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Tugas 2

Bahasa Inggris

NAMA: Ali Rohman

NIM : 051728867
UPBJJ: 24/Bandung
PRODI : S1/ Ilmu PemerintahanS1
1. Number 1 Dear Vincent Prasad in the letter above is an opening greeting or
2. Number 2 is the content of the letter recommendation attend the
Clouddatanow Tech department network.
3. Number 3 is part of the sender of the letter, namely Rachel Gomez

2) Errors in the letter:

1. The salutation is incorrect. It should be "Dear Mr. Reed," instead of "Thank
u for your letter of 4 july inquiring about our latest catalog, price list, and
terms of payment?"
2. The sentence structure and grammar are incorrect. It should be "Thank you
for your letter of July 4th inquiring about our latest catalog, price list, and
terms of payment."
3. The word "u" should be spelled out as "you."
4. The sentence "We hope you will find our prices n terms satisfactory"
contains a typographical error. "n" should be "and."
5. The sender's name is repeated twice at the end of the letter. It should only be
mentioned once.

Corrected version:
Bridgestone International Co.
1660 Maple Court
Kennett, MO 63857
July 21, 2021
William Reed
Purchase Manager
The Cooking Store
2175 Rivendell Drive
Mineral City, OH 44656

Dear Mr. Reed,

Thank you for your letter of July 4th inquiring about our latest catalog, price list,
and terms of payment. We are pleased to enclose our latest catalog, price list, and
terms of payment together with samples of our promotional gifts. We hope you
will find our prices and terms satisfactory.

I look forward to receiving your order.

Yours sincerely,
Robert Brown
Sales Manager

3) Hello Prof. Allen Smith, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your
willingness to be a resource person at our international seminar. We greatly
appreciate your contributions and expertise in this area. Your presence as an expert
at our seminar will provide valuable insight to participants and will make the event
a success. We are confident that your knowledge and experience will have a great
positive impact on the participants. We are very grateful for the time and effort you
took to share your knowledge with us. We hope this event will be a good
opportunity for you to interact with other professionals and academics in this field.
Once again, thank you very much for your participation in our international
seminar. We look forward to working with you in the future and establishing a
closer relationship.

Warm regards,

Sabrina Rahmayanti
,Chair of the International Seminar Committee

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