Electromagnetic Waves

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1. What is an Electromagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave is electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, made
by vibrating electric charges that create magnetic and electric fields. They are all transverse
waves which oscillates vertically to the direction of travel. They travel at a same speed of 3 *
10^8 m/s, which is equal to the speed of light. However when they are travelling in different
mediums such as air and water, they travel at different speeds and they reflect or refract.
They travel slowly then in vacuum so the frequency and wavelength change as well. The
source transfers energy to the absorbers

2. What is an electromagnetic spectrum?

An electromagnetic spectrum is the whole range of electromagnetic waves that have varying
frequency. It consists of radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultra violet, X-rays and gamma
rays. Radio waves have high wavelength and low frequency whereas gamma rays have
short wavelength and high frequency. As frequency increases, wavelength becomes smaller
(wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency).

Infrared waves : All objects emit infrared waves. The hotter the object is the more infrared
waves are emitted.

3. State the application of different electromagnetic waves.

- Radio waves : TV broadcast, Wi-Fi, telephone(signals), radios

- Microwaves : satellites use microwaves
- Infrared radiation : heater, security alarms(detects change in infrared rays), TV
remote controllers
- Ultraviolet radiation : It is absorbed by the skin (it can be tanned), causes
fluorescence, used for sterilizing medical appliance as it kills bacteria
- X-rays : used to treat cancer, used to see inside the body
- Gamma rays : used for killing cancer cells, used for sterilizing medical appliance as it
kills bacteria

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