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It is 2021 and some people still look back fondly to the times when Vampire the

Masquerade was the new, hot thing in the RPG community during the early ‘90s.
GURPS was not far behind on catching up with this new phenomenon and published
the Core rule book and Compendium for VtM in 1993/94 with Werewolf the
Apocalypse and Mage the Ascension following, to complete the holy trinity of the
World of Darkness.
Kindred Lore was compiled as a supplement to Vampire: The Masquerade for
GURPS, complementing it with a few extras, conversions from later editions
including some material from the 5th edition and Vampire the Requiem.
It starts with the character creation part and gives a few options on building
vampire characters with different power levels that can be used to create your
PCs but also gives an idea about creating your NPCs ranging from a thin-blooded
lick to a 1000-years old Elder.
You can find additional advantages and disadvantages, reworked backgrounds with
some interesting parts like Blood Potency that takes into account the thickness of
your Vitae or Haven creation for those who like to build and design their lair in
detail. Also, the Predator Types were added to give more flavor to the way you get
your blood sustenance, making sure that you find a hunting style that suits your
vampire. Information about Humanity, a way of existing for the Kindred, with set
ethics and sins is detailed as well. For those kindred who want a different route
than taking Humanity, the Paths of Enlightenment for specific clans and Sabbat are
There is an entire chapter devoted to London by Night, to serve as a backdrop set
in 2018, 5 years after the Fall of London. It builds on some stories of the survivors
and introduces the new players that currently hold sway in the fragmented city.
The setting is the continuation of the pre-V5 lore with the clans being as they were
in the 20th Anniversary Edition. Tied to this setting you can chance upon a few
London specific backgrounds that bring you closer to the main powers and groups
active in the city. There are a few graphics at the end of this booklet with
visualisation of the Kindred from Queen Anne’s court and Camden with a small map
of the area showing the northern borders of the Queen’s domain.
The last part of the booklet is the Kindred compendium, a few basic details about
the clans and disciplines, about the powers of blood and a small glossary to make
sure you are not lost in the World of Darkness.

Compiled, Converted, and Edited by Gabriel Nagy

free gaming material/Non-commercial use only
January 2023

Version 1.05

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War,
Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest:
The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, World of Darkness, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.
This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.
©2018 Paradox Interactive AB, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 4 SE-118 66 Stockholm
Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden..

Character Creation ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Vampiric Template ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Advantages ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Backgrounds ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Haven ................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Haven Upgrades ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Haven Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Predator Types ............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Humanity .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Effects of Humanity ................................................................................................................................................ 59
Humanity and Torpor ............................................................................................................................................ 61
Gaining and Losing Humanity ............................................................................................................................. 61
Behavior ....................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Paths of Enlightenment ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Virtues .......................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Starting out with a path ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Gaining and Losing Path rating ....................................................................................................................... 66
Path of the Beast ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Path of Night................................................................................................................................................................ 69
Path of Metamorphosis ............................................................................................................................................. 71
Path of Bones................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Path of Typhon ............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Path of Paradox ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Path of Blood ............................................................................................................................................................... 80
Path of the Hive .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Path of Caine ................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Path of Cathari ........................................................................................................................................................... 86
Path of Death and the Soul .................................................................................................................................. 88
Path of Evil Revelations ......................................................................................................................................... 90
Path of Harmony ......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Path of Honorable Accord ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Path of Lilith ............................................................................................................................................................... 96
Path of Power and the Inner Voice ................................................................................................................... 98
Path of Redemption .................................................................................................................................................. 100
London by Night ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
The Fall of London .............................................................................................................................................. 103
The Compact ............................................................................................................................................................. 103
The Six Traditions ................................................................................................................................................. 104
The London Court ................................................................................................................................................. 105
The Law ...................................................................................................................................................................... 107
The Pariahs .............................................................................................................................................................. 108
The Landlords......................................................................................................................................................... 109
The Camden Court ................................................................................................................................................. 111
Groups and Societies ............................................................................................................................................ 116
Loresheets ..................................................................................................................................................................... 119
The Kindred Compendium ......................................................................................................................................... 147
The Clans .................................................................................................................................................................. 147
Disciplines .................................................................................................................................................................. 149
Blood Points ............................................................................................................................................................ 151
Frenzy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Injury and Healing ............................................................................................................................................... 153
Blood Bond ............................................................................................................................................................... 155
Ghouls......................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Diablerie ..................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................... 157
London Artwork & Character Sheet ............................................................................................................... 159

Character Creation
The below steps are the main points in creating your vampire. You can follow these steps or go at it in one big leap.

Step 1: Find a concept for your character that fits into the World of Darkness. The below examples could help:
Outlaw, Punk, Biker, Streetfighter, Gang member, Rocker, Hooligan, Ex-Army, Mercenary, Terrorist, Bounty Hunter,
Secret Service, Police, Pirate, Survivalist, Greenpeace, Animal lover/breeder, Hacker, Online Blogger, Journalist,
Investigator, Coder, Spy, Cat Burglar, Art Thief, Extortionist, Forger, Artist, Dancer, Photographer, Musician, Fencer,
Painter, Fashion designer, Supermodel, Subculture fan, CEO, Manager, Businessman, Noble, Diplomat, Politician
Celebrity, Hired gun, Assassin, Sniper, Cultist, Religious person, Card reader, Fortune teller, Scammer, Pimp, Nomad,
Drifter, Driver, Drug chemist, Drug Dealer, Doctor, Nurse, Organized crime– Italian Mafia, Russian Bratva, Japanese
Yakuza, Chinese Triad, American Syndicate, LatAm Cartel, Yiddish Mob, French Milieu, Romani Clan, British Firm

Step 2: The next step is to create a human character based on the following setup details:
Weak Mortal: a lowly human being, weak and unexperienced.
50 points (max. 30 into Attributes)/20 points in disadvantages/5 quirks/two skills for 4 points
Average Mortal: the average Joe, some experience in life and some basic skill that forms him
75 points (max. 40 into Attributes)/20 points in disadvantages/5 quirks/one skill for 8 points and one skill for 4 points
Outstanding Mortal: a person with good life experience, a few great skills, the top 1% of the population.
100 points (max. 50 into Attributes)/30 points in disadvantages/5 quirks/one skill for 8 and two skills for 4 points
Exceptional Mortal: a genius with some extraordinary skill and interesting background. One out of a million.
125 points (max. 60 into Attributes)/40 points in disadvantages/5 quirks/one skill for 12 and one skill for 8 points

Any untaken Disadvantage point limits can be moved over into the second step when creating the Vampire. The
disadvantages from the Vampiric template don’t count towards the limit however, clan-based disadvantages (like
Nosferatu appearance) or disadvantages from Predator types do count.

Step 3: The Embrace empowers a vampire, adds the special abilities that define them and also makes their unlife
hard. Choose a clan, add the clan disadvantage (with no point value) to your profile. At this point you became a
vampire, add the Vampiric Template (55 points) to your character sheet. For every 50 years as a vampire, you can
add 10 more points into your Attributes and you receive extra points to be distributed in your profile:
Lick/Thin-Blood: Usually a Childe of the 12th to 15th generation, Caitiff or Anarchs that are weak blooded with less
than 20 years being vampires and most of the Sabbat Vampires also fall into this category.
100 points (spend min. 20 points in Backgrounds)/Max. Discipline Level 2/extra Disadvantages 20 points
Fledgling/Whelp: 10th to 11th generation Childe or vampires created after WW2, active less than 50 years
150 points (spend min. 30 points in Backgrounds)/Max. Discipline Level 3/extra Disadvantages 30 points
Neonate: 8th to 9th generation Childe or vampires with less than 100 years in the darkness
200 points (spend min. 40 points in Backgrounds)/Max. Discipline Level 4/extra Disadvantages 30 points
Ancillae: 6th and 7th generation Childe or vampires that are already 200 years hunting mortals
250 points (spend min. 50 points in Backgrounds)/Max. Discipline Level 5/extra Disadvantages 40 points
Elder: Vampires with more than 200 years of existence in the darkness.
300 points + 50 points for every 200 years as a Kindred (spend min. 70 points in Backgrounds)/Max. Discipline Level
10/extra Disadvantages 50 points

Step 4: Select a feeding style with the Predator type background and add the details to your profile. This comes free
and any advantages, disadvantages or backgrounds in your Predator package come without any point value
added/subtracted on your character sheet or counted towards limits.

Step 5: Pick your Backgrounds and build your Haven. Make sure to flesh out your Vampire character’s story here.

Step 6: Choose Disciplines, Blood Sorcery and their skills connected.

Step 7: Complete your character by choosing Advantages, Disadvantages, Attributes and skills

The usual template setup for a Neonate vampire that would fit an average game is as per the below points. You can
vary this setup, for new vampires the point total would be at 150-225 points while a 1000-year-old Methuselah could
be at 600-700 points. Let’s always assume that a Kindred will choose an outstanding mortal to be Embraced
however, some Kindred might choose exactly the opposite, a lowly human being either to uplift them or out of

Neonate Vampire - with less than 100 years in the World of Darkness
Point cost: 300 points total (Outstanding Mortal + Neonate)
Chronicle: London 2015 (Camarilla)
Generation limit: 8th – 15th
1. Basics: Choose a name, concept, ambition, clan and Sire. Preferably Camarilla and Independent clans or
Lasombra/Tzimisce antitribu (with Humanity) if you need shadowplay and fleshcraft in your unlife
2. Must buy: Vampiric Template (55 points)
3. Attributes: max. 70 points into Attributes (you can have a minus value for some Attributes but in the end they
should add up to a 70 point total)
4. Predator type This comes free and any advantages, disadvantages or backgrounds in your Predator package
come without any point value added/subtracted on your character sheet.
5. Disadvantages: max. -60 points – must have at least one non-vampiric disadvantage and one vampiric
disadvantage from this book. Other option would be to have a background that has a negative value. Maximum
3 disadvantages in total should be allowed for any character. Try mixing them, having one mental, one physical,
one social and one vampiric disadvantage.
6. Backgrounds: Spend min. 40 points in Backgrounds and 10 points on the Loresheets as well.
7. Haven: Build your Haven and make yourself a lair or a coterie home. Don’t forget about the freebie points for
either Wealth/Domain/Status/Influence backgrounds. Haven related disadvantages don’t count to your total
disadvantage limitation at character creation.
8. Skills: One skill for 12 points and one skill for 8 points allowed (these are the signature skills of the character, can
be a Discipline power skill), no limit on skills for 4 points and below.
9. Chose Disciplines and their skills connected. Max. Discipline Level 3 (including bonuses from Predator type)
10. Flesh out the character with more mundane skills, languages and advantages. No limitations/enhancements
allowed on advantages and disadvantages. Also think about adding extra points to your Strong Will options and
Humanity. Add a biography, weapons and possessions.

With these points completed you should have a fully fleshed out Vampire ready to roam the nights in London.

The Vampiric Template
Playing a vampire costs a base 55 points which is the sum of all advantages and disadvantages connected. All Kindred
are Unaging (15 points) and have the ability to heal themselves with the use of stored blood - Blood Healing (25
points). They do not breathe and will not suffocate or drown (Doesn't Breathe; 30 points) and they all have a special
Vampiric Invulnerability that costs 100 points.
Vampires have a set of required disadvantages, as well. They are plagued with Rötschreck (-10 points), a profound
phobia of sunlight and fire. They suffer from Sundeath, which means they take damage from sunlight (-40 points),
and they lose 1 Blood Point every night (The Draining; -10 points). They cannot heal naturally as mortals do, but
must instead heal themselves with the blood they steal from others (Unhealing; -20 points). They all have the
Berserk disadvantage (-15 points), which they call frenzy, and which they must constantly battle with willpower.
Finally, all vampires have a deadly Secret (-20 points) to keep about themselves being supernatural creatures, for
which they would be hunted down were it revealed.

Blood Healing (25 points) Blood Healing is the reach zero HT. Below zero HP, they suffer from shock
Vampiric ability to restore lost Health through the use and are at half Move, but do not have to roll to
of stored blood. It is the only way for vampires to remain conscious, until they are reduced to -HP. Note
heal. Blood Healing allows the Vampire to restore 2 that -HP doesn't mean the same as "below zero." If HP
hit points for every Blood Point spent. To use this is 12, then -HP is -12. Once at -HP, they must roll each
power the vampire must be completely still and turn to remain conscious and lose 1 Blood Point per
concentrate for 1 second per Blood Point spent. Only turn as well. If they fall unconscious and lose all their
vampires of generations earlier than 12th can spend Blood Points, they do not die, but go into torpor. No
more than 1 Blood Point per second. matter how serious their wounds, they can recover
Example: A vampire healing 8 points of HP would through Blood Healing (see above) as long as they are
need to spend 4 Blood Points and concentrate, conscious and have Blood Points to spend. A vampire
immobile. Partial Blood Points cannot be spent, so who is in torpor and has no Blood Points will
restoring 1 point of HP still costs 1 Blood Point. eventually regain consciousness (though he may be
Doesn't Breathe (30 points) You don't require air to killed by sunlight before then), but will be unable to
survive. If you are underwater, you will not drown heal himself and will remain at -HP until he can feed
(though you still suffer damage from extreme or is fed by someone else. He can move, but only very
pressures). You cannot be choked or strangled, and slowly.
you will not suffocate from smoke or other gases. All Berserk (-15 points) The existence of a vampire is
vampires have this advantage. Note that vampires can often a struggle between cool self-control and the
pretend to breathe - that is, they can contract and passions of the Beast. Because balance comes with
expand their diaphragms to cause air to move in and such difficulty, and Humanity among Kindred is
out of their lungs, but they receive no benefit from treasured, Berserk is a universal disadvantage among
this action, other than to better pass for human. Cainites. In Kindred parlance, the state is called
Unaging (15 points) You will never grow old as your Frenzy, and it is a constant presence in their lives.
age is fixed at the moment of the Embrace and will The Draining (-10 points) The only sustenance the
never change. You never have to make aging rolls, but body of a vampire needs is blood. When waking up
you cannot get any points for taking the Age they lose 1 Blood Point every night. All Kindred
disadvantage! All vampires are Unaging. experience the Draining. They can do nothing to stop
Vampiric Invulnerability (100 points) Unlike vampires this loss, and Blood Points lost this way can only be
in myth and legend, Kindred can be hurt by normal replaced by drinking the blood of another creature.
weapons. They just can't be killed by them. The most This is a significant disadvantage because the use of
important facet of Vampiric Invulnerability is that it Blood Points is the only way a vampire can heal
makes vampires virtually immortal. They can only be himself. If a character has no Blood in his Blood Pool
killed by sunlight, fire or the claws or teeth of another and he experiences the Draining, he loses 2 hit points
undead creature. They take damage from weapons instead. If he falls to -HP before he regains Blood
and may fall unconscious from their wounds, but they Points, he will go into Torpor
will not die unless they are burned, exposed to Secret: Vampire (-20 points) A Secret is some aspect
sunlight or wounded by a ghoul or another vampire. of your life that you must keep hidden. Were it made
Vampiric Invulnerability allows Kindred to be reduced public, the information could harm your reputation,
to -HP before having to make any HT rolls to remain ruin your career, wreck your friendships, and possibly
conscious. In addition, they suffer none of the even threaten your life! For vampires the following
debilitating effects of injury (reduced Move, etc.); secret is part of their initial template:
they can simply "shake off" most wounds until they

Vampiric Secret Phobia: Rötschreck (-10 points) Vampires can have
The Secret that all Kindred share is "I am a vampire." any type of Phobia that mortals do, though fear of
Were this revealed to the general public, the PC darkness and fear of blood would be especially
would undoubtedly be in trouble. If the authorities crippling. However, all Kindred are plagued with
uncover your Secret, you'll have to flee, or be caught Rötschreck, an intense fear of sunlight and fire.
and experimented on or imprisoned for a long time. Rötschreck is a -10-point disadvantage, and Fright
All vampires have at least this severe of a Secret. Of Checks are required whenever a vampire is faced with
course, vampires can have other secrets besides. either threat (at the appropriate modifiers for the
Sundeath (-40 points) Direct sunlight is death to level of danger). Any bonus from Courage adds to the
vampires. Any time a vampire is exposed to sunlight, initial Will Roll. If a vampire wishes to use fire or
he takes 1d of damage per minute. If the light is deliberately enter a sunlit area, he must make a
diffused by something (clouds, fabric or smoke), the Strong Will (Courage) roll, subtracting any modifiers
damage comes over a longer period of time. For the GM feels are fair. The following table shows some
example, on a very cloudy day, a vampire might take typical modifiers.
1d of damage every 5 minutes. Partial damage is not Lighting a cigarette ................. no modifier
possible, however, and if the same vampire could get Sight of a torch ............................. -1
to darkness before the 5 minutes were up, he would Lighting a campfire ......................... -2
take no damage. Sunlight that is focused or intensified Bonfire ................................... -4
in some way would cause more damage. As always, Cloudy day ................................ -4
the GM makes the final decision how much damage is Direct application of fire ............... -6
caused. Full sunlight .............................. -10
Unhealing (-20 points) Mortals recover naturally from Trapped in a burning building ......... -10
their wounds, albeit slowly. Vampires, on the other These modifiers don't take distance into account and
hand, will never heal naturally. They must spend assume that the affected vampire is within 10 yards of
Blood Points to regain lost health. Neither First Aid the source. Of course, a vampire who is 50 yards away
nor any other medical care will help gain lost hit from a cigarette lighter would have little to fear. Halve
points. Of course, vampires do not lose health points the modifier for each additional 10 yards of distance
from bleeding or infection, so their wounds can never from the source of the fear.
get worse from lack of treatment.

[5] point Advantages Former Ghoul (5 points) You were introduced to the
Antitoxin Blood (5 points) Although vampires are Blood long before you were made Kindred. Your long
typically immune to mortal drugs and poisons, there experience as a ghoul gives you insight into and
are supernatural venoms that can affect Kindred comfort with vampiric society. You gain a +1 to all
physiology. A Vampire with this advantage is immune Social skills in the presence of other neonates
to all forms of drugs and poisons, including the venoms (particularly those who haven’t been educated by their
and toxins of supernatural creatures or those created sires), and have a +1 on all skills relating to vampiric
by supernatural powers. knowledge.
Cannibal (5 points) Most vampires can’t eat food, and Foul Blood (5 points) Your blood is vile; in fact, it tastes
even those who can force it down, don’t gain so disgusting it requires a Willpower roll just to avoid
sustenance from it. Like them, you still can’t stomach gagging and retching after tasting it. If someone is
the crap most mortals eat. Human meat, on the other foolish enough to attempt diablerie on you, they need
hand, brings you great joy. It can be baked, fried, or to succeed in three consecutive Willpower rolls to go
even raw, and you can tuck right in, and even gain through with it. The blood is so disgusting that no one
sustenance. In addition to the blood points every can keep it down long enough to use it to become a
human can provide, you can cannibalize a mortal and ghoul, either.
gain even more. An average human can provide up to Healing Touch (5 points) Normally vampires can only
ten helpings of meat (one per HP). Each helping seal the wounds they inflict from feeding by licking
provides you with one blood point. them. With but a touch, you can achieve the same
Controlled Thirst (5 points) Regular time spent among effect, closing the puncture wounds left by drinking
mortals has dulled the hungers of your palette. You blood. No other wounds can be healed with this
reduce the difficulty of any frenzy roll involving the advantage.
sight, scent or taste of blood by 2. You cannot frenzy High-Functioning Addict (5 points) You add a +1 bonus
from sensing blood if your blood pool is full; to your rolls connected to either DX/ST/HT/IQ (not
conversely, you lose your normal difficulty reduction if skills) for 24 hours when the last person you fed from
your blood pool is less than a quarter full (rounded was on your drug of choice. Specify when you choose
down). which substance (hard drugs only) you use and which
Early Riser (5 points) No one can explain it, but you attribute you connect to it (Cocaine for ST, LSD for IQ,
seem to have the ability to work on less rest than your Heroin for HT and Meth for DX etc).
fellow vampires. You always seem to be the first to rise Indelible (5 or 10 points) Whereas other vampires’
and the last to go to bed even if you’re been out until bodies return to the state they were in at the Embrace
dawn. Your Humanity or Path score is considered to be each evening, any body modifications you get after the
20 for purposes of deciding when you rise each Embrace remain as they are until you actively roll on
evening. Vampires with this Advantage cannot take the your Willpower to return your body to its tabula rasa
Deep Sleeper Disadvantage. state. This advantage applies to changes as simple as
Eat Food (5 points) You have the capacity to eat food dyeing or cutting your hair to modifications as
and even savor its taste. While you cannot derive any complicated as tattoos, piercings, or even small
nourishment from eating regular foods, this ability will implants.
serve you well in pretending to be human. Of course, If it only allows for cosmetic alterations, it is worth 5
you can’t digest what you eat, and there will be some points. If it allows for more utilitarian alterations, such
point during the evening when you have to heave it as RFID implants that activate certain electronic
back up. devices, then it is worth 10 points.
Elysium Regular (5 points) You spend an unusual Inoffensive to Animals (5 points) With rare exceptions,
amount of time in Elysium. You see and are seen to animals usually despise the Kindred. Some flee, others
such an extent that all of the movers and shakers of attack, but all dislike being in the presence of a
Elysium at least know who you are. Extended time vampire. You have no such problem. Animals may not
spent in Elysium also gives you extended opportunities enjoy being in your company, but they don’t actively
to interact with the Harpies and other Kindred of that flee from you. You gain +2 to your skills involving
stature — and they’ll know your name when you animals.
approach them. This advantage is generally taken by Legerdemain (5 points) You’re extremely good at
vampires that respect and attend Elysium on a regular sleight of hand and other physical tricks. You get +2 to
basis and gives them a +1 to Social skills while in the skills connected to physical trickery, shell games, card
Elysium. tricks, and so forth.

Monstrous Maw (5 points) You have either oversized experience helps you anticipate situations where you
tusks for fangs, a huge mouth full of sharp teeth or an might potentially be endangered by the Sabbat once
ear to ear grin. Whatever form it takes, your mouth is again. This Advantage comes into play most frequently
that of a monster. When attacking with a bite you do as a means of avoiding ambushes and the like. You get
an additional point of damage. You may also increase an extra +2 to your Perception involving Sabbat-based
your Intimidate skill by 2 when you smile. matters.
Harmless (5 points) Everyone in the city knows you, Sweet Blood (5 points) Your vitae tastes like the finest
and knows that you're no threat to their plans. While wine, sweet and heady without the slightest trace of
that sort of estimation may seen insulting, it's also salt or metallic tang. As such, you may hide your blood
what's kept you from being killed. No one considers in a chalice or feed ghouls without betraying the true
you worth the time to deal with, and that low opinion nature of their draught.
keeps you safe. If you start acting in a way that Scholar of Enemies (5 points) You have taken the time
demonstrates that you are no longer harmless, others' to learn about and specialize in one particular enemy
reactions to you will likely change as a result. of the Camarilla (Inquisition, Werewolves, Sabbat,
Hive-Minded (5 or 10 points) Your Animalism works on Mages, Demons, Pentex etc.). You are aware of at least
insects and other creepy-crawlies in addition to some of the group's customs, strategies, abilities and
animals. If you select the 10-point version, your long-term goals, and can put that knowledge to good
Protean forms may take the form of an insectoid use. You get a +2 to all non-combat skills pertaining
swarm rather than a single creature (though the swarm specifically to the subject of your specialization. On the
must be of a size and mechanical equivalent to a wolf other hand, you are at a -1 when it comes to dealing
or a bat, as appropriate). with all the other enemies, simply because you’re so
Open Road (5 points) Unlike many Kindred, you like to thoroughly focused on your field.
travel. You have a solid knowledge of safe travel routes Silence (5 points/level) You can move around
and methodologies, not to mention haven space noiselessly. You get an additional +2 per level on your
available in any number of destinations. Unless Stealth skill if perfectly motionless, or +1 if moving. This
someone out there knows your exact route and is advantage helps only in the dark or against listening
specifically looking for you, you can move between devices, blind creatures, etc. Vampires often have one
cities unimpeded by random encounters with Lupines, level of this advantage (it's particularly common within
overzealous state troopers, and the like. the Sabbat). Additional levels are much more rare and
Prestigious Mentor (5 points) Your Mentor had or has may require GM's permission, an Unusual Background,
great Status among your Tradition, and this has a good explanation.
accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you Time Sense (5 points) You have an innate sense of time
respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt and are able to estimate the passage of time accurately
for you, believing you to be nothing compared to them. without using a watch or other mechanical device. You
This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with can accomplish this whether you are concentrating or
elders acquainted with your Mentor. Indeed, your not. You can estimate the time of day to within a
Mentor’s contacts may actually approach you at some minute or two, and the passage of time with the same
point offering aid. Although your Mentor might no accuracy.
longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your Thousand Meter Killer (5 points) You have proven
apprenticeship has marked you forever. yourself worthy to join the Thousand Meter Club
Prestigious Sire (5 points) Your sire has or had great through your remarkable skill with the sniper rifle. You
status in her sect or clan, and this has accorded you gain a +2 to your skills using a sniper rifle and also
with a certain amount of prestige. Though your sire double the normal range when using a sniper rifle as a
may no longer have any dealings with you, the simple weapon.
fact of your ancestry has marked you forever. This
prestige might aid you greatly in dealings with your [10] point Advantages
elders or other neonates, or it might engender jealousy Additional Secondary Discipline (10 points) You can
or contempt. This may not be taken with the take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as
Disadvantage Infamous Sire. if it were a Secondary clan Discipline. A character can
Protégé (5 points) Your sire watched you for some take this Advantage more than once.
time before Embracing you, and spoke glowingly of you Alternate Identity (10 points) You maintain a secret
to acquaintances. These vampires may be inclined to Alternate Identity within another sect or clan. You are a
look favorably on you by dint of your sire’s spy from your original sect or clan sent to gather
recommendation; you gain +1 to your Social skills with intonation about the enemy. A Cainite with an
all those who’ve heard good things about you. Alternate Identity can be a part-time spy or sleeper
Sabbat Survivor (5 points) You've lived through at least who merely lives among the enemy, making no overt
one Sabbat attack and/or attempted recruitment. Your attempt to gather information or take any other direct

action unless directly ordered to do so by his superiors. a boat in the ocean or on a river, you may increase all
Or he can be a full-time spy, saboteur or agent your skills by 1 except for Disciplines.
provocateur, constantly risking his cover and his unlife Controllable Night Sight (10 points) Your night vision is
in the pursuit of his mission. Some vampires with this extraordinarily good, even for a vampire. The deepest
advantage go back and forth between their two shadows are like looking into a well-lit room for you.
identities. Others live in their alternate identity all the However, in normal light or bright conditions, you have
time, sometimes for decades. to switch back to less-sensitive vision, or the weakest
Many vampires with this Advantage will also have the light quickly blinds you. While your night sight is active,
Secret disadvantage, you suffer no penalties for the dark
depending on the probable and can see perfectly well.
consequences if they are Distracting Aura (10 points) Reading
caught. If you must take an aura using Auspex requires the
many risks while in your viewer to focus on recurring patterns
Alternate Identity, that is a and colours to detect a target’s
dangerous Duty emotional state. Because of the
disadvantage. This unique state of your psyche, your
advantage is most often aura is even harder to read than
found among Tremere of most. All uses of Aura Perception are
the Camarilla infiltrating at a -2 skill against you.
the Sabbat. The Sabbat is Drug Resistance (10 points) Cultists
almost impossible to tend to build up a tolerance to the
infiltrate, but the fanatical substances they take directly (if
enmity the Tremere hold human or ghoul) or through the
for the Sabbat often blood of prey (if Kindred). You are
motivates them to find a unusually resistant to alcohol,
way. It is completely narcotics, and similar addictive
impossible for any member substances. You can pretend to be far
of the Tremere antitribu of more under the influence than you
the Sabbat to possess this are in order to take advantage of an
advantage, due to their opponent. You receive +2 to all HT
Curse. rolls to resist the effects of such
Baby Face (10 points) You substances.
can pass easily for a living Entrepreneur (10 points) Making
human. Your skin remains money comes naturally to you, and
warm and pink, without you know what it takes to succeed.
the usual vampiric pallor. All skills have +2 involving acquiring
Although you don't need money through business dealings.
to breathe, you do so Frenzy Trigger (10 points) You have
freely and naturally, the ability to go into Frenzy at will.
without needing to This advantage does not give you the
consciously think about it, ability to snap out of that Frenzy at
as long as air is available. will. It also does not prevent or give
Your heart will beat any bonus to normal checks for
strongly on its own as long unwilling Frenzy, nor does it protect
as you have one Blood you in any way from the
Point. A character with this consequences of any willed or
advantage will unwilled Frenzy. Nonetheless, this
automatically pass for advantage can be a powerful
human in most situations weapon, particularly when attacked
where a normal vampire by a more powerful enemy.
would have to make an Master of the Masquerade (10
Acting roll. points) There are many small tics,
Call of the Sea (10 points) nervous habits, and autonomous
There is something about bodily functions (like breathing) that
the sea that makes you Kindred simply forget to do. They can
feel at home. You are in be unnervingly still or forget to
tune with the tides and rhythm of the ocean. When on breathe, particularly when they think they’re alone.

You never let down your guard. The act of breathing just not where he's aiming at. Vital organs can still be
remains an unconscious habit to you, and you never hit on a random result - they just can't be targeted.
lapse into that eerie statue-like stillness, even when Sanctity (10 points) This advantage is sometimes called
transfixed or concentrating. Consequently, you get a +2 the halo effect; everyone considers you pure and
to any social skills when interacting with mortals. This innocent, though not necessarily naïve. You have a
does not allow you to eat food or benefit from the saint-like quality that is hard to pinpoint but cannot be
blush of health. denied. You are trusted, even if you are not
Peacemaker (10 points) You have a reputation for trustworthy. At the Storyteller’s discretion, you tend to
having a good head on your shoulders and the honor to receive lesser punishments for wrongdoing, and you
keep your word no matter what. As a result, your allies are liked by most.
and sectmates ask you to mediate their disputes, even Sleep Unseen (10 points) You can use the Obfuscate
with other sects. This advantage allows your character Discipline to hide while you sleep during the day. Such
to use her reputation as leverage to keep the peace prolonged use requires an extra blood point to keep
during tense situations. Add +3 to your Diplomacy skills your body hidden for a full day. Of course, you must be
to keep the peace or to mediate honestly between at least hidden from sunlight, and vampires using
factions (even other sects). Auspex can still detect you, but mortals will ignore you.
Prized Patch (10 points) You belong to an Anarch gang Swordmaster (10 points) You learned the fine arts of
with a violent, effective, or otherwise impressive moving with the blade, be it a claymore or a rapier.
reputation. The history of the gang might extend a Some older vampires are natural with a blade, living in
hundred years before you were born, but so long as ages where a blade was part of their daily outfit. You
you hold membership and wear the colors of your get +2 to any skills related to swords and swordfighting
crew, other Anarchs naturally tend to respect you. (not hammers or spears etc.).
Some may even occasionally perform minor tasks for Tough Hide (10 points) Your skin is much tougher than
you to try to curry favor with the others. When your usual, possibly like that of a rhino or a lizard. This hide
membership is known, you gain +2 to social skills with protects you against most damage, granting you an
other Anarchs, unless a given Anarch has a historical extra 2 DR. However, this bonus does not apply against
animosity with your gang. fire and sunlight and looks unnatural.
Old Pal (10 points) An acquaintance from your Without a Trace (10 points) The wilderness is your
breathing days was Embraced at the same time you friend, working to hide your passage. You leave no trail
were. Fortunately, your friendship has endured even to follow as the earth swallows your footprints, and the
death and unlife, and you find a constant source of trees and grasses cover your scent. Even magical
support and aid in your old friend. She expects the means of tracking you are inhibited. You pass through
same of you, which isn’t always convenient, but at least places like the wind, leaving nothing behind but a
you each have someone to hang onto who remembers whisper. Even Lupines have trouble following you.
the good old nights — and days. The Storyteller should Normal means of tracking you (with Survival, the use of
play the Old Pal as a very loyal Ally. dogs etc) fail automatically. Supernatural methods of
Lawman’s Friend (10 points) For whatever reason tracking you, such as with Auspex, have a chance, but
(maybe your winning smile or perhaps just your superb with greater difficulty (-2 to such skills).
groveling technique), the local Sheriff or Bishop in Addictive Blood (10 points) Your blood is especially
charge of vampiric discipline likes you. He’s inclined to delicious to others, Kindred or Kine, containing a
overlook your minor trespasses and let you in on things substance they find physically addictive. Once they
you’re not supposed to know about. He even gives you have drunk it, they must drink again, or succeed at a
warnings about occasional crackdowns and times when Will roll at inconvenient moments to avoid the pangs of
the higher-ups aren’t feeling generous. Of course, craving. Vampires with this Advantage find it much
abusing this connection might well turn a friendly easier to bond a Mortal, as once they have tasted the
vampire into an enemy — and the change might not be tainted vitae, they will do almost anything to drink it
apparent until it’s too late. again.
Misplaced Heart (10 points) Your heart has actually
moved to another place in your body (no more than [15] point Advantages
two feet from its original position roughly in the middle Aura of Command (15 points) Whether you are good
of your chest). Enemies seeking to stake you will first at barking orders or simply have a commanding tone,
have to find the right location. Needless to say, most people tend to do what you tell them to do. You are
vampires who possess this ability keep the new not so much a natural leader as a born commander.
location of their heart a deep personal secret. Also, any When using the Leadership skill or a Dominate power
hit to your chest will be a critical hit only on a natural 3, issuing commands to get others to obey you, you get
regardless of your attacker's skill level. Nor can any an extra +3 to your skill.
attacker successfully target your vital organs - they're

Bloodsuckle (15 points) You find yourself able to suck activities to take advantage of full moons and to take
blood from extremities without piercing the skin, extra precautions during his periods of weakness. This
reducing the difficulty of self-control rolls made to advantage is most often found among the Sabbat, and
control the feeding. Additionally, you get 1 extra blood is quite rare among other vampires.
point on a successful feed, which is usually lost through Mole (15 points) You have an informer buried in one of
messiness and healing the wound. your Sect’s enemy organizations who funnels you all
Broken Bond (15 points) You were once blood bound sorts of information as to what her peers are up to.
but have secretly slipped the leash, and you are free to What you do with the information is up to you, but
act as you will once more. Your regnant has no idea abusing the knowledge might be a good way to get
that you are not in fact bound, and continues to treat your informer killed. The other side has spies too….
you as if you were. Sabbat vampires cannot take this Rising Star (15 points) You’re one of the up-and-
advantage. comers in the city, a rising star in your Sect. Everyone
Calm Heart (15 points) You are naturally calm and do wants to know you and be your friend, even as those in
not easily fly off the handle. You receive +2 to your Will power groom you for positions of greater
or Humanity when attempting to resist a frenzy. Brujah responsibility. You get +3 on all Social skills with
may not take this advantage. vampires in your Sect who aren’t actively opposing
Cold Read (15 points) Whenever you meet someone your ascent.
for the first time, you may roll on your Perception. For Soapbox (15 points) You have some sort of special
each success, you may ask the Storyteller one simple forum (a zine, a secure blog, a well-known podcast, or
question about the character and the answers can be a social media account with a lot of followers) that
only Yes/No/Maybe. allows your Anarch to express an opinion and have said
Day Drinker (15 points) (14th and lower Generation opinion spread widely. The Soapbox advantage
only) Sunlight halves your HP (rounded up), but represents a social delivery mechanism that can
otherwise simply removes your vampiric abilities, influence Kindred outside of your character’s normal
including all Disciplines and Health benefits, and does social circle or class. You get +3 on all Social skills when
no other damage. You still suffer from the hunger, dealing with vampires who read the Soapbox.
however, and sooner or later you’ll need to sleep. If Rugged Bad Looks (15 points) Your face is hideous, but
your health drops below your -HP (adjusted by the it could almost pass for that of a really ugly human. If
halving), you suffer the effects of Impairment or torpor you were to cover every other part of your body, you
(depending on type of damage) until you are clear of could shamble into mortal society looking only slightly
sunlight. suspicious. While you might have a hunchback,
Efficient Digestion (15 points)You derive more than reptilian scales over parts of your body or a foul stench
normal nutritional benefit from vitae. Every 2 blood that never dissipates, you can actually walk among
points ingested increase your personal blood pool by 3 mortals--without extensive precautions--without
(round down). Your maximum blood pool remains the automatically breaking the Masquerade. A Vampire
same, you just have to take less blood. even with Appearance (Hideous) is getting passing
Friend of the Underground (15 points) While you’re looks, the sight of you (or even the smell of you) is
not a Nosferatu, you know your way around the making you a freak or a trauma victim. Having said
sewers, tunnels, ducts, subway tubes, and other that, you are still ugly enough to unnerve the crap out
subterranean passages of your hometown. The local of most people. By the way, this is as "attractive" as a
Nosferatu (and any other creatures dwelling down in Nosferatu ever gets.
the muck) may not actually like you, but they’re not Loyal Childe (15 points) Your childe's loyalty goes
inclined to kill you on sight when they see you in their beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection
territory. You gain +3 on any skills involving the and admiration. She would do almost anything to aid
subterranean world (sneaking from place to place you, and you trust her as you do no other among the
underground, finding routes into sub-basements, Kindred. You would be grief-stricken should anything
survival, tracking and so on). Nosferatu cannot happen to her.
purchase this advantage. Disciplined Eye (15 points) (Salubri only) With a point
Lunar Influence (15 points) You are physically affected of blood and a successful Will roll, you may force your
by the moon's cycle. During the three nights of the full third eye closed for a full scene. It will not betray you
moon your ST, DX and HT are all at +3 (with no matter what Valeren/Obeah powers you use. Other
corresponding increases to all physical skills). But Salubri may regard you with distrust or envy if they
during the three nights of the new moon your ST, DX know of your unusual gift. Only vampires with two or
and HT are all at -3 (with corresponding skill penalties). more levels of Valeren/Obeah may purchase this
Although Lunar Influence is a mixed blessing, it is Advantage.
considered an overall advantage, because the cycle's
predictability often allows the Cainite to schedule his

Discerning Palate (15 points) Your naturally selective [20] point Advantages
palate allows you to discern specific traits inherent to a Airport (20 points) The character controls a major
sample of blood. With but a taste, you can determine airport, and all Kindred who would use it must answer
potency, freshness, species, or whether a blood sample to him, for it is his domain.
is contaminated, as well as attempt to identify the Clan Friendship (20 points) One particular Clan (not
Generation, age, and even Clan of other vampires. If your own) has a special liking for you. You might have
you sample any blood, roll PER with +2. done the Clan as a whole a favor at some point, or
• 1-2 successes allows you to identify the relative perhaps you’re just a loud voice in support of their
potency and freshness of the blood, a species whose aims. Whatever the case, you got a +3 on all friendly
blood you have previously tasted and know to be of a Social skills involving members of the Clan in question.
specific kind, the Generation of another vampire within Of course, the reaction your cozy relationship with
two steps of your own, if the blood is either under one another Clan is likely to draw from your own Clan
hundred or over one hundred years old, and if it is of leaders is an entirely different can of worms.
your same Clan. Long-Term Planning (20 points) You never leave
• 3-4 successes identifies whether the blood is anything to chance; every action is a carefully
contaminated by disease or poison, the Generations of considered stratagem. Once per session you may
vampires within four steps of your own, the declare an action you are about to take is actually “all
approximate age within fifty years (if less than three part of your plan” and add to any of your connected
hundred years old), and any Clan whose blood you’ve skill +4. The Storyteller may veto the use of this ability
previously tasted. on particular rolls. The player and Storyteller should
• With five or more successes, you identify specific keep a note of each of these occasions and decide how
contaminates you’ve sampled before, Generations they are linking together into a grand scheme.
within six steps of your own, the vintage of blood Primogen/Bishop Friendship (20 points) The ruling
within twenty-five years (if less than six hundred years vampires of the city value you and your opinions. You
old), and any Clan as well as family of vampires whose are called in to consult on decisions, and your
blood you’ve tasted previously. recommendations carry great weight. Your position
Face the Flames (15 points) The weakness of your may not be an official one, but it’s powerful
Beast renders you less susceptible to blind panic when nonetheless.
faced with fire. You receive +3 to your Will on University (20 points) The character has control over a
Rötschreck rolls. university. The trustees and important officials serve
Hidden Diablerie (15 points) The tell-tale black streaks his interests. The character has full access to the
of diablerie do not manifest in your aura. The vampire school, and he can hunt the campus freely. The
with this advantage has no signs in his aura that he professors and libraries are useful in providing him
ever drained a vampire, not even Auspex can discover with research information. The campus also has lots of
any traces of diablerie. computer equipment, along with those who know how
Iron Gullet (15 points) You can feed from cold blood, to use it.
rancid blood, and fractionated plasma. None of these
provide any extra nourishment but it is like fresh blood.
Ventrue can’t take this Advantage
[25] point Advantages
Additional Primary Discipline (25 points) You can take
Patience (15 points) You have learned the wisdom of
one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it
patience in all things. Passions may burn brightly; but
were a Primary clan Discipline. All costs to learn that
as they say, revenge is served best cold. Often, with
Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your clan.
enough patience, new avenues of endeavor open,
A character cannot take this Advantage more than
enemies grow careless and favors shift. Those who wait
and watch are in a positoin to take full advantage of
Castle (25 points) The character owns a castle with at
the vagaries of time. Due to your mastery of patience
least 50 rooms and maybe as many as 500. He also
you gain +3 to Will rolls on all Frenzy related situations.
controls a large estate around the castle. The servants,
Piercing Gaze (15 points) Your gaze seems to be
if he has any, are provided for if you choose this
paralyzing. Whether it instils people with fear, love, or
Advantage. The castle can be in as poor or as good a
self-loathing, all Disciplines that require sight contact
condition as the character wishes. The more inhabited
have a +3 to their skill rolls.
it appears to be, the more attention it will garner.
Unbondable (15 points) You are immune to being
Characters in the New World cannot have this
blood bound. You are immune to being Blood Bound.
Advantage unless they can justify it - "An insane
You can drink any amount of blood from other
relative had the castle moved from Scotland, stone by
vampires, and you will never become Bound to them.
Sabbat vampires with this advantage are still subject to
the Vinculum. Tremere cannot take this advantage.

Discipline Prodigy (25 points) You are especially skilled Totemic Change (25 points) Your Protean forms are
in the use of one of your clan Disciplines. You gain +4 flexible; you may choose a different animal form each
to skills of any level of this Discipline. Characters may time you change shape. The form you choose each
purchase this Advantage only once. Prodigies of time must follow all the conventions and rules of
Koldunic Sorcery or forms of Thaumaturgy reduce the standard Protean animal shapes; you simply may
difficulty of all paths and rituals. Prodigies of choose to appear as a different animal each time you
Obtenebration also find Abyss rituals easier. take Beast Form.
Nine Lives (25 points) Fate has granted you the
opportunity to come as close to Final Death as anyone [30] point Advantages
can get and still survive. When a roll occurs that would Clear Sighted (30 points) You can see through all levels
result in your death, the roll is made again. If the next of Kindred Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and other related
roll succeeds, then you live — and one of your nine Disciplines or Gifts with a Perception roll at +2.
lives is used up. If that subsequent roll fails, then Guardian Angel (30 points) Someone or something
another reroll is made, until either a successful roll watches over you and protects you from harm. You
occurs or your nine lives are used up. The Storyteller have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea
should keep careful count of how many lives the that someone is looking out for you. In times of great
character has remaining. need you may be supernaturally protected. However,
Pure Blood (25 points) The Curse of Caine runs strongly one can never count upon a guardian angel. The
in your veins. You may spend one more blood point per Storyteller must decide why you are being watched
turn than your generation should permit. You look over, and by what (not necessarily an angel, despite
especially pale and drawn under Aura Perception and the name).
yet oddly flushed with abundant health.
Strong Blood (25 points) The character's blood is
especially potent. Any Kindred who tastes his blood will
find it extremely rich and potent and will recognize its
great strength. Any diabolist who tastes it will lust after
it. The character can Blood Bond someone with but
two drinks of his blood.

[-5] point Disadvantages Offensive to Animals (-5 points) For some reason,
Bard's Tongue (-5 points) You speak the truth, animals cringe from your touch and are uneasy in your
uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This presence. Perhaps it is because you have been tainted
not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an ability that by your dealings with the Infernal, or perhaps they just
can be ruled by any conscious control. However, at dislike your smell. You have a -2 penalty in any skills
least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding involving animals.
any current situation will appear in your head and Permanent Fangs (-5 points) Your fangs do not retract,
come out your lips. To avoid speaking prophecy, the making it impossible for you to hide your true nature.
owner of the ‘gift’ must roll a Willpower check at -2 While some mortals may think you’ve had your teeth
and take 1d6-3 damage from the strain of resisting filed or are wearing prosthetics, sooner or later you’re
(especially if he bites a hole in his tongue) going to run into someone who knows what you truly
Beholden (-5/-10/-15 points) You owe somebody are. You are also limited to a maximum Appearance at
something, and some day they’ll call the marker in. Beautiful/Handsome.
Exactly who you owe, and why, and how much, Recruitment Target (-5 points) The Sabbat wants you,
depends on the value of the Disadvantage and the and they want you bad. Every effort is being made to
Storyteller’s twisted imagination. The value or this recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually
Disadvantage is based on how great a favor is owed – show up at the worst possible time.
for example, if the person saved your life, that’s Incomplete Understanding (-5 points) The whole
usually a -15 Disadvantage. Other reasons why you matter has been explained to you, but you’re still not
might be Beholden include: someone has dirt on you; quite sure how things in your Sect work. Your
you borrowed money from them; they did you a favor; imperfect understanding of the rules and regulations
they saved the life of someone important to you; they of your new existence means that sooner or later,
kept you (or a loved one) from suffering some horrible you’re going to make a mistake. It’s only a matter of
fate. time you break the Masquerade or disrespect your
Blunt Fangs (-5 points) Your teeth are huge and elders….
square. Once you have sunk your teeth into your prey, Infamous Sire (-5 points) Your sire was, and perhaps
you inflict a 1 damage for every two blood points you still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the city’s
take. Once your fangs are locked in a victim's flesh, Kindred. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as
you've got to chew and chew and chew... well and you get a -1 on Social Skills when dealing with
Death's Reflection (-5 points) You cast a reflection other Vampires who know you.
normally, which would cancel out the clan weakness-- New Arrival (-5 points) You’ve just arrived in your new
except that your reflection always shows the state city of residence, and don’t know anyone in the place.
you'd be in if you were dead. Any Vampire more than Existing factions may try to recruit or eliminate you,
a few decades old looks in reflection like an ambling while vampires in positions of authority size you up
skeleton. Younger vampires appear as rotting corpses. and take your measure. Meanwhile, your ignorance of
Deep Sleeper (-5 points) You sleep a long time and the city’s current events, history, and politics (not to
awaken only slowly. If you are asleep when any sort of mention the personality quirks of the vampires already
emergency occurs, you will be at -5 to any roll to rouse in place) may cause you to make a serious blunder.
yourself, or even perceive what's going on. Even being Nightmares (-5 points) You are tormented on a daily
on time for an early evening appointment requires a basis by horrible nightmares (daymares?). These
successful roll vs. normal Strong Will. dreams come to you every time you sleep, and they
Mask: Known Corpse (-5 points) People know you haunt you during your waking hours. Sometimes
died recently and react with shock and horror if you they’re so harrowing they actually affect your
appear among them. This Disadvantage also applies to efficiency during waking hours. A character with this
any database lookups on your identity. You get a -1 to disadvantage must make a roll vs. Normal Strong Will
Social skills interacting with people who knew you every evening upon awakening. If this roll is failed by
before your dead. more than 3, the character is at -1 to all skill and
No Haven (-5 points) You must go to some effort (at perception rolls for the rest of the night.
least a basic test) to find a new resting place every Repelled by Garlic (-5 points) You have a radical
morning. You have no permanent resting place and reaction to garlic. You will be uncomfortable in any
drift around. This might cause problems with room where even the fain test scent of garlic can be
territorial vampires. detected, and will seek to leave at the first
opportunity. If forced to directly inhale the fumes of

raw garlic, you will shed bloody tears and remain at a - eyes of your elders, and may have attracted the
10 to all perception rolls for the next 10 minutes. If Sabbat's attention as well.
you are actually touched by the meat or juice of the Scales (-5/-10/-15 points) Set blessed you upon your
garlic bulb, it wilI raise boils and cause one point of Embrace, and you bear his mark. A portion of your skin
damage for every full 10 seconds of exposure until it is is covered in scales. As a -5 Disadvantage, a small,
washed or scrubbed off your skin. easily hidden area of skin is covered. As a -10
Rivalry (-5/-10/-15 points) You have an ongoing rivalry Disadvantage, a whole limb is covered, while having a
with someone (perhaps a Cainite, or even a mortal). scaled, lipless face is a -15 Disadvantage. Kine are
You may or may not remember how the competition frightened and disturbed by the obviously unnatural
started, but now you and your rival are inseparable. scales, and Kindred have their own prejudices against
This rival takes advantage of every opportunity to the Setites. You get -2 on your Social Skills when the
slander you and advance himself at your expense. scales are visible. This penalty does not apply to social
There may be ways to cool or end this quarrel, but interactions with other Setites. (Setites only)
doing so will take a long time. A -5 point rival is at your Lightweight (-5 points) Shamefully, you cannot imbibe
own power level, and is often annoying but not too the blood of any creatures other than mortals, ghouls,
dangerous. A -10 point rival occasionally takes harmful and vampires. Whenever you attempt to drink from
action against you, or his words have some measure of another entity (or animal), you’re forced to purge the
influence. A -15 point rival has no qualms about contents immediately after and gain no sustenance.
occasionally attempting to have you killed or has some Taint of Corruption (-5 points) Plants wither when you
serious clout with someone of higher standing than approach, and will die outright at your touch. Your
you (a mortal authority or clan elder). For him, your touch leeches heat from living beings, as though you
rivalry has become a matter of death or dishonor. were made of ice. Caine himself is said to have had
Sire’s Resentment (-5 points) Your sire dislikes you this taint.
and wishes you ill. Given the smallest opportunity, she
will actively seek to do you harm. Your sire’s allies also [-10] point Disadvantages
work against you, and many elders may resent you. Anachronism (-10 points) Your embrace was centuries
Special Responsibility (-5 points) Shortly after your ago, and you have not kept pace with the times. You
Embrace, you volunteered for some task in order to are completely unable to learn any skills above TL5
gain respect and approval from the vampires around and your defaults tor such skills are at -5. You must
you. Now, you wish you had never opened your damn make an IQ roll to successfully use any high-tech
mouth! While you are not given any special credit for device that doesn't normally require a skill roll (radios,
performing this duty, you would lose a lot of respect if air conditioners, telephones). In social situations, you
you were to stop. The nature and the details of your must make an IQ roll r revert to the manners and
duty should be worked out with the Storyteller in habits of bygone time, which will make your actions
advance. Ideas can range from lending money to other bizarre and memorable to those around you. You will
Kindred to acting as a messenger or possibly gathering be unable to keep modem fashions and trends distinct
victims for ritae (such as Blood Feasts). from those of a century or more ago - this last trail
Sympathizer (-5 points) You have publicly expressed must be roleplayed.
sympathy for some of the goals and policies of the Bastard Childe (-10 points) You have sired one or
enemies of your group or organization. Your more childer without the permission of the local
outspoken views on the subject have made you prince or Justicar. Under Kindred law, both you and
suspect in the eyes of the city’s hierarchy, and you your childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should
may be suspected of (or arrested for) treason. other vampires discover your secret. This
Prey Exclusion (-5 points) You refuse to hunt a certain Disadvantage is cumulative and must be taken once
class of prey. For instance, an animal-lover might per bastard sired.
decide not to feed on animals, or a character might Beacon of the Unholy (-10 points) You radiate
decide to spare a class of person like police, teachers, palpable evil. Clergy and devout mortals know
kids, women, clergy, peace activists and so on. You are instinctively that there is something horribly wrong
disturbed when others feed from this type of prey, get with you, and react accordingly. Churches and other
a +1 to your Frenzy roll in such situation. If you places of worship are barred to you as well.
accidentally feed upon this class of prey yourself, you Cast No Reflection (-10 points) You cast no reflection
will automatically frenzy and have to make a roll in mirrors, just like the vampires in the books. You may
against Humanity loss. (Ventrue cannot take this need to find a servant or a retainer to help you tend to
Disadvantage). personal grooming needs. This disadvantage is most
Unconvinced (-5 points) You fail to see the need for common among the Sabbat, and is practically
the Masquerade, and have gone on record as saying universal among the Lasombra clan. In addition, to not
so. Taking your stand has made you suspect in the

showing up in mirrors, you're also invisible to film, Status, either. You are likely a Clanless Caitiff, for your
video and any other form of optical imaging. blood is probably too thin to pass down the
Catspaw (-10 points) You've done the dirty work for distinguishing characteristics of a Clan. Most
someone high up in the city's hierarchy in the past-- Fourteenth-Generation vampires should also take the
the sheriff, the primogen or even the prince. However, Thin Blood Disadvantage.
instead of granting you favor, Expiration Date (-10 points)
your deeds have made you an Your personal motto is simple: I
embarrassment or a liability. For do what I want. This has, as
the moment, your former might be expected, caused you
employer's concern is to keep trouble more than once. You are
you quiet. In the long term, it's wanted in several domains for
to get rid of you. various minor crimes, such as
Diabolic Sire (-10 points) Your exsanguinating the Seneschal’s
sire is an open and dangerous favorite ghoul. You haven’t been
rebel against the local Cainite bloodhunted just yet, but the
hierarchy. He may be flaunting writing is on the wall. You’ve just
the masquerade, or be a known about run out of time and no
serial diabolist. Your sire's one wants you to take them with
activities will actively inhibit the you when everything turns
degree of trust and responsibility sideways. One more mistake and
you might otherwise enjoy in the you sign your Final Death
Kindred community. Archons warrant. You get -2 on Social
and other powerful elders will Skills to acquire help from other
seek you out for clues about Vampires, except those involving
your sire's plans or whereabouts, Intimidation.
and they might not believe you Failure (-10 points) You once
when you profess ignorance. held a title in the city, but failed
Likewise, your sire himself might catastrophically in your duties.
seek you out as an unwilling Now you are branded
accomplice, or as a victim. incompetent, excluded from
Dulled Bite (-10 points) For circles of power and
some reason your fangs never responsibility, and generally
developed fully--they may not ostracized by those on their way
have manifested at all. When up. Your exclusion may make
feeding, you need to find some you a target for recruitment by
other method of making blood the Sect’s enemies (or so the
flow, like using a knife. A number whispers run, making you even
of Caitiff and high-generation more distrusted). Conversely,
vampires often manifest this the consequences of your error
Disadvantage. might come back to haunt you.
Fourteenth Generation (-10 Masquerade Breaker (-10
points) You were created five or points) In your first nights as a
fewer years ago by a member of vampire, you accidentally broke
the Thirteenth Generation. the Masquerade — and were
Though you have 10 blood points spotted doing so. Someone else
in your body, only eight of them covered for your mistake, but
may be used to heal wounds, holds the favor over you. Now
power Disciplines, raise you exist in fear that your error
Attributes, etc. You can still use will be revealed. In the
the final two blood points for meantime, your “savior” takes
other purposes, though. The pitiless advantage of you. This
blood point costs of nightly Disadvantage can only be taken
rising, creating and sustaining ghouls, and creating by vampires in Sects or Clans that respect the
blood bonds remains the same as for other vampires. Masquerade.
You cannot raise any Discipline above the fourth level. Infectious Bite (-10 points) You cannot seal the wound
Taking this Disadvantage precludes you from taking you make while feeding and you have a one in five
the Generation Advantage, and you may not start with chance of causing a serious illness.

Kiss of Death (-10 points) Should you drain a mortal control their hunger. Vampires suffering from gluttony
vessel of all blood minutes after their heart stops must roll on Willpower (Self-Control) when they wish
beating, the corpse rises as a zombie (using the to stop feeding from a vessel, unless they have
statistics for zombies on Necromancy). These zombies reached their maximum blood pool capacity. Also, a
are free-willed, hostile toward you, and cannot be gluttonous character automatically frenzies when
directed without some sorcerous or necromantic confronted with the sight, smell or taste of blood
means to command them. when hungry (at half blood pool or less).
Lord of the Flies (-10 points) Buzzing harbingers of Territorial (-10 points) You are extremely territorial.
decay swirl around you everywhere and this inevitably You do not like to leave your territory, nor do you like
gives you away. The constant presence of flies makes to have strangers enter it. In fact, you get nervous and
it difficult for you to interact socially (-1 to Social Skill disoriented while outside your territory. If another
when appropriate) and nearly impossible to sneak up vampire enters your territory uninvited, you must
on someone or hide effectively. The buzzing of the make a frenzy roll. If you fail, you immediately attack
flies inevitably gives you away — all Stealth rolls are at the interloper and continue attacking until the
+2 difficulty. intruder is dead or has left your hunting grounds. You
Lunacy (-10 points) The moon has a dramatic and are reluctant to leave your territory except in
inconvenient effect on your personality. During the full desperate circumstances.
moon you are extremely emotional and volatile (-2 to Open Wound (-10/-20 points) You have one or more
all Will Rolls), but on nights of the new moon you are wounds that refuse to heal, and which constantly drip
very passive (you have the Laziness disadvantage). blood. This slow leakage costs you an extra blood
While the moon is waxing you are more pleasant and point per evening, in addition to draw attention to
focused on your goals and duties. but while it is you. For -10 points, the Disadvantage is simply
waning you are more apathetic and a little touchy. This unsightly and has the basic effects mentioned above (-
disadvantage must be roleplayed over and above the 1 Social Skills when appropriate). For -20 points the
game penalties! seeping wound is serious or disfiguring and includes
Stereotype (-10 points) You buy heavily into all of the the effects of the Disadvantage Permanent Wound (-3
vampire legendry you've read and heard. You wear a Social Skills when appropriate).
cape, speak with an accent and otherwise act in a Obvious Predator (-10 points) You exude a predatory
cartoonish fashion. Such behavior is embarrassing in demeanor, and humans instinctively fear and mistrust
the extreme to other Kindred, who are likely to you. Decrease your Predator skills by 2 for hunting
ostracise or mock you and you get a -2 on Social Skills except purely Physical expressions of stalking, chasing,
when appropriate. Also, you stand out to hunters, and and killing. Decrease Social skills by 1 for any test
run the risk of violating the Masquerade every time intended to put humans at ease. You cannot maintain
you take to the streets. a Herd.
Selective Digestion (-10 points) You can only drink Victim of the Masquerade (-10 points) The Camarilla's
certain kind of blood. Common selective digestions propaganda machine did too good a job on you. Even
include: You can only drink cold blood (the blood of after your Embrace you refused to believe you were a
the dead); Only blood with the taste of fear (drawn vampire. You remain convinced that there is some
from a victim in terror); Only blood with the taste of logical explanation for your condition, and spend as
joy; Only blood of a certain type - A, 0, etc. Members much time as you can searching for it. You also have
or the Ventrue clan cannot take this disadvantage in problems feeding, and may instead on trying to eat
addition to their clan weakness. regular food. None of these habits makes you
Special enhancement: If you drink blood of a forbidden particularly pleasant company for other Kindred. This
sort, you not only cannot digest it, but you actually Disadvantage must be roleplayed at all times.
take damage as though poisoned, You take 1d-1 points Mask: Known Blankbody (-10 points) Your biometrics,
of (non-Aggravated) damage for every blood point of name, history, known associates, and aliases appear in
the forbidden sort ingested. This damage will not take several intelligence agency databases, flagged as a
effect until 1d minutes after you begin to feed on the potential terrorist. Any inquisitor can read between
forbidden vitae. This enhancement is worth an the lines and recognize you as a vampire.
additional - 10 points. Ennui (-10 points) You are world-weary. You have
Gluttony (-10 points) Gluttonous vampires have seen enough to know that nothing is ever truly new:
difficulty taking their sustenance in moderation. To the the same events and so-called passions are merely
mind of the gluttonous Cainite, why stop when one is replayed again and again, with only the faces and
merely sated? Why not drink in the heady vitae until names shifting as the many, many years go by. You
one is full as a bloated tick? This derangement is rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming
particularly common among elder vampires, who have you know all there is to know of them once you have
indulged their vices for so long they lack the ability to determined what part they play on the world stage (-1

to Perception involving people you know). Due to your The -20 point version can’t be easily hidden, like
belief in the predictability of others, you also receive a bleeding eyes. The Social skill penalty increases to -2,
-1 to the first skill used following a surprise (such as an and your HT also gains a -1 to all rolls because of the
ambush). constant seeping blood.
Organovore (-10 points) It is not enough for you to Venomous Bite (-10 points) You have developed
draw nourishment from the blood of mortals — you venom glands in the roof of your mouth. The venom is
believe you must slake your hunger by eating human a virulent neurotoxin, fatal to mortals, although
flesh and organs, especially those rich in blood such as Kindred and other supernatural creatures are
the heart, liver, lungs, placenta, and spleen. Of course, unaffected by it. You, of course, are immune. The
this will necessitate the deaths of all of your victims problem is you have no control over your poison
(unless you are extremely creative), which might lead glands. When you bite, you always inject this venom,
to numerous problems with maintaining Humanity and usually killing your human victims. You must learn to
the Masquerade (and a low profile). Most organovore feed in other ways, perhaps drawing the blood you
Kindred these nights make smoothies from the organs need with a syringe or razor, if you do not wish to kill
first. With only blood consumed you get a -1 to all every time you feed.
your Skill and Attribute rolls and need to roll a Frenzy Vinculum (-10 points) You are a member of a group of
test each day at wake up until you are back on your vampires, all of whom are blood-bonded one to
organ diet. another. This disadvantage is universal among the
Routine (-10 points) Through the ages you have Sabbat packs and almost unheard-of among other
settled into somewhat of a routine. You tend to go to Cainites. The exact effect of a Vinculum tends to vary
the same places at the same time of year, and to over time, and group of vampires who donated the
proceed from have to haven in a regular order. If blood.
others studied your behavior closely, they might be Vulnerability to Silver (-10 points) All damage you
able to take advantage of it to do you harm. The take from a silver weapon is considered Aggravated.
Storyteller may add skill bonuses for anyone This disadvantage is most often found among the
attempting to surprise the character from 1 - 3 points Sabbat.
depending on the specific nature of the situation. Eerie Presence (-10 points) Mortals have an
Member of the Pack (-10 points) You can only unconscious awareness of your undead nature, which
summon, speak to, and command a specific type of makes them anxious and ill at ease in your presence.
animal — ravens, rats, and so forth — with Animalism. Because of this, difficulties of all Skill rolls relating to
Your Storyteller is the best adjudicator of what types social interaction with mortals are gaining a -2 penalty.
of animal are appropriate for this Disadvantage, but Forked Tongue (-10 points) Your tongue is forked,
the choice should be fairly limiting. Other animals do flickering, and inhumanly reptilian. Upholding the
not respond to your uses of Animalism at all. Masquerade becomes difficult for you. Note that this
Rat in a Cage (-10 points) Anytime you are penned in tongue does not inflict aggravated damage, nor draw
or physically restrained (such as by a cage, or with blood. You get -2 on Social Skills towards vampires
handcuffs), you suffer acute anxiety. Under such that see you talking but gain a +1 to your Intimidation
circumstances all your skills are decreased by 2. of mortals.
Paper Trail (-10 points) You’ve spent some time in Fangless (-10 points) Considered the mark of a true
state institutions like prisons or asylums, likely before mongrel lick from a low generation, you never
your Embrace. Most people have some sort of developed your fangs, or you lacked teeth before the
information that relays date of birth and other bits of Embrace. Either way, you have to use a knife or
fact. This information is hard to eliminate, and may otherwise drink from bleeding wounds. You have no
endanger the Masquerade. Enemies with the right natural way beyond Disciplines to inflict aggravated
influence may be able to track down the information damage.
and use it against you. It may lead to vulnerable
targets or clue hunters to where your haven is located. [-15] point Disadvantages
Stigmata (-10/-20 points) Oracles are often marked as Ancestral Soil Dependence (-15 points) The will of the
messengers of the gods. Your markings come in the spirits from the homeland weighs heavy on your
forms of phantom wounds that seep blood. The blood, soil from a place is important to you to be able
bleeding is slight but incessant, costing you an extra to sleep. You actually need a coffin full of the soil of
blood point every day just before you wake at dusk. your homeland to have a good rest. If this is not
The -10 point version of this Disadvantage means available you will have a -2 to all your skills until you
wounds that can be easily hidden from prying eyes, rest surrounded by your ancestral soil again.
such as on the hands or the side. You get -1 on your
Social Skills when dealing with someone aware of your

Blood Hunted (-15/-30 points) You have been made immediate hospitalization or dies within an hour, and
the target of a blood hunt, and for you to return to if you drain more than 3 quarters of the total blood
your home city is death. For -15 points, this points, the vessel is dead (you may still continue to
Disadvantage means that only your home city is off- feed on the remainder of your victim's blood points
limits to you. For -30 points it means the entire after he dies). This disadvantage has no effect on the
Camarilla is howling for your vitae. You are on the creation of new vampires.
dreaded Red List, the registry of those vampires the
Camarilla most wants extinguished.
Can't Cross Running Water (-15 points) You can’t
cross any body of running water unless you are at least
50 feet above it. "Running water'' is defined as any
body of water more than two feet wide in any
direction and not completely stagnant. Those who
have studied Kindred with this disadvantage believe
that it is psychosomatic - the result of believing to
many pop culture myths and old wives' tales.
Regardless of whether it is psychological or
supernatural in origin it is incapacitating to those who
suffer from it.
Glowing Eyes (-15 points) You have the stereotypical
glowing eyes of vampire legend which makes it easier
when intimidating mortals, giving you a +2 to your
Intimidate skill. However, you are a walking tear in the
Masquerade and must constantly disguise your
condition (no, contacts don't cut it); the glow impairs
your vision and the radiance emanating from your eye
sockets makes it difficult to hide in the dark. The glow
impairs your vision and puts you at -1 on all sight-
based skills (including the use of ranged weapons); and
the radiance emanating from your eye sockets makes
it difficult to hide (-2 to Stealth or Shadowing skills) in
the dark.
Recently Arisen (-15 points) You have been lying in a
state of torpor until very recently. The years have left
you in their wake and the world has been remade in
your absence. The culture shock is very jarring; and
you still find it difficult to make your way in this
strange new environment. Only the general flow of
Kindred politics and society remains reasonably
familiar; the rest of the world is gibberish. You receive
a -2 to Skills involving technology and to social
interactions with everyone save other elder Kindred
Putrescent (-15 points) After you received the
Embrace, your body continued to decay. The mystic
process that inhibits a vampire's natural putrefaction
has little effect on you. As a result, you constantly rot.
If you are jarred or hit, one of your facial features or a
limb can fall off. Once this wound is healed, the Disgrace to the Blood (-15 points) Your sire regards
missing body part will grow back. You stink something the fact that he Embraced you to be a titanic mistake,
awful too, and look like a rotting corpse out of a B- and has let everyone know it. You are mocked at
grade movie. You have a -1 penalty to all your HT rolls gatherings, taunted by your peers, and actively
and to all HT related skills. despised by the one who should be giving you
Theft of Vitality (-15 points) When you drink you sap guidance. Any request or petition you make is likely to
the life force from your prey at an unnaturally fast be looked down upon by friends of your sire, and your
rate. If you drain more than ¼ the victim's total blood achievements are likely to be discounted. You get -3
points he will require medical attention. If you drink on Social Skills towards vampires that see you as a
more than half the total blood points, he will require disgrace.

Former Prince (-15 points) Once, you held near- make a Will roll to enter another being’s dwelling
absolute power in a city, but those nights are gone without being invited, though you can go to fiendishly
now. Perhaps you stepped down, perhaps you were clever lengths to garner an unwitting invitation. When
deposed, or perhaps your city fell to the Sabbat; it disturbed in your haven by an uninvited guest, you
matters little in your reduced state. What does matter must make a Will roll at -2 to avoid frenzy.
is that the Prince in the city where you now dwell is Repelled by Crosses (-15 points) All crosses affect you
aware of your prior employment, and has concerns as though they were Sacred Objects
that you might be trying to make a comeback. The wielded by someone with True Faith. This
machinery of the Camarilla in the city where you now disadvantage is most commonly found among Kindred
make your home is subtly stacked against you, and if who were highly involved in the Church prior to their
the Prince sees an opportunity to get rid of you he just embrace. It is possible that vampires from non-
might take it. This Disadvantage can only be taken by Christian societies may have a similar disadvantage
Camarilla vampires and gives a -3 to Social skill rolls relating to the holy symbols of some other religion.
involving vampires of high status and rank. Special Enhancement: If you are repelled by holy
Lord of the Night (-15 points) In your presence lights objects or all religions, that is a special enhancement
dim, tiny flames extinguish, and shadows cling to you worth extra -5 points.
or languidly move about with a surreal unlife, making Special Enhancement: You are affected by all holy
it impossible to pass as anything other than inhuman. objects (of the appropriate faith), and take double
The particular shadow you cast is a malicious entity damage from contact with holy objects wielded by
with a will of its own. It lashes out at friends and someone with True Faith, that is a special
enemies alike, tearing at the scenery, and snarling at enhancement worth extra -10 points.
passers-by. This gives you a +1 to Intimidate rolls but (Reactions to exposure to holy objects which doesn't
gives a -3 to all Social skills involving mortals. These involve physical damage wilI be proportionately more
effects can be suppressed for a scene by spending a severe for characters with this disadvantage, but the
point of blood. exact effects of such exposure are left to the GM)
Infectious (-15 points) Madness flows within your Slow Healing (-15 points) Your wounds heal only
blood, but your bite carries a taint as well. Mortals slowly and with difficulty. You may heal no more than
take a temporary mental disadvantage/derangement one hit point of Aggravated wounds for each day of
for every three points of blood you take from them. rest, and it costs two Blood Points per hit point.
These derangements stay until the mortal restores the Normal wounds are healed at a rate of only one hit
lost blood. point per Blood Point. This disadvantage is most often
Infertile Vitae (-15 points) You are completely unable found among Sabbat vampires.
to create new vampires. Any mortal you try to Vampiric Child (-15 points) You were embraced as a
embrace dies. You may never create any childer under young (pre-pubescent) child. Although you may have
any circumstances (likewise your blood cannot create the wisdom and experience or a lifetime or more, you
mortal Ghouls). However, unlike the Thin Blooded are still trapped in the body of a child. Adults (mostly
disadvantage, you may use your blood points in all mortals, but also ignorant or insensitive Kindred) will
other ways just as other vampires do. This patronize you and refuse to take you seriously, and
disadvantage is very common among vampires of the you will not be admitted into age restricted clubs,
14th generation, and seems to be universal among 15th theatres or any other similar activity. Furthermore,
generation vampires. It is also frequently found among Vampiric Children. having never experienced the
Sabbat members, regardless of generation. universal transformation change or puberty, are ill
Private Life (-15 points) You have a completely suited to withstand the demands or the hunger, and
separate life that no other Kindred know about. It may are at -2 to any skill related to withstanding those
be your mortal family that you have turned into demands.
ghouls, or a YouTube channel that you use to talk in
metaphor about your frustrations with Kindred [-20] point Disadvantages
society. If discovered, this could risk other vampires Body Trail (-20 points) Whether you are just too
accusing you of breaching the Masquerade (if sloppy and prone to overlooking details during kills or
Camarilla), consorting with humanity instead of being you are especially fond of leaving a signature for every
a superior vampire (if Sabbat), or just overall paranoia kill to send a message to others, others can use this to
and suspicion on why you’re keeping such deep track you down. Each time there are items at a scene
secrets. of a crime that could link directly back the you, causing
Privacy Obsession (-15 points) Perhaps it is a trait you to always look over your shoulder. The police are
carried in the blood. Perhaps your strict sire carved always one step away from busting you, or the
this lesson into your mind and flesh. Either way, you Camarilla’s assassins have you in your sights. In any
carry the respect for privacy to extremes. You must

case, leaving a trail is a terrible thing. For every person to feed, requiring you to grapple with them for as long
you kill during a single story, your Survival skill and as you wish to take their blood. For vampires with high
your signature Predator skill is reduced by 1 during Humanity, this experience may require a Will roll, at
your hunt for blood. This penalty resets at the the discretion of the Storyteller. Giovanni cannot take
beginning of a new story… if you survive to the next this Disadvantage. You need to roll your Brawling skill
story, that is. each round you are taking someone’s blood, if you fail
Bulimia (-20 points) You hunger for blood, and like all the victim manages to break from your embrace.
vampires, you will eventually feed, but the thought of Hunted (-20 points) You are pursued by a fanatical
it still makes you sick. Maybe you’re just not cut out witch-hunter (and his associates) who believes
for an eternity of bloodsucking, or you had an eating (perhaps correctly) that you are a danger to humanity.
disorder in life that has followed you to the other side All those with whom you associate, be they mortal or
of mortality. Whatever the reason, you can’t hold your Kindred, may be hunted as well.
blood. Whenever you feed, make a HT roll at -2, if you Matricide/Patricide (-20 points) You have committed
fail, you vomit out the fresh blood before it can be diablerie upon your own sire. If this information
absorbed into your body, spraying it everywhere becomes known among other elder vampires you will
(embarrassing at best, a breach of the Masquerade at be shunned, or perhaps even put to the sun. You are
worst). Note that blood taken in frenzy is absorbed most certainly an easy target for blackmail, and you
normally, though this carries its own risks. must always be alert to the signs of other Kindred
Clan Enmity (-20 points) For some reason, something searching for information about your sire and his
about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of untimely demise (or "disappearance").
a clan other than your own. One Clan in particular Unrepentant Beast (-20 points) The Beast leaves its
wants you dead, select the 'enemy' clan randomly. You mark on you long after it has run its course and had its
have offended the entire Clan, from elders to way with you. If you miss your Frenzy roll by more
neonates, and as a result every member of that than 5, you immediately acquire a compulsion
bloodline wants your head on a plate. The effects of derangement. The Storyteller should determine the
the Disadvantage may manifest as anything from very nature of the particular compulsion, and you may
public snubs and insults to actual attempts on your indeed gain a wide and varied spectrum of
unlife. You are also gain -3 on all Social skills relating to compulsions.
members of the Clan in question. Fifteenth Generation (-20 points) Your vitae is so
Disease Carrier (-20 points) Your blood carries a weak that only six of your 10 blood points can be used
disease which may infect the mortals on which you for Disciplines, healing or raising Attributes. For these
feed. You yourself suffer no ill effects from this disease functions, you must expend two blood points to obtain
- you’re just a carrier. This will prevent you from the effect a normal vampire would achieve with one.
keeping a Herd, and may attract the attention of (The cost for nightly rising remains a single blood
hunters (particularly the CDC) unless precautions are point.) What’s more, you cannot create or sustain
taken. You must be very wary of letting other vampires ghouls, create a blood bond, or sire a vampiric childe.
partake of your vitae, lest they become carriers as You can use the remaining four blood points to survive
well. This disadvantage is most common among the through the day and wake up each night, nothing
Sabbat, who have the following additional protocols to more.
deal with it. A Disease Carrier may not participate You cannot raise any Discipline above the third level.
directly in the Vaulderie, but even though others may The weakening of the Curse of Caine has
not drink your blood, you must still drink theirs. You compensations, though (which distinguish this
are not allowed to drink directly from vessels. but you Disadvantage from the Thin Blood Disadvantage itself).
may draw the blood into a cup and drink from that. Sunlight does normal damage to you, instead of
Heartless (-20 points) You have lost your heart. Either aggravated damage as it does to other vampires. You
you removed it via The Heart of Darkness, or an elder can hold down mortal food and drink for an hour or
did it to you, but either way you no longer have easy so; other vampires vomit immediately if they try
access to it. The heart might be in the possession of a (unless they have the Eat Food Advantage). Strangest
foe, or simply missing. If it turns out that a Cainite of all, once in a while you might actually have a child
possesses the heart (say a Setite elder, or your sire) the normal, human way... though it will hardly be a
you must obey their every command. If it’s merely normal, human child.
missing, the anxiety and obsession to find it interferes Loathsome Regnant (-20 points) Not only are you
with your nightly existence, and may give you a-1 to blood bound, but you are also in thrall to a vampire
your Willpower. who mistreats you hideously. Perhaps you are publicly
Grip of the Damned (-20 points) There is no ecstasy in abused or humiliated; perhaps your master forces you
your Embrace — only terror and pain. Mortals upon to commit unspeakable acts for him. In any case,
whom you feed struggle and shriek while you attempt existence under the bond is a never-ending nightmare,

with your regnant serving to conduct the symphony of Black Sheep. In addition, many members of the Anarch
malice. Sabbat vampires cannot take this. Movement actively distrust you solely based on your
Oathbreaker (-20 points) Once you swore fealty to a lineage, believing that you are a double-agent. You get
lord or organization, or made a binding contract. -2 on Social Skills involving your fellow Anarchs.
You’ve broken that promise and everyone knows Light-Sensitive (-25 points) You are even more
about it. Now it’s near impossible to earn the trust of sensitive to sunlight than other vampires are. Sunlight
others. You get -4 on Social Skills to convince someone causes double damage, and the light of the moon can
of your trustworthiness, and even members of your cause damage in a manner similar to the sun, though it
coterie may have reservations about you. must shine directly upon you. Even bright lights hurt
Probationary Sect Member (-20 points) You are a your eyes, requiring the use of sunglasses. You get a -1
defector. You turned traitor to the Camarilla, Sabbat, to -3 on your skills using your eyes based on the light
or other Sect, and you still have much to prove before conditions. Followers of Set and related bloodlines
you are accepted by the Kindred you have defected to. cannot take this Disadvantage, as they already have a
Other vampires treat you with distrust and even version of it.
hostility, and your reputation might even sully those Flesh of the Corpse (-25 points) Your flesh does not
whom you regularly associate with. You get -4 on fully regenerate itself once it is damaged. While you
Social Skills when appropriate in your dealings with are able to heal yourself to the point of regaining full
other vampires from your new home. functionality, your skin still retains the cuts, tears,
Thin Blooded (-20 points) Your blood is weak and will bullet holes, and other visible damage that you have
never have any potency, you cannot use it for anything incurred. Depending on the nature of the damage, this
but simple sustenance, powering disciplines or healing Disadvantage will make social dealings exceedingly
wounds. You cannot use blood points to reduce difficult, giving you a -3 on your Social skills with
fatigue, enhance ST or skill rolls, establish a blood mortals and will decrease your Appearance over time.
bond or create a ghoul. Also, you will find it difficult to Known Diabolist (-25 points) You have committed
create childer and the use of powers is limited, further diablerie at least once to achieve your current position
decreasing your maximum level of your Disciplines by of power. Although not all members of elder Kindred
1 (14th at maximum 3 levels and 15th at maximum 2 society know of your terrible Disadvantage, at least
levels of any discipline). Any attempt at the embrace some elders of import are aware of it. You are certain
has only a 50% chance of succeeding. (If you have both word of your proscribed behaviour is slowly making its
Thin Blooded and Infertile Vitae, this disadvantage is way through society. Other elders could easily discover
worth only -15 points}. this at any time and, at the very least, most of society
knows that you are to be shunned. Adding to the
[-25] – [-40] point Disadvantages danger, there is always the possibility of a Blood Hunt
Aura of the Typhon (-25 points) Something slithers despite your elder status. If they haven't already,
beneath your skin, coiled in your very essence — certain elders can be expected to use their
something that causes the Lupines to stalk you for information to force you to back their causes. You
some dread purpose you do not understand. Their receive a -3 on any Social skills involving elder Kindred
howls follow in your wake. You catch glimpses of who know your secret.
blurred motion and the gleam of eyes and teeth in the Methuselah’s Thirst (-35 points) Whether from
dark. They get closer every night. What do they want advanced age, your addiction to Diablerie, or the
from you? You get Werewolf enemies and they show degradation of your Humanity, you are no longer
up often to harass you. capable of drinking mortal blood to sustain yourself
Black Sheep (-25 points) You belong to a prestigious and must feed upon the vitae of other vampires to
lineage that is considered to be paragon of the Sabbat survive. You may attempt to drink the blood of
or Camarilla, or at least it did before you joined the mortals, but it will not nourish you. If you do not feed
Anarch Movement. You have embarrassed your sire, on other vampires — you will go into torpor.
grandsire, and perhaps even farther back up the line; Blood Bonded (-40 points) You are under the powerful
now the time has come to pay. Your erstwhile emotional control of another vampire, through the
broodmates want to bring you back into the fold, if Blood Bond. Your Regnant can ask you to perform any
only to clean the stain from your reputation, and are task, and you will find it very difficult to resist He may
unwilling to recognize your independence. Your sire be a kind master, or he may not, but the Thrall does
and grandsire spare no effort to make things not have any choice. If you are Blood Bonded in the
uncomfortable for you and any Anarchs who shelter course of the game, the GM may allow you to take an
you. This Disadvantage combines the effects of Sire’s appropriate advantage (such as a Patron), to balance
Resentment and Blood Hunted, so those out the cost, or he may allow you to spend points on
Disadvantages may not be taken in conjunction with skills or attributes to bring your character up to its
original point total.

Generation (varies)
Generation is an indication of how far a vampire is removed from Caine, the original vampire. When a vampire
embraces, their childe rises from death one Generation higher than them — one more Generation removed from
Caine. The clan founders comprised the Third Generation, their progeny became the Fourth Generation, their childer
became the Fifth Generation, and so on and so forth up through the distant Thirteenth Generation prevalent in the
modern nights.
All Cainites trace their ancestry according to how far removed they are from Caine, how many generations down their
cursed line they are. Caine is considered the First Generation of vampires, the most powerful of them all and Cainites
use Generation to describe their heritage as Caine's children. Those of low generation, two or three times removed
from Caine, are accorded more respect than those nine or ten times removed.
Generation is the crudest measure of vampiric power, or more accurately, vampiric potential. In game mechanics, all
Kindred have a Generation Trait, which is ranked between 3 and 15. Each rank represents a step below the default
generation, which is 13th in modern times and costs 0 points. 14th and 15th generations are disadvantages as the
vampires are too far away from Caine’s blood and thus weakened in potency and vampiric disciplines.

Blood Points Min. Blood

Generation Blood Pool Point cost
per Turn Potency
Third HT+60 15 200* 6
Fourth HT+40 10 160* 5
Fifth HT+30 8 125* 4
Sixth HT+20 6 100* 4
Seventh HT+15 5 75* 3
Eighth HT+10 4 60 3
Ninth HT+6 3 35 2
Tenth HT+4 2 25 1
Eleventh HT+2 2 15 1
Twelfth HT+1 1 5 0
Thirteenth HT 1 0 0
*not suited for starting PC characters
Generally, the only way a vampire changes generation is through diablerie. When a Cainite diablerizes a vampire of
lower generation their generation decreases by one or possibly more if the victim was particularly potent. There are
other, much rarer, methods of changing generation, but they usually involve powerful sorcery and are closely
guarded secrets. Diablerie is prohibited by the Camarilla and brings usually a death sentence on the vampire who is
caught with a tainted aura of a diablerist.

Allies (5 points/level)
Allies are mortals who support and help you — family, friends, or even a mortal organization that owes you some
loyalty. Although allies aid you willingly, without coaxing or coercion, they are not always available to offer assistance;
they have their own concerns and can do only so much for the sake of your relationship. However, they might have
some useful Background Traits of their own, and could provide you with indirect access to their contacts, influence, or
1. One ally of moderate influence and power
2. Two allies, both of moderate power
3. Three allies, one of whom is quite influential
4. Four allies, one of whom is very influential
5. Five allies, one of whom is extremely influential
Allies are typically persons of influence and power in your home city. They can be of almost any sort, depending on
what your Storyteller will allow. You may have friends in the precinct morgue, at a prominent blog, among the high
society of local celebrities, or at a construction site. Your Allies might be a clan of nomads who move their mobile
home camp around the area, or they might be a family of generations of police officers. You may even count the

mayor himself among your friends, depending on how many points you spend on this Trait. Your Allies are generally
trustworthy (though they probably don’t know that you’re a vampire, or even that vampires exist). However, nothing
comes for free. If you wind up drawing favors from your friend in the Cosa Nostra, he’ll probably ask you to do him a
favor in kind in the future. This often leads to the beginning of a story.…

Appearance (varies)
Vampires are universally pale of skin. This is because there is no blood flowing through the arteries near the surface.
Their skin is tight over their bones, giving them a gaunt appearance and exaggerating their skeletal features.
Naturally, Kindred tend to favor social groups where this look is considered attractive - punks, night owls and the very
wealthy, to name a few.
Appearance plays a large part in the Vampire genre. Most Kindred are either attractive or ugly, with very few in-
between. Other than these basic characteristics, Kindred can be of any size, age, sex or race, and they usually have
better-than average appearance. This may be because many choose to Embrace long-time lovers, and most can have
their choice of lovers, usually choosing the most attractive or exotic. The hideous Nosferatu become that way after
the Change, and many retain an underlying beauty that belies their superficial ugliness.
Appearance is rated in levels and most people have “Average” appearance, for 0 points. Good looks give a reaction
bonus; this is an advantage and costs points. Unappealing looks give a reaction penalty; this is a disadvantage, and
gives you back points. These reaction modifiers only affect those who can see you! Those who cannot see you might
have to make a new reaction roll upon first meeting you in person (GM’s option).
Horrific (-25 points) You are indescribably monstrous or unspeakably foul, and cannot interact with normal mortals.
This gives -6 on reaction rolls. This trait is supernatural and unavailable to normal characters.
Monstrous (-20 points) You are hideous and clearly unnatural. Most people react to you as a monster rather than a
sapient being. This gives -5 on reaction rolls. Again, this trait might not be appropriate for normal characters.
Hideous (-15 points) You have any sort of disgusting looks you can come up with: a severe skin disease, wall-eye . . .
preferably several things at once. This gives -4 on reaction rolls.
Ugly (-10 points) As above, but not so bad – maybe only stringy hair and snaggle teeth. This gives -2 on reaction rolls.
Unattractive (-5 points) You look vaguely unappealing, but it’s nothing anyone can put a finger on. This gives -1 on
reaction rolls.
Average (0 points) Your appearance gives you no reaction modifiers either way; you can blend easily into a crowd. A
viewer’s impression of your looks depends on your behavior. If you smile and act friendly, you will be remembered as
pleasant-looking; if you frown and mutter, you will be remembered as unattractive.
Attractive (5 points) You don’t enter beauty contests, but are definitely good-looking. This gives +1 on reaction rolls.
Handsome (or Beautiful) (10 points) You could enter beauty contests. This gives +4 on reaction rolls made by those
attracted to members of your sex, +2 from everyone else.
Very Handsome (or Very Beautiful) (15 points) You could win beauty contests – regularly. This gives +6 on reaction
rolls made by those attracted to members of your sex, +2 from others. Exception: Members of the same sex with
reason to dislike you (more than -4 in reaction penalties, regardless of bonuses) resent your good looks, and react at -
2 instead. As well, talent scouts, friendly drunks, slave traders, and other nuisances are liable to become a problem
for you.
Transcendent (20 points) You are an “ideal specimen.” This gives +8 (!) on reaction rolls made by those attracted to
members of your sex, +2 from others, and all the troublesome side effects of Very Handsome. The GM is free to
reserve this trait for angels, deities, and the like. Such entities frequently possess Charisma or Terror as well.
Special Options
The following options are available for above-average appearance, and do not affect point costs:
Androgynous: If your appearance is Handsome (Beautiful) or better, you may specify that your looks appeal equally
to both sexes. You get a flat reaction modifier instead of a sex dependent bonus: +3 for Handsome, +4 for Very
Handsome, or +5 for Transcendent.
Impressive: If you are Attractive or better, you can specify that you have exceptional physical presence that doesn’t
manifest as sexual magnetism. This is typical of tigers and aged royalty. If your appearance is Handsome (Beautiful) or
above, use the “flat” reaction bonuses given for Androgynous.
Special Limitations
Off-the-Shelf Looks: You can apply this to any appearance better than Attractive. Through ultra-tech or magic, your
looks are a variation on a standard type or famous person. You’re as beautiful as ever, but you get half the usual
reaction bonus with people from your own culture, because they’ve seen it all before. (“Oh, look! Another Mr.
Universe 2003!”) You get -50% to the original point cost.

Certification (3 points/level)
Certifications are essentially certifications, permits, licenses, and other supporting documentation granting special
access or permissions within Mortal Society. Do you need to take a level in this Background to drive a car? No.
However, professional, special, or noteworthy certifications should be purchased like a medical license or a concealed
weapons permit.
1. Hunting license, daycare permit, passport from an open country.
2. Teaching certificate, security officer firearm's permit, bail bondsman, CPA, trucker's license, notary public.
3. Concealed weapons permit, hazardous waste disposal, church-ordained priest or minister.
4. Class-C weapons license, board-certified doctor or lawyer, commercial airline pilot's license.
5. Diplomatic immunity, license to kill.

Blood Potency (5 points/level)

Blood Potency describes the degree of power vampiric Vitae bestows upon a character. Full-blooded vampires begin
their unlife at a level of Blood Potency dependent on their Generation, and may (typically) increase it through age,
experience, and diablerie. Their minimum and maximum level of Blood Potency is also limited by Generation.
As Blood Potency increases, so does the relative difficulty of a vampire's unlife. At level two of Blood Potency, a
vampire may only slake half a point of hunger by drinking from animals or blood bags. At level three, they will not
slake any hunger; at even further levels, it becomes increasingly difficult to slake hunger from a human, and it will
eventually become impossible to reduce their hunger below a given point without draining and killing their victims.
For every hundred years a vampire remains active, they gain a level of Blood Potency. For every fifty years they spend
in Torpor, the vampire loses a level. As such, elders frequently fall into voluntary slumber in order to ease their
feeding restrictions. There are also limits to blood potency based on generation, a thin-blooded vampire may never
have potent blood however, a 9th generation Elder always has at least 2 levels. Minimum Blood potency requirements
come automatically with the Generation advantage, if anyone takes 9th generation, they automatically have Blood
Potency at level 2.
Generation Min. BP Max. BP
4th 5 10
5th 4 9
6th 4 8
7th 3 7
8th 3 6
9th 2 5
10th-11th 1 4
12th-13th 0 3
14th-16th 0 0
Thin-blooded vampires have no Blood Potency whatsoever, and must diablerize a 13th generation vampire or lower
with potent blood in order to gain it. They gain no other benefit from the Blood in this way, save for the slight ability
to surge it.
When diablerizing vampires with potent blood your new potency is the average of your two blood potencies
(rounded up). Thus a vampire with Blood Potency 1 is committing diablerie on a vampire with Blood Potency 4 their
new Blood potency will be 3 (1+4/2=2.5≈3).
The advantages of having potent blood come when a vampire needs to spend blood on healing, increasing ST or any
skill by a Blood Surge, increasing their fatigue and it also empowers the level and strength of their Augmenting
A Vampire with Blood Potency 2 can use Blood Surge to increase their ST by an extra 1 per blood point spent (3 ST in
total) or an extra 1 to any skill roll (+3 to any skill). They heal 2 additional HP per blood point spent and thus getting
4HP back. Also, the vampire would get the x1.5 modifier for Fatigue as well, making him more vigorous. Always round
up the numbers after using the multiplier.

Extra Waking
Blood Surge
Blood Healing Fatigue up
to increase Feeding Penalty
Potency per Blood multiplier during
ST or Skill
Point the day
0 Add 0 0 x1 Fatigue 0 No effect
1 Add 1 1 x1.5 Fatigue 0 No effect
Animal and blood bags slake
2 Add 1 2 x1.5 Fatigue -1
half hunger
Animal and blood bags slake no
3 Add 2 2 x2 Fatigue -1
Animal and blood bags slake no
4 Add 3 2 x2 Fatigue -2 hunger; slake 1 Blood Point less
per human feeding
Animal and blood bags slake no
5 Add 4 3 x2.5 Fatigue -2 hunger; slake 2 Blood Point less
per human feeding
Animal and blood bags slake no
6 Add 4 3 x3 Fatigue -3 hunger; slake 3 Blood Point less
per human feeding
Animal, blood bags and humans
7 Add 5 3 x3.5 Fatigue -3 slake no hunger; can feed on
vampires only
Animal, blood bags and humans
8 Add 5 4 x4 Fatigue -4 slake no hunger; slake 1 Blood
Point less per vampire feeding
Animal, blood bags and humans
9 Add 6 4 x4.5 Fatigue -4 slake no hunger; slake 2 Blood
Point less per vampire feeding
Animal, blood bags and humans
10 Add 6 5 x5 Fatigue -5 slake no hunger; slake 3 Blood
Point less per vampire feeding

The disadvantage of potent blood is that it’s harder for the vampire to wake up during the day and at Blood Potency 2
he receives an additional -1 to his IQ roll to wake up during the day (normally at IQ-5 if waking up alone or IQ-2 if
someone tries to wake up the vampire). Another side effect is that a potent blood also needs potent replenishment,
at Blood Potency 3 animal blood doesn’t extinguish the hunger anymore. At higher levels the vampire needs to take
more blood from humans, with Blood Potency 5 the vampire loses 2 Blood Points from the blood imbibed during
feeding from a human thus gaining only 3 blood points after taking 5. Starting at Blood Potency 7 the vampire needs
to feed on other vampires, no other blood gives him sustenance anymore.

Mask (5 points/level)
As stealth predators, vampires have few weapons more potent than their pretense of humanity. The lies the Kindred
live constantly shadow your stories, and no description of a lick should omit how they navigate mortal society – what
they wear as a Mask. A good Mask explains the character’s nocturnal existence and offers plenty of opportunities to
be alone with mortals. Some vampires switch back and forth between Masks, risking deep identity confusion and
slipups, while others forge single plausible identities and strictly adhere to them for a human lifetime before they
switch, adding makeup as they “age,” and faking every aspect of life to look perfectly normal on paper. Others,
almost always Nosferatu or unbound vampires, forswear safety for freedom off the grid or on the streets.
1. You have a good fake identity, including a credit card, bank account, credit history, birth certificate, etc., all in
your Mask’s name. You can pass a state or provincial-level background check.
2. Your Mask can pass a background check with the national police: FBI, Scotland Yard, or the equivalent. If you had
a military or intelligence record in life, it has been classified.

Fame (5 points/level)
Mortals know your name and eagerly seek out news of your activities. You might be a movie
star, rock star, or other celebrity. Fame grants pull in mass and social media; you have more ways than most to
manipulate the thoughts of the populace. You likely have ways to mask the fact that you’re never seen during the
day, such as a body double. Each level of Fame adds +1 to your Social skills connected to your fans and from many
hunting tests, depending on your predation strategy – you have less trouble attracting prey.
1. A select subculture knows who you are and admires you.
2. You are a local celebrity, recognized by a plurality of the city.
3. Most people in the country know your name, at least.
4. Everybody who even vaguely cares about social trends or your field knows something about you.
5. Your Fame reaches mass national or even global audiences. You are a major movie star, stadium-filling rock act,
or former president.

Contacts (3 points/level)
You know people all over the city. When you start making phone calls around your network, the amount of
information you can dig up is impressive. Rather than friends you can rely on to help you, like Allies, Contacts are
largely people whom you can bribe, manipulate, or coerce into offering information. You also have a few major
Contacts — associates who can give you accurate information in their fields of expertise. You should describe each
major contact in some detail before the game begins.
In addition to your major contacts, you also have a number of minor contacts spread throughout the city. Your major
contact might be in the district attorney’s office, while your minor contacts might include beat cops, DMV clerks, club
bouncers, or members of an online social network. You don’t need to detail these various “passing acquaintances”
before play. Instead, to successfully get in touch with a minor contact, you should roll your Streetwise adding +1 to
your skill for each level in contacts. Of course, you still have to convince them to give you the information you need,
assuming they can get it.
1. One major contact
2. Two major contacts
3. Three major contacts
4. Four major contacts
5. Five major contacts

Boon or Prestation Debt (varies)

Boons held over many vampires or held over important figures in the city can have an impact on status. However,
boons are a very delicate balancing act. A vampire that never asks for favors may look like someone who thinks that
they are above it all and will suffer in status for being stingy. Likewise, Kindred who ask for too many favors may be
seen as useless or unable to take care of themselves and suffer a decline in status as well. There is an art to balancing
one's social debts.
This background pools both the Boon that someone owes you and the Prestation Debt you owe to someone in the
vampiric society.

Boon (5 points/level)
Someone owes you a favor. The vampire in your debt might be the lowliest neonate in the city or might be the Prince;
it all depends on how many points the Advantage costs. You only have that single favor owed you (unless you take
the Advantage multiple times), so using it properly is of paramount importance. Depending on status and other
factors, the vampire who owes you a favor may well resent his debt, and might go out of his way to “settle” it early —
even going so far as to create situations from which he must “rescue” you and thus clear the slate.

Prestation Debt (-5 points/level)

You currently owe a boon to one or more other Kindred. It is also conceivable that your debt could be called in; and
that you could be asked to perform some service or favor for any such vampire to whom you are indebted. The
number of points in Prestation Debt must be determined by both the player and Storyteller. The number and
magnitude of such debts and to whom they are owed determine the rating of the Disadvantage. You also receive a -3
on any Social skills when attempting to influence such Kindred. The exact nature of this Disadvantage should be
worked into the elder character's memoirs.

Boon or Debt levels
1. Trivial - a favor that was of no inconvenience to bequeath.
2. Minor - a favor that was of a minor inconvenience to
bequeath. It might have included the minor expenditure of a
character's assets. Tapping contacts, allies, perhaps making an
introduction, guaranteeing safe passage through a domain, etc.
Debtors are expected to pay up when the debt is called due.
3. Major - a favor that was of a major inconvenience to
bequeath. It might have included having to expend a significant
amount of one's assets, required a significant time investment,
or involved some personal risk. Debtors are expected to honor
the debt and support the political actions of the creditor.
Political actions that go against one's own clan or the teaching
of hidden lore will cancel this debt.
4. Blood - a favor that required great personal risk, the
shedding of blood. This debt is one that may never be repaid.
While it is owed, the debtor may not without major loss of
status, speak against the creditor, the debtor must support the
political agenda of the creditor, teach him when he asks. The
only way to cancel this debt is for the debtor to risk his own
unlife on behalf of the creditor. This can include sharing clan
secrets or secret Disciplines like Thaumaturgy.
5. Life - A life boon may only be claimed if the creditor truly laid
his very unlife on the line. The creditor may demand anything.
The debtor only repays the debt by saving the unlife of the
creditor. Until then, the debt will hang around the neck of the
debtor like an albatross.

Strong Will (1 point/level)

Strong Will is perhaps the single most important advantage to a
vampire. Rare is the Kindred who lacks this advantage in some
form. For vampires, Strong Will is actually four separate
advantages: Conscience, Self-Control, Courage and Normal
Strong Will. These may seem like imaginary distinctions, but
each plays a separate, important role.
Conscience is what allows a character to retain Humanity in the
face of inevitable brutality. All vampires have a level of
Humanity that they must keep up to avoid sinking into the
bestial nature that is part of all Kindred. Whenever a vampire
performs a brutal, inhuman act, he must make a Will Roll,
adding in his bonus for Conscience, to avoid losing Humanity. If he makes the roll, he has appropriately
dealt with the guilt and accepted the monstrous nature of his being - if he fails, he loses Humanity and slips further
toward the Beast. The Strong Will bonus for Conscience counts only toward rolls to preserve Humanity. Conscience
costs 1 point per + 1 bonus.
Self-Control is used to resist the frenzy, which is a special form of the Berserk disadvantage. Whenever a vampire is
hungry (i.e., low on Blood Points), he is more likely to simply lose control and feed on the nearest availably source, be
it friend or foe. Anger can also provoke frenzy, sending the character into a blind rase. To avoid this, he must make a
Will Roll, adding in any bonus from Self-Control. If he succeeds, he has kept the frenzy in check and can continue his
actions until the next roll is required. The GM is the final arbiter as to when a Self-Control Will Roll is required. Self-
Control costs 1 point per +1 bonus.
Courage applies to the vampire's most basic fear - Rötschreck - the fear of fire and sunlight Against other fears, the
character's Normal Strong Will bonus applies (see below). When faced with fire or sunlight, Kindred must make a
Fright Check, adding in any Courage bonus. Courage costs 1 point per+ 1 bonus.
Normal Strong Will simply applies to anything not covered by the other three classes. This includes Fright Checks for
fears other than fire and sunlight, resisting Intimidation and Interrogation, etc. Normal Strong Will costs 1 point per
+1 bonus.

Any character can have any combination of these advantages. For example, Trevor might list his character's strong
will as follows:
Strong Will:
Normal: +1
Conscience: +0
Self-Control: +3
Courage: +4
In Trevor's case, if he had a 10 IQ, he would roll vs. a 10 to retain Humanity after a brutal act, vs. a 13 to resist going
into frenzy, vs. a 14 to face fire and sunlight without any dire effects and vs. an 11 for any other Will Roll that was
required of him. In total, this advantage costs him 8 points. Unlike most advantages, Strong Will in GURPS Vampire
can be raised after character creation. As a vampire clashes with the Beast, he may develop an increased resistance.
However, point costs for raising Strong Will after character creation are doubled.

For those Kindred that follow other paths than Humanity, they can have their Conscience and Self-Control replaced.
In game terms, any rolls requiring Self-Control can be substituted by an Instinct roll, same for Conscience being
replaced by Conviction. The point cost is the same as for the other Strong Will options.

Conviction is the virtue that replaces Conscience, and it basically represents a vampire's subscription to his new
ethical code. Just as Conscience indicates a vampire's capacity for remorse and for his actions, Conviction indicates his
lack of remorse, his ability to justify his actions in the context of his chosen Path. Paths which espouse Conviction
follow codes of ethics which are dreadful by human standards, but are effective and sensitive in a vampiric context.
Conviction is actually a virtue that does exist amongst humans (religious fanatics, political extremists and military
officers all show signs of this trait), yet Conviction in a vampire indicates a level of disconnection and moral aberration
much more extreme than any human could possibly obtain, short of said human actually bargaining with infernal
powers or similar. The Path of Death and the Soul, with its academic approach to the studies of the vampiric form and
intense use of test subjects for investigation, is a good example of a Path that necessitates Conviction.
Instinct is the virtue that replaces Self-Control, and it basically represents a vampire's relationship with the Beast.
Whereas a vampire with Self-Control tries to deny and control his Beast, a vampire with Instinct embraces the Beast
as an essential part of his/her being. Vampires who follow Instinct allow their Beast to frolic, obtaining satisfaction,
power and even wisdom from letting their primal sides come to the fore. While Conviction is a trait that can
theoretically be found in extreme cases of humanity, Instinct is a purely vampiric trait: humans have no Beast, hence
they have no capacity for this trait. The appropriately named Path of the Beast is an example of a Path which
necessitates the Instinct trait.

Influence (4 points/level)
You have pull in the mortal community, whether through wealth, prestige, political office, blackmail, or supernatural
manipulation. Kindred with high Influence can sway, and in rare cases even control, the political and social processes
of human society. Influence represents the sum of your opinion- or policy-swaying power in your community,
particularly among the police and bureaucracy. In some cases, cultivating Influence is a path to generating Wealth.
Some rolls may require you to use Influence, particularly when attempting to sway minor bureaucrats. It’s easier to
institute sweeping changes on a local level than a worldwide scale (e.g., having an “abandoned” building demolished
is relatively easy, while starting a war is a bit more difficult). You gain +2 per level to any skill roll that is using your
Influence to have your will done.
1. Moderately influential; city level
2. Well-connected; state level
3. Position of influence; regional level
4. Broad personal power; national level
5. Vastly influential; global level
Circles of Influence:
Religious, Financial, Business, Government, Bureaucracy, Justice, Law Enforcement, Occult, Media, Entertainment,
Art, Education, High Society, Street People, Underworld, Infrastructure, Political, Diplomatic, Health, Science etc.
Note that the more specific you are in naming your character's particular sphere of influence or spheres of influence,
the easier time you will have trying to leverage and maintain your influence.
Also, this Background does not take the place of Contacts or Allies. Players cannot use it to gather information.
Influence is about using clout to manipulate processes within a given socio-political-economic segment of society. It is
not about having a means of gathering information.

Rank (4 points/level)
Rank refers to a specific rank your character has in a large and influential mortal organization. This could be military
rank, rank in a police department, an organized religious organization, government, a Fortune 500 company, etc.
Being a member of the organization has its privileges which can be leveraged from time to time. You can generally
use your character's rank to pull for influence or resources equal to half the Rank Background rating at any time, and
you'll have to justify to the organization the use of such material. If you purchase the Wealth and Influence
Backgrounds independently of this one, then your character has his own income and pull, which his rank merely
supplements. Thus, a colonel in the U.S. Army should have some Resources to represent his regular paycheck -- the
use of his rank would represent calling on the army for special, additional materials. The sorts of assets available will
vary with the organization, at the discretion of the GM.
Certain ranks may also require additional supporting Backgrounds and other Traits. One can't be an archbishop in the
Church without also possessing a certification as a priest, unless the rank is honorary or falsified in some fashion.
Finally, no character should start with more than 2 levels in a single entry for this Background without it being well
supported by your character’s concept, additional Backgrounds, other Traits, and in your character’s history.

1. Novice: Army sergeant, squire, deacon, school board member, junior reporter, visiting lecturer, junior manager.
2. Low Rank: Junior officer, knight, Baronet, prior, city councillor, beat reporter, new professor, senior manager.
3. Medium Rank: Captain, Baron, viscount abbot, mayor, local columnist, tenured professor, director of marketing.
4. High Rank: Major, Earl, Marquess, bishop, governor, syndicated columnist, faculty department head, junior vice
5. Command Staff: General, Duke, archbishop, senator, national news correspondent, dean, senior vice president.

Herd/Followers/Entourage (varies)
You have built a group of mortals, called a Herd, from whom you can feed without fear. A herd may take many forms,
from circles of kinky clubgoers to actual cults built around you as a god-figure. In addition to providing nourishment,
your herd might come in handy for minor tasks, though they are typically not very controllable, closely connected to
you, or particularly skilled (for more effective pawns, purchase Allies or Retainers). Your Herd adds +1 per level to
your Predator skill for feeding on them and is at 3 points per level.
Followers are basically a mortal group connected more tightly to the character. The shape that followers take is
highly dependent on the concept of the character. A musician might have groupies. A gangbanger will have his posse.
A Mafioso will have his crew. Followers are reasonably faithful proxies that are of minor or generic use. They are not
as fleshed out or detailed as Retainers are but are more active than Herd. Think of Followers as those nameless thugs
that are fair weathered hangers on that will do what they are told if they are managed well.
However, it’s important to note that Followers are vanilla mortals. They aren’t Acolytes, Kinfolk, Ghouls, etc. They do
not know about the supernatural. Your Followers add +1 per level to your Predator skill for feeding on them and is at
4 points per level.
You gather an Entourage in case you want followers who know about your predisposition and are aware of the
supernatural. The Entourage is the supernatural version of Followers, a character’s retinue with the supernatural
Background for whatever reason. This can be the inner circle of the Giovanni family who are not yet embraced, cult
fanatics worshipping you who know about you being a vampire etc. Your Entourage adds +1 per level to your skills for
feeding on them and is at 5 points per level.

This background is Stackable and they can be different, however stacking and spreading a character too thin among
different groups of Followers can be tricky as they expect to be hanging with the object of their obsession on a
regular basis. You can combine them in a single group, having a Religious Cult with level 1 Entourage (the leaders who
know your real nature) and level 4 Followers (the cultists).
1. 3 Mortals.
2. 7 Mortals.
3. 15 Mortals.
4. 30 Mortals.
5. 60 Mortals.
6. 100 Mortals
7. 500 Mortals
8. 1000 Mortals
9. 5000 Mortals
10. 10000 Mortals

Retainers (4 points/level)
Retainers are close assistants and trusted advisors or
companions to your character. For vampires they may be
ghouls however, there’s no reason that they can’t just be an
everyday mortal (usually someone with special skills). Since
Retainers are so close to your character, they require a bit
more attention than other types of members of a
character’s retinue. Retainers are your NPCs to run. Players
are responsible for making character sheets for their
respective Retainers if they want to use them for anything
more than a RP prop. Retainers usually don’t need to have
any major sway or influence in the world but are loyal
followers and usually stay with you in your haven.
1. One Retainer
2. Two Retainers
3. Three Retainers
4. Four Retainers
5. Five Retainers

Camarilla Status (5 points/level)

You have something of a reputation and standing (earned
or unearned) within the local community of Kindred. Status
among Camarilla society is as often derived from your sire’s
status and the respect due your particular bloodline as it is
by personal achievement. Among the Sabbat, status is more
likely to stem from the reputation of your pack or the zeal
of your outlook.

Elders are known for having little respect for their juniors;
this Background can mitigate that somewhat. High status
within the Camarilla does not transfer to Sabbat society
(and will most likely make you a notorious target for your
Sect’s rivals), and vice versa. Similarly, Autarkis generally
have zero Status, unless they have somehow garnered so
much power and attention that they are considered forces
to be reckoned with.

You may have occasion to roll your Status in conjunction

with a Social skill; this reflects the positive effects of your
prestige. Note that Caitiff characters may not purchase
Status during character creation. Caitiff are the lowest of
the low, and any respect they achieve must be earned
during the course of the chronicle.

-2 Anarch, Caitiff
-1 Autarkis, Whelp
+0 Average Vampire (Neonate)
+1 Scourge, Keeper of Elysium, Herald, Chancellor
+2 Harpy, Sheriff, Alastor, Clan Whip
+3 Primogen
+4 Archon, Seneschal, Dux Bellorum
+5 Justicar, Prince
+6 Imperator
+7 Inner Circle

Anarch Status (5 points/level)
You have a reputation within the local community of Anarchs. Status among the Anarchs reflects memorable deeds
and general popularity. Despite the intention of the Status Perfectus and other early Anarch manifestos, a hierarchy
of who’s calling the shots has emerged in many Anarch domains, representing a maturing of the sect’s ideals (or a
betrayal of them, depending on which Anarchs you’re speaking to).
You may have occasion to roll your Status in conjunction with a Social skill; this reflects the positive effects of your
-1 Autarkis, Whelp,
+0 Anarch, Caitiff (Neonate)
+1 Coyote, Reeve, Chameleon
+2 Sweeper
+3 Warlord
+4 Emissary
+5 Baron

Sabbat Status (5 points/level)

The Sabbat is not a very structured sect. There are many levels and positions of leadership. However, unlike the
Camarilla, the positions are filled only by the most loyal and capable vampires, regardless of generation. The role of
leader in the sect is just that: A Leader. Leaders are not rulers. However, the higher the level of leadership, the more
Sabbat will listen to and obey the leader.
The Sabbat uses the titles of clergy to denote the basic levels of leadership that exist within the sect. The practice
started partially out of mockery, but has developed into a useful representation of leadership. Shovelhead and False
Sabbat status are Disadvantages at-10/-5 points.

-2 Shovelhead - Shovelheads are the recipients of the Sabbat mass Embrace, often created to be shock troops or
cannon fodder during an incursion or other aggressive action. No one expects Shovelheads to survive very long,
so when they outlive their usefulness, fully fledged Sabbat Cainites often find them problematic. Indeed,
Shovelheads must defer to all ranking Sabbat, and those who don’t may find themselves snuffed by supposed
sectmates. It’s also possible for Shovelheads to prove their worth and thus become True Sabbat. Being a
Shovelhead precludes the Kindred from being able to obtain all other titles or Status Backgrounds with the
exception of True Sabbat, which he must earn before anything else.
-1 False Sabbat - A vampire who has not undergone the Creation Rites, or someone who had his status among
the sect revoked is False Sabbat. Such an unfortunate individual may not participate in Sabbat rites or functions
until he has received the Creation Rites, and is in fact considered a ”vampire non-grata”, to be kicked about,
abused and ordered around at any of the "real" vampires' whims.
0 True Sabbat - True Sabbat are those Cainites of the Sabbat who have proven themselves to be worthy of
continued existence. In most cases, vampires Embraced into the sect in anything other than wartime are True
Sabbat by default, learning the ways of the Black Hand at their sires’ instruction. True Sabbat have enough
proverbial rope to hang themselves. They’re considered full members of the sect, but they’re also the lowest
“real” members on the political totem pole. A Cainite must be at least True Sabbat before she may begin earning
Status in the sect.
1 Ductus (plural Ducti) - It is a title held by a Sabbat vampire who acts as the leader of an individual pack, which is
more a position of honor than one of responsibility. Much like gang leaders, Ducti lead through force of
personality and fear, and one that oversteps their bounds is likely to be taught a painful lesson. While they tend
to work closely with pack priests, the ductus is normally the one to call pack gatherings and assign duties to pack
members that fit the group's needs.
2 Priest - Serving the Bishops are Priests, who serve as the religious leaders of Sabbat Packs, of which there is one
Priest per pack. The Priests are responsible for leading the Sabbat rituals and ceremonies for the Pack. They may
be any ranking or non-ranking member of the Pack and are often the Pack Leader as well. The Priest is the only
member of the Pack that may directly speak to the Bishop about a subject.
3 Paladins/Templars - Originally formed as a response to the fears concerning the loyalty of the Black Hand. The
Leaders of the Sabbat may call upon the Paladins of the Sabbat as protectors. From the Rank of Bishop on up,
have at least one Paladin bodyguard. The Regent has the largest at 30 members who follow her every whim. The
Paladins are more loyal to the people they protect then to the Sabbat.
4 Bishop - Below the Arch-Bishops are the Bishops. The Bishops serve the Arch-Bishops and are given domains in a
city to control as a vassal for the Arch-Bishop.

5 Arch-Bishop - Arch-Bishops serve their territory's Cardinal, holding sway over a smaller region, similar to a
Camarilla Prince ruling a city. These vampires usually rise through the ranks, serving lengthy tenures as priests
and bishops of the sect. Multiple Arch-Bishops preside over these smaller domains, all contained within a single
Cardinal's region.
6 Prisci - Below the Cardinals in power are the Prisci. The Prisci act as a board of directors for the Regent, similar to
a Camarilla city's Primogen and advising the Regent and the Cardinals about the affairs of the sect. Although they
report to the Cardinals, they serve the Regent directly. Most are Elders or powerful Ancillae. One member from
each clan is chosen, for a total of 13.
7 Cardinals - Assisting the Regent are the Cardinals of the Sabbat. This lot has managed to gain control over large
geographical regions, similar to how the Tremere Inner Circle have large assigned territories. The Cardinals
seldom answer to the Regent or the Prisci unless their activities have a detrimental effect on the Sabbat as a
whole. The Cardinals are responsible for all that happens within their regions, and for planning and delegating all
Sabbat activities within their respective regions. There are 13 Cardinals, chosen by status within the Sect and not
by clan.
8 Regent - The highest title in the Sabbat is that of Regent, who is the absolute leader of the Sabbat and (according
to Sabbat doctrine) is merely overseeing the sons and daughters of Caine until Caine returns to lead his children
himself. The Regent is the president, so to speak, of this vampire sect. The Regent does not have absolute
authority, but her directives are usually carried out.

Black Hand Status (5 points/level)

You are a member of the Black Hand, the enforcers of the Sabbat. You may call upon other Hand members for aid in
times of genuine need, but they also have the right to call on you. Your Black Hand activities will greatly enhance your
opportunities for diablerie and destruction. You must do as your superiors order, both your superiors in the Black
Hand itself and those in the Sabbat at large. You may be ordered to leave your pack for extended periods of time.
Although the Black Hand has no formal ranks, there is an identifiable hierarchy within the organization. Each level of
Black Hand rank below costs 5 points. Black Hand membership carries with it the skill Hidden Lore: Black Hand
Knowledge at no additional charge. Black Hand members of the first rank get this skill at IQ level, and each
subsequent rank conveys a +1 to the skill. If you somehow gain Black Hand Knowledge higher than your rank normally
entitles you to, your skill doesn't go up when you increase your rank, until it reaches the normal level for your rank.
Black Hand Knowledge is considered a secret of the order, and members are expected to keep that secret from all
Outsiders on pain of Final Death.
Black Hand ranks:

1. Cadets are trainees of the Black Hand, accepted as candidates but not yet initiated into full membership in the
Hand, even lower in rank than rookies.
2. A Rookie is a member of the Black Hand who has participated in less than three missions. They are the newly
initiated members of the Black Hand, formally known as mustajib ("deserving ones").
3. Removers are the brute strength and paramilitary muscle of the Black Hand, the Cainites whom the dominion can
point at an obstacle -whether it's a fortified bunker, a couple of archons, or the private security forces guarding
the primogen's estate -and simply tell them to "remove" that obstacle.
4. Shakar (pl. Shakari) is the formal (Assamite) term for an assassin, but among the younger operatives of the Black
Hand, slang terms such as "eraser", "hit man", and even "terminator" have become equally popular, particularly
among those who do not actually function as assassins themselves.
5. Emissaries are Black Hand operatives that act as the subsect's representatives (and spies) while dealing with the
common Sabbat. They are the eyes, ears, and mouth of the Black Hand.
6. Watch Commanders are generally (but not always) the senior Hand member in a given city or region. Often they
hold the rank of Dominion, though sometimes not, depending on the territory involved.
7. A Second serves a Dominion or Seraph as his trusted right hand and second-in-command (a Seraph's second has
the rank of dominion), whose responsibility it is to see that her supervisor's orders are carried out.
8. The Dominions are the senior executive officers, the mission commanders who oversee anything from a small
operation involving only a single Kamut to a full-scale siege. The Dominions are proven leaders, usually with a
century or more of experience, and have demonstrated a good sense of strategy, the ability to improvise
successfully when plans fail, the capacity to lead and inspire those under their command, and of course
exceptional combat abilities.
9. The Seraphim are the Black Hand's generals, who answer only to the Regent of the Sabbat, and who collectively
have absolute authority over all members of the Black Hand. The office of Seraph was created in honor of the
fallen Assamite warrior, Dastur Anosh.

Clan Status (3 points/level)
Clan Status (also known in the texts as Clan Prestige) is a reflection of the reputation of the Kindred within his specific
Clan. It’s a measure of one’s deeds and renown based on the cultural and social values of the specific Clan. What is
acceptable and valued in one Clan after all might be totally unacceptable in another. However, most common-sense
values are shared across all Clans and are worth a brief word or two here. Things like keeping sensitive Clan secrets
from outsiders, loyalty among Clan-mates against outsiders, representing your Clan well to outsiders, etc. those are
pretty universal.

Clan Status Ratings

0. Unfamiliar: The clan doesn’t recognize you or you achievements. You are either too young or come from a place
where you were not given the chance to make a name for yourself.
1. Known: Your character is a known member of his clan. He still is wet behind the ears, but he’s got potential and
has so far shown that he may not be a waste of the Blood. He is accepted, but is too green to have much
influence in Clan matters. He’s attended his first couple Clan meetings where he was allowed to sit at the grown-
up table and that was pretty cool. No bonus (Default starting Clan Status for all PCs).
2. Credible: Your character is a member of his Clan that is in good standing. He has managed to prove that his Sire
was in his right mind when he Embraced your character. He is even getting some begrudging recognition for his
efforts to keep his nose clean. Your character might have also made a minor contribution to his local Clan by
bringing the Clan a juicy secret, by providing needed back-up to a clanmate, bringing down an enemy to the Clan,
etc. He’s been sitting at the grown-up table for a little while now and is starting to get the hang of how things
work so much so that he can speak and get a few people to listen up to what he’s got to say. +1 to Social Skills.
3. Respected: Your character is a member of his Clan in excellent standing. He has even become somewhat of a
point of pride to his Sire. His efforts to keep his nose clean and support the Clan have gained him a measure of
respect as he’s now entrusted with meaningful tasks. If he’s shrewd and Machiavellian enough, he can leverage
the access granted him in doing those tasks for his Clan to his personal advantage. He has his rivals within his Clan
that plot against him and he’s definitely a fixture at the grown-up table by now. In fact he’s one of the grown-ups
who the younger clanmates look to for guidance so he’s got to set an example. When he has something to say,
people do take note and give him his share of time at the podium. +2 to Social Skills.
4. Admired: Your character is a leading member of his Clan. His Sire might even be a bit envious. Other clanmates
want what he has and plot against him actively and in secret, though they give him respect and a wide berth. He’s
relied on enough by his Clan that he may be asked to represent them as an envoy to other clans or even in
Elysium. They know that he embodies the Clan ideal. He is one of the heads of the grown-up table and often
helps Clan elders lead the conversations and meetings. When he has something to say, people rearrange the
speaking times to accommodate his schedule to make sure that he is heard. +3 to Social Skills.
5. Revered: Your character is a leader of his Clan. His Sire is either extremely envious or full of pride. He also may be
a bit relieved as he now has the freedom of withdrawing into Torpor, knowing that family matters are left in such
capable hands. Other clanmates fear him and while they plot against him, they likely will not make a move unless
it means that your character will not survive to exact vengeance. He has come to the aid of his Clan on countless
occasions and is either one of the major social players in it or one of the most ardent defenders or most feared
muscle. He is at the head of the grown-up table and he leads conversations and sets agendas for meetings. When
he has something to say, meetings are called and everyone who can shows up to hear what he has to say. +4 to
Social Skills.
Note that all social skill adjustments are among Kindred of your character's clan only. They apply to all Social skills but
this adjustment is not cumulative with other status. You can use one adjustment or the other, not both.

Notoriety (-5 points/level)
Notoriety is essentially the antithesis of Status. It is a reflection of how poorly your character is viewed in the
Vampiric Society and has to be chosen specially for a sect (Camarilla, Sabbat or the Anarchs). It is quite possible to
have a good reputation for certain deeds while also having a bad reputation for others. Therefore, characters can
have a measure of Status as well as a measure of Notoriety.
Characters who have Notoriety, get a Social Skill adjustment just as those with Status do. If the character has both,
then his Notoriety adjustment will cancel out the appropriate amount of Status adjustment. Whatever is left over is
the final adjustment for the Social Roll in question.

Clan Notoriety (-3 points/level)

Just as Notoriety applies to Camarilla, Sabbat and the Anarchs, there is Clan Notoriety that only applies within one’s
clan. The description of the ranks below easily work for Clan Notoriety ranks as it does for Notoriety as a whole. Note
that any Social Roll adjustments apply to social situations dealing with your character’s clanmates.
Notoriety/Clan Notoriety
1. Idiot: Your character is known as sort of an idiot and uncouth. He’s likely broken a lesser Tradition against an
unimportant Kindred. He might have mouthed off to a more respected Kindred like a brat without any wit or
finesse – among harpies you get points for style after all. He might have had a breech in etiquette and pissed off a
petty Toreador. His Sire might have been a notorious Kindred of some sort. -1 to Social Skills where applicable.
2. Asshole: Your character is known as kind of an asshole and not in a good way. He’s broken minor Tradition on
several occasions or at least thinly skated around the interpretation of the Traditions. That normally wouldn’t be
a problem as Kindred are the first to applaud (in secret) efforts to get creative with the rules. However, your
character thinks nothing of spurning others and spews off vulgarities and insults like an impertinent teenager. His
attempts at witticisms in his arguments fall flat and never win him admirers among the harpies and they are the
ones who really matter. He may also have been informally publicly disciplined for his minor violations against the
Traditions. -2 to Social Skills where applicable.
3. Persona Non Grata: Your character has been known to be such a tool that other Kindred avoid him. They simply
don’t want to be seen with him. The effects of ostracism are just starting to sink in as he realizes that few Kindred
would bother to help him if he were faced with a life-or-death situation. He’s broken at least one major Tradition
and has become an embarrassment to his Sire who is likely the only thing standing between him and Destruction.
He has been formally and publicly disciplined for violating the Traditions and is considered a probationary sect
member of the Camarilla. -3 to Social Skills where applicable.
4. Waste of Blood: Your character’s contempt for all proper etiquette in Camarilla society is well-known. Other
Kindred do not avoid him anymore, they flat out don’t like him and are looking to bring him down one way or
another. There are those who say that if he is not going to put his Blood to good use, then someone else should
be given the opportunity – hinting at Diablerie. The weight of ostracism has been on him long enough to leave
him frayed around the edges and a bit paranoid with good reason given the whispers about him. In any case his
actions have caused danger to the Kindred as a whole and it’s time he faced consequences. -4 to Social Skills
where applicable.
5. Blood Hunted: Your character is considered an enemy of the Camarilla and a completely wasted blood sack. He is
Blood Hunted in at least one city and every Kindred who knows of it, is just eager to turn him in for the free
opportunity to commit Diablerie. In the cities where he is hunted, it is a crime to even deal with him. In cities
where he is not technically hunted, he likely soon will be. Some might even whisper that he is an agent of the
Sabbat or worse. He is so hated that it’s difficult to find a Kindred who does not wish for his Destruction. -5 to
Social Skills where applicable.

Wealth (varies)
Kindred will find it very useful to have a stash of readily available cash handy. Since most vampires will not have
steady jobs, the Wealth advantage will be helpful. For extremely wealthy vampires, who have spent centuries
amassing their fortunes, the following level of the wealth advantage may be useful. Above-average Wealth is an
advantage; it means you start with two or more times the average starting wealth. Below-average Wealth is a
disadvantage; it means you start with only a fraction of average starting wealth.
Dead Broke (-25 points) You have no job, no source of income, no money, and no property other than the clothes
you are wearing. Either you are unable to work or there are no jobs to be found.
Poor (-15 points) Some jobs are not available to you, and no job you find pays very well. Monthly income of $400 and
no savings.

Struggling (-10 points) Any job is open to you (you can be a Struggling doctor or movie actor), but you don’t earn
much. This is appropriate if you are, for instance, a 21st-century student. Monthly income of $1,000 and no savings.
Average (0 points) The default wealth level, Entry level job in a menial and uncertified field which requires little or no
education or training to perform. Unskilled laborer. Perhaps owns an older, cheap vehicle if the character lives out in
the suburbs. Small, liquid savings of no more than $5,000. Monthly income of $2,000.
Comfortable (5 points) You work for a living, but your lifestyle is better than most. Entry level job in a field that
requires education or training, Senior support position in a field that does not require any training or education,
Junior skilled laborer like a contractor’s helper. Possibly a slightly used mid-range car or a newer economy class
vehicle if the character lives out in the suburbs. Can liquidate assets of up to $80,000 (including savings). Monthly
income of $4,000.
Wealthy (10 points) Senior support position in a field that requires education or training, Mid-management in a
position that does not require training or education, Senior skilled laborer, Small business owner just starting out.
Possibly a slightly used luxury class or new mid-range class vehicle if the character lives out in the suburbs. Can
liquidate assets of up to $500,000 in value (including savings). Monthly income of $7,000.
Very Wealthy (15 points) Mid-management position in a field that requires education or training, Upper-
management in a position that does not require training or education, Successful small business owner of an
established retail business, Skilled labor business owner like a contractor or an auto shop owner. Perhaps a slightly
used exotic or new luxury class vehicle. Can liquidate $1 million in assets (including savings). Monthly income of
Filthy Rich (20 points) A millionaire. C level executive of a successful corporation, a successful business owner, etc. A
small fleet of cars, a private propeller plane, or yacht. A mansion. Can liquidate $20 million in assets (including
savings). Monthly income of $75,000.
Multimillionaire C-level or Higher executive of an international corporate powerhouse – perhaps even an owner or
Chairman of the Board. A fleet of cars and perhaps a couple aircraft including a private jet, a few yachts. Several
mansions. Can liquidate $1 billion or more. Monthly income of $500,000 or more. Really it doesn’t matter how much
at this point. It’s a lot.
For every 25 points you spend beyond the initial 20 points to be Filthy Rich, increase your starting wealth by another
factor of 10: Multimillionaire 1 costs 45 points and gives 1,000 times average starting wealth, Multimillionaire 2 costs
70 points gives 10,000 times starting wealth, and so on. 20 points + 25 points/level of Multimillionaire.

Domain (4 points/level)
Domain is physical territory (usually within the chronicle’s central city) to which your character controls access for the
purpose of feeding. Some Kindred refer to their domain as hunting grounds, and most jealously guard their domains,
even invoking the Tradition of the same name to protect their claims. As part of this Background, the character’s
claim to the domain is recognized by the Prince or some other Kindred authority in the city where it is located. She
can also have Allies or Retainers specifically look for unfamiliar vampires and alert her when they find some. Domain
refers specifically to the geography (in most cases a neighborhood or street) and properties on it, as opposed to the
people who may dwell there (which is the emphasis of Herd). Domain plays an important part in Kindred society —
vampires who lack significant Domain seldom earn respect — but it isn’t an automatic entitlement to status among
the Damned. Characters in a coterie can share their domain resources for better results. 4 to 5 levels secure all of a
small town or a distinct city region as a domain. A large city itself might be 7 or 8 levels, as with Atlanta, Dallas,
Geneva, or Baghdad. A city such as New York, London, Paris, Rome or Berlin would require the highest level of a
You can also opt to add a Level to the security of the domain instead of the size, 12 points spent can get you a Small
Level 2 domain with basic Level 1 security. Each Level so assigned to security provides a -1 penalty to Skills used to
intrude into the domain by anyone your character hasn’t specifically allowed in, and a +1 on Skills to efforts by your
character to identify and track intruders in the domain. A Domain of one Level size and two Levels security, for
instance, is small but quite resistant to intrusion, as opposed to a Domain rating of three Level size with no extra
The Domain adds a +2 to your Predator skill for hunting checks for your character and those whom the character
allows in get a +1 to their Predator skill. If you use the domain security option and include Allies, Entourage and/or
Retainers to guard your Domain, each level of these Backgrounds (can be added) decreases the Predator skill of
hunting checks by one for uninvited vampires. Each level so assigned to security provides a +1 to any Skills connected
to efforts by your character to identify and track intruders in the domain.

0. No Domain: The Vampire has no Domain and is hunting in areas which are not under any vampiric control.
1. XS: A church area, factory, warehouse, mid-rise, or other large single structure like a music club or a roadside inn
— a location with ready but easily controllable access to the outside world.
2. Small: A high-rise, city block, or an important intersection or a street— a location or area that offers areas for
concealment as well as controlled access.
3. Medium: A sewer subsection, a network of service tunnels, the enclave of homes on a hill overlooking the city, 2-
3 connected city blocks — a place with inherently protective features, such as an isolated mountain road, bridge-
only access, or vigilant private security force.
4. Large: An entire neighbourhood like Manhattan, an ethnic subdivision like “Chinatown” or “Little Italy,” or a
whole suburb. This also includes locations like an university campus, an airport or the docks.
5. XL: Small city (needs the Status to support this)
6. 2XL: Medium city more than 100 thousand mortals (needs the Status to support this)
7. 3XL: Large City, a city with over 1 million mortals (needs the Status to support this)
8. 4XL: Metropolis, a city with at least 10 million people but not a Vampiric hub. (needs the Status to support this)
9. 5XL: International Vampiric centre like New York, London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Cairo, Istanbul, Vienna, Hong Kong
or San Francisco.

Enemy (varies)
An “Enemy” is an NPC, group of NPCs, or organization that actively works against you, personally, on your
adventures. Some Enemies want to kill you . . . others have more devious goals. Determine the nature of your Enemy
when you create your character, and explain to the GM why the Enemy is after you. The GM is free to fill in additional
details as he sees fit. Three factors determine the disadvantage value of an Enemy: its power, its intent, and its
frequency of appearance.
Individuals (-5/level)
1. One person, very weak and more a nuisance (built on about 25% of the PC’s starting points)
2. One person, less powerful than the PC (built on about 50% of the PC’s starting points)
3. One person, equal in power to the PC (built on about 100% of the PC’s starting points)
4. One person, more powerful than the PC (built on at least 150% of the PC’s starting points)
5. One person, vastly stronger than the PC (built on at least 200% of the PC’s starting points)

Group (-10/level)
1. A small group of less-powerful people (3 to 5 people). Examples: A mad scientist and his experiments or the four
brothers of the man you killed in a duel
2. A medium sized group of less-powerful people (6 to 20 people). Examples: a city police department (which
numbers in the hundreds, but they’re not all after you at once), a Sabbat pack of Licks
3. A sizeable group of less-powerful people (20-100 people) or a medium sized group of moderately powerful
people: a Sabbat War Party, a Garou pack, Inquisition Cenacle or a coterie of Neonates
4. A large group of less-powerful people (100 to 1,000 people), or a medium sized group that includes some
formidable or supernatural individuals. Examples: the FBI, the Mafia, a Vampiric Clan, a Mage Tradition,
Inquisition Sect or a Garou Tribe.
5. An entire government (mortals), a whole Vampiric sect (Camarilla, Sabbat or the Anarchs), the Black Hand, a
supernatural organization like Inquisition or the Mages, Werewolves or some other utterly formidable group like
Pentex or Technocracy.

Enemies come with different intent, some only watch and try to find some dirt on you. Rivals may often sabotage you
or planting some false rumours about you. There are some that just want your head on a plate. The more unpleasant
the Enemy’s intentions, the more you multiply its worth in points.
Watcher: Your Enemy stalks you or spies on you. This is annoying, and makes it hard to keep secrets, but it is rarely
more than a minor inconvenience. Examples: an aggressive journalist dogging a politician, detectives shadowing a
suspected criminal, a celebrity stalker or a conspiracy theorist. X1/4 Power value
Rival: Your Enemy wishes to upstage or inconvenience you, or plays cruel practical jokes on but stops short of
anything that would do lasting harm. Examples: a politician’s bitter political rival, detectives harassing a suspected
criminal, a jealous Vampire from your area. x1/2 Power value
Hunter: The Enemy intends to arrest, bankrupt, injure, or otherwise harm you in some lasting way – or
simply wants to kill you. Examples: an assassin gunning for a politician, detectives out to arrest a suspected
criminal, an Inquisition team hunting you. x1 Power value
Frequency of Appearance
Each Enemy has a frequency of appearance, and will figure into a given adventure only if they appear. The GM has to
roll less than or equal to that number on 3d at the beginning of each adventure, or at the start of each session of a
continuing adventure to see if your enemy will be present. How the NPC interacts with you if the roll succeeds
depends on the nature of the relationship, their intent and plans towards you.
Constantly (no roll required): x4
Almost all the time (roll of 14 or less): x3 Power value
Regularly (roll of 12 or less): x2 Power value
Frequently (roll of 10 or less): x1 Power value
Often (roll of 8 or less): x1/2 Power value
Quite rarely (roll of 6 or less): x1/3 (round up) Power value
Example: An Inquisition councillor of the Children of Lazarus and his sect are hunting you. It’s a Level 4 Power group (-
40 points), they want to kill you - Hunter (x1 Power value) and they show up Often (x1/2 Power value). The final value
is at -20 points which is very similar to the Hunted Disadvantage.

Mentor (5 points/level)
This Trait represents a person or group of people who looks out for you, offering guidance or aid once in a while. Your
mentor might be nothing more than an ally with a remarkable information network, or might be a centuries-old
creature with tremendous influence and supernatural power. He may offer advice, speak to whoever is in charge on
your behalf, steer other elders clear of you, or warn you when you’re walking into situations you don’t understand.
Most often your mentor is your sire, but it could well be anyone with an interest in your wellbeing.
A mentor typically remains aloof, giving you useful information or advice out of camaraderie, but will abandon you
without a thought if you prove an unworthy or troublesome protégé.
1. Mentor is an ancilla of little influence but acknowledged position like Keeper of Elysium, Herald, Chancellor or a
Ductus or Pack Priest
2. Mentor is respected: an elder or highly-decorated veteran like a Sheriff, Alastor or a Paladin
3. Mentor is heavily influential, such as a member of the Primogen or a Bishop
4. Mentor has a great deal of power over the city: a Prince or an Archbishop
5. Mentor is extraordinarily powerful, perhaps even a Justicar or a Cardinal

Like all Backgrounds, the Haven Background is entirely optional. A vampire with no Haven has a suicide’s grave, a
room in an abandoned motel, a rented office, or an apartment with windows blacked out with plastic bags. They can
still remain safe and hidden by day in this relatively small and insecure haven by default. The Storyteller may allow a
player character to default a somewhat better haven from another Background such as Wealth, Domain, Status, or
Influence. Of course, if those Backgrounds go away, so does the character’s nice haven.
A character with none of those other Backgrounds, however, can still have a perfectly reasonable haven as long as
they have this Background. For instance, a character might not have enough money to afford a 20-room Victorian
mansion in today’s economy, but if their great-grandmother left them one that had been fully paid for, there’s no
reason they can’t remain in residence as it slowly dilapidates.
Kindred know their havens intimately, for each 5 points of base Haven rating, add +1 to the Skill to notice danger
(including awakening rolls) while in your haven.
You can add half the points (rounded down) from one of your Wealth/Domain/Status/Influence backgrounds (can’t
combine) to spend on your Haven background or any upgrades connected.

Haven (5 points/level)
Haven is a background that denotes a safe residence of some sort. It is used in VtM, but it can apply to any character
that has no means of acquiring a home. Players who have taken appropriate backgrounds in order to be able to afford
their own legal residence or the backgrounds to buy the tools, equipment, labor, etc. to jury rig their own illegal
residence do not need to purchase Haven. However, if for example, you are playing a homeless and destitute
character of any venue and want to have a permanent shelter, then Haven must be purchased. The rank denotes the
elaborateness and security of the shelter to which the character has access.
A secondary use for Haven is for packs, coteries, and mortal associations to create their hideouts and lairs. Shared
havens only take into account the highest Haven level of any pack member, lower levels denote the size of the
individual’s part in the larger Haven but add half of the upper limit of the room numbers to the total.
For example, Member A bought 4 levels in Haven while Member B bought 2 which would mean that Member B would
have 3-4 rooms as his personal space out of 11-17 (9-15 for level 4 and +2 to the room limits, half of the 4 rooms
upper limit, for level 2) rooms the Haven at level 4 has. In case there is a Member C who has a level 1 Haven
background then the total rooms would change into 12-18 (9-15 for level 4, +2 to the room limits for level 2 and +1 to
the room limits, half of the 2 rooms upper limit, for level 1). Member A would have 8-12 rooms in such a setup.
In case each member has the same level then the size of the Haven is increased by 50% for each additional member.
If 3 members have Haven level 2 then they would share 6-8 (3-4 rooms + (2x50%)) rooms equally. The level of the
Haven would still stay at 2, even if the number of rooms would be same or higher than a Haven has on a higher level,
denoting the quality and size of the rooms. Rooms can be shared if the owner allows it.
For the Haven upgrades the levels are considered shared resources that any Alliance member has access to even if a
member didn’t spend anything on that upgrade. However, the vampire is still seen as the master of that part of the
Haven where he spent more points in the upgrades, if Member A buys 2 levels of Watchmen and Member B buys 1
level then Member A is seen as the commander of the forces at level 3. Haven upgrades take up rooms, make sure
you have your own rooms besides that huge library and cells in the basement.

1. Basic Haven – It’s not safe or secure, but it’s out of the elements. A small apartment, a portable haven or
underground chamber: 1 to 2 rooms.
2. Decent Haven – It’s a fairly well-hidden shelter that is easily missed by others. A large apartment or small family
home; 3 to 4 rooms.
3. Large Haven – It’s a well-hidden shelter with a few booby traps and deterrents to scare people away. A
warehouse, church, or large home; 5 to 8 rooms, or a large enclosure.
4. Elaborate Haven – It’s a well-hidden shelter that is tapped into the grid illegally allowing for some basic modern
security measures and access to water. A mansion or network of tunnels; 9-15 rooms.
5. Sprawling Hide-out – This is a truly complex lair that is well hidden and tapped into the grid. Security measures
are in place and you have all the creature comforts of a normal legal residence. A sprawling estate or vast
network of subway tunnels; 16-20 rooms.
6+ Every additional level adds 10 more rooms to the Haven.

For every 5 points spent on the Haven background or for the total Haven level of the whole coterie, you (and your
coterie) get an extra 1 point to spend on Haven upgrades for free.

Haven Upgrades
Countermeasures (3 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 control room required at level 3-5
Some player characters own property which they want to secure with additional equipment that goes beyond the
normal lock and key. For each level add +1 to any Skill used to notice danger in your Haven which is cumulative with
the bonus from your base Haven rating.

1. Basic - 1 Basic feature. Retail Grade. Alarm, Small CCTV system 1 or 2 cameras, 1 or 2 reinforced doors, etc. Cheap
locks on the doors, but not much else.
2. Bolstered - 2 Basic features. Retail grade. Alarm, Small CCTV system 1 or 2 cameras, 1 or 2 reinforced doors, etc.
You’ve reinforced every door and barred the windows, or you may have a dog that barks to warn you when
someone comes too close to the haven. The place is relatively secure from commonplace threats.
3. Generous - 3 Features. Commercial Grade. Alarm, CCTV system 3 or 4 cameras, 3 or 4 reinforced doors, etc. The
haven is secure but not impenetrable, relying on a modern set of locks, physical protection such as bars over the
windows, electronic security measures such as alarm systems, and standard electronic monitoring such as
security cameras. It may be remote or accessed only by protected routes, such as a high-rise with a security guard
who watches the elevator.
4. Elaborate - 4 Features. Commercial Grade. Or 1 Feature Military Grade. Alarm, CCTV system 5 or 6 cameras, 5 or
6 reinforced doors, etc. Your haven is protected by all of the security features for the previous level and then
some. On par with restricted governmental buildings or even prisons, your haven has reinforced walls,
sectionalized access throttles, and perhaps even several panic rooms or hidden chambers. You have invested a
considerable amount of time and effort to keep people out of your base.
5. Extreme - 5 Features. Commercial Grade. Or 2 Features Military Grade. Alarm, CCTV system 5 or 6 cameras, 5 or 6
reinforced doors, etc. Your base is protected by all of the security features offered by the previous levels.
Additionally, it is protected by one or more unique features, such as being far off the beaten path, incorporating a
geographical boundary like being built on an island, and/or possible occult protections, like being visible only to
Kindred. (Players and Storytellers should come to an agreement on the nature of such one-of-a-kind protections.)

Armory (3 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room per level for storing all those guns, ammo and maintenance equipment
Your character has managed to amass a functional armory along with the ability to maintain all of the weapons within
it. Each level of the Armory Background yields access to more potent weapons (along with proper ammunition) and
the resources to properly maintain and clean them.
The scope of this Background varies a bit by region, as weapons-control laws differ. What an American can buy in a
department store, for example, might be the sole domain of the military in Eastern Europe and available only via the
black market in Brazil; players who wish to invest levels in Armory should consult with their Storytellers to determine
how it will work in the chronicle’s locality.
The Storyteller may require you to invest a few points in another Background (such as certain types of Influence or
legal or military Allies) to prevent the Armory’s confiscation by the authorities. An Armory can vanish in a fraction of
the time it took to amass it, especially if it ends up on the news or video-sharing sites with footage of a vampire blood
gang massacre down by the warehouses.

1. You have an excellent starter armory that includes many legal weapons commonly available on the street, as
relevant to your regional culture.
2. You have access to enough legal weaponry to outfit a street gang of 10.
3. You could start your own small militia. In addition, you can outfit five individuals with weaponry that exists in a
legal gray area for the region, which most civilians would have a difficult time obtaining.
4. You have an armory appropriate to a SWAT team in a major city, including some military-grade hardware. You
have enough gear to outfit a 10-man team with advanced weaponry, which is a cut above that provided by the
lesser levels of this Background. Be careful where you use it, because without other appropriate Backgrounds,
you may find yourself under official scrutiny for possessing illegal weaponry.
5. Your armory is the envy of paramilitary forces around the world. You have the tools to clean and repair almost
any personal weapon manufactured in the world. You have access to a significant quantity of weapons that are
illegal in most countries, and enough of them to field your own platoon. If this Armory were discovered by
authorities, your Anarch would be a pile of greasy ash.

Watchmen (3 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room for levels 1-2, 2 rooms for levels 3-4, 3 rooms for level 5
You have either private security or criminal thugs guarding your haven. Each level of this Advantage supplies four
Average guards and one Gifted. If guards would be conspicuous here, buy this Advantage cautiously.

Laboratory (3 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room per level
Your haven has an equipped laboratory with a dedicated industrial sink, gas jet, reinforced floor, etc. Each level of this
Advantage adds +1 to skills related to Science, Technology or to Alchemy skills.

Cell (2 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room per level
Your haven has a dedicated, locked place to store two prisoners, decreasing any skills used to escape by 2. Each extra
level either allows you to store twice as many prisoners (up to a maximum of 32, only in very large havens) or adds an
extra -2 to the escape skills.

Surgery (2 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room per level
Your haven has one room equipped as a field surgery or better. Add +1 per level to relevant skills, generally First
Aid/Physician/Physiology etc, for tests performed in your haven.

Library (2 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room per level
Your Haven has a dedicated library on supernatural and mundane. Each level of this Advantage adds +1 research roll
skills for Alchemy, Current Affairs, Expert Skill, Hidden Lore, Physician, Savoir-Faire, Thaumatology or Occultism skills.
You need to specify the subset of the skill, like Hidden Lore-Inquisition or Alchemy-Identify Magic Item. Also, for each
level you can choose one extra skill that you support with your library.

Postern (2 points/level)
Room requirement: 1 room used for the secret exit
Your Haven has a rear exit, secret tunnel, grating in the cellar leading into the sewers, or other unobtrusive way out.
For each level of this Advantage, add +1 to skills used to evade or escape surveillance near your haven.

Secrecy (3 points/level)
The Secrecy of your Haven is often influenced by the haven’s size, security, and privacy. All of those factors affect the
chance of spotting, penetrating, and surveilling the vampire’s actual resting place. Add -1 to the Skills connected to
such efforts for each level of Secrecy rating.

Location (2 points/level)
Your haven nestles in one of the most fashionable or otherwise exclusive areas of the city, in the Rack, on a small
island, or otherwise in a prime spot. You gain +1 to your Social skills when you have visitors at your Haven or they
know your domicile is in a prime area. For example, a Haven close to Elysium might grant a +1 Skill bonus per level to
Savoir-Faire in Elysium and on skills to pick up on court gossip.

Luxury (2 points/level)
High-definition flat screens, designer furniture, objets d’art, or other expensive details give you a +1 bonus per level
to Social skills dealing with mortal guests in your haven.
0. What passes for furniture probably fell off the back of a truck or is second-hand.
1. The place has been decorated and outfitted modestly. It has the basics expected of modern First World lifestyles
(where appropriate).
2. The haven offers relative comfort, with a host of amenities and is on a good level
3. There is basic luxury at your Haven, well decorated mostly with off the shelf style.
4. The haven is a luxurious oasis in the midst of the
Jyhad, unique in both design and appearance.
5. Only the extremely wealthy or celebrities
usually enjoy the opulence of a place like this.

Warding (3 points/level)
Your Haven possesses some kind of magical ward
barring supernatural forces. You may not be able to
deactivate it, but it allows you to pass. Discuss the
limits of your ward with the Storyteller. Each level of
this Advantage adds +1 to resist supernatural
scrying, as well as whatever other entry the
Storyteller allows it to prevent. The Storyteller may
require you to possess Occultism 10+ Warding level
or better, or Thaumaturgy to buy this Advantage.

Haven Disadvantages
Creepy (-5 points) Your haven looks like the den of a serial killer, which in fairness is probably exactly what it is.
Unknowing neighbors might phone in a tip to the cops or just talk about the creepy place they saw. Your Social skills
to seduce or otherwise put human guests at ease are at a -2 penalty.
Haunted (-5 points/level) Your haven has a supernatural manifestation in it that you do not control or really even
understand. It might just have a ghost, but a Haunted haven could hold a dimensional portal, a cursed meteorite, or
anything else you can’t get rid of. Obviously, someone who does understand the manifestation could use it to breach
your haven’s security. The Storyteller defines any other effect of the haunting, imposing at least a -1 penalty to
affected skills used in the haven per level of Haunted taken as a Disadvantage.
Compromised (-10 points) Your haven has been raided once before, perhaps before it was yours. It probably appears
on someone’s watchlist. Invaders or spies can add +2 to their skills to penetrate or surveil your haven. If you ever do
get on the Inquisition’s radar, you should think about moving out.
Full of Trash (-5 points) The place is a smelly, dirty place full with trash and refuse. You get a -1 to any social skills
involving your guest’s perception of you and your Haven.

Rat/Insect Infested (-5 points) There is something crawling in the walls, you can hear the sounds and the little critters
are running around your feet without fear of your retribution. You get a -1 to any social skills involving your guest’s
perception of you and your Haven.
Desolate (-10 points) Your Haven is a wrecked place, a burned-out shell or an old, abandoned house falling apart. You
probably have no windows or functional doors so your security is very low. You get a -1 to any social skills involving
your guest’s perception of your Haven and anyone trying to spy on you or invade your hideout can add a +1 to their
skills connected.
Water Leaks (-5 points) Everything is wet, the water is everywhere around you and probably up to your ankles. This is
the harsh reality of living in the worst part of the sewers. You might have problems with electricity, mold and
especially how your guests feel getting their shoes soaked. You get a -1 to any social skills involving your guest’s
perception of you and your Haven.
Urban Legend (-10/-20 points) People know your place to be a special house, either it was a location of some
gruesome murder or some supernatural myth was created around it. In most cases the locals keep away from the
house but occasionally you get curious people trying to get in and look around. For -10 points this happens on a roll of
6 or less every session but at -20 this happens on a roll of 8 or less. It can be as harmless as some kids playing Dare or
Scare or a few hunters doing a routine check.
Highway Haven (-5/-10 points) Portable havens are usually RVs, caravans, trucks or buses. The term is often used
ironically, as many "highway havens" only provide some reliable cover from the sun with little luxury and upgrades.
These are most often used by mobile neonates with meager Wealth to call upon, namely Anarchs and they get the -
10 points for it. However, some rich vampires might have mobile havens for moving around the country like a tour
bus, a private train carriage, a private jet or a truck with a pimped-out trailer and is worth -5 points. In both cases
they can take only Level 1 Haven but at -10 points you can’t spend more than 10 points on additional upgrades while
at a -5 points Highway Haven you can spend up to 15 points on the extras.

The Belmont House, Camden, London

Total Haven Value: 95 points
Coterie: Ginny Blue (Toreador Musician): Level 4 Haven, Yannis G (Anarch Sorcerer): Level 3 Haven,
Adonis (Malkavian Hacker): Level 1 Haven, Mahmud (Assamite Soldier): Level 1 Haven
Total rooms: 19, of 15 – 21 possible (9-15 with the extras +4/+1/+1)
Additional points invested into upgrades: Ginny Blue: 0, Yannis G: 10, Adonis: 9, Mahmud: 12
Free points for Heaven levels: 9 (one point each for 9 total levels)
Disadvantage: Urban Legend (-10) The supposed home of Jack the Ripper
Ginny Blue: 4 room used – Ground floor
0 points: 1 bedroom
0 points: 2 music/rehearsal rooms
0 points: 1 large dining hall that serves as a party and concert room
Yannis G: 3 rooms used - First floor
4 points: Library 2 – a good sized library with a computer
6 points: Warding 2 – a few Hacktivist wards around the house
0 points: 1 bedroom
Adonis: 4 room used - Attic
9 points: Laboratory 3 – hacker’s den with multiple computers, screens over the walls and servers
0 points: 1 bedroom
Mahmud: 6 rooms used - Basement
9 points: Armory 3 – The basement is used as an armory for the Raffiq team
3 points: Watchmen 1 –Mahmud’s Entourage, the Raffiq team, guarding the house
0 points: 1 bedroom
0 points: 1 gym and training room
Extra points: 19 (free points and the Urban Legend disadvantage cost added) 2 rooms used
4 points: Luxury 2 – Local vintage furniture, early ’50 style but will all the modern technology
4 points: Location 2 – In Camden, near the markets and vibrant nightlife
2 points: Postern 1 – A room with an underground exit linking into the nearby Metro station
9 points: Countermeasures 3 – A control room in the basement connected to cameras and alarms

Predator Types
Predator Types are representing the habitual preference of the individual Kindred towards how and when they feed.
Although it does not bind them to these ways alone, they do present certain compensations often in the form of
Skills, specialties, and Disciplines; as well as Advantages and Disadvantages. All these compensations are permanent
and are active all the time however, playing your Predator Type shows the GM that you roleplay your vampire. A
Vampire might change his Predator Type if it makes sense to the GM and has a background story to support it, a
Bagger can change into a Farmer as he gained access to an animal shelter or a Liege can turn into a Spider when he
builds a prison in his Haven to keep some live victims at hand. However, in such case he also loses the compensations
from the old Predator Type and gains the new ones.
When you go out to hunt roll on your preferred Predator Pool skill, if successful then you managed to feed and gained
as much Blood points equal to the margin of successes rolled. Only one such roll per night can be made.
There is no point cost connected to choosing a Predator Type, you gain all advantages and skill upgrades free of
charge and disadvantages don’t count towards your total point limitation at character creation.

Alley Cat
An assault-feeder, this Kindred chooses to stalk, overpower,
feed and escape from their prey. You take blood by force or
threat, stalking, overpowering, and bleedings your victims. If
you feed on criminals as a sort of dark knight of the streets, use
Streetwise to find a victim.
• Add +2 to a skill: Intimidation (Stickups) or Brawling
• Gain one level of Celerity or Potence
• Gain the Background Contacts 3 – criminal (9 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Recruitment Target (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Brawling or Intimidation

Back-Alley Doctor
This back-alley doctor runs a back-alley surgery, or possibly just
provide help out in an open street. Any patients they help are
incredibly grateful for the aid provided, and barely notice the
little extra taken from them. Back-alley doctors tend to be a
friend of many on the streets, but make none in high places.
• Add +2 to a skill: First Aid/Physician (EMS) or Urban
Survival (Back Alleys)
• Gain one level of: Auspex or Dominate
• Spend 5 points on any Haven related advantage
• Gain Herd 3 (Poor & homeless) (9 points)
• Gain the Background Wealth: Struggling (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: First Aid/Physician or Urban Survival

This Kindred prefers to drink procured cold blood to feeding
from a live victim. You acquire preserved blood rather than
hunt, or you feed from the dead or dying. Find your prize, gain
access, and purchase or otherwise convince someone with the
goods to give you access. Ventrue are not allowed to pick this
• Add +2 to a skill: Lockpicking (Deadbolts) or Streetwise (Black Market)
• Gain one level of Thaumaturgy or Obfuscate
• Gain the Advantage Iron Gullet (15 points)
• Gain the Background Enemy: (-10 points) Either someone believes you owe them, or there is another reason to
keep you off the streets.
• Predator Pool: Streetwise or Physician

Blood Leech
This Kindred drinks from other Kindred by hunting, coercion, or by taking blood as payment. You feed from other
vampires; if you make a mistake, you die – either tonight, or in a blood hunt.
• Add +2 to a skill: Brawling (Kindred) or Stealth (against Kindred)
• Gain one level of Celerity or Protean
• Increase Blood Potency by one
• Gain the Background Controlled Thirst (5 points) and the Advantage High Pain Threshold (10 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Prey Exclusion: Non-Vampires (-15 points)
• Predator Pool: Brawling or Stealth

Bounty Hunter
The bounty hunter hunts down escaped prisoners and those
fleeing bail, securing them a solid cover under which to hunt. They
may be official licensed, or they may just carry out the same
practices as a hunter and hope that no questions are asked.
• Add +2 to a skill: Brawling (Grappling) or Streetwise (Dark
• Gain one level of: Obfuscate or Potence
• Spend 15 points between Allies and Wealth
• Gain the Background Enemy (-10 points) to represent
someone who you once tracked down
• Predator Pool: Brawling or Streetwise

Business Owner
You own a business or control it from behind the scenes. Either
way, it provides staff and customers available to feed from at your
convenience. You most likely had a business in real life or worked
for one in a position giving you knowledge day to day operations.
• Add +2 to a skill: Fast-Talk (Deals) or Finance (Money
• Gain one level of Dominate or Presence
• Gain the Advantage: Entrepreneur (10 points)
• Gain the Background: Wealth 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Routine (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Fast-Talk or Finance

Career Sadist
Cruel, vindictive, relentless as you bully and put-down everyone
around you, farming out their pain for sustenance. You can smell
their anguish clotting into self-pity, and then into void. Assembling
a number of broken victims and lucky survivors of your attention,
it's a wonder that people tolerate you, but then again you
probably haven't given them a choice.
• Add +2 to a skill: Observation (Insecurities) or Intimidation
(Repeat Bullying)
• Gain one level of: Dominate or Auspex
• Gain the Background Notoriety 2 (-10 points)
• Spend 15 points on your Backgrounds the Herd (utterly
crushed victims) and any Haven upgrades (Torture dungeon)
• Predator Pool: Observation or Intimidation

You take your time to develop a number of personas online, and use these false identities on social media and forums
to develop friendships with kine. You develop these connections to the point that a person-to-person meeting can
happen, which can be taken advantage of for feeding. The benefit of doing this is that you are able to control many of
the factors involved in feeding, such as the time and location.
• Add +2 to a skill: Research (Loneliness) or Computer Operation (Social Media)
• Gain one level in Dominate or Obfuscate
• Gain the Background Mask 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Background Herd 2 (6 points)
• Gain the Background Enemy (-5 points), a spurned mortal lover
• Predator Pool: Research or Computer Operation

Curb Crawler
You drive around the streets at night, talking to pimps, dealers,
drunken reprobates, working out who will be your next best meal.
The advantages to hunting in this manner is that it allows for
seclusion, poaching and not getting caught, and in the case of messy
mistakes, you are ready to go and dump the body far away.
• Add +2 to a skill: Driving (Tailing) or Streetwise (Sex trade)
• Gain one level in Auspex or Presence
• Gain the Advantage High Functioning Addict (5 points) and the
Background Wealth 2 (10 points) for an eye-catching car
• Gain the Disadvantage Mask: Known Corpse (-5 points), and the
Background Notoriety 1: Disliked on the streets (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Driving or Streetwise

Hannibal Lecter. Jeffrey Dahmer. Armin Miewes. These are fictional
and real cannibals, and they are nothing compared to the vile
monsters that are Kindred who devour flesh. These vampires must
eat flesh in order to consume blood. And they must eat a lot to sate
their hunger.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physiology (Body knowledge) or Urban
Survival (Hunting)
• Gain one level in Protean, Fortitude or Thaumaturgy
• Spend 15 points on any Haven related Background
• Gain the Advantage Iron Gullet (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Organovore (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Physiology or Urban Survival

This kindred feeds covertly from a mortal family and friends, often
their own. You take blood covertly from your mortal family or
friends. Socialize with your victims, feed from them, and cover it up
to groom them for next time.
• Add +2 to a skill: Persuade (Gaslighting) or Fast-Talk (Cover-ups)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Animalism
• Gain the Disadvantage Secret: Cleaver (-5 points)
• Gain the Background Herd (10 points)
• Predator Pool: Persuade or Fast-Talk

People open up to you. Sometimes you open their veins in return. You are in a position where people seek you out
for advice, therapy, or just someone to share their feelings with. Some seek comfort while others just want to unload
their burdens on you. In life, you might have been a therapist, self-help guru, or simply that friend everyone could
confide in.
• Add +2 to a skill: Sway Emotions (Empathy) or Psychology (Applied)
• Gain one level of Oblivion or Presence
• Gain the Advantage: Empathy (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Sympathizer (-5 points) and Guilt Complex (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Sway Emotions or Psychology

This Kindred never feeds against their victim's will. This may or may
not include breaking the Masquerade by disclosing to them that they
are a vampire. You take blood by consent, under cover of medical work
or a shared kink. Cultivate your victims, feed from them, and validate
their choice to feed you.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physician (Phlebotomy) or Persuade (Vessels)
• Gain one level of Auspex or Fortitude
• Gain the Advantage: Bloodsuckle (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Prey Exclusion: Non-consenting (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Physician or Persuade

Corporate Leech
You have access to corporate buildings full of in active workers to feed
from. There are powerful people where you hunt, but you know how
to manipulate things from the shadows without being noticed.
Knowing how to blend in and stalk the halls and cubicles of capitalist
labyrinths, you choose your victims carefully then put them back into
the workflow. You know corporate jargon and enough details about a
given company so the others know that you belong there. Most
companies have too many employees and departments to know who is
supposed to be in the building and who is a danger to them. Those
who may suspect something rarely care enough to do anything about
it. Perhaps you were a corporate drone, a manager in the rat race,
security for a large company, or the one who cleaned the buildings.
• Add +2 to a skill: Finance (Corporate) or Savoir-Faire (Corporate)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Obfuscate
• Gain the Background: Allies 2 - Corporate (10 points) and Herd 2 (6
• Gain the Disadvantage: Paper Trail (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Finance or Savoir-Faire

Eat the Rich

Eating the rich is not just a communist slogan, it is your diet. You either
have access to high society by pretending to work for them and are
used to being ignored until it is too late for them. Maybe you were a
member of the elite and know they make for a deserving meal. You
also might have been part of the media whose job was to follow and
report on those with all the money and power.
• Add +2 to a skill: Intimidation (Extortion) or Observation (Paparazzi)
• Gain one level of Fortitude or Potence
• Gain the Advantage: Baby Face (10 points)
• Gain the Background: Allies 1 – High Society (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Bad Temper (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Intimidation or Observation

This Kindred acquires blood in exchange for services rendered or some details that the vampire picked up about the
human. These services are usually illegal and thus used as a leverage against the victim, same as the information used
against them.
• Add +2 to a skill: Intimidation (Coercion) or Observation (Security)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Potence
• Spend 15 points between Contacts and Wealth Backgrounds
• Gain the Background Enemy: (-10 points) The police, or a victim who escaped you and now wants revenge.
• Predator Pool: Intimidation or Observation

This Kindred only feeds from animals of any type, preferably live ones or freshly killed. Find your quarry, catch your
chosen animal and feed from it. Those of Blood Potency 3 or lower cannot pick this type as this blood doesn’t sustain
them anymore.
• Add +2 to a skill: Animal Handling (Specific Animal) or Survival (Hunting)
• Gain one level of Animalism or Protean
• Gain the Background: Heaven 3 - Farm (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Prey Exclusion: Non-animals (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Animal Handling or Survival

Friendly Co-Worker
You were a nightshift worker in your mortal days and your work did not require
any adaptation. You have a handful of coworkers that you take a quick bite from
in the breakroom, or sometimes take advantage of lonely customers.
Your mortal life was of a nightshift nurse, security unit or gas station clerk.
• Add +2 to a skill: Fast-Talk (Coaxing) or Savoir-Faire (Nightshifts)
• Gain one level of Auspex or Presence
• Gain the Background: Herd 3 (9 points)
• Gain the Background: Enemy (co-workers or superiors from work) (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Fast-Talk or Savoir-Faire

Graverobbers often feed from fresh corpses, though they actually prefer feeding
from living mourners in cemeteries or mentally agitated visitors and patients in
• Add +2 to a skill: Religious Ritual (Grave Rituals) or Physician (Cadavers)
• Gain one level of Fortitude or Protean
• Gain the Advantage Iron Gullet (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Lord of the Flies (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Religious Ritual or Physician

Hide and Eat

You patiently wait for your prey to come to you. When the moment is right, you
stealthily feed and disappear before most realize they were even hunted.
Whether you wait in carefully chosen neighborhoods, parks, or in cars, eventually
a fly will find its way into your web. You likely have experience being undercover,
stalking, or hiding from others more dangerous.
• Add +2 to a skill: Stealth (Stalking) or Urban Survival (Ambushes)
• Gain one level of Celerity or Obfuscate
• Gain the Advantage: Efficient Digestion (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Obvious Predator (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Stealth or Urban Survival

Home Delivery
Why go out for food when it can get delivered straight to your door and enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.
Food delivery guys, maintenance or cleaning services are your go to. You're good at small talk, tip well and always
have a smile for people in the service business.
• Add +2 to a skill: Persuade (Set at ease) or Acting (Seem harmless)
• Gain one level of: Dominate or Presence
• Gain the Background Herd 2 (6 points) and two extra levels of Haven (10 points)
• Gain either the Background Haven Compromised (-10 points) all those people coming and going it's not safe
or the Disadvantage Secret: Masquerade breacher (-10 points) masquerade breach as one or several of your
victims have left your Haven knowing full well what happened to them
• Predator pool: Persuade or Acting

Hospital Hunter
Hospitals provide a rotating selection of people in various conditions that often make for easy victims. You know
enough about medicine to determine who can be fed from without issue and who would cause complications. Your
blood may even be of use to keep certain patients alive longer. Whether you blend in with staff, visitors, or patients
there are various opportunities for interaction at all times of the night. You must be careful as biometrics are
monitored and abnormalities may lead to investigations. You might have been a doctor, nurse, or someone who
spent a lot of time in hospitals in life or had someone close who was
hospitalized for an extended period. These nights, you are a cursed angel or
a specter of death flowing through the hospital halls.
• Add +2 to a skill: Diagnosis (Medical Examination) or Persuade
• Gain one level of Fortitude or Oblivion
• Gain the Advantage: Drug Resistance (10 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Taint of Corruption (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Diagnosis or Persuade

Highly risky and not for vampires struggling with their morality, some
kindred prefer to capture their prey and keep them for feeding until they
expire or can be released in a way that will not lead back to them. This is
likely not your first time doing these acts, or maybe you were fascinated
with true crime and now have the means to be like the criminals you
learned so much about.
• Add +2 to a skill: Electronics Operation (Security) or Shadowing (Pursue)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Potence
• Gain the Background: Haven 2 (10 points) with the Cell 2 (4 points) and
Countermeasures 2 (6 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Sadism (-15 points)
• Predator Pool: Electronics Operation or Shadowing

Lab Rat
You run a medical clinic, experimental facility, or organize alternative
medicine gatherings were blood flows freely. For whatever reason, people
willingly give blood to you and trust it is part of some greater purpose or for
quick cash. Often times your subjects receive blood themselves for various
experiments you are concocting. This is also a way to inject your prey with
your addiction of choice. You could have worked in or ran a similar facility in
life or maybe frequently donated blood or cook part in medical trials.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physician (Experiments) or Persuade (Clinical Trials)
• Gain one level of Blood Sorcery (Main path) or Fortitude
• Gain the Advantage: High-Functioning Addict (5 points) and Sweet
Blood (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Blunt Fangs (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Physician or Persuade

You are a ruler, a general, boss someone too great to get your hands dirty yourself. You keep at least a degree of
separation between you and the act of securing vessels for you to slake your hunger, by relying on and directing your
subjects to hunt for you.
• Add +2 to a skill: Leadership (Command) or Streetwise (Gangs)
• Gain one level of: Presence or Dominate
• Gain the Background: Retainer 1 to represent your huntsman (4 points) and Wealth 2 (10 points)
• Gain the Background: Enemy (-10 points) or the Disadvantage Secret: Masquerade Breacher (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Leadership or Streetwise

Local Haunt
You are the real danger behind a popular folktale. The monster in the
woods. The spirit in the abandoned home. The creature in the sewers.
A local scary story ensures that the curious, bored, or brave explore a
location deemed to be haunted in some way and where you know you
can usually visit to feed. Of course, most of the time people explore
this haunt they find nothing. Some nights they find the supernatural
thing they were looking for. This may be your haven or a spot you set
up specially to hunt the morbidly curious. It may have already held
rumors of danger before and you are capitalizing on it. In life you may
have investigated the supernatural, or maybe just worked at haunted
houses and know how to create an environment people will keep
corning back to.
• Add +2 to a skill: Intimidation (Frighten) or Running (Chasing)
• Gain one level of Auspex or Protean
• Gain the Advantage: Without a Trace (10 points) and
Monstrous Maw (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Eerie Presence (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Intimidation or Running

Lurker in the Crowd

You know how to move quickly and quietly while stalking your prey.
Getting lost among the masses, these hunters pick a target from a
crowd and feed before anyone notices something is wrong. You are not
the best at making an impact, but you prefer it that way. You could
have been anything in life, but most people would not remember it.
You never stood out and that is how you liked it.
• Add +2 to a skill: Stealth (Being Invisible) or Streetwise (Hidden
• Gain one level of Auspex or Obfuscate
• Gain the Advantage: Obscure 5 – Vision/Stealthy (20 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Privacy Obsession (-15 points)
• Predator Pool: Stealth or Streetwise

Manic Pixie Predator

You feed and leave. Finding suitors is easy enough, but finding a new date each time you are hungry is not practical.
Plus, you get something out of grooming your food with a shore lived but passionate relationship. You are the manic
pixie dream person who floats into your victim's lives and then leave them longing and lose. You may have been a
heartbreaker in real life, or had commitment issues that never let you stay with one person for too long. Either way,
finding partners was never a problem.
• Add +2 to a skill: Persuasion (Insecurities) or Sex Appeal (Pickup Artist)
• Gain one level of Celerity or Presence
• Gain the Advantage: Addictive Blood (10 points)
• Gain the Background: Appearance 1 (5 points) and Herd 2 (6 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Infertile Vitae (-15 points)
• Predator Pool: Persuasion or Sex Appeal

Oath Breaker
Your ability to slither between the cracks of social engineering made you a manipulative monster, relying on
blackmailing others to get what you want. From your previous live as dirty cop, con-artist or internet scammer, you
developed a cold heart towards others, becoming unreliable about promises. A lot of people consider you a snitch
and treat you with certain disrespect.
• Add +2 to a skill: Computer Operation (Scamming) or Electronics Operation (Surveillance).
• Gain one level of Potence or Presence
• Gain the Backgrounds: Herd 3 (9 points) and Wealth 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Background: Notoriety 2 (Asshole) (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Computer Operation or Electronics Operation

Online Predator
The internet can be a dangerous place for a vampire, but you know
how to hunt for curious individuals who are less cautious. You may
be able to find identifying information to locate easy victims in their
homes. You may also cultivate relationships with locals and
convince them to meet at locations where you can feed from them.
You could have had a variety of jobs in life, but you likely spent most
of your time online. This could have been the space where you
socialized and found groups to become entrenched or where you
lurked in the dark corners and found other internet rogues.
• Add +2 to a skill: Computer Operation (Doxing) or Savoir-Faire
(Choose an internet subculture)
• Gain one level of Obfuscate or Presence
• Gain the Background: Mask 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Advantage: Zeroed (10 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Paranoia (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Computer Operation or Savoir-Faire

Get-rich-quick schemes, miracle drugs, and other goods and services
are constantly being pushed by advertisers and influencers. Savvy
kindred have learned from these schemes and set up fake
businesses or social media accounts to lure in desperate or naïve
customers to meet about an exciting opportunity. The vampires
often leave satisfied while the target typically ends up worse off.
You were likely a salesperson, con-artist, or influencer and now use
your powers of persuasion to entice people to give up more than
money for the promise of delayed rewards.
• Add +2 to a skill: Fast-Talk (Selling) or Psychology (Desire)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Presence
• Gain the Advantage: Cold Read (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Overconfidence (-5 points) and Rivalry
(-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Fast-Talk or Psychology

This Kindred is a celebrity among mortals, or a cult figure of some type. You feed from your fans, church, or other
adoring crowd. The Skill for which you’re famous may be Performance, Science, Craft, Academics, Politics, or
something else. Display yourself, choose a victim, and flatter or bully them into feeding you.
• Add +2 to a skill: any skill connected to a celebrity status (Musical Instrument, Writing, Artist skills, Politics,
Occult, Sports, Expert skills etc.)
• Gain one level of Thaumaturgy or Presence
• Gain the Background: Fame 2 (10 points) and Herd 2 (6 points)
• Gain the Background: Enemy (-5 points) and Notoriety (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: the celebrity status skill

Pack Hunter
You hunt in the purest sense, surrounded by beasts while chasing
down and ripping into your prey. There are other creatures who
have come to accept you as one of their own, or even their leader,
and hunt alongside you. Your active nights require deep rest during
the day though. You were likely a hunter in real life, or someone
who spent a great deal of time with carnivorous animals.
• Add +2 to a skill: Animal Handling (Carnivores) or Brawling
(Pack Tactics)
• Gain one level of Animalism or Protean
• Gain the Advantage: Inoffensive to Animals (5 points) and
Controllable Night Sight (10 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Member of the Pack (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Animal Handling or Brawling

Pay for Blood

Hunting is nothing particularly special to you, just another
transaction co be completed. You have the means and connections
to have blood come to you and are accustomed to the
convenience, though the more people involved in supplying you
victims the more chances for exposure or betrayal. You likely come
from a privileged past and are used to having people provide
things for you.
• Add +2 to a skill: Streetwise (Blood Biz) or Finance (Follow
the Money)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Blood Sorcery (Main Path)
• Gain the Background: Wealth 2 (10 points) Influence 1
(4 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Lightweight (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Streetwise or Finance

Rapacious Doctor
The rapacious doctor lurks in the hospitals waiting for patients to
die, or swooping in on those too incapacitated to object. This
predator even includes those who are not actually doctors, but
merely put on the airs and costumes in order to feed on family or
any other visitors.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physician (Autopsy) or Persuade (Bluff)
• Gain one level of: Fortitude or Auspex
• Gain the Background: Contacts 2 within the healthcare sector
(6 points) and Mask 1 (5 points)
• Gain Disadvantage Pacifism: Reluctant Killer (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Leadership or Streetwise

You walk close to death, and seldom feed without killing. You justify this to yourself by preying on the mortally ill or
those condemned to execution, telling yourself your victims would have died anyways. Perhaps you were a surgeon,
nurse or guard in life. You stalk the halls of your chosen institution silently, ever wary of the risks posed by cameras
and security.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physician (Triage) or Stealth (Infiltration)
• Gain one level of: Celerity or Obfuscate
• Gain the Advantage Contact 3: Institutions (9 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Prey Exclusion (Healthy) (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Physician or Stealth

This Kindred prefers to feed from sleeping victims using stealth or Disciplines. You feed from sleeping victims. Case a
hotel or house, break in, feed silently and get out.
• Add +2 to a skill: Physician (Anaesthetics) or Stealth (Break-in)
• Gain one level of Auspex or Obfuscate
• Gain the Background: Wealth 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Advantage Early Riser (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Nightmares (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Physician or Stealth

Scene Queen
The Kindred is an active member of a subculture, maintaining status
and respect that assists them in finding willing victims. You feed from
a high or low-class subculture in which you enjoy high status, these
can be hackers, bikers, Goth, BDSM, Trekkie etc. Make the scene,
groom and isolate a victim from whom to feed, and gaslight or silence
them to keep the scene cool. “I’ll let the others see us together if you
keep it together."
• Add +2 to a skill Savoir-Faire (Specific scene) or Expert Skill
(Specific scene)
• Gain one level of Dominate or Potence
• Gain the Background: Contact 2: Subculture (6 points), Mask 1 (5
points) and Fame 1 (5 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage Prey Exclusion: different subculture than
yours (-10 points)
Or the Disadvantage Victim of the Masquerade (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Savoir-Faire or Expert Skill

The scavenger primarily feeds from dead animals and human,
typically roadkill or unfortunate people who met their end in the city
or are dragging out the last few hours of their existence. This un-life
is not glamorous or even clean, but it does give the feeder easy
access to their sustenance, along with the moral surety that they are
not harming anyone in their feedings.
• Add +2 to a skill: Veterinary (Specific animal) or Survival
• Gain one level of: Animalism or Protean
• Gain the Advantage Iron Gullet (15 points) and Cannibal
(5 points)
• Gain the Background Wealth: Poor (-15 points)
• Predator Pool: Veterinary or Survival

The Kindred feeds almost exclusively during (or while feigning) sex,
relying on Disciplines, seduction skills, or the appetites of others to
conceal their nature. Pick up your victim, charm them, and take them
somewhere alone to feed.
• Add +2 to a skill: Sex Appeal (Seduction) or Carousing (Pick-up arts)
• Gain one level of Fortitude or Presence
• Gain the Background Appearance: Beautiful/Handsome (10 points)
• Gain the Background Enemy: A spurned lover or jealous partner (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Sex Appeal or Carousing

The Slayer hunts the scum of the mortal world, whether they be killers, rapists, crime lords or other horrible figures
which decent society would not miss. Perhaps their victims are open and proud, incarcerated, or even hiding amongst
good people - their crimes undiscovered.
• Add +2 to a skill: Criminology (Know a Criminal) or Shadowing (Follow Unseen)
• Gain one level of: Fortitude or Potence
• Gain the Background Contacts 3 representing access to inmates, Underworld or Police force contacts (9 points)
• Gain the Advantage: Controlled Thirst (5 points)
• Gain Disadvantage Bully (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Criminology or Shadowing

Why go far when you can keep the food near? Why risk an alley when you have a perfectly good parlor? Not that it
doesn't have its risks but it allows you a higher level of personal safety. You keep your unwilling bloodbags locked up,
in a private prison or a basement surrounded with cameras and sensors with no way of leaving for the victims
• Add +2 to a skill: Electronics Operation (Security) or Streetwise (Local Area)
• Gain one level of: Presence or Obfuscate
• Gain any combination of Haven, Countermeasures or Cells (15 points)
• Gain the Haven Disadvantage of Creepy (-5 points) and the Secret: Bodies in my Basement (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Electronics Operation or Streetwise

Street Feeder
You know the city streets well and the best places to find victims. Places others
consider dangerous you call home. Rather than overpowering your prey, you lull
them into vulnerable situations. You know the best areas to feed off the local
population or where you can lure passerby's before sending them on their way. You
might have been a person without a home in life, a busker, or off the grid.
• Add +2 to a skill: Streetwise (High Crime Areas) or Brawling (Ambush)
• Gain one level of Obfuscate or Potence
• Gain the Advantage: Danger Sense (15 points)
• Gain the Background: Wealth - Struggling (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Streetwise or Brawling

Watcher from the Water

You hunt in a body of water for your prey. Accidents happen and it is easy for a
vampire to wait underwater as long as they need for their opportunity. The depths
are comforting to you. You feed on divers, fishermen, sailors, or anyone who finds
themselves in or near your watery feeding grounds. In life you were likely at home in
the water and revel in the fact that you can now stay submerged indefinitely.
• Add +2 to a skill: Swimming (Underwater) or Survival (Water)
• Gain one level of Oblivion or Protean
• Gain the Advantage: Call of the Sea (10 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: No Haven (-5 points)
• Predator Pool: Swimming or Survival

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

You are the prey and the predator. A wolf in sheep's clothing. You know how to find
potential predators and flip the dynamic. By either pretending to be an easy target in key locations, or finding people
in secret circles who seek out desperate people to take advantage of, you willingly walk into danger just to feed upon
those who thought they had the power. Perhaps you have ran into some unsavory characters in your life, or were
even one yourself, and now know how they operate and how to hunt the hunters.
• Add +2 to a skill: Acting (Feigning Weakness) or any melee weapon (Hidden Weapon)
• Gain one level of Auspex or Fortitude
• Gain the Advantage: Daredevil (15 points)
• Gain the Disadvantage: Gluttony (-10 points)
• Predator Pool: Acting or any melee weapon

Humanity is a measure of how closely a vampire clings to the morality and values of mortal life, and consequently
how well they are able to resist the urges of the Beast. Since every Kindred was a human before their Embrace, their
most natural response in resisting the Beast's feral, predatory nature is to cling to their humanity. This is generally
represented by the strength of their Conscience and Self-Control, virtues common to Kindred and mortals alike.

A Kindred's humanity has a direct effect on the strength of the vampiric curse; those who lose ground to the Beast
and lose their humanity find it more difficult to interact with mortals, to be active during daylight hours, and to
awaken from long periods of torpor.

Humanity is universally adopted by the vampires of the Camarilla, but even among the Sabbat it is the "natural" and
most common way of dealing with the Beast. Some vampires however reject the mores of mortal existence and
adopt an alien Path of Enlightenment, in which they learn or construct a wholly different standard of morality. These
often incorporate different virtues – conviction instead of conscience, and instinct instead of self-control – and
establish a very different relationship with the Beast. Replacing the morality of one's human life is a daunting task,
not to be taken lightly, and generally impossible without the support of one who already follows the alternate path.

The practice of assuming a Path of Enlightenment was much more common in the Dark Medieval, when every
vampire had to choose a "Road", a quasi-religious path to harmony with or control over the Beast. Humanity was one
of these Roads, known then as the Via Humanitatis ("Road of Humanity"). Though less common than today, the Road
of Humanity was still the most natural Road to follow.

A Kindred's Humanity score reflects how much of a character's mortal nature remains despite the curse of Caine. It
influences how well a character may deny her vampiric state, as well as how closely she may pass for mortal. It has a
direct effect on the strength of the vampiric curse; those who lose ground to the Beast and lose their humanity find it
more difficult to interact with mortals, to be active during daylight hours, and to awaken from torpor.
Humanity is universally adopted by the vampires of the Camarilla, but even among the Sabbat it is the "natural" and
most common way of dealing with the Beast.

Some vampires however reject the mores of mortal existence and adopt an alien Path of Enlightenment, in which
they learn or construct a wholly different standard of morality. These often incorporate different virtues – conviction
instead of conscience, and instinct instead of self-control – and establish a very different relationship with the Beast.
Replacing the morality of one's human life is a daunting task, not to be taken lightly, and generally impossible without
the support of one who already follows the alternate path.

Humanity ranges from 0 (a complete monster, barely capable of any act of goodness) to 20 (a nearly deific creature
who is more Humane than most humans). If a character's Humanity score ever drops under 3, that persona is no
longer suitable for use as a player's character. Completely controlled by his Beast, the character is a mindless force of
unnature, and falls under the GM's control.

Effects of Humanity
Appearance: Humanity determines how, well, human a character appears and how easily she may pass for human
among the populace. Vampires with low Humanity acquire unnatural and disturbing features like sunken eyes,
perpetual snarls and bestial countenances. Vampires with a Humanity of less than 8 will be easily spotted among
humans, though their true natures will not necessarily be recognized. Treat this as a -1 Reaction penalty for every
point of Humanity below 8.
Waking: Vampires sleep unnaturally deeply and are loath to rise even if presented with danger. Vampires with higher
Humanity rise earlier in the evening than vampires with lower Humanity scores. During the day, a vampire must make
a Humanity (with a -5 penalty) roll to awaken without aid, or Humanity (with a -2 penalty) if someone is trying to
wake them up. Also, if a Kindred is forced to act during the day, the maximum Skill level (Discipline skills included) or
PER roll, he may employ for any action equals his Humanity score. This penalty is in effect at any time during the day.
Once the sun goes down, the restriction no longer applies.

Self-Control: Humanity also affects a character's Strong Will. Whenever a certain Strong Will is called into question, a
player must roll below the Humanity score, regardless of his level of Strong Will. Obviously, as the character sinks
ever more deeply into the arms of damnation, questions of morality and self-preservation mean less and less.
Torpor: The length of time a Kindred spends in Torpor relates directly to his Humanity score. A vampire with low
Humanity remains in torpor for a longer time than a vampire with a higher Humanity score.

Humanity Ratings
A vampire's Humanity rating reflects how much of a character’s mortal nature remains despite the curse of Caine. It
influences how well a character may deny her vampiric state, as well as how effectively she may pass for a mortal.

Humanity Moral
Rating Standards
19-20 Saintly
17-18 Compassionate
15-16 Caring
13-14 Normal
11-12 Distant
9-10 Removed
7-8 Unfeeling
5-6 Cold
3-4 Bestial
1-2 Horrific
0 Wight

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path. Although you are changed, transformed in body by the Embrace, you are
still human. Your mind and soul are your own, and you will not surrender them to the beast. You can still reason, and
- more importantly - you can still feel and follow the dictates of your conscience and know remorse when you falter.
As long as those things are true, you will never be the monster that others say you are.

• A man is measured by his words, his deeds and his heart, not an accident of birth or circumstance.
• The ability to reason separates man from beast.
• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
• All men are brothers.
• Freedom is earned with dignity and justice.
• Dwell among the people and share both their levity and their sorrow, for the desire for community is the most
essentially human need.
• Never abuse the trust of those among whom you dwell, for the Beast longs to turn you against those closest
• It is the experiences that make us what we are, do not hide from them
• Respect the other, and his freedom.
• Respect the Humanity, but be wary of the corruption.
• The Beast is corruption. Avoid Frenzies at all costs.
• Do not sully your haven. Keep the neighborhood in which you reside clean and, if necessary, defended against
rival predators and decay.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

19-20 Selfish Thoughts Thought is as good as deed.
17-18 Minor Selfish Acts Compassion separates us from the beasts
15-16 Injury to another person (deliberate or not) Follow the Golden Rule
13-14 Theft and robbery Respect the property of others
Accidental violation of another (e.g., drinking a
vessel dry from starvation) Ignorance does not excuse cruelty
9-10 Wanton destruction Man creates; the Beast destroys
7-8 Impassioned violation of another (killing in frenzy) Those who act as beasts become beasts
If you surrender to the Beast, you
Planned violation of another (e.g., murder) become its slave.
Casual violation of another (e.g., wanton killing,
feeding past satiation). Others are worthy of your respect.
1-2 The most heinous and demented acts Are you man or beast?

Humanity and Torpor

Vampires who enter torpor due to wounds must rest for a period depending on their
Humanity or Path rating.
Following this period of rest, the player may spend a blood point and make an attempt
to Awakening. If the vampire has no blood in his body, he may not rise until he is fed;
the vampire may try to awaken for as long as he has vitae on his system. If the vampire
rises successfully, he is considered Crippled and should either spend blood or hunt
immediately to regain his full strength.

Gaining and Losing Humanity

Throughout the course of a game, a vampire will lose and gain Humanity. There are
several instances where this can happen. Willfully or otherwise a vampire occasionally
commits an atrocity and risks losing his Humanity to the Beast, especially in Frenzy. If
the character feels remorse for a wrongful act, he knows his Humanity is still intact. If
not, his Humanity is waning. The struggle between the Beast and Humanity is eternal.
A Vampire may lose Humanity by performing sins that are listed on his hierarchy level
and below it. For a Vampire with high Humanity even an accidental injury of an other
being might bring up guilt.
Kindred can regain Humanity by performing acts that show that they have kept a
connection with mortal values. A vampire who rescues someone from a mugger or who
braves a burning building to rescue a baby would increase his Humanity. At the
session’s end the GM should take into account the actions of the Vampire and dispense
with a session rating ranging from -3 to +3. If the Vampire kept the Beast in check there
should be no changes and no rolls, for minor sins or virtues the rating should be 1. For
any major acts that influenced the beast either positively or negatively the rating should be 2. In case of an
extraordinary deed, evil or good, the GM might decide on a 3-point rating.
For any change to take effect, the Vampire needs to roll on their Humanity at the end of each session. With a
negative session rating the roll needs to succeed by at least as much as the rating or decrease the Kindred’s Humanity
by 1. With a positive session rating, the roll needs to succeed by 5 minus the rating (with a 1 rating it needs 4+
successes) or more to gain 1 Humanity. If the session rating was zero then no roll is needed and no change happens.

Humanity 20-17
Kindred with Humanity scores this high are, ironically, more human than human. Many fledgling vampires sometimes
adhere to codes more rigorous than they ever held in life, as a reaction against becoming a predator. Older Kindred
scoff at this practice, taking great mirth at the thought of newly whelped neonates cowering beneath fire escapes and
subsisting on the foul blood of rats, vainly rebelling against their murderous natures.
In truth, vampires who maintain high scores in Humanity are rare, as every Kindred must kill sooner or later.
Vampires with high Humanity are almost unbearable by their peers, who find them frustrating in their perceived
naivete and self-righteousness; most Kindred prefer to suffer the slings and arrows of unlife without belaboring
themselves. High Humanity scores indicate aversion to killing and even distaste for taking more vitae than is
necessary. Though not necessarily passive or preachy, Kindred with high Humanity uphold excruciatingly exacting
standards, and often have very clearly defined concepts of moral right and wrong.

Humanity 16-13
Most human beings have Humanity scores of 14 or so, so vampires at this level of Humanity can usually manage to
pass for mortals. Vampires with around Humanity 14 typically subscribe to "normal" social mores - it's not acceptable
to hurt or kill another person, it's wrong to steal something that another person owns, but sometimes the speed limit
is just too damn slow. The vampire is still concerned with the natural rights of others at this stage of morality, though
more than a little selfishness shines through. Just like everyone else in the world...

Humanity 12-10
Hey, people die. Stuff breaks. A vampire below the cultural human norm has little difficulty with the fact that she
needs blood to survive, and she does what needs to be done to get it. Though she won't necessarily go out of her way
to destroy property or end a victim's life, she accepts that sometimes that's what fate has in store for some folks. Not
automatically horrid, Kindred at this stage of Humanity are certainly at least mildly unpleasant to be around. Their
laissez-faire attitudes towards others' rights offend many more moral individuals, and some minor physical eeriness
or malformation may show up at this stage.

Humanity 9-7
Hey, some people gotta die. The vampire begins an inevitable slide into urge indulgence. A Humanity of 4 indicates
that killing is acceptable to this Kindred, so long as his victim is deserving (which is, of course, quite subjective). Many
vampire elders hover around this level of Humanity, if they haven't adopted some other moral code. Destruction,
theft, injury - these are all tools, rather than taboos, for a vampire with Humanity around 8. Also, the vampire's own
self and agenda become paramount at this point, and devil take whoever gets in the way. Physical changes become
quite evident at this stage; while not hideous in the sense of the Nosferatu or certain Gangrel, the vampire acquires a
pallid, corpselike and noticeably unwholesome aspect.

Humanity 6-4
The lives and property of others are irrelevant to a Kindred this far gone. The vampire likely indulges twisted
pleasures and aberrant whims, which may include any manner of atrocity. Perversion, callous murder, mutilation of
victims and wickedness for its own sake are the hallmarks of a Kindred with very low Humanity. Few vampires
maintain scores this low and lower for very long - their damnation is all but certain at this point. Vampires at this
stage may be physically mistaken for human, but don't bet on it.

Humanity 3-2
Only nominally sentient, Kindred with Humanity 2 or 3 teeter on the edge of oblivion. Little matters at all to vampires
this far gone, even their own desires outside of sustenance and rest. There is literally nothing a vampire won't do, and
only a few tattered shreds of ego stand between him and complete devolution. Many who attain this stage find
themselves no longer capable of coherent speech, and spend their nights gibbering blasphemy among their gore-
spattered havens.

Humanity 1-0
Must sleep. Must feed. Must kill. Players may not run characters with Humanity 0 or 1. Vampires at this stage are
completely lost to the Beast.

Paths of Enlightenment
A Path of Enlightenment is an alternate code of morality which a vampire subscribes to in an effort to stave off the

To those who subscribe to Paths, the vampiric Beast is a powerful manifestation of savagery, temptation, and chaos.
It is a needy, visceral thing, which needs to either be appeased into docility or dominated into submission. Humanity
allows neither of these things to a vampire. Maintaining Humanity is antagonistic to the needs and drives of the
Beast, and maintaining it is to be at odds with the Beast without the proper tools. Human morality is impractical to
vampires, whose very unlife depends on breaking many of humanity's taboos. While humans find drinking blood
horrifying, vampires depend on it to survive. Humans condemn murder, rape, and other unsavory activities. Vampires
murder all too frequently, and every exsanguination is rape of a level beyond human capacity and comprehension. All
these factors slowly add up to one conclusion: vampires are not human, so the Path of Humanity is useless (and
downright dangerous) to them.

From this tenet, centuries of study and experimentation by scholarly and spiritual vampires have led to the
development of alternative codes of morality, the Paths. A Path seeks to reconcile a vampire's beliefs and morals with
their undead condition, to give their unlives a way of thinking that is compatible with the needs of the vampiric body
and the demands of the Beast. Paths are active modes of morality, compared to Humanity's passivity. While a
vampire with Humanity has his moral compass slowly eroded away and loses ground to the Beast, a Path follower
fights it or accepts it as part of his/her being.

Paths are as diverse as mortal religions are. They range from the completely practical, like the Path of Honorable
Accord, to the esoteric and religious, like the Path of the Bones. Some like the aforementioned Path of Honorable
Accord seek the total subjugation of the Beast, while others like the appropriately named Path of the Beast seek
harmony and integration of the Beast and the rational self.

Paths are not necessarily antagonistic of humans, and some even place harming humans as anathema to their codes
of conduct, but they are antagonistic of Humanity. Even Paths like the Path of Blood and the Sharia El-Sama (a
vampiric reinterpretation of the Muslim faith), which place humans as beings worthy of protection from vampiric
depredation, consider Humanity inferior and dishonest, in the sense that trying to be human is improper of beings
who are not human anymore.

In Vampire: The Masquerade, characters adopt Paths of Enlightenment in order to stave off the Beast without
maintaining their Humanity. Paths are largely the province of the Sabbat, as Camarilla vampires adopt Humanity at
least partly to enforce the Masquerade, but the ancient of this sect aren't that often followers of Humanity. In the
Dark Ages setting, the Paths and the Humanity trait were replaced with the very similar concept of Roads, without
having a parting of any kind between sects: even with the Masquerade kept, the Roads can exist.

The transition to a Path is not easy. A prospective Path follower literally has to rewire the way he/she thinks into a
completely new and alien framework. A Path like the Path of the Bones not only denies that murder is a sin, it actually
holds death as a concept worthy of worship and praise (except under extreme circumstances, paths seldom allow for
mindless rampages), an attitude that would horrify any rational human being.

Part of the process of switching into a Path is adopting a different set of Virtues. Almost all paths replace one or both
of the primary Virtues (Conscience and Self-Control) with an alternate.

Conviction is the virtue that replaces Conscience, and it basically represents a vampire's subscription to his new
ethical code. Just as Conscience indicates a vampire's capacity for remorse and for his actions, Conviction indicates his
lack of remorse, his ability to justify his actions in the context of his chosen Path. Paths which espouse Conviction
follow codes of ethics which are dreadful by human standards, but are effective and sensitive in a vampiric context.

Conviction is actually a virtue that does exist amongst humans (religious fanatics, political extremists and military
officers all show signs of this trait), yet Conviction in a vampire indicates a level of disconnection and moral aberration
much more extreme than any human could possibly obtain, short of said human actually bargaining with infernal
powers or similar. The Path of Death and the Soul, with its academic approach to the studies of the vampiric form and
intense use of test subjects for investigation, is a good example of a Path that necessitates Conviction.

Instinct is the virtue that replaces Self-Control, and it basically represents a vampire's relationship with the Beast.
Whereas a vampire with Self-Control tries to deny and control his Beast, a vampire with Instinct embraces the Beast
as an essential part of his/her being. Vampires who follow Instinct allow their Beast to frolic, obtaining satisfaction,
power and even wisdom from letting their primal sides come to the fore. While Conviction is a trait that can
theoretically be found in extreme cases of humanity, Instinct is a purely vampiric trait: humans have no Beast, hence
they have no capacity for this trait. The appropriately named Path of the Beast is an example of a Path which
necessitates the Instinct trait.

Starting out with a path

A player can opt to begin a character on a Path of Enlightenment at creation time. Doing so, the player reconfigures
his virtues accordingly (in revised edition, this means that Conscience may become Conviction and Self-Control may
become Instinct). Paths also require a minimal willpower attribute. Path choices may be limited by clan and sect
relationships - in particular, Camarilla vampires strongly discourage Paths in the sect in favor of Humanity.

Switching from Humanity to a Path is also quite impossible for a vampire who has average to high levels of Humanity:
his/her connection to their living morality is still
too strong. A vampire is ready to adopt a Path
when he's fallen enough to admit that Humanity
is failing, that he needs some other code to
believe in. (In game terms, a vampire may not
attempt to switch to a Path unless he's at
Humanity 6 or lower. Furthermore, if he
reduces his Path rating through sins, those
mustn't be sins of the new Path.

Clan-specific Paths
Path of the Beast (Gangrel)
Path of Night (Lasombra)
Path of Metamorphosis (Tzimisce)
Path of Bones (Giovanni)
Path of Typhon (Followers of Set)
Path of Paradox (Ravnos)
Path of Blood (Assamites)
Path of the Hive (Baali)

Sabbat-Specific Paths
Path of Harmony
Path of Evil Revelations
Path of Death and the Soul
Path of Honorable Accord
Path of Power and the Inner Voice
Path of Lilith
Path of Caine
Path of Cathari
Path of Redemption

Adopting a path
Adopting a path during play is a more complex roleplaying experience. A character must find a guide to teach them
the path, and must reduce their humanity attribute to a sufficiently low value (6 or less) that adopting a new outlook
is even morally possible. It is completely possible for a character to fail at adopting a path and instead reach wassail.

Living a path
Each path adopts a separate Hierarchy of Sins which impacts the character's path rating. Unlike the hierarchy of sins
for Humanity, path hierarchies usually involve condemning humane behavior. This is not to say that a follower on a
path is necessarily a psychotic killer, but their reasons for preventing a murder may be radically different than those
from a human perspective. A follower of the Path of Night, for example, will discourage murdering innocents in order
to let them grow into the full flower of depravity before killing them.

Whether the appearance of a path is nonviolent or not, the follower of a path is inhuman. Following a path grants a
vampire control over their Beast, giving them the ability to "ride the wave" in a frenzy and to wake up during the day,
but it does not make them human. Path followers appear inhuman to normal human beings.

How much a path follower deviates from humanity is quite varied. Some paths draw upon human concepts, but drive
them to an extreme (such as the Path of Honorable Accord). Others are more religious structures that accommodate
the vampire's natural impulses towards violence and brutality while still providing a moral structure and internal logic
(such as the Path of Night).

Still others adopt a bizarre and alien morality, which makes the follower a truly frightening monster: a vampire not
bound by good or evil, who can perform the vilest deeds without risk of degeneration (such as the Path of
Metamorphosis). Most paths are not directly inclined towards wanton aggression; rather, their sensibilities of good
and evil are different (or perhaps good and evil, as concepts, simply do not exist for the follower). This results in a
great deal of variety in path followers. For example, by the standards of human ethics, a Metamorphosist is far eviler
and more inhumane than a Path of Harmony follower.

Gaining and Losing Path rating

Throughout the course of a game, a vampire will lose and gain Path rating. There are several instances where this can
happen. Willfully or otherwise a vampire occasionally goes agains the tenets of the Path and risks losing his
connection with the Path.
A Vampire may lose Path rating by performing sins that are listed on his hierarchy level and below it. For a Vampire
with high Path rating even a small sin might bring a decrease.
Kindred can regain Path rating by performing acts that show that they have kept a connection with the ethics of their
Path. Each Path has different ethics and sins, this should be taken into account when gaining and losing Path rating.
At the session’s end the GM should take into account the actions of the Vampire and dispense with a session rating
ranging from -3 to +3. If the Vampire kept to the tenets of his current Path rating level (didn’t Sin but also didn’t
pursue any Ethics) there should be no changes, for minor sins or adherence to ethics the rating should be 1. For any
major acts that influenced the Path rating either positively or negatively the rating should be 2. In case of an
extraordinary deed, the GM might decide on a 3-point rating.
For any change to take effect, the Vampire needs to roll on their Path at the end of each session. If the session rating
was zero then no roll is needed and no change happens. With a negative session rating the roll needs to succeed by at
least as much as the rating or decrease the Kindred’s Path by 1. With a positive rating, the roll needs to succeed by 5
minus the rating (with a 1 rating it needs 4+ successes) or more to gain 1 Path level.

Path of the Beast
Bestials, Beasts


Conviction, Instinct

The Path of the Beast is a Path of Enlightenment practiced especially by members of Clan Gangrel. It controls the
Beast by accepting its urges as natural and accepting their role as a hunter among hunters.

Originating from the Via Bestiae of the Dark Ages, the Path of the Beast emphasizes the predatory nature of the
vampire. Unorganized and shunning the trappings of civilization, followers of the Path often eschew technology in
favor of their talents inherent to their undead form.

A follower of this Path feels that the Beast is a natural part of being a vampire and that its needs must be satiated.
Still, the vampire is intelligent, and a cunning hunter is a more effective one. Therefore, it is important to strike a
balance between Beast and Man—the feral cunning and vicious instincts of the vampire are excellent survival tools,
tempered by the reasoning and insight of the mind. By satiating the Beast's urges from time to time, the vampire
ironically gains a greater degree of personal control.

This path is practiced openly in the Sabbat, as well as among independent Gangrels. In the Camarilla, it is also
practiced, but not openly, as it is shunned. Many practitioners within the Camarilla are Gangrel who predate the
existence of the sects. Among independent Gangrel, this path is on the rise in the Final Nights. Though the majority of
its practitioners are Gangrel it is also practiced among Brujah, Nosferatu, Ravnos and a few others.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• The needs of the Beast are paramount. Exist in accord with the needs of the Beast.
• Survival is your first concern. Anything that gets in the way of survival is extraneous.
• Loyalty is absolute, be it to one's pack or one's self. Oaths are mere words. Deeds are what counts.
• Master one's fear. Confront them to become stronger.
• Don't shit where one eats. Keep political messes away from hunting grounds.
• Maintain one's haven and hunting grounds well, and defend them from other predators.
• Each aspect of existence fulfill a role - even civilization has its place. Learn what that role is and abide by it.
• Mercy is for the weak. Only the strong survive.
• The past is dead, the future is unborn. The moment is yours.
• Respect only the strong, and swear fealty to no one.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Hunting with means other than your own
19-20 The perfect hunter needs no tools.
vampiric powers.
Engaging in political intrigue. Political struggles don't yield sustenance.
Not challenging a weak leader. Only the strongest should lead
Risking your unlife except to slay an enemy. There's no sense in courting Final Death.
Killing for any reason other than survival Murder is a creation of society
Death is natural; feeding is natural.
Acting in a overly cruel manner.
Torture and cruelty aren't.
In nature lies strength. Civilization is soft
Avoiding contact with nature
and weak.
Failing to sate your hunger. The vampire's purpose is to feed.
Making a sacrifice for someone unrelated to you. You owe others nothing.
Failing to support your allies. Support your family, and it'll support you.
Refusing to kill when important to your survival Nothing is more important than survival
A dead vessel may not be fed from in the
Killing without need.
Those who do not defend their territory
Failing to defend your territory
have it taken from them.
Failing to follow one's instincts. Instinct is the basis of predatory nature.
Showing mercy to an enemy Mercy is for the weak
Killing a creature for other reasons than for
3-4 A kill's purpose is sustenance.

1-2 Abstaining from feeding when hungry. The Beast must be satisfied.

Path of Night


Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Night, sometimes called the Path of the Allied Night, is a Path of Enlightenment that preaches acceptance
of Caine's curse and of the Beast. Cainites must harness their powers to serve the ordained purpose of vampirism –
wreaking havoc upon the mortals and inspire dread – and thereby find salvation. Those vampires who follow the Path
of Night accept their damnation; indeed, they believe that, as vampires, it is their preordained role to act as agents of
damnation. Unlife is nothing without pain, and misery enjoys company. This Path is practiced largely by Kindred of
Clan Lasombra, who gladly mortify their own souls in the interests of bringing atrocity to the world.

The Path of Night borrows heavily from Catholic dogma, though it concerns itself more with abandonment and
damnation than redemption. The vampire's purpose in unlife, according to this Path, is to scourge the Earth, to act as
an agent of evil and, thus, ultimately to do the bidding of the greater powers that dictate good and evil alike. No one
lives without original sin, and those who follow this Path are beholden to expose and exacerbate that sin. Life and
unlife are varying states of damnation; those who fail to realize their full potential are lost sheep, suitable only for
slaughter. This is one of the most terrible Paths in existence, as it concerns itself with the outright and intentional
discomfort of others. Its followers are more than mere bullies and sadists, however, in that they are sincere in their
beliefs. One who receives the curse of Caine is bound by fate and duty to wreak vengeance upon the Children of Seth.
In so doing, vampires on this Path hope that, by fulfilling the roles meant for them, they can transcend those roles
and find ultimate peace. This final goal aside, though, the Path of Night is a Path of hostility and antagonism, and the
company of those who follow it is extremely hard to abide.

The Path has existed since antiquity in one form or the other; so he has many variations within its fold. Among them
are the Hot Path of the Night, which is detailed below, the Cold Path of Night, which uses Self-Control rather than
instinct and is more introspective, the Lightless Path of the Night, which focuses more on the darkness under the
command of the vampire and has some resemblance to the ancient Road of the Abyss, the Path of the Allied Night,
which has a stronger focus on the Clan as a whole, and the Righteous Path of Night, which has a more devout and
Catholic undertone.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Leave no being untouched by your taint

• Tempt and horrify those around you; the weak will fall, while the strong will be tempered by your testing of them
• Inspire others to accept their inner darkness
• Experience every sensation imaginable and then some
• Death is a means, not an end
• Kindred, as souls damned by God, fulfill their purpose by preying upon mortals
• All Cainites are damned.
• Our damnation is the price we pay for other's salvation.
• Only pain and suffering bring about true repentance.
• Without repentance there can be no redemption.
• Do not suffer the corruption of mortals -- stamp the corruption out at its source.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

19-20 Killing a mortal for food. Dead mortals feel no dread.
Gehenna is nigh – there is no time to
Acting in the interests of another. fulfill petty agendas.
God has made Kindred horrors, not
Failing to be innovative in one's depredations. murderers.
Those who cannot provide for
Asking aid of another. themselves fulfill their ends poorly.
Make death a tool. Kill selectively and
Accidental killing. learn from the victims' passing.
The games of the Jyhad are diversions
Bowing to another Kindred's will. from the Damned's true purpose.
Death serves no one; it merely deprives
Intentional or impassioned killing. one of a victim.
Compassion has no place in a vampire's
Aiding another. undead heart.
3-4 Accepting the superiority of another. All Kindred are equal under God's plan.
The Kindred's purpose is to cause
Repenting one's Behavior. repentance, not to practice it.

Path of Metamorphosis


Conviction, Instinct

The Path of Metamorphosis is a Path of Enlightenment that controls the Beast by studying its limits and the limits of
vampirism in general. The Path is the result of the earlier Road of Metamorphosis and it is practiced mostly by the
Tzimisce clan.

The Path of Metamorphosis is one of the most inhumane paths. For its followers, the world is made up of
evolutionary chains. Animals are below humans, who are below the Kindred. The metaphysical, arcane members of
Clan Tzimisce follow this Path since their settling within the lands around the Carpathian mountains, which focuses on
defining and attaining the state of being beyond the curse of vampirism. Citing their transformative use of Vicissitude,
the Tzimisce believe they have the potential to transcend the constraints of the flesh.

They believe that the next step is a state akin to apotheosis, which they call Azhi Dahaka, after the dragon of Persian
mythology, and they will do anything – anything – to achieve it. It is a distant, lonely philosophy, removed from any
needs other than the matter of sustenance. Followers should be heedless of others around them, existing only to
satisfy their personal concerns, until they achieve Azhi Dahaka, which will completely separate them from rest of the
world in a similar manner to an inverted Nirvāṇa. Metamorphosists often face a different problem from those who
walk other Paths: Rather than struggling to uphold the tenets of their Path, Metamorphosists struggle to discover just
what those tenets actually are, each for themselves. Most followers of the path keep a journal of sorts, classically
called the Phrygian Codex, which details their journey to Metamorphosis. Codizes of Elder Metamorphosist are highly
prized by their younger contemporaries.

For most Metamorphosists, physical change precedes spiritual change. Some believe, despite the obvious evidence of
their undead existence, that no creature possesses a soul and that the Curse of Caine represents flesh run rampant,
flesh liberated from the obliterating cycle of life and death. Others hold that the soul is just the body summarized. As
a result, most prize the use of Vicissitude and/or Protean for the shapeshifting powers these disciplines lend.

Metamorphosists see potential in the undead form. They strengthen their bones to weather crushing blows or
sharpen them into pikes for impaling enemies. They relocate their vital organs to make their digestion of blood more
efficient. Others ignore the physical element and instead seek to exploit the peculiar nature of undeath. Some such
Metamorphosists feed only on their fellow Cainites, believing that an aversion to mortal blood is a sign of
metaphysical superiority. There are many approaches to Azhi Dahaka, but ultimately, no one can say which road is
the most efficient.

Metamorphosists are cold, utterly inhuman, and exactingly scientific. Their concerns are metaphysical rather than
ethical, and it is precisely this frame of mind that leads many to believe that the Metamorphosists have literally
begun their transformation into something else. Some take this a step further by altering their flesh in various means
until they no longer have a recognizable gender or look even remotely human. For this sake, many adopt the Sabbat,
but pay merely lip services to the sect in order to continue their studies.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Learn the characteristics of all stages of life and death. Vampires, as embodiments of both stages' qualities, must
evolve along the tree of death as well as life. Death is perhaps only the protozoa-stage of unimaginable states of
being, which a truly enlightened Cainite must learn and assimilate.
• One should not overly concern oneself with mortals. They are a step below the Children of Caine, not a step
above. In retainng bipedal posture, binocular vision, opposable thumbs and cause/effect cognitive processing, a
Cainite has taken all she generally needs from her former existence. Mortals sometimes aid vampires by
accomplishing valuable intellectual breakthroughs, but most such reasoning applies to mortal concerns and is
thus of marginal utility to vampires.
• Do not share knowledge with others, as it is too valuable to trust to a flawed creature like one's self. This tenet is
perhaps more indicative of Tzimisce paranoia that enlightened development, as it seems of limited utility.
Nonetheless, the metamorphosist viewpoint is that all creatures - even other path followers - are ultimately
objects of study. To impart knowledge and enlightenment is a lab rat is to corrupt the experiment. the rat will not
act "naturally."
• Indulge the beast, but deny it. True comprehension of unlife requires a broad range of experience. The Beast in
and of itself is like any other organ or system. If overtaxed or if the rest of one's self is allowed to atrophy, it is a
detriment. If assimilated properly into the whole, exercised and nourished but not besotted or bloated, the Beast
takes its place within the framework. Its perceptions, while simple, are often correct.
• One should alter and augment one's body. Changing the flesh might pave the way toward changing the soul. As
without, so within. While altering one's flesh in and of itself does not lead to enlightenment, the act of
experiencing the physical world through a different body-lens can in turn lead to innovative ways of thinking - or
unthinking, as the case may be.
• Do not heed the needs or desires of others. Their lack of introspection may distract even the keenest intellect. to
remain ever aware of one's own evolution, one must be continuously self-centered. Because one cannot evolve
another being, that being's needs are by definition an impediment to the true way.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

19-20 Postponing feeding when hungry. hunger causes distraction.
17-18 Indulging in pleasure. Hedonism deters one from greater ends.
The lessons of Metamorphosis are
15-16 secrets that must be uncovered, not
Asking another for knowledge. copied.
Knowledge must be learned, not simply
Sharing knowledge with another. illustrated.
Before superseding death, the
11-12 Refusing to kill, when knowledge may be gained Metamorphosist must understand the
from it. phenomenon.
A Kindred must know the Beast to
Failing to ride out a Frenzy. transcend it.
Those who can't be bothered to attain
7-8 Metamorphosis are beneath one's
Considering the needs of others. attention.
The Path may be understood only
Failure to experiment, even at risk to oneself. through empirical research.
Physical change must be attained before
Neglecting to alter one's own body. any more significant metamorphosis.
The fates of others drag one into
Exhibiting compassion for others. devolution, not transcendence.

Path of Bones


Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Bones or Path of Bone is a Path of Enlightenment that suppresses the Beast by studying the true nature of
death and its relationships with other states of existence.

Currently, the path is followed by the Giovanni and traces back to the time of the Cappadocians. The Path of Death
and the Soul can be regarded as a variant of this path.

In contrast to other paths, Gravediggers neither exult in nor abhor their undead state, viewing it as a part of the
whole that falls eventually to Final Death. Drawing from the spirituality of their forebears, the Gravediggers struggle
to find the answer to Cappadocius' question of the exact nature of death. As they regard vampires as mortal as
humans, they pay little heed to the Jyhad and the machinations of the Antediluvians, and even Gehenna, concluding
that this follows the natural way of all things to be.

The Beast is regarded as the last vestiges of humanity within the undead body that it is trapped in and is to be seated
through meditation. The fascination of death in all its forms unnerves many kindred and even within the Giovanni,
only elders practice the path. The clan draws use from this, usually dispatching gravediggers to watch over family
members, in order to ensure their welfare and to grant the practitioner a test subject for his observations of the slow
transition from youth to old age to death. Many Gravediggers also travel to places of dying, acting as catalysts for
violence in order to observe the transition first-handed.

In contrast to the Path of Death and the Soul, the Gravediggers focus completely on that what is on the other side of
the veil, studying bodies and the like only when it helps finding out more about the other side. To this end,
practitioners regularly consult with wraiths and use Zombies as servants. Some also focus on the interaction of the
Shadowlands with the Spirit World.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Study Death in all its vast permutations

• Determine, when a death has occurred and define it (not merely limited to medical symptoms)
• Search for a purpose in death and in the life that precedes it
• Quantify the differences of death among various causes (for example through the study of a wraith's deathmarks)
• Achieve a comfort with life and death
• Hasten death's arrival should it have been delayed

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
19-20 Showing fear of Death. Fear inhibits learning.
Refusal to learn indicates refusal to
Failing to study an occurrence of Death. understand.
15-16 Accidental killing. There's no opportunity to gain insight.
Denial of the self serves no greater
Postponing feeding when hungry. purpose.
The Beast is irrational, and emotion
Succumbing to Frenzy. serves little to advance understanding.
Experimentation proves theory, and
Refusing to kill when the opportunity sets itself. without proof, there's no conclusion.
Vampires are dead; so, too, are their
Making a decision based on emotion rather than emotions.
logic. Only together can we hope to unravel
Refusing to share insight with others on the road. the greatest of mysteries.
What meaning does easing another's
Inconveniencing yourself for another's benefit. doomed discomfort have?
Death is a natural part of the cycle to
Showing fear or aversion to death. which all things belong.
Needlessly preventing a Death. One must not prevent the cycle, but
3-4 should learn from it.
Risking your existence unnecessarily. You have important work to do.
Actively preventing a Death. Such emotional ties befit humans, not
1-2 Giving your loyalty to anyone else above your Kindred.
road and clan. Your first duties are to faith and lineage.

Path of Typhon
Theophidians, Typhonists, Corruptors (by outsiders)

Followers of Set

Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Typhon is a Path of Enlightenment that draws heavily on Setite doctrine and the religion around their

The Path of Sutekh, the Path of Ecstasy, and the Path of the Warrior also originated from Typhonian doctrine. The
Path itself can be traced to the Road of the Serpent from the Dark Ages (and as of V20 Dark Ages, from both the Road
of Set and the Path of Apep).

Followers of this path fight against the Beast by indulging in it in controlled manner and gaining so much more
tolerance against its call (in a similar manner to the rising resistance against alcohol an alcoholic possesses), until the
time when Set will return to cleanse his followers from the Beast and form a new world after reclaiming his throne
from the Sun-God.

The Followers of Set teach that their founder was one of the gods of Egypt, beings they collectively call Aeons. The
Setites say that they are much older than the Hebrew legend of Caine. Set became a vampire through his defeat of
Apophis and the curse of Ra, but turned the curse of undeath into a divine blessing that he shared with deserving
mortals. They claim the Aeons as jailers of a corrupt and rotten world that denies mankind its birthright to overthrow
the creator god Ra and create their own worlds. Only Set realized the full potential of mankind and was cast out by
his brethren. After this incident, the Aeons retreated from the material world, no longer ruling directly over the
mortals, but enslaving them with social trappings to bind the soul into matter and degrade further and further into
their service.

The Followers of Set (and the adherents of this Path) fight against this by eroding the spiritual chains that bind the
cattle, gifting the worthy with the Embrace and converting them to the service to Set. Setite cults may incorporate
elements from Greek mystery cults, Christian Gnosticism, African tribal religions, Sufi mysticism, Hindu philosophy,
and indeed any other mystic or esoteric ideas a Theophidian might encounter. One example for this bred the name of
the Path: the story of the thousand-headed dragon Typhon from Greece, whose throne was stolen by the gods, just
as Set himself was denied his rightful place as the ruler of the world. The Path of Typhon encourages a creative
theology, as a result, there are no fixed texts and rituals; if a new interpretation or cult practice leads more people to
enlightenment it is true, or at least true enough for those of limited understanding. As a result, variations of the Path
exist, are tolerated, and widely practiced, like the Path of Sutekh and an even older form from the times before Set
fell into torpor and vanished. The only exceptions are open heresy like the practices of the Serpents of the Light.

Most people cannot recognize the spiritual chains that bind them. Here too, mortal desires serve the Theophidian
cause. If a person cannot understand his enslavement to social convention, perhaps she will understand enslavement
to alcohol, sex, or money. The Setites would teach gently if they could. All too often, however, nothing will open a
person's eyes but the complete ruination of his life and pride. Theophidians call such soul-shattering lessons the
Revelation of the Void. At last, humbled and stripped of worldly entanglements, a Setite's victim may devote his life
or unlife to Set and begin the long trek to transcendence. A devout Theophidian strives to root out any trace of
conscience or morality based on custom and the dictates of society. He deliberately seeks out the objects and acts
that revolt him, to break their power over him. He also confronts his own desires, to break their power as well – if
necessary, by exhausting them through hyper-indulgence. His goal is to hate nothing but the Aeons and desire
nothing except his own emancipation and the emancipation of others.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Gather information that can bring about the resurrection of Set

• Contribute to the goal of the Followers of Set (reviving Set)
• Bring others into your sway to increase your influence
• Subjugate the Beast's whims
• Maintain secrecy above all
• Look for Set's hidden signs and follow them
• Worship Set and uphold his memory with reverence, for too many people have forgotten him and his cause
• Undermine the rule of law, by which Osiris has abused his power
• Help others to realize their desires, for only desire can set them free
• Amass personal wealth and influence, for these are tools of strength and seduction
• Embrace only those who are worthy to serve Set, for otherwise you debase his memory

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Pursuing one's own indulgences instead of
another's. The slide into vice is a tool, not a recreation.
Teams work more efficiently than individuals
Refusing to aid another follower of the Path. to raise Set.
Those who have transcended their desires
Failing to destroy a vampire in Golconda cannot brought under sway.
Every artisan must acquire the tools of his
Failing to collect wealth and influence. vocation.
Failing to observe Setite religious ritual. You must not deny Set his due.
Failing to spread Set's truth among mortals. If his name is forgotten, he will cease to exist.
Failing to undermine the current social order in Other Kindred are purposeless or misled, and
favor of the Setites. this indolence delays Set's revival.
Failing to do whatever is necessary to corrupt The more individuals in the Setites' debt, the
9-10 another. better.
Abusing a ghoul. Your priests are disciples of and gifts from Set.
The mysteries of Set's resurrection may be
Failing to pursue arcane knowledge. hidden anywhere.
Osiris is the enemy of Set, and you must take
Supporting the rule of law in any way. no action that aids him.
The ranks of the righteous are no place for
Obstructing another Setite's efforts. petty power plays.
5-6 Using the essence of Set to bind another
Putting any other vampire under the blood oath. vampire goes against the very freedom he
Failing to take advantage of another's weakness. Compassion has no place in Set's greater plans.
3-4 Only the deserving may drink of the river
Embracing one who does not worship Set. between life and death.
This is the purview of infidels.
1-2 Refusing to aid in Set's resurrection. What you do means nothing without your
Failing to uphold Set's memory and worship him. devotion to Set.

Path of Paradox


Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Paradox is a Path of Enlightenment that existed since the Roman Empire among the Ravnos who travelled
from India to Europe. During the centuries of division from their eastern brethren, the path changed drastically, until
only few elements of the original Path remained. The ideology now focuses on understanding the truth of weig.

This Path teaches that all existence is fluid and malleable. Nothing is permanent or real. The universe is an ever-
shifting vortex, and all in it is composed of variable amounts of ethereal matter. This matter is referred to as "weig"
by those on this Path. Eons ago, however, a great blasphemy was committed. Twelve beings who were momentarily
filled with great amounts of weig decided to retain that weig instead of spewing it into the void when the time came.

These beings then began to suck in even more weig – enough to allow them power, and mold the surrounding chaos
to their will. These 12 beings became the vampire Antediluvians, and proceeded to sculpt reality into a fixed shape
that would enable them to retain their weig, and thus their power. Because even they could not entirely resist the
universe's call to release their weig, the Antediluvians periodically exuded small amounts of their weig, molding them
into their own images. Thus were other vampires created. Just as their progenitors blasphemously consume the
universe's weig, so do vampires consume earth's stuff of life, blood. Of course, the Antediluvians plan to reabsorb
their weig in due time.

On this night – the night of Gehenna, or the Flux – the 12 Antediluvians, acting in concert and devouring the power of
their children, plan to shape the universe permanently into the gray and stagnant mausoleum-realm that is their
ideal. But the Antediluvians' abomination did not go unnoticed. A vortex-being, given momentary sentience by a
random fluctuation in the weig, decided to fight the newly created Antediluvians on their own terms. This being
retained its own weig, gaining sufficient power in the process to battle the Antediluvians – indeed, to become as they.
This being sired the Ravnos clan to assist it, and became the 13th Antediluvian, though only the followers of this Path
know that this "Antediluvian" exists only to disrupt the others' plans.

As a result, the western Ravnos see it as their duty to disrupt social norms and change others' perception of what
they perceive to be reality, all to devour and destroy the creations of the Antediluvians. Their favorite methods for so
doing are through trickery and theft. Ultimately, however, the weig must be released into the vortex. Ravnos who are
advanced students of this Path actively seek to do so. They seek out items that retain weig – "magic" items, Lupine
fetishes, and the like – and destroy them. The most powerful members of this Path seek out vampires with great
amounts of weig – of low generation – and do likewise.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Reality is what one makes it

• Free all weig into the vortex
• Existence is a lie, produced by the dark dreams of the Antediluvians
• The farther one is from the Antediluvians, the less real one is
• Alter reality as much as possible, for Gehenna drives nearer every night
• Always prank those who serve the Antediluvians, particularly their childer
• Embrace only when absolutely necessary

• Erase karmic debt, dispel maya's illusions, and return to the saṃsāra
• Use deception to achieve your ends
• Guide others to their purpose for being.
• Cainites and mortals must come to their own realization of their destiny.
• Execute only those who absolutely refuse to accept their purpose, or repeatedly prevent others from following
their destinies.
• You may not kill those who have not yet fulfilled their purpose, unless they refuse to do so.
• Keep your secret face hidden from those around you; only by doing so may you act with freedom.
• Follow your Svadharma. In Rom society it means the one’s individual purpose, a destiny or a purpose; the reason
for being.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Refusing to commit diablerie on the elder of Elders of other Clans have great power.
another clan. Take it as your own.
Mothers have given life, and should
Embracing a mother. never be made servants of death.
Refusing to lead a "locked" being into the light – Some Cainites can be shown the way.
or into destruction. Reach out to them if possible.
17-18 Respect deception, but seek truth. Through uncovering paradoxes and
realizing that both parts are true, we
peel away the world’s illusions.
Showing any concerns for mortals. Mortals create laws to restrain us.
15-16 Death robs a person of the ability to
Killing a mortal. fulfill their svadharma.
Failing to gratify your desire. The vampiric form grants us hunger and
desires to know what experiences to
13-14 seek out. To avoid them is to truly die.
Failing to destroy a failed vampire. A vampire has failed when she rejects
her vampiric nature.
Failing to trick others when the opportunity The Embrace frees us to indulge our
arises. whims. To deny those whims is to deny
Returning to your mortal life or pretending to be Your svadharma is no longer theirs;
mortal. those ways are forbidden to you after
the Embrace.
Being caught altering another's reality via the Both mortals and Cainites frown upon
select redistribution of possessions (known our activities. Do not allow them to see
among the vulgar as stealing). us or act on that knowledge.
9-10 Owing someone on a spiritual level (for
Carrying a karmic debt. example, because they saved your unlife)
impacts your svadharma. Such debt
prevents you from fulfilling your destiny.
Refusing to release the weig of an empowered Greater power is greater freedom.
device or use it to your own advantage.
Once you know your purpose, you must
Failure to follow your svadharma. never betray or turn from it.
Joining a sect or otherwise stabilizing society. Society limits action and denies us our

Killing a vampire that is clearly following his You cannot stop the workings of fate or
svadharma. karma, and you should not try.
Actively hindering change; Allowing others to What others know, they can understand
know one's motives. and use against you. Support change, so
that the balance of knowledge is in your
Becoming blood bound. Forcibly tying your svadharma to
another's is anathema.
Actively inducing boredom; Accepting the Blood To submit to others prospects is to cease
Bond. to be an individual and to become the
extension of another's will.
Embracing, except as a critical part of your The Embrace ends one svadharma to
svadharma. begin another. Never lightly end
another’s path.

Path of Blood
Dervishes, Assassins

Loyalist Assamites

Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Blood is a Path of Enlightenment common among the Assamites. Its followers fight the Beast with
rigorous devotion to the cause of Haqim.

The Path of Blood is founded on the ancient dictates of Haqim. First and foremost, the Clan seeks to convince other
Kindred of their flawed, cursed nature, and thus convert them to the service of those on the Path. Kindred as a whole
are a blight upon the earth, existing only to fuel the righteous among the Clan, and only by upholding Haqim's
righteous code can they redeem themselves. Should vampires resist attempts at conversion, the Assamites kill them.
Only those among the Assamites who have shown their devotion to the cause of the Clan are allowed to tread on the

More enlightened Kindred on the Path of Blood also seek to uncover lore and knowledge that may lead them to foes
possessed of ancient and powerful blood, so that they can diablerize them. As such, vampires who follow the Path of
Blood are not mindless monsters gorging on Kindred vitae, but would-be saviors of the entire world. All Kindred on
the Path of Blood strive to attain "Oneness" with the mythical Haqim, though few who have reached this lofty goal
deign to explain its nature; most Dervishes believe that Oneness resembles Golconda, or another state wherein
vampires can cast off their curse and revel in their Cainite natures, using the metaphor of climbing the mountain of
Alamut to reach the summit. By taking the cursed blood of the Antediluvians and their spawn, the followers of the
Path hope to concentrate the curse of Khayyin in the hands of those who will use it responsibly.

Over the years, the Path had to be restructured several times. With the advent of Zoroastrianism and Islam, many
theistic elements were incorporated into the Path, such as the element of divine grace that forgave the Assamites
their own cursed existence if they would dedicate themselves to fight against Caine's get. When the Baali cursed the
Warrior Caste, the Assamites incorporated the diablerie as a means to rise in Haqim's favor. Under the blood curse of
the Tremere, the Clan instead collected blood from vampires as payment, using that to follow Haqim's directives until
the night when the curse upon them would be lifted. When Ur-Shulgi rose and purged the curse, he also restored the
original Path of Blood, although many subtle influences of Middle Eastern religions are tolerated.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• The teachings of Haqim are the gospels of the night. Follow them faithfully.
• Do not concern yourself with mortals, for they are not yours to be judged
• Fight against the rage of the Beast, let it never gain the upper hand
• Extend the glory of Haqim's cause to other Kindred. Should they refuse, use them to further your own journey
back to Khayyin's grace (The atonement for the righteous curse on Caine can be obtained by killing his accursed
spawn via diablerie, lowering your own generation and reaching Golconda).
• The clans of the Children of Khayyin feed on mortal blood. Assassins are not of the low clans. Feed from god's
children only when utterly necessary. To feed on humans is wrong. To feed on vampires is the will of the Divine.
• The Beast must be sated. The Beast is a tool, a gift, and it can be used for good or ill. The Beast is a challenge. It
must be honed to one's will and mastered utterly. To lose oneself to the Beast is to loose control. Losing control is
the province of the weak.
• Watch and listen for anything that can help in the war against the Children of Khayyin.

• Haqim's teachings hold truth for all vampires. Offer those who prove worthy a chance to learn of Haqim's words.
• Those who refuse Haqim's words are heretics and enemies and must be slain.
• Seek out opportunities to draw one's self closer to Haqim - Indulge in diablerie whenever possible.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Human blood is nourishing to the body,
19-20 Killing a mortal during feeding. but the murder of lesser is poison to the
Breaking your word of honor to a fellow on the Solidarity is important to the Haqim's
Path. holy cause.
Not teaching others about Haqim and his The childer of Khayyin are a curse and
teachings. must be saved.
Those who do not accept Haqim's
Failing to destroy an infidel. teaching forfeit their unlives.
Haqim teaches ascendance, not
Frenzying. indulgence.
Not trying to learn everything you can about an To oppose one's enemies successfully,
enemy and his tactics. one must learn all about them.
Other members of the clan may benefit
Failing to slay and gain substance from a foe. from such vitae, no matter how diluted.
Refusing to answer the summons of another To act selfishly is to fall into the snares of
Path follower. Khayyin's spawn.
Haqim has decreed this as paramount to
Failing to diablerize an enemy. his childer's cause.
1-2 Acting against another follower of the Path. This is treason to the Path and Haqim.

Path of the Hive


Conviction, Instinct

Via Hyron, more commonly called Path of the Hive, is a minor Path that is followed almost exclusively by the Baali.

The Path preaches all-encompassing loyalty to the bloodline as a whole and to one's sire in particular. The main
reason for this is that the Great Works that the Baali want to achieve cannot be claimed alone or when they interfere
themselves with the works of others. The vampire had to let the voices of the Swarm inside his soul in order to
understand the dreams of the beings of the Outer Darkness and keep them asleep. Apart from that, most other
vampires would actively destroy a Baali if he would be foolish enough to show himself as a Baali. With the help of the
road, the secrecy of the bloodline is maintained and the Beast is held at bay.

The Via Hyron was the original road that most Baali followed. But in time, many younger members of the bloodline
devoted themselves to the teachings of the Via Diabolis, much to the dismay of their elders. The Via Hyron is not
infernal, but seeks to turn profanity and evil against creation's enemies, by instrumentalizing them to keep the
Sleepers from awakening. The Order of Moloch practiced the Path under the protection of the Tal'Mahe'Ra. In the
Final Nights, Tzimisce adepts of Kupala, who have reawakened as of 1998, have joined the Path, searching for Baali
instructors to lull the demon back to sleep.

Unlike most Paths, the Hive has a separate mythos about Caine and the origin of vampirism, called the Abelene
Heresy. When Caine struck Abel down, God cursed him and his progeny to gain no sustenance from the Earth without
sacrificing joy for toil. Abel was revived as an angel of vengeance, tasked with culling the mortals from Caine's flock to
reclaim the blood his brother had stolen from him. Instead of his pierced heart, God granted Abel a new heart, the
one the Beast he had sacrificed to him. This sparked the rage of Lucifer, who cursed Abel to never stand in the light of
the sun. Vampires were born of Abel, not of Caine, and their task is to stand between humanity and the forces of Hell.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.
• Combat the predations of the Beast to keep yourself ready to support your Nest
• Loyalty is all. First to your sire, then to your Nest and then to other followers of the Path.
• Keep the Sleepers dreaming by committing atrocities.
• Be the Angel of Vengeance. Exact the toll of Abel and retrieve his stolen blood from Caine's children, like a
shepherd shearing his flock.
• Combat the authority of religion. Institutional worship and dogma are masks and forgeries for Lucifer's church,
including the Book of Nod. Only the Abelene creed holds the truth. The Molochim are the shepherds.
• Always be within a Nest. The Nest within the swarm of the Hive is the means of salvation to counter the infernal
and demonic.
• Vampires are shadows cast by the One Above. When the One Above shines into a pit of blackest gloom, shadows
are the only darkness permitted to remain.
• The Sacred Mission of the Molochim is the sworn duty of all Abelenes. Keep the Sleepers in dreams at the
expense of all else.
• Listen to your Beast. The one above bestowed the Beast to his angels for a reason. Heed its counsel and release
its fury when enraged.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

The heart of Abel's prized Beast was
19-20 given to him by the One Above. Its voice
Failing to ride the wave in Frenzy. is sacred and unleashing its divinity
protects his angels from assault.
Throughout history, the deceiver,
Lucifer, has twisted faith and clothed the
17-18 spread of ignorance, bigotry, delusion,
Failing to staunch the influence of greed, and mayhem in the hypocrisy of
institutionalized religion. religion. It is the duty of the Molochim to
shepherd Caine's flock.
Reclaim Abel's blood in vengeance from
the builders, Caine's children. Those
15-16 living in harmony with Creation in the
Feeding on the Children of Seth. wild are not subject to retribution from
the One Above.
Know thy enemy. Ignorance is darkness,
13-14 and darkness is where the infernal hides.
Not actively pursuing safe knowledge of sorcery Blood sorcery is the sacrament in the
and the demonic. arsenal against atrocity.
The larger the hive, the greater the
swarm. Those who have faced the
infernal are hornets without a Nest=
Refusing an opportunity to convert those seeking waiting to be saved. Bind them through
redemption. the blood and release them when they
find shelter.
The sleepers' dreams are fuelled by
havoc and devastation visited upon
9-10 Creation. Without fuel, the sleepers turn
Refusing to sing a lullaby to the sleepers. their attentions away from dreaming and
seek to awaken.
Undirected destruction that does not
serve as fertilizer for new Creation to
7-8 emerge is no better than an awoken
Not being selective in a lullaby. sleeper. Shepherd Creation by strategic
application of violence and suffering.
The One Above damned Lucifer and his
Failing to enslave or extinguish the demonic. children; their existence is forfeit.
Each utterance of a sleeper's name and
3-4 soul lost to the demonic stirs the
Failing to cleanse the infernal. sleepers from dream.
Independence is the gateway to the
infernal; Lucifer preys first upon
1-2 individuals alone. Unity is the of the hive,
Failing to Nest. isolation weakens the swarm. If leaving a
Nest, find another.

Path of Caine


Conviction, Instinct

The Path of Caine is a Path of Enlightenment that emulates the Dark Father in order to ward off the Beast. Due to its
strong ties with Noddism, it is almost exclusively found in the ranks of the Sabbat.

Originators of the Path of Caine are, perhaps surprisingly, the Assamites. Even tonight, Noddists the world over hold
Dastur Anosh to be one of the founders of the Path. Anosh found himself sympathetic to a body of principles similar
to the Path of Blood that his master tried to unsuccessfully teach him, and
by taking the canon of that Path and combining it with the tenets of the
beliefs they were developing during the early days of Lost Tribe, Anosh
developed one of the first portions of what would later come to be known
in the Sabbat as the Path of Caine. The path was also developed by
Mateusz Grybowsky and Lady Veradis at the Black Monastery in 1666 CE.

The heart of the Path of Caine lies in the exemplification of vampiric

nature: The questions of existence, the limits of the vampiric form, and
the changes wrought by the Embrace all drive the Noddists into endless
speculation, debate, study, and research. Scholarship and historical insight
are valuable, but the vampire must simultaneously develop spiritually and
physically, to explore the limits of his undead form. Diablerie serves more
than a simple theft of power; it allows the practitioner to learn from the
experiences of other undead, thereby developing greater understanding
and even to transcend the Antediluvians in their quest to understand
Caine. Other vampires lose themselves in attempts to save lost Humanity
or find meaning in obscure philosophy. The Path of Caine, instead, finds
meaning in the fundamentals of vampirism. To the Noddists, Caine's life
reveals the mystery of the vampiric curse; by understanding the undead
form, they transcend their mortal weaknesses. They prize any knowledge
about the vampiric condition, but the writings and stories of the First
Vampire form the core of Noddist lore. As Caine was marked and cast out
from mortal society, the Noddists believe that he exemplifies most keenly
the differences between vampires and humans. Therefore, this Path's
adherents cast aside their humanity as inadequate and useless, emulating
Caine's exile and seeking new rules to govern their predatory drives.

With almost theological fever, the Noddists search for every scrap of
information about the mythical past of the Kindred. Noddists rarely
engage in Sabbat politics, choosing instead to drive Packs to acquire new
information and new experiences. They also serve as priests who lead
vampires to seek awareness – and development – of their undead
condition. Those on this Path lead by example, embracing their monstrous
natures and striving to attune themselves to their differences from
humans, then helping other vampires do the same. Noddists do not
hesitate to share their insights, so that all vampires have the opportunity
to become closer to Caine; conversely, however, they hoard dangerous
secrets to prevent misuse.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• The way of wisdom is the way of restraint. Never go to extremes in anything. Indulgence, passion and mercy - all
these things cloud the mind.
• Develop the will. One's will is his greatest tool. Learn the meaning of inner strength.
• Learn as much as possible about vampiric history, especially that which concerns Caine. Search for every clue,
fragment and hint about the Dark Father. Learn well from them.
• The vitae of the unworthy should be taken. Always seek to drink the heart's blood of older generations and
thereby grow closer to Caine. Take the vitae of the weak and savor the experiences and insights. Caine whispers
in their blood, too.
• Adapt to the undead state. Exist as a vampire. Do not lie to one's self and be subservient to mortal laws or morals
• Meditate and spend time alone to better understand one's self.
• Do not take the curse for granted. Exult in its power and beware its weaknesses.
• Respect those on this path who have come closer to the truth than yourself.
• Recognize that vampires are of the race of Caine and humans are of the race of Abel. It is a vampire's right to take
human lives at will. It is the curse placed upon Caine and all his children.
• Fight the Beast. Master it. Be stronger. Will can overcome weakness. Never succumb to frenzy; always "ride the
wave." The Beast led Caine to murder Abel. The Beast can force lesser beings to perform unplanned, foolish and
depraved acts.
• Live in peace among mortals whenever possible. Do not reveal vampiric existence to them. But never forget that
the undead are their betters and mortals are food.
• Never give into your Beast
• If possible, leave the children of Seth alone and coexist with them

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

19-20 Failing to research or study. The search for truth requires dedication.
Failing to teach another vampire about the Path. All vampires must have the opportunity
to explore their potential.
Treating mortals as equals. Caine was separated from mortals; as all
vampires should be.
All of the Children of Caine deserve the
13-14 Disrespecting other students of Caine. respect due their heritage, as long as
they strive to understand themselves.
11-12 Failing to "ride the wave" of a Frenzy. Direct the Beast; don't be directed by it.
Succumbing to Rötschreck. Master your fear. Terror is for lesser
Failing to diablerize a "humane" vampire. Those who don't explore their potential
forfeit that potential.
Not testing the limits of your condition. Develop your capabilities to their limits
in order to discern your true nature.
Failing to pursue knowledge about Caine and Every scrap of knowledge adds a piece to
vampirism. the puzzle of undead existence.
Denying your hunger or other parts of the To be a vampire, one must satisfy a
vampiric condition. vampire's needs.

Path of Cathari


Conviction, Instinct

The Path of Cathari is a Path of Enlightenment that sprang

from the heresy of Catharism, or Albigenisnism in the Dark

A dualistic philosophy, Cathar doctrine holds that the world

was created in equal parts by a good creator responsible for
virtue and spirit, and an evil creator who acted as a
counterpoint, fashioning the material world and its vices. The
original Cathars believed the soul to be the root of all that is
pure in humanity, while the material body was a shell in a
corrupt physical world. Cathars pointed to the noble aspects of
the spirit (compassion, sacrifice, honesty and the like) as proof
that the only true good lay in the ephemeral.

The Path of Cathari fashions itself as the direct counterpart of

the medieval Cathars: vampires are archontic spirits, jailers of
the Demiurge, placed on this world to ensure mankind will
never transcend it. Caine was damned by the good creator to
physicality and suffering unending, but placed above mankind
in the process, to evaluate humans and tempt them away from
gnosis. To this end, Albigensians (the formal titulation of a
follower of the path) encourage mortal excess and materialism
and deliberately break the many taboos of the ancient Cathars.
They seek material wealth and comforts, and they encourage
others to do the same. A vampire can serve his proper purpose
only by embracing the flaws inherent to his form and to the
world, and accepting his duties as a purveyor of vice. Followers
of the Path of Cathari thus ironically find spirituality in
depravity. In their eyes, perversion is their natural state of
being - why not enjoy it? You are, after all, already damned.

Although the tenets of Albigenism influenced the Path, it

draws on several elder sources as well, the most prominent
the ancient Via Peccati. Followers are also strictly opposed to
the Beast, seeing it as a loss of the self that is unforgivable for
such as selfish, egocentric Path. Their hedonistic ways,
however, have earned them the special interest of the Sabbat
Inquisition, who watch followers of the Path closely after
several incidents with Infernalism in the 18th century. In the
Final Nights, the Path is divided between the European Elders,
whose ethics are more closely mirrored by the ancient ways of
Desire, and the Canadian branch espoused by a pack based on
Montréal, who see vampires as testers of God to guarantee
that only the worthy can liberate themselves.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Grant the Curse of Caine to those with great passion. Undeath is an evil curse, but those with great conviction can
use it well.
• The entire material world is corrupt. Expect betrayal and wickedness because almost everybody is corrupt.
• Death simply leads to reincarnation. Mortals return after you kill them. However, you should avoid Final Death,
since you will return as mortal if you die.
• Indulge in vice and all that is forbidden. Wealth, excess, sensuality, material power and sadism are the
watchwords of the Demiurge's world.
• "Nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted." The night belongs to vampires. One is already damned, already
lost to the darkness. Enjoy it. Do not hesitate to act. The Devil takes the hindmost.
• Lead others into games of sensuality, temptation and dominance. As innocents are corrupted, the Demiurge's
world grows stronger. It is your role to promote the depravity of the world.
• Choose those with great passion and great potential for future depravity. Do not fear to Embrace new childer -
they will ensure that the curse lives on and the world's shackles are never loosened.
• Be part of the world. If it is corrupt, be corrupt along with it. If the world is indulgent, indulge. Expect no less of
anyone else.
• Trust no one. Do not love. A vampire is evil and has no concept of such things.
• The undead are creatures of evil, Archonic creations of a dark god. Accept that destiny and one's role in the
scheme of things.
• The Beast belongs to the individual; he is not bound by it. Let the Beast prey, but do not let it rule.
• Death leads to reincarnation. Do not fret over killing mortals. They will come back. Similarly, slaying weak
vampires serves the Demiurge by making their souls part of the prison of the world. But avoid death one's self.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

19-20 Exercising restraint. One's purpose is excess, not moderation.
17-18 Showing trust. Use or be used.
The depraved can serve evil better as
Failing to pass on the Curse to the passionately
15-16 vampires, the virtuous can be overcome
wicked or virtuous.
by the Curse.
The Beast, as well as the higher self,
Failing to ride the wave in Frenzy. must be indulged.
Those of like purpose should fulfill that
Acting against another Albigensian. purpose, not quarrel among themselves.
Murder achieves no greater end; dead
Impassioned killing. men cannot sully their souls.
Sacrificing gratifications for someone else's Promote physical pleasures, not altruistic
convenience. achievement.
The material world is a place for the
Refraining from indulgence. gratification of the flesh.
Killing a mortal absolves him of bringing
Arbitrary killing. about his own damnation.
Vampires are creatures of evil; their
Encouraging others to exercise restraint. purpose is to corrupt, not save.

Path of Death and the Soul


Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Death and the Soul is a Path of Enlightenment that suppresses the Beast by detached study of death,
undeath and the soul. Adherents are called Necronomists.

As one of the more scholarly paths, Necronomists see the vampiric existence as a means to explore the mysteries of
life and death. They divide the universe into the rational realm of flesh and physics and the irrational realm of pain,
mysteries, and supernatural phenomena. To explore these differences and to find the answer to their questions, a
vampire has to explore his own state and the nature of the soul, an irrational spark of divinity within a cold rational
world, in order to explore how the irrational and the rational converse with each other. Strong emotions, like Frenzy
or Rötschreck, are a part of the irrationality of the soul and have to be explored, analyzed, and classified. Interactions
of the soul with the body, like when a vampire is staked and cannot move due the penetration of its heart, and study
of the emotions that wraiths need to sustain themselves in a similar way vampires need vitae, have lead to the
general assumption among the Necronomists that the soul is what keeps the vampire from crumbling to dust and the
metaphysical and material heart is the anchor of it. Due to the blood's interaction with the heart, the soul is able to
sustain the body. Most Necronomists study Cathayans and wraiths in order to find a unified theory of death and the

Followers of the Path are usually depicted as cold, curious, scientific, elitist, and callous, more concerned with the
things to come or the things that were than the present. Many had morbid obsessions and are somewhat detached
even before they study death, allowing them to partake in the studies of the limitations of pain and vivisection. They
participate in the Sabbat because the Camarilla will not tolerate their practices and many of the followers are
Tzimisce, but some are known to have correspondence with certain Kindred scientists such as Dr. Douglas Netchurch.

Members of the Path have a strong rivalry with the Giovanni.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Beyond death lies the hidden world. The transition between this life and the next holds clues to the nature of
things. Study the transition.
• As is above is not so below. The physical world is a pale reflection of that which lies beyond. By understanding the
"irrational" or "astral" world, one can truly understand the hidden physics of this world.
• The soul, even a vampire's soul, is immortal. The vampire's undead state is not true immortality. Do not fear
death, because true immortality lies beyond.
• The mind is the physical twin to the astral soul. By understanding the mind, one can glimpse the nature of the
• God's plan can be revealed in all things. Attempt to understand everything. One has nothing if not time, and the
rewards of such studies are bountiful. Everything contains a piece of the puzzle that is Creation. By learning, one
can assemble the pieces. Learn to isolate the key truths and ignore the rest.
• The vestiges of a vampire's once-mortal self contain certain clues - in the form of conscience and emotion - that
can allow one to examine the current context of existence. Explore these emotions as a scientist, but do not
indulge them.

• Accept that all belong to a greater phenomenon, be it a consciousness, a plan or some pattern beyond mortal

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

The material world is ultimately
19-20 Attachment to the living world. ephemeral and of limited use in
garnering understanding.
All souls return to the cycle. Final Death
17-18 Fearing Final Death.
is not a death of the soul.
Emotions may be studied as expressions
15-16 Being guided by emotion. of the soul, but they aren't useful in
cultivating functional understanding.
The impulses of the Beast don't lead to
Frenzying. enlightenment.
Make death a tool. Kill selectively and
Not killing when useful or necessary. learn from the victims' passing.
The purpose of the Path is to increase
Not pursuing enlightenment. knowledge.
Death is the doorway between the
7-8 material and the eternal. It must be
Showing an aversion to death. embraced and acknowledged.
Suffering is a step toward inevitable
Showing compassion. death.
Murder offers no opportunity to increase
Killing without studying death. insight.
All things must die. Don't meddle with
Preventing a Death. the universe's cycle.

Path of Evil Revelations
Corruptors, Infernalists, Edimmu (by themselves), Slaves (pejoratively)


Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Evil Revelations, known to its followers simply as the Path of Revelations, is a Path of Enlightenment that
borders on infernalism. The followers of the Path believe that vampires are pale expressions of the ultimate Evil and
that the nature of a vampire is to serve those who are even more magnificent in their Evil – namely the lords of Hell.
They willingly submit to these creatures in order to spread their Evil, and this credo of submission gives them the
strength to combat the influence of their Beast.

Although many believe that the Path of Evil Revelations was founded by a group of Brujah infernalists in the 17th
century, or even as part of a medieval death cult, the truth is that vampires, like humans, have dedicated themselves
to infernal powers from time immemorial. The lure of power without responsibility to any sort of conscience is a
tempting one for many vampires or humans. However, the actual codification of this Path and its philosophies did not
occur until 1666 CE when Lady Intisar developed the path at the Black Monastery.

The idea of a philosophy devoted to the service of Evil needed the possibility of structured philosophies to exist in the
first place. To follow the Path of Evil Revelations, a vampire must believe in the vampire's role as a servant of greater
Evil, as well as in the place of demons and infernal entities as greater harbingers of the corruption that vampires
spread. All Corrupters claim one or more of infernal "patrons", spreading the specific brand of vitriol espoused by
their demonic lords and honoring them with depraved rites and devotions.

The vampires claim to be given great powers and a place in the infernal hierarchy, in exchange for absolute servitude
and the sacrifice of their own souls (and the souls of their victims). With such enticements, the Corrupter spreads his
own brand of Evil among his associates, seeking to turn other vampires to his cause eventually so that they may take
their rightful (and subordinate) places in the hierarchy of Hell. Even so, current Corrupters are far from unified, and a
group in service to a particular demon is just as likely to work against a different band of Corrupters as to join forces.

The Camarilla and the Sabbat do not tolerate this path, the Sabbat has its Inquisition to root out infernalists, while the
Camarilla is concerned about their humanity and does not tolerate the depraved rituals of the Corruptors.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Always remember that you are meant to serve greater powers of Evil
• Convince or bribe other vampires to serve Evil
• Fight against those who deny their evil nature
• Never reveal your true motives
• It is acceptable to engage in intrigues with the servants of other demons, but your loyalty to your lord – and to his
other retainers – must be absolute
• Use the Beast as a tool to spread Evil

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
Feign goodness but never presume that
19-20 Maintaining a semblance of goodness. you are anything more than a servant of
greater Evil.
Proper service requires constant
17-18 Missing a nightly devotion or ritual.
Compassion and aid are simply tools to
15-16 Helping others without gaining an advantage.
bring others into your debt.
Not using an opportunity to gain temporal Power in the material world is the means
13-14 power. by which the will of the infernal lords is
Following your own interests. The master's will is more important than
one's own.
Not working with other servants of your Master. The master's goals are best served with
unity against one's opponents.
Failing to fulfill your Masters agenda. Advance the will of your lords whenever
Never reveal to outsiders your master's
5-6 Providing secrets of the Infernal to outsiders. true motives, so that your master can't
be fought.
Failing to destroy or corrupt another vampire. All vampires must recognize their proper
place as agents of Evil or be destroyed.
Disobeying your Master. You must serve the interests of your
superiors in Evil.

Path of Harmony

Formerly Sabbat

Conscience, Instinct

The Path of Harmony is originally found within the Sabbat. It is a variant of the Path of the Beast in that it accepts the
Beast as necessary for the vampire's survival. It is practiced primarily among clan Gangrel, Nosferatu, Brujah, and

The Path was refined in the early 18th century in the Americas, based on work by Lady Meridie de Chancie and
Haakon Mortensen at the Black Monastery in 1666 CE. The Path of Harmony combined elements of Native American
beliefs and ideals gleaned from simply observing the world and the progress of humanity. The Path enjoyed some
favor in the Sabbat for a time, and then suffered a recent schism with the sect.

The Harmonists felt that the Sabbat's methods and ultimate ends were too destructive, both to the world and to
individual members of the sect. The Path split. Some members embraced their bestial sides and rediscovered the far
older Path of the Feral Heart. Most of the remaining "true" Harmonists perished, left the Sabbat, or learned to
reconcile their faith with their sect loyalty (usually as nomads). In the Final Nights, the majority of Harmonists are
found in the Camarilla and most others among independent Gangrel.

The Harmonists do not believe that anything that exists is "unnatural". Simply "being" means that an individual or
force has a place. This includes vampires. Yes, the vampire's role in the natural order is somewhat unpleasant, but
then the rabbit would likely feel the same way about the fox. Harmonists have great respect for the natural order and
their place in it.

Of course, "natural order" is somewhat subjective. If vampires are meant to be a predator to humans, are they meant
to keep the mortal population in check? If so, they are not keeping up with the times. Older Harmonists realize that
the natural order is in a constant state of flux, and so trying to "preserve" it is an artificial notion. It cannot be
preserved, it can only be observed and realized. The earliest precepts of the Path of Harmony teach the Cainite to
protect the world from undue disruption, which some interpret as attention to ecological concerns. As the Harmonist
progresses on the Path, however, he learns that obeying the natural order is really a matter of walking the fine line
between knowing when to act and when to leave well enough alone.

Harmonists also realize that they are predators in the unique position of being able to identify with and understand
their prey. However, they also realize that this understanding, if taken too far, can push them toward the Beast –
exactly what happens when vampires attempt to retain Humanity as their moral code. Therefore, the Harmonists
hold mortals in fairly high regard – but not as high as themselves.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• "Evil" and "Good" are mortal attempts to codify events. They have no practical meaning, and do not apply to you.
• Human beings may be fascinating to watch and even play with – the need to stave off boredom is an important
one. However, you are not mortal any longer, so do not be fooled into believing that you are.
• The world is constantly in a state of change; we are not. Adapt to the world's changes. It is our only means of

• Do not sully your haven. This means that the neighborhood in which you reside should be clean and, if necessary,
defended against rival predators and decay.
• We are the highest form of predator, as we have both human instincts and superhuman hunting skills. Hone both,
but let neither overdevelop.
• Harmony is achieved by each aspect of existence. As a Cainite, your role is that of a hunter.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

The world does not need your
19-20 Attempting to alter the natural world.
improvement. Don't try to play God.
Indulging in the Jyhad or playing too effectively Both human and Cainite societies are
at being mortal. unnecessary for us.
hunger makes harmony impossible
15-16 Failing to hunt when hungry.
because it is a distraction.
Both are in your nature, but do not help
Pointless cruelty or kindness. or harm others without reason.
11-12 Not respecting a stronger vampire's domain. Predators do not seek danger.
All things disrupt the world, simply by
9-10 Allowing gross disruption of the natural world. interacting with it. However, doing so
deliberately is an attack on all things
within the world.
Acting too human makes it harder to kill
7-8 Acting too human or too bestial. when necessary, acting too bestial makes
it too easy.
Better a dead mortal tonight than a live
Witch-hunter hunter tomorrow.
5-6 Refusing to kill if necessary. However, remember that even one dead
mortal does not go unnoticed; discretion
is paramount.
All lives end; better they end to feed you
Feeling guilty about killing when necessary. than in some random or pointless way.
Grossly upsetting the natural world (vandalism,
arson, etc). You have to live here, too.

Path of Honorable Accord
Knights, Patriots, Canonici


Conscience, Self-Control

The Path of Honorable Accord is a Path of Enlightenment that harnesses the Beast through the rigorous practice of
honorable and chivalrous behavior.

The Path of Honorable Accord was formed by the chivalric tenets of the old Road of Kings, as well as various mortal
codes of knighthood, with recent additions of Asian philosophies. They orientate themselves on the Code of Milan
and the three Towers of Honor, Courage and Duty, which are detailed in six different allegorical tales to illustrate the
aspect of the Path. It was developed by Master Frazier at the Black Monastery in 1666 CE.

Cainites on the Path of Honorable Accord have always placed a high value
on ritual and ceremony. The Sabbat's Knights therefore always
participate in War Parties, ritae, ceremonies, and other pack events. As a
whole, the followers of the Path seek to knit together the disparate
factions of the sect under the common banner of loyalty to a cause.
Although alternately ignored or derided by followers of other Paths, the
Knights are a stern example of the best qualities of any Sabbat, and they
cannot be faulted by their brethren. Knights do not often take leadership
positions (as they find the political duplicity appalling), though they are at
the forefront of many battles, showing courage and discipline unmatched
by any other soldiers among the undead.

Knights are by turns cold and aloof, yet honorable and trustworthy. A
Knight never goes back on his word and always honors his agreements.
He does not shirk on his duty or flee from battle. Still, he is far from
humane: The Knight sees humans as a resource, just as another warrior
might see a fine warhorse as admirable but far from an equitable
associate. Many of this Path's followers display a grim and taciturn image,
but the Knights are capable of humor and joviality – they simply find that
duty outweighs personal gratification.

The vast majority of this Path's followers are of Ventrue antitribu and
Salubri antitribu blood, but a fair number of Nosferatu antitribu,
traditionalist Tzimisce, and even reasonably lucid Malkavian antitribu
study this Path. Panders who serve the ideals of the Sabbat (instead of
crusading for personal advancement) espouse this Path as well. A rare
few Camarilla elders, primarily Ventrue, hold on to the precepts of this
Path from their nights of vampiric, medieval chivalry - their contribution
vital in keeping the unity of the sect. In modern nights, many Alastors and
Jovians end up following this path as their humanity dwindles during
their journeys

A follower of the Path of Honorable Accord must always keep honor

foremost in his mind. A Knight cannot act rashly or in haste; he must
always be aware of the nature and consequences of his actions. The

devout student of this Path must hold onto courage and discipline at all times while he seeks to dispense justice and
fairness. The true Knight fights and dies, for his cause. Compassion, however, has no place in the heart of the knight.
Errors leads to flaws, flaws lead to weakness and weakness leads to ruin.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• One always keeps his word and honors his agreements. One's word is one's personal Code of Milan. The first
inroads of the Beast are through lies, both to one's self and to others. The next are through excusing either one's
own or other Cainites' lapses. If one neither lies nor lapses, the Beast cannot gain a foothold.
• Never show cowardice; overcome fears. Ultimately, best intentions are useless if they cannot be acted upon. In
some ways, fear is a knight's worst foe, for it is both a rationalization not to accomplish something and a blinding
emotion. Fear is the currency of the Beast. It must be rejected at all costs.
• Duty comes before personal matters. Duty is inflexible, immutable; personal matters are subject to whim, to
rationalization and thus to the Beast.
• Treat fairly and equitably with those of station. Conversely, the dishonorable are beneath contempt. As one does
not lie to himself or fellow knights, so he does not lie to himself or fellow knights, so he does not lie to or exploit
other noble Cainites. those who have taken pains to quell their own Beasts and to set examples for the Damned
are to be respected and honored, even if they don't (yet) follow the code. Conversely, those who are clearly
doomed, who wallow in their own shame and weakness, are to be avoided, placed out of sight, mind and soul.
such creatures can corrupt all around them like a pestilence.
• Always repay debts. This tenet is central to the code. So long as debt or gratitude weighs on one's soul, there is an
opening for the Beast to exploit. The ideal knight's mind and heart are on the code and only the code, not on
matters owed to another Cainite. Debts must always be repaid promptly and in full.
• Support comrades-in-arms in all things, except when they counsel treachery. Only by being an example to all can
one save others from their own weakness. Be a paragon to packmates, acting as a righteous exemplar and, if
necessary, a punishing scourge.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

True duty to a cause requires sterling
19-20 Failing to uphold all the precepts of your group.
Hospitality and generosity are the wealth
17-18 Failing to show hospitality to your allies.
of the soul.
Serve as an example, but do not be
15-16 Associating with the dishonorable.
dragged into pettiness
Tradition and ritual are important parts
Failing to participate in your group's rituals. of heritage.
11-12 Disobeying your leader. Loyalty is the keystone of hierarchy.
Defend those who are worthy of your
Failing to protect your allies. esteem.
7-8 Placing personal concerns over duty. Duty is the vampire's purpose.
Honor lies in fighting for a cause, not in
Showing cowardice. fleeing it.
3-4 Killing without reason. Life and death are God's to decree.
Breaking your word or oath; failing to honor an To break one's oath is to be without the
agreement. honor that defines existence.

Path of Lilith
Lilins, Bahari

Sabbat, Anarch

Conviction, Self-Control

The Path of Lilith is an ancient Path of Enlightenment that has its roots in various Bahari cults. It suppresses the Beast
by pursuing the secrets of Lilith and by rejoicing in pain and ecstasy.

The Path originated in the far older Road of Lilith. The Path of Awakening and the Path of Flesh are side-branches of
the original Path.

Central to the Path is the mythical figure of Lilith. The legends among the Bahari tell how she was betrayed by men,
first by God, then by Adam, by Lucifer and Caine, and of the strange monsters she birthed to plague the world. They
tell of mighty kingdoms her children erected to rival those made by the children of Seth and how they warred with
the inhabitants of Enoch. It is said that three of Lilith's descendants entered the First City to receive the Embrace and
that they eventually led the rebellion against the Second Generation. When the Deluge destroyed the first mortal
civilizations, these Lilins further spread their teachings to convert the childer of Caine into the service of the Dark

No two versions of a holy text among the Lilins are the same. The only thing all agree upon is that Lilith is the Dark
Mother of Wisdom and Power and that her knowledge comes at a price paid in pain. Suffering and pain are seen as
the gateway to enlightenment, just as Lilith first suffered in order to understand and to grow beyond her limits. Like a
parent disciplining an errant child, Lilith passes on a legacy of pain that teaches, and so the Lilins seek to overcome
the weaknesses of their blind, helpless births, ascending to understanding and power. By walking in fire, impaling
themselves on thorns and blades, suffering deprivation, and plunging into icy water, the Lilins excite their bodies and
minds to true sensation, and open their consciousness to the entirety of the world. From the dizzying heights of
comprehension, at the needlepoint of pain, they learn the true measure of creation, that they may take the formless
stuff of the world and cast it in a new image. Enlightenment must burn and tear away illusions and flaws.

Among the Sabbat, this path is regarded as heretical (as they disregard the supremacy of Caine and the Book of Nod)
and its followers are hunted by the Sabbat Inquisition.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Seek pain. In moments of agony, one's senses are afire and enlightenment is close.
• Be a teacher, lover and bringer of pain and knowledge to those who would follow the Dark Mother's ways.
• As a vampire, the night belongs to the Lilin. Blind mortals are one's victims.
• Confront your fears. Overcome them. Grow stronger.
• Seek out those who would find awareness and draw them into the truths of the path.
• Nothing is fair in this world. Fairness and sentimentality are for the weak. The Mother rewards the strong.
• Be independent. Be strong. Trust only one's self.
• Share pain and learning with others on this path.
• Wealth, materialism and comfort are mere trappings - foolish things of civilization. Reject them.
• Mortal religion merely encapsulates God's oppression of the Mother. Seek to undo all its rules and teachings.
• God forbids magic and all vampiric Disciplines. They are the dark gifts that cast off the shackles of His petty rules.
• Prepare the way for the Eschaton when heaven, Hell and Earth cease to be, and heaven is remade.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Indulging in instant gratification; feeding Comfort denies the possibility of
immediately when hungry enlightenment
17-18 Seeking wealth or temporal power These are the tools of Lilith's enemies.
Not challenging the "false" scriptures of mortal You must give others the opportunity to
religions or vampire Nodists find the path.
Feeling remorse for the suffering you bring on
others Pain is a gift.
Ritual gives direction to your quest for
Not participating in a Bahari ritual enlightenment.
9-10 Showing fear of death or pain Pain brings opportunity.
7-8 Murdering a mortal or vampire The dead cannot be enlightened.
The ultimate truth is within your grasp.
Not learning the teachings of Lilith Why spurn it?
Do not deny others the gifts you have
Not bringing pain and anguish to others been given.
Pain is Lilith's gift, and will make you
Shunning Pain strong.

Path of Power and the Inner Voice


Conviction, Instinct

The Path of Power and the Inner Voice is a Path of Enlightenment that
controls the Beast through rigorous determination and the amassing of
worldly power.

This path was refined to its current state by a Lasombra Cainite known
as Lord Alexandre in 1666 CE at the Black Monastery, having been
originally developed by Lord Marcus in 1530 CE. Followers of this Path
believe the truth lies within themselves and is best found by an inner
search for personal enlightenment that leads ultimately to the amassing
of power. Control of the self and of the external world is the only goal
worth pursuing. To this end, a vampire must develop his abilities, extend
his influence, and lay his pawns. By bending the world to his will, the
vampire creates order and stability. Every form of power, influence, or
control can be used to further some end. Therefore, Unifiers seek all
forms of power, be it political, material, or spiritual. By understanding
oneself, it is possible to begin to describe the motivations of others.
True understanding therefore allows the vampire to unlock the secrets
of enemies and allies alike, to carefully dissect any situation, and discern
the most proper course of action. From such judgments, the vampire
decides upon the most favorable means of taking or keeping control.

The followers of this Path believe their self-consciousness is an aspect of

the soul itself. The soul exists outside the material world, but interacts
with reality through the body, expressing itself in control. They believe
both mortals and immortals have this power, but vampires have
received the ability to allow part of their souls to enter into the real
world, and are thus capable of much more than humans. As they hone
their abilities, they learn to control their very blood, and derived from
that, their thoughts and eventually their environment. As within, so
without. A powerful and influential vampire is also spiritually advanced.

Unifiers are consummate politicians and strategists among the Sabbat. Although blood bonds and emotional ties can
motivate followers, the pragmatic students of this philosophy recognize that such measures can be fought and
compromised. Thus, vampires of this Path believe that control should only be woven through methods that cannot be
subverted: pain, rage, desire, and depravity are key among their tools. A recruit who serves out of loyalty can be
bought; a follower who serves out of duty can be blackmailed; an adherent who serves from love can be disillusioned.
Therefore, fear and respect for power, anger, and hate directed towards one's enemies, the fulfillment of lust, and
the lessons of pain make the most persuasive directives. There is no use in pining for lost humanity or in secreting
oneself away to study arcane lore; vampires are without honor or compassion. The role of the vampire is the role of
master. The need for control combined with introspection makes followers of this Path into corrupt and brutish
tyrants. Some followers of the Path simply espouse dictatorship, but the truly enlightened use philosophy and an
understanding of psychology to incite their followers. The typical Unifier accepts no excuses, drives himself and his
subjects mercilessly, and shows no pity or compassion for failure.

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• Acknowledge those in authority, but replace them when they fail.

• Always feign benevolence, but never show weakness.
• Dominate the world around you and drive your followers to excel.
• Never tolerate failure, especially your own.
• Be sparse with rewards.
• Always strive for control by any means necessary.
• Never show weakness.
• Use every emotion to dominate your fellows.
• Respect those above you, but replace them when they falter.

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Denying responsibility for your actions. Dereliction of responsibility is a failure to
19-20 lead properly.
Turning down an opportunity for power. Personal power is the means to all ends.
Reward competence as an incentive, but
Treating your underlings poorly.
do so sparingly.
Be right and you will be vindicated.
Submitting to the error of others.
Follow a fool and you will suffer for it.
Failing to respect your superiors. Give the respect that is due, that you
15-16 might learn something in turn.
Not using the most effective tools for control. The end does justify the means.
Always gain something from your
Helping others without gaining an advantage. actions.
Reward excellence as an incentive, but
Failure to reward success. do so sparingly.
Succeed, or die.
11-12 Accepting defeat. Always gain something from your
Helping others when it is not to your advantage. actions.
Do not hesitate to eliminate those who
Failing to kill when it suits your interests. would stand against you.
Defeat is a form of failure, punish the
Accepting defeat in your chosen endeavor. enemy or punish yourself.
Be right and you will be vindicated.
Submitting to the errors of others. Follow a fool and you will suffer for it.
Power must be seized. Be iron-fisted and
Not using the most effective tool for control. resolute.
Failure is instructive only when used as a
Accepting failure without punishment. negative example.
Turning down an opportunity for power. Personal power is the means to all ends.
Denying responsibility for your actions. You cannot met out punishment or
reward to others, until you can punish or
reward yourself - honestly.

Path of Redemption


Conscience, Self-Control

The Path of Redemption is a Path of Enlightenment that fights the

Beast by striving for salvation in the service of God. Naturally,
these claims are somewhat inconvenient in the current societies
of the Damned, but the followers of the path are often more
determined to gain grace than caring about others.

The undeniable supernatural fact of vampirism, so the scholars of

the Path argue, proves that there must be a higher power. If
there is a higher power, humanity must have failed it; just look
around and you can see how sin and degradation flourish among
them. And if this power – claimed to be the Abrahamic God – is
disappointed by humanity, vampires, as natural predators by
their vitae, are his scourge upon them, dark angels of His wrath
that go through a purgatory on Earth to become His servants. By
denying the Curse of Caine to poison their soul, they fight the
Beast and strive to strengthen their soul in order to serve the
Almighty and eventually return to His grace. They see themselves
in the station of Job, who was also tested by God and the

Most doctrines of the Path are influenced by the Jesuits, who see
themselves as Soldiers of God and value scientific researches to
gain insight into a fracture of God's plan. The Cainites who follow
the Path of Redemption do the same by investigating their
Disciplines or spending their immortal existences researching
occult texts. They try to atone for the sins of Caine and strive to
redeem him and themselves. They believe that Enoch, the first of
Caine's childer, was granted absolution and that he was
translated into Heaven to act as an angel for accepting the Lord's

Most adherents of the Path are members of the Sabbat

Inquisition or are independent. Usually, they will form
communities that are similar to those of a monastery. It should
be noted, however, that followers of the Path of Redemption do
not care about maintaining their Humanity or any human
moralities any longer, having accepted their bestiality and striving
only for absolution before God. They unleash their Beast in an
orgy of Frenzy annually in a controlled manner (called the Divine
Tide) to meditate about their sins and gain understanding about
their condition, so that one day they will be able to deny it.

The Martyrs argue that vampires are, by their very nature, the ultimate personification of the seven cardinal sins.
These are:

• Pride is represented by the vampires physical talents that defy the natural order of God
• Greed is represented by addictive qualities of their vitae towards mortals
• Anger is represented in the destructive nature of the Beast
• Lust is represented in the urge to sire a childe and damn another soul to vampirism
• Envy is represented by the power of the Blood Bond
• Gluttony is represented in the insatiable hunger every Cainite endures
• Sloth is represented by their inability to act during the day

Ethics are guidelines that might add toward a change in your Path level in a positive way. Following these rules the
Kindred adheres to the tenets of the Path.

• The word of God is law

• Seek the forgiveness that Caine refused
• Understand sin in all its facets
• Study the Children of Seth and remind them of the love of God that you are denied
• Understand the vampiric condition as God's tool
• Embrace only those who have abandoned their faith
• Submit to the Divine Tide in order to understand the Beast and find redemption
• Confess your sins to those above you in the Path
• Watch and destroy those who exalt their cursed unlives
• Pray to God for guidance
• Find those who have faith and teach them
• Destroy all those who would consort with Hell

Hierarchy of Sins
Any sins that are on your Path level and below might add towards a change in your Path level in a negative way. For
example, with a Path rating at 12, everything is a sin for the Vampire at 12 and below. At 13 and over, those actions
are not endangering the Path Ethics anymore but are also not increasing the Path level.

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale

Violating any of the Ten Commandments, for any
19-20 God's word is Law
All the Devil requires is for the faithful to
17-18 Failing to speak out against corruption and sin
do nothing
Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony or some
15-16 Sin is the road to the Beast
other sinful impulse
13-14 Theft, robbery, willful vandalism Thou shalt not steal
11-12 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person God sees all and punishes such sins
9-10 Feeding from an innocent without permission God protects the innocent
Thou shalt have no other god before me.
Blasphemous or heretical acts Denial of God leads only to damnation.
5-6 Allowing a crime or major sin to go unpunished "Vengeance is mine", sayeth the Lord.
Thou shalt not kill. Do not repeat the sin
The murder of innocents of Caine.
Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of
evil Serve evil and you serve the Beast.

London by Night
The Fall of London
London 2012. The Heralds of the Sun awaken and are driven to seek five artifacts to restore their master, Mithras -
god among vampires, to his full glory. The same time the Second Inquisition rises to burn London's Kindred to ashes,
creating Operation Antigen as a coalition of mortals to fight the vampire menace.
The Second Inquisition, as while they're a formidable foe, believes that they were successful in their purge but it's
clear that London wasn't so much "purged". Quite a lot of vampires just left for Birmingham, Edinburgh, or Cardiff
until the Second Inquisition decided to move on after London was deemed free of the vampiric taint. Also, a large
number of Thin-bloods managed to escape and keeps to thrive thanks to the low blood potency keeping their
Masquerade strong, they are human enough to throw their hunters off the hook. The Second Inquisition think they've
won but that’s far away from the truth as the city slowly rebuilds after the Fall of London.
Three years later, in 2015 the Kindred society is still rebuilding from the onslaught that left more than 90% of the
vampires in the city dead or missing. London is fractured, ruled by powerful Elder that set themselves up as Landlords
in various parts of the city while only the shadow of the golden age of Queen Anne’s regency remains. While she still
holds the beating heart of her old domain, the City and Central London, the rest is in the hands of Anarchs, Thin-
Bloods, Caitiff and Sabbat.
The Compact
One significant factor in the survival of London’s remaining vampires is a strict code of behavior. Beyond the old
Blood Laws of Mithras, or the Traditions of the Camarilla, the more recent Compact is now an ever-present part of
nightly Kindred existence.
Rumour has it that in 2014 an enigmatic vampire known only as the “King of Shadows” arranged a rare meeting of the
most prominent Kindred Landlords of London, where these rules were discussed and agreed upon.
No Use of Public Transport
London’s trains and buses are under constant surveillance and climbing on board carries the risk of being identified,
and of your movement being tracked. Using major airports is also most likely suicide. Kindred who value their own
existence will walk, drive themselves, or will hire a private taxi from a company that they trust. This leaves the Nosfer-
atu who know London’s secret pathways underground as the true masters of the city center.
No Use of Electronic Media, and No Open Communication
Any use of voice, video, text or email services also leaves information that can be traced. Instead, London’s Kindred
prefer to communicate using dead drops and trusted couriers. The Nosferatu are especially fond of carrier pigeons.
The only electronic form approved is Iridium GDB paging, it’s said that the company is owned by a Nosferatu who
uses a network of 66 LEO (low-earth-orbit) satellites to run his Global Data Burst operation. These short messages are
always encrypted end-to-end with 2-Factor authentication for ultra-security. Still, messages are rarely written in plain
text and will instead use code words or cyphers that mean little to the uninitiated. Sensitive matters should never be
spoken of in public where they might be overheard.
No Elysium
All spaces formerly designated Elysium are to be avoided as they are on the watchlist of Operation Antigen. All other
public buildings with high surveillance or heavy security are similarly boycotted. Open gatherings of vampires are
discouraged as a thing of the past and non-vital interactions are delegated to servitors or intermediaries. When
Kindred must meet face-to-face it is in small numbers, and in innocuous places which offer multiple escape routes.
The only exception is the yearly Feast of All Saints gala when the invited (Landlords, Elder and other vampires that
matter) meet up at a secret location to discuss politics, prestation, introduction, judgement and celebrate the survival
of the London Kindred society. The ball is sponsored by Queen Anne and all rules of Elysium are in effect during the
whole night under strict security precautions of the Justicar’s team and Queen Anne’s court.
No Unity
The difficulties in traveling or communicating over long distances mean that it is no longer possible for any single
vampire to claim dominion over the entire London metropolitan area. Instead, the territory has become fragmented,
with local Kindred claiming small domains as Landlords and the Queen keeping the Central part of London as her
Domain. The Compact requires all Landlords to recognize each other’s absolute authority, but it also requires them to
assist each other in times of need, and to offer no sanctuary to criminals or malcontents.
This also means there is no fully functioning Court that rules the whole city, no Sheriffs for each part of London as it
used to be. There are no Primogen ruling although in many domains a single coterie may work together, delegating
responsibilities to different members for the benefit of the group. London’s vampires are fiercely territorial, and with
no higher authority to offer protection, weak Kindred do not last long against their stronger rivals.

The Six Traditions
The Traditions are the fundamental laws of Kindred society, supposedly handed down by Caine himself. The
Traditions form the legal backbone of Camarilla society, although in modern nights, the Prince fulfills the Elder role
outlined in the traditions. Most vampiric culture springs from the Traditions — presentation is outlined in the
Tradition of Hospitality, the Blood Hunt in the Tradition of Destruction and the parcelling of land in the Tradition of
Domain. These traditions are still being enforced in London, the idea of these old laws has now met more
understanding from the Kindred in the modern times after Operation Antigen.

Here is the basic breakdown of the Six traditions:

 Masquerade: Hide the existence of vampires from mortals

 Domain: A Kindred's hunting ground is his own territory, and he rules it absolutely.
 Progeny: Create a childe only with permission of one's elders.
 Accounting: Until childer are released, their actions are the responsibility of their sire.
 Hospitality: Honor the domains of others, and present oneself to the ruler of any domain you visit.
 Destruction: The right to kill Kindred is reserved for the Elder and only they may call a Blood Hunt.

The London Court
The London Court is built out of the survivors of the Fall of London, a few additional vampires were invited to fill in
the positions after their predecessors perished. The aim of the court is to keep the current Domain of Queen Anne
organized and secure while slowly increasing the borders of the controlled territory.

Lady Anne Bowesley “Queen Anne” – Ventrue

As her power base is more secure than ever after 2013, she no longer needs to show her control as openly as she
once did, but it is in her nature to be demonstrative. Anne does not hesitate to cut another off in mid-sentence if she
does not like what they are saying or if they bore her. Of course, she does not do so to those of higher station than
herself, but that group has diminished since she has gained dominion over the domain of London. Beyond the
necessary show of power, she has not let her position go to her head. She knows that she does not possess the
personal power of Mithras, and an organized attempt to overthrow her could certainly succeed. As such, she watches
over her fief like a hawk. The rumour is that she is not the person who sits on the throne, it’s only a puppet while she
is in torpor since 2013, her real body hidden away by her closest allies, awaiting her awakening from torpor.

Valerius – Ventrue – Seneschal

For several centuries he served as Sheriff, keeping London free of undesirables for his Lord. Respect for him grew to
such a point that when Mithras disappeared in 1798, no one questioned Valerius' right to claim the domain in his
stead. When Mithras did return, he exploded in rage, publicly stripped his former seneschal of all rank and privilege,
and physically threw him out of the building. He is said to be part of Mithra’s downfall in 2013. Valerius has now
settled into a life of retirement as an advisor to Queen Anne, believing she can take the city where he could not, and
that his work is over. He is an influential vampire who is empowered by the Queen to act on her behalf on all matters
except as they pertain directly to other Primogen.

Lady Lianna Burgh - Ventrue – the Chancellor

The Childe of Queen Anne, Lady Lianna is maintaining records of prestation, domain debts, defining who has pledged
what to whom. Lady Lianna has final say over the validity or satisfaction of a boon, any challenge to that debt held
either by the debtor or the debt-holder must be settled with her. She also runs a very successful marketing agency
and shapes the way how the mundane holdings of the Primogen are perceived by the mortals.

Javeria Khan – Assamite – the Hound
The daughter of London DI Ishaq Khan, who was one of the main forces behind Operation Antigen, Javeria was
Embraced as a way to break her incorruptible father’s resolve in hunting the Kindred. The Assamite Hafsa, who served
as Justicar Parr’s Archon, was mesmerized by her deft moves and acrobatic talent while watching her during one of
her dance rehearsals. Instead of killing Javeria she granted her the Embrace. Now she moves in the shadows of
London, carries two katanas and is the sanctioned executioner beholden only to the Queen.

Leonard Tsui – Giovanni – the Scourge

Leo is directly subordinated to Queen Anne and is responsible for the destruction of those illegally Embraced and
vampires of 14th and higher generations that create trouble to keep the population of Kindred at a sustainable level.
He is also a Red Pole of the 14K Triad, a criminal organization from Hong Kong that was the first triad in the UK.

Rose Abawi – Toreador - the Keeper of Elysium

The Toreador progeny of the former Keeper of Elysium, Regina Blake. Although her sire is missing and presumed
destroyed, she continues to search, and holds some hope that Blake may be safely found some night. Rose assures
that the customs of Elysium are observed, and is a caretaker of sites declared Elysium by the Queen. It is her duty to
schedule or cancel any events, a position that involves both great prestige and scrutiny.

Oskar Anasov – Nosferatu - the Herald

Ever the survivor, Oskar’s knowledge of spy craft has helped him evade capture, and he now maintains the local
Kindred communication network by carrier pigeon. He is also a reliable contact for getting other Kindred safely out of
the city – for a price. A refugee from the Russian Revolution, Anasov is a superb orator and agitator, he also works
with graffiti artists to incorporate hidden signs into the fabric of London’s streets. He acts as the Queen’s voice,
making her edicts known to the domain. Oskar speaks the results of any formal convocations where a Queen and her
court define new laws, announces the arrival of august and titled Kindred at formal events at Elysium.

Ritter - Brujah – the Sheriff

Often called the Titan due to his size, Ritter is responsible for the physical enforcement of the Queen’s decrees. He
has the authority to request that any Kindred accompany him/her for questioning and judgment. Ritter might appear
to be a brute, but he is cunning, calculating with a great deal of political sensibility. The rumour is that he used to be a
Templar in the 13th century but fell afoul with the Vatican after his order was persecuted. He is also the leader of the
Brujah that remained with the Camarilla.

The Law
The first Justicars were the Founders of the Camarilla, who went on to form the Inner Circle in 1504 CE when they
held the first meeting to appoint their successor Justicars. The Justicars are the voice of the Inner Circle and their
actions can only be challenged by another Justicar, granting them nearly unlimited power to do as they see fit. A
Justicar can seize whatever resources are required, rearrange offices with impunity, and even depose of princes if
they so desire, all in the name of upholding the laws and traditions of the Camarilla.

Juliette Parr - Malkavian - Justicar

Juliette Parr is the current Malkavian Justicar, given the authority by the Inner Circle to investigate traitors to the
Camarilla, and to punish those that would flaunt or undermine its Traditions. As a Neonate, Juliet fought the
restrictions society placed on women during the 19th century, in London she inserted herself into the National Society
for Women's Suffrage. She attracted the attention of Queen Anne, who shared many of her views and the two
became strong allies. It was also Bowesley who appointed Juliet as Sheriff of Northern London, an assignment that
she had held before.

Sebak Asim – Setite – Archon

Asim is one of the London born Setites that were expelled ages ago by Mithras and is now one of the voices of calling
the Blood Hunt on the Cult of Mithras. He is a servant to Justicar Parr, a shrewd and dangerous Kindred with strong
political ties and a penchant for recognizing one’s weakness.

Marton Haraszthy – Ravnos - Alastor

Marton is a well-known Hungarian Roma in the Isles with good connections with the local Romany community. He is
home on the roads of Europe and known in all major cities of the continent. He hunts the vampires on the Red List
under the command of Justicar Parr. When not hunting he is cheating his way through high stakes poker games.

The Pariahs
The few vampires that don’t have enough power to hold a Domain but are well known in the Kindred circles of
London are the Pariahs. They still have some power to move things and are in some cases used as pawns by the
Landlords to further their agendas.

Ayse Dhanial – Tremere Anarch

Ayse remains in London as nominal agent for House Carna, a splinter group from the main Clan with sympathies to
the Anarch Movement. Though she has recently turned her thoughts to raising her own House– after all, which
Tremere knows more about surviving in London that she herself? She resides somewhere in the Regent’s park area.

Johnny Gallagher – Brujah Anarch

An ambitious Brujah Anarch from Manchester, Johnny has travelled to London with his crew in the wake of the fall of
the city, with plans to carve out a Barony of his own. He has little experience with Operation Antigen, however, the
local Brujah Anarchs of the Brixton Massive look up to him as one of their leaders.

Z - Nosferatu
Z survived in the Nosferatu’s hidden underground, and has even managed to rise to some importance as courier
ferrying messages between Landlords and a forger of documents for the Kindred.

Arwyn & Chun Hei – Brujah

Gwenllian Arwyn has no choice but to remain in London, still bound by Mithraic sorcery keeping her imprisoned in
the city. She is unwilling to yield to either Mithras, Antigen, or Queen Anne and continues to discover a way to break
the sorcery confining her. Chun Hei is Arwyn’s main ally on the streets of London, serving as messenger, muscle, and
spy alike. Arwyn is the leader of the oldest Anarch groups, the Southwark Council.

The Landlords
The Kindred that wield power and are also able to hold it in the face of opposition carved out their own Domains in
London after the Fall. Most of them are disenchanted with how the Fall was handled by the former leaders or in
outright opposition towards the current London Court of Queen Anne. These vampires that gathered resources and
followers to build their own Domains are known as the Landlords of London.

The King of Shadows

The King of Shadows is a mysterious figure in London’s supernatural society. Variously described as a vampire, a
criminal kingpin, a champion of the downtrodden and a ghostly agent of retribution but only few know the truth. The
darkest and ugliest corners of London now belong to the King and his Court, and they suffer no insult, and brook no
Rumor has it they ruled London’s darkest places even before the Fall. Cleverly working through what seems like a
legion of proxies and servants, few have ever met this self-proclaimed king. They claim no allegiance to the Camarilla
or any other sect, and have little concerns outside of the city itself. Although commonly thought to be a Nosferatu,
nobody really knows for sure but some surmise that there are multiple vampires sharing the mask of the King of

Adisa – Assamite Anarch

The Assamite survived due to her knowledge of London and combat prowess. She rules as Landlord over a middle-
sized domain. Siding with the Anarch Movement she has no regrets about leaving the Camarilla behind, as their rules
never much suited her anyway.

Montgomery Coven – Assamite

Monty founded the cybersecurity company Syndexioi to coordinate his efforts and keeping his domain safe. Syndexioi
also researches the backgrounds and outlook of Kindred on the island, seeking out disaffected Sabbat and Camarilla
vampires allowing him to slowly gather an army that is loyal to him alone.

Henry Miers – Ventrue
A Ventrue Landlord of modest generation who claims to be of Mithras’s lineage. Miers believes that he has the right
to inherit the entirety of the domain after the Fall of London, and that the title of Prince should be his by lineage. He
struck an alliance with the Anarchs, being an Emissary to the Court and is working to push himself into a position of
power. He owns Miers Industries, a company with a major impact in the UK on anything business related.

Najma Elmi – Thin-Blood Anarch

Najma survived the Fall of London, collecting most remaining thin-bloods under her rule. Together with her Duskborn
they pose a formidable front, and have claimed praxis of Southall. She especially resents the privileged status held by
elders within the Camarilla and the London Court while she is still tolerated by them.

Richard de Worde - Nosferatu

De Worde is the undisputed master of disguises and stealth, gathering information. He took it upon himself to
become Mithras’ spymaster, using kine and Kindred alike to get the information his master needed. He served
Mithras’ faithfully for hundreds of years, and assisted him in building his empire in London until the 1900s, when de
Worde secluded himself and took his leave into the newly-built London Underground system. Mithras never forgave
this little show of freedom, the master had hard words and punishments for his wayward servant. Since then, he is
the ruler of the underground domain, London Under London, which he is keeping as a Landlord after the fall.

Rowena - Gangrel
The Irish Gangrel warrior survived the purge of London’s Kindred and now keeps to the Barrens. She has struck up an
uneasy truce with some local lupines, who have been similarly targeted by hunters recently. She and her allies want
nothing to do with Kindred politics, but could be an useful ally in any future fight against the agents of Operation

The Camden Court
The Kindred of the Camden Court are subjects of Queen Anne’s rule and reside in the Northern reaches of her
Domain. Some of the Elders and coteries have their own domains as an exchange for protecting the Northern borders
from the encroaching Anarchs and Sabbat while keeping the law and reporting on any troublesome thin-bloods.
There is an independent domain at the Inner Circle claimed by the Tremere who keep away from socializing with any
Kindred from the area.
North of the ZOO, right over the channel, is the Primrose Hill Playground that serves as a neutral ground, a place for
vampires with any affiliation to have a discussion free of violence. It is known that meetings with Garou, Mages and
even Mortal agents of Operation Antigen took place there.

The Elder
The Elder Kindred of Camden are either the survivors of the Fall of London or the new breed to pick up the reins. They
are given the responsibility to guard the Northern borders along the Camden channel while taking care of the
Queen’s Domain.

Lady Beatrix Prescott – Ventrue

Lady Prescott is the childe of Lady Burgh, a recent addition to the Ventrue to bolster the diminished power of the
clan. She is the supervisor and quasi-leader of the Kindred in the Northern reach with the authorisation of Queen
Anne. Her private Domain is at Euston Station from where she is running her business connected to trains (cargo and
personal) and also offers anonymous taxi services to Kindred in the area. She has a strong grip on the station and
trespassers are dealt with harshly.

Goldmann – Giovanni
In the early 1930’s Goldmann caught the eye of a Giovanni Elder who wanted an edge in the Jewish-Italian mob war
in London. By Embracing him the Clan gained a foothold within the most influential Jewish mob, The Yiddishers. Since
then Goldmann is continuing his career as a successful gangster, primarily being in the business of selling arms which
he also offers to all the Kindred in his area. He can be usually found at the Jewish Museum near the Regent’s park.

Lord Jaradh – Nosferatu

The Rat or as he likes to be called, Lord Jaradh, is a young Nosferatu that represents London Under London in the
Northern reaches. He is a specialist when it comes to digging up information about Operation Antigen and the
different parts it’s made up. As a very good hacker who can get into any system, Jaradh is also proficient in document
forgery that helps the Kindred to blend in much easier. He picked up the latest Nosferatu hobby of keeping pigeons,
especially for their ability to carry messages around London.

Mutt and Pooch – Gangrel
Mutt and his faithful ghoul companion Pooch are the guardians of the Regent’s park area for a few decades already.
The friendly Gangrel is claiming the London ZOO as his domain and makes business out of selling blood of different
exotic animals to fellow Kindred that share his dietary preference. While his appearance and demeanour make him
look like a weakling, in reality he is a ferocious warrior and with Pooch by his side he can easily stand up to any

Bagman – Assamite
Coming from a violent pirate camp in Somalia, Bagman found that the streets of London are not much different. It’s a
“kill or be killed” world filled with drugs, guns and reputation building. These days he runs the QC Blox, a smaller gang
of Somalis in Camden that deal drugs and control the entertainment area around the Lock. He is also running a
lucrative “cleaning” business, specialized in body disposal offered to both Mortals and Kindred, hiding behind a call
girl service.

Yang Mi – Toreador
The princess of the real Geommu, a traditional sword dance practiced in Korea, seeing Yang Mi’s mastery of the twin
swords is breath-taking (literally), not many had the luck surviving the display to talk about this unique experience.
She owns the Underworld music venue, which is the famed heart of the alternative music scene in England and also
serves as the unofficial Camden Elysium and a communication hub/dead drop for the Kindred of the area.

William Hatfield – Ghoul of Lady Prescott
Mr. Hatfield is one of the main decision makers at Euston Station management representing the government owned
Network Rail. However, as a ghoul he speaks for Lady Prescott in most matters concerning business while also
carrying out errands as a representative and messenger in the Kindred community of Camden.

Fyodor - Ghoul of Goldmann

As a Russian Jew who is a Bratva captain, he was a great prospect to be recruited by Goldmann into his operation.
With numerous contacts within the Russian mafia, that reach as far as the structures of the FSB, he is a valuable
Ghoul working out many of the arms deals. Fyodor is a skilled operative, easily a vampire’s match in a fistfight and a
shrewd opponent when it comes to it.

Patch - Ghoul of Lord Jaradh

The street roamer, homeless and drug user called Patch got his name from Vitiligo, a condition that causes whitish
patches on his skin. Or maybe because he is going from one rough patch to the other. Still, he is a known presence on
the streets of Camden, knows every nook and cranny and is nearly invisible to most people, as a ghoul he is perfectly
suited to be a spy and a messenger for Lord Jaradh.

Nakisisa - Ghoul of Mutt

As one of the leading Animal Care Specialist dedicated to African fauna, she is also a Council member of the governing
body at The Zoological Society of London. For the casual observer, it is still not clear who is the more subordinate in
her relationship with Mutt, she is fierce and takes crap from no one including her Master. As a ghoul she helps with
Mutt’s blood business keeping it ethical and with no harm to the animals in her care.

Lilia May - Ghoul of Bagman

Lilia was a front-page model, stunning, irresistible and utterly cold blooded until broken by cocaine. She was working
down her drug debts as a dominatrix with the Albanian mafia when Bagman gave her a way out, paying her debts and
making her a Ghoul. She is running the daily operations for the clean-up business and as a woman of thousand faces,
Lilia is a social chameleon with great acting skills who can fit into any situation.

Nicky Crane – Ghoul of Yang Mi

Nicky was always an angry, bad boy growing up in London and became a fixture of the Skinhead scene in the 80s.
After being ostracized for his homosexuality by the Neo-Nazi movement and having a near-death experience, he was
saved in the last moment by Yang Mi. Nicky was given a second chance to redeem himself as a Ghoul by someone,
who would have been on the top of his list of hate and rejection. He now runs the day-to-day operations of the
Underworld and is well known by the Kindred of the area as a messenger, knowing all the time where to find the
Kindred in Camden.

The Band
The coterie of neonates known as The Band is made up of four musically inclined Kindred. They are known to play
gigs in the Underworld and also claim a shared domain next to it. Their musical style is Black Metal and it helps a lot
to keep the Masquerade as this genre favours “corpsepaint”, a facial painting resembling skulls or demonic faces. For
the Mortals, the Band uses the name ÆTERNIA and they have already gathered a small following of fans in the last
year that recognize their music.

Skalmar the Dread – Brujah

The vocalist and leader of the Band is Skalmar, a powerful personality with a voice from beyond the grave. He came
from Denmark after the end of the Second Biker War in 1997 to evade a prison sentence for being a Hell’s Angels MC
hitman. He is the childe of Ritter, who sees in him a modern variation of the knights of old, riding a steel steed and
living by a warrior’s code. Embraced to help keeping the law and to be trained as a Sheriff when Queen Anne will
need more hands in her growing Domain. He keeps a connection with the biker scene as there is a sizeable Hell’s
Angels chapter located in London.

Red Riva – Setite

Sebak Asim’s childe was maybe chosen for her hair colour, as the Setites see a good omen in red haired women,
however, there is much more to her charm than her red mane. Riva comes from a Moroccan/Irish background, with
two master degrees in Psychology and Criminology she puts the brains behind her good looks. She plays the bass in
the Band with great talent, while being tutored in Kindred politics by her Sire to become an Archon one day.

Spook – Toreador
When Yang Mi saw Spook for the first time in the Underworld, masterfully playing the guitar with his thoughts in a
faraway dreamland, she knew that this musical genius must be preserved. The nature of the silent, shy young man
didn’t change after the Embrace however, he became even more incredible with his guitar and composition skills.
While he spends most of his time on the guitar, Yang Mi made sure he is also schooled in Korean martial arts and
sword techniques.

Joker - Malkavian
After the death of Letitia Shy during an Operation Antigen raid, Juliette Parr lost a successor and a cherished childe.
No one really knows why Parr chose to Embrace Joker, a street punk rebel and a parkour legend of London. The
people close to him know him to be a daredevil, an unstoppable force of nature and an unhinged adrenaline junkie
that, on some level, fits the Malkavian profile well. He is the drummer in the Band, a beat machine with the precision
of a Swiss watch and a penchant for complicated techniques. Parr is for now staying away from her childe, letting him
to develop his own powers and growing into being a vampire.

The Family
The Family is a coterie of Vampires that are running a criminal organization, having interests in drug trafficking, illegal
fights, prostitution, money counterfeiting and fencing of stolen goods. They employ a large number of followers to
run the daytime operations of the Family that is primarily centred in Primrose Hill, north of the borders of Queen
Anne’s domain. Their gang can be recognized by wearing the purple colour as a sign of their affiliation with the
Family. A mutual agreement ensures a covert assistance with any major problems by the Queen while they supply her
with information about the movement of her rivals in North London and help with clandestine operations when
necessary. Some Kindred in the Court of London call them jokingly the “Addams Family” but none of them can
dispute their ability handling hairy situations involving Sabbat vampires or hunters.

Big Daddy – Ravnos

Big Daddy came from Glasgow where he was a known fence and muscle for the McPhee gypsy family tied to Ravnos
travellers, dodging the second wave of Operation Antigen that was cleaning up the rest of the UK. On the way down
to London he gathered a band of like-minded Kindred, Caitiff with no ties to any clan, looking to start a new
existence. He is still continuing with being a fence and trader of illicit goods in London after creating the Family that
now runs all crime in Primrose Hill.
Lil’Mama – Caitiff (Ventrue)
While she is of short stature a single word from her can make the whole Family jump, including Big Daddy. Lil’Mama
was a brothel madam, running a chain of pleasure houses in Manchester and reporting to the local Ventrue. When
the city was shaken up by Operation Antigen she teamed up with Big Daddy and they left to London. She is running
the prostitution trade for the Family, keeping the girls safe, healthy and profitable.
Frogboy - Caitiff (Nosferatu)
One night, the small Nosferatu appeared in the Family’s Primrose Hill safehouse, surpassing all the security measures
and asking to be part of the coterie. Frogboy was warmly welcomed and became a good luck charm. With a natural
ability to infiltrate and stay unseen he is the eyes and ears for the Family, a scout who knows his territory well.
Missy - Caitiff (Toreador)
As an accomplished tattoo artist, Missy branched out into the art of money counterfeiting using her intuitive skillset
and natural talent to create indistinguishable bank notes. Big Daddy picked her up in Birmingham, running scared
from a squad of Antigen operatives. Now she owns a printing studio that supplies the Family with perfect fake bills.
Puffer - Caitiff (Gangrel)
A natural green thumb when it comes to weed, Birmingham’s finest grower took shelter with the Family after his
grow room was raided by Antigen. He is back to his favourite pastime of creating new strains of hyper-potent weed,
hiding out in an underground area converted to his specifications. He is rarely seen without a lit joint in his fingers,
spreading the hypnotic fumes all around him.
Cross – Ravnos
Both arms broken and a bullet in his head, Cross died the night after his last bare-knuckle fight as a mortal. Big Daddy
saved him, brought him back from the dead with the Embrace and made sure to hunt down those responsible, the
bookie and his thugs that didn’t take kindly of Cross not throwing the fight. He now runs his own events of
underground bare-knuckle fights and is the captain of the Family’s mortal goon squad. As a thin-blood he has a
unique gift, he is able to operate under the sun without burning up.

Groups and Societies
London, being a metropole of supernatural powers, is the home of many groups and societies that dance around each
other, collide and create havoc. Mages, werewolves, hunted or terrorist Kindred and humans that see the reality of
the supernatural are all involved in shaping the landscape of London after the Fall.

Operation ANTIGEN
As much as the Kindred of London would like to think otherwise, many mortal institutions in Britain have been aware
of the supernatural for some time. In the civilian world, the Newburgh Group is the name of the coalition of police,
military, and intelligence assets (The Knights of Saint George, Arcanum, London police, and MI5) that purged the city
of London of organized vampire influence under Operation Antigen. It was named after Sir Simon Newburgh, one of
the directors of the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) and after this initial success, the Newburgh
Group became an official forum, and the outcome of their first meeting was to form Operation Antigen, a permanent
program dedicated to eradicating the threat to national security in London. The earliest phases of the operation
focused on surveillance and intelligence-gathering, verifying the data. In 2011 agents were armed with the latest
technology and given rudimentary training in more occult matters, starting with low level suspects on the fringes of
society, Antigen began dismantling the Kindred conspiracy step by step.
The success of the operation has led to similar anti-vampire initiatives being sponsored in other cities in the United
Kingdom and abroad. The Newburgh Group, sometimes called as the Second Inquisition, is no monolithic global
organization as it encompasses only the London/UK government knowing and taking action on vampires in the city.
The Second Inquisition is part police and other government agents, although ones who are generally very well
informed and much better armed than the usual priest-hunter with a shotgun and cross. Operation Antigen is still
active tonight, in a second phase dedicated to ensuring that supernatural criminal influence does not return. The
word "vampire" is not used in official briefings instead, the agents speak of "blankbodies", Blanks, Nulls, or IC0s
(Identity Code 0, pronounced “I see zero” or “I see null”) referring to the low body temperature of the undead that
marks them as inhuman.

Hunt Club
Highly secretive in nature, the organization is dedicated to the pursuit of hunting Kindred for sport and is reputed to
endorse the practice of diablerie. Members join using pseudonyms and disguises to protect their own reputations,
and rumour has it that some are highly placed within Kindred society. The nominal leader of the Hunt Club is known
simply as The Count, a title believed to be a homage to Count Zaroff, a Russian vampire known to have hunted his
peers in the mid-20th century, but who has not been seen for decades. In modern nights the organization must be
wary of Operation Antigen, but some members argue that getting closer to these mortal hunters may be a way of
finding new quarry for their sport.

Cult of Mithras
The Cult of Mithras is a Kindred blood cult focused around the fourth-generation Ventrue Mithras, the former Prince
of London. The relationship of the vampire Mithras to the divinity at the center of the cult's worship was often
contested; the cultists believe Mithras is a god coincidentally inhabiting a Cainite shell, the non-believers think that
the cult is the invention of a wily methuselah whose Disciplines let him counterfeit divinity. Worship takes place in
underground temples where devout Cainites may rest during the day. The cult promotes deference to one's sire, their
line, and the line of Mithras, as well as martial discipline and courage. It may seem odd for vampires to worship a god
called the Unconquered Sun, one whose symbols include fire, but overcoming Rötschreck is one of the greatest tests
of courage a Cainite can face. Mithras' childer and their descendants are particularly resistant to the fear of fire.

Red Question
The Red Question is a secret organization affiliated with the Anarch Movement. They operate almost exclusively
online, so their exact identities are a mystery. The group was named by the Camarilla for the red font of the recurring
question "WHY DO YOU OBEY?" found within their texts. The Red Question first issued a political tractate online
named Anarchs Unbound, a New Manifesto for the Digital Age.
The tractate was using a great variety of mortal theories ranging from Rousseau to Descartes, from Marx to Adam
Smith, from Saul Alinsky to Ayn Rand, in order to apply them to the Kindred condition. The Red Question has, so far,
not announced any ambitions to lead the Anarch Movement or do anything more besides cyberterrorism.

The Red List
The Red List are a group Kindred often referred to as Anathema
and classified by the Inner Circle as grave dangers and whose
destruction is one of the first priorities, should they show
themselves. The Red List are often powerful, influential or
otherwise expertised, although some have made the simple
mistake of inviting the ire of the wrong Kindred. Specialized
Archons called Alastors hunt the Anathema and anyone associated
with them. Slaying an Anathema grants the responsible Kindred a
major boon, a so-called Trophy. To be put in the Red List, two
Justicars have to agree to prosecute a truly monstrous action,
preferably with witnesses or proofs of the deeds done. These
Justicar bring the name before the next meeting of the Inner Circle
and when all assembled representatives agree on the danger of
the accused, the name is put on the list.

The Arcanum is a secret society of scholars that pursue knowledge
of the supernatural. A number of Arcanum agents act as hunters,
though they usually hunt in the pursuit of esoteric lore rather than
actively hunting supernatural creatures. Many Arcanum scholars
are sorcerers, and a handful possess True Faith. A member of the
Arcanum is referred to as an Arcanist. The Arcanum values
knowledge above all. They see the world occluded by shadows
and see knowledge as the light to drive away that darkness and
discover what is hidden. Driven by some darker predictions about
a cataclysm of unknown sort, the Arcanum believes that
knowledge of the supernatural will safeguard humanity's future.

Knights of St. George

The Resolute Knights of St. George, also referred to as Caballeros
de Posadas, Varghese or the Church of the Union, are an Anglican
order sworn to fight the supernatural. Founded in Syria in the 11th
century, the Knights have spread across the British Empire,
maintaining outposts in places as far as India and Australia. While
the Knights usually take far more credit than it is their due, their
successes and influence cannot be denied and makes them
valuable allies to the Inquisition.
The Knights of St. George have always been a forward-looking
order, inducting women in the 19th century,
opening their doors to non-Christians in the early 20th century.
There are alchemists, sorcerous numinist, and mortal researchers.
The work closely with the House of Murnau, a family of Inquisitors
known for its long battle against corruption and its eternal curse,
that provokes strange effects to its members in the presence of
the supernatural.

Glass Walkers Garou Tribe

London is a centre of the Glass Walker tribe of the Werewolves. They have fought in London against the signs of
urban corruption since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Recent successes in the battle for London are the
purification of the site of the Millenium Dome. Other tribes are rare, the local Bone Gnawers have been nearly
exterminated after an ancient vampire awoke in the 1990s and still have found no way to replenish their numbers.
The Fianna likewise were hit hard when that creature emerged and most of their numbers have fallen. Rumours exist
of a Caern of them hidden within one of the city's parks, but no one is forthcoming. A single agent remains within
London to learn the fate of the Wyrm creature capable of such destruction.

Loresheets exist to add depth and richness to both characters and chronicles, and a method of more closely inte-
grating them together through a source of shared mythology. This mythology can cover an enormous amount of
conceptual territory, ranging from membership in an alternative Kindred subculture such as the Hunt Club; to
descent from a famous (or infamous) figure in Kindred society; to possession of specialist knowledge of Kindred
history or religion that lies out of reach of the average Kindred on the street. The same is true when it comes to the
Lore of specific locations and their residents.
Most of the loresheets presented in this supplement are London-specific in their orientation, but this doesn’t mean
that they can’t be portable to other locations. A childe sired by Xaviar or an agent of Justicar Parr remains linked to
that status even if they’re spending their nights in Tokyo or Chicago, and the status that clings to it will continue to
apply no matter where they travel. Contacts may become more difficult to get hold of and it will take longer for their
efforts and advice on behalf of a character to come to fruition, but those relationships still hold value. Some forms of
Lore, such as detailed knowledge of threats to specific domains and individuals, might also compel a character in
possession of them to flee to safer climes, knowing the hammer of ecclesiastical or governmental authority is about
to drop and wanting to get as far from ground zero as possible. The only real limit on how to apply the Lore of London
lies in the hands of the Storyteller.

AGENT OF JUSTICAR PARR (5 points/level)

Juliette Parr is the current Malkavian Justicar, given the authority to investigate traitors to the Camarilla, and to
punish those that would flaunt or undermine its Traditions. Parr has a long-standing association with law
enforcement; prior to her appointment she served as one of the Sheriffs of London. Her presence, knowledge, and
charm are considerable, and her obsessive-compulsive tendencies have served her well when interrogating suspects,
examining crime scenes, and poring over other important evidence. The Justicar continues to maintain a Haven in her
home city of London, and she can often be found there when she is not attending Camarilla matters overseas
You are a confidant of Justicar Parr, serving as her eyes and ears, and given the authority to command Camarilla
resources in her name. She trusts your observations and recommendations, all in the name of the greater good,
protecting the Camarilla from enemies within and without.

1. Information Drop: You routinely provide information to Justicar Parr, reporting on the movements and
conversations of other Kindred, but sometimes you receive useful information in return. Once per story you can
ask the Storyteller for a piece of information relevant to an ongoing investigation, which could be reasonably
provided by the Justicar’s wider network of agents and informants.
2. Camarilla Conditioning: Beyond your personal commitment to the Camarilla, you have also received training and
indoctrination that ensures your loyalty to the sect. You gain +1 to all four Willpower checks performed in the
course of your duties, and you also add +1 when making rolls to resist any attempts to intimidate or compel you
away from your duties.
3. Request Backup: You are important enough to Justicar Parr that you may call upon other Camarilla assets in her
network to assist you in your work. Once each story you may call upon a 25-point Ally (extremely influential or
skilful, choose a template when you request the help of the Ally) to back you up for the duration of a scene. They
could grant you access to places you normally cannot go, introduce you to people you would not normally meet,
perform a task beyond your own expertise and experience, or simply provide physical protection or escape in a
high-risk situation.
4. Favored Protégé: You are acquainted with Juliette Parr at a personal level, and you have a shared history beyond
serving the Camarilla in an official capacity. You correspond with the Malkavian often, while she trusts you
implicitly, her interest comes with a certain degree of possessiveness. You may consider Parr as a Level 5 Mentor,
but she also makes constant demands of you. It would be unwise to upset an elder of her power and influence.
5. Camarilla Archon: You are publicly named as an Archon serving the Camarilla under Justicar Parr, and you hold a
warrant that you can present to any Camarilla Kindred to demand their cooperation in your activities and
investigations. Your position taints all your interactions with other vampires for better or worse. Sycophants will
try to impress you, while others may resent you or avoid you. Enemies of the Camarilla will also consider you a
target to make an example of, if possible.

COURT OF SHADOWS (5 points/level)
The King of Shadows is a mysterious figure in London’s supernatural society. Variously described as a vampire, a
criminal kingpin, a champion of the downtrodden, and a ghostly agent of retribution, few know the truth. The darkest
and ugliest corners of London now belong to the King, and they suffer no insult, and brook no competition. While the
King is not known to foster friendships, they have many agents and allies that serve them across the city, both on the
street and below it. These agents can be found everywhere: near train and tube stations, on street corners and bus
stops, outside all-night convenience stores, in hostels, under bridges, and in other more downtrodden places.
Many mortals and Kindred alike
are in the King’s debt, and those
that are foolish enough to
become their enemy are seldom
seen for long. To be in the King’s
favor is considered a blessing by
many, and certainly not
something to be scorned.
There are many benefits to
serving the King of Shadows.
They always look out for their
own, ensuring their agents are
never hungry, and never want for
a roof over their heads. The King
also offers security and sanctuary
– many of London’s organized
crime syndicates are aware of
their existence, but few would
dare to cross them.

1. Free Meals: The King of Shadows is aware their Kindred associates need to remain well-fed, and to this end they
employ mortals across the city as willing vessels who can be made available to those in need. Once per game
session you may approach the Court of Shadow for sustenance. The vessel will be willing and if you have any
feeding restrictions, then the vessel is compatible with your predilections.
2. Rumor Mill: The Court of Shadows encourages a lively trade of information and rumours. Once each game
session you may approach the network to exchange useful information. The veracity and accuracy of the
information given to you is left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but it should consider the value of the information
that you trade in return. If you cannot pay in kind, then you may be asked to perform a service for the King
3. Contraband: The Court of Shadows is also a place where you can find illegal narcotics, weapons, explosives, and
other contraband. Once per story you may approach the Court of Shadows for what you need. They will be willing
to provide, but always at a price, which can be paid in hard currency, or with barter – either information or other
goods of an equivalently high value.
4. Sanctuary: The Court has access to many buildings above ground across the city, and many structures below
ground, all of which are claimed by the King as their domain. The King’s agents know many hiding places, located
where few prying eyes would think to look. Once per story you may approach the Court of Shadow to request
sanctuary. You will be blindfolded, and you will not know where you are taken, but you can be sure that you will
be kept safe for as long a time as you need.
5. Favored by the King: You are one of the few Kindred in London who has ever been in the presence of the King of
Shadows. For some reason they have taken an interest in you, and regularly correspond and meet with you. The
King wears a mask and is still an enigmatic figure, but you know more about them than many others. Once per
story you may call upon the King directly for aid. The manner and degree to which they respond is left to the
Storyteller to determine, but it should materially serve your needs in some way.

HUNT CLUB (5 points/level)
The organization known as the Hunt
Club has been operating covertly in
London since the end of the Second
World War. Highly secretive in
nature, the organization is
dedicated to the pursuit of hunting
Kindred for sport and is reputed to
endorse the practice of diablerie.
Members join using pseudonyms
and disguises to protect their own
reputations, and rumor has it that
some are highly placed within Kin-
dred society.
The nominal leader of the Hunt
Club is known simply as The Count,
a title commonly believed to be a
homage to Count Zaroff, a Russian
vampire known to have hunted his
peers in the mid- 20th Century, but who has not been seen for decades. The organization’s practices have evolved
over the years into baroque and theatrical affairs, teasing and taunting victims, and using regalia and calling cards
that recall mortal Britain’s long history of fox and game hunting.
Before London’s fall, the Hunt Club was quick to join in the action each time Queen Anne declared a Blood Hunt, and
the organization was unscrupulous at identifying its own targets for sport during quiet times. London and the United
Kingdom have proven to be a rich hunting ground, populated by many reclusive and antiquated elders with poor
defenses but rich vitae for the taking. In modern nights the organization must be wary of Operation Antigen, but
some members argue that getting closer to these mortal hunters may be a way of finding new quarry for their sport.

1. Huntsman’s Newsletter: As a fledgling member of the Hunt Club, you are notified when important events occur,
including when Blood Hunts are declared in the various Kindred domains in Avalon and in the cities of western
Europe. You can expect to receive such a notice once per story, but exactly when this might happen is left to the
discretion of the Storyteller.
2. Experienced Diablerist: You have previously participated in a hunt, and in its culmination have committed the act
of diablerie on another vampire. Due to your prior experience, you may add +2 to your future Strength rolls when
attempting the same act again in the future. This also means that the signs of diablerie may be visible in your
aura, and you would be wise to avoid this being detected.
3. Huntsman’s Dossier: The Hunt Club devotes significant resources to watching and researching elder vampires to
assess their defenses and suitability as a target for sport. Not all these Kindred end up as victims, but the
information gathered about their movements and nightly habits may still be interesting to other members. Once
per story you may contact the organization to ask for information regarding the current whereabouts, or the
favorite haunts, of a named Kindred that dwells in the local domain.
4. Huntsman’s Steed: You have acquired and adapted a modern vehicle to perfectly complement your hunting
pursuits. The exact make and model are left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but it will be a plain-colored van or
truck with blacked-out windows. The exterior will be subtly armor-plated, and the interior will be sound-proofed
and reinforced with metal cage strong enough to contain an angry Kindred. The vehicle can be registered to your
name, or one of your Masks.
5. Leader of the Hunt: Your good standing within the Hunt Club gives you the right to name any Kindred as the next
quarry for the organization’s sport. Once per story you may circulate the name of your target, which will cause
them to be taunted, harassed and attacked by members of the organization. This will prove to be a significant
inconvenience and distraction, but whether they survive the assault is left to the discretion of the Storyteller.

LONDON UNDER LONDON (5 points/level) - Nosferatu characters only
The subterranean landscape underneath London’s
streets could be considered an entire and separate
city of its own. The tunnels of the underground rail
system, bored over a century ago, worm alongside
crypts and basements of much older structures, and
more modern shafts dug to provide water, power,
and telecommunications services to London’s
residents above. This is the kingdom of Richard de
Worde and you better behave!
In the city center, within the approximate area
marked as Zone 1 on transport maps, the
underground infrastructure is particularly dense. New
digging work associated with the groundbreaking
Crossrail project – still incomplete at the time of
writing – has come within centimeters of other
existing structures. These underground pathways can
be used to traverse the oldest parts of the city
without ever setting foot on the street.

1. Tube Safety: While it is not normally

recommended for Kindred to use the Tube for
transport or feeding purposes, your knowledge of
this transport system places you at an advantage.
You know the layout of each station and where all
the CCTV cameras are placed. While you cannot
control them, you can take care not to present
your face to them, and you know the blind spots
in their coverage. As a result, you gain a +2 to
Stealth, if successful, allows you to pass through or hunt in any tube station undetected. Anyone travelling with
you can also benefit from your knowledge, should you choose to share it.
2. Somewhere to Hide: Your knowledge of London’s underground infrastructure is good enough to let you hide in
desperate situations. Maybe you are being pursued, or maybe you just found yourself too far from your haven
too close to dawn. Whatever the reason, you can attempt a Area Knowledge at +2 to find a suitable hiding place
below ground that will be overlooked by anyone not in possession of similar knowledge. The location could be an
old sewer pipe, a maintenance hatch, or a less-used section of the London Underground tunnel system – the
Storyteller may rule on how large or small your hiding place is, and how long you may be able to safely stay there.
3. Network of Vermin: You have spent enough time below ground in London to become familiar with the
multitudes of vermin and other creepy-crawlies that live there. These creatures are more readily available to do
your bidding, and more willing to defend you from intruders. Your chances of finding useful creatures in any
scene situated underground are increased, and you may add +1 to your skills when using any Animalism powers
that concern the interaction with other bestial creatures below the surface of London.
4. Personal Bolt-Hole: In addition to your regular haven aboveground, you maintain a secret underground hideout
that you can retreat to where no other Kindred can find you, and where you can store valuable items that you
dare not leave anywhere else. You do not use it frequently, as to do so would risk its discovery, but here you are
safe from traditional means of discovery (and the harmful rays of the sun). Note that this entirely mundane
location will not conceal you from those that would use supernatural means to track you – e.g. Auspex or Blood
5. Freedom of the City: Your knowledge of the subterranean landscape of London is enough to let you travel and
access important locations without ever needing to step above ground. Once per story you may transit between
two surface locations using underground routes in a manner that would not be detected by anyone watching at
ground level. This could mean accessing a private or public building illicitly – e.g. a bank vault, a secure office, or
another Kindred’s Haven – but this would not protect you from any security measures you might encounter inside
the building.

OPERATION ANTIGEN (5 points/level)
You carefully cultivated allies and contacts that give you some insight into Operation Antigen and its ongoing efforts
in London, and to similar activities elsewhere. You may also be able to exert some limited influence over its night-to-
night affairs, to better protect yourself and the ones you love, or to set them upon your enemies and rivals. These
interactions do not come without risk, however, as no Kindred can be considered truly safe from Antigen’s reach.

1. Early Warning: You have a trusted insider who has made you a simple promise: if Antigen ever identifies you, or
plans your capture, they will give you advanced warning. This is a one-time thing: they won’t stop or delay the
agents, but they will do you the courtesy of letting you know that they are coming.
2. Tactical Dossier: You have acquired (or been leaked) a dossier which discusses typical Antigen operating
procedures, covering surveillance protocols, how to plan raids, and tactical advice for engaging with IC0s. During
a scene which involves Operation Antigen, you can use the contents of this dossier to predict and outwit their
behavior. If the outcome of the scene results in Antigen being aware that they have been outmaneuvered (e.g.
their agents are killed, or their mission objectives are thwarted), then they will change their operating methods
and the dossier will become useless.
3. Sympathetic Insider: You have a relationship with someone placed high up on Antigen’s apparatus who knows a
great deal about current operational activities and targets. This person has their own reasons for sharing
information outside the chain of command – perhaps they do not agree with Antigen’s methods, or they are
more curious about the supernatural? Regardless of their motives, they are also cautious and paranoid about
being caught leaking information by their peers. Using suitably clandestine methods, you may reach out to this
Contact once per story to ask them questions about Antigen’s current activities.
4. Get Out of Jail Free: You have leverage over someone in the upper echelons of Operation Antigen. They do not
know it yet, and what you have can only be used once – as soon as the organization knows this person is compro-
mised, they will be cycled out and their clearance revoked. Whoever it is in the government, police or military,
you can contact them and successfully blackmail them into performing one service for you once. This is a card
that can be played in the event you are (or someone you know is) captured by Antigen forces, but it could also
potentially be used to deflect resources or delete sensitive information. Once your leverage is used, not only will
it become valueless, but your use of it will place you on Antigen’s watch list.
5. Official Credentials: You have managed to obtain or manufacture false credentials that will give you temporary
access to Antigen resources. You can use this identity to briefly take command of Antigen personnel at a location
under surveillance, or at the scene of a raid. You can also use this identity to take custody of prisoners or
evidence, or to infiltrate a location currently under Antigen control. How long your cover lasts depends on how
well you can blend in, and how long it takes before people start to ask awkward questions. Once used, however,
the cover is blown and it cannot be used again.

OSKAR ANASOV (5 points/level)
Oskar Anasov is one of the most influential vampires active in London tonight. He is responsible for the analog
communication systems which connect London’s Kindred Landlords, and he is a staunch believer and enforcer of the
Compact. He can also arrange passage into or out of the city safely.
Embraced by the Nosferatu Boronisk in Prussia in the mid-19th century, Oskar was once a political revolutionary, with
a hand in the upheavals that occurred in France, Italy, Germany, and Hungary. After the Russian Revolution, and
subsequent purges, he traveled with many political exiles to London.
Oskar joined with the Anarchs of London and instigated
unrest against the Ventrue rule. He was caught painting
Anarch graffiti on the walls of Elysium and was hauled
before then-Seneschal Anne Bowesley. He had a choice to
serve her or to be executed. For many years, he remained
a loyal, if grudging, servant to the Court of London. When
Anne succeeded Mithras as the Prince of London, Oskar
became her Herald, issuing decrees across the domain of
Avalon on her behalf.
Oskar was clever enough to survive the Fall of London,
and was instrumental in devising the Compact. In addi-
tion to maintaining the network of carrier pigeons used to
send messages between London’s Landlords, Oskar also
devotes considerable time to studying and monitoring
Operation Antigen.
Anasov’s services aren’t usually free, and each time you
call upon him he will require payment for his efforts. He
typically prefers to receive information and favors over
hard currency – in each case the specifics of each
payment are left to the Storyteller’s discretion.

1. Messaging Service: You are acquainted with Anasov well enough to use his messaging network, which is a reliable
method for contacting other Kindred in London, without risk of the communication being intercepted by
Operation Antigen. Anasov promises successful delivery, regardless of how elusive the recipient might be.
2. Personal Introduction: For a higher fee Anasov can also arrange for a face-to-face meeting with any other
Kindred resident in London. Once per story you can name any Kindred known to be in London – regardless of
whether they hold domain or are just passing through – and the Nosferatu will arrange the meeting after
receiving payment. Anasov facilitates the introduction, but cannot vouch this Kindred’s behavior or reaction to
meeting you. If a meeting turns violent, or otherwise ends badly for the Kindred you named, then Anasov will
refuse all your future requests, for the sake of his own reputation.
3. Safe Passage: Anasov has the means to smuggle mortals and Kindred in and out of the city of London without
fear of detection by other vampires, or the agents of Operation Antigen. Once each story you may call upon the
Nosferatu to perform this service for a group of up to six individuals. If entering the city, they will be delivered
safely and securely to an address of your choice. If leaving the city, then you may name a destination outside of
London’s borders. Typically, Anasov will arrange a pickup or drop off in a town or city in the south-east of the UK.
Arranging international transit is possible for a higher fee, but Anasov will not vouch for the party’s reception or
safety after they have been delivered to the requested destination.
4. Mentor: You are personally acquainted with Anasov, and your interactions with him are more than just business.
You may count him as a level 4 Mentor, and you receive a significant discount when paying to utilize his services.
However, this also means that he may call on you at least once per story to help him with message delivery, peo-
ple smuggling or another similar activity which furthers his interests.
5. Landlord Council: Meetings of vampires from neighboring domains occur from time to time to settle debts,
resolve disputes, and to recognize new Landlords. Larger gatherings of all of London’s domain holders are rare,
and usually mark the need to discuss a great threat or opportunity that might affect them all. Through Anasov,
you will be notified and invited to any meeting of Landlords that takes place in London. Once per story, if you
have a suitable justification, you may also ask Anasov to use his influence to call the Kindred Landlords of London
to a meeting. Note that these Kindred are paranoid, fickle, and prideful, and will mark you as a fool or as an
enemy if they should decide that you are wasting their time.

PURE VENTRUE LINEAGE (5 points/level) - Ventrue characters only
More than any other clan, the
Ventrue obsess over lineage,
reciting their ancestry many
generations back. Some claim their
ancestors convey abilities to the
descendants, while others state
reputation is power enough.
The Ventrue understand the
importance of history and purity of
vitae. When they speak, others
listen. It is one thing to know your
ancestry, it is quite another to speak
it proudly in a court of peers or as a
challenge to your enemies. At
important occasions, whether a
public function or the hours before
going into battle, Ventrue expect
each other to not only list the
names of their ancestors, but to
recite their deeds, accomplishments, failures, and — in some cases — dramatic deaths, to honor the past, lift the
spirit, and best impress the audience, whether a rabble of Brujah or a jaded Prince.

1. Sire of Renown: Your sire is a Ventrue notable for their nobility and adherence to clan values. To an extent, you
can lean on your sire’s name to curry favor with other Kindred mainly of Clan Ventrue. This lore enables you to
gain +1 bonus to appropriate Social skill checks where naming your sire could have impact. If the sire still exists,
they may come to resent you using them as a line of credit.
2. A Lineage of Title: You come from a line of Princes, Primogen, or possibly Barons. If you ever attempt to acquire
title in a domain, Ventrue — even those you’ve never met — will automatically support your claim, unless they
have sufficient reason to oppose you.
3. Recitation: You can name your ancestors all the way to a methuselah of the Fourth Generation, impressing all
Kindred within listening distance. Each Kindred of your line has a tale, and you know at least a shortened version
of every single one. Reciting the whole thing (something that takes a good 30 minutes or more) gives you a +3
bonus to all Social skill checks involving other Kindred for the rest of the scene. This can be used once per story.
4. Legendary Lineage (choose one):
The line of Alexander: A patron of the arts, passions, and beauty, Alexander of Paris appeared to many as more a
Toreador than a Ventrue. Kindred who name their ancestor as Alexander of Paris gain a +2 bonus on all Fast-Talk,
Persuade, Public Speaking and Performance skill rolls made in a crowd of people, as Alexander’s line love an
audience. If someone interrupts your oration, you must make a fury frenzy check.
The line of Antonius: Antonius was a strategic thinker, obsessive planner, and master architect of Clan Ventrue
until his apparent destruction. If you descend from Antonius, you gain a +2 bonus on all Military Science, Tactics
and Leadership skill rolls made when planning the defense or building of a domain. If someone disrupts you while
making a long-term plan of this nature, you must make a fury frenzy check.
The line of Mithras: Mithras exemplifies pride and power. Kindred of his cult claim he was impervious to flame,
and somehow this fortitude ripples through to his descendants’ willpower. You get a +2 bonus to resist fear
frenzy from exposure to fire. You suffer a -2 penalty when attempting to withstand Dominate attempts by older
vampires also of Mithras’ line.
5. Name the Antediluvian:
The Ventrue Antediluvian went by many names, and each methuselah of his clan knows the ancient entity by a
different epithet. You know one of these names or titles, and once per chronicle can announce yourself as the
descendant of this creature to force all Ventrue in the vicinity to stop what they’re doing, fall silent, and
sometimes drop to their knees. The name vanishes from the minds of all who hear it, but they will stop anything
— even combat — to hear you speak.

THE CULT OF MITHRAS (5 points/level)
Some vampires claim the status of deities
among both Kindred and kine. Next to Set,
Mithras is likely the most infamous of the god-
Cainites. A Ventrue of incredible age and
power, and one of the longest standing Princes
in Kindred history, Mithras formed a cult of
faithful adherents to the Mithraic religion,
incorporating trappings from the legitimate
religion of old and ancient vampiric traditions.
Though Mithras was destroyed in the 20th
century, and his diablerist in turn reportedly
destroyed in the Second Inquisition’s purge of
London, the Cult of Mithras is still thriving in
his absence. You may be a member of the cult,
or even one of its leaders. Perhaps you believe
the cult is the key to dominance in the Jyhad,
taking Mithras’ millennia of rule as inspiration.

1. Neophyte: Your service to Mithras is in its infancy, but you have learned how to manipulate the kine with talk of
religion and grandeur. You can effectively lead a small mortal cult, granting you +1 bonus to all Social skill rolls
when interacting with your herd or retainers in the Cult. This lore comes either from adherence to the cult or
through study of its practices.
2. Nymphus: Mithraists award the title of Nymphus to new sires within the cult. This lore grants you knowledge
of Ventrue lineage and customs of Embrace, along with the ceremonial status of a revered sire. You gain +2 bonus
to all rolls in which Ventrue or Mithraic customs are discussed or studied, and the equivalent of two levels in the
Status Background when among Ventrue.
3. Leo: Among the most honored members of the Mithraic cult, those Kindred with the title of Leo are entrusted
to deliver clandestine messages between Mithraists, and sometimes even outside the order. Mithraists will not
hesitate to trust you with information and messages, and you gain +1 bonus to all non-Discipline Skill rolls in
which you attempt to get other vampires to trust you. Of course, if your allegiances lay outside the cult, this lore
grants you access to deeply dangerous intelligence.
4. Perses: The Cult of Mithras frequently indulges in ritual bloodletting and sacrifice, with the Perses as the master
of such ceremonies. A vampire declared Perses of Mithras receives a short sword and authority to murder
enemies of the cult, with the guarantee of full protection (alibis, secret havens, access to resources) should their
identity as killer become known. This lore also gifts you 15 points in Backgrounds to allocate in any domain in
which the Cult of Mithras is present.
5. Unconquered: You carry the spark of Mithras within you. Perhaps you took vitae from his diablerist or maybe you
once drank from Mithras himself as part of a Blood Bond. Now, Mithras lives in you. Occasionally the ancient
vampire speaks to you in command or guidance, though he’s not powerful enough to compel. When you please
Mithras, you gain a +3 bonus to Dominate, Fortitude, or Presence skill checks (choose one) for the remainder of
the night.

FATIMA AL-FAQADI (5 points/level) - Assamite characters only
Embraced in the 12th century C.E., Fatima al-Faqadi
is ancient among tonight’s active Kindred. Known
within the Children of Haqim as the Hand of
Vengeance, she is one of the most dangerous and
skilled assassins who have ever
been among the Kindred.Fatima is a faithful Muslim
and a sworn enemy of the blood cultists of Ur-
Shulgi. She once worked for vitae, undertaking
contracts for Blood funneled back physically or by
sorcerous rituals to her clan’s fortress, Alamut. But
these nights, Alamut is under Ur-Shulgi’s control,
and Fatima is reported to be the leader of a
charge of Assamites fighting side by side with the
Camarilla in the Gehenna war.
Evil tongues would have it she is in the fight only to
find out what happened to her once-lover and rival,
Lucita. For her part, Fatima silences such rumors
with a stare almost as deadly as her knives.

1. Weapons Locker: Your connection to Fatima or

her network of Banu Haqim gives you access to
a hidden weapons locker somewhere within
your domain, or the domain you are visiting.
You know from rumor or reliable sources
where one of these lockers should be located.
Once per chronicle you can use this knowledge
to equip yourself with a hand-held weapon of your choice, subject to the Storyteller’s approval.
2. Extended Web: Fatima once held membership in the cult known as the Web of Knives. Though the Web remains
loyal to the demonic Ur-Shulgi and the Alamut branch of the Banu Haqim, some cultists from the Web followed
Fatima in making overtures to the Camarilla. You are either a member of the Extended Web, or have a close bond
to those who are. You can take 15 points allocated to Allies, Contacts, and Mentor and assign them to members
of the Extended Web, who may assist you for a price, or school you in the art of killing. Note that unlike regular
Backgrounds, use of these Backgrounds requires payment, often severe.
3. Missed Hit: You are one of the rare Kindred to survive an assassination attempt by the Hand of Vengeance.
Whether or not you were the target or collateral damage, you have a reputation as someone Fatima couldn’t
bring down. As well as granting two levels in Status, this lore grants one bonus die to Social dice pools when your
survival story can be used for good effect.
4. Recognized Judge: The Assamites are meant to be judges of other Kindred. Either you were taught the ways of
judgement by Fatima, or the Web of Knives taught you Ur-Shulgi’s dictates. In either case, in any non- Camarilla
domain you may formally announce judgement and execute a Kindred without open retaliation from the ruling
sect, as few wish to cross Assamite law. Your judgement does not prevent other Kindred from subtly attempting
5. Open Contract: Your relationship with Fatima is such that she has agreed to eliminate any one opponent of your
choice. She will not ask questions. Perhaps your relationship is one of trust or care, or perhaps Fatima owes you.
Her success is not guaranteed, but is likely.

HOUSE CARNA (5 points/level) - Tremere characters only
Once Prince of Marseilles and Primogen of Milwaukee, Carna
ultimately formed her own splinter cell from Clan Tremere.
House Carna (as other Tremere dub it) speaks for freedom
from the Blood Bond and against the tyranny of the Pyramid
and the hard-coded misogyny present in the Tremere.
By the time of the Second Inquisition and the Beckoning, Carna
has amassed several followers around her, which lead to the
creation of a new House within the Tremere. Rejecting the
traditions of House Tremere, she instead turns towards
paganism, witchcraft and modern chaos magicians as
alternatives. In secret, she fears the vengeance of Tremere for
her rebellion and hopes to sway the rest of the Clan to her
ways. Carna's research into blood magic has opened her ways
to manipulate the blood bond in greater ways.
Around the time the Pyramid’s head in Vienna intended to
drop the axe on Carna and her band of rebels, the Second
Inquisition paid a visit to the Great Chantry.

1. Embrace the Vision: You are fully committed to Carna’s

vision for a new Tremere clan and find yourself possessed
of a greater sense of self-belief in the presence of your
fellow sub-faction Kindred. When around other members
of House Carna, you have a +1 bonus for all Strong Will
2. The Rebel Trail: You followed Carna’s trail after her initial breakage from Clan Tremere, soaking up the feelings of
rebellion and freedom. You resolve to never be a Blood slave again. Whenever at risk of becoming Blood Bound,
you may make a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll (with a penalty/bonus equal to the Blood Potency of the ingested
vitae minus your Blood Potency) to ignore it.
3. Unorthodox Rituals: Carna gives of her sanity or her soul to fuel her magic, instead of divesting her vitae in
Hermetic orthodoxy. Your understanding of her process enables you to perform rituals in the same way. You can
perform one known ritual per story without the need to expend Blood, but on a critical fail, you also become
deranged in some way (typically becoming intensely paranoid or fearful of blood) until the end of the story.
4. Reimagined Bond: You have studied Carna’s magic and her unusual method of reimagining the vinculum, and you
can extend the effects of her ritual to others. Having sex with a target, mortal or undead, creates a Blood Bond
between the partner, yourself, and Carna, despite Carna’s absence. Repeated sexual encounters strengthen the
Blood Bond, as per the normal Bond. You can thus circumvent the Tremere clan bane, but the Bond only lasts
until the conclusion of the story.
5. Book of the Grave-War: According to rumor, the tome known as the Book of the Grave-War allowed Carna to
break her Bond to Clan Tremere. You own a copy, granting you a +3 bonus to Occultism Skill checks pertaining to
Gehenna, its prevention, and breaking the shackles binding vampires to their elders. The book makes you
unbondable for as long as you retain it and follow its arcane teachings. However, Tremere seek to destroy you
and the book but as their power is not fully restored, there are no major resources spent. Without the shadow of
the Pyramid, House Carna draws increasing numbers of Anarchs and disenfranchised Camarilla. Carna seeks no
followers, but she recognizes them for their value. Carna didn’t survive 600 years by ignoring possible danger; she
believes it’s only a matter of time before Tremere himself appears to curse her to ash. Until then, she pushes as
hard as possible for a modernization and feminization of Clan Tremere.

DESCENDANT OF HELENA (5 points/level) - Toreador characters only
Some claim Helena dwells in the Americas, constantly
at war with a rival. Others say she runs the most
popular vampire nightclub in the world. A few believe
she is the clan founder’s lover, and that she is in the
process of waking the Toreador Antediluvian.
Beautiful and gifted, it is said none can look away from
Helena unless she wills it. Mortals have died to be the
first to witness her artistic creations. Her descendants
all display an immense level of talent, exemplifying the
traditional Toreador role. It is a stereotype few
Toreador resent; Helena is a clan icon. Other Toreador
want to get to know you, so they can get a little closer
to her.

1. Skin-Deep: No matter your standing, dropping

Helena’s name in conversation with a Toreador or
a vampire who knows of her effectively raises your
applicable Status by one level. You can drop
Helena’s name once per story for this effect, or
more often to make everyone sick of you.
2. Real Talent: Unlike other vapid Toreador relying
on their faces and bodies alone, you were
Embraced for your talent. Choose one Skill, usually
your signature Skill, increasing it costs half the
character points that such an increase would
typically cost.
3. Embrace the Stereotype: When the time comes,
you can play the role of shallow Toreador,
surround yourself with an entourage of
sycophants, and throw a party that becomes
legend. Once per story, you may host a party to
increase your Status and/or Influence by two
levels with an invited group; the increase lasts as
long as the party does.
4. Divine Purity: Unlike most within Helena’s
extended family, your perfection is more angelic
than devilish. You can commit any sin, but you will
always look innocent. Add +2 to any rolls when making tests to avoid blame for your actions.
5. Succubus Club Franchise: Helena succumbed to the Beckoning in recent years, leaving the Succubus Club in
Chicago to a manager once again. She bestowed a license upon you to establish a franchised Succubus Club in
your domain. This rare honor guarantees the city’s Kindred respond to your call, as every vampire Embraced in
the last 200 years has heard of the Succubus Club. As long as the club remains open, the rating of your coterie’s
Domain increases by two levels. You also have additional 20 points to allocate among Resources, Fame, and
Status among all Kindred.

THE SHATTERED CLAN (5 points/level) - Brujah characters only
Of all the clans affected by the new Anarch
revolt sparked by Theo Bell, none in London
suffered more than the Brujah. For
centuries, the Rebels were one of the most
important clan of the capital. When news of
Hardestadt murder reached London, with
the defection of the Brujah, the British clan
shattered violently. Two leaders claiming to
be heir to the last primogen, one Anarch,
the other Camarilla. Since then, the Brujah
clan remained in that unstable, divided
state, a shadow of the power it once held in

1. Courted by two sides: For a reason or

the other, the two sides of that battle
respect you and wish you would be
among them. You start with the
equivalent of two boons to collect from
Ancillas from both sides. You can get
both from one side, or try to get one
from each, though there might
consequences to such a choice...
2. Friends on the other side: When the
clan split, some friends of yours chose
another side. You may ask them, once
per scenario, to do one simple mission
for you, on the other side of the frontier.
If it forces them to betray their sect
though, you can consider your
relationship over and done.
3. Gallagher (Anarch only): You may be of the same lineage, past of his Manchester entourage or you worked with
him on his numerous Brixton Massive missions. In any case, the Brujah likes you. He may be a neonate, but
Gallagher is equivalent to a level 3 Mentor. Of course, you’re expected to be the perfect modern Anarch.
4. Ritter (Camarilla only): Like the new Sheriff, you chose to remain on the side of the Camarilla. For that, he is
grateful and represent a level 4 Mentor, though he expects you to be the shining example of a Brujah. Once per
scenario, he can answer a question about the Camarilla of London, the Kindred and their little secrets that he
knows about.
5. The Lost Primogen: You are one of the few that know the final resting place of Reginald Moore, the last Brujah
primogen of London. Choosing to wake him up, or to reveal the location to one or the other side may change the
destiny of the Brujah clan in London forever. You may also need to defend it against others.

HOUSE OF SET (5 points/level)
The House of Set is a manor on the borders of
South London, controlled by a shadowy group
of Setites, called as the S, firmly placed in the
Anarch Territory. Only those extended an
invitation to the House are permitted to use its
facilities, though S always keeps their office
doors open for those looking to make deals
and bargains.
Entrance to the House is seemingly random,
with most members being humans used to
raise money and help those kindred hosts, and
even Valerius doesn’t hold a membership, if
rumors are to be believed. Only those
extended an invitation by a leader of the
house are permitted to even begin receiving
Any member of the House of Set gets access to
basic items: drugs, weapons, feeding in the
public space, etc. though with increased
membership more and more specific items
and more outwardly helpful items will become

1. Known Member: Your membership in the House of Set is known, and word has spread along with rumors on why
you were allowed in. You have a level of status with the Anarchs of London.
2. Ghoul Retainer: You are a loyal member of the House of Set, and S makes sure a ghoul is kept for you on sight at
all times. This ghoul was found to your exact specifications, and is kept fully safe and in whatever state is needed
for you, and under constant protection in the best of environments.
Ventrue who are close members of the House often make this ghoul someone who fits their feeding restrictions.
In case of emergency the House of Set will have this ghoul driven out to your location, with just a phone call and a
simple code word spoken.
3. Friend of S: You are close friends with S. Maybe you’re a constant visitor to the House of Set, maybe you make
sure to thank your host when you do show, or maybe there is some other reason for this.
You have a level 4 Mentor in S, and can call on them for aid. You have been granted a secret codeword, which you
may speak into a predetermined number, in order to get in contact with S anytime. S is fickle with their friends,
and may regularly ask errands of you without much thought of your convenience.
4. Make this Problem Disappear: The House of Set offers one of its most illegal activities to your service. Once per
story, or until a major boon has been completed for the House, you may call upon the House of Set, using the
proper codes and numbers, to have several retainers of the House come to your location and clean it of any
crimes the best they can. This can be anything from cleaning up several dead kine, to making sure a staked
kindred will never be heard from again, to something as simple as getting rid of evidence of a drug lab. The House
workers will move quickly, determined, and remove absolutely all evidence from the scene.
5. Special Ordered: Once per story, or until a major boon has been completed for the House, you are able to
request custom made weapons and items of the most specific, illegal, and unique varieties from the House of Set.
While the House usually does offer basic illegal or hard to obtain weapons (pistols with no serial numbers, bump
stocks, silencers, automatic rifles), the wielder of this power can request much more.
These orders are generally fully custom, and may take between days and weeks. at Storyteller discretion.
Common orders are everything from silver bullets, to grenades, to machine guns, to rocket launchers, and more.
Generally, anyone with 3 or more levels in Wealth will be fine on the costs of these. Those with less than 3 levels,
or ordering much rarer and harder to come by items, (light artillery, High grade explosives, Raufoss rounds,)
might need more levels, or the taking on the debt of a major boon.

THE CHURCH OF SET (5 points/level) - Toreador characters only
Most Setites have rediscovered their cosmopolitan, multi-faith routes.
While they still revere Set as their founder and
the first vampire, it is less common for a Setite to cling only to the
worship of Sutekh. This is not the case among those Setites who claim
membership in the very Church of Set. Dedicated to the rites of Setite
Orthodoxy, the Church of Set’s members believe they must conspire to
weaken all other clans and their founders in order to pave the way for
the resurrection of their founder. Your membership in the Church of Set
may be as a new adherent, desperate to find meaning and mentorship
in a hostile world, or you may be one of the dedicated faithful, rejecting
the idea of enslavement to other Antediluvians and seeking freedom
from all chains by following Set’s holy guidance.

1. Congregation: You have access to a herd of kine, but these mortals

are a unified religious flock you can manipulate. This congregation
can belong to any mainstream of fringe religion, and whether they
see you as their leader, or just another parishioner, you can feed
from them easily. This lore is equivalent to a two-level Herd, though
it requires you to show up and uphold the faith regularly.
2. Tap the Secret Vein: Through the method of a simple interview,
you can analyze whether a mortal or Kindred has
a secret they’re trying to hide. You gain a +2 bonus to Skill checks to
find whether someone is keeping a secret.
3. Freedom from the Aeons: Set despises his fellow clan founders, or
so the legend says. The Setites consider the other founders Aeons,
and demonstrate a resistance to their power. You gain a +2 bonus
on rolls resisting Dominate and Presence attempts from vampires
of other clans.
4. Degenerative Process: The Church of Set teaches its adherents that
a man must be brought to his lowest before he can rise to meet
glorious Sutekh. You can push any being, mortal or immortal, to
indulge in degenerative corruption only to come out clean on the
other side. With a successful Fast-Talk roll, they can purify their
target and for days equal to successes rolled the corruption will
abate. This includes any mental disadvantages that plague the
5. Body of Set: You possess a fragment of Set’s skeleton, sarcophagus,
or burial robes. Though the implication of Set’s Final Death is
debatable, the holy (or unholy, depending on your perspective)
artifact gives you drive to succeed and impressive influence over
other Followers of Set, conveying a level 4 Clan Status among other Setites. The relic also helps you to touch the
mind of Set, once per session you are able to get a +3 bonus to any Strong Will roll, if following what you and the
Storyteller perceive as the will of your god.

MIERS INDUSTRIES (5 points/level)
With a healthy mix of administrative businesses, trust funds,
financial firms, and industrial companies, Miers industries is
one of the pillars of UK’s economy with their HQ located in the
City, London’s financial district. It is also one of the largest
conglomerates in the country, with significant holdings in
companies in other fields. Henry Miers still runs his corporate
empire in secret, either through his direct descendants or
employees that only exist on paper. The company provides the
Kindred of London with legal services and other perks, either
for services or payments in special commodities. As a member
of Miers Industries, you have access to a share of Henry’s
wealth and power. Whether you’re just a trusted employee or
his childe, you rarely find yourself in a state of need. As long as
you maintain your loyalty to Miers, the world is yours.

1. Deep Pockets: Miers knows better than to screw you out of

your hard-earned pay. You’ve saved enough of it to
weather the very rainy days to come. Once per story, your
Wealth is raised by two levels for a scene, maximum to
Filthy Rich.
2. Where the In-Crowd Goes: As an agent of Henry Miers, you
carry a surprising amount of authority in the business
world. If you let them know who you are and who you work
for, they’ll let you do just about anything. Once per story,
you may invoke one of Miers’s false identities to receive a
+3 bonus on a Social skill check in a corporate environment.
If you choose to invoke Miers’s real name instead, you will
automatically succeed the roll, but it may be declared a
Masquerade breach at the Storyteller’s discretion.
3. I Fought the Law, and I Won: Miers Industries owns some
of the best law firms in the country, and where legitimate
legislation doesn’t work, bribery certainly will. A number of
law-enforcement officers dance to Miers’s tune, and they
might not even know it. You can be their conductor. No
matter what crimes you commit, you will always have
access to a level 3 Background - Influence: Police in London.
4. Favors for Favors: Miers taught you that no one gets ahead in business without a little quid pro quo. If you can
make sure you come out with the better end of the bargain, even better. You know how to wield this on the
desperate, and make them bend to your will. If you spend your resources for a Kindred’s benefit, you may declare
they owe you a debt and have a +2 bonus to add to an Intimidation or Fast-Talk roll if this proves a hard pill for
the Kindred to swallow. If they agree to repay the debt, from the next scene onward, you may call in that
character’s debt at any time. The debt can be anything within the character’s natural ability and morality. They
are not obliged to repay, of course, but will suffer social backlash among the Ventrue if they do not. You can hold
as many debts as your total Status at any one time. Note that this Lore is not equivalent to Kindred boons, as
these debts are only considered sacrosanct in Ventrue and financial circles.
5. The View from the Top: You have earned Henry Miers’s respect — or his fear. Whichever the case, he has chosen
to place you in charge of a piece of his empire. Name your company and state what it does, then choose one of
the following Backgrounds at level 4 and the other at level 3: Haven, Herd, Allies, Contacts, Influence, Rank,
Wealth or Retainers. This is what your company provides you. You will earn an Enemy, worth 10 points, who
represents a major business rival and another Enemy, worth 5 points, who is an employee you leapfrogged to
seize your piece of Miers Industries.

THE WINDMILL (5 points/level)
The Windmill opened its doors in 1930, and has been a
hotspot for Kindred nightlife and politicking ever since.
Located in the heart of Soho, the club had several
incarnations before its current one. An anonymous
entrepreneur bought out Palais De Luxe and immediately
closed the cinema’s doors for three months of extensive
renovations. When it reopened, the Windmill boasted four
separate bars, a VIP lounge, a theatre and a nightclub big
enough to handle fans of the hottest musical acts. It was an
ambitious endeavor, and one that’s worked for nearly 50
years with a great success.
The bar draws Kindred and kine alike. While mortals dance
their cares away below, Cainites high above engage in a
different kind of dance, moving carefully through the
rhythms that control the city and its future. For decades,
no one knew who owned the Windmill. Rumors and
speculation swirled. Most attempts to dig into the club’s
financials to unearth its owner led nowhere. Only one
investigator got close, in early 1987, but she disappeared
right after confiding to a friend that she’d made a stunning
breakthrough. Her notes and research never surfaced. In
the mid-1990s, the mystery ended with the Giovanni
Leonard Tsui’s emergence into Kindred society. His
revelation that he’d been the force behind The Windmill all
these years gave him an immediate in with Kindred all
across London, and a storefront from which to illicitly
traffic blood.

1. Est. 1930: You’ve been there for ages, and may have been familiar with some of the earlier incarnations that
preceded The Windmill of today. In many ways, the club’s history is your history, and others consider you an
authority on it: bands whose rise started here, Kindred rivalries that played out in the VIP lounge, if it happened
at The Windmill Soho, you’ve got the skinny. Add +2 to any Skill roll related to recalling and using the club’s
2. Who’s Who: Everyone who’s anyone stops in at the Windmill. You know them all by name, but they don’t know
you’re keeping tabs on who comes and goes, who they talk to, and when they leave. Once per story, ask your
Storyteller for information on a fellow club-goer’s movements. The Storyteller will tell you when the named
patron was last at the Windmill Soho, how they acted, and who they were with.
3. Standing Gig: Only the hottest bands play at the Windmill, and its dance nights have lines stretching around the
block. You’ve played or DJed at the club and appear on its calendar regularly. Once per story, when you perform
at the club, gain a level 3 Herd from fans who attend your every performance.
4. VIP Club: Your status is well-respected at The Windmill. Your fame or influence draws others to the club, and Tsui
appreciates your patronage, acting as a level 4 Ally or Mentor. A table’s always ready for you, and you have
access to a private room in the VIP lounge for meetings and feedings.
5. Backstage Pass: You are a trusted, high-level employee at The Windmill. Tsui relies on you for night-to-night
operations, and you’re a member of his inner circle. One per story, you may request and receive her aid, whether
that’s via influence, financial backing, or use of the club for a private endeavor.

THE COBWEB (5 points/level) - Malkavian characters only
You’re never truly alone. Not anymore. Not even if you want to be. Not even if you try to be. The Cobweb catches so
many thoughts in its sticky strands, sends them skittering further inside, or reverberating out to the far edges. You’re
not always sure the thoughts you’re hearing are from now. Some feel like they’ve been stuck for years and have just
shaken loose. Others taste like tomorrow. The Cobweb, also known as the Madness Network, is a psychic network to
which all Malkavians are linked. No two clan members describe it exactly the same way. For some, it’s a constant low
murmuring in their Blood. Others describe it as a kind of hivemind operating alongside their own cognition. Many —
even most — Malkavians are only reminded of its presence a few times a year, like a sudden burst of static on a
forgotten radio.
No one knows the Cobweb’s ultimate purpose, though it’s been used to summon a gathering of Oracles together with
a subconscious imperative dubbed The Call. Some suspect Malkav himself uses the Network to view the world
through his descendants’ eyes and ears, or that he simply is the Network.

1. A Break in the Static: The Cobweb is just barely perceptible to you. You catch sporadic snatches of conversation,
often just a few distinct words or images. It’s enough to piece together an order or a call for aid, though you’re
unable to respond.
2. Step into My Parlor: You can communicate over the Network with other Malkavians nearby. These discussions
are heavily abstract, limited to short phrases, simple images, and strong emotions.
3. Across the Web: Your voice is one of the strongest on the Cobweb. You can hold more involved conversations
with Malkavians in your city. Once per story you may initiate the Call, sending impressions of the time and
gathering place to all who can hear. This does not guarantee obedience —herding cats is child’s play compared to
organizing the children of Malkav.
4. Pluck the Strands: The tensile strength of spider silk rivals steel’s, and your connection to your Cainite ancestors
and descendants is equally powerful. Once per story, you may use the cobweb to piggyback on your sire’s or one
of your childer’s senses. You are only an observer, and cannot control their responses or their movements.
5. Malkav’s Will: The entity in the Cobweb is awake and aware. They know your name and tell you their secrets.
They have a plan and want you to help carry it out. Malkav — or a consciousness pretending to be him — speaks
to you directly via the Network. Once per story, you may ask the Storyteller to divulge a secret about another
Malkavian or reveal what orders the mind in the Cobweb wants you to follow.

CULTIVAR (5 points/level)
Horticultural science defines a cultivar as a plant selected intentionally and carefully shaped and maintained through
cultivation. Such are those called who are singled out and shaped by the Priestess to be agents of the Ancestor,
working to uproot the Cannibals — descendants of Caine — and establish a New Garden upon the broken shells of
the first. Some vampires and some mortals dangle the tantalizing prospect of stability, of an ancient power, a
pathway to enlightenment for Kindred who have lost faith in all factions.

1. Dark Seedling: The legends of the Dark Mother always appealed to you, but perhaps you were too intimidated to
openly approach one of the Bahari. Now, though, your new associates have put you onto something that makes
sense, feels real. They are tapped into something powerful and that’s worth getting to know. Once per story you
may use two levels in Followers: Cultivars representing mortal cultists who come to your aid.
2. Fresh Cutting: Under the sponsorship of a current Cultivar, you are tested, pushed to your limits, and forced
beyond them. At this stage, it is expected that you regularly engage in some sort of mortification of the flesh —
scarification, scourging, even passing a candle flame over your skin. You gain a free Skill Specialty (a +2 bonus) in
Occultism, with that Specialty being Bahari, Lilith, or the Ancestor, and a ritual scar to mark your membership in
the cult, conveying one level in Status: Cultivar.
3. Suppressing the Beast: Hunting mortals brings you near-constant misery, but you are forbidden from feeding
upon animals. Thankfully, your sponsor gives you access to feeding grounds where mortals in pursuit of the
Mother’s wisdom spill their blood in service to her and, as a kindness, allow you, a curse-carrier, to consume it.
This grants you a level 3 Herd. You also gain a level 1 Haven you can access once per story, in the form of a
cultist’s home. You may never again feed from animals, however.
4. Newly Made Initiate: One month spent on a private yacht in the Mediterranean, miles away from the nearest dry
land, enduring night after night of searing torment and delirium- induced visions earns you the title of Initiate.
You enjoy elevated status and are now a guide for others on the path. As an Initiate, you enjoy a level 3 Status:
Cultivar. Once per session, you may use a +2 bonus on any Strong Will roll when calling to mind the harsh fasting
endured during your month on water.
5. Jewel in the Garden: Three drops of a methuselah’s blood now sing fiercely within your veins, granting you
visions, leaving you in no doubt: The Mother will return. Whether this vitae came from the Ancestor, the
Priestess, or some other source is a matter to interpret from your vision-addled daydreams. You are expected to
maintain your own Garden — be that a physical space with growing things or a more figurative interpretation —
and come when summoned by the Ancestor. As a Jewel, you receive a +4 bonus on rolls to resist frenzy due to
the harmony of your inner Eden.

DESCENDANT OF MONTANO (5 points/level) - Lasombra characters only
Montano has achieved much for Clan Lasombra,
but it is only now that the clan feels comfortable
singing his praises. As one of the few who walked
with the clan’s founder, his conversance in the
Abyss is parallel to none. It is said it was by his will
that Christianity rose to prominence and that his
legions of armies shaped the history of Europe
Yet, Montano was always a man of honor. When
vampire society split into sects, he refused to
abandon the newly born Camarilla. For centuries,
he was branded a traitor.
As his progeny, you have felt the sting of his
decision and stand to reap its fruits. Whether you
served the Camarilla openly or in secret, the clan
now looks to you and your ancestor for guidance.
You will show them what loyalty truly means.

1. The Shadow of Yesterday: Montano

remembers nothing about his early days, but
remembers plenty about his sect and clan.
Once per story, you may write a letter to
Montano asking for a single piece of
information about either the Camarilla or Clan
Lasombra. From his distant haven, he will
respond either with truth or clues leading to it,
with the implication that the journey is its own
2. Siblings in Darkness: Montano’s deeds brought the clan to its lofty position. The line he has cultivated is one
based in the same honor that kept him in the Camarilla. You are afforded a respect even your clanmates in the
Sabbat and elsewhere cannot help but acknowledge. Your Clan Status: Lasombra at Level 2 applies to Lasombra
across all sects.
3. Abyssal Apprentice: Montano cannot teach you everything about the secrets of Oblivion, due to the comparative
weakness of your blood, but you’ve picked up a few tricks. Once per story, you may use an Oblivion power you do
not already know that is at your current level or lower.
4. Word of Mouth: Inspired by Montano’s patience, you held fast to your place in the Camarilla even when the rest
of your clan served as leaders in the Sabbat-held domains. As your siblings join the fold, your allies in the
Camarilla have not forgotten where you truly stand. Your status among non-Lasombra in the Camarilla is at the
same level as your Clan Status, no matter where you travel in your home country, even if you do not hold any
position in the city you currently reside in.
5. Purity of Remorse: Once, Montano murdered his beloved friends and family to save the rest of his village from
his sire. Though he cannot remember this, he weeps over it just the same. You hope to mourn for your sins as
deeply as he does. Whenever you roll using your Humanity (waking up and gaining/losing Humanity) you get a +2

KINDRED ICONOGRAPHY (5 points/level)
Attend any Kindred gathering and you’ll see signs and sigils of clan affiliation everywhere: the Toreador with roses
twining around her sleeves, the Ventrue with scepters embroidered on his lapels. Over the millennia, Cainites have
raised their symbols not only to an art form, but to an entire language of its own. Out on the cities’ streets, Neonates
and Anarchs have taken those icons and others and created images that offer information at a glance. They warn
those savvy enough to interpret them that a particular rack has been claimed by a coterie, or that there’s a safe place
to rest for the day just ahead. What looks like a wall covered in plain old graffiti to human eyes speaks volumes to

1. Iconographer: You’re versed in Kindred symbols, able to identify someone’s clan by the motifs in their clothing
and could lecture neonates on how and why the imagery has changed over the centuries.
2. The Writing on the Wall: You’ve learned to look for marks other Kindred have left behind. Gain a +2 bonus on
relevant Streetwise rolls when looking for information on local domains and vampires available in graffiti, posted
flyers, or other artwork in the area.
3. Trendsetter: You make this look good. Your style catches eyes in Elysium, and other Kindred look to see what
you’re wearing this week. Add a +2 bonus to Social rolls connected to Kindred when you’re decked out in the
imagery of your clan or chosen affiliation.
4. Graffiti Artist: Those warnings on the wall? That’s your design. Your murals are works of art, and have drawn the
eye not only of coteries heeding your warnings, but of Toreador who come to admire it. You may even have
attracted the attention of Annabelle herself. Skill rolls regarding your visual art receive a +3 bonus when involving
Kindred iconography.
5. Giorgio Who?: You’ve dressed Princes and Primogen, subtly weaving clan iconography into the lines of a suit or
the cut of a dress. You don’t make statements with your work, you make dissertations. Once per story, an outfit
of your design grants 2 levels of Status to a character of your choosing for the session. Alternately, your scathing
critique of another Kindred’s poor sartorial choices removes from them 1 level of a Status for the session.

THE KNIGHTS OF ST. GEORGE (5 points/level)
The Knights have their origins in the reign of Richard the Lionheart. Their status
as advisors to the British royalty was cemented when Richard later ascended to
the throne, though many of the later kings ignored them and the nightmares of
darkness they could have prevented. The Knights later became affiliated with
the Anglican Church, thanks to their royal connection, and moved on to the New
World, although they had their fair share of enemies and difficulties there.
Since 2008, and the development of the joint program to ferret out and destroy
the undead — referred to as “blankbodies” by the sort of individuals who can
accept the existence of paranormal entities abroad in the world but can’t bring
themselves to speak the word “vampire” aloud.
As a Kindred resident of London, you possess some knowledge of the Knights of
St. George, how it is organized, and how it functions — or, at the very least, how
it did prior to the last decade — and may have some idea how or capacity to
ferret out more current information.

1. Postulant: Your relationship with your former (or current?) Church is that
you once seriously considered taking Holy Orders. During the process of
consideration, you dove deep into the history of the archdiocese and its
constituent organizations, which may or may not have already included an
office associated with the Knights. Once per story, you may ask the
Storyteller for a piece of known information about the Knights of St. George.
2. Squire: Your interest in entering into a profession of faith went deeper than
most: you were on the verge of entering into your novitiate when that life
was permanently torn away from you. Whether you resent this or have
accepted it, you retain a considerable amount of interest in and potential
contact with members of the local church. These Contacts (at level 2) would
naturally include your confessor, the members of the order you were
seeking to enter who oversaw your training, fellow novices, or members of
the local congregational volunteer groups.
3. Brother or Sister: Before your Embrace you were a member of the Church,
sworn and consecrated to a religious
community of contemplative, monastic, or apostolic character. Your current
state of existence no longer allows you to pursue your vocation but you
nonetheless retain the knowledge you acquired during the period of your existence when you actively served the
Church. You possess detailed knowledge of the local diocese, including its members and properties, when groups
meet and where, and which are affiliates of the Knights, allowing you a +2 bonus to Skill rolls relating to the
religious district of your expertise. You may use this knowledge once per story to find a safe place to hide among
the various properties belonging to the Church (equivalent of level 1 Haven).
4. Father or Mother: You were a fully professed and ordained priest or the senior canoness overseeing a community
of nuns prior to your Embrace. While you are separated now from your former profession of faith, you
nonetheless still possess many of the advantages you gained while in service. You know exactly who the members
of the Knights of St. George are in the city and where they meet, generally how often, have some idea which
secular forces they are affiliated with, and have developed some strategies on how to avoid or misdirect them,
amounting to level 3 Influence with the diocese when it comes to dealing with the Knights. Additionally, you still
possess access to church properties that can act as a permanent level 2 Haven where no vampire hunter will
generally think to look for you. This loresheet comes with the -1 Reputation Disadvantage, as while the local
diocese might trust you, the grander organization does not. They know what you were and know you stepped
back from that life. They just don’t yet know why.
5. Knight: You are a former, fallen member of the Knights of St. George. You may have chosen to accept the
Embrace for treacherous reasons of your own or you may have been Embraced and bound for some purpose of
your sire’s, but in any case, you possess deep personal knowledge of the Society and its inner workings, how it
functioned historically and how it may be functioning in concert with the Entity Special Operations Group and
Operation Antigen. Once per story, you may ask the Storyteller for one piece of true and accurate information
about the Society and its current activities. If you are a traitor, congratulations! Your treachery may yet bear fruit.
If you are in bondage against your will, congratulations! Your vengeance may well be nigh.

THE WOLF PACK (5 points/level)
Wind whips through their hair as the Wolf Pack stalks the lonely roads and cities of southern England. They strike
quickly, their presence marked by the roar of engines and wild laughter, leaving only vanishing pavement and broken
Anarchs in their wake. The Wolf Pack has served the Camarilla for decades, rebels for a cause that reject their clan’s
abandonment of the Ivory Tower to bend rules and crack heads in service of the Traditions. The Wolf Pack roams far
and wide in their role as roving Archons, but are short a few members. Maybe you met them on the open highway
and rode with them a spell? Maybe they saw something in you and decided to make you a prospect? Whatever your
interaction, it probably made you a little bit stronger, and a whole lot meaner.

1. Prospect: Surviving the “initiation” into the Wolf Pack requires a certain degree of resilience. Add a +2 bonus to
all Survival rolls related to travel and outdoorsmanship.
2. Member: Rule one of joining the Wolf Pack is that you have to be able to ride. Your association with the Pack
grants you a +2 bonus to all Driving skill checks while riding a motorcycle.
3. White Line Nightmare: The Wolf Pack lives frugally, but spares no expense on its bikes. Once per game, you can
call on the Wolf Pack’s contacts in the motorcycle community across the country to obtain immediate access to a
custom motorcycle.
4. Dread Riders: Your association with the pack gives you access to a veritable army of British motorcycle gangs.
Once per chronicle, you can call on the Wolf Pack’s influence to assemble large group of Hells Angels anywhere in
the UK within three nights (although the first groups arrive within hours). These bikers provide you with a level 5
Followers group that can be roughly directed toward a single objective of your choosing. Be forewarned the
potential for massive collateral damage and government involvement are high.
5. Gives no Shit: Being part of the pack infuses you with a measure of his hard-headed, hard-hearted, and hard-
riding personality. You never take anything from anybody and are willing to stare down Caine himself if he has the
balls to challenge you. Once per session, you can ignore even the most formidable attempt to intimidate you. You
become immune to any single attempt to intimidate, cow, or make you back down or retreat (mundane or
supernatural). This ability disappears at the start of the next scene.

GWENLLIAN ARWYN (5 points/level) - Anarch characters only
Arwyn has been a pain in the London Camarilla’s ass for
the better part of a century, since Mithras, the previous
Prince, left his domains to be ruled by Queen Anne. She
ruled all the Anarchs before Gallagher came along, and
she directed much of their activity from South London.
Rumor had it she’d triumphantly captured Mithras and
may at last have destroyed her enemy. This move made
Arwyn the Baron of Southwark but she has to live with a
Mithraic curse that keeps her a prisoner of her own
barony. Unlike her Camarilla counterparts, Arwyn
understands how to run a revolution and her grandchilde,
Chun Hei, is privy to her plans. She kept some secrets, but
she ensured that the schemes she’d set in motion could
carry on in her absence. As much of a blow as it was to
the Anarchs of Southwark Council to have their leader
confined to a small part of the city, Chun Hei has stepped
up and rallied them right back to the cause.

1. For the Cause: You’ve run with the Anarchs in London

under Arwyn’s direction. Add a +1 bonus to Brawling,
Melee weapon skills and Streetwise rolls when going
up against members of the Camarilla.
2. Guns to a Knife Fight: When a Prince starts losing, he
blames the Anarchs first and tries to wipe them out.
Arwyn learned that lesson with Mithras, and in more
recent nights, with Queen Anne. Once per story, you
have access to a weapons cache that Arwyn has
secreted away in Brixton and can buy up to level 3
Wealth worth of gear.
3. Rabble Rouser: You have a knack for dirty fighting.
Arwyn put you in charge of a group of Anarchs who
Get Shit Done. Once per chapter, you can call upon a
small group (3-5 Anarchs) to sow chaos in London’s streets or back you up in a brawl.
4. Coordination is Key: Arwyn set you up as a key part of Anarch communications. Other Kindred slip you
information about their activities, which you pass along to those who need to know. This grants you significant
cachet in the Movement, manifesting as a level 3 Status: Anarchs and a level 3 Influence: Southwark. Once per
story, ask your Storyteller for a piece of intel that’s recently come across your desk.
5. Rust Never Sleeps: Arwyn trusted you with her plans and valued your input in her strikes against the Camarilla
and Queen Anne. She is your level 4 Mentor (in her absence, Chun Hei fills this role). Once per story, work with
your Storyteller to name a member of the Movement whose skills or access are useful to you. A friend of Arwyn’s
is a friend of theirs, and they’re eager to help the Anarchs rise. They act as a level 3 Contact for you until the end
of that story.

BANKERS OF DUNSIRN (5 points/level) – Giovanni characters only
Sometime around the 18th century, the
Giovanni wanted a foothold in the
markets of the New World. But all of
their attempts were constantly blocked
by a Scottish family of bankers who
owned several shipping ventures.
Impressed by their financial acumen,
the Giovanni investigated bringing the
family into the fold. What closed the
deal was the discovery that the Dunsirn
were cannibals as well as financiers. It
was the perfect balance of money,
depravity, and ability to keep a secret.
For centuries, the relationship between
the two families was clear: The Dunsirn
made the money, and the Giovanni
family spent it like water. Surprisingly,
even though mortal members of the
Dunsirn family still indulge in the
occasional bit of “long pork,” the
Kindred don’t show much aptitude or
interest in necromantic pursuits. Prior
to the Family Reunion, there was an
effort to force them into learning the
ways of Oblivion, but now the Dunsirns
are happy to go back to what they do best: bleeding people dry. And this time, they don’t need to answer to the
fucking Giovanni to do it, either.

1. Money Obfuscates: It’s hard to make money and not be noticed, but the Dunsirn have worked in the shadows for
centuries. You’ve spread some of your family’s money around to make an alternate identity for yourself. You get
a level 2 Mask Background for free, though you must maintain this Mask at least once per story.
2. Money Talks: The Dunsirn find information in the most interesting places. All you have to do is spread a little
money around, and people jump out of the woodwork to tell you things. Once per story, you can find information
as if you had the Contacts Background with a number of levels equal to your Wealth. This ability lasts for a single
3. Money Enhances: You always have access to the best that money can buy. Having access to quality products not
only acts as a status symbol, it also makes everything a little easier. When making a roll in which you can use your
own equipment, you get a +1 bonus to the Skill roll.
4. Money Multiplies: All the Giovanni know the Dunsirn are bankers. But most of them think of it in the abstract, as
if “banker” is just a different way of saying “someone with a lot of money.” But you are (or are directly related to)
a legitimate investment banker. Gain additional 3 levels (up to 5) in Wealth.
5. Money Dictates: You are the head of the Dunsirn family accounts. You have your undead finger on the pulse of
the Giovanni’s financial accounts. And you make sure that everyone else knows it. You gain level 3 of Clan Status
in the Giovanni. In addition, once per chronicle, you can either give every Giovanni in the chronicle two additional
levels of Wealth or remove all Wealth levels from every Giovanni in the chronicle. These Wealth additions or
removals last for a single story, and if removed, generate a chronicle-length 10 point Enemy Background in the
form of one of the robbed vampires.

DESCENDANT OF XAVIAR (5 points/level) – Gangrel characters only
Nobody, even fellow Gangrel, listened to Xaviar
the first time he spoke. It took marching into a
convocation of the Camarilla’s biggest players for
other Kindred to take notice of him. He spoke of
interacting with one of the Antediluvians and
seeing his entire coterie eaten alive by this
mythological creature. He accused the Camarilla
of perfidy against its members and cast aside his
role of Gangrel Justicar.
News travels slowly among the Gangrel, as a clan
with little hierarchy and lacking an effective
communication network. Slowly, Gangrel followed
Xaviar out of the Camarilla, some becoming
Autarkis, while more ultimately joined the
Anarchs. Gangrel now share a communal guilt for
their initial disbelief of Xaviar’s claims and slow
reaction to his proclamation, as he met Final
Death soon after. Few know if the Camarilla or
some other agency slew the mighty Gangrel, but
all know their ancestor was wronged. Now they
take up his torch and attempt to bring the Gangrel
into truth’s flickering light.

1. Martyred Ancestor: Other Gangrel treat you

with the respect they took too long to afford
Xaviar. Despite any personal grievances, you
can always find sanctuary with other Gangrel,
if any are present in your current domain, at
least until you insult them grievously. With
them, you have two levels of Clan Status.
2. Where the Bodies Are Buried: Xaviar’s experiences with melding through earth, blood, and vitae left a mark on
his lineage. Gangrel of his line can make a PER roll to detect whether a vampire has merged with the earth or lays
torpid beneath the soil.
3. Loyal Hound: You resisted the winds of change, remaining with the Camarilla despite your clan’s actions. For your
loyalty, the local Camarilla Prince awarded you status, feeding rights, and territory, amounting to four levels you
can distribute among Domain, Herd, and Camarilla Status. Non-Camarilla Gangrel despise you, and even Camarilla
vampires of other clans pity your solitude, but you guarantee yourself a voice among the Primogen, should any
rebel Gangrel pass through your domain.
4. Monstrous Bat: Xaviar’s preferred bestial form was once that of a bat, but following his encounter with the
Antediluvian, he found his form capable of changing into a hybrid between human and bat. Once per story when
the moon is just right, you can take the same form. This man-sized bat has a+3 in ST and DX, can glide in the air
from any height. Biting in this form adds d6 extra Aggravated damage to mortals and vampires alike.
5. Experienced the Antediluvian: Xaviar was not the only Gangrel to sink into the ground and find himself inside his
clan founder’s vast, inhuman form. You have done the same, and the experience changed you. You are now a
little mad, likely suffering from paranoia or claustrophobia. Whenever you call your encounter to mind, you feel
your veins rooted to the ground, connecting to every other Gangrel in the world. Once per story, you can sense
all Gangrel’s location and drain 5 points worth of vitae from them to sate your hunger. I takes less than 10
minutes to complete the draining, you must be touching open ground, not concrete, to use this ability.

PLAGUES OF GEHENNA (5 points/level) – Tzimisce characters only
Vampire and disease have been intertwined since the dawn of time. It’s inevitable; the blood-drinking parasite
spreads sickness with her bite, weakens her victims before the advent of illness, and in a very real way is a disease
upon the heaving throng of humanity. Minor cults of Kindred, usually Tzimisce, who embrace this ruinous connection
have emerged throughout history, but the tumultuous modern nights see many more such plaguebringers springing
up than ever before. The most base and simplistic of these cults embrace disease at the most literal level, believing
that vampires are the harbingers of plague upon humanity and that they must spread sickness to usher in — or finish
off — Gehenna itself.
Some Tzimisce develop elaborate nuances or justifications, connecting disease upon the kine with the Beckoning that
now seizes elders, or hoping to afflict Kindred themselves through corrupting the herd upon which they feed.
Whatever the reasoning, the outcome is usually the same; heaps of putrefying bodies, vampires retching up tainted
vitae, and swarms of flies. It’s no wonder that most sect-aligned Kindred try to stamp out blisters as soon as possible.

1. Blister Marks: You’re a member of a new, loose association of Tzimisce keeping vigil for any signs of blisters —
those Kindred who willingly or ignorantly spread disease among the kine. Whenever you succeed on a Diagnosis
Skill roll to examine the health of a mortal, living or postmortem, you also discern whether any disease they may
have was inflicted on them by a Kindred.
2. Autoclave: Fearful of becoming a disease vector, you have 3 levels in Herd that will remain clean and uninfected
even should sickness run rampant through the local population. However, you must maintain the purity of this
blood source and shepherd it carefully, which means that no one can draw upon the Herd once more than per
story. If you share it with anyone, even once, you lose access to it yourself for the remainder of the story.
3. Fire in the Blood: Strange diseases infected you once, bringing a delirium that wracked even your Kindred
physiology with fever and filled your waking hours with bizarre phantasmagoria. While the sickness passed, it has
left its mark upon you. Once per scene when you feed on a mortal who contracted a disease that you could then
spread on to future victims, you immediately become aware whenever the blood of a vessel you feed from bears
infectious disease. The first Blood point you take during feeding is always disease free.
4. Firebreak: You’ve studied disease outbreaks in mortals and vampires alike and understand how far an infection
can slither through Kindred society before being detected. You possess level 5 in Influence solely for the purpose
of controlling and quelling disease outbreaks among the kine that would affect the Kindred; when you exercise
this Influence and succeed, you gain two levels in Status with your sect for the remainder of the story.
5. Plague Sample: In your possession is a phial of blood drawn from a sick, maddened elder while in the throes of
the Beckoning. It seethes with the contagious power of a plague that will affect Kindred with lethal results. What
exactly it does to vampire victims, how it spreads, and what link it has to the Beckoning is up to the Storyteller, if
you are ever desperate, brave, or mad enough to unleash the disease upon your fellow undead.

THE ROMANICHAL (5 points/level) – Ravnos characters only
Romanichal Travellers more commonly
known as English Gypsies are a Romani
subgroup within the United Kingdom with
roots connected to Rajastan in India. They are
very close to the Ravnos mentality and so
quite a few are embraced into the clan after
the near annihilation during the Week of
The Romanichal are a close-knit community,
constantly on the move, with their own
language and own traditions. Their traditions
are seeped in mysteries, evil spells and the
Shilmulo are part of their world, more like
related benefactors than dangerous

1. Friends in Low Places: The Ravnos have

close ties to the street, and usually have a
few side hustles happening at any one
time. It’s easy to get your hands on a little
bit of cash and a little bit of muscle
whenever you need it. You get two levels
to spread between Allies and Resources,
and you can reallocate those two levels at
the start of each story.
2. Show Your Belly: Some members of the
Ravnos survive by looking as harmless as
possible to Kindred more powerful than
them. Sure, it’s not dignified, but if you
can survive the night, that gives you time
to get your revenge later. You get a +3-
bonus to Skills to convince people not to
hurt, endanger, or act against you.
3. A Vardo Everywhere: You know all the
places, atching tans, where the travellers
have their camps, the RV lots and caravan
sites they frequent. There is always an empty wagon and the protection of the family if you need to lay low for a
night or two. Treat this as a Haven 1 and Allies 2
4. Get the Family Together: Occasionally you just need to get some people together for a good old ass-beating.
Once per story, you can get the Romanichal together for a brawl. This gang comprises of a few Romanichal
mortals equivalent to four levels of Entourage.
5. The Vaida: Against all odds, you’ve greased palms and kicked ass in equal measure to make your way to some
amount of respect, wealth, and influence. A Vaida among the Romanichal is a leader of a family, a respected
person and a criminal boss. You have two additional levels each (maximum level 5) in Contacts, Influence, and
Resources, but they must be assigned to a criminal enterprise and require careful maintenance to not draw the
attention of groups such as the Scotland Yard, agents of which can become potent versions of the Enemy

The Kindred Compendium
The Clans
Clan is a term used by vampires to describe the major groups of Cainites who share common characteristics passed
on by the blood. There are 13 known clans, each of which was reputedly founded by an Antediluvian, a member of
the Third Generation. A Kindred’s clan is his lineage, the vampiric "family" into which he was Embraced.
The unofficial differentiation is between the patrician Clans (the high society of the Camarilla, comprised of the
Ventrue, Toreador, and Tremere) and the plebeian Clans (the low society, comprised of the Brujah, Nosferatu,
Malkavians, and the Gangrel). Members of the patrician Clans hold statistically more princedoms, although the
general ranking of the Clans varies from domain to domain.

The Thirteen
Assamite: Based in the deepest roots of the middle Followers of Set: Simply called Setites, the blood in
east, Assamites, or Banu Haqim, are often feared as their veins hails from Egypt herself. Settites believe
one of the deadliest of all the clans. Often that their clan originated from the Egyptian god Set
Stereotyped as assassins or diablerists, their true and that ultimately, he will once again walk the Earth.
mission is to further themselves from the Jyhad. Because of that, everything that can be done to
Starting Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quiteus prepare for that arrival should be done. Followers of
Clan Weakness: Addiction to Vitae and/or Diablerie Set are often cunning strategists and corrupt business
Brujah: Often Thought of as the "Bruiser" clan, Brujah Starting Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis
have been slowly regaining their roots as intellects Clan Weakness: Take double damage from sunlight
and scholars. Unfortunately for them, Brujah are quick
to anger and passion, and this has been a major Gangrel: The highly animalistic and earthy Gangrel are
setback which has given rise to the roughneck, and nomads who serve as members of the Camarilla in
rebellious image they have in modern nights. modern nights. Often utilized as enforcers or guards,
Starting Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence Gangrel are quite useful in many different scenarios.
Clan Weakness: difficulty to resist frenzy Gangrel are very near to the beast which dwells
within, and after every frenzy they endure, their body
Caitiff: The Clanless. These are truly rare Kindred who will gain an animalistic feature which stays with them
have no inherent clan nor any inherent disciplines. forever.
They are often thought of as "Trash" or "Thin Starting Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Blooded" although neither of those things may be Clan Weakness: Gain animal feature after each Frenzy
true in any way. Kindred society's own outcasts, most
of the others degrade or disrespect them at any given Giovanni: Having usurped clan Cappadocian, the
opportunity...sometimes to their own dismay. Giovanni are both a clan and a family. They embrace
Starting Disciplines: Any 3 strictly within their family alone, and focus their
Clan(less) Weakness: Harder to learn vampiric powers efforts on power, money, and the study of
Necromancy. They often operate like The Mafia in the
United States. They use
any tactic from blackmail
to brute force to further
their family and its goals.
Starting Disciplines:
Potence, Dominate,
Clan Weakness: Feeding
damages living creatures

Lasombra: As leaders of the Sabbat, Clan Lasombra is Toreador: Clan Toreador is known for being the most
comprised of Social Darwinist predators who believe sensual, beautiful, sexual, and seductive of all of the
themselves, and no other fit enough to rule the night. Kindred Clans. Members of the Camarilla, Toreadors
The traditions of the clan have not wavered at all require the cover of the masquerade to ultimately
going into modern nights, even as the Sabbat is bent survive. They hunt in society for both blood and
to their will. information and have given rise to the vampire
Starting Disciplines: Potence, Dominate, stereotype of "the snob who hunts in society".
Obtenebration Starting Disciplines: Celerity, Auspex, Presence
Clan Weakness: Cast no reflection Clan Weakness: Must break hypnotic gaze at beauty in
any form
Malkavian: One of the founding clans of the
Camarilla, Clan Malkavian bears with them a terrible Tremere: The second youngest of the clans, The
curse. Every Malkavian from the time of embrace will Tremere came into being in the Dark Ages. One of the
suffer at least 1 derangement. Kindred Theorists strongest pillars in the Camarilla organization, they
believe that their mind simply shatters during are both an integral part of its defense and support.
embrace and that ultimately this will get worse and Believed to be the strongest of all of the clans,
worse as the kindred ages. Often called "Lunatics" Tremere are feared for their secretive nature, strict
because of their strange behavior, the most clan hierarchy, and the mastery of Thaumaturgy.
dangerous Malkavians seem to suffer no ill effects of Starting Disciplines: Thaumaturgy, Auspex, Dominate
their broken minds. Clan Weakness: Blood bound to Clan Tremere
Starting Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Dementation
Clan Weakness: Gain one derangement at embrace Tzimisce: A clan of scholars, and flesh shapers,
Tzimisce are often seen as kind, intellectual,
Nosferatu: The sewer dwelling Nosferatu are sophisticated and often a little strange. This is but
members of the Camarilla. Often called "spymasters" merely a falsehood. Underneath all of the charm is a
these elusive kindred collect the dark secrets of their true monster capable of so many dark and twisted
enemies, and sell them for a hefty sum. They bear things. They side with the Sabbat on most ideological
with them the most visible of cainite curses. Every endeavors, as their ultimate goal is to transcend the
Nosferatu at the time of embrace is horribly, and state of vampirism and become something more, by
irreversibly twisted into a grotesque version of their any sick and/or twisted mean necessary.
former self. Starting Disciplines: Vicissitude, Animalism, Auspex
Starting Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence Clan Weakness: Must sleep in dirt from their
Clan Weakness: Appearance is ugly homeland.

Ravnos: Gypsies, thieves, con artists, and vagabonds. Ventrue: The proud Ventrue are a long-standing clan
Clan Ravnos clings very deeply to its independent of genteel leaders, and intellectuals. They work very
ways. Often found in casinos in modern nights, these hard to be seen as the clan that can push the kindred
illusionists are either conning foolish passers through society as a whole into the future. They consider
at the black jack table, or are on the stage performing themselves the oldest of all clans and as such are the
the most amazing magic that boggles the mind of the rightful leaders of all Cainites. Few clans are able to
most promising magicians. You won't know what hit challenge this claim. Many ultimately choose not to.
you until its too late. Starting Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
Starting Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude Clan Weakness: Extreme Prey Exclusion
Clan Weakness: Must have a criminal vice (thievery,
murder, blackmail etc)

The coinage of the term Discipline is credited to the Cainite scholar known as Trimeggian through his Encyclopaedia
Haemovoria - and although not every vampire will necessarily use it, this denomination has become quite popular
among kindred society.
The origin of the vampiric powers modernly known as Disciplines is unknown, however, but many believe they are
gifts from Caine or Lilith, and a few Antediluvians are thought to have invented unique Disciplines that have been
passed down through their childer. Others believe them to be inborn powers inherent to the undead body.
Aside from their inherent immortal condition and the ability to use vitae to regenerate wounds and improve their
strength and dexterity, proficiency in a Discipline gives the vampire additional supernatural abilities of great value.
Training in each of the Disciplines provides the Cainite with several related powers such as superhuman speed,
strength, resilience, command over animals, shapeshifting abilities, sensory powers, the ability to dominate the
minds of other creatures, and many more.
Every clan has three inherent Disciplines which they pick up more readily and do not require training to learn, and
may learn other disciplines provided they have tasted the Blood of someone who possesses them, with the
exception of Blood Sorcery, which require teachers or some other source of knowledge. While clans may refer to
their disciplines differently, and get different powers from them, at their core they are the same, shared with other
There are nine "main" Disciplines that are well known and relatively common, but there are also a variety of much
rarer Disciplines which are unique to particular clans or are practiced by bloodlines and Thin-Blooded vampires.
These Unique Disciplines are not common in the Camarilla, which is largely a revisionist history issue; Camarilla
vampires are the default characters for VTM and most of their Disciplines are classic vampiric powers. Conversely,
the Sabbat and independent clans have powers which are not part of traditional vampire literature and were
introduced later.
Three Disciplines — Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence — are commonly called the Augmenting Disciplines because
they enhance a vampire's physical abilities. Every new level is a steady increase in one specific capacity: Celerity
increases speed and the number of extra actions a character can take per round by spending blood; Fortitude adds a
DR to resist damage; and Potence increases ST related attributes.
Blood Sorcery is a special Discipline in that it both confers powers, like other Disciplines, and also unlocks the ability
to perform Rituals up to and including the level the user holds in the Discipline. Its regular powers seem
comparatively weak, but the versatility of the Rituals more than compensates, assuming the user can learn them.
Unlike other Disciplines, which can be easily learned by the vampire, practitioners of Blood Sorcery require teachers.

Animalism Obfuscate
Animalism is a Discipline that brings the vampire Vampiric invisibility. You may only enable Obfuscate if
closer to their animalistic nature. This not only allows no one can see you. If you remain motionless, the
them to communicate with and gain dominance over timer will not run and Obfuscate can be maintained
creatures of nature, but gives them influence over the indefinitely. All levels of Obfuscate include the
Beast itself. It is particularly common among the clans benefits of the lower levels. Obfuscate carries no risk
that are most removed from humanity, though many of violating the Masquerade.
of its powers specifically target the Beasts of mortals Obtenebration
and Cainites. Obtenebration is the trademark Discipline of clan
Auspex Lasombra which is the unearthly control over
Enhances your mental faculties and allows you to see shadows. It is related to the practice of Abyss
the auras of those around you. In addition, it allows to Mysticism within the clan.
heighten the senses of the Vampire, gain impressions Potence
from touched objects and separate the mind from the Puts supernatural strength into feats and melee
body. Auspex carries no risk of violating the attacks that simply cannot be defended against.
Masquerade. Potence carries no risk of violating the Masquerade.
Celerity Presence
Vampiric preternatural speed and dexterity. The world The dreaded Presence of the vampire can strike
will seem to slow while you remain unaffected. All but mortal fear into the hearts of his opponents. Reduces
the first level of Celerity are obvious supernatural enemies' effectiveness in combat. Presence carries no
acts, and using them in Safe Areas is considered a risk of violating the Masquerade.
violation of the Masquerade. Protean
Chimerstry Protean is the signature Discipline of clan Gangrel. The
Chimerstry is the trademark Discipline of the Ravnos vampire using Protean gain the ability to see into the
that conjures illusions into existence. Such phantom night with perfect clarity and they gain many
images are as real as the Cainite's skill allows, and will animalistic features, the ultimate level of Protean is a
even fool technological sensors. bestial form. Because of the fact that Protean is
Dementation obviously supernatural, using this Discipline in public
The unique legacy of the Malkavian clan, Dementation places is a danger to the Masquerade.
channels madness and pours it into the minds of Quietus
those around you. Dementation effects are covert Quietus is the signature Discipline of the Assamites
actions; they cannot be traced back to you and carry that grants them influence over the blood of others. It
no risk of violating the Masquerade. is primarily known for being an assassin's tool in the
Dominate hands of the Warrior caste.
The superior strength of the vampiric mind allows Serpentis
your character to control the minds of weaker kine, Serpentis is the trademark Discipline of the Followers
and even some Kindred, remove their memories or of Set clan. It primarily provides shapechanging
even possess someone’s body. Dominate effects are abilities, though it also encompasses corruption and
covert actions; they cannot be traced back to you and other characteristics associated with snakes.
carry no risk of violating the Masquerade. Thaumaturgy
Fortitude Blood sorcery, vampire practitioners of Thaumaturgy
Fortitude allows for amazing displays of preternatural can bend blood to powerful and terrible ends. The
resistance. Guarantees a certain amount of damage effects are spectacular and obviously supernatural,
from every incoming attack will be ignored, regardless and should not be used in Safe Areas, lest you risk
of the source. The use of Fortitude is not considered a violating the Masquerade. This is the signature
violation of the Masquerade. Discipline of the Tremere.
Necromancy Vicissitude
Necromancy is a form of blood magic practiced by the Vicissitude is the trademark Discipline of Clan
Giovanni that deals exclusively with the world of the Tzimisce, it is widely known as their art of flesh and
dead: wraiths and the Shadowlands. There are several bone shaping. With it an experienced crafter can
"schools" of Necromancy, the foremost in the sculpt the flesh and bone of any subject.
Western World is the art that draws inspiration from
Classical Rome and Greece.

Blood Points
Blood Points are units of vital energy obtained from blood. They are spent to fuel Disciplines and maintain a
Kindred's existence. Blood Points do not represent pints of blood but the energy, or vitae, found in it. The maximum
number of Blood Points a Kindred can have at one time depends on the depth of their Blood Pool. Those with deeper
pools do not have more blood inside them, they have more vitae.
Kindred can decide to use Blood Points for many different purposes. The number of Blood Points someone can use
per turn is determined by his generation and when a Blood Point is used, it is gone. The only way it can be
replenished is through feeding on humans, animals or other vampires.
 One Blood Point is lost automatically at the start of every night when a vampire wakes up.
 One Blood Point can be spent to restore 2 hit points, but only if the vampire is standing completely still and is not
distracted by something (like combat). To perform this, the character must concentrate for at least one turn per
each Blood Point spent. The vampire might heal more in a round, blood point spending limits apply here.
 One Blood Point can add +2 to any skill roll the character chooses. The player must announce the expenditure of a
Blood Point, and the bonus counts only for the next roll. This also requires a turn of concentration. The effects of this
can be accumulated, provided the vampire can concentrate for the required amount of time and spends the Blood
Points necessary. So if a character wanted to spend 3 Blood Points, he could get a +6 bonus on a skill roll but needs
to concentrate for 3 rounds. The player must specify, however, which skill he wants the bonus to apply to.
 One Blood Point can increase ST by 2 for a turn starting in the same turn as it was activated at no action cost. This
is cumulative, so a vampire who wanted to burn 10 blood points in one turn could perform an incredible feat of
strength, with his ST at +20. This can be combined with the increase granted by Potence.
 One Blood Point can be expended for the Blush of Life to look more humanlike, with rosy cheeks and a healthy
pallor. This makes them functionally human as they become warm to the touch, with a full, hearty pulse and produce
natural bodily fluids. They function sexually in the way a human can, becoming physically aroused, erect, and
lubricated. They can keep food and drink down, ejecting it later in the night and they’ll pass medical inspection while
the blush remains active. Roll on HT+Blood Potency, each success makes the Blush of Life last for 1 hour. No success
spends the Blood point with no effect.
 A vampire can give a portion of his Blood Pool to another, thus enabling them to restore hit points or take special
actions. This requires slashing open an artery and letting the other character drink from it. Some may frenzy and
attempt to drink more than they should, so this action can be somewhat dangerous. Additionally, if this is the third
time the recipient has drunk a certain Kindred's blood, he will become Blood Bonded to the donor unless he is
already currently Bonded to another vampire.
Gaining Blood Points
When a vampire drinks the blood of an animal or human, he gains vitae - the blood is essential for a vampire to live.
This is quantified as Blood Points. If a vampire drinks to his Blood Pool's maximum, he is full and cannot benefit from
drinking more.
Different creatures provide different amounts of Blood Points. Healthy, strong humans provide more points because
their blood contains more vitae per pint than that of unhealthy or starving humans.

The average, grown human provides between 8-12 Blood Points while a child
would be at 4-6 Blood Points.
Animals such as rats usually provide far less vitae than humans. Most vampires
obtain only a half blood point from feeding on rats while others, like Ventrue,
cannot feed on them at all. The Nosferatu are an exception. They have become
accustomed to surviving on animals and are able to gain three points from feeding
on rats.

If a vampire drinks all of a person's blood, that person will die. If more than half is
drunk, the vessel will need to be hospitalized and might die (mortals drop 2 hit
points for every point of blood taken). If characters do not want to risk losing
Humanity, they'd better learn to control themselves. One point of blood can be
drained from a human or animal in one turn. Vampires can drink it more slowly if
they wish, and many do so to eke more pleasure out of the experience.

Frenzy is when the Beast takes over the vampire's personality, usually a result of extreme stress such as starvation or
public humiliation. The term only applies to the "fight" half of the "fight-or-flight" response, though Rötschreck (the
"flight" half) is a similar experience in many respects. The details for Rötschreck are under the Vampiric Template,
detailing when the vampire loses their control to the Beast and flee. A Frenzy can be induced by many things, but
great rage or hunger are the most common provocations. It is dangerous to deny or humiliate the undead.
The primary purpose of the Frenzy is to kill or otherwise neutralize the stimulus responsible for it, so a vampire driven
to Frenzy will attempt to feed on anything she can catch whereas a character entering frenzy in combat will attempt
to kill all nearby combatants. The Kindred of the Camarilla consider Frenzy dangerous, bestial and a sign of weak will
and try to avoid it whenever possible. Sabbat vampires may resist or embrace Frenzy (or "ride the wave") depending
on their Path of Enlightenment.
There are times when the GM will require a character to make a Self-
Control roll to resist Frenzy. If the vampire makes his roll, he can go
about his business. He has kept the Beast at bay - at least for now. If he
fails the Will roll, though, he has lost control, and the Beast takes over
part, if not all, of his actions.
hunger often provokes the frenzy and can result in the death of a vessel
as the vampire drinks it dry. This occurs only if the character is hungry (5
Blood Points or less), and is brought on by the sight, taste or smell of
blood. The vampire also suffers a penalty to avoid frenzy;
-1 for every Blood Point below 5.
A vampire does not have to resist the frenzy, but if he wishes to do so,
he must make a Will Roll, with a certain
modifier. A success allows a character to
hold the Beast in, check. Note that if the
provocation is still in effect (the smell of
blood or a taunting foe, etc.), the vampire has to re-roll every minute.
A character's Humanity score directly affects his Strong Will roll in that he must roll
less than his Humanity, regardless of what his Will might be. For example, if a vampire
has a Humanity of 10 and a Will of 14 (including his Self-Control bonus), he would have
to roll below 10 to avoid frenzy. But if his Humanity were 14 or above, he would roll
vs. 14.
A vampire in Frenzy gains several temporary benefits from the state. Vampires in
Frenzy completely ignore all penalties inflicted by injury, until the Frenzy ends. Once
the Frenzy is finished, the pain comes back and the crippling effects of the wounds
take hold again.
All difficulties to Dominate or otherwise mentally control a frenzied character gain a -3
penalty, and all difficulties to resist the effects of such mental control gain a +2 bonus.
The character never needs additional Strong Will rolls to accomplish any feat, because
the rage fuelling the vampire’s actions is both a catalyst to heightened state of mind
and a barrier against unwanted intrusions. Lastly, characters in Frenzy are immune to
the effects of Rötschreck.
If the vampire has consumed the blood of a werewolf, the rolls to resist Frenzy (and
Rötschreck) get a -1 penalty per blood point of werewolf blood consumed. This effect
stays until the blood has been used up.
Frenzies vary in duration, in some ways, a frenzy moves along a simple cycle. When
things calm down and the tension level falls, the frenzy slowly comes to a stop.
Generally, this works out to 2d minutes after the source of the frenzy is gone. For
example, if a vampire frenzied because some punk was taunting him, and the punk ran
off to safety when he saw the Beast take hold, the frenzy would last for 2d minutes
after the punk was gone. The character should never know when the frenzy will fade,
A vampire’s friends can help him overcome a frenzy by confronting him and speaking with him. A successful roll on a
skill that can sway the frenzied vampire (like Diplomacy, Psychology, Fast-Talk or Persuade) will reduce the duration
by 1d minutes. If this reduces it to zero or less than zero, the frenzy calms down. If the roll fails, the frenzied vampire
must make a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll to keep from attacking the would-be counsellor.

Injury and Healing
Just as their immortality prevents the Kindred from aging and dying naturally, so it also inhibits the recuperative
processes natural to a living body. Blood expenditure is the only way that vampires can heal wounds.
When a vampire sustains an injury, mark off hit points as normal. However, Kindred do not suffer any movement or
skill penalties until their HPs reach zero. They also will not be affected by crippling injuries as long as their HP is
positive. This is why a vampire can take two or three good hits from a weapon and appear to ignore it Their bodies do
not have the living systems that mortals do - the systems that fail and cause their owners to slow down when wounds
are sustained.
Once at zero HP or below, the actual structure of a vampire's body is beginning to give out. They are at half Move and
Dodge, they can also suffer crippling injuries. Even at this stage, they are formidable opponents since they can stay
conscious and keep fighting. At -HP, vampires must begin making rolls every round to stay conscious. However,
instead of HT rolls, as normal characters would make, they roll vs. Normal Strong Will.
After -HP, Kindred do not lose any more hit points. Instead, they lose Blood Points, at a rate of one for every 2 points
of damage that gets through DR. If a vampire is at -HP and loses all his Blood Points, he immediately goes into Torpor.
If he is at -HP and sustains Aggravated damage, he will die the Final Death.

Normal damage
Normal damage represents injury typically coming from a mundane source. It is almost always associated with a loss
of blood and injuries to the body, characters who sustain enough normal damage to knock them unconscious are
usually in danger of bleeding to death. Sources of normal damage include weapons like knives, swords, axes,
hammers, arrows, stakes, firearms, falling and any brawling damage. Supernatural sources can also deal normal
damage. A hit by a vampire’s fist or a headbutt by a werewolf, bashing damage that doesn’t use claws, horns or fangs
also fall into this category.
Normal damage can be healed by Vampires only by spending blood. One Blood Point can be spent to restore 2 hit
points, but only if the vampire is standing completely still and is not distracted by something (like combat). To
perform this, the character must concentrate for at least one turn per each Blood Point spent. The vampire might
heal more in a round, blood point spending limits apply here.

Aggravated damage
Aggravated damage represents supernaturally caused injuries or other injuries which require some special effort to
heal. Examples: a bite from a supernatural creature which doesn't heal for weeks, magic spells, enchanted weapons.
Many of the banes associated with different supernatural creatures - silver for werewolves, or sunlight for vampires -
have earned their reputation because they cause Aggravated damage to their traditional target. However, damage by
fire and the claws/teeth of supernatural creatures is also Aggravated to all Kindred. For some Kindred holy water and
sanctified objects might cause Aggravated damage while mortals with True Faith can also exercise their powers that
would cause such injuries.
Aggravated wounds require both blood and time heal. Hit points lost to an aggravated wound can only healed at the
rate of 3 per day and cost of 5 Blood Points per 3 hit points healed. Three additional hit points can be healed during a
night if the character spends 5 additional Blood Points. Because they have different healing requirements, Aggravated
wounds should be indicated on the character sheet separately from normal wounds.

Sunlight, even more than fire, is deadly to vampires. Even diffuse sunlight running
through a heavy curtain can cause burns, and direct sunlight sears to ash all but the
most powerful vampires. No part of a vampire is immune to the rays of the sun. Any
character looking into direct sunlight is blinded instantly, her retinas burned by the
illumination. Fortunately for vampires, the light reflected from the moon is not strong
enough to inflict any serious damage, though some suffer the equivalent of mild
sunburn if they are exposed to the light of a full moon and aren’t wearing any
protective gear.
In direct sunlight, a vampire takes 1 die of damage per 5 seconds. A successful HT roll
will absorb this damage, but each roll is at a cumulative -1 for each additional minute
spent in direct sunlight. The first few seconds of sunlight are easily defended against, but the longer a vampire stays
in the light, the harder it becomes to withstand. A Blood Point may be spent for an automatic success on the HT roll.
Characters with Fortitude may add +2 per Discipline level to the HT rolls. Sunlight always causes aggravated wounds
to Kindred.

Fire is one of the most dangerous elements to a Vampire. The hotter the fire, the
faster it burns and more damage it deals. When coming in contact with fire, a
vampire must make a successful HT roll, or he takes twice the normal fire damage
for that amount of flame. If the roll is successful, he takes the burn damage minus
the amount he made the roll by.
The vampire can spend 1 Blood Point for an automatic success on this HT roll. This
automatic success reduces the damage taken by 2d.
On a critical failure, the fire does three times normal damage and maims the victim
in some way - loss of an eye, hideously scarred face, et cetera.
Characters with Fortitude may add +2 per Discipline level to the HT rolls.
Fire always causes aggravated wounds to Kindred.

Paralyzed/Staked Vampires
A wooden stake through a vampire's heart does not cause death, but does completely immobilize the victim. A
vampire who is staked or otherwise paralyzed continues to spend blood at the rate of one point per night. If the
vampire is further deprived of blood, the decaying process that unlife has held at bay begins again. A vampire with no
blood begins consuming all excess moisture within his body at a rate of one HP per day. As the process continues, the
vampire begins to resemble a mummified corpse. At first the vampire appears merely emaciated, but as the body is
completely dehydrated, the meat and ligaments, along with the mostly useless organs within the body, begin to
wither. When the character has reached -HP, the character's eyes shrivel within his skull, the tendons and ligaments
within the body draw painfully tight, the gums recede from the teeth, and the lips draw back in a death rictus. At this
point, the character enters torpor.

When one of the Kindred falls to torpor, they appear dead. Their skin tightens over their flesh and dries out. Joints
harden, and the top layer of tissue turns to a faint, ashen dust. When a vampire becomes injured beyond -HP and
loses all Blood Points, the vampire goes into torpor (or, if the injury is aggravated, the result is Final Death). The
character is completely immobilized and unconscious, though more powerful Kindred (such as the Antediluvians) can
still use some of their Disciplines in this state. Torpor is no beauty sleep. It is similar to a coma for mortals, and
adversely affects either the victim's mind or his body. When a vampire emerges from torpor, he has lost a point from
one of his attributes, permanently. It can only be replaced by the expenditure of character points. The player may
decide which attribute takes the reduction. Vampires with a Humanity of 19 or 20 come out of the deep sleep within
a day or so, while those with less Humanity sleep for a few weeks to a few months. The blood of an Ancient can
sometimes prematurely revive a vampire in torpor, at the GM's discretion.
A vampire emerging from this
state is ravenous to the point of
insanity, and will attack
whatever source of blood is
closest, regardless of any
emotional ties. Leaving a
vampire staked until he reaches
this near-death state, then
reviving him with just enough
blood to prolong the agony, is a
favourite method of torture for
both mortal hunters and the
Sabbat. Most vampires
undergoing this form of torture
suffer permanent mental
damage as a result.

Blood Bond
A Blood Bond, also known as a Blood Oath, the Coeur-Vrai or the Coils of Apep, is a supernatural link of fidelity and
dependency of one individual (the thrall) on a vampire (the regnant), created and maintained by the repeated
consumption of vitae.
Drinking the blood of a Kindred once will have some effects. The thrall will feel a strong desire to be near their
regnant. This connection is not as powerful as a full blood bond but takes the same amount of time to break. In order
for a blood bond to reach full potency the thrall must drink the regnant's blood at least three times in a relatively
short period of time. Each time the thrall drinks the bond is deepened. The second time the thrall drinks, the
emotional connection they have to their regnant becomes incredibly strong. The third time renders them fully bound
to the service of their regnant.
Even after the thrall has drunk three times blood bonds need to be maintained by further, periodic, doses of blood. It
takes about a month for the regnant’s blood to the leave the thrall's system. After that, if they do not drink their
regnant’s blood again, the bond will begin to break down. When the regnant's blood is fading from their system the
thrall enters a period of withdrawal in which they may beg their regnant for more blood or, if they are unavailable,
seek them tirelessly until they are truly free of the bond.
The strength of the blood bond is not influenced by the generation of the vampire, but continual drinks do reinforce
it. The bond will become weaker over time if the thrall does not drink from the regnant's blood and does not see
them for a long time. However, due to the very nature of the bond, such avoidance may be extremely difficult for the
thrall. The blood bond can be broken by the death of the regnant, however, the effect on the thrall is variable: some
feel relieved or even joyful; others experience pain and desolation; others yet fear their independence and look for a
new bond. A few may even kill themselves.
One of the primary powers a regnant has over his thrall is that he is able to Dominate the thrall without eye contact.
As long as the thrall is able to hear the words of his regnant, he can be Dominated. Any attempt to resist use of the
Dominate discipline is at a -4 when Blood Bonded.
A thrall can resist the effects of a Blood Bond with a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll. The thrall must make this roll with
a penalty equal to twice the number of times he has drunk the blood of his regnant in the last year. If the roll is
successful, the thrall can refuse any one request the regnant makes.
If the character simply wishes to plot against his regnant, each successful roll would allow him to take one significant
action that goes against the regnant's wishes. However, if he wants to actively attack his regnant, the
penalty is doubled! It is possible to break a Blood Bond, but it can be difficult. It requires five such Strong Will (Self-
Control) rolls over a long period of time, but also necessitates that the character completely avoid his regnant. If a
thrall does not see the regnant for some time, and does not interact with the object of his attachment, the Bond will
eventually die away. The breaking of a character's Blood Bond cannot be achieved through experience points or
successful rolls; it must be roleplayed, and depends largely on the personality of the character who has been bonded.

Ghoul is a term used to describe a minion created when a vampire gives a bit of vampiric vitae to a mortal without
draining him or her of blood first, which would instead result in the Embrace.
After a vampire feeds their Vitae to another creature, they become a ghoul, granting a few benefits: The aging
process halts, sometimes even reverting slightly; limited access to disciplines and faster healing. However, Ghouls are
dependent on the Blood, as they will revert to their true age when denied access, sometimes fatally. It's control is the
primary way that ghouls are managed by their domitors, through the Blood Bond — in addition to more traditional
techniques like Dominate. The nastiest part of being a ghoul, of course, is that one is a slave to an inhuman monster
that treats humans as chess pieces or the occasional light snack.
Animals can also be made into ghouls, a tactic particularly favored by the Nosferatu, and other users of Animalism.
Animal ghouls sometimes grow larger and mutate, the result being a somewhat horrifying parody of the original
creature. In addition, animal ghouls may develop a taste for blood, regardless of their original diets.

Ghouls tend to fall into three major categories:

• Ghoul Vassals - who are the stereotypical blood-addicted servant of a vampire
• Independent Ghouls - who live a dangerous existence in a constant struggle for vitae
• Revenants - hereditary ghouls whose body produces their own vampiric vitae

The ghoul vassals are common throughout vampiric society, while Independent Ghouls are quite rare, considered
dangerous enemies by Cainites. The Revenants are largely associated with the Tzimisce, but most of them are insane
cannibalistic freaks, that have no place in regular mortal society.

When a mortal becomes a Ghoul, he gets ST +2, and the ability to use the Wolf
Claws (Protean Discipline level 2) at IQ level. These claws cause Aggravated
wounds to Vampires. They do not age as long as they drink Vampire blood
each month, but if they tum back to a mortal from lack of Kindred blood, they
will age the lost time over the next few hours. If this ages them past their
normal lifespans, they crumble to dust.
Ghouls also gain the ability to use the Vampire blood in their systems the same
way that Vampires can, but they lose their Kindred blood at one point per day,
and must drink from their master if they wish to have more. Ghouls also gain
the Berserk disadvantage, and can frenzy in much the same way as Kindred,
though they do not drink the blood of the victims of their rage.

When a Kindred drinks from another until all his blood is drained away, and
continues to drink until he is extinguished (brought to -HP) the very essence of
the vessel is transferred.
If a vampire wishes to continue drinking and drain the life-force of a vampiric vessel,
even after all the blood is drained, he must make a Strength roll at -5. Success
indicates that the target loses 2 hit points. No blood is actually drained, but instead
the very spirit of the vampire is taken from the body. The ST roll must be repeated
every round that the Diabolist wants to keep drinking. Once the vessel reaches
-HP (that is, if the victim's HP is 12, -HP is -12), he dies the Final Death, and his
life-force is passed along to the drinker. If the vessel was not of an earlier
generation, this does not mean very much.
Each time a player character does this, the GM should require a Strong Will
(Conscience) roll to avoid losing 2 points of Humanity, especially if the one
whom they have slain displayed any sort of good or noble tendencies.
If the vessel was a vampire, and was of an earlier generation than the vampire
who drank the blood, the slayer's effective generation is lowered by one. This
provides many benefits: it allows the Diabolist to be able to Dominate a larger
number of the Kindred (you can only Dominate vampires who are of a later
generation) and possess and use a larger Blood Pool. If the vessel's generation
was more than three lower than the attacker, then it may be possible for more
than one Diabolist to drink and thereby reduce a generation for each of them.

The Alastors are the secret police who have been charged with hunting down the Anathema:
dangerous vampires from the Camarilla's Red List and targeted for destruction.
Ancilla An "adolescent" vampire
A rebel among the Kindred, one with no respect for the elders but still maintaining the
Antediluvian One of the oldest Vampires, the third generation.
Archon A powerful vampire who wanders from city to city. An agent of a Justicar.
Antitribu is a term used to describe a division within a vampire clan which opposes the main
body of the clan, mainly in terms of sect loyalty (i.e., Ventrue Antitribu are part of Sabbat).
Book of Nod,
The "sacred" book of the Kindred. Never been published in its' entirety.
Beast, The The urges which prompt vampires to forsake their humanity
Bloodline A distinct lineage that is outside of the 13 clans
Blood Bond A mystic Servitude to another vampire as a result from drinking his blood three times.
Boons Favors owed between the Kindred
Caitiff A vampire with no clan affiliation
Childe A term for a young, inexperienced vampire.
Childer The group of Progeny under a single vampire
Clan A group of vampires who share certain mystical and physical characteristics. Not unlike a family
Coterie A group of vampires that protect and support one another
Damned, The All vampires, in general
The cannabalistic behavior common among kindred, involving the consumption of all the blood
of another vampire, killing him in the process and taking his power.
Domain The fiefdom claimed by a vampire, usually a prince.
Elder A vampire of more than 300 years of age
The name given the place where the elders meet and gather, commonly operas, theaters, or
other places of high culture.
Embrace, The act of transforming a mortal into a vampire, by draining the mortal's' blood and replacing it
The with a small amount of the vampire's own.
Frenzy The state of being when the beast take control.
Garou A werewolf
The number of steps between a vampire and Caine. Cain being the only one of the first
Gehenna The impending Armageddon, when the antideluvians shall awaken.
Ghoul A servant created by allowing a mortal to drink the blood of a vampire
The state of being that which many vampires do aspire, in which a balance is found between
beast and humanity
Haven The home of a vampire or place which he sleeps during the day.
Inconnu A sect of vampires who have removed themselves from both mortal and Kindred affairs.
The Inner Circle is the organizing council of the Camarilla. Practically nothing is known about
Inner Circle,
the Inner Circle, which takes pains to keep the identity of its members hidden. The public face
of the Inner Circle are the Justicars and their Archon assistants.
An organization within the Roman Catholic Church tasked to rid the world of evil and heresy in
all its forms in the name of God. Followers of the Inquisition are referred to as "inquisitors" and
are generally mortal,
The Justicars are the most powerful visible component of the Camarilla, charged with
Justicar adjudicating matters of the Traditions on a wide scale and acting as the judge, jury and
executioner of the Inner Circle. There is one Justicar for each clan of the Camarilla.
Jyhad, The The secret war being waged between the antediluvians, using younger kindred as pawns
Kindred A vampire; one of the blood
Lupine A werewolf

The effort began after the end of the great wars to hide kindred from the mortal world
Methusalah An elder who no longer lives among the other kindred. Many are members of the Inconnu
Neonate A young, newly created kindred
Numina The special powers held by mortal hunters
Pack A basic social unit of the Sabbat
Primogen A ruling council of elders in a city, usually each Primogen is from a different Clan
Male or female. A vampire who has established a claim to rulership over a city and is able to
support that claim.
Progeny A collective term for all vampires created by a single sire
Regnant One who holds a blood bond over another vampire
The Sabbat is a loose organization of Cainites who reject the Traditions and practice no
Masquerade. They follow different Paths and are practicing Diablerie openly.
Sire The parent-creator of a vampire, both male and female
Thrall One blood bonded by another vampire.
Vessel A potential or past source of blood, typically a human
Vitae Blood

London Artwork & Character Sheet

Camden Court

Camden Town, London


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