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internal : painless lasymptomatic

external : painful si Ex charot haha
warm sitz bath-enhance circulation
witch nazel-vesicant/astrigent -

dehydrates hemorrhoids & decreases its size

-heart burn-chest pain due to regurgitation of HCL-mugt : small frequent feedings

③ Respiratory changes

SOB I shortness of breath) -

lung and diaphragmatic expansion
mugt: left side lying position (SOB-normal DOB- needs mugt ,

① Urinary system
Turinary Frequency the gravid uters


↓ urinary threshold-capacity of bladder to store a urine

⑤ Musculoskeletal changes

lordosis -

pride of pregnancy labnormal curvature of spine

↳ back ache leg cramps

mugt : low hell shoes with grip , proper posturing

⑥ Temperature
↑ temp-TBMR (basal metabolic rate) faster conversion

For of glucose

⑦ Endocrine System
thyroid gland-enlargement fetus

uses for
↳ calcitonin -
(calcium in the blood to bone

parathyroid- enlargement by mother



↳ PTH (calcium in the bone to blood (


milk is needed esp made for pregnant woman (ex anmum)

Leopolds Maneuver :
empty bladder /void/urinate
1st-Fundal Grip-presentation (cephalic ,
transverse/acromion/shoulder Footling
, , Facial)
Grip-fetal back -
PMI (point of maximum impulse) FHT is most audible

3rd-Pawlicks Grip-station
4th-Pelvic Grip-attitude/Fetal lie (degree of Flexion & extension
-37 Floating/above ischial spine

at the level

I crowning/below ischial spine

Clean Catch Urine -

collecting vrine sample

detect UTI

1st stream-discard (contaminated)

middle stream -
use (accurate
mid stream urine

Pap Smear/Papanicolaou Smear-cervical Cancer

Class 1 normal-OK (thumb


Class 2 -

inflammation -

go to hospital /no IE (turo Finger haha

use your class 3-mild to moderate dysplasia
no sex/no Fuck (middle)
Fingers class 4 -

probably malignant

difficulty recovering (ring)

class 5 possibly malignant slimmest/smallest chance of
living (litol Fingur huhu
- -

Oh cancer

Cancer -
has CURE

Upera hahaha xd

Emotional support

if you lack thiss ...

you will surely DIE

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