high-frequency winding model is used as a template,
digital filtering produces better accuracy in PD localiza- and the distance classifier is used to predict the PD loca-
tion with the capacitive network model. tion [25]. A method based on timedomain correlation
is proposed in [26] which successfully locates the PD
A procedure based on time signal processing and recog- source when the pulse width of the test signal and refer-
nition to locate the internal defect in the transformer ence signal is equal, otherwise it fails. The limitation is
insulation during commissioning test is proposed in overcome in [27] by converting the time domain PD
[15]. The method requires a transformer winding model response to the frequency domain, ortho-normalizing
simulating fast PD signal of nano-seconds (ns) range, the signals and then applying the correlation technique.
but it is difficult to produce an equivalent winding model Other statistical techniques using coherent phase detec-
for transient behaviour in the ns range. PD only affects tion [28] and regression or least slope [29] are also pro-
the position of zeros of the transfer function, while the posed to locate the PD. In another work [30], the author
poles remain stationary since it is system dependent. By uses correlation coefficients to locate the PD source by
comparing the frequency of the zeros obtained by wind- analysing the terminal current signal using wavelet pack-
ing model and experimental result, the PD location can ets. A method based on wavelet laplace (WL) and the
be determined [16]. In another work [17,18], the zeros Hellinger distance using a network model to locate the
frequencies are used as template vectors to locate the PD. PD source is discussed in [31]. The study of different
The method of zeros location template vector using pattern recognition techniques such as KarhunenLoeve
multi-conductor transmission line (MTL) model and PD transform [32] and other transforms based on

sinecosine and wavelets [33] are also used for PD loca- 4.2 Winding modelling
tion. Recently, a technique based on the unsupervised
Transformer winding modelling is an essential task that
neuro-fuzzy system is proposed for locating three differ-
employs the winding transfer function and statistical
ent discharge sources  corona, surface, and void [34].
techniques for PD localization. Several winding models
have been used for the PD study. The models based on
The two essential tasks of PD localization by electrical
the capacitive network, detailed parameter model, MTL
methods comprise of modelling of PD in the insulation
model, and the hybrid models are the most well-known
by an equivalent circuit and winding modelling, which
models which have been used till date. These models dif-
are summarized in the following subsections.
fer based on their operating frequency region and the
winding types. For e.g., in disc winding, it is difficult to
determine the frequency region over which the model is
4.1 PD modelling
capacitive in nature. Hence, the capacitive network
To understand the physics of PD, the modelling by an model is not suitable for the disc winding. Similarly,
equivalent circuit is necessary, which evaluates the interleaved winding have cancellation of poles and zeros
charge transfer from the origin to the measuring termi- of the transfer function which create difficulty in the
nal. The most renowned PD model of a gas-filled void is determination of the frequency position of zeros used by
the classical abc-model, which in fact models the insula- the detailed model.
tion itself. The classical-abc model for a gas-filled void is
shown in Figure 3(a) which is represented by three The various winding modelling techniques adopted for
capacitances, namely, the capacitance representing the PD localization are discussed in brief.
cavity (Cc) in the insulation, the capacitance in series
with the cavity (Cb), and the capacitance of the rest of (1) Capacitive network model [13,14]: This model is
the insulation (Ca) [37]. valid for a limited frequency range which is deter-
mined using digital filters as explained earlier. It is
While classical abc-model of the void is popular for a not only difficult but also impossible to find the
long decade, certain limitation of the model, such as it frequency range for continuous disc winding.
falsely assumed there is a change in capacitance during (2) Detailed ladder network model [39]: The detailed
PD, etc., led to its criticism by Pedersen et al., and after model consists of resistance, inductance, capaci-
that, he proposed a model based on the induced charge tance, and conductance per section of the winding
concept [38]. The model is based on the dipole moment (shown in Figure 4(a)). It is valid for a frequency
and overcomes the limitation of the classical abc-model range of several KHz to a maximum of 1 MHz.
by including the resistances in parallel to the capacitan- The model is inadequate for the study of PD
ces, and also including the discharge resistance (Rdiss). propagation.
The dipole moment or induced charge concept-based (3) Multi-conductor transmission line (MTL) model
abc-model is shown in Figure 3(b). [40,41]: MTL models each turn of the winding

Figure 3: Partial discharge models (a) Classical-abc model of the void [35] and (b) abc-model based on induced charge [36]

Figure 4: Transformer winding model for the study of PD localization. (a) Detailed ladder network model [39] and (b) multi-conductor
transmission line model (MTL) [42]

rather than section (shown in Figure 4(b)). The 6. HYBRID METHODS

model is valid for the higher frequency range up
It is sometimes difficult to differentiate acoustic signals
to several MHz, but computation of the MTL is
generated by discharge from electrical or mechanical
too complex and time-consuming. Moreover, the
noise. Thus, it is beneficial to use acoustic sensors in
position of the zeros in the transfer function for a
combination with EM sensors [46]. A mixed-acoustic i.e.
particular section is not observable, especially near
triggering of the acoustic sensors with EM signals, which
the line end. Hence, due to these limitations, its
works with pseudo-times and used robust Global Posi-
application in industry is restrained.
tioning System (GPS) as a direct solver instead of itera-
(4) Hybrid model [42]: The detailed model and the
tive algorithms for PD localization is proposed in [47].
MTL model combine to form the hybrid model
The accurate location of PD is determined by precise
and are valid for a frequency range of tens of KHz
measurement of the arrival time of acoustic signals using
to hundreds of MHz. There is a definite frequency
sophisticated techniques based on a change in the energy
range in the complete frequency scale in which
content or frequency content of the signal. While the
capacitive ratio method can be employed for PD
non-linear iterative algorithm requires a good initial
value, GPS-based solver is free from initial value depen-
dency. It can be used for the under-determined or over-
determined system, and is more stable of measurable
5. OPTICAL METHODS errors and wrong assumption of acoustic propagation
Optical methods for PD localization make use of either velocity.
the optoacoustic method, the acoustic phenomena of PD
to influence the optical signals transmitted through fiber The rectangular ultrasonic array is expensive due to a
optic sensors placed inside the equipment, or direct large number of elements and occupies a large area hin-
detection of optical signals generated by PD. A review of dering its application. The cost and space are reduced by
the principle and application of optical fibre sensors to the use of the conformal L-shaped relocatable ultrasonic
the different field are given in [43,44]. A single and dou- array and UHF sensors [48] and cross-shaped ultrasonic
ble PD is located by capturing the light signal emitted by array and UHF EM sensors [49]. The technique is fur-
discharge using optical sensors, and different pattern rec- ther advanced using rotated sub-space (RSS) algorithm
ognition techniques were applied to classify the features which reduces the space by the use of an array of few ele-
and the energy level distribution received by multiple ments compared to some discrete elements [50]. This
sensors for a fixed duration of time gives the PD location sensor arrays shows better performance, can be easily
[45]. The localization depends on upon the intensity of installed, and have the noise suppression ability, could
the discharge and position of the source and the sensors. be used to locate PD in transformer oil, but suffers in the
presence of the complex insulation system (core and
The optical methods of PD localization are immune to winding) from attenuation, reflection, and refraction.
EM interference, have high sensitivity and wide fre- The comparison of the different algorithm of calculating
quency spectrum. But, the technique is not automated the direction of arrival (DOA) of the signal, namely,
and required human interference in localizing the PD FOC-MUSIC algorithm, TCT algorithm, and synthesis
source. Moreover, the opaque nature of the oil compli- algorithms for PD source estimation is given in [51] and
cates its application in accurately locating the PD source. found the estimation algorithm to have better directing

precision compared to others. An electro-acoustic detected at the measuring terminals. Although the PD
method using an inductive loop sensor to locate PD signals are attenuated while travelling from the origin to
source in oil-paper insulation is proposed in [52]. Phase- the measuring terminal, a lot of information can be
resolved PD patterns are complemented with a high-fre- acquired about the PD location from the measured
quency pulse analysis to identify the discharge source response at the winding terminals (bushing and neutral)
and acoustic technique based on energy ratio method is both in the time and frequency domain.
implemented to locate the PD.
The acoustic methods of PD localization are successful
only when the defect is located close to the wall of the
7. DISCUSSIONS AND PROSPECTS tank of the transformer, the magnitude of apparent
Fast and accurate PD localization in a complicated insu- charge lies in the range of 300 pC, and the acoustic waves
lation system of the transformer is difficult due to two emitted by the PD source go directly into the oil. The use
reasons: the PDs can occur at multiple locations within of UHF sensors in addition to the acoustic sensors gives
the insulation, and it can only be detected and measured better PD location. But, when the PDs are located deep
at the terminal. The three types of methods or signals inside the winding, then due to high damping of the
that are used for PD location are (1) acoustic signals in sound level electrical method is the only alternative.
the ultrasonic range (20 KHz1MHz) (2) EM signals in
the UHF range (0.33 GHz), and (3) the electric signals. The electrical methods of the PD localization use the dig-
ital signal processing (DSP) and statistical techniques to
Due to the complex structure of the transformer insula- analyse these winding responses. Although, the electrical
tion, the discharge signals are attenuated and reflected methods of PD location are limited to factory environ-
along different paths of the insulation before they are ment (offline) and could not be used in the field under

Table 1: Advantage and limitations of methods of PD localizations.

Method Advantage Limitations
Acoustic (1) Sensors can be directly attached without any (1) Environmental heterogeneity as a result presence of oil, paper, core,
[19,4648,5052] modification pressboard, copper, etc. leads to low sensitivity due to high damping
(2) Test can be done both online or offline (2) Signals suffer from multiple reflection and diffractions leads to lower
(3) Immune to electromagnetic noise sensitivity
(4) Location can be obtained in three-dimensional (3) Multiple sensors increase the complexity in data handling, processing and
coordinates evaluation
(4) A number of expensive acoustic sensors increase the cost

UHF (1) UHF antennas can be used as complementary (1) High sensitivity to electrical noise generated by TV, Radio, Wi-Fi, and GSM
[1011,4651] to HFCT and have wider application compared to signals
acoustic sensors (2) PD pulses detected are weak even for well-designed and high sensitivity
(2) UHF signals triggers the acoustic sensors. The UHF antennas
probes located inside the tank detect PD events (3) The positions of the sensors affect the wave shape of the PD pulse. Sensors
and then trigger the acoustic sensors located at close proximity do not affect the wave shape but this is not so for far apart
outside sensors due to scattering, distortion, and attenuation in the transmission
(3) Experiments can be done on-line media
(4) Installation of UHF sensors presents a challenge, since transformers do not
have natural apertures in the metal cladding and need to insert the
antennas through drain valves for electromagnetic shielding

Electrical (1) Better alternative to acoustic methods as the (1) The PD signal can occur at multiple locations and the measurement can be
[1242] electrical methods determine the PD location in done only at the terminals (bushing and neutral)
electrical turn measured from terminal, whereas,
acoustic methods determines PD location in (2) The reference signals or templates are obtained by calibration in the
physical volume internal sections of the winding, which are generally not accessible.
(2) When the PDs are located deep inside then due Moreover, it requires a lot of time, effort and data handling complexities
to high damping of sound level electrical (3) The model of the transformer winding is constructed from the design
method is the only alternative details which at many times not easily available
(4) The constructed model from the winding design details may fail in
producing the actual winding response
(5) The PD signals are affected by the presence of noise and other
disturbances similar in nature to PD create a problem in precise localization
(6) The electrical methods based on IEC 60270 standards cannot be used for
on-site PD localization due to electromagnetic and transmission interference

Optical (1) The sensors are galvanically isolated (1) Operation required manual or eye contact for detection of PD source
[4345] (2) There is no electromagnetic interference (2) Application is usually restricted to liquid insulation material
(3) It is immune to external noise
(4) Sensors are compact, convenient to use, and
provides personal safety

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Mithun Mondal obtained his B-Tech G.B. Kumbhar received the BE degree in
degree in electrical engineering from Dr. electrical engineering from Government
MGR University, Chennai, India, in 2009 College of Engineering, Karad, Mahara-
and MTech degree from National Insti- shtra, India, in 1999, MTech degree from
tute of Technology, Hamirpur, India in the Indian Institute of Technology-
2013. He is presently a PhD scholar in Madras, Chennai, India, in 2002, and the
the Department of Electrical Engineering, PhD degree from the Indian Institute of
IIT Roorkee, India. His research interests Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, in
are condition monitoring of transformer, 2007. He was a postdoctoral research
partial discharge monitoring, and diagnostic of High Voltage scholar at the Center for Energy System Research, Tennessee
apparatus. Technological University, Cookeville, TN. Previously he
worked with Eaton Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Eaton Corp.) Pune,
E-mail: Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai, and Crompton Greaves
Ltd., Mumbai. Presently, he is an assistant professor in the
Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Tech-
nology, Roorkee, India. His research interests include high
voltage engineering, electromagnetic design and analysis of
power apparatus, computational electromagnetics, and cou-
pled-field modelling and simulations.


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