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Email: ka_rw2003@yahoo.


An Open Letter in Support of the President of Myanmar's Decision on the
Suspension of the Myitsone Dam Project and a Call for a Review of the Hatgyi
Dam Project in Kayin (Karen) State
Thursday, 13
October 2011
Your Excellency President Thein Sein
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Dear Mr. President,
We, the members of Karen Rivers Watch wish to express our appreciation of your
government's decision on the suspension of the Myitsone Dam project in Kachin
State. Karen Rivers Watch sees this decision as an important step towards the hope of
a genuine change to good governance that, to use your words, puts priority on
environmental conservation, clean government, democratic practice and the
prevalence of law and order.
Karen Rivers Watch (KRW) is a coalition of Karen social organizations and
individuals that researches and addresses the social, economic, cultural and
environmental impacts of river development projects in Kayin (Karen) State.
In your message to the Pyitthu Hluttaw in September 2011, you stated that Other
hydropower projects that pose no threat will be implemented through thorough
survey for availability of electricity needed for the nation.
However, deciding what is or is not a threat is always going to be controversial.
Comprehensive and consultative assessments that cover all environmental and socio-
economic impacts need to be conducted that include all relevant stakeholders and
address the full impacts of the 64 hydropower projects, including those on the
Thanlwin (Salween) River.
The case of the Hatgyi Dam is comparable to the Myitsone Dam because both
projects are located in seismically-active, politically and ecologically sensitive areas.
Both dam-sites are on or close to active fault lines that are prone to earthquakes, as
are many of the even larger dams planned upstream. Vital information regarding the
Hatgyi Dam project has not been made public and there has been little consultation
with affected communities and other relevant stakeholders. The majority of people
living in these areas disagree with the proposed hydropower project.
The Hatgyi Dam site is located in an active conflict zone 47 km from the confluence
of the Thanlwin (Salween) and Moei Rivers in an area inhabited by ethnic Karen. In
this warzone, countless Karen have died, been maimed or displaced. Many Myanmar

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Karen Rivers Watch

soldiers have also been killed or disabled, along with two Thai employees from the
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT).
Continuing to push for the implementation of the Hatgyi Dam will only exacerbate
the displacement of war-torn communities and destruction of the rich and diverse
ecological habitats found in this area. We are deeply concerned that all the problems
and little to no benefit will go to local communities while most of the energy
generated by this dam will be sold to Thailand.
Karen Rivers Watch believes that the cessation of conflict and the security of local
communities in Kayin (Karen) State are mandatory before any further project
development can take place in these areas. The projects should also incorporate fair
and equitable benefit-sharing, transparency, accountability, impact mitigation and
disaster planning.
Therefore, we urge the Myanmar government to:
cancel or suspend the Hatgyi Dam until a genuine political reconciliation is
reached between ethnic groups and the Myanmar government.
conduct new comprehensive and consultative assessments (EIA, SIA and
HIA) for the entire planned series of dams on the Thanlwin (Salween) that
adhere to the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent before project
development approval, and only following the resolution of conflict in the
Yours Respectfully,
Karen Rivers Watch

For press contact:

Paul Sein Twa (for English)
Ko Shwe (for Burmese)
Tel: +66 (0) 9005 16721

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