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To complete the circle, the fourth book in the reinvention of GURPS Vampire the

Masquerade is adding the lore of the Disciplines. The powers of the Kindred are
what makes them unique and interesting, mostly coming from the folklore and
stories of the last centuries. Turning into a bat, being fast as a lightning,
mesmerizing with a glance or becoming one with the shadows, all these powers and
more are to be found in this book.

When the first VtM conversion was published by SJG, it was using the rules from
the 2nd edition. At that time, we had only the main disciplines, each with 5 different
powers which was quite simple but still effective. there is a lot that was added in
the last 30 years to the lore and we wanted to make sure that the best of it would
be converted under GRUPS rules. To account for the growth in Kindred powers of
the last 30 years, we looked at all the editions that came out and compiled a
comprehensive guide to the most famous disciplines, including 9 Main disciplines and
14 Legacy disciplines.

The main changes compared to the 1993 edition are connected to the additional
mechanics we already introduced before. One of such would be Blood potency that
influences the use of blood points to fuel the vampiric powers. We also added
Devotions, abilities that either enhance other powers or add some specific
advantages for the Vampire. The Physical disciplines also went through a change,
the augmenting powers handling the part with the strength, speed and resilience
increases while the additional powers at each level are making these Disciplines
more colorful. Amalgam powers that need proficiency in two or more disciplines
were also added here, with the extra flavour they might bring to the game by using
a very special and rare power.

This is the end of a 2-year long journey and we can call the grand work finished.
Enjoy being a Vampire in the 21st century while using the greatest RPG ruleset of
GURPS to take you on adventures in the World of Darkness.

Compiled, Converted, and Edited by Gabriel Nagy

free gaming material/Non-commercial use only
January 2023

Version 1.00

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War,
Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest:
The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, World of Darkness, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.
This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.
©2018 Paradox Interactive AB, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 4 SE-118 66 Stockholm
Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden..

Disciplines and Powers .......................................................................................... 3
Main Disciplines ........................................................................................................ 6
Animalism ..................................................................................................................... 8
Auspex.......................................................................................................................... 22
Celerity ....................................................................................................................... 44
Dominate ..................................................................................................................... 57
Fortitude .................................................................................................................... 71
Obfuscate ................................................................................................................... 90
Potence ...................................................................................................................... 105
Presence .................................................................................................................... 119
Protean ..................................................................................................................... 134
Legacy Disciplines ................................................................................................ 148
Chimerstry ............................................................................................................... 150
Daimonion ................................................................................................................. 156
Dementation ............................................................................................................. 161
Flight ......................................................................................................................... 172
Melpominee ............................................................................................................... 175
Mytherceria ............................................................................................................ 179
Obeah ......................................................................................................................... 183
Obtenebration ......................................................................................................... 189
Quietus....................................................................................................................... 199
Sanguinus ................................................................................................................. 206
Serpentis ................................................................................................................... 210
Thanatosis ............................................................................................................... 217
Vicissitude ................................................................................................................ 223
Visceratika .............................................................................................................. 233
Clan and Bloodline Disciplines...................................................................... 237

Disciplines and Powers
The coinage of the term Discipline is credited to the Cainite scholar known as Trimeggian through his Encyclopaedia
Haemovoria - and although not every Vampire will necessarily use it, this denomination has become quite popular
among Kindred society.
The origin of the vampiric powers known as Disciplines is unknown, however, but many believe they are gifts from
Caine or Lilith, and a few Antediluvians are thought to have invented unique Disciplines that have been passed down
through their childer. Others believe them to be inborn powers inherent to the undead body.
Aside from their inherent immortal condition and the ability to use vitae to regenerate wounds and improve their
strength, dexterity and all senses, proficiency in a Discipline gives the Vampire additional supernatural abilities of
great strategic value. Training in each of the Disciplines provides the Cainite with several related powers such as
superhuman speed, strength, resilience, command over animals, shapeshifting abilities, sensory powers, the ability
to dominate the minds of other creatures, and many more.
There are nine "Main" Disciplines that are well known and relatively common, but there are also a variety of much
rarer “Legacy” Disciplines which are unique to particular clans or are practiced by bloodlines. These Legacy
Disciplines are not common with the Camarilla clans but they can be learned under special circumstances.

Amalgam powers break from the typical chains of separate powers and combine two or three Disciplines of various
levels to create one specialized power. They are fairly rare and typically must be taught by someone who already
knows the power or manifest in very stressful situations, but are popular because they often add versatility to
Disciplines a character possesses or address unique situations.

Physical Disciplines
Three Disciplines — Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence — are commonly called the Physical Disciplines because they
directly enhance a Vampire's physical abilities, the strength, speed and endurance. These Disciplines provide new
powers like the other disciplines do. Every new level is also an increase in one specific capacity via Augmenting
powers: Celerity increases the speed and number of extra attacks a character can take per round; Fortitude adds
damage resistance; and Potence grants feats of strength and extra damage.

Augmenting Powers
Augmenting powers are connected to the Physical Disciplines, these powers are always the first one to be learned by
a Vampire. These powers are directly linked to increases in specific traits like speed, number of attacks, DR, basic lift
and extra damage. There are no activation rolls connected to this power. Augmenting powers always cost Blood
Points to activate, even for the oldest of the Kindred. Blood used to power an Augmenting power may exceed the
Vampire’s generational limit.
Alacrity is the Augmenting power of Celerity
Resilience is the Augmenting power of Fortitude
Vigor is the Augmenting power of Potence
Augmenting powers can be learned by every Vampire however, it costs much more than having the Physical
discipline as a Primary or Secondary discipline of the clan package. Other powers and devotions are still locked for
any Vampire that doesn’t have the Physical disciplines in their clan setup.

Learning Disciplines and Powers

A Vampire learns all powers naturally as they are tied to their blood however, Amalgam powers can be taught to a
Vampire who meets the criteria. To learn a different discipline that is not part of the clan setup, they need to take a
specific advantage (Additional Primary & Secondary Discipline 25/10pts) and also have some background story about
how they managed to get such a power. The clan disciplines are set as Primary and Secondary, any other disciplines
can’t be learned. For example, the Nosferatu clan have the below discipline setup:
Primary: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Secondary: Auspex, Protean

Discipline: Each Discipline level needs to be first learned so it gives access to the powers (including Augmenting
powers) for that level. Disciplines cost 2pts/level if they are Primary, 4pts/level if they are Secondary and 6pts/level if
they are a non-clan discipline (used for the non-clan Physical Disciplines connected to Augmenting powers). To learn
and use a 3rd level Power the Vampire needs to have the Discipline on level 3.
Powers: Each power is a separate skill at IQ/VH with no defaults. The skill also receives a proficiency bonus in case
the user has a high Discipline level but is using a low-level power.
The bonus is calculated as follows: Discipline level – Power level = bonus to activation skill.
A roll on the power’s skill is called an activation roll that triggers the ability. Any activation skill roll failed by 5 or
more is a critical failure and can bring unforeseen trouble to the user.
Devotions: Devotions are upgrades that can be connected to specific powers or add additional abilities that don’t
need an activation skill and are usually free of any blood cost. Some of the Devotions are permanently on and some
can be activated anytime. Devotions cost 2pts/level for Primary and 4pts/level for Secondary disciplines.
Amalgams: An Amalgam power is a result of a combination of two or more Disciplines. In order to learn an Amalgam
power a character must have the prerequisite rank listed for each Discipline used; thus, to buy a combo of Celerity
3/Auspex 2, a character must have these levels in both disciplines. The skill connected to the power is IQ/VH with no
defaults and the blood cost is always calculated for the higher of the two disciplines.
Augmenting power: Augmenting powers can be learned by all Vampires, however, they need to have the Discipline
level bought. Augmenting powers are not connected to any skill, each level has a specific Blood cost and effect. The
costs is at 2/4/8/16/24pts for Primary, 4/8/16/24/36pts for Secondary, 8/16/24/36/48pts for non-clan disciplines.

Powers have the following details as part of their description. Some Powers can have all and some have none, in
some cases the power mechanics include all the details like Blood cost or duration.
Prerequisite: Usually a necessary discipline or power that the Vampire needs to know (Celerity 3 or Beast Shape 2)
Requirement: A specific condition that needs to be met for the power (The victim must be a mortal).
Cost: The cost of activating the power in Blood points. “Normal” denotes the cost based on Blood Potency and
Power level (as per the table below in the Blood Cost paragraph).
Duration: The length the power is operational after it was activated and the Blood cost paid. Mostly powers have a
“One scene” duration which is set by the GM, a scene might be 10 minutes or even a few hours.
Contest: Some specific powers can be resisted, some disciplines like Dominate or Presence have all their powers
resisted automatically. Usually, those powers are resisted that are targeted at others, mortals and Kindred included.
Any other details that are not mentioned in the power should be discussed with the Storyteller, like the range of
some powers. Use common sense that doesn’t break your game.

Blood cost of Powers

Every power needs the Vampire’s blood to be activated. Old Vampires with their potent blood don’t lose any Blood
points when activating a power of lower level. In most cases the blood cost is noted as “Normal”, this would be
connected to the below table for each power where the description doesn’t mention it otherwise. Devotions don’t
have a Blood cost and Augmenting powers always cost 1 Blood per level. For Amalgam powers the blood cost is
always calculated for the higher of the two discipline levels. Starting at Blood potency 3 the Vampire can activate a
level 1 Power without Blood point cost, with higher Blood potency more powers open up for free. For example, a
Level 3 Power with Blood potency 4 would cost 2 Blood points to activate.
Generational limits on spending blood apply, so if someone can spend only 1 Blood point per turn it will take them 3
turns to activate a power that needs 3 Blood points. The Vampire always spends the blood first and then rolling on
the activation skill (IQ/VH) connected to the power.

Blood Potency
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Power Level

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0
5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Resisting Powers
Powers like Dominate, Presence, Obfuscate and Chimerstry have their own rules on how to resist or pierce them.
Any power that has a “Contest: Can be resisted” in their description should follow the below rules for resisting
powers. If a victim realizes that they are being affected by a Vampiric power they can try to resist. The same happens
if the victim is nudged towards out of character actions or the power has some clearly sensible effects. If the victim
doesn’t realize that a Vampiric power is used on them, they get an additional -2 penalty on resisting, usually
connected to mind altering powers.
• Mortals can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for each of the wielder’s Blood potency, Discipline level and
successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Supernaturals (Werewolves, Mages etc.) can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for the wielder’s Discipline
level and successes rolled on the activation of the power. Add any powers as a bonus that help resisting the
specific power.
• Vampires resist the power by succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a -1 penalty for each of the
successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Vampires with higher Blood potency who are not of lower generation than the discipline using Vampire, get a
bonus to their saving throws against any Discipline powers. This bonus equals the difference in Blood potency.
However, if their Blood potency is lower than the user’s, then they get a -1 penalty for each level of difference.
• Vampires with a lower Generation than the wielder need only succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll.

Example on resisting powers:

The Haunting, a level 2 Dementation power is being used by a 10th generation Malkavian, called Clacker. He has a
Dementation 4 level and a Blood potency at 3. On the activation Clacker rolls 2 successes.
If the target is a mortal with no powers, that mortal has a -9 penalty (4+3+2) on their Will roll to resist the power,
adding up the Dementation level, Blood potency level and the successes rolled on activation.
If the target is a Mage (a Supernatural), then the penalty is at -6 (4+2) on their Will roll to resist the power, adding up
the Dementation level and the successes rolled on activation. If the Mage would have a power that can be used
counter mind bending, he can use that to add a bonus to his
If the target is a Vampire of the 12th generation and Blood potency at 1, then they need to roll on Strong Will (Self-
Control) with a -4 penalty (2+2), adding up the successes rolled on activation and the difference between Blood
Any Vampire of the 9th or lower generation has to roll only on their Strong Will (Self-Control) to resist, the higher
concentration of Caine’s blood in their veins is a strong shield against vampiric powers that are fuelled by that same
In each of the above cases, where the target doesn’t realize being beset by the power, they would also get an
additional -2 penalty. Such a power would need to be activated within sensory range, so the Malkavian would need
to see the target from no further than 15 yards based on the circumstances.

Main Disciplines
The nine main Disciplines separate the undead from mortals, the
power in the Blood. These Disciplines were the basic powers that
Vampires wielded for thousands of years, every Vampire knows at
least one of these since their Embrace. However, no Vampire
knows exactly whence Disciplines originate. Some Kindred claim
that Disciplines are gifts from Caine, or Lilith the Dark Mother;
others believe they are simply innate supernatural abilities
intrinsic to the vampiric form. Regardless, it is mastery of the
Disciplines, more than any other factor, that enables a Vampire
to play at Jyhad and survive to tell of it.
The three Physical Disciplines embody the strength, speed and
resistance of the Vampire. These powers are famous from
folklore and fiction, a Vampire being able to run faster than a
horse, withstand an attack with a blade and break stone with
their hands. The other power are also famous, a Vampire that
can talk to animals, can see the soul, control humans, be
invisible, charm and change into a wolf or bat. All these powers
are open to Vampires, and their combination makes them
Some of the disciplines are connected to specific clans just
because the powers are a trademark, often connected to the
clan weakness. Animalism is seen as a Gangrel Discipline,
Dominate is more connected to the Ventrue, Nosferatu with
their Obfuscate while the Toreador are known for their skills with
The Disciplines were crude at first, just a few powers connected
to them. However, with use comes mastery and with time comes
invention. New powers have been added, devotions discovered
and amalgams researched by Vampires. In the 21st century,
Disciplines are a vast collection of Vampiric powers that define
the whole Kindred society.

Animalism is a Discipline that brings the Vampire closer to their

animalistic nature.
Auspex is a Discipline that grants Vampires supernatural senses.
Celerity is a Discipline that grants Vampires supernatural
quickness and reflexes.
Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind
with the Vampire's will,
Fortitude is a Discipline that grants Kindred unearthly toughness,
even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight.
Obfuscate is a Discipline that allows Vampires to conceal
Potence is the Discipline that endows Vampires with physical
vigor and preternatural strength.
Presence is the Discipline of supernatural allure and emotional manipulation.
Protean is a Discipline that gives Vampires the ability to change form.

“Being a predator requires more than physical brutality. True savagery is a state of mind.”
— Archon Gates, Gangrel

The Beast resides within all creatures, from scuttling cockroaches to

scabrous rats up through untamed wolves and even powerful Kindred
elders. Animalism allows the Vampire to amplify his intensely
primordial nature. He can not only communicate with animals, but can
also force his will upon them, directing such beasts to do as he
commands. As the Vampire grows in power, he can even control the
Beast within mortals and other supernaturals. Beasts grow distinctly
agitated in the presence of a Vampire who lacks this Discipline or the
Skill of Animal Ken, often to the point of attacking or running from the
Vampire. In contrast, Vampires possessing Animalism exude a
dominant vibe to lower creatures, which attracts them.
Normally, animals avoid Vampires, sensing the supernatural predators
and their beasts for what they are. A Cainite needs a moderate rating
in Animal ken just to keep mundane animals from panicking when the
beasts catch the scent of such a supreme predator. With Animalism,
however, Vampires can use animals as food, as spies, and occasionally as weapons. Such activity does go against
animals' natural instincts, but the unholy power of the Cainite is more than sufficient to trample the creatures' basic
desires. After all, as more than one Gangrel has pointed out, being saddled and ridden goes against a horse's natural
instincts, and yet they acquiesce to such treatment quite readily after learning their place in the universe.
Animalism, like all Cainite Disciplines, contains a reflection of God's curse on Caine. Vampires who use Animalism
extensively recede from humanity and from Cainite society - a fact that may help explain why the Nosferatu and
Gangrel are such outcasts. Animals' activities and reactions are simple and predictable, and they are easy to shove
about with Animalism. This is much less true for humans and Vampires, and Animalism users risk the loss of their
social skills.

Clans: Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Tzimisce

Nicknames: Bestiae sermo (archaic), doolittling (slang), taming (common)

Type: Social
Masquerade threat: Low to medium. While talking to animals might seem eccentric, only the most violent
applications of the Discipline elicit more than a few raised eyebrows.

By default, Animalism powers involving animals can only be used on vertebrates. Flies, spiders, jellyfish, tapeworms,
etc. cannot be affected by the Discipline. Their thought processes are too alien.

Level 1
Common powers

The Vampire can issue telepathic commands to any ghouled animal under their control. The animal must be within
sight or hearing of the Vampire to receive their commands.
Cost: Free

Feral Vigor
(Protean 2 amalgam)
This Power increases the power of the Vampire’s bestial forms at the cost of higher thought processes. Whenever
the Vampire transforms into a man-sized or larger animal (wolves, bears, wildcats, etc.), the Vampire can add the
sum of their Animalism and Protean levels to their normal ST and HT scores. However, the Vampire loses the ability
to read, write, and understand human speech. Some Gangrel enjoy using this Power to feel “more in touch” with the
animals whose forms they wear.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire also cannot re-assume human form until the scene is over.

Feral Whispers
The Vampire can talk with an animal to ask it questions or issue verbal commands. The animal can’t answer anything
it doesn’t understand (many abstract human concepts are lost on animals), but an inquisitive Vampire can still find
out a lot. The animal will follow any reasonable command—it won’t throw itself into onrushing traffic to no purpose,
but it could be commanded to attack the Vampire’s enemies. Smarter animals may be able to answer more
questions and execute more complex commands than less intelligent animals. Animals under another supernatural’s
control (including ghouled animals) are immune to this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Mark Territory
The Vampire can spill traces of blood along the borders of their domain, much like an animal using pheromones or
urine to mark its territory. Any other Vampire entering the domain can “smell” the Vampire’s scent and knows the
area is claimed by a rival predator. While many Vampires use coded graffiti to mark their territory, this Power is
entirely mystical and invisible to non-Vampires, as well as obvious to Vampires who don’t know what to look for.
Requirement: The Vampire must have at least one level in the Domain Background over the area they mark.
Cost: Free
Duration: For as long as long as the Vampire holds onto the territory.

Sense Beast
The Vampire knows if someone is another supernatural, the Vampire can tell at a glance about them by sensing their
beast. The Vampire can also tell if another Vampire is hungry (under 5 Blood points).
Cost: Free

Shared Entombment
(Protean 3 amalgam)
Most commonly known among the Anda bloodline of the Mongols — where it is called Itugen’s Embrace — this
Discipline technique enables a Vampire to meld a ghoul or childe with him into the safe slumber of the earth. Pity
the mortal who beholds a mounted Anda warrior riding out of the very soil at dusk.
The effects of this power are indistinguishable from the Protean power Interred in the Earth, save that the Vampire’s
player must spend an additional blood point to bring a ghoul or Vampire under the earth with him. An interred ghoul
can be human or animal, but no larger than a horse. Only a Vampire who traces her ancestry through the character
or is bound to him by the blood bond can be so interred. Both creatures must enter the earth at the same time, both
feel the same effects, and both leave the earth when the Cainite who possesses this ability chooses.
Prerequisite: Protean 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

The Vampire can sniff the air or taste their surroundings to instinctively sense whether another Vampire claims
domain over the area they’re in. This Power can’t be used to gather intelligence about the other Vampire’s
movements or other details, only basic information about what sort of predator lays claim to the area. Vampires
with Obfuscate take a Will contest to gather information about. Every success lets the Vampire ask one question.
Cost: Normal

Wolf’s Lament
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
The wolf’s howl echoes across the land, carrying messages in its mournful song. Nosferatu and Gangrel with this
Discipline technique may do the same, enabling them to howl messages that carry for miles. Even better, any wolf
that hears the message relays the sound with its own howl. Such messages can theoretically carry for dozens or even
hundreds of miles in this fashion, subject to the vagaries of chance.
Most individuals who hear the howl merely note its eerie tones and give it no further attention. Those with the
Animalism power Feral Whispers hear a voice in the keening. The content is brief and clipped, but it imparts
emotional inflection and general intent. It can warn of danger, signal an attack or carry any other simple message.
Prior to using this Discipline, the player must convey his intended message to the Storyteller and receive approval.
Generally, any message that can be conveyed in one breath is acceptable. The player then rolls on the activation skill
as the Vampire howls. The message carries a maximum distance determined by the successes according to the
following chart, although the Storyteller may restrict the range if she deems there are few wolves in the area. Failure
means no wolves pick up the howl, either because they are not present or disregard the message. A critical failure by
5 or more invariably attracts unwanted attention, such as hunters or enraged Lupines.
Successes / Distance
1 success: five miles
2 successes: 10 miles
3 successes: 50 miles
4 successes: 100 miles
5+ successes: 250 miles
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Common Powers

Animal Succulence
The Vampire can gain deep nourishment from the blood of animals. They always treat their Blood Potency as if it
were 1 for purposes of slaking hunger from animals. (Vampires at Blood Potency 2-3 normally slake fewer hunger,
and ones at Blood Potency 4+ can slake none at all.)
Cost: Free

Bear’s Skin
(Protean 4 amalgam)
According to legend, some berserks take on the fearsome aspect of bears while in the midst of their battle rage.
With this power, Gangrel einherjar bring truth to that legend.
The Vampire must be in frenzy to use this power. Over the next few seconds, the Vampire’s muscles twist and bulge
while heavy fur sprouts over his entire body, growing thickest where he normally has hair. As skin toughens to
leather, the Vampire’s maw widens in a fanged half-muzzle capable of biting through limbs. In this state, the
Vampire can add the double of the sum of their Animalism and Protean levels to their normal ST and HT scores, as
well as the effects of the Monstrous Maw advantage. The transformation brought about by this power lasts as long
as the frenzy.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until the frenzy lasts

The Vampire can telepathically summon every animal of a
certain type (e.g., cats, rats, wolves) within the nearest few
blocks or equivalent area. The Vampire can choose not to
summon some animals. The summoned animals can be
asked questions or issued commands as per Feral Whispers.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Command the Wary Steed

(Presence 3 amalgam)
Through use of this power, the Cainite can cause his
enemies’ mounts to rear and bolt, singly or en masse, by
the strength of his gaze alone. The player can also elect to
bolster the courage and tractability of his allies’ steeds,
allowing greater control in battle and the ability to
manipulate the animals into performing actions or entering
places they would normally avoid.
With a successful activation roll, enemy mounts affected
become terrified and nigh uncontrollable. All Riding rolls
receive a -6 penalty, and mounted combat becomes
impossible. Friendly mounts affected become much more
pliant (+4 bonus on all Ride rolls), and may be coerced to
remain calm in situations they would normally avoid.
Prerequisite: Presence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Feral Vigor
(Protean 3 amalgam)
This Power functions like Feral Vigor 1, except the Vampire
can add their Protean levels to their Athletics, Brawling,
Intimidation, and Survival skills. However, the Vampire loses
the ability to use any IQ based skills besides disciplines and
cannot distinguish between human faces. The Vampire can
still tell other Vampires apart from humans—the Beast
never forgets the presence of rival predators. (And,
according to some Gangrel, is even more sensitive while this
Power is active.)
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 2, Feral Vigor 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire also cannot re-assume
human form until the scene is over.

Feral Whispers
This Power functions as Feral Whispers 1, except the
Vampire can communicate with all animals of a single type
(e.g., cats, rats, wolves) rather than a single animal.
Prerequisite: Feral Whispers 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Raise the Familiar
The Vampire can raise a dead animal’s corpse into an undead servitor to do their bidding. The familiar has the same
statistics and appearance that it did when it died, but is unimpaired by any premortem injuries. Most mortals don’t
notice anything wrong about the familiar unless they examine it closely, but find something about it unnerving.
Living animals react to the familiar with terror or aggression. The Vampire can telepathically command the familiar
over any distance, but can’t ask it questions. The familiar follows orders without regard for self-preservation.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. The Vampire can raise the same familiar more than once.

Taste of the Wild

A ghoul can turn animals into ghouls. This costs Blood points like normal. The ghoul can make one animal blood
bound to them (this takes three draughts over three nights as normal), but any animals in excess of this amount are
bound to no one.
Cost: Free
Uncommon Powers

Beast’s Vigor
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can transfer their wounds to an animal by touching it. The Vampire reduces their penalties from injuries
by any amount and makes the animal suffer them in the Vampire’s place. Animals smaller than human size may only
be able to accept penalties up to a certain amount before dying. Larger than human animals may be able to survive
penalties connected to larger injuries.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Normal

Mind of the Wilds

(Auspex 4 amalgam)
This power is known solely to a few Phuri Dae, who use it to find safe routes of travel and camp sites. A Vampire with
this power spreads her awareness through the local wildlife to get a general sense of conditions nearby — the
presence or absence of danger, safe places and humans. It’s impossible to determine number or type of dangerous
creatures; the Vampire just gets an overall impression. For more specifics, the Phuri Dae must either summon an
animal to ask or scout the area directly.
The player rolls on the activation while the Vampire concentrates for a minute. Each success might grant very
general knowledge about an acre or less, while five successes could cover a mountain pass or a small forest and
locate the most dangerous (and safest) areas therein. A critical failure by 5 or more results in false or misleading
information. The Storyteller should be careful to avoid giving away too much information with Mind of the Wilds. It’s
intended to help a character scout an area, rather than serve in place of such reconnaissance.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal

Unspoken Missive
The Vampire can encode a simple message (up to several sentences long) within an animal’s physical characteristics
or mannerisms. Scent, body language, and vocalizations may hide an encrypted message that can only be deciphered
by a recipient also versed in Animalism. Individuals other than the intended recipient can only decipher the message
if they’re aware the creature is carrying a message have Animalism and succeed on a PER roll by more than the
Vampire’s Animalism level + successes rolled on activation.
Prerequisite: Feral Whispers 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until message is delivered.

Level 3
Common Powers

Animal Succulence
The Vampire can slake additional Hunger by feeding on animals, gaining an extra blood point out of each feeding. In
addition, you may consume your Famulus to gain 4 Blood points (regardless of size) and increase an attribute most
associated with the Famulus by +2.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Atavistic Puppeteer
By concentrating, the Vampire can perceive through the senses of any animal under a blood bond to them, and can
speak through the animal in their own voice. While concentrating on the animal, the Vampire’s body is deaf, blind,
and unable to smell anything except blood. The Vampire can’t command the animal to do anything (without the use
of other Animalism Powers), but unless its life is at risk, the animal will stay still while the Vampire talks to someone.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until the Vampire concentrates

Call Upon the Blood

(Auspex 3 amalgam)
Used by anarchs to scout out the strongholds of hated enemies, this power allows the Kindred to “feel” for the Beast
in the immediate vicinity. The Animalism aspect of this power attunes the Kindred to any creature that harbors a
Beast, and the Auspex element allows him to interpret it and extend his senses beyond their normal limits. Doing so
allows the scout to know approximately how many Kindred or ghouls are in the area.
The player spends a blood point and rolls on the activation. If the roll is successful, the character gains a fairly
accurate impression (give or take an entity) of how many Kindred and ghouls are in close proximity. The distance to
which this sense extends depends upon the successes accumulated on the roll.
1 success: Small area: a hotel room
2 successes: Large area: a ballroom or salon
3 successes: Great area: a house
4 successes: Huge area: a city block
5+ successes: Vast area: an entire estate
Storytellers, note that this power calls to the Beast in all Kindred, and impressions will include the presence of
Kindred and ghouls in the anarch’s own retinue. Also, because it prods the Beast in beings to see if it’s there,
particularly aware Kindred and ghouls might feel their Beast awaken or recoil as the power takes effect, perhaps
alerting them to the presence of some disquieting presence. The sensory information gleaned by this power is also a
bit unsettling: Inviting the Beast in so many creatures to take note of oneself is bold, to say the least. Be wary of
players using this power as a default “Detect Kindred spell.” Cainites who rely too much on provoking the Beast in
others may find themselves on the verge of frenzy, as it tempts their own Beast each time they use it.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Feral Outburst
The Vampire can incite one mortal, animal, or supernatural into a state of feral rage. They attack or try to destroy
whatever the Vampire directs them to. Affected Vampires and werewolves succumb to frenzy.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Feral Whispers
This Power functions as Feral Whispers 1, except the Vampire can communicate with all animals of any species,
rather than a single animal.
Prerequisite: Feral Whispers 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Grow Beast
The Vampire can transform a mundane animal into a more dangerous version of itself. House cats grow into
panther-sized great cats; dogs become slavering wolf-like canines; sparrows and parakeets become enormous birds
of prey. Animals without a more “fearsome” form, such as rabbits or mice, gestate into a swarm and gnaw their way
out of the original animal’s loins (even if it’s male) in a gory shower before dying at the end of the scene. Animals
that are already dangerous predators, such as bears or sharks, fly into murderous rampages. The animal(s) obey any
command from the Vampire that isn’t obviously suicidal.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Mortal Terror
(Presence 2 amalgam)
While the power of Quell the Beast is certainly useful if you’re trying to soothe or quiet someone, sometimes you
need something a bit more dramatic. Mortal Terror focuses the power of Dread Gaze directly on another Kindred’s
Beast, bypassing the conscious mind entirely. This can potentially drive a Vampire into immediate Rötschreck.
The character must either touch her target or make eye contact, and the player must succeed in a contested roll of
the activation skill vs Will. If the character accumulates more successes than the victim, the power takes effect and
Rötschreck overwhelms the victim. The victim may begin making Self-Control rolls in an attempt to fight off
Rötschreck starting the next turn. Until he accumulates five successes, he will continue to flee from the character by
the fastest and most direct route.
Invoking this power spuriously is dangerous. Should the character have a critical failure by 5 or more on the roll to
invoke the power, the victim must immediately roll Self-Control to resist frenzy, rather than Rötschreck.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Summon the Hunt

The Vampire can spill their blood to telepathically summon every animal within the nearest few blocks or equivalent
area. The Vampire can choose not to summon some animals. The animals can be asked questions or issued
commands as per Feral Whispers.
Prerequisite: Feral Whispers 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Aspect of the Beast

(Dominate 3 amalgam)
By calling upon another Kindred’s Beast, an anarch using this power causes his target to display the mien of an
animal. In some cases, the target actually resembles a literal beast-man hybrid, but in most situations, people
affected by this power are left with a vague and unsettling impression that the focal personality of this power
reminds them uncomfortably of an animal.
The subject of this power is the person who looks upon the character with the animal aspect. The subject sees the
character as if he had some animal characteristic. A cold Ventrue might appear as a shark, while a cunning Nosferatu
might appear as a loathsome fox. If the subject’s Will is less than 7, the character literally appears as a “beast-man”
and probably causes some sort of panicked reaction. Subjects with Will scores above 7 are left with the distinct
impression that the character reminds them of an animal. Roleplay this reaction accordingly, or simply add a -2
penalty to all Social rolls faced by the animal-aspected character.

The animal impression conjured should be a logical result of the given character’s personality. A timid character, for
example, is unlikely to appear as a bear, while a noble character probably does not have the aspect of a snake. The
Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether or not a certain aspect is suitable to a given character and how the affected
character (if someone other than a player’s character is affected) reacts.
Note that this power is an application of the Dominate Discipline. The Kindred invoking the Discipline must be of
equal or lower generation than her subject, or the power simply fails to work. Additionally, this power affects only
one character at a time. That is, each use of this power convinces one character of another person’s animal nature.
The user may convince multiple people that the character in question is somehow bestial, and he may even choose a
different animal for various subjects to see, but doing so requires separate uses of the power.
Prerequisite: Dominate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Aura of Accursed Rage

(Presence 2 amalgam)
Originally obtained by the Gangrel from
Brujah adherents to the Road of the Beast,
this fearsome power unlocks the savagery
in every Cainite’s soul. Such rage knows
neither friend nor foe, and incautious use
of this Discipline can transform a prince’s
stately court into a gore-splattered
abattoir in a matter of minutes. At least
one reckless Nosferatu has reputedly
achieved this feat, though perhaps this is
only a legend of the Low Clans.
The player rolls on activation, the difficulty
of all Self-Control rolls to resist frenzy
receives a -1 penalty per success for the
rest of the scene. This power affects all
Vampires within range of the character’s
sight — including the character using the
power. Vampires who leave the
character’s sight still suffer for the
remainder of the scene; Vampires who
enter the scene after this power is invoked
are not affected. A critical failure by 5 or
more on the activation roll triggers
immediate Rötschreck in the character,
although other Vampires are not affected.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Quell Beast
By locking eyes with a target, the Vampire cows their inner Beast into temporary slumber. Mortals and animals
become incapacitated with lethargy and will only take physical actions to defend themselves or people they care
about if attacked. Vampires cannot enter frenzy (and exit frenzy if currently frenzying), but also cannot use Blood
points or Disciplines. The Vampire also takes a +2 bonus on Physical and Intimidation rolls against the target.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Plague Dog
The Vampire can infect an animal with tainted vitae and give it a personal possession belonging to an intended
target. The animal pushes its legs to their limit as it hunts for its quarry, and when the animal finds its victim, the
beast’s body explodes in a cloud of venomous blood, bone, and sinew, dealing 3d normal damage in a 5-yard area.
Requirement: The Vampire must have one of the victim’s personal possessions.
Cost: Normal

Swarm Master
The Vampire can become a permanent home for swarms of flies or cockroaches or similar small creatures. The
Vampire can use Animalism Powers on insects.
• A moderate-sized swarm of insects counts as a single animal for purposes of Blood costs, numbers of animals a
Power can affect at once, etc.
• Insects are poor at following complex commands unless they’re already capable of doing so on their own (e.g., an
ant colony). The most complex commands a fly can manage are “attack,” “stop,” “go there,” etc.
• Insects can’t ever communicate with the Vampire or answer questions, making them useless as spies. Their
thought processes are too simple and too alien.
• At the GM’s discretion, some Powers may work differently. For example, a dead fly probably can’t be reanimated
with Raise the Familiar.
Cost: Free

Level 4
Common Powers

Animal Dominion
The Vampire can command any number of animals within sight or hearing as if the animals were extensions of their
own body. The animals follow any command, no matter how dangerous. They’ll lay down their lives by the dozens,
even hundreds, to appease their master. Commanding animals already under another supernatural’s control takes a
Will contest.
Prerequisite: Feral Whispers 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Feral Infection
The Vampire can incite any number of nearby humans, animals, and supernatural within the room into a state of
feral rage. They attack or try to destroy whatever the Vampire directs them to. Affected Vampires and werewolves
succumb to frenzy.
Prerequisite: Feral Outburst 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Read the Winds

(Auspex 5 amalgam)
Many animals roam the night, and a Vampire with this power has the ability to see through the eyes of them all.
With a bit of focus, the Vampire sees everything that an animal in the area witnesses. The Vampire can also use this
power to gain a general impression, from animals’ states, about the area or upcoming events like disasters or
The player makes the activation roll, and the Vampire opens her mind to the animals in the area. Each success
increases the area in which the Vampire can monitor events, though progressively larger areas observed could
overwhelm her with too much information.
Successes Distance Detail
1 success: Within earshot General impression
2 successes: About a mile Blurry details

3 successes: A couple miles See details
4 successes: 50 miles See details, hear faintly
5 successes: 100 miles See and hear clearly
The player must divide his successes between range and details. For example, if a player managed four successes, he
could use three to get the range of a couple miles and one to get a general impression (it is raining). He could instead
spend three to see details of things within earshot, like whether there is a Lupine in that area. With a single success,
the Vampire gets a general impression of the area within earshot. The Vampire cannot see things that are
Obfuscated or hidden using this power.
Gangrel often use this power while interred in the earth.
Prerequisite: Auspex 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Subsume Spirit
The Vampire takes over an animal’s body and controls it as if it were their own. The Vampire’s body falls into torpor.
The Vampire uses the animal’s Physical Attributes (ST/DX/HT) and their own Skills and IQ. The Vampire can’t use
Blood Sorcery or any Disciplines or supernatural powers that rely on speech. If the animal’s body dies while the
Vampire possesses it, the Vampire gets 1d backlash damage.
Requirement: The Vampire can only take over a predatory, parasitic, scavenging, or plague-bearing animal. The
Beast won’t inhabit the body of prey.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Summon the Hunt

This Power functions like Summon the Hunt 3, except the Vampire can summon animals out of thin air. The Vampire
can spill their blood in the middle of a corporate office room and summon packs of wolves or swarms of bats or rats.
The animals can be any predatory, scavenging, parasitic, or plague-bearing species native to the region. The Vampire
can choose where the animals appear.
Prerequisite: Summon the Hunt 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. Surviving animals vanish from whence they came while dead animals’ corpses remain.

Uncommon Powers

Enhance the Wild Ride

(Protean 4 amalgam)
A Vampire that has this level of power has developed the art of riding the mind of an animal to such a degree that he
can even affect the body of the creature. The Vampire’s body remains in a motionless trance akin to torpor, but the
possessed animal takes on some of the characteristics of the Vampire.
This power is a closely guarded secret of Clan Gangrel. Even were it to become known, it involves passing over a
great deal more of the soul to an animal possessed than other clans would find comfortable.
The player makes the activation roll, based on the successes rolled he is able to use the below disciplines while riding
the animal.
1 success: Can use Auspex, Presence
2 successes: Can use Dominate, Dementation, Animalism
3 successes: Can use Thaumaturgy, Chimerstry, Fortitude
4 successes: Can use Protean, Potence
5 successes: Can use Celerity, spend blood to enhance ST and heal
If the inhabited animal dies or experiences some great excitement (a fight or involvement in a hunt, for example),
then there is a chance the Vampire suffers. The player must make a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll to avoid the
Vampire losing her mind. Failure means the Vampire’s mind snaps back to her own body immediately, but she now
believes herself to be the animal. A critical failure by 5 or more means the Vampire returns and automatically enters
frenzy. Any successes mean the Vampire can continue to ride the animal, or can return without problems.
Using Enhance the Wild Ride during the day requires the player to make the roll for a Vampire to remain awake.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal

Feral Imbuing
(Potence 2 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may share his
preternatural strength with a beast in his
line of sight. Nosferatu use this power more
than any other clan, though the Gangrel
know it as well. Few sights are as disturbing
as a bloated rat chewing tunnels through
solid stone.
The Vampire selects an animal in his line of
sight, and the player rolls on activation. The
Vampire may transfer as many levels of his
Potence Discipline to the targeted animal as
the number of successes rolled. The
Vampire obviously cannot transfer more
Potence than they possess. The Vampire’s
own Potence rating is also reduced by the
number of levels transferred, weakening
him for the duration of the power. Feral
Imbuing may be withdrawn at will as a
reflexive action, restoring the Vampire to
his full ability.
Prerequisite: Potence 2
Cost: Normal

Loki’s Gift
(Protean 4 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may assume
the form of the last living thing she fed on,
be it human or animal. The Vampire doesn’t
gain any of the prey’s knowledge or powers
(if any), but the imitation is physically
The Vampire can only activate this power
immediately after drinking from a vessel
(which can be no larger than a bear). The
transformation requires four blood points,
and takes effect as soon as the last point is
spent. The player rolls on activation; the change
lasts a number of hours equal to the successes
rolled. Duration may be extended with additional blood at the cost of one point per hour. However, if the
Vampire feeds from any vessel other than the mimicked target, she immediately reverts back to her true form. A
critical failure by 5 or more means the transformation fails and the Vampire can never assume the target’s form
A Vampire using this power appears to be the form assumed for all detection purposes, including inspection with the
Auspex 2 power Soulsight. This includes appearing as mortal, rather than undead. Soulsight still reveals a Vampire’s
emotional state. The Auspex technique See the True Form can pierce this disguise, as can any other forms of magical
perception that specifically detect shapechanging.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: 4 blood points

Reason’s Salon
Animalism can draw bestial behavior out of a person, but with this Power, it can also suppress those behaviors. By
spreading their vitae about a building or gathering place, the Vampire can keep Kindred from losing control and
unleashing their Beasts for a short time. All rolls to resist frenzy, resist another Vampire’s predatory aura, and calm

other Kindred down from frenzy take a +4 bonus. For this reason, it’s not always rare to see a Gangrel master of
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Shared Soul
The Vampire can view one scene’s worth of memories from any point in an animal’s past. Some Gangrel use this
Power as a tool in the search for enlightenment, feeling they come to a better understanding of their own Beasts
through rapport with true beasts.
Requirement: The Vampire must be touching the animal.
Cost: Normal

Uproot Beast
The Vampire can project their Beast at the moment of frenzy, transferring it into a nearby subject, either mortal or
Vampire. That person immediately experiences the frenzy instead, going on a merciless rampage or fleeing in terror
depending on the trigger.
Prerequisite: Quell Beast 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: As frenzy.
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 5
Common Powers

Animal Sovereignty
The Vampire exercises absolute knowledge and control over every animal within a city block. The Vampire can
command them to do anything, no matter how dangerous or suicidal. By concentrating, the Vampire can perceive
through the senses of any one animal, and can speak through the animal in their own voice. By spending an extra
Blood point, the Vampire can use any Discipline they know through the animal besides Blood Sorcery. This kills the
animal after the Discipline activates (if it has an instantaneous effect) or its duration expires. Commanding animals
already under another supernatural’s control takes a Will contest.
Prerequisite: Animal Dominion 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Call the Wild Hunt

(Protean 4 amalgam)
In ancient days, when Gangrel rode openly on the steppes, this power saw more use. It allows a Vampire to
transform her ghouls into a Wild Hunt, a pack of wild animals who run with her across the steppes. In the process,
the Vampire also transfers a portion of her Beast into her followers, making it more difficult for her to succumb to
frenzy. Her followers, however, give in to blood rage. The Wild Hunt stays close to the Vampire for the duration of
the transformation, never straying out of sight. They will attack anything in their path, trying to tear it to pieces in
their rage. The Vampire herself remains untouched by the frenzy and is immune to Rötschreck. The Vampire retains
her emotions, including anger, but the Beast cannot dominate her or undermine her courage.
A Vampire doesn’t have to be near or in frenzy to use this power. The ghouls involved must see the Vampire when
the power activates. The player rolls on activation and with each success affecting one of the Vampire’s ghouls
(either human or animal). If the attempt fails, the player must roll to avoid frenzy; a critical failure by 5 or more
means automatic frenzy.
Affected ghouls succumb to frenzy with all its standard benefits (ignoring injury penalties, resisting Dominate, etc),
but will not attack each other or the controlling Vampire. The ghouls will do everything they can to remain in sight of
their regnant, but should they fail, their minds suddenly calm. The Wild Hunt has no fear, and will attack any other
creature that gets in their way. Each member of the Wild Hunt also immediately gains Talons of the Beast (Protean
2), although the Storyteller or player should note that a point of blood is spent from each of their blood pools at this
time. These claws with retract once the frenzy breaks.

The controlling Vampire becomes immune to frenzy and Rötschreck checks. The Wild Hunt ends with the coming of
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Devil’s Claws
The Vampire’s power over their Beast is near-perfect. The Vampire can enter frenzy at will and choose their Beast’s
impulse, wielding frenzy like a weapon to draw and sheathe as they need. Since frenzying Vampires are immune to
mental coercion, the Vampire can use this Power to effectively nullify Disciplines like Dominate and Presence.
However, the Vampire must succeed on a Will contest to use this power while under the influence of other powers.
Cost: Normal

Lord of the Land

The Vampire spills their blood over an area where other supernatural don’t reside, marking it as their territory.
Animals not controlled by the Vampire won’t enter and fight to escape if forced inside. Mortals and supernatural
stay away or try to leave if they fail their Strong Will (Self-Control) roll. The Vampire instinctively senses when an
animal, mortal, or supernatural enters their territory. Entering characters can conceal their presence with Obfuscate
or another applicable power if the Vampire fails their Strong Will (Self-Control) roll. By concentrating, the Vampire
can perceive through the senses of any animal in their territory. Any lesser Animalism Powers (level 1-3) the Vampire
uses on animals within their territory are permanent until dismissed or the animal leaves.
Cost: Normal (minimum 1 Blood point)
Duration: Permanent until the Vampire abandons their territory. The Vampire can only claim one area at once.

Uproot Beast
This Power functions like Uproot Beast 4, except the Vampire can also transfer the Beasts of other Vampires or
werewolves into different subjects, causing those subjects to experience the frenzy instead.
Prerequisite: Uproot Beast 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: As frenzy.
Contest: Can be resisted

Unchain the Wrathful Beast

(Vicissitude 4 amalgam)
A Fiend with this power may project her Beast into a hapless host, where it immediately sets about warping flesh
and bone to better accommodate its monstrousness. The host writhes in agony, skin sloughing off and muscles
boiling into new and terrible forms. Once the change settles, the host frenzies as a terrible living weapon, wreaking a
swath of carnage until the Vampire bids his Beast return.
The Vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism power Drawing Out the Beast. Once the Beast finds a home, it
burns five of the Vampire’s blood points to change the host into Zulo shape. The painful transformation lasts two
turns, after which the host enters immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the Vampire it rightfully belongs to,
but assaults everyone and anyone else in range of its claws. At any time, the Vampire may recall his Beast with a
successful Strong Will (Self-Control) roll. Only one such roll may be made per turn. If the host dies before the
Vampire recalls his Beast, the Beast rises out of the corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite
faster than mortal eyes can follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires
slowly regain their form over three nights, after the third night, all traits return to normal. Mortals and ghouls are
not so fortunate, remaining locked in the Zulo shape indefinitely. Worse still, mortals suffer 1d of aggravated
damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumors. This decay can be slowed to 1d
of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals (ghoul or otherwise) cannot heal the damage from their
degenerating tissue, so this power spells their death sentence without extremely potent curative magic.
Prerequisite: Vicissitude 4
Cost: Special
Duration: Special
Contest: Can be resisted

“I touched the knife, and a wave of emotions and memories washed through me. I saw her, Donny. I saw her as they
were chopping her apart…”
— Warren Yam, Toreador Primogen of Dallas

Auspex gives the Vampire uncanny sensory abilities. She starts with the
capacity to heighten her natural senses significantly, but as she grows
in power, she can perceive psychic auras and read the thoughts of
another being. Auspex can also pierce through mental illusions such as
those created by Obfuscate.
Auspex is as much reflections of the Curse of Caine as the traditional
banes, as it can lead to an obsession with minutiae and distraction from
important matters due to focusing on minor details. Also, higher
mastery of the discipline can result in Cainites who are accustomed to
using Auspex to read the minds of people in any situation and may
suddenly find themselves unable to shut the mind-reading down. These
Vampires find themselves overwhelmed with "background noise" or, if
only in the company of one or two people, answering unasked
Sudden or dynamic events can disorient an Auspex-using character
unless her player makes a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll to block them
out. Failure overwhelms the character’s senses, making her oblivious to her surroundings for a turn or two.
It is one of the most common and favored Disciplines among Cainites due to its versatility and overall usefulness in
just about every facet of vampiric existence. In addition to the individual powers granted at each level, Auspex allows
someone the opportunity to see through illusions, such as from Obfuscate or Chimerstry, so long as the user possess
at least an equal mastery in Auspex as the Discipline in question. Furthermore, it has been known to grant some
degree of oracular ability, particularly when alerting a Cainite to danger, even if they are in torpor.

Clans: Malkavian, Salubri, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce, Samedi, Giovanni

Nicknames: Anima visus (archaic), ESP (slang), mind-reading (slang), the second sight (common), scrying (common),
the sixth sense (common), soul scrying (common), snooping (slang), voyeurism (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Low. Auspex rarely by itself manifests in a way visible to the naked eye or causes effects that
can’t be rationalized, if only as dumb luck.

GMs may wish to make Auspex rolls for characters in secret in order to more convincingly provide wrong or
incomplete answers after failed rolls.

Enhanced Senses: Characters add their Auspex levels to PER rolls

Level 1
Common Powers

The ghoul doesn’t take any penalty on Will contests to see through Obfuscate and other stealth-related powers used
by true supernatural.
Cost: Free

Guardian Vigil
(Celerity 1, Fortitude 1 amalgam)
Developed by anarchs posted as guards, this power allows a Kindred to maintain an aware but trancelike state of
readiness, in which he’s poised like a cat to react to the first sign of imminent danger.
For the duration of the night, the character cannot be surprised by conventional means as long as he stays in one
place (not traversing an area longer than a few footsteps). In game terms, the character is considered to
automatically have initiative for a single turn if someone acts against him or does something that he can perceive
and attempt to stop. For example, a character might dodge a bullet almost before his attacker fires, or he could
move to intercept an intruder just as the intruder starts to dash past. The consequence is that the character
becomes aware that something is about to happen to him and reacts just in time to do something.
Supernatural effects that would cloak or otherwise protect the potential transgressor must be of a higher level than
that of any of the prerequisite Disciplines levels that make up of this power. That is, a character attempting to sneak
past the anarch must have an Obfuscate of level two or higher. The vigil also forestalls mundane means as well. An
attempt to move using Stealth is susceptible regardless of how many levels the other character has.
The action taken against the character must also affect him directly and immediately for this power to prove of any
value. A sniper would find himself foiled if he tried to shoot the character, but a camera planted in the building
during the day and activated remotely at night would have no chance of being detected under the use of this power.
Note that this power lasts for a single turn and then expires. Therefore, if a combat occurs, the character using this
power has the benefit of initiative for only the first turn, then he must act as normal thereafter. A character may
activate this power as many times as he wishes in the same night, but each activation works only for one immediate
threat. A character cannot “stack” turns of guaranteed initiative.
Prerequisite: Celerity 1 and Fortitude 1
Cost: Normal

Hand of the Master Artisan

(Celerity 1 amalgam)
Toreador employ this power to create laborious works of art with impossible speed and precision. Painters casually
daub the work of hours in a blur of minutes, while sculptors appear to mold clay as though it were somehow alive.
The desired artistic task has its duration divided by the number of blood points spent, rounded up. Thus, a mosaic
that normally required three hours to assemble would require only one if the Vampire’s player spent 3 blood points.
The trance of accelerated speed applies only to the single selected task. The Vampire may break off and perform
other actions without breaking the power, as long as he spends no more than a single hour away from the endeavor.
This power may aid only in acts of deliberate artistic creation.
Prerequisite: Celerity 1
Cost: Special

Heightened Senses
The Vampire’s senses sharpen to a preternatural degree, giving them the ability to see in pitch darkness, hear
ultrasonic frequencies, and smell the fear of cowering prey. This grants a +2 bonus on PER rolls. The player can
activate this Power whenever the GM calls for a PER roll. If the Vampire is exposed to extreme sensations while this
Power is active, such as loud bangs, flashes of intense light, or overpowering smells, the Vampire must succeed on a
Strong Will (Self-Control) roll to dampen their senses in time. On a failure, the overload confers a -2 penalty instead.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Honeyed Words
(Presence 1 amalgam)
Kindred are preternaturally skillful at telling their listeners what they want to hear. So skillful, in fact, that a Vampire
sometimes doesn’t even need to know what they’re talking about. This Power assures the Vampire that, no matter
what words tumble out of their mouth, they are always the perfect response (or at least not the wrong one).
Whenever the Vampire says something that might offend, confuse, or worry the target, the GM will tell the player
so, allowing them to revise any typed response. The target must be a mortal or lesser supernatural.
Prerequisite: Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Lucky Guess
The Vampire has an intuitive sense of probability. The Vampire’s player can ask the GM any question that relies on
random guesswork (e.g., roulette numbers or the shortest path to a destination) and receive a brief but accurate
answer. The Vampire can’t ask direct questions about people. The number successes rolled on the activation
indicates how deep the guess goes ( at roulette, with 1 success you can guess the colour with more you can even
guess the number).
Cost: Normal

The ghoul can see without impediment in darkness and no longer takes penalty on sight-based rolls. Pitch darkness
imposes only a -4 penalty.
Vampires who take this Power can instead see without impediment in pitch darkness and no longer take a penalty
on sight-based rolls.
Cost: Free

The Vampire can complete independent physical tasks (e.g., cleaning up murder scenes, digging a grave, repairing a
car) in half the usual time. Unlike the higher-level versions of Posthaste, it doesn’t violate the Masquerade for
mortals to see the Vampire using this Power, though the Vampire will stand out as an extremely hard worker.
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can experience a flash of insight. This may take the form of raised hackles, sudden inspiration, or a vivid
vision. While never too precise, this vision can let the Vampire find a nearby clue or alert them as to imminent
Cost: Normal

Quicken Sight
The Vampire can easily make out fast-moving objects. They can follow a specific card in a deck as it’s shuffled, track
the loaded chamber in a game of Russian Roulette, pick out subliminal messages in a film or on television, and read
the headline on a newspaper as they drive past the newsstand at 60 miles per hour. The Vampire automatically
succeeds on PER rolls to make out such objects or can do so in a fraction of the normal time. They also take a +2
bonus on PER rolls to track or follow supernaturals with superhuman speed, including Vampires with Celerity.
Cost: Free

Quickened Instincts
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire hones his senses to detect the sudden motion of ambushes and reacts with inhuman
grace to evade or parry the attack.
Whenever the Vampire is attacked from ambush or fails to notice an incoming attack through natural senses, his
player must spend one blood point. The player may also spend additional blood points to retroactively purchase
extra Celerity, although these may only be used for purely defensive actions. Once this power is activated, the
character may respond to the attack as though he saw it coming, suffering none of the usual penalties for surprise.
This power can be consciously suppressed for a scene at no cost; however, it cannot be reactivated until the
following scene.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2
Cost: One Blood point
Duration: Scene

Read Thoughts
The Vampire can read people’s surface thoughts—things they’re immediately thinking that have no bearing beyond
the current scene. For example, the Vampire could find out that someone is wearing a suicide vest under their
clothes to assassinate the prince at Elysium, but not that another Vampire ordered them to last week. Supernatural
and mortals with special powers always sense whenever a foreign mind is reading their thoughts in this manner.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Taste for Blood

The ghoul is an aficionado of vitae, and can
sense what they need in the same way that
Vampires can. With a sample of someone’s
blood, the ghoul can discern details such as
clan, Blood Potency (characters with Blood
Potency 0 are ghouls or thin-bloods), blood
type, the presence of diseases, drugs, and
poisons, what they ate recently, and
similar details the GM approves. Diablerie
is not detectable in this manner.
Requirement: The ghoul must taste the
blood they want to analyze.
Cost: Free

The Vampire can wordlessly communicate
with anyone who has some of the
Vampire’s blood in their system (or anyone
whose blood the Vampire has in their
system). The Vampire can also
communicate with anyone they’re
physically touching. This communication is
heavily abstract, limited to gut impulses or
aversions, flitting mental images, and
strong emotions.
Ghouls who take this Power can only
communicate with Vampires whose blood
they have in their system, and only while
they’re physically touching.
Cost: Free

Uncommon Powers

Blood Apocrypha
(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
In an attempt to create a secret language all their own, the Nosferatu have generated different methods of coding
their speed and messages. One faction living in the Levant uses Blood Apocrypha for private dialogue based on the
nuances of expending blood within their body. The Parisian Nosferatu, however, use a variant whereby they write
actually script that remains unseen. In both cases, the only people who understand this language are those with
Blood Apocrypha as well. Most broods who employ this trick have one Nosferatu among them who can provide
translations since it would be unreasonable to expect all clan members to be versed in this language.
This Discipline allows a Vampire to relay coded information in one of two fashions. If related to speech, the two
discoursing Cainites must be close enough to smell and taste the atomized blood. Kissing is the safest route. The
second method, scripting, enables the writer to draw blood pictographs using his own vitae on cloth. The blood
never actually touches the medium, but its dissipation infuses the porous fabric to create the message.

The recipient, in turn, must expend a small taste of blood to speak to the other Vampire or he can breathe blood
vapours upon parchment to highlight the text. In both cases, Blood Apocrypha does not supply the coded message; it
is merely the ink used to relate instructions. This means that a Vampire with this Discipline must also understand the
codes being used. That is why the Levantine and Parisii broods are able to maintain their secrets.
Regardless of whether the message is in speech or script, and whether the Vampire is in the sender or receiver, the
player must spend one blood point for the character to retrieve or relate the message. In spoken communication, as
long as the two Nosferatu are face to face, no roll is necessary. For written missives, the sender’s player should roll
on activation to determine how long the message will last (see below). Reading the message requires blood
expenditure but no roll — it succeeds unless the message has expired.
Successes / Survival of Written Messages
1 success: two days
2 successes: four days
3 successes: one week
4 successes: one month
5 successes: indefinitely
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

See the True Form

(Protean 4 amalgam)
With mastery of full-body transformation and awareness of halos, a Vampire with this Discipline technique may
detect other shapechangers and discern the true form of any being she views.
The Vampire must gaze piercingly at her subject as if employing Soulsight (Auspex 2), while her player rolls on the
activation. The amount of information gleaned depends on the number of successes rolled. Simple success reveals
whether the subject is capable of changing form, though not the extent or nature of such powers. Two successes
determines whether the subject is presently in its true form. Three successes allow the Vampire to perceive the
subject’s true form overlaid with its present shape, while four shows every shape the subject has ever assumed.
Failure means the aura shows nothing of its malleability. A critical failure by 5 or more delivers false information.
This power can only pierce disguises that involve shapechanging, not illusions or mind tricks.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal

Sense Sin
The Vampire can ask questions about a mortal’s sins: what their vice is, what recent sins they’ve committed, what
sins they want to commit but haven’t, formative traumas from their past, and so on. Next to Read Thoughts, this
Power sacrifices breadth for depth: it isn’t limited to the victim’s surface thoughts and can find out more
information, but about a narrower topic. Supernatural always sense whenever a foreign mind is reading their
thoughts in this manner. Every success on the activation roll lets the Vampire ask one question about the victim’s
sins. This Power is widely taught among Sanctified Vampires, but no one seems to know where it originally came
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Shattered Fog
(Protean 5 amalgam)
Elder Gangrel know that guile can sometimes serve where brute strength fails. With this discipline technique, a
Vampire may rapidly dissolve her form into fog. Swords and arrows pass harmlessly through her ethereal flesh,
leaving opponents confused and off-balance when the Vampire solidifies a moment later and strikes.
Whenever the Vampire is attacked, her player may invoke this power by spending one blood point. The Vampire
instantly assumes mist form as if employing the Protean 5 power Body of Spirit. This power only lasts for the
remainder of the turn, after which the character once again solidifies. Vampires must be able to perceive the attacks
in order to evade them with this power, although sudden motion seen peripherally counts as perception.
Cost: 1 Blood point

Speed of Thought
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Hand of the Master Artisan 1 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading
books, organizing papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Hand of the Master Artisan 1 and Celerity 2
Cost: Normal

Unseen Sense
Choose a type of supernatural besides Vampires, such as mages, werewolves, changelings, ghosts, etc. Whenever
they are nearby, the Vampire gets a +2 to PER roll to notice them. The Vampire doesn’t know exactly where they are
beyond “close.” Supernatural hidden from the Vampire’s mundane senses also take a Will contest.
Cost: Free
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 2
Common Powers

This Power functions like Clear-Sighted 1, except the ghoul also gets a +2 bonus to see through Obfuscate and other
stealth-related powers used by true supernatural.
Prerequisite: Clear-Sighted 1
Cost: Free

Eagle’s Eye
The Vampire can make out fine details from afar as if they were there up close. The Vampire sees just as well as if
they using a quality pair of binoculars. If the Vampire uses this Power up close, they can make out details invisible to
the naked eye as if they were using a magnifying glass or microscope. Some Vampires use this Power to perform on-
the-spot forensic analysis.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Eyes of Blades
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
Many Assamites hone their preternatural senses and speed to make themselves more effective combatants. Those
who have learned to use these two traits in conjunction with on another are privy to an important secret: sometimes
it is wiser to defend than to attack. An individual with this power is able to defend against a multitude of attacks,
even those to which he would be unable to respond under normal circumstances. For a few seconds, he enters a
trance state in which he can perceive every potential threat to him, assess it and react accordingly.
At the beginning of a combat turn, the player declares that he is activating this power. The character may take no
actions this turn save for defending against incoming attacks. However, he may defend against every attack that
targets him, using his full attention. The player rolls a dodge or parry with full score against each attack that
successfully strikes the character this turn. This power may only be used a number of times per scene equal to the
characters Auspex rating.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2
Cost: Normal

Familial Awareness
You have blood sympathy towards your mortal family members as if they were Vampires with equivalent blood
sympathy. For example, a parent would count as a sire, and a brother or sister would count as a broodmate. This lets
you feel intense sensations and emotions from a distance, and even broadcast short psychic messages, though

remember blood sympathy’s caveat that “this is less a foolproof detection tool and more a dramatic device.” If you
have a mortal family member who is also a Vampire, use whichever blood sympathy towards them is stronger.
Cost: Free

Honeyed Words
(Presence 1 amalgam)
This Power functions like Honeyed Words 1, except the Vampire can also use it against true supernatural.
Prerequisite: Honeyed Words 1 and Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Impart Sight
The Vampire can lend their Auspex to other people. For every level the Vampire lowers their Auspex, the subject
gains equally many Auspex levels, up to a maximum of Auspex 5. The subject gains as many of the Vampire’s Powers
as the Vampire wants them to know. A popular use for this Power is to empower trusted ghouls during the day,
when the Vampire already can’t act.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until the Vampire rescinds it

Mind the Thralls

The Vampire has blood sympathy towards their ghouls as if they were broodmates. This lets the Vampire feel intense
sensations and emotions from a distance, and even broadcast short psychic messages, though remember blood
sympathy’s caveat that “this is less a foolproof detection tool and more a dramatic device.”
Cost: Free

This Power functions like Posthaste 1, except Vampire can complete an independent physical task in a fraction of the
normal time: for every hour the task would normally take, the Vampire only spends a minute. The Vampire can use
this Power to clean up murder scenes, dig graves, fix cars, or even put together jigsaw puzzles in a blur of motion.
Prolonged tasks, such as entering every possible combination into a safe with a lockout delay, simply take less time.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One scene or task, whichever is shorter.

This Power functions like Premonition 1, except extra successes let the Vampire’s player ask questions about what
they’ve seen, one question per success on activation. The Vampire can only activate this Power once per scene.
Prerequisite: Premonition 1
Cost: Normal

Read Thoughts
The Vampire can read people’s recent thoughts and memories—anything that concerns the past or future 24 hours.
For example, the Vampire could learn that someone bought the materials to build a bomb six hours ago, or that they
plan to assassinate the prince tomorrow, but not that another Vampire ordered them to last week. Supernatural and
mortals with heightened awareness always sense whenever a foreign mind is reading their thoughts in this manner.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts 1
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Sense Kindred
The ghoul can detect Vampires on sight, just like the Kindred themselves can. Vampires hidden from the ghoul’s
mundane senses (such as under cover of Obfuscate) remain hidden as normal. The ghoul cannot detect other ghouls
or thin-bloods with this Power.
Cost: Free

Shatter the Shroud
(Potence 2 amalgam)
With Auspex, Kindred can see through the shrouds of
Obfuscate and other supernatural powers used to hide.
This Power extends that ability with force, shattering those
gifts and exposing their users for the world to see.
Whenever the Vampire wins the contest roll to pierce a
hiding power, the victim’s hiding power ends immediately.
They can re-activate it normally, but for a moment,
everyone sees them and knows where to look for them.
Prerequisite: Potence 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Soulsight (Aura Perception)

Using this power, the Vampire can perceive the psychic
"auras" that radiate from mortals and supernatural beings
alike. These halos comprise a shifting series of colors that
take practice to discern with clarity. Even the simplest
individual has many shifting hues within his aura; strong
emotions predominate, while momentary impressions or
deep secrets flash through in streaks and swirls.
The colors change in sympathy with the subject's
emotional state, blending into new tones in a constantly
dancing pattern. The stronger the emotions involved, the
more intense the hues become. A skilled Vampire can learn
much from her subject by reading the nuances of color and
brilliance in the aura's flow.
Aside from perceiving emotional states, Vampires use Aura
Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in
Kindred auras, while intense, are quite pale; mage auras
often flare and crackle with suppressed power; werebeasts
have strikingly bright, almost frantic, halos; ghosts have
weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame; and faerie
creatures' radiance is shot through with rainbow hues.
The player rolls on activation; each success indicates how
much of the subject's aura the character sees and
understands (see the table below). A botch indicates a
false or erroneous interpretation. The Storyteller may wish
to make this roll, thus keeping the player in the dark as to
just how good (or bad) the character's interpretation is.
1 success - Can distinguish only the shade (pale or bright)
2 successes - Can distinguish the main color.
3 successes - Can recognize the color patterns.
4 successes - Can detect subtle shifts.
5 successes - Can identify mixtures of color and pattern.
The Aura Colors chart offers examples of some common colors and the emotions they reflect.
The character may view a particular subject's aura only once with any degree of clarity. Any subsequent attempts
that result in failure should be considered botches. It is very easy for the character to imagine seeing what she wants
to see when judging someone's intentions. After a full month, the character may try again at no penalty.
It is possible, though difficult, to sense the aura of a being who is otherwise invisible to normal sight.
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can wordlessly communicate with anyone in speaking distance who shares blood sympathy with the
Vampire (that is, all clanmates and closer relatives). This communication is heavily abstract, limited to gut impulses
or aversions, flitting mental images, and strong emotions.
Ghouls who take this Power can only communicate with people they’re touching or Vampires whose blood they have
in their system, as they lack blood sympathy.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 1
Cost: Free

Twilight Projection
The Vampire can detach their soul from their body, which falls into torpor. The Vampire’s soul has the following
properties while astrally projecting:
• Incorporeal: The Vampire is immaterial and can walk through walls and solid objects. Banes and supernatural
attacks harm the Vampire normally. Other incorporeal entities can interact with the Vampire as if they were
physically solid and vice versa.
• Invisible: The Vampire is invisible to people in the material world. Auspex and similar extrasensory powers can
perceive the Vampire with a Will contest.
• Powers: The Vampire can’t use Disciplines or other active supernatural powers, likely putting them at a
disadvantage against any incorporeal entities they encounter.
• Senses: The Vampire is deaf and mute. They can’t smell anything except blood.
• Speed: The Vampire floats at the same pace as a leisurely stroll.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can choose one of their ghouls to use their Auspex levels while they are helpless, sealing their choice by
feeding the ghoul a Blood point’s worth of their vitae. The ghoul can thereafter use whatever Auspex Powers the
Vampire knows while the Vampire is in daysleep or torpor. The ghoul may also have the Vampire pay any associated
Blood costs. Most domitors discipline their ghouls not to use their powers frivolously—or simply tell them they will
slake their master’s thirst if they do. The Vampire can change which ghoul benefits from this Power by feeding
another ghoul a Blood point’s worth of vitae.
If a ghoul takes this Power, they can use their domitor’s Auspex levels as described above, even if their domitor
doesn’t know this Power. Independent ghouls can use the Auspex levels of whatever Vampire they last drank from.
Cost: Free
Duration: One day

Uncommon Powers

Expel Soul
(Potence 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can punch someone’s soul out of their body after defeating them in combat. This functions like Twilight
Projection 2. The bodies of mortal and ghoul victims fall into an apparent coma-like state. The Vampire can see and
hear the victim’s expelled soul normally. If the victim leaves the area, the Vampire can effortlessly find them by
following the silver cord linking their soul to their body. Powers to possess or take over the victim’s body succeed
without a roll.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 2 and Potence 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent. The bodies of vampiric victims continue to take a daily Blood point and eventually fall into
torpor. The bodies of mortals and ghouls eventually die if not fed and hydrated, releasing the victim’s soul to its final
destination. The Vampire can rejoin the victim’s soul with their body at any time, as can other soul-manipulative
powers with a Will contest.

By concentrating, the Vampire can see through solid barriers up to a foot thick. This can allow them to see behind
walls and doors, the contents of briefcases or other containers, and so on.
Cost: Free

Speed of Thought
(Celerity 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Posthaste 2 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading books, organizing
papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 2 and Celerity 3
Cost: Normal

Unseen Sense
Choose a type of supernatural besides Vampires, such as mages, werewolves, changelings, ghosts, etc. The Vampire
can automatically sense when they are nearby. The Vampire can also recognize lesser supernatural associated with
them, such as kinfolk for werewolves, ensorcelled or fae-touched mortals for changelings, etc. Supernatural hidden
from the Vampire’s mundane senses take a contest to sense as normal.
Prerequisite: Unseen Sense 1
Cost: Free
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 3
Common Powers

Call Upon the Blood

(Animalism 3 amalgam)
Used by anarchs to scout out the strongholds of hated enemies, this power allows the Kindred to “feel” for the Beast
in the immediate vicinity. The Animalism aspect of this power attunes the Kindred to any creature that harbors a
Beast, and the Auspex element allows him to interpret it and extend his senses beyond their normal limits. Doing so
allows the scout to know approximately how many Kindred or ghouls are in the area.
The player spends a blood point and rolls on the activation. If the roll is successful, the character gains a fairly
accurate impression (give or take an entity) of how many Kindred and ghouls are in close proximity. The distance to
which this sense extends depends upon the successes accumulated on the roll.
1 success: Small area: a hotel room
2 successes: Large area: a ballroom or salon
3 successes: Great area: a house
4 successes: Huge area: a city block
5+ successes: Vast area: an entire estate
Storytellers, note that this power calls to the Beast in all Kindred, and impressions will include the presence of
Kindred and ghouls in the anarch’s own retinue. Also, because it prods the Beast in beings to see if it’s there,
particularly aware Kindred and ghouls might feel their Beast awaken or recoil as the power takes effect, perhaps
alerting them to the presence of some disquieting presence. The sensory information gleaned by this power is also a
bit unsettling: Inviting the Beast in so many creatures to take note of oneself is bold, to say the least. Be wary of
players using this power as a default “Detect Kindred spell.” Cainites who rely too much on provoking the Beast in
others may find themselves on the verge of frenzy, as it tempts their own Beast each time they use it.
Prerequisite: Animalism 3
Cost: Normal

Heighten Sight
The Vampire can extend their second sight to another character, granting them use of a single Auspex Power the
Vampire knows, up to a maximum level of (Vampire’s Auspex – 1).
Requirement: The Vampire must touch the character.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Posthaste 2, except the Vampire can extend its benefits to other people, so long as they
remain within the Vampire’s line of sight for the duration of the task. Many hands can make for extraordinarily light
and fast work.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One scene or task, whichever is shorter.

(Dominate 3 amalgam)
By concentrating, the Vampire can perceive through the senses of a victim who’s fully blood bound to them or under
the effects of a non-permanent Dominate Power they’ve used. The Vampire can also speak through the victim’s
mouth in their own voice.
Prerequisite: Dominate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Read Thoughts
The Vampire can read people’s thoughts and memories—anything from any point in their lives. For example, the
Vampire could learn the full details of someone’s months-long plot to assassinate the prince. Supernatural and
mortals with Awareness scores always sense whenever a foreign mind is reading their thoughts in this manner.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Sanguine Awareness
The Vampire can extend their senses into an object, person, or location they’ve marked with their blood. The
Vampire can perceive everything as if they were there themselves. The Vampire’s body is blind and insensate while
the Vampire extends their senses in this manner, but the Vampire can switch their senses between their blood and
their body with a thought. Smearing or diluting the Vampire’s blood breaks their sensory connection.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Share Senses
By reaching out with their mind, the Vampire can tap into another person’s senses, seeing, hearing, and feeling what
they do. The Vampire remains aware of their own perceptions, though the effect takes some getting used to.
Supernatural know when they are being perceived through by this Power, but not by who. Targets with Auspex or
similar extrasensory powers detect the Vampire’s specific presence if the Vampire doesn’t succeed on a contest.
Requirement: The target must be within range of the Vampire’s blood sympathy, have some of the Vampire’s blood
within their body, or be within the Vampire’s line of sight.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Shatter the Shroud
(Potence 3 amalgam)
This Power functions like Shatter the Shroud 2,
except the victim can’t reactivate their hiding
power after the Vampire pierces it. The power
stays down for the rest of the scene.
Prerequisite: Shatter the Shroud 2 and Potence 3
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can stare into someone’s eyes and
receive visions about the state of their soul. The
Vampire can ask questions related to the target’s
character, such as how trustworthy they are, how
a topic makes them feel, ways they’ve been hurt
in the past, etc. The Vampire can’t use this Power
to find out specific information (e.g., “Where did
you hide the documents?”).
Requirement: The Vampire must make eye
contact with the target. Targets who don’t want
to make eye contact can avoid it if the Vampire
gets a setback on a Social roll to catch their gaze.
Cost: Normal

The Spirit’s Touch

The Vampire can read psychic impressions off of
Successes Connection
1 Important event happened
within the same night
2 More than a night ago
3 More than a week ago
4 More than a month ago
5 More than a year ago
Bonuses to the roll
+1 Strong associated emotions (e.g., a wedding ring or family heirloom)
+2 Medial associated emotions (e.g., a favorite shirt)
+3 Weak associated emotions (e.g., a spare set of keys)
+4 Tenuous associated emotions (e.g., a bus ticket used once)
Cost: Normal

Telepathic Web
The Vampire can serve as a telepathic “switchboard” and allow anyone within speaking distance to use any
Telepathy Power the Vampire knows (up to a maximum rating of the Vampire’s Auspex -1) as if they knew the Power
themselves. The Vampire hears whatever thoughts, images, and feelings people in their telepathic web
This Power truly comes into its own at Auspex 5, at which point the Vampire can allow anyone to communicate
intelligible sentences between each other (via Telepathy 4). Still, even at lower levels, it can allow the Vampire to set
up communications networks between their ghouls, clanmates, or Kindred who’ve shared one another’s blood.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can mentally transmit complete words, sentences, and images to anyone within speaking distance who
shares blood sympathy with them or who has some of the Vampire’s blood in their system (or whose blood the
Vampire has in their system). The Vampire can also use the cruder telepathy of Telepathy 1 and Telepathy 2 with
anyone nearby even if they lack a blood connection.
Ghouls who take this Power can only communicate with Vampires whose blood they have in their system, as they
lack blood sympathy.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 2
Cost: Free

Twilight Projection
This Power functions like Twilight Projection 2, except the Vampire’s soul has the following properties:
• Powers: The Vampire can use other Auspex Powers whose effects are limited to the immaterial world. For
example, the Vampire could use Premonition, but couldn’t use Read Thoughts on a mortal (unless that mortal was
also astrally projecting).
• Senses: The Vampire is still mute, but can smell and hear normally.
• Speed: The Vampire floats as fast as they can walk or run. (They can’t benefit from Celerity, though, since they
can’t use that Discipline.)
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Cleansing Impression
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can neutralize psychic impressions on objects around them. Anyone who examines an affected item
with The Spirit’s Touch or any other form of past sensing gets the impression that no one has ever touched it and
nothing has ever happened to it. Many seers find this sensation disturbing the first time they experience it. Once an
item has been cleansed, it remains void of impression until something meaningful happens to it.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal

Diplomat’s Boon
(Presence 5 amalgam)
A diplomat’s most difficult task is understanding what people need to hear in order to make them agreeable to a
suggestion. With this power, a Toreador may learn what it is that a target wants to hear. The power does not
necessarily reveal all of the views of the Cainite’s target, but it does grant invaluable information which can then be
put to good use in negotiation, avoidance of treachery and so on.
Despite it’s innocuous-sounding name, Diplomat’s Boon is not always used for peaceful matters. Enemies may be
allied, marriages arranged and wars started with proper application of this knack.
The player’s character concentrates for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular
response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as
convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Will roll
vs Activation roll + Discipline level, if they win then they are not affected. The effects last for one turn.
Prerequisite: Presence 5
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Eyes of Chaos
The Vampire can find fleeting clarity hidden in insanity. They may scrutinize the “patterns” of a person’s soul, the
convolutions of a Vampire’s inner nature, or even random events in nature itself. Malkavians with this power often
have (or claim to have) knowledge of the moves and countermoves of the great Jyhad, or the patterns of fate.
Secrets revealed via Eyes of Chaos are tantalizing symbols adrift in a sea of madness and are delivered in terms of
allegory rather than facts: “The man before you appears as a crude marionette, with garish features painted in bright

stage makeup, and strings vanishing up into the night sky.” Avoid stating plainly, “You learn the ghoul is a
methuselah’s pawn.”
Prerequisite: The Vampire must be a Malkavian or have an insanity-related Disadvantage.
Cost: Normal

Message In A Bottle
(Dominate 2 amalgam)
Communication is key for political organization, and covert communication is essential for oppositional social
movements. Mortal insurgencies have used everything from encrypted emails to blind drops to a message the
recipient had to shave the messenger’s head to read. It was to be expected that the Anarchs would apply Disciplines
to this age-old problem.
Typically, reading an item with The Spirit’s Touch reveals some information about the item’s past, and no one
(neither reader nor the object’s last possessor) has any input into the vision’s content. This Power changes that.
By holding an item and using Message in a Bottle, the Vampire can manipulate the item’s psychic imprint. Anyone
who later uses The Spirit’s Touch on the item receives a short vision of the Vampire’s choice, about 15–30 seconds’
There are many applications for this Power. Securing messages (at least, secure from people without mid-range
Auspex) is the most obvious. Planting evidence with false impressions for arrival whom the Vampire knows can read
impressions is more devious. Or, for the paranoid, it’s always safe to cleanse important objects so that more
meaningful data can’t be mined from them.
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One year
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

The Vampire not only senses whenever ghosts are nearby, but can communicate with them. If the Vampire performs
a seance, they can hear and understand a summoned ghost perfectly, as if the ghost were speaking aloud. Vampires
without this Power can still summon ghosts, but must rely on ouija boards or similar communicative aides for ghosts
to make themselves understood beyond vague signs.
Prerequisite: Unseen Sense 2
Cost: Free

Mnemonic Draught
The Vampire can plunder the memories of vessels they feed from. For every 1 Blood point the Vampire takes from a
victim, they can view one scene’s worth of memories from the victim’s past.
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can relive one of their own memories from a third person perspective. They can find out things they
might have missed at the time, such as missing PER checks to pick up additional details, etc. Every success on the
activation allows the Vampire to discern one detail they didn’t make out the first time. Using this Power more than
once on the same memory adds a -2 penalty.
Requirement: The Vampire must have a physical reminder of their memory present.
Cost: Normal

By envisioning someone in their head, the Vampire can talk to them as if they were next to each other. This Power
isn’t telepathy—the person can physically hear the Vampire’s voice, and so can anyone nearby. The person the
Vampires contacts can verbally reply back. Many mortals are likely to react with fear and/or question their own
sanity when they hear an invisible voice.
Requirement: The target must have some of the Vampire’s blood within their body, or be within the Vampire’s line
of sight.
Cost: Normal

Speed of Thought
(Celerity 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Posthaste 3 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading books, organizing
papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 3, Speed of Thought 2 and Celerity 4
Cost: Normal

Touch of Death
The Vampire can read psychic impressions off of corpses. This Power is widely shared among the Samedi.
Cost: Normal

Unseen Sense
This Power functions as Unseen Sense 2, except the Vampire can also recognize lesser supernatural associated with
their chosen supernatural, such as kinfolk for werewolves, ensorcelled or fae-touched mortals for changelings, etc.
Supernatural hidden from the Vampire’s mundane senses still take a Will contest to sense as normal.
Prerequisite: Unseen Sense 2
Cost: Free
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 4
Common Powers

Command from Afar

This Power enhances the effects of the Telepathy line of Powers over anyone who is under the Vampire’s mental
sway. The Vampire can communicate with such individuals over a range equivalent to as if they had the Vampire’s
blood in their systems.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 4
Requirement: The victim must be blood bound (any stage) to the Vampire, or be under the effects of a Dominate or
Presence Power to override their free will.
Cost: Free

Some people can finish others’ sentences. Vampires with Prediction sometimes begin other peoples’ sentences.
Prediction is a constant low-level telepathic scan of everyone nearby. Whenever someone does something, the
Vampire’s player can declare they saw it coming and take another action before the other person’s: whatever
message the GM posted was actually just an Auspex-induced premonition. The Vampire’s player must use this Power
immediately after the GM’s posted message, and the Vampire may not be able to stop what they see from
happening. This Power only grants a chance to alter the future, not certainty of it.
Cost: Normal

Read Thoughts
The Vampire can read thoughts and memories people have repressed or forgotten, including by supernatural means.
For example, the Vampire could learn the full details of someone’s involvement in months-long plot to assassinate
the prince even after another Vampire used Dominate to make them forget. Supernatural always sense whenever a
foreign mind is reading their thoughts in this manner.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Share Awareness
The Vampire can cause a subject to perceive the same things the Vampire perceives through other Auspex Powers.
For example, a Vampire using Read Thoughts could allow the subject to read the victim’s mind too. They could also
let the subject see in the dark with Nightsight or sense ghosts with Medium. The Vampire couldn’t, however, let the
subject communicate through Telepathy or take the subject with the Vampire when they used Twilight Projection, as
those Powers do more than just perceive things.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene or original Power’s duration, whichever is less.

Share Senses
This Power functions like Share Senses 3, except it no
longer costs a Blood point for anyone who has the
Vampire’s blood in their system. The Vampire can
freely observe events through their ghouls’ eyes at
any point. This Power still takes a roll if the target isn’t
willing to let the Vampire share their senses.
Prerequisite: Share Senses 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can mentally transmit complete words,
sentences, and images to anyone within speaking
distance. The Vampire can also communicate with
anyone in the same building-sized area who shares
blood sympathy with them, and anyone within a mile
who has some of the Vampire’s blood in their system
(or whose blood the Vampire has in their system).
Ghouls who take this Power can communicate with their
domitors over a mile.
This communication is only two-way if the recipient is
nearby or has a Telepathy Power that lets them
communicate over an extended range.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 3
Cost: Free

Twilight Projection
This Power functions like Twilight Projection 3, except its duration increases and the Vampire’s soul has the following
• Invisible: The Vampire can choose to appear before people in the material world as a translucent, ghostly
• Powers: The Vampire can use other Auspex Powers that affect the material world, which opens considerably more
spying opportunities. For example, the Vampire coud use Read Thoughts on a mortal. The Vampire can also use any
Obfuscate Powers whose effects are limited to the immaterial world.
• Senses: The Vampire can smell and hear normally. They can speak in a soft whisper. Their voice can’t be
electronically recorded.
• Speed: The Vampire floats roughly as fast as a Vampire with Celerity equal to their Auspex. This doesn’t confer the
legendary travel capabilities that Twilight Projection 5 is known for, but it allows the Vampire’s astral form to easily
outspeed many pursuers. Take Advantage on rolls to outrun anyone with lower Auspex, Celerity, or similar abilities
than the Vampire’s Auspex, and major advantage against anyone with no such abilities at all.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Uncommon Powers

Anticipatory Visage
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
This power was first developed by an investigative archon who was frustrated by his inability to sneak into the
gathering of a Gehenna cult because he didn’t know as whom to disguise himself. Anticipatory Visage allows the
Kindred to appear as whomever the target most expects to see in a given circumstance. The character herself has no
control over who she appears to be, and may not even be immediately aware of what form she’s taken. This power
has, to date, been used by archons alone.
The player rolls on activation, if successful, the character immediately takes the form (per Mask of a Thousand Faces)
of the individual the target most expected. If faced with more than one person, the character must select one
individual as the target and hope that the others expect to see the same person. The character is not immediately
aware of the form she has taken, and may have difficulty carrying the ruse further than the initial contact. While this
power provides the form of the expected individual, it does not provide any knowledge of her personality or
memories; the character must be exceedingly careful not to give herself away through suspicious behavior. A
Vampire with Auspex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the character’s Obfuscate.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Material Projection
(Potence 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can physically interact with the world around them when they use the Twilight Projection line of
Powers. The Vampire’s astral form becomes visible and semi-solid to people they touch or attack: anyone they try to
hurt can hurt them back. If the Vampire’s astral form is slain, they enter torpor as normal.
The Vampire still can’t use Disciplines besides Auspex and Obfuscate at Twilight Projection 4. They need Twilight
Projection 5 to use their full range of powers.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 4 and Potence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Mind of the Wilds

(Animalism 2 amalgam)
This power is known solely to a few Phuri Dae, who use it to find safe routes of travel and camp sites. A Vampire with
this power spreads her awareness through the local wildlife to get a general sense of conditions nearby — the
presence or absence of danger, safe places and humans. It’s impossible to determine number or type of dangerous
creatures; the Vampire just gets an overall impression. For more specifics, the Phuri Dae must either summon an
animal to ask or scout the area directly.
The player rolls on the activation while the Vampire concentrates for a minute. Each success might grant very
general knowledge about an acre or less, while five successes could cover a mountain pass or a small forest and
locate the most dangerous (and safest) areas therein. A critical failure by 5 or more results in false or misleading
information. The Storyteller should be careful to avoid giving away too much information with Mind of the Wilds. It’s
intended to help a character scout an area, rather than serve in place of such reconnaissance.
Prerequisite: Animalism 2
Cost: Normal

Mind’s Eye
(Dominate 3 amalgam)
With this power, an archon or templar can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound,
scent and other details – all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred.
While Mind’s Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provide the most accurate report
possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering.
The character must make eye contact with the subject (unless she possesses a power that allows her to use
Dominate with touch or at a distance, in which case she may use these other techniques instead). If the subject is
cooperating, or is an unwilling mortal or Kindred of higher generation than the character, the character need merely
make the activation roll.

The character may attempt to locate a specific memory in one of two ways. She may either search by time (“Let me
see what was happening to you yesterday at midnight”) or by event (“I’m going to find out what you said to him at
your last meeting!”) A critical failure by 5 or more on the activation instead allows the subject to see one of the
character’s memories (chosen randomly by the Storyteller) and renders that subject immune to any further uses of
Mind’s Eye by that specific character for the remainder of the scene.
The clarity of the memories experienced depends on the successes rolled and the time elapsed since the events
actually occurred. The elapsed time indicated on the table below is for clear, accurate memories only; the character
can actually experience memories of one category older, but with a substantial loss of detail and accuracy
(Storyteller’s call as to what is correct and what is not).
Successes Age of memories available
1 Within the last hour
2 Within the last day
3 Within the last week
4 Within the last month
5 Within the last year
Prerequisite: Dominate 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Mnemonic Draught
This Power functions like Mnemonic Draught 3, except the Vampire must kill their victim by draining their blood.
Thereafter, the Vampire can use Blood points to relive the victim’s memories as often as they want. They’re part of
the Vampire now.
As exsanguination doesn’t destroy Kindred, the Vampire can only use this Power on other Vampires by diablerizing
them. It works normally on other supernatural that can be killed by exsanguination.
The Mnemosyne bloodline of Malkavians are believed to have created this Power, and many additional ones with
further powers over memory.
Prerequisite: Mnemonic Draught 3
Cost: Normal (to activate). In addition, spend 1 Blood point per memory viewed

Psychic Assault
(Potence 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can psychically attack a victim without raising a hand. This Power causes immense internal injury to the
victim, who looks to onlookers as if they are experiencing an agonizing seizure. Medical examination shows the
cause of death to be a heart attack, aneurysm, or similar cause. This power causes 2d physical damage with each use
and as it is internal damage only powers that protect from such (Fortitude is applicable) can be used to counter it.
Prerequisite: Potence 4. The Vampire must touch or make eye contact with the victim.
Cost: Normal

Sixth Sense
The Vampire can see, hear, and speak to ghosts without effort. They don’t need to resort to ouija boards, seances, or
other mystical (and potentially error-prone) means to locate a ghost and establish contact with it—the Vampire can
simply walk up to ghosts and start talking. However, ghosts are drawn to such mediums like moths to a flame.
Although they are warier around Vampires than mortals, the Vampire must frequently deal with their pleas, ravings,
and entreaties.
Prerequisite: Unseen Sense 2
Cost: Free

Telepathic Command
The Vampire can use Dominate on victims telepathically, without any need to speak aloud. The Vampire still must
maintain eye contact with the victim.
Prerequisite: Dominate 1
Cost: Free

Victual from Afar
(Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can feed their ghouls blood remotely, mystically transporting
vitae from their veins into their ghouls’. The Vampire still needs to use other
powers if they want to know how badly their ghouls need blood, but it’s
useful if a ghoul disappears, can call their domitor over the phone, or if the
Vampire is physically prevented from reaching a servant, they know can help
If a ghoul takes this Power, their domitor can send blood only to them, but
the ghoul can telepathically request blood at any point. The ghoul can’t
communicate anything besides a wordless hunger for blood. Most domitors
severely discipline their ghouls to only use this Power in emergencies, but
addicts will do anything for a fix.
Unlike most amalgam Powers, the Vampire and the ghoul can split the
prerequisites between each other. For example, a Vampire with Auspex 4
and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could still take this Power, but could
only send blood to ghouls with Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3. A ghoul with Auspex
4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could also take this Power, so long as
their domitor has Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3.
Cost: Free, but blood transmitted between ghouls and Vampires not in the
same city costs a “surcharge” of 1 Blood point per 100 miles.

Level 5
Common Powers

By closing their eyes and entering a light trance, the Vampire becomes master of their surroundings. In a few
minutes they can gather information from roughly a city-block sized area (more if outdoors or less populated) that
would normally take many hours, perhaps days of legwork and investigation. For each success rolled on the
activation a question can be answered. However, this doesn’t mean that the information is also 100% accurate, the
answer reflects the knowledge of a person that also believes what they know is correct.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Karmic Sight
The Vampire can know someone intimately at a glance. This Power doesn’t confer knowledge of the target’s secrets
or other specific information, nor is it mind-reading: rather, the Vampire comes to understand the target’s character
as if they’d known them for years. In effect, this Power functions like Soulgaze 3. except it doesn’t require eye
contact and is no longer two-way. The Vampire’s soul remains opaque to the target. It’s also much more
comprehensive: the GM will freely answer any number of questions the player has about the subject’s character,
instead of each one costing a Blood point. (Players should again bear in mind this Power won’t reveal specific
secrets, and that pausing play to ask dozens of questions will annoy the GM.)
Prerequisite: Soulgaze 3
Cost: Normal

Mirror Reflex
This Power was developed by a Toreador elder who made a fearsome reputation through her fencing prowess,
acting as a hired champion in dozens of Ventrue duels. Mirror Reflex is similar to Prediction in that it is essentially a
low-level telepathic scan of an opponent, but this power taps into physical (rather than social) reflexes, allowing the
character to anticipate an enemy’s moves in personal combat. The Vampire can add the successes rolled on
activation to their unarmed or melee skills for the duration of a combat against a single opponent.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Psychic Double
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
Astral projection has the annoying limit that the Vampire’s disembodied mind cannot affect the material world, and
even the faintest visible manifestation requires great effort. Through this combination power, a Vampire still cannot
affect material objects — but she can make other people imagine that they see and speak to her. Demetrius the
Malkavian uses this power to project his consciousness around the world.
Demetrius’ Psychic Double looks real and solid. His astral form can converse with other people. He even feels solid to
anyone who touches him, though he cannot affect physical objects in any way and his Psychic Image does not appear
in mirrors, photographs or video images. Mahtiel also knows this power, but her dream-walking spirit usually looks
transparent and ghostly.
Projecting a Psychic Double costs always a point of blood. As with Astral Projection, the Vampire picks a target
somewhere in the world and hopes he projects to the right place. Arriving at the desired location depends on the
activation roll, with the penalties or bonuses set by how well the Vampire knows the target location. A familiar
location not to far away gives a +2 bonus; a place on the other side of the world that the Malkavian merely read
about gives a -4 penalty to the activation roll. A critical failure by 5 or more on this roll indicates getting lost, and
maybe even breaking the silver cord back to the Vampire’s body. Evoking a psychic image with his own appearance
automatically succeeds. Appearing as someone else calls for a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a +2 bonus if you
met the person and a -4 penalty if the Vampire has only a picture.
A character with Psychic Double does not have to project a visible image. The Vampire can make his image appear
and disappear at will.
Although Psychic Doubles cannot exert any phsical force, a Vampire with this power can project certain other
Disciplines through his astral form. Since Animalism, other Auspex powers, Dementation, Dominate, other Obfuscate
powers and Presence have entirely mental effects, a Vampire can use them freely while astral. Obtenebration works,
since the dark force evoked by the Discipline is not actually physical either. An astral Vampire can thus affect physical
objects indirectly using Arms of the Abyss. A Psychic Double can also employ the non-physical powers of Valeren or
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal. Minimum 1 Blood Point

Read the Winds

(Animalism 4 amalgam)
Many animals roam the night, and a Vampire with this power has the ability to see through the eyes of them all.
With a bit of focus, the Vampire sees everything that an animal in the area witnesses. The Vampire can also use this
power to gain a general impression, from animals’ states, about the area or upcoming events like disasters or
The player makes the activation roll, and the Vampire opens her mind to the animals in the area. Each success
increases the area in which the Vampire can monitor events, though progressively larger areas observed could
overwhelm her with too much information.
Successes Distance Detail
1 success: Within earshot General impression
2 successes: About a mile Blurry details
3 successes: A couple miles See details
4 successes: 50 miles See details, hear faintly
5 successes: 100 miles See and hear clearly
The player must divide his successes between range and details. For example, if a player managed four successes, he
could use three to get the range of a couple miles and one to get a general impression (it is raining). He could instead
spend three to see details of things within earshot, like whether there is a Lupine in that area. With a single success,
the Vampire gets a general impression of the area within earshot. The Vampire cannot see things that are
Obfuscated or hidden using this power.
Gangrel often use this power while interred in the earth.
Prerequisite: Animalism 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Read Thoughts
This Power functions like Read Thoughts 1, except the Vampire can use it on other supernatural and mortals without
them noticing if he makes his activation roll.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts 4
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

The Vampire can mentally transmit complete words, sentences, and images to anyone within the same building-
sized area. The Vampire can also communicate with anyone within a mile who blood they tasted, and anyone within
five miles who has some of the Vampire’s blood in their system (or whose blood the Vampire has in their system).
Ghouls who take this Power can communicate with their domitors over five miles.
This communication is only two-way if the recipient is nearby or has a Telepathy Power that lets them communicate
over an extended range.
Prerequisite: Telepathy 4
Cost: Free

Spectral Puppeteer
Only a few Malkavians and Tremere have mastered this diabolical art, which allows the Vampire also use the
Possession power while astrally projecting. If the Vampire succeeds in displacing the victim’s soul, their astral body
flows into the victim’s mouth and assumes control. If the Vampire leaves the victim voluntarily, their astral form
reforms outside the victim’s body and may continue moving and acting normally. The death of a possessed victim
instantly evicts the Vampire and severs their astral cord, forcing them to walk back to their body at normal speed.
This Power is often used to discredit or frame rivals while establishing a perfect alibi for the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Possession 5, Twilight Projection 5
Cost: Free

Twilight Projection
This Power is like Twilight Projection 2, with increased duration and the Vampire’s soul has the following properties:
• Invisible: The Vampire can choose to appear before people in the material world as a translucent, ghostly
apparition. The Vampire can choose to make themselves visible to some people and invisible to others.
• Powers: The Vampire can use other Auspex Powers that affect the material world. The Vampire can also use any
other Disciplines and supernatural powers whose effects are limited to the immaterial world. The Vampire can thus
bring their full powers to bear against any incorporeal entities that attempt to waylay or destroy them, although the
Vampire is still well-served to remember they’re on these entities’ home ground.
• Senses: The Vampire can smell, hear, and speak normally. Their voice still can’t be recorded. They can also see
through corporeal objects, which appear translucent.
• Speed: The Vampire can travel at superluminal speed, crossing miles of distance in the blink of an eye. The
Vampire can also travel beyond the earth to explore the Underworld and the Astral Plane. These alien realms hold
rewards and perils in equal measure.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Spectral Puppeteer
Only a few Malkavians and Tremere have mastered this diabolical art, which allows the Vampire also use the
Possession Power while astrally projecting. If the Vampire succeeds in displacing the victim’s soul, their astral body
flows into the victim’s mouth and assumes control. If the Vampire leaves the victim voluntarily, their astral form
reforms outside the victim’s body and may continue moving and acting normally. The death of a possessed victim
instantly evicts the Vampire and severs their astral cord, forcing them to walk back to their body at normal speed.
This Power is often used to discredit or frame rivals while establishing a perfect alibi for the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Possession 5, Twilight Projection 5
Cost: Free

“It was like the guy was teleporting. Ay, boss, you can’t expect me to shoot a mook that’s faster than my ammo!”
— Benito Giovanni, Boston Capo

Celerity is one of the three core physical Disciplines that are common to
most Cainites, called an Augmenting discipline. Even those clans whose
members don't actively favor Celerity (that is, those who are not the
Brujah, Toreador and Assamites) find the power just too useful to do
without. Celerity enables a Vampire to accelerate his reaction time up
to speeds that the mortal eye can barely follow, letting him move more
quickly or fell half a dozen foes in a few heartbeats. Some Toreador use
Celerity to enhance their ability to perform arts such as dance;
Assamites, Brujah and most other clans use it to swiftly end fights,
either by fleeing or by brutally dropping foes before they can react.
Most Cainites assume that Caine or the Antediluvians developed this
ability to enable them to hunt more effectively, which is a paradox of
sorts, since using it for any length of time costs the user as much blood
as she might gain from a successful hunt. Other Vampires claim that
Celerity is part of Caine's curse on his undead children, as the great
speeds it bequeaths a Vampire are fleeting, and leave the Discipline's
user exhausted, hungry and impatient with the ordinary, slow pace of nightly life.
For some Cainites, the mortal world moves in slow motion. In times of stress, Vampires with Celerity can move with
amazing speed, becoming blurs of motion to anyone, mortal or immortal, who does not possess the Discipline.
This extraordinary speed violates the laws of physics in that the Cainite does not experience any change in
momentum, friction, etc. A knife thrown by someone using Celerity is not any faster, and a Vampire moving at
incredible speeds will never catch fire no matter how fast they move.
As part of the Curse upon Caine, heavy reliance on Celerity can lead to impatience with the slow pace of nightly life,
leaving the Vampire hungry and exhausted after each use. Becoming too accustomed to the slow world that a
Vampire sees when Celerity is active can lead to disorientation when the world "speeds up" as the Discipline ends.

Clans: Assamites, Brujah, Toreador

Nicknames: Bolting (common), slipping (common), super-speed (vulgar), velocitas (traditional)

Type: Physical - Augmenting
Masquerade Threat: Medium-High. Most Celerity powers are clearly inhuman, the only saving grace being that
they’re very hard to catch on film or photograph.

Celerity Augmenting Power: Alacrity

The Vampire must take Alacrity for their first level one Celerity Power. There are no activation rolls connected to this
power. Alacrity can be learned by every Vampire however, it costs much more than having the Physical discipline as
a Primary or Secondary discipline of the clan package. Other powers and devotions are still locked for any Vampire
that doesn’t have the Physical disciplines in their clan setup.

Blood potency: Every Vampire can add their Blood potency level to the Speed score of Alacrity and get a +1 action
for every 4 Blood potency levels.

The Vampire is preternaturally fast. This confers several benefits like increased number of attacks and a run speed
that makes the Vampire flash by speeding cars. Alacrity increases a Vampire’s Basic Speed that in turn also increases
their Basic Move and Dodge by the same number.
Augmenting powers always cost Blood Points, 1 Blood point per level, even for the oldest of the Kindred. For
Alacrity, the cost in Blood is calculated as an average of the levels of speed and duration rounded down. The highest

level must be known, for both speed and duration, to the Vampire that he wants to use. Blood used to power
Alacrity may exceed the Vampire’s generational limit.
For example, a Brujah with Alacrity 4 can use it at +6 Speed and +2 actions for 4 hours at a cost of 4 Blood points. He
can also take the level 4 speed and level 1 duration, having +6 Speed and 2 extra actions for a minute costing him 2
Blood points (4+1 for the levels divided by 2 = 2.5 = 2 Blood points). If the Brujah would have Blood potency at 4 then
he would also get +4 to his Speed and a +1 extra action, applicable to any Alacrity level.

Level Speed and Attacks Run speed Duration Point Cost

Basic Speed increase and additional actions per turn Primary/Secondary/Non-clan

1 +1 Speed ~25 mph 1 min 2/4/8

2 +2 Speed / +1 action ~50 mph 30 min 4/8/16

3 +4 Speed / +1 action ~75 mph 1 hour 8/16/24

4 +6 Speed / +2 actions ~100 mph 4 hours 16/24/36

5 +10 Speed / +3 actions ~150 mph 8 hours 24/36/48

Level 1
Common Powers

Everfull Hand
The Vampire can use anything with an edge or hard surface as a melee weapon. Pencils, hard drives, spoons, or
deodorant sticks are all just as lethal in the Vampire’s hands as a machete and don’t take any penalties for being
improvised weapons. Real blades are still more useful, but the Vampire is a lot less likely to be caught unarmed.
Most environments have something hard and handheld they can use. Any improvised weapon can be Thr +1 cr/imp
or Sw +1 cr/cut.
Cost: Free

Guardian Vigil
(Auspex 1, Fortitude 1 amalgam)
Developed by anarchs posted as guards, this power allows a Kindred to maintain an aware but trancelike state of
readiness, in which he’s poised like a cat to react to the first sign of imminent danger.
The player spends a blood point. For the duration of the night, the character cannot be surprised by conventional
means as long as he stays in one place (not traversing an area longer than a few footsteps). In game terms, the
character is considered to automatically have initiative for a single turn if someone acts against him or does
something that he can perceive and attempt to stop. For example, a character might dodge a bullet almost before
his attacker fires, or he could move to intercept an intruder just as the intruder starts to dash past. The upshot is that
the character becomes aware that something is about to happen to him and reacts just in time to do something
about it.
Supernatural effects that would cloak or otherwise protect the potential transgressor must be of a higher level than
that of any of the prerequisite Disciplines levels that make up of this power. That is, a character attempting to sneak
past the anarch must have an Obfuscate of level two or higher. The vigil also forestalls mundane means as well. An
attempt to move using Stealth is susceptible regardless of how many levels the other character has.
The action taken against the character must also affect him directly and immediately for this power to prove of any
value. A sniper would find himself foiled if he tried to shoot the character, but a camera planted in the building
during the day and activated remotely at night would have no chance of being detected under the use of this power.
Note that this power lasts for a single turn and then expires. Therefore, if a combat occurs, the character using this
power has the benefit of initiative for only the first turn, then he must act as normal thereafter. A character may

activate this power as many times as he wishes in the same night, but each activation works only for one immediate
threat. A character cannot “stack” turns of guaranteed initiative.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1 and Fortitude 1
Cost: Normal

Hand of the Master Artisan

(Auspex 1 amalgam)
Toreador employ this power to create laborious works of art with impossible speed and precision. Painters casually
daub the work of hours in a blur of minutes, while sculptors appear to mold clay as though it were somehow alive.
The desired artistic task has its duration divided by the number of blood points spent, rounded up. Thus, a mosaic
that normally required three hours to assemble would require only one if the Vampire’s player spent 3 blood points.
The trance of accelerated speed applies only to the single selected task. The Vampire may break off and perform
other actions without breaking the power, as long as he spends no more than a single hour away from the endeavor.
This power may aid only in acts of deliberate artistic creation.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Special

Hidden Hand
The Vampire can perform a blindingly fast physical action within arm’s reach: e.g., stealing an item off someone,
stacking a card deck, disassembling a gun, etc. The action can’t be an attack. Observers don’t notice what the
Vampire did unless it’s obvious (e.g., if the Vampire moves a chair from one spot to another), and even then, they
don’t know the Vampire did it. Characters with Auspex, Celerity, or equivalent powers automatically notice what the
Vampire did. For skills where speed makes the difference, like Pickpocket, the Vampire gets a +2 bonus.
Cost: Normal

Million Mile Mouth

The Vampire can talk over someone with a verbal torrent. Their speech is too fast to pre-empt or interrupt. Take a +2
bonus on Social skill rolls where this bullish approach would be helpful. Other Vampires with equal or higher Celerity
or Auspex levels aren’t affected.
This Power is considered crass to use in Elysium.
Cost: Normal

Quicken Sight
The Vampire can easily make out fast-moving objects. They can follow a specific card in a deck as it’s shuffled, track
the loaded chamber in a game of Russian Roulette, pick out subliminal messages in a film or on television, and read
the headline on a newspaper as they drive past the newsstand at 60 miles per hour. The Vampire automatically
succeeds on PER rolls to make out such objects or can do so in a fraction of the normal time. They also take a +2
bonus on PER rolls to track or follow supernaturals with superhuman speed, including Vampires with Celerity.
Cost: Free

The Vampire can complete independent physical tasks (e.g., cleaning up murder scenes, digging a grave, repairing a
car) in half the usual time. Unlike the higher-level versions of Posthaste, it doesn’t violate the Masquerade for
mortals to see the Vampire using this Power, though the Vampire will stand out as an extremely hard worker.
Cost: Free

Weightless Tread
The Vampire can run across water and other permeable surfaces as if they were fully solid. The Vampire sinks if they
stop running. The Vampire is also effectively near-weightless for all other purposes (e.g., triggering pressure-
sensitive plates or leaving footprints).
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Enfeebling Aura
(Presence 1 amalgam)
Many Brujah masters of Celerity and Potence claim that Presence means nothing when you’re staring down a skull-
crushing fist. This Power seeks to disprove that notion. It brings forth the Vampire’s supernatural presence not to
awe a crowd, but to cow and enfeeble a victim. The target suffers a -2 penalty to all skill rolls for a round per
successes rolled on the activation. While it won’t completely stop an assailant, it will even the playing field in a
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Slow Fall
The Vampire can survive falls from great heights without harm, slowing or accelerating their rate of descent at any
point so they land on their feet. Anyone the Vampire carries also benefits from this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 2
Common Powers

Creeping Crawl
The Vampire can walk across vertical surfaces and cling to ceilings like a spider or gecko. The Vampire’s feet and
hands cling to whatever surface they walk upon. The Vampire’s hair, clothes, and carried items are still subject to
normal gravity: a sudden rain of loose change from the ceiling can be a give-away in the wrong circumstances.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Everfull Hand
This Power functions like Everfull Hand 1, except the Vampire can use soft and edgeless objects as melee weapons.
Scarves, shirts, wrappers, and towels all become lethal instruments in the Vampire’s hands and able to slice through
flesh like steel. This Power is obviously unnatural to witness, but it ensures the Vampire is practically only ever
caught unarmed in a bare room. Any improvised weapon can be Thr +1 cr/imp or Sw +1 cr/cut.
Prerequisite: Everfull Hand 1
Cost: Free

Eyes of Blades
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
Many Assamites hone their preternatural senses and speed to make themselves more effective combatants. Those
who have learned to use these two traits in conjunction with on another are privy to an important secret: sometimes
it is wiser to defend than to attack. An individual with this power is able to defend against a multitude of attacks,
even those to which he would be unable to respond under normal circumstances. For a few seconds, he enters a
trance state in which he can perceive every potential threat to him, assess it and react accordingly.
At the beginning of a combat turn, the player declares that he is activating this power. The character may take no
actions this turn save for defending against incoming attacks. However, he may defend against every attack that
targets him, using his full attention. The player rolls a dodge or parry with full score against each attack that
successfully strikes the character this turn. This power may only be used a number of times per scene equal to the
characters Auspex rating.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Hidden Hand
This Power functions like Hidden Hand 1, except the
Vampire can make a Will contest to escape notice by
characters with Auspex, Celerity, or equivalent powers.
Prerequisite: Hidden Hand 1
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted. If they win then they still can see
the Vampire using Hidden Hand.

Long March
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
From their isolated stronghold of Alamut and enclaves
across the Holy Land, the Banu Haqim cross leages of rock
and sand by foot to strike at their foes and deliver messages
to allies. In Europe, many Assamites have escaped
persecution by vanishing into the night far swifter than
even mounted pursuers. A few Gangrel also know this
power, though they prefer to employ it in beast form when
crossing the dangerous territory of rival clanmates or
Long March may be used whenever the character is moving
on foot for a protracted period of time. Its effects are not
nearly as drastic as combat Celerity, but neither is it so
At the beginning of each hour of steady travel, the player
spends a number of blood points equal to half the
character’s Celerity rating. The character’s overland
movement rate is multiplied by her Celerity rating. This
bonus immediately ends if the character halts or slows for
more than a minute each hour. Long March can only be sustained for a number of hours each night equal to the
character’s Fortitude rating, and the power has no application in combat.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Special

This Power functions like Posthaste 1, except Vampire can complete an independent physical task in a fraction of the
normal time: for every hour the task would normally take, the Vampire only spends a minute. The Vampire can use
this Power to clean up murder scenes, dig graves, fix cars, or even put together jigsaw puzzles in a blur of motion.
Prolonged tasks, such as entering every possible combination into a safe with a lockout delay, simply take less time.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One scene or task, whichever is shorter.

Quickened Instincts
(Auspex 1 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire hones his senses to detect the sudden motion of ambushes and reacts with inhuman
grace to evade or parry the attack.
Whenever the Vampire is attacked from ambush or fails to notice an incoming attack through natural senses, his
player must spend one blood point. The player may also spend additional blood points to retroactively purchase
extra Celerity, although these may only be used for purely defensive actions. Once this power is activated, the
character may respond to the attack as though he saw it coming, suffering none of the usual penalties for surprise.
This power can be consciously suppressed for a scene at no cost; however, it cannot be reactivated until the
following scene.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: One Blood point
Duration: Scene

Shadow Feint
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
Although they are sometimes dismissed by the first cursed as inconsequential barbarians, the Children of Haqim are
masters of the killing arts. Their way is not that of brute force or direct confrontation, but misdirection, stealth and
the unexpected blow. This technique allows its wielder to slow an enemy’s perception of her, leaving an afterimage
a fraction of a second behind her actual location. The blur and flicker make the Vampire’s movements nigh
impossible to guess, giving her a decisive combat advantage.
The Vampire’s first action must be defensive, either dodge or parry of some kind. If these conditions are met, all
attacks made against the Vampire during the turn are made at a -2 penalty. This power is considered an Obfuscate
power for the purpose of negation — an observer with sufficient Auspex sees the Vampire’s true location.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One scene or a fight

Unseen Strike
The Vampire can strike someone too fast for people to even see. When the Vampire makes a combat roll against
someone, people don’t notice unless they have preternatural speed or senses. Someone toppling over dead in a
public space will still attract notice, but people won’t see the Vampire do it. The Vampire can do all the things they’d
do with a normal combat roll: kill or injure the target, disarm or incapacitate them, or just make them look weak. The
duration of this ability is 1 round per successes rolled on activation.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted. If they win then they still can see the Vampire using Unseen Strike.

Weightless Tread
This Power functions like Weightless Tread 1, except it no longer costs a Blood point and lasts for as long as the
Vampire wants it to.
Prerequisite: Weightless Tread 1
Cost: Free
Duration: Indefinite

Uncommon Powers

The Vampire can float through the air at half their Move rate. The Vampire must remain within reach of a solid wall
or surface—close enough for a jumping person to grab them. The Vampire can use this Power to “walk” off buildings
without falling, reach high places they normally couldn’t, or even float from a sidewalk to the top of a skyscraper (so
long as they remain within reach of the building).
Prerequisite: Slow Fall 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Speed of Thought
(Auspex 1 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Posthaste 1 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading books, organizing
papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 1 and Auspex 1
Cost: Normal

The Seventh Chinese Brother

(Fortitude 5 amalgam)
According to a folk tale, there were once seven Chinese brothers, each of whom was possessed of a unique mystical
ability. One of these brothers’ blessings was bones of iron, which he used to prevent his head from being chopped
off. This power emulates that folk tale, allowing the Kindred to harden a part of his body and speed the recuperative
powers of his blood to it so as to make it impossible to sever a limb. Those anarchs practicing this power have
intimated that they have most often had to protect their own heads from being severed, but that it works equally
well in situations that would result in the loss of a hand, arm, leg, et cetera.

The player rolls on activation and selects an appendage (including the head and neck). The next blow that would
result in that limb being damaged is ignored utterly — it does no damage at all. A lesser-known but still viable
application of this power is to harden the flesh and bone that protects the heart. In this case, a Kindred can protect
himself from being staked, at least initially.
If the end of the scene comes before the disastrous blow comes, the power has no effect, but it can be invoked again
during a future scene. Additionally, a character may protect only one appendage at a time in this manner.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Common Powers

Accelerate Metabolism
With a touch, the Vampire can accelerate someone’s metabolic functions. Living victims of this power immediately
grow starving, dehydrated, sleep-deprived and many also soil themselves. This Power has less effect against the
undead, who have fewer biological frailties, but can make them burn through precious vitae. Some Vampires use
repeated applications of this Power as a torture technique, or simply to “soften up” interrogation subjects who’d
otherwise take a while to properly starve and deprive of sleep. Each success on the activation accelerates the
metabolism by a day and it takes 10 minutes per success to complete the acceleration. With 3 successes rolled the
victim gets accelerated by 3 days in 30 minutes, meaning that they will feel like they had no food, drink or sleep in 3
days and their bodily functions also pick up the pace. Used against Vampires, it makes them burn 1 Blood point for
each day they got accelerated.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Already Dead
This Power functions as Unseen Strike, except the Vampire can also delay the effects of their attack up to any point
within the scene. The Vampire can fatally stab someone in a subway terminal, leave, and have the victim topple over
dead after they take the escalator out of the terminal and get into their car. Many Kindred also use this Power in
duels to make a seemingly ineffective pass past an opponent, let them scoff, and then “realize” the full extent of
their injuries. The effects of an attack (or a series of attacks) can be delayed by up to 1 minute per successes rolled
on activation. The Vampire is able to attack as many times as their Celerity level is during one activation of this
power. However, they still have to hit the target with a successful skill roll. All the damage from all attacks adds up
and appears as designated by the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Unseen Strike 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

The Vampire rapidly flashes from place to place. People don’t see them as anything more than a blur—they can
make out the Vampire’s rough height, build, and clothing, but not features. This lets the Vampire stage ambushes
(granting a +2 bonus on their first attack roll against someone) or cross distances faster than any mortal can follow.
Ambushing or outrunning another Vampire with Auspex or Celerity (or other supernatural with preternatural speed
or senses) takes a Will contest. The Vampire can blink (Basic Move rating x successes rolled on activation) meters.
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can interrupt another character’s recent action and supersede it with their own, retconning it from
having happened. For example, the Vampire might stop a gunman from shooting someone by tackling them out of
the way. The Vampire must succeed on a Will contest to interrupt other supernatural with preternatural speed. The
Vampire’s player must use this Power in their next post after whatever action they want to interrupt.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

This Power functions like Posthaste 2, except the
Vampire can extend its benefits to other people,
so long as they remain within the Vampire’s line
of sight for the duration of the task. Many hands
can make for extraordinarily light and fast work.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 2
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point per individual
Duration: One scene or task, whichever is shorter.

Unseen Tread
Ordinary mortals don’t see the Vampire when
they run at accelerated speed using Alacrity.
Motion-sensitive devices can still detect the
Vampire, as can other supernatural with
preternatural speed or senses. They must remain
in constant motion to take advantage of the
Cost: Free

The Vampire becomes a blur of motion. Fists,
swords, and even bullets whiz harmlessly past
them. As long as the Vampire doesn’t attack
anyone, they can only be physically attacked by
another Celerity user (or other supernatural with
preternatural speed) who they fail a Will contest
against. The Vampire has to stay constantly
moving to maintain this Power’s protection, but
can remain within the same room.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Uncommon Powers

The Vampire can float through the air in any
direction as fast as their Basic Move. The Vampire still needs to be within reach of a solid surface, as with Levitate, so
they can’t “fly” higher than someone can jump if they take off directly from the ground. Still, the Vampire’s greater
speed lets them strafe opponents in combat and get places more quickly. Levitate can take over 10 minutes to climb
many skyscrapers, but Hover can get the Vampire there as fast as a speeding car.
Prerequisite: Levitate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Speed of Thought
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Posthaste 2 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading books, organizing
papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 2 and Auspex 2

Victual from Afar
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can feed their ghouls blood remotely, mystically transporting vitae from their veins into their ghouls’.
The Vampire still needs to use other powers if they want to know how badly their ghouls need blood, but it’s useful
if a ghoul disappears, can call their domitor over the phone, or if the Vampire is physically prevented from reaching a
servant they know can help them.
If a ghoul takes this Power, their domitor can send blood only to them, but the ghoul can telepathically request
blood at any point. The ghoul can’t communicate anything besides a wordless hunger for blood. Most domitors
severely discipline their ghouls to only use this Power in emergencies, but addicts will do anything for a fix.
Unlike most amalgam Powers, the Vampire and the ghoul can split the prerequisites between each other. For
example, a Vampire with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could still take this Power, but could only
send blood to ghouls with Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3. A ghoul with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could
also take this Power, so long as their domitor has Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3.
Cost: Free, but blood transmitted between ghouls and Vampires not in the same city costs a “surcharge” of 1 Blood
point per 500 miles.

Victual from Afar

(Auspex 4 or Fortitude 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can feed their ghouls blood remotely, mystically transporting vitae from their veins into their ghouls’.
The Vampire still needs to use other powers if they want to know how badly their ghouls need blood, but it’s useful
if a ghoul disappears, can call their domitor over the phone, or if the Vampire is physically prevented from reaching a
servant, they know can help them.
If a ghoul takes this Power, their domitor can send blood only to them, but the ghoul can telepathically request
blood at any point. The ghoul can’t communicate anything besides a wordless hunger for blood. Most domitors
severely discipline their ghouls to only use this Power in emergencies, but addicts will do anything for a fix.
Unlike most amalgam Powers, the Vampire and the ghoul can split the prerequisites between each other. For
example, a Vampire with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could still take this Power, but could only
send blood to ghouls with Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3. A ghoul with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude could
also take this Power, so long as their domitor has Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3.
Cost: Free, but blood transmitted between ghouls and Vampires not in the same city costs a “surcharge” of 1 Blood
point per 100 miles.

Level 4
Common Powers

Draught of Elegance
The Vampire can saturate their blood with the power of Celerity, conveying a portion of that grace to anyone who
drinks of it. Drinking a Blood point’s worth of blood lets the drinker temporarily use the Vampire’s Celerity levels in
place of their own. The drinker gains no additional Powers besides Alacrity. The draught can be bottled up but is
losing potency after a day.
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

The Vampire becomes effectively insubstantial, ceasing to be affected by the laws of nature. The Vampire can move
in any direction in spite of obstructions, gravity, or logic: the Vampire can run through a wall or other solid barrier as
if it wasn’t there, run across water, run up a wall, run across a ceiling, and so on. The Vampire is immune to damage
from environmental hazards while they move except for fire, sunlight, and banes.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One action or round per successes rolled on activation


This Power functions like Interrupt 3, except the Vampire can take two actions instead of just one. For example, the
Vampire might stop a gunman from shooting someone by tackling them out of the way, then handcuffing them to a
table or removing them from the building. The Vampire can’t physically attack someone more than once.
Prerequisite: Interrupt 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

This Power functions like Posthaste 2, except the Vampire no longer pays a Blood cost to accomplish hour-long
physical tasks in a minute. By spending 1 Blood point, the Vampire can accomplish any physical task that takes up to
24 hours in only a minute. The Vampire can’t extend these benefits to other people, but can still pay Blood points to
have them accomplish hour-long tasks in a minute.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 3
Cost: Free or 1 Blood point. Plus 1 Blood point per individual affected.
Duration: One scene or task, whichever is shorter.

Unseen Tread
This Power functions like Unseen Tread 3, except ordinary mortals can’t hear, smell, or otherwise perceive the
Vampire while they remain in motion. The Vampire can also make a Will contest to avoid detection by supernatural
with preternatural speed or senses. They must remain in constant motion to take advantage of the Power.
Prerequisite: Unseen Tread 3
Cost: Free
Contest: Can be resisted

Uncommon Powers

Burning Tread
The Vampire can start fires from the friction of their footfalls when they run. The Vampire has no control over these
fires after they start, but they burn out after only several seconds. Among other uses, this Power can be used
offensively in combat, to destroy surfaces or objects the Vampire runs over, or to simply drive away other Kindred
(which trigger frenzy as normal). The Vampire doesn’t risk frenzy from these fires unless they’re prevented from
running away.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can fly through the air in any direction except upwards. The Vampire can fly as fast as they run and no
longer needs to be within reach of a solid surface. If the Vampire jumps off a high vantage point, they can soar
through the sky like a bird, potentially hundreds of feet in the air. The Vampire can’t gain altitude in mid-air. If the
Vampire vertically takes off from the ground, they can’t ascend higher than they can jump. The Vampire can still use
the Hover Power to gain altitude by “climbing” solid surfaces within their reach. In old times, many Vampires used
this Power in combination with Alacrity to travel great distances.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Hover 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Not There
This Power functions like Blink, except the Vampire doesn’t just blur: they straight-up vanish. They’re effectively
invisible for as long as they keep moving. The Vampire can kill or abduct someone, steal things, get into or out of
areas, and do it all without onlookers knowing who was there. The Vampire still makes noise, though, and the
aftereffects of their actions may be obvious. The Vampire must succeed on a Will contest to stay invisible to
supernaturals with preternatural speed or senses.
Prerequisite: Blink 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Speed of Thought
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Posthaste 3 to repetitive mental tasks, such as reading books, organizing
papers, or working through math equations.
Prerequisite: Posthaste 3 and Auspex 3

Level 5
Common Powers

Draught of Elegance
This Power functions like Draught of Elegance 4 except the drinkers gain one additional Power for every new Celerity
level they gain. These Powers must be known by the Vampire.
The drinker must gain Powers at the corresponding Celerity levels; for example, a drinker who gains Celerity 5 must
gain Alacrity, a Celerity 2 Power, a Celerity 3 Power, a Celerity 4 Power, and a Celerity 5 Power, rather than Alacrity
and four Celerity 5 Powers.

If the drinker already knows Celerity, they still gain new Powers at levels the drinker already knows. The draught can
be bottled up but is losing potency after a day.
Prerequisite: Draught of Elegance 4
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

This Power functions like Ghoststep, except the duration is extended. The Vampire can move through any number of
walls or solid barriers and avoid any number of environmental hazards while the Power is active. Additionally, if the
Vampire ventures into fire, sunlight, or banes, the successes rolled on activation are added to resist such damage.
Prerequisite: Ghoststep 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Interrupt 3 except the Vampire can take up to 1 action per successes rolled on activation
plus 1 action always. For example, the Vampire might stop a gunman from shooting someone by tackling them out of
the way, throwing away the gunman’s weapon, racing across town with the gunman back to their haven, chaining
the gunman to a bed, and any number of further possible actions. This Power can burn through a great deal of
blood, however. The Vampire can’t make more than one physical attack.
Prerequisite: Interrupt 4
Cost: Normal

Uncommon Powers

Burning Tread
This Power functions like Burning Tread 4 except the Vampire’s fires don’t gutter out after several seconds. Until
they’re extinguished by an external source, they keep burning. For obvious reasons, this Power can be extremely
dangerous for any Vampire to use. Slower Vampires can find it even more dangerous to face, though.
Prerequisite: Burning Tread 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can fly through the air in any direction, including upwards. The Vampire doesn’t need to be within
reach of a solid surface and can fly in a straight line from the ground to thousands of feet in the sky. The Vampire can
fly as fast as they run. When combined with Alacrity, this Power lets the Vampire rapidly travel vast distances, and
even cross oceans if they time their flight and have a means of navigation. This Power is also extremely useful at
escaping fights. Another popular use for this Power is to drop enemies from vast heights.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Glide 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Penumbral Sprint
The Vampire can run into extradimensional realms that overlap with mundane reality, such as the Shadowlands, the
Spirit World, or the nearest regions of the Hedge. The Vampire can only take whatever people or objects they can
carry. This Power can only be used to access a single extradimensional realm, determined when the Power is first
taught to the Vampire. The Vampire can learn this Power more than once to access additional realms, but such is
Cost: 1 Blood point per local Gauntlet rating, Shroud rating, or other applicable rating to determine how thick the
barrier between worlds is.

“His eyes met mine, and I swear I heard a voice whispering to me. The next thing I knew, officer, I was here.”
— unknown

Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with

the Vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the
Vampire's decree. Dominate is one of the most dreaded of Disciplines. It
is a Vampire’s ability to influence another person’s thoughts and actions
through her own force of will. Dominate requires that the Vampire
capture her victim’s gaze; as such, it may be used against only one
subject at a time. Further, commands must be issued verbally, although
simple orders may be made with signs — for example, a pointed finger
and forceful expression to indicate “Go!” However, the subject won’t
comply if he can’t understand the Vampire, no matter how powerful the
Kindred’s will is.
Dominate's aspect of the curse of vampirism is that it devalues the basics
of true friendship or intimacy. Dominate also dulls the empathy of the
user, and one must take care not to become accustomed to being
surrounded by sycophants at all times. Some become incapable of
understanding why anyone would not agree with them, follow their
commands or do whatever they can to serve them.
While undeniably powerful, its use almost always adheres to two important restrictions: the user must meet the
eyes of the target and must speak in a language that is clearly heard and understood by the target. Furthermore, this
Discipline cannot be used upon Cainites of lower generation and cannot force someone to be self-destructive or defy
their Nature. However, old blood is giving a measure of protection. Using Dominate is often considered very heavy-
handed, hardly appropriate within what passes for polite vampiric society, but it is also favored by those of age and
status as an efficient means of asserting their authority.

Clans: Lasombra, Tremere, Ventrue, Kiasyd

Nicknames: The lordly voice (common), mentis imperium (archaic), mesmerism (common), mind control (slang),
mindfucking (slang), the sanguine voice (archaic), snake charming (slang)

Type: Social
Masquerade Threat: Low. Barring someone Dominating an entire auditorium to jump off the cliffs of Dover, it
remains one of the more subtle vampiric powers.

Emotions: Dominate controls a victim’s actions and memories, not their emotions (which is the domain of Presence).
For example, someone commanded to forget a bitter fight with their spouse may still feel angry, but may chalk it to
up to just “being in a bad mood.” Given time for a victim’s altered memories to sink in (e.g., “you just got a big raise
at work”), the victim’s emotional affect may change accordingly, but it usually doesn’t do so immediately. For this
reason, prudent users of the Discipline instill victims with memories that reflect emotions they’ve experienced. (For
example, telling someone who witnessed a Vampire kill someone, “You almost got hit by a car! That was pretty
scary,” instead of, “You saw nothing.”). It’s also one of the areas where Ventrue can exercise Dominate and Presence
in efficient combination, as they can instill victims with new emotions to reflect their altered memories.

Eye Contact: The victim must see the Vampire’s eyes for Dominate to work. Deliberately avoiding eye contact gives
the Vampire a -3 penalty on sight-dependent activation rolls against the victim. Unless the Vampire can
communicate through supernatural means (such as Auspex 4), the victim must also be able to hear the Vampire and
understand their language.
Victims under a full blood bond to the Vampire are especially susceptible to Dominate. A regnant may use Dominate
Powers on a thrall without the need for eye contact; the thrall merely has to hear their regnant’s voice.

Limits: Commands resulting in obvious death or serious injury to the victim, or to anything they value as much as
their own life, fail automatically. Commands resulting in other social or physical harm, such as undressing in public or
attacking one’s allies in combat, take a penalty from -1 to -3 if the Vampire is already making a Dominate roll.
Dominated victims act with no independent judgment or initiative and follow the Vampire’s commands literally,
making it useless at extracting information (which requires the victim to exercise independent cognition in
answering questions).

Memories: Victims of Dominate don’t remember the Vampire giving them commands, or what they did while under
the Vampire’s thrall, unless the Vampire tells them to remember. The victim can realize they have a few moments
missing if pressed, or if they see evidence of the deeds they committed while under the Vampire’s thrall (such as
shooting their spouse and “waking up” to a corpse in front of them and a gun in their hands). Cruel applications of
Dominate can easily drive mortals mad.

Critical Failure: A critical failure is an activation roll missed by 5 or more, it leaves the target immune to all further
uses of Dominate by the Vampire for the rest of the night.

Resisting Dominate: Kindred always try to resist any Dominate power and have to roll every time a power is used on
them. If the victim doesn’t realize that a Dominate power is used on them, they get an additional -2 penalty on
• Mortals can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for each of the wielder’s Blood potency, Dominate levels and
successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Supernaturals can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for the wielder’s Dominate level and successes rolled on
the activation of the power. Add any powers as a bonus that help against mental attacks or control.
• Vampires resist Dominate by succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a -1 penalty for each of the
successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Vampires with higher Blood potency who are not of lower generation than the discipline using Vampire, get a
bonus to their saving throws against Dominate powers. This bonus equals the difference in Blood potency.
However, if their Blood potency is lower than the user’s, then they get a -1 penalty for each level of difference.
• Vampires with a lower Generation than the wielder are immune to Dominate powers.

Level 1
Common Powers

Cloud Memory
The Vampire can make the victim forget their memories of up to the past scene, enough to mask a superficial
feeding or a chance meeting. No new memories are formed and if pressed the victim realizes they have a few
minutes missing.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent

The Vampire can make the victim follow an immediate command, taking no more than several seconds to complete.
Cost: Normal

(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
The Vampire can command the victim to ignore a person, object, sound, or smell as if it weren’t there. The victim
subconsciously recognizes a person’s or object’s presence and will move around it to avoid bumping into it, but
otherwise ignores it completely unless it does something to draw significant attention (e.g., if an ignored person
starts loudly screaming, or an ignored object gets thrown in their face). The victim ignores a sound or smell no
matter what.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can command a living victim fall asleep. They wake up if someone does anything that would wake a
sleeping person. The victim doesn’t remember being asleep after they wake up.
Command 2 can also command a living victim to fall asleep in this way. This Power simply lets the Vampire do it early
(and opens up the more powerful Sleep Powers).
Requirement: The victim must be alive. Vampires, wraiths, and other undead creatures are immune to this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire can specify an earlier point for the victim to wake up.

Uncommon Powers

Askew Command
The Vampire can issue commands with other Dominate Powers in nonsensical but vaguely poetic-sounding
phraseology. For example, “You killed your wife” could become “Murder, you wrote,” while “Run away!” could
become, “Flap your wings, chicken.” The ‘fake’ command must be at least tangentially related to the real command.
The victim subliminally understands the real command, but no one else does. Onlookers may think the Vampire is
babbling nonsense.
This Power is widely taught among Malkavians, who enjoy it for the fact that it makes undoing their mental
tampering and predicting the actions of their pawns that much harder. The kooks also seem to have an uncanny
knack for understanding commands issued by fellow users of this Power.
Cost: Free

Somnolent Command
The Vampire can use Dominate on sleeping victims by touching them instead of making eye contact. The Vampire’s
commands slowly play out in the victim’s dreams and take effect when they awaken. This process takes longer but is
more efficient: reduce the cost of any Dominate Powers the Vampire uses on the victim by one Blood point, to a
minimum of 0.
Cost: Free

Level 2
Common Powers

The Vampire can make the victim follow a long and complex command, such as “When you see Henry, shoot him in
the head, put the gun in his hand, and drive back to your apartment.” The command can take up to the below
duration to execute.
Prerequisite: Command 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Varies.
• The rest of the night against mortals.
• One scene against a supernatural that didn’t pass the Will contest. Can be commanded by a number of actions
equal to the successes rolled on activation.

Delegate Authority
The Vampire can lend their Dominate to other people. For every level the Vampire lowers their Dominate, the
subject gains equally many Dominate levels, up to a maximum of Dominate 5. The subject gains as many of the
Vampire’s Powers as the Vampire wants them to know. A popular use for this Power is to empower trusted ghouls
during the day, when the Vampire already can’t act.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until the Vampire chooses to rescind the granted Dominate levels.

Forceful Decree
The Vampire doesn’t take a penalty (-1 to -3) on commands that result in social harm or indirect physical harm to
mortal or lesser supernatural victims, such as undressing in public or attacking one’s allies in combat. The Vampire
still can’t command victims to follow obviously suicidal or self-injurious orders.
Cost: Free

Irresistible Voice
The Vampire can use Dominate by voice alone on mortals and lesser supernatural who have the Vampire’s blood in
their systems, not just people who are fully blood bound to the Vampire. The Vampire can still only target one victim
with Dominate at once.
Cost: Free

The Vampire can rewrite the victim’s memories of the past 24 hours into anything they choose. False memories of
even the past few minutes can have potentially profound consequences for the victim: “You killed that man” and “I
wasn’t here” combine to frame a victim for murder. This Power does not allow the Vampire to investigate the
victim’s true memories; it more resembles blindly painting over the old canvas.
Prerequisite: Cloud Memory 1
Requirement: The Vampire must spend time describing the subject’s new memories to them. Longer memory
alterations take more time to describe.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent, but potentially not.
• The Vampire has to roll again on the activation if the victim encounters evidence their memories aren’t real. The
Contest penalty varies by the strength of the evidence, which can include intense questioning by people who believe
the victim’s memories were altered. On a setback, one fragment of the victim’s true memories returns for every
success by which the Vampire fails to meet the Contest. On a success, the victim dismisses what they see or
questions their own sanity.
• PCs who believe a victim’s memories were altered with this Power can interrogate (Interrogation skill) them with a
penalty (equal to the successes rolled on activation) and a bonus by the strength of any evidence they have to
present. Every success on the Interrogation skill reveals one fragment of the victim’s true memories. Other Vampires
who have this Power can use it to draw out all of the victim’s true memories at once with a Will contest. This process
is traumatic for the victim, especially ones who are weak-willed or have had more extensive memory alterations.
Victims who are sufficiently pressed may go mad or suffer other long-term cognitive impairments.

GM’s Note: This Power is a powerful plot tool, especially at the higher levels. The GM also strongly dislikes
“Character X erases Character Y’s memories” being used as a one size fits all plot tool. As such, there are built-in
mechanisms to make this Power potentially fail in direct proportion to how heavy-handed its usage is. Smaller
memory alterations with minimal contradictory evidence are much more likely to hold up than sweeping memory
alterations with an abundance of contradictory evidence. The sorts of “you remember a decades-long relationship
with a wife who never existed” feats are the province of elder Dominate levels—and even those are still subject to
the “less subtle usages are more likely to fail” rule.

This Power functions like Sleep 1, except the victim sleeps like the dead. Touching or moving them doesn’t wake
them. Even catastrophically loud noises like gunshots are ignored. The victim only wakes up in response to strong
physical stimuli—being repeatedly slapped, their face dunked in water, hit over the head with an object, etc.
Prerequisite: Sleep 1
Requirement: The victim must be alive. Vampires, wraiths, and other undead creatures are immune to this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire can specify an earlier point for the victim to wake up.

Stunning Awe
(Presence 2 amalgam)
This power allows a Vampire to slow a victim with a mixture
of terror and mystical compulsion. He need only lock gazes
with the target and unleash his monstrous will to stun them.
This power imposes a penalty (-1 per Blood potency of the
Vampire) on all the target’s actions. This penalty lasts a
number of turns equal to the successes rolled on activation,
after which it loses a -1 of potency each turn until the target is
free to act normally. If the Vampire’s Blood potency exceeds
the target’s by 5 or more (non-Vampires have 0 Blood
potency), then the duration is measured in minutes rather
than turns. If a stunned target suffers any pain, her player
may roll on Will, each success reduces the penalty by a -1.
This resistance roll may be attempted only once per turn and
only once for the same stimulus.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Varies.

Uncommon Powers

The Haunting
The Vampire manipulates the sensory centres of their victim’s
brain, flooding the victim’s senses with visions, sounds,
scents, or feelings that aren’t really there. The images,
regardless of the sense to which they appeal, are only fleeting
“glimpses,” barely perceptible to the victim. The Vampire
cannot control what the victim perceives, but may choose which sense is affected.
The “haunting” effects occur mainly when the victim is alone, and mostly at night. They may take the form of the
subject’s repressed fears, guilty memories, or anything else that the GM finds dramatically appropriate. The effects
are never pleasant or unobtrusive, however, and make it impossible for the victim to perform complex or strenuous
tasks: if they still try, rolls take a -4 penalty. The GM should let their imagination run wild when describing these
sensory impressions; the victim may well feel as if they are going mad, or as if the world is.
This Power is widely taught among Malkavians.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One hour per success rolled on activation

Message In A Bottle
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
Communication is key for political organization, and covert communication is essential for oppositional social
movements. Mortal insurgencies have used everything from encrypted emails to blind drops to a message the
recipient had to shave the messenger’s head to read. It was to be expected that the Anarchs would apply Disciplines
to this age-old problem.
Typically, reading an item with The Spirit’s Touch reveals some information about the item’s past, and no one
(neither reader nor the object’s last possessor) has any input into the vision’s content. This Power changes that.
By holding an item and using Message in a Bottle, the Vampire can manipulate the item’s psychic imprint. Anyone
who later uses The Spirit’s Touch on the item receives a short vision of the Vampire’s choice, about 15–30 seconds’
There are many applications for this Power. Securing messages (at least, secure from people without mid-range
Auspex) is the most obvious. Planting evidence with false impressions for arrival whom the Vampire knows can read
impressions is more devious. Or, for the paranoid, it’s always safe to cleanse important objects so that more
meaningful data can’t be mined from them.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One year

Level 3
Common Powers

Aspect of the Beast

(Animalism 3 amalgam)
By calling upon another Kindred’s Beast, an anarch using this power causes his target to display the mien of an
animal. In some cases, the target actually resembles a literal beast-man hybrid, but in most situations, people
affected by this power are left with a vague and unsettling impression that the focal personality of this power
reminds them uncomfortably of an animal.
The subject of this power is the person who looks upon the character with the animal aspect. The subject sees the
character as if he had some animal characteristic. A cold Ventrue might appear as a shark, while a cunning Nosferatu
might appear as a loathsome fox. If the subject’s Will is less than 7, the character literally appears as a “beast-man”
and probably causes some sort of panicked reaction. Subjects with Will scores above 7 are left with the distinct
impression that the character reminds them of an animal. Roleplay this reaction accordingly, or simply add a -2
penalty to all Social rolls faced by the animal-aspected character.
The animal impression conjured should be a logical result of the given character’s personality. A timid character, for
example, is unlikely to appear as a bear, while a noble character probably does not have the aspect of a snake. The
Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether or not a certain aspect is suitable to a given character and how the affected
character (if someone other than a player’s character is affected) reacts.
Note that this power is an application of the Dominate Discipline. The Kindred invoking the Discipline must be of
equal or lower generation than her subject, or the power simply fails to work. Additionally, this power affects only
one character at a time. That is, each use of this power convinces one character of another person’s animal nature.
The user may convince multiple people that the character in question is somehow bestial, and he may even choose a
different animal for various subjects to see, but doing so requires separate uses of the power.
Prerequisite: Animalism 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power enhances the effects of Command 2 against mortal victims. Once the Vampire crushes their will, they’re
helpless to resist further. The Vampire can issue the victim an unlimited number of commands for the rest of the
night, rather than just a single command with a night-long duration.
Prerequisite: Command 2
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Forceful Decree
This Power functions like Forceful Decree 2, except it also works on victims who are Vampires and other true
Prerequisite: Forceful Decree 2
Cost: Free

Irresistible Voice
The Vampire can use Dominate by voice alone on other Vampires and true supernatural who have the Vampire’s
blood in their systems, not just people who are fully blood bound to the Vampire. The Vampire can still only target
one victim with Dominate at once.
Prerequisite: Irresistible Voice 2
Cost: Free

Memory Block
The Vampire can stop someone from talking about or revealing specific information without forgetting it. When
questioned about the memory or detail, the victim discovers they cannot say out loud or even write down the
blocked information. This is useful when a servant needs to possess classified data, but the Vampire wants to be
certain they cannot reveal it, even under torture.
Prerequisite: Misremember 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent. Another Vampire with Dominate can try to unblock the victim’s information with a Blood point
and Will contest. This process is traumatic for the victim and inflicts mental strains and derangements.

This Power functions as Misremember 2, except the Vampire can rewrite any of the victim’s memories from the past
Prerequisite: Misremember 2
Requirement: The Vampire must spend time describing the subject’s new memories to them. Longer memory
alterations take more time to describe.
Cost: Normal
Duration: As Misremember 2

(Auspex 3 amalgam)
By concentrating, the Vampire can see perceive through the senses of a victim who’s fully blood bound to them or
under the effects of a non-permanent Dominate Power they’ve used. The Vampire can also speak through the
victim’s mouth in their own voice.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Sleep 2, except the Vampire can use it on Vampires, wraiths, and other undead creatures.
No stimulus short of hurting the victim can wake them. Additionally, the Power’s duration increases to up to one
Command 2 can also command a living victim to fall asleep in this way. This Power simply lets the Vampire do it early
(and opens up the more powerful Sleep Powers).
Prerequisite: Sleep 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Varies.
• One night vs. mortals and supernatural with lower power than the Vampire.
• One scene vs. supernatural with equal or higher power than the Vampire.
The Vampire can specify an earlier point for the victim to wake up.

Smiling Jack’s Trick

(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
Attributed to the rogue anarch Smiling Jack, this power causes a Kindred to confuse one Kindred with another. For a
brief period, the subject consistently mistakes the user of this gift with another Kindred in the immediate vicinity.
According to the story, Jack found himself caught by a scourge and his lieutenant. Invoking this power, Jack made the
scourge believe that his lieutenant was actually the anarch and vice versa. As the scourge turned his attentions to
the lieutenant, Jack escaped into the night, cackling all the while.
The player makes a contested Will roll, if the subject gains more successes, the power fails. If the character succeeds,
the subject briefly but unfalteringly transposes the character using the power with another Kindred in her line of
sight. From there on out, it’s up the character to make the best of the situation, but the strangeness of the change
usually buys enough time to escape, if not to completely change the anarch’s position.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Submerged Directive
The Vampire can embed a post-hypnotic command in a victim, such as “Kill your spouse on October 25th.” The
Vampire can’t embed more than one command in the same victim, but can pack multiple clauses into the same
command, such as “Kill your spouse on October 25th if they leave the house, but not if they leave their briefcase
behind or ask you to come with them.” This Power can be especially effective when paired with Declarations, which
let the Vampire declare someone was Dominated by them all along.
If the Vampire knows a Power that can alter memories, the Vampire can embed a command for the victim to forget
things, remember false things, or remember real things as if the Vampire had used the memory-altering Power (or
cancelled its effects) on the victim.
Prerequisite: Command 2
Requirement: Victims can only have one Submerged Directive embedded in their heads at a time, but people can
walk around with orders buried in their heads for years.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Varies.
• Permanent against mortals or supernatural with lower power than the Vampire.
• One year against supernatural with equal power.
• One scene against supernatural with higher power.

Uncommon Powers

Dynastic Sovereignty
The Vampire can more easily command mortals who are their biological relatives. This Power has several effects:
• The Vampire pays no Blood cost to use Dominate Powers against such mortals.
• If the Power would already be free, the Vampire increases its duration by one increment: one action to scene,
scene to night, night to week, week to month, month to year, year to permanent.
• The Vampire takes a +2 bonus on all Dominate activation rolls connected to their relatives.
This Power offers no benefit against relatives with supernatural powers unless they are ghouls to the Vampire. This
Power is very popular among the Giovannini.
Cost: Free

Mind’s Eye
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
With this power, an archon or templar can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound,
scent and other details – all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred.
While Mind’s Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provide the most accurate report
possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering.
The character must make eye contact with the subject (unless she possesses a power that allows her to use
Dominate with touch or at a distance, in which case she may use these other techniques instead). If the subject is
cooperating, or is an unwilling mortal or Kindred of higher generation than the character, the character need merely
make the activation roll.
The character may attempt to locate a specific memory in one of two ways. She may either search by time (“Let me
see what was happening to you yesterday at midnight”) or by event (“I’m going to find out what you said to him at
your last meeting!”) A critical failure by 5 or more on the activation instead allows the subject to see one of the
character’s memories (chosen randomly by the Storyteller) and renders that subject immune to any further uses of
Mind’s Eye by that specific character for the remainder of the scene.
The clarity of the memories experienced depends on the successes rolled and the time elapsed since the events
actually occurred. The elapsed time indicated on the table below is for clear, accurate memories only; the character
can actually experience memories of one category older, but with a substantial loss of detail and accuracy
(Storyteller’s call as to what is correct and what is not).
Successes Age of memories available
1 Within the last hour
2 Within the last day
3 Within the last week
4 Within the last month
5 Within the last year
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal

The Grand Delusion

The Vampire can make the victim believe something that isn’t true: that someone is poisoning their food, that a
doppelganger has replaced their loved one, that something lives in the shadows of their apartment, and so on. The
Vampire defines the victim’s exact beliefs, but can’t control their reaction to those beliefs. For example, the Vampire
can force someone to believe that their friends hate them, but not that they must attack their friends.
This Power is frequently shared among Malkavians.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Wordless Command
The Vampire can use Dominate on victims telepathically, without any need to speak aloud. The Vampire still must
make eye contact with the victim. Any power used like this costs one more Blood point.
Cost: Free

Level 4
Common Powers

This Power enhances the effects of Command 2 against lesser supernatural (ghouls, hunters, thin-bloods, etc.). Once
the Vampire crushes their will, they’re helpless to resist further. The Vampire can issue the victim an unlimited
number of commands for the rest of the night, rather than just a single command with a night-long duration. The
Vampire also no longer has to pay a Blood point, regardless of their Blood Potency.
Prerequisite: Command 3
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal or lesser supernatural.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Through sustained manipulation, the Vampire can make a victim more pliant to their will. The Vampire no longer
needs to make Blood points to use Dominate Powers on the victim and does not need to make eye contact with
them: it’s enough for the victim just to hear the Vampire’s voice, even over the phone. If other supernatural try to
affect the victim with mind-influencing powers, they get a -5 penalty to activation rolls.
The Vampire must pay a high price for the mind they’ve ensnared, however. Victims Dominated in this way lose
much of their passion and individuality. They follow the Vampire’s orders quite literally, seldom taking initiative or
showing any imagination, even when they aren’t Dominated. In the end, such victims become like automatons.
Only mortals, ghouls, and other lesser supernatural can be affected by this Power. The Beast in vampiric would-be
victims rebels against such sustained control, while other true supernatural have their own mental defenses.
Requirement: The Vampire must repeatedly condition the victim over a period of weeks.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Don’t bother to roll against victims with no particular reason to dislike or rebel against the Vampire. Given
the extended nature of this roll, the Vampire may do a roll every week until he manages to get 5 consecutive

The Vampire can place a victim into a suggestive, trance-like state where they briefly answer questions to the best of
their knowledge. The victim can’t respond with any answers besides “yes” or “no.” If a yes or no answer wouldn’t be
applicable, the victim says nothing.
Like other Dominate Powers, the victim doesn’t remember what actions they performed while under the Vampire’s
influence, but the emotions they felt don’t go away. Thus, if the victim is made to disclose information they badly
wanted to keep secret, they will have a sinking feeling they said something they shouldn’t have. Mortal victims may
not know what to make of this, but other Vampires may suspect they were Dominated.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Irresistible Voice
The Vampire can use Dominate by voice alone on anyone who has lower Blood Potency. The Vampire can still only
target one victim with Dominate at once.
Prerequisite: Irresistible Voice 3
Cost: Free

Mass Manipulation
The Vampire can amplify any of their other Dominate Powers to affect a group of mortals at once, as well as anyone
with the Vampire’s blood in their system. The Vampire can use this Power to issue instructions and to manipulate
Requirement: All of the victims need to see the Vampire’s eyes.
Cost: An additional Blood point for every 5 targets

This Power functions as Misremember 2, except the Vampire can rewrite any of the victim’s memories from the past
Prerequisite: Misremember 3
Requirement: The Vampire must spend time describing the subject’s new memories to them. Longer memory
alterations take more time to describe.
Cost: Normal
Duration: As Misremember 2

Uncommon Powers

Aura of Inescapable Truth

(Presence 4 amalgam)
A Vampire with this power can ensure that only truth is spoken in his presence. All beings who speak within earshot
of the Cainite are incapable of telling a deliberate untruth while this power is active. Those who attempt to lie will
choke on their own words, unable to speak. Those affected by this power may impart mistaken information if they
are not aware that they are not telling the truth.
Use of this power is obvious to all whom it affects, and in no way it restricts them from leaving the area of effect.
Once a target is no longer in the presence of the Vampire, she is no longer affected.
If Aura of Inescapable Truth is used on Cainites, it affects only those of lesser generation than its user, as with other
uses of Dominate. The effect of the power is based on the number of successes rolled
1 success: The next statement made by those affected must be truthful.
2 successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the next full minute.
3 successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the next 10 minutes.
4 successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the remainder of the scene.
5 successes: Those affected must speak the truth for as long as they stay in the user’s presence.
Prerequisite: Presence 4
Cost: Normal

Chain of Command
The Vampire can force their own will into their victim, imparting a single use of any Dominate Power they know for
the victim to use later. The Vampire must clearly explain on whom the victim must use the gift, and how. The
Vampire can give a general description, such as “the first person you see wearing red.” Or, the Vampire can be very
specific: “Tell this to Gregor at 11:45 P.M. sharp.”
Requirement: The Vampire must have already Dominated the victim.
Cost: Normal

Chaos Fold
(Dementation 4 amalgam)
Malkavians among the anarchs are more common than one might think, and this power proves just how much they
can offer the movement if they truly take it to heart. This power allows a Malkavian to “fold” one of their
derangements into the mind of a subject and key it to manifest at a certain event. Until the event takes place, the
subject is unaffected by the derangement, and it may subsequently vanish thereafter, but to the anarchs, that’s the
beauty of this power. It makes the victim completely capricious and unreliable, which can be a boon if they’re trying
to make a case against someone’s credibility.
The trigger event can be as specific or as vague as the Kindred wishes, from “when you next meet with the prince” to
“the next time you feel hunger on a Friday after midnight.” When the circumstances are right, the subject suffers a
full-blown attack of the derangement in question. If the Kindred obtained five successes on the resisted roll, the
derangement manifests permanently at that point.
Note that this is a Dominate power as well. As such, it requires eye contact and that the user be of equal or lower
generation than the subject. The subject will not necessarily know what’s happening as the character puts the
derangement in place. In fact, unless she’s particularly suspicious or the situation is suitably uncommon, she
probably won’t give it a second thought.
Prerequisite: Dementation 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Night

Possess Thrall
This Power functions as the Possession 5 Power, except the Vampire can only use it on ghouls under a third stage
blood bond to them.
The Vampire takes over a victim’s body and controls it as if it were their own. The Vampire’s body enters torpor. The
Vampire uses the victim’s Physical Attributes (ST, DX and HT) and their own IQ and Skills. The Vampire can use any
Disciplines they or the victim know by making an additional Blood point whenever they do so. The Vampire can’t use
any non-vampiric supernatural powers the victim possesses, and can’t use any Disciplines during the day without
spending two additional Blood points whenever they do. If the victim’s body dies while the Vampire possesses it, the
feedback causes serious damage and the Vampire suffer 2d damage.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

The Vampire’s victims now believe that anything they do
under the influence of Dominate was a result of their own free
will, and defend their actions, however absurd. If the victim is
pressed on their belief, they can add the successes rolled on
the activation of the original power as a bonus to support any
rolls that would help them oppose anyone trying to tell them
the truth. A setback lets the victim question their own
statement, and possibly their sanity. Long-term exposure to
this Power can lead to severe mental trauma in the victim.
Cost: Free

Voice of Madness
By addressing their victims aloud, the Vampire can drive them
into fits of blind rage or fear, forcing them to abandon reason
and higher thought. Victims are plagued by hallucinations of
their subconscious demons, and try to flee or destroy their
hidden shames. Tragedy almost always follows in the wake of
this Power’s use, though offending Malkavians often claim
that they were merely encouraging people to act “according
to their natures.”
This Power is widely taught among Malkavians.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Roll once and compare the result against every
victim’s roll, some may succumb and some may resist.
Affected victims fly immediately into frenzy or a blind fear.
Mortals don’t remember their actions while berserk.
Duration: Scene.

Level 5
Common Powers

This Power functions like Interrogate 4, except the Vampire isn’t limited to “yes” or “no” questions—they can ask the
victim any question that can be answered in a single word. If a one-word answer wouldn’t be applicable, the victim
says nothing.
Prerequisite: Interrogate 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Irresistible Decree
This Power functions as Forceful Decree, except the Vampire can also command the victim to do anything that
wouldn’t directly kill them. Self-injurious commands for the victim to stick their hand in a boiling pot, gouge out their
own eyes, or jump off the roof of a house are all fair game. The victim only balks at obviously suicidal commands like
shooting themselves in the head or slitting their own throat.
Prerequisite: Forceful Decree 3
Cost: Free

Irresistible Voice
The Vampire can use Dominate by voice alone on anyone, still only targeting one victim with Dominate at once.
Prerequisite: Irresistible Voice 4
Cost: Free

Mass Manipulation
This Power functions like Mass Manipulation 4, except the Vampire can amplify their Dominate Powers to affect a
group of lesser supernatural at once, as well as any Vampire who has a lower Blood Potency.
Prerequisite: Mass Manipulation 4
Requirement: All of the victims need to see the Vampire’s eyes.
Cost: An additional Blood point for every 5 targets
Duration: As Power amplified.

This Power functions as Misremember 2, the Vampire can rewrite any of the victim’s memories from the past year.
Prerequisite: Misremember 4
Requirement: The Vampire must spend time describing the subject’s new memories to them. Longer memory
alterations take more time to describe.
Cost: Normal
Duration: As Misremember 2

The Vampire takes over a victim’s body and controls it as if it were their own. The Vampire’s body enters torpor. The
Vampire uses the victim’s Physical Attributes (ST, DX and HT) and their own IQ and Skills. The Vampire can use any
Disciplines they or the victim know by making an additional Blood point whenever they do so. The Vampire can’t use
any non-vampiric supernatural powers the victim possesses, and can’t use any Disciplines during the day without
spending two additional Blood points whenever they do. If the victim’s body dies while the Vampire possesses it, the
feedback causes serious damage and the Vampire suffer 2d damage.
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal or lesser supernatural. True supernatural can only be possessed if they
are under a third stage blood bond to the Vampire.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

Uncommon Powers

Spectral Puppeteer
Only a few Malkavians and Tremere have mastered this diabolical art, which allows the Vampire also use the
Possession power while astrally projecting. If the Vampire succeeds in displacing the victim’s soul, their astral body
flows into the victim’s mouth and assumes control. If the Vampire leaves the victim voluntarily, their astral form
reforms outside the victim’s body and may continue moving and acting normally. The death of a possessed victim
instantly evicts the Vampire and severs their astral cord, forcing them to walk back to their body at normal speed.
This Power is often used to discredit or frame rivals while establishing a perfect alibi for the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Possession 5, Twilight Projection 5
Cost: Free

“He stood alone in the center of the road. When that 18-wheeler hit him, you could hear the impact for miles. I’ll
never know how the Gangrel stayed in one piece. The truck sure didn’t.”
— Jezebel, Malkavian Neonate

Fortitude is a Discipline that grants Kindred unearthly toughness, even

to the point of resisting aggravated damage.
Although all Vampires have an unnatural constitution that make them
much sturdier than mortals, Fortitude bestows a resilience that would
make an action movie hero envious. Vampires with this Discipline can
shrug off agonizing trauma and make the most bone-shattering impact
look like a flesh wound. The power even offers protection against the
traditional banes of Vampires, such as sunlight and fire, and the Gangrel,
Ravnos, and Ventrue all find that edge incredibly useful.
Fortitude grants the Cainite the ability to resist all kinds of damage,
however it fulfills its part of God's curse in that it bred arrogance and
overconfidence. Sometimes, Cainite masters of Fortitude become
convinced of their own indestructibility to the point that they disregard
even mortal danger, as their survival instincts slowly atrophy.

Clans: Gangrel, Ravnos, Salubri, Ventrue, Blood Brothers, Gargoyles, Samedi, Daughters of Cacophony
Nicknames: Bricking up (slang), god mode (slang), resistentia (archaic), stone flesh (common), stone skin (common)

Type: Physical
Masquerade Threat: Medium. Eyewitnesses undoubtedly react upon someone taking a terminal beating or a hail of
bullets and getting back up seemingly unhurt. Favorite cover-up explanations include erroneous recollection in the
excitement (the bullets only seemed to hit), special effects (MeVid prank), or the tried- and-tested “must have been
on PCP” rationale.

Fortitude Augmenting Power: Resilience

The Vampire must take Resilience for their first level one Fortitude Power. There are no activation rolls connected to
this power. Resilience can be learned by every Vampire however, it costs much more than having the Physical
discipline as a Primary or Secondary discipline of the clan package. Other powers and devotions are still locked for
any Vampire that doesn’t have the Physical disciplines in their clan setup.

Blood potency: Every Vampire can add their Blood potency level to the DR and HT score of Resilience.

The Vampire becomes resilient and tough while using this power. He is able to shrug off damage that would kill a
mere human or incapacitate a Vampire. Resilience adds damage resistance against any physical source, including
fire, sun and other aggravated damage types.
Augmenting powers always cost Blood Points, 1 Blood point per level, even for the oldest of the Kindred. For
Resilience, the cost in Blood is calculated as an average of the levels of damage resistance and duration rounded
down. The highest level must be known, for both damage resistance and duration, to the Vampire that he wants to
use. Blood used to power Resilience may exceed the Vampire’s generational limit.
For example, a Ventrue with Resilience 4 can use it to receive +8 DR for 4 hours at a cost of 4 Blood points. He can
also take the level 4 DR and level 1 duration, having +8 DR for a minute costing him 2 Blood points (4+1 for the levels
divided by 2 = 2.5 = 2 Blood points). If the Ventrue would have Blood potency at 3 then he would get +3 to his DR
and HT rolls, applicable to any Resilience level.

Level Damage Resistance Duration Point Cost

1 +2 to DR and HT rolls 1 min 2/4/8

2 +4 to DR and HT rolls 30 min 4/8/16

3 +6 to DR and HT rolls 1 hour 8/16/24

4 +8 to DR and HT rolls 4 hours 16/24/36

5 +10 to DR and HT rolls 8 hours 24/36/48

Level 1
Common Powers

The Vampire is immune to harm from non-automatic firearms small enough to wield in one hand (handguns and
revolvers). Characters with firearms that have special properties, dragonsbreath rounds (almost uniformly illegal in
the World of Darkness thanks to vampiric influence) and ammunition that incorporates the Vampire’s banes can
harm them normally.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 2 Power.
Prerequisite: This power works only if Resilience is active.
Cost: Free

Give’em Hell
(Presence 3 amalgam)
Champions of the anarch cause have the power to motivate their fellows when push comes to shove and the only
choice left is violent action. This power allows a Kindred to stir his allies with valor and courage in the most
desperate of situations, rallying them to the fight. The anarch stands and cuts an imposing figure on the battlefield
and bolsters the bravery of those following him.
The player must be visible to those he wishes to affect, and he chooses who receives the benefit of his display of
heroism. Based on which physical Discipline he used as the basis of this power (Fortitude or Potence), the character
makes a display of his greatness in combat. For example, if he used Potence as the basis of this power, he might toss
aside a barricade intended to block attackers. If he used Fortitude, he might shrug off what looks like a crippling
blow. Thereafter, the characters he selected to use the power upon gain +3 to any roll involving a Will roll defending
against a fear or demoralization effect (the Storyteller is the final arbiter here). In some cases, this power has even
incited anarchs to acts of kamikaze sacrifice, throwing themselves boldly into the hero’s cause. The player rolls on
activation, with each success enabling up to three characters (as well as the user himself, if he wishes) to enjoy the
Note, however, that the character invoking the power chooses who it affects. Cynics whisper that traitors to the
cause have used this power to embolden the anarchs’ foes just before abandoning the cause and hanging the
anarchs out to dry.
Prerequisite: Presence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Guardian Vigil
(Auspex 1, Celerity 1 amalgam)
Developed by anarchs posted as guards, this power allows a Kindred to maintain an aware but trancelike state of
readiness, in which he’s poised like a cat to react to the first sign of imminent danger.
The player spends a blood point. For the duration of the night, the character cannot be surprised by conventional
means as long as he stays in one place (not traversing an area longer than a few footsteps). In game terms, the
character is considered to automatically have initiative for a single turn if someone acts against him or does
something that he can perceive and attempt to stop. For example, a character might dodge a bullet almost before
his attacker fires, or he could move to intercept an intruder just as the intruder starts to dash past. The upshot is that
the character becomes aware that something is about to happen to him and reacts just in time to do something
about it.
Supernatural effects that would cloak or otherwise protect the potential transgressor must be of a higher level than
that of any of the prerequisite Disciplines levels that make up of this power. That is, a character attempting to sneak
past the anarch must have an Obfuscate of level two or higher. The vigil also forestalls mundane means as well. An
attempt to move using Stealth is susceptible regardless of how many levels the other character has.
The action taken against the character must also affect him directly and immediately for this power to prove of any
value. A sniper would find himself foiled if he tried to shoot the character, but a camera planted in the building
during the day and activated remotely at night would have no chance of being detected under the use of this power.
Note that this power lasts for a single turn and then expires. Therefore, if a combat occurs, the character using this
power has the benefit of initiative for only the first turn, then he must act as normal thereafter. A character may
activate this power as many times as he wishes in the same night, but each activation works only for one immediate
threat. A character cannot “stack” turns of guaranteed initiative.
Prerequisite: Celerity 1 and Auspex 1
Cost: Normal

The Vampire roots themselves to a single spot. No force with lower Strength than the Vampire’s Stamina can move
them from where they are. The Vampire takes a +5 bonus on rolls to avoid being moved by stronger forces.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire is immune to damaging melee attacks and unarmed attacks from characters without any levels in
Potence. Attacks with special weapons, stakes, fire, and banes still harm the Vampire normally. (Note, however, that
stakes are inefficient weapons and take a penalty if not used in ambushes or as the finishing move in a fight.) The
Vampire can also still be grappled, tripped, and otherwise hindered by characters whose attacks they’re immune
to—they just can’t be directly harmed.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 2 Power.
Prerequisite: This power works only if Resilience is active.
Cost: Free

Inviolable Mind
The Vampire can add a +2 bonus to resist being swayed through mundane charms, coercion, and wiles. Some
Vampires exhibit Inviolable Mind as zen-like calm, others as supernatural stubbornness.
Prerequisite: This power works only if Resilience is active.
Cost: Free

The Vampire’s flesh knits back together more efficiently during their slumber. The Vampire has their aggravated
wound healing at a rate of 3 HP per 4 Blood points while in daysleep.
Ghouls who take this Power instead heal faster; their healing is doubled. A ghoul maimed almost to the point of
death can be up in slightly under two days without any medical care.
Cost: Free

See You in Hell
Whenever the Vampire would be torpored or destroyed, they can use a single Power or take a single action. This
can’t be a Power or action that would save the Vampire (e.g., healing their wounds). Despite this Power’s name, the
Vampire doesn’t have to attack opponents with it—they can also use it to protect allies, destroy things they don’t
want enemies to get their hands on, or any other potentially final actions.
Cost: Normal

Slowed Metabolism
The ghoul is less encumbered by human biological needs.
• They only need to eat one-third as often. A single meal fills them for a day.
• They only need half as much sleep.
• They can hold their breath for twice as many minutes.
• They get a +2 bonus on rolls to resist mundane poisons and diseases. The ghoul rarely gets sick.
Cost: Free

The Vampire can resist the call of daysleep. By using a
Blood point, they can automatically awaken during the
day or stay awake for an additional scene but they still
receive all the limitations for being active.
Cost: As above.

Uncommon Powers

The Badger’s Hide

(Protean 4 amalgam)
As might be suspected, the Protean-based combination
power was developed by a Gangrel. When the Kindred
uses this power, his skin becomes tough and leathery to
the touch. As a badger’s hide repels the stings of bees
while it takes their honey, so does the Vampire’s skin
repel attacks that would pierce his flesh.
For the remainder of the scene, any attacks that pierce
(but not cut — Storytellers, make a suitable judgment
call), such as stabbing knives or impaling spikes and
spears, have their damage halved after DR is applied.
Round down, though any successful attack does a
minimum of 1 HP of damage.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The ghoul is extremely fertile. Anyone they have unprotected intercourse with who’s capable of impregnating the
ghoul automatically does so. By using a Blood point, the ghoul can become pregnant even if they or their partner is
using protection. The pregnancy will be free of (natural) complications and the child born fit and healthy.
This Power is less popular than its counterpart (Virility), as domitors who want to breed their ghouls usually find it
more convenient to do so with studs: they don’t have to be weaned from vitae for nine months (fatal for elder
ghouls, and still causes younger ones to catch up to their true age). Still, it’s used by domitors with sufficiently young
childbearing ghouls they want to breed.
Requirement: The ghoul must have been born with female genitalia.
Cost: Free

Iron Facade
(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
The Vampire appears completely unaffected by any injuries they suffer, no matter how severe. The Vampire can
make existing injuries seemingly vanish or can just appear unimpaired by them. This can change the social dynamics
of many situations if the Vampire appears to take someone’s best shot and shrug it off. It can also conceal
vulnerabilities to banes and other weaknesses. Supernaturals with Auspex or other preternatural senses can see
through this power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Magic Resistance
The Vampire is inherently resistant to magic and receives a +1 bonus on rolls to resist Blood Sorcery.
Prerequisite: The Vampire can’t have any levels in Blood Sorcery.
Cost: Free

Supernatural Resistance
The ghoul can use their Fortitude levels as their Supernatural Tolerance score for purposes of resisting supernatural
powers. A ghoul who’s targeted by a Vampire’s Dominate could use their Fortitude score to resist, for example. This
Power allows the ghoul to compete on even rather than disadvantaged footing.
Domitors rarely allow any but their most trusted ghouls to learn this Power. While there is obvious benefit to one’s
servants being harder to suborn by rivals, it can be a double-edged sword if the ghoul ever gets rebellious.
Independent ghouls, though, greatly prize this Power.
Cost: Free

Toughest SOB In The Room

(Presence 1 amalgam)
Sometimes people won’t listen. Sometimes things get physical before you’re done talking. But goddammit, they’re
going to listen, because you’re the toughest sonuvabitch in the room. When the Vampire activates this Power, any
penalty they’d take from injuries gives them an equal bonus instead to any Social skill roll to intimidate or coerce.
Prerequisite: Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Level 2
Common Powers

The Vampire is immune to harm from all non-automatic firearms. Characters with firearms that have special
properties, dragonsbreath rounds (almost uniformly illegal in the World of Darkness thanks to vampiric influence)
and ammunition that incorporates the Vampire’s banes can harm them normally.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 3 Power.
Prerequisite: Bulletproof 1
Cost: Free

Fenris’ Talons
(Protean 2 amalgam)
The einherjar of Scandinavia are known equally for their superlative hunting skills and unmatched savagery in battle.
Vampires who master this Discipline technique may choose to grow massive 6-inch talons befitting the Fenris Wolf
instead of the lesser claws normally grown with Talons of the Beast (Protean 2). These fearsome talons glisten
metallic black, and can rend wood and metal as easily as flesh.

The character may extend great claws using Talons of the Beast (at the same blood point cost). Change the damage
you inflict with a punch from crushing to your choice of cutting or impaling. These near-indestructible weapons
inflict an extra +2 damage per die in combat. Due to their bulk, the talons impose a -2 penalty on all DX related tasks
involving fine manipulation. Characters with this Discipline technique may grow the smaller claws of Talons of the
Beast if they desire, although few einherjar ever do.
Prerequisite: Protean 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Immovable 1, except no one else can move past the Vampire either: an invisible force holds
them at bay until the Vampire falls. This Power is one of the most freely shared by Kindred with their ghouls and
childer. Unsurprisingly, fewer elders tend to use it.
Prerequisite: Immovable 1
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted. Roll once and compare the result against every opponent’s roll, some may succumb and
some may resist. On a failure, the affected opponents can’t move past the Vampire, though they can retreat away.
Duration: Scene or until the Vampire is destroyed or torpored.

The Vampire is immune to damaging melee attacks and unarmed attacks from characters with less levels in Potence
than they have in Fortitude. Attacks with special weapons, stakes, fire, and banes still harm the Vampire normally.
(note, however, that stakes are inefficient weapons and take a penalty if not used in ambushes or as the finishing
move in a fight). The Vampire can also still be grappled, tripped, and otherwise hindered by characters whose
attacks they’re immune to—they just can’t be directly harmed.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 3 Power.
Prerequisite: Impervious 1
Cost: Free

Inviolable Mind
The Vampire can add a +3 bonus to resist being swayed through mundane charms, coercion, and wiles and a +1
bonus to resist being mentally swayed through supernatural means (e.g., Dominate or Presence).
Prerequisite: Inviolable Mind 1, This power works only if Resilience is active.
Cost: Free

King of the Hill

(Presence 2 amalgam)
A character who possesses this power cannot be knocked off his feet. Even if a stampeding animal charges him or a
car runs him over, the Kindred remains rooted to the spot, adamant refusing to yield his posture. This power was
developed by a gang leader in the Anarch Free State, who is rumored to have met his Final Death after being hit by a
train in an attempt to see just how far the power would protect him. Unfortunately for this anarch, King of the Hill
doesn’t confer any extra resistance to damage, it prevents the Kindred from being knocked aside or to the ground.
This power is considered “always on,” though a character may choose to turn it off. Quite simply, the character
cannot be knocked aside or down — he stands his ground. Whatever caused the impact must yield instead. In most
cases, this presents no problem, as the person hitting the character absorbs the stress instead. In some cases,
however, this power is a downright threat to the Masquerade, as a car will rebound off the character.
If the impact of whatever causes the damage is so great that it kills the Kindred, this power immediately ceases to
work, and his corpse (or whatever remains of it) is battered aside. This is presumably why the train that hit the gang
boss wasn’t derailed. Small objects, such as bullets, may also “blow through” at the Storyteller’s discretion, though
they are just as likely to be lodged in the Kindred’s body.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Long March
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
From their isolated stronghold of Alamut and enclaves across the Holy Land, the Banu Haqim cross leages of rock
and sand by foot to strike at their foes and deliver messages to allies. In Europe, many Assamites have escaped
persecution by vanishing into the night far swifter than even mounted pursuers. A few Gangrel also know this power,
though they prefer to employ it in beast form when crossing the dangerous territory of rival clanmates or Lupines.
Long March may be used whenever the character is moving on foot for a protracted period of time. Its effects are
not nearly as drastic as combat Celerity, but neither is it so draining.
At the beginning of each hour of steady travel, the player spends a number of blood points equal to half the
character’s Celerity rating. The character’s overland movement rate is multiplied by her Celerity rating. This bonus
immediately ends if the character halts or slows for more than a minute each hour. Long March can only be
sustained for a number of hours each night equal to the character’s Fortitude rating, and the power has no
application in combat.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2
Cost: Special

The Vampire’s flesh knits back together more efficiently during their slumber. The Vampire has their aggravated
wound healing at a rate of 3 HP per 3 Blood points while in daysleep.
Ghouls who take this Power instead heal faster; their healing is doubled. A ghoul maimed almost to the point of
death can be up in slightly under a week without any medical care.
Prerequisite: Regeneration 1
Cost: Free

Respect Your Betters

(Presence 2 amalgam)
Characters with lower Blood Potency than the Vampire’s can’t attack the Vampire unless they’re frenzying or the
Vampire attacks them first. This Power is widely taught among the Ventrue.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power

Sanguinary Expulsion
(Protean 3 amalgam)
Developed by elder archons as a counter against the terrors (true and imagined) of the Vaulderie, this power allows
a Vampire to ingest small amounts of blood without absorbing them into her system. This not only prevents the
formation of blood bonds and Vinculum, but also protects against blood-borne poisons, drugs and diseases. The
unpleasant aftereffects of this power make most archons reluctant to utilize it, but it beats letting the Sabbat or
some arrogant elder compromise your loyalties.
The player rolls on activation, if she fails, the blood is consumed normally and all effects occur as normal. If the roll
succeeds, the character is able to hold the blood internally without absorbing it, and may vomit it back up later. This
prevents any blood bonds, Vinculi, poisons or other abnormal properties of the blood from affecting the character.
On the other hand, the character may not spend even a single blood point until the tainted blood is regurgitated; if
she does so for any reason (including waking up in the evening), the power ends instantly and the blood is absorbed
as normal. Although it doesn’t cost a blood point to activate the power, an additional blood point (above and beyond
the number consumed) is vomited back up and lost when the tainted blood is purged.
Prerequisite: Protean 3
Cost: One Blood point lost when the tainted blood is vomited up
Duration: Scene

See You in Hell
Whenever the Vampire would be torpored or destroyed, they can use a single Power or take a single action with a +2
bonus. This can’t be a Power or action that would save the Vampire (e.g., healing their wounds). Despite this Power’s
name, the Vampire doesn’t have to attack opponents with it—they can also use it to protect allies, destroy things
they don’t want enemies to get their hands on, or any other potentially final actions.
Prerequisite: See You in Hell 1
Cost: Normal

Shelf Life
Characters who use Dominate, Presence, and other mind-altering powers on the Vampire reduce their duration by
one increment: year to month, month to week, week to night, night to scene, scene to a single action. Single-action
powers are unaffected by this Power. Characters with higher Supernatural Tolerance than the Vampire’s Fortitude
levels still affect the Vampire for their powers’ normal durations.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shrug Off
Whenever the Vampire is affected by Dominate, Presence, or other mind-controlling powers with a duration longer
than immediate, the Vampire can attempt a re-roll of the Contest after carrying out a single action under the
power’s influence. On a success, the Vampire overcomes the power. This Power doesn’t work against powers used
by characters with higher Dominate, Presence, or other mind-controlling powers than the Vampire’s Fortitude.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Slowed Metabolism
The ghoul is less encumbered by human biological needs.
• They can subsist on any food originally fit for human consumption without ill effect. A diet of moldy bread,
O’Tolley’s cheeseburgers, and compost bin contents is perfectly nutritious.
• They gain the benefits of a full night of sleep in only two hours.
• They can hold their breath for ten times as many minutes.
• They take a +3 bonus on rolls to resist mundane poisons and diseases. The ghoul almost never gets sick.
Prerequisite: Slowed Metabolism 1
Cost: Free

Stone Meld
(Protean 3 amalgam)
Although most Gangrel are content to seek refuge in the soil, a few have tempered their power with stone-like
resilience, allowing them to hide within solid rock. Excavation of such entombed individuals is all but impossible.
This power operates exactly as the Protean 3 power Interred in the Earth, save that it allows a Vampire to sink into
stone. Such stone can have been shaped and carved by tools, though it must be a single continuous block or slab
large enough to contain the Vampire’s mass. If the stone containing the Vampire is shattered, the Vampire is
Prerequisite: Protean 3

Uncommon Powers

22 Solid
This Power was developed in 1982 by Dr. Antoine Stockton. A Michigan physician who was Embraced by a Gangrel
with a dying ghoul and more urgency than sense, Dr. Stockton became an Anarch night doctor. A recalibration of the
undead body’s resistance to harm was a spectacular yield from his studies of Kindred physiology. He called it “Too
Too Solid Flesh” because he was a scholar of the classics. The Anarchs using it in the struggle tonight are generally
less educated, more modern, and inclined to call it 22 Solid.
This Power gives a ghoul the benefits of vampiric Dead Flesh, withstanding harm by guns and ‘nonlethal’ sources of
trauma like fists, stun guns, pepper spray, extreme temperatures. They take the same aspect as if it would be
vampiric, their injury tolerance is same. The ghoul still needs to breathe and can still get physically tired.
Cost: Free

Beast’s Vigor
(Animalism 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can transfer their wounds to an animal by touching it. The Vampire can move 1 HP per successes rolled
on activation and makes the animal suffer them in the Vampire’s place.
Prerequisite: Animalism 2
Cost: Normal

Magic Resistance
The Vampire is inherently resistant to magic and takes a +2 bonus on rolls to resist Blood Sorcery. They’re also
immune to level 1 Blood Sorcery Powers.
Prerequisite: The Vampire can’t have any levels in Blood Sorcery; Magic Resistance 1
Cost: Free

Rare Powers

Healer’s Touch
The Salubri’s signature Power stems from their ability to apply the vampiric regenerative process to others. The
Vampire’s third eye (if they have one) opens wide, shedding slick sanguine light. The target feels sweet, invigorating
energies rushing into their wounds.
The Vampire can use this power on anyone they physically touch, they heal 1 HP per successes rolled on activation.
The target doesn’t develop a blood bond towards the Vampire. Mortals don’t become ghouls or risk vitae addiction.
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Common Powers

The Vampire is immune to harm from automatic firearms small enough for individual gunmen to carry. Clustered
automatic fire (from more simultaneous shooters than the Vampire’s Fortitude levels) can harm them normally, as
can dragonsbreath rounds (almost uniformly illegal in the World of Darkness thanks to vampiric influence) and
ammunition that incorporates the Vampire’s banes.
Ghouls take this Power as a four-level Power.
Prerequisite: Bulletproof 2
Cost: Free

The Vampire is immune to damaging melee attacks and unarmed attacks from characters with less than 3 levels in
Potence. Attacks with special weapons, stakes, fire, and banes still harm the Vampire normally. (note, however, that
stakes are inefficient weapons and take a penalty if not used in ambushes or as the finishing move in a fight). The
Vampire can also still be grappled, tripped, and otherwise hindered by characters whose attacks they’re immune
to—they just can’t be directly harmed.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 3 Power.
Prerequisite: Impervious 2
Cost: Free

Mind Shield
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Shrug Off 2 or Shelf Life 2 to anyone in the same room as them. The
character is considered to have the Vampire’s Fortitude levels or their own, whichever is better.
Prerequisite: Shelf Life 2 or Shrug Off 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire’s flesh knits back together more efficiently during their slumber. The Vampire has their aggravated
wound healing at a rate of 3 HP per 3 Blood points while in daysleep. For normal injuries, they heal 3 HPs for 1 Blood
Ghouls who take this Power instead heal faster; their healing is tripled. A ghoul maimed almost to the point of death
can be up in slightly under 3-4 days without any medical care.
Prerequisite: Regeneration 2
Cost: Free

See You in Hell
Whenever the Vampire would be torpored or destroyed, they can use a single Power or take a single action with a +4
bonus. This can’t be a Power or action that would save the Vampire (e.g., healing their wounds). Despite this Power’s
name, the Vampire doesn’t have to attack opponents with it—they can also use it to protect allies, destroy things
they don’t want enemies to get their hands on, or any other potentially final actions.
Prerequisite: See You in Hell 2
Cost: Normal

Shrug Off
Whenever the Vampire is affected by Dominate, Presence, or other mind-controlling powers with a duration longer
than immediate, the Vampire can attempt a re-roll of the Contest after carrying out a single action under the
power’s influence with a +2 bonus. On a success, the Vampire overcomes the power. This Power doesn’t work
against powers used by characters with higher Dominate, Presence, or other mind-controlling powers than the
Vampire’s Fortitude.
Prerequisite: Shrug Off 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shelf Life
Characters who use Dominate, Presence, and other mind-altering powers on the Vampire reduce their duration by
one increment: year to month, month to week, week to night, night to scene, scene to a single action. Single-action
powers are unaffected by this Power.
Prerequisite: Shelf Life 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Slowed Metabolism
The ghoul is less encumbered by human biological needs.
• They can subsist off any organic matter (dirt, paper, leaves, sewage water, etc.) without ill effect.
• They can “catnap” and sleep with repeated interruptions, as well as on their feet, without ill effect. The ghoul only
needs two hours of sleep per night.
• They can hold their breath for hours instead of minutes.
• They are immune to mundane poisons and diseases. They can still contract ailments and pass them on to others.
Prerequisite: Slowed Metabolism 2
Cost: Free

Torpid Hibernation
(Protean 3 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may enter controlled torpor without fear of slumbering away the ages.
The Vampire melds with the ground using Interred in the Earth (Protean 3), or a similar power such as Tree Meld or
Stone Meld; and spends five blood points. If successful, the Vampire enters torpor and automatically reawakens
after the specified duration. Upon awakening, the character rises to the earth, though her awakening is delayed until
dusk if the power ends during the day. Failure on the activation roll means the Vampire does not enter torpor, but
arises the next evening as normal from her slumber. A critical failure by 5 or more drives the Vampire into normal
torpor leaving her to slumber and awaken according to her Road/Path rating.
Prerequisite: Protean 3
Cost: 5 Blood points

Uncommon Powers

Magic Resistance
The Vampire is inherently resistant to magic and takes a +3 bonus on rolls to resist Blood Sorcery. They’re also
immune to level 3 Blood Sorcery Powers.
Prerequisite: The Vampire can’t have any levels in Blood Sorcery; Magic Resistance 2

Cost: Free
Prolong Death’s Door
The ghoul doesn’t die when they reach - HP and someone
fails to administer first aid. Instead, the ghoul enters a
state of hibernation not unlike vampiric torpor. Their pulse
flatlines and they appear in all ways clinically dead. The
ghoul can also enter this state voluntarily at any time (if,
say, they wish to fake their death) and choose when they
will awaken. Medical resuscitation can still revive the
ghoul, as can a Blood point’s worth of vitae. Anyone who
pauses to finish the ghoul off (slitting their throat,
shooting them in the head, etc.) can still kill them. The
ghoul can survive in this torpor-like state indefinitely, but
continues to spend Blood points every two weeks as
normal. Once the ghoul burns through their remaining
blood supply they die of deprivation after several days.
Cost: Free

Victual from Afar

(Auspex 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can feed their ghouls blood remotely,
mystically transporting vitae from their veins into their
ghouls’. The Vampire still needs to use other powers if
they want to know how badly their ghouls need blood, but
it’s useful if a ghoul disappears, can call their domitor over
the phone, or if the Vampire is physically prevented from
reaching a servant, they know can help them.
If a ghoul takes this Power, their domitor can send blood
only to them, but the ghoul can telepathically request
blood at any point. The ghoul can’t communicate anything
besides a wordless hunger for blood. Most domitors
severely discipline their ghouls to only use this Power in
emergencies, but addicts will do anything for a fix.
Unlike most amalgam Powers, the Vampire and the ghoul
can split the prerequisites between each other. For
example, a Vampire with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity
or Fortitude could still take this Power, but could only
send blood to ghouls with Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3. A
ghoul with Auspex 4 and no levels in Celerity or Fortitude
could also take this Power, so long as their domitor has
Celerity 3 or Fortitude 3.
Cost: Free, but blood transmitted between ghouls and
Vampires not in the same city costs a “surcharge” of 1
Blood point per 100 miles.

Rare Powers

Shepherd’s Watch
The Salubri’s third eye opens and flares a bright white, illuminating a barely-visible ward around the Vampire and
their charges—anyone designated by the Vampire who’s close enough to physically touch them. Opponents can’t
attack the Vampire or their charges unless attacked first.
This Power is exclusive to the Salubri.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Presence power
Duration: Scene

Level 4
Common Powers

Brace for Impact

(Potence 2 amalgam)
A Cainite who possesses both the unnatural strength of Potence and the supernatural toughness of Fortitude can
learn to apply that strength to resisting some forms of damage. The power does not help against normal combat
damage such as fists, bullets or blades. It does not grant extra protection against fire, electricity, sunlight or other
energy-based sources of damage. The power only helps the character withstand physical impacts that affect the
entire body: falling damage, car crashes, explosions, or being struck with very large objects. The character must also
expect the impact, so he can brace against it.
A character with this power receives a +1 DR of impact damage per successes rolled plus +1 DR per level of Potence
and Fortitude. This can be bashing, lethal or aggravated damage (as from falling off a skyscraper), but it must come
only from impact — no cutting, piercing, burning or other forms of damage.
Prerequisite: Potence 2
Cost: Normal

The Vampire is immune to harm from automatic firearms small enough for individual gunmen to carry. Clustered fire
doesn’t make a difference. Dragonsbreath rounds (almost uniformly illegal in the World of Darkness thanks to
vampiric influence) and ammunition that incorporates the Vampire’s banes can damage them normally.
Ghouls take this Power as a five-level Power.
Prerequisite: Bulletproof 3
Cost: Free

Draught of Endurance
The Vampire can saturate their blood with the power of Fortitude, conveying a portion of that endurance to anyone
who drinks of it. Drinking a Blood point’s worth of blood lets the drinker temporarily use the Vampire’s Fortitude
levels in place of their own. The drinker gains no additional Powers besides Resilience. The draught can be bottled up
but is losing potency after a day.
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

The Vampire is immune to damaging melee attacks and unarmed attacks from characters with less than 4 levels in
Potence. Attacks with special weapons, stakes, fire, and banes still harm the Vampire normally. (note, however, that
stakes are inefficient weapons and take a penalty if not used in ambushes or as the finishing move in a fight). The
Vampire can also still be grappled, tripped, and otherwise hindered by characters whose attacks they’re immune
to—they just can’t be directly harmed.
Ghouls take this Power as a level 5 Power.
Prerequisite: Impervious 3
Cost: Free

Master’s Protection
The Vampire’s ghouls add the Vampire’s Blood Potency (up to a maximum of +5) to theirs when calculating Contests
to affect them with Disciplines and other supernatural powers opposed by a roll. This makes the Vampire’s ghouls as
hard to suborn as other Kindred. A ghoul trying to hide from a Vampire with Obfuscate, for example, still only rolls
Obfuscate (and still at Disadvantage) on the contest without the bonus.
This Power overlaps (does not stack) with any Supernatural Resistance. The ghoul uses whichever is better.
Cost: Free

Mind Shield
The Vampire can extend the benefits of Shrug Off 3 or Shelf Life 3 to anyone in the same room as them. The
character is considered to have the Vampire’s Fortitude levels or their own, whichever is better.
Prerequisite: (Shrug Off 3 OR Shelf Life 3), Mind Shield 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire’s flesh knits back together more efficiently during their slumber. The Vampire has their aggravated
wound healing at a rate of 3 HP per 2 Blood points while in daysleep. Normal injuries heal at 4 HPs for 1 Blood point.
Ghouls who take this Power instead heal faster; their healing is four times faster. A ghoul maimed almost to the
point of death can be up in slightly under 2 days without any medical care.
Prerequisite: Regeneration 3
Cost: Free

Safe Slumber
A Vampire is at their most vulnerable while in daysleep or torpor. This Power mitigates that, at least somewhat.
Whenever the Vampire enters daysleep or torpor, a protective stone-like calcification grows over their body that
renders them immune to damage not from fire, sunlight, or banes. Even if the Vampire’s body is fed into a wood
chipper, the broken chunks simply fuse back together. Once the Vampire awakens, the protective calcification
crumbles apart.
Cost: Free

Slowed Metabolism
The ghoul is less encumbered by human biological needs.
• They no longer need to eat or drink, and no longer urinate or defecate even if they choose to.
• They breathe through their pores, making them immune to oxygen deprivation so long as there are trace amounts
of moisture in the air.
• They no longer need to sleep. Although they can still do so, many ghouls with this Power take stubborn pride in
serving their domitors literally 24 hours a day.
• They are immune to mundane poisons and diseases. They have Advantage on rolls to withstand supernatural
ailments. The ghoul can still contract ailments and pass them on to others.
Prerequisite: Slowed Metabolism 3
Cost: Free

Uncommon Powers

Magic Resistance
The Vampire is inherently resistant to magic and takes a +4 bonus on rolls to resist Blood Sorcery. They’re also
immune to level 4 Blood Sorcery Powers.
Prerequisite: The Vampire can’t have any levels in Blood Sorcery; Magic Resistance 3
Cost: Free

Prolong Death’s Door

This Power functions like Prolong Death’s Door 3, except the ghoul can only be slain by the total destruction of their
bodily volume: exploding them with a bomb, feeding them into a wood chipper, incinerating them in a crematorium,
etc. Simply continuing to shoot or stab them once they’re down has no effect. While the ghoul is in their torpor-like
state, they stop spending bi-weekly Blood points and can survive indefinitely until they’re medically resuscitated or
obtain more blood. Some ghouls who expect to be deprived of blood for extended periods enter this state
Prerequisite: Prolong Death’s Door 3
Cost: Free

The Vampire can fake their demise, physically aging to whatever age is appropriate for a Vampire of their age who’s
met final death: neonates become decayed corpses, ancillae become withered mummies, elders become skeletons,
and methuselahs become dust. No matter how ravaged their body, the Vampire remains aware of their surroundings
and can move at a slow crawl, but cannot take any physical actions strenuous enough to require rolls. The Vampire’s
consciousness remains in the largest portion of their body if any pieces of it get separated. Nothing can destroy the
Vampire while this Power is active except for fire, sunlight, and banes. Powers that would detect the Vampire is still
‘alive’ must succeed on a Will contest.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted
Duration: Scene. Most Vampires either wait for their would-be killers to leave or try to make good their escape
before their body reforms. The Obfuscate Discipline can be especially effective when combined with this Power.

The Vampire can reflect a supernatural power someone tries to use on them back at the user. The Vampire chooses
how the power manifests. For example, if someone tries to use the Command Dominate power on the Vampire, the
Vampire could choose what commands to implant the user with.
Requirement: The Vampire must beat the Contest to resist the power by one or more successes.
Cost: Normal
Duration: As per the power reflected

Rare Powers

Father’s Judgment
The Blood is Caine’s gift. The Salubri pronounce judgment on those who misuse it. Their third eye glowing as silver as
Raphael’s soft halo, the Vampire renders the target’s vitae inert, causing it to seize within them and clot into dead
dark chunks. Even powerful elders fear repeated use of this Power. For every success rolled on the activation the
target loses 1 Blood point and they also can’t spend any Blood points for the rest of the Scene
Father’s Judgment is almost exclusive to the Salubri and a few Banu Haqim.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 5
Common Powers

The Vampire is immune to harm from automatic firearms too large for individual gunmen to carry, such as M60s and
M249, as well as smaller and outdated forms of artillery (e.g., cannons). Only vehicle-mounted artillery can still hurt
them, as can dragonsbreath rounds (almost uniformly illegal in the World of Darkness thanks to vampiric influence)
and ammunition that incorporates the Vampire’s banes can damage them normally.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Bulletproof 4
Cost: Free

Draught of Endurance
This Power functions like Draught of Endurance 4, except the drinkers gain one additional Power for every new
Fortitude level they gain. These Powers must be known by the Vampire.
The drinker must gain Powers at the corresponding Fortitude levels; for example, a drinker who gains Fortitude 5
must gain Resilience, a Fortitude 2 Power, a Fortitude 3 Power, a Fortitude 4 Power, and a Fortitude 4 Power, rather
than Resilience and four Fortitude 5 Powers.
The Vampire can saturate their blood with the power of Fortitude, conveying a portion of that endurance to anyone
who drinks of it. Drinking a Blood point’s worth of blood lets the drinker temporarily use the Vampire’s Fortitude

levels in place of their own. The drinker gains no additional Powers besides Resilience. The draught can be bottled up
but is losing potency after a day.
Prerequisite: Draught of Endurance 4
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

The Vampire is immune to
damaging melee attacks
and unarmed attacks from
characters with less than
5 levels in Potence.
Attacks with special
weapons, stakes, fire, and
banes still harm the
Vampire normally. (note,
however, that stakes are
inefficient weapons and
take a penalty if not used
in ambushes or as the
finishing move in a fight).
The Vampire can also still
be grappled, tripped, and
otherwise hindered by
characters whose attacks
they’re immune to—they
just can’t be directly
Ghouls can’t take this
Prerequisite: Impervious 4
Cost: Free

Mark of Caine
This Power doesn’t go so
far as the seven-fold
vengeance God promised
upon Caine’s slayer, but it
comes close. Anyone who
inflicts an injury on the
Vampire takes the
condition at an equal penalty themselves. While this Power is active, a burning mark appears on the Vampire’s arm
or forehead.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted
Duration: Scene

Pain’s Prowess
Injuries and impairments now only fuel the powers of the Vampire, who grows stronger and faster from each blow,
rend, or tear received. Only utter destruction can stop one who calls upon this Power. In addition to taking never
taking penalties from any injuries at this point (thanks to Resilience), the Vampire gains a +1 bonus on Physical skill
rolls for every -1 penalty that an injury would normally inflict.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire’s flesh knits back together more efficiently during their slumber. The Vampire has their aggravated
wound healing at a rate of 2 HP per 1 Blood point while in daysleep. For normal injuries, they heal 5 HPs for 1 Blood
Ghouls who take this Power instead heal faster; their healing is five times faster. A ghoul maimed almost to the point
of death can be up in slightly under 1 day without any medical care.
Prerequisite: Regeneration 4
Cost: Free

Safest Slumber
This Power functions like Safe Slumber, except the Vampire is also immune to damage from fire and sunlight. Only
banes can harm them while they’re in daysleep and torpor.
Prerequisite: Safe Slumber 4
Cost: Free

Uncommon Powers

Dullahan’s Endurance
The Vampire can survive decapitation. They’re blind, deaf, and dumb without their head, but they survive. The
Vampire can reattach their severed head to their neck with a Blood point. Growing a completely new head takes five
Blood points and a full day of daysleep.
If the Vampire has the Crawling Hand power (Protean 4), they can continue to see, hear, and speak for as long as
they’re within range of their head.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Free

No Vampire can return from final death. This Power is the next-best thing. It functions as Pseudocide, except the
Vampire automatically activates the Power whenever they’d normally be destroyed: the Vampire doesn’t have to be
conscious or aware when they’d meet final death, nor does the player have to declare when the Vampire uses it (and
possibly be too late). Fire and banes also cease to harm the Vampire, although sunlight still does.
Prerequisite: Pseudocide 4
Cost: Free
Duration: Indefinite. The Vampire can remain in ash form for as long as they’d like to convince their foes they’ve
been destroyed. The Vampire still enters daysleep and makes nightly Blood points as normal.

Magic Resistance
The Vampire is inherently resistant to magic and is also immune to all Blood Sorcery Powers.
Prerequisite: The Vampire can’t have any levels in Blood Sorcery; Magic Resistance 4
Cost: Free

Prolong Death’s Door

This Power functions like Prolong Death’s Door 4, except the ghoul can also use Mending to heal injuries while in
their torpor-like state. The ghoul retains a vague sense of tactile awareness and can choose to use Mending
whenever would be convenient (such as if a knowledgeable foe takes the time to completely destroy their body).
This Power effectively makes the ghoul unkillable until they run out of blood, since they can just use Mending to get
back up whenever someone puts them down. It’s also an effective way to outlast enemies, as the ghoul can allow a
foe to seemingly kill them, wait until they’re alone, and then get back up and exact revenge..
Prerequisite: Prolong Death’s Door 4
Cost: Free

The Seventh Chinese Brother
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
According to a folk tale, there were once seven Chinese brothers, each of whom was possessed of a unique mystical
ability. One of these brothers’ blessings was bones of iron, which he used to prevent his head from being chopped
off. This power emulates that folk tale, allowing the Kindred to harden a part of his body and speed the recuperative
powers of his blood to it so as to make it impossible to sever a limb. Those anarchs practicing this power have
intimated that they have most often had to protect their own heads from being severed, but that it works equally
well in situations that would result in the loss of a hand, arm, leg, et cetera.
The player activates the power and selects an appendage (including the head and neck). The next blow that would
result in that limb being lopped off is ignored utterly — it does no damage at all. The character may then activate the
power again, if he wishes. A lesser-known but still viable application of this power is to harden the flesh and bone
that protects the heart. In this case, a Kindred can protect himself from being staked, at least initially.
If the end of the scene comes before the disastrous blow comes, the power has no effect, but it can be invoked again
during a future scene. Additionally, a character may protect only one appendage at a time in this manner.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Rare Powers

Draught of Phoenix Blood

(Protean 5 amalgam)
The story goes that if a Vampire can manifest this Power, it is because they drank the blood of some long-forgotten
mythical monster and it somehow changed who and what they were. But since that taste, they have become literally
If the Vampire would meet final death, their body decays like any other Vampire’s of the appropriate age. One week
later, whatever’s left of them disintegrates into ash as though consumed by fire. Then, the Vampire’s ash gathers on
the back wind, pulls itself up from the soil, etc., and the Vampire is reborn at full HP and their previous Blood points.
The Vampire has a new face and body of the same general appearance (race, gender, height, etc.), but is reduced to
Blood Potency 1 and suffers total amnesia, reducing them to the same number of character points as a starting
character. (This also means they lose Fortitude 5/Protean 5, so their next death is permanent.) The only detail the
Vampire recalls of their past unlife with any certainty is who killed them. It’s a heavy price, but preferable to final
Cost: Free

“Dead? Really? Who told you that? Perhaps they just weren’t watching closely enough.”
— Anatole, Prophet of Gehenna

Obfuscate is a Discipline that allows Vampires to conceal themselves, deceive the mind of others, or make them
ignore what the user does not want to be seen. Often one can do so in plain sight, by fooling the minds of those
around him into believing that he is not present. Apprentices in this art must remain motionless and cloaked in
shadow to hide: masters can conceal a small crowd in the middle of a busy street. Those affected by this Discipline
do technically still see the user, but they do not notice that they see him, and they cannot find him. Accordingly,
dumb animals are only misdirected by Obfuscate. The power's user makes them uneasy even if he is entirely hidden
from them.
Obfuscate is one of the oldest Disciplines known to Cainites. It is said
that this ability allowed members of the third generation to hide from
their sires until the time was right to strike at them. Various legends
suggest that either Caine himself or Lilith taught the Discipline to the
Nosferatu Antediluvian, to better hide his visage, but the Children of
Haqim insist that it was their sire who refined his own hunting and
stalking talents to this supernatural level.
Obfuscate is particularly valuable to those who wish to go about their
daily business without being noticed. While spies and thieves are sure
to get a lot of use out of it, a Vampire monk who must enter and leave
his monastery unnoticed or a courtier who wishes to listen in secret to
conversations at court is sure to revel in the power this Discipline gives.
Those who use Obfuscate regularly find themselves divorced from
society around them, only observing and never participating in
ordinary social interactions.
Since Obfuscate clouds the mind of the viewer, Vampires can’t use it to hide their presence from electronic or
mechanical devices. Video and photo cameras, for example, capture the Vampire’s image accurately. Even so, the
person using, say, her cell phone to record an Obfuscated Vampire will still have her mind impacted by the power,
and she won’t see the Kindred’s image until she views the video at a later date (if even then).

Clans: Assamites, Malkavians, Nosferatu, Setites, Baali, Samedi

Nicknames: Cloaking (common), occulto (archaic), shadow dancing (slang), stealth mode (slang), veiling (common)

Type: Mental
Masquerade Threat: Low. Avoiding detection is the whole point of this Discipline.

Mixed Signals: Obfuscate tricks the victim’s mind directly, removing traces of the Vampire from the sensory
information reaching their brain, rather than fooling their senses directly. Thus, photographs, video cameras, and
other forms of mechanical surveillance record the Vampire normally (subject to the limits of Lost Visage).
Piercing Obfuscate: There are two primary ways to see through Obfuscate, actively looking for someone hidden
under Obfuscate or being the target of an Obfuscate power without the target’s knowledge. If the victim doesn’t
realize that an Obfuscate power is used around/on them, they get an additional -2 penalty on piercing the power.
• Mundane Senses: Mortals and Supernaturals who suspect their senses are being deceived by something can
search for incidental signs of such: gaps in a crowd concealing an Obfuscated Vampire, parted areas of smoke
around an Obfuscated object, disrupted traffic flow around an Obfuscated building, etc. This takes a PER roll with
a -1 penalty for each of the wielder’s Blood potency, Obfuscate levels and successes rolled on the activation of
the power. On a success, the character can physically interact with whatever the Vampire’s Obfuscate was
• Supernatural Senses: Vampires and characters with Auspex (and similar extrasensory supernatural powers) have
a much easier time piercing Obfuscate. Unless a Power’s description specifies otherwise, characters
automatically get to roll a PER+Auspex level (or other extrasensory power) with a -1 penalty for each of the
wielder’s Obfuscate levels and successes rolled on the activation of the power, whenever they would be affected

by Obfuscate: they don’t need to suspect their senses are being deceived. (The GM will roll for the player in
secret or call for a disguised roll if the player is not suspicious). On a success, the character can normally perceive
whatever the Vampire’s Obfuscate was concealing.
• Vampires with higher Blood potency than the discipline using Vampire, get a bonus to their throws to pierce
Obfuscate powers. This bonus equals the difference in Blood potency between the target and power user.
However, if their Blood potency is lower than the user’s, then they get a -1 penalty for each level of difference.
• Non-Susceptibility: Animals, who rely more on their instincts than their normal senses, can sometime perceive
(and be frightened by) an Obfuscated Vampire’s presence. Children, the mentally ill, and some very few adults to
whom deception is foreign may also be able to pierce Obfuscate at the GM’s discretion.

Level 1
Common Powers

Behind the Throne

(Presence 1 amalgam)
Presence is all about being the center of attention, while Obfuscate focuses on its avoidance. Combining them allows
one to direct attention while unobserved. This Power allows the Vampire to focus the effects of Presence Powers on
someone else, as if they had used it instead of the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Beneath Notice
The ghoul doesn’t take the -3 penalty on contests to use Obfuscate against a supernatural with Auspex or other
preternatural senses. They’re no better at hiding from other ghouls than they were better, but Vampires are more
likely to overlook them.
Cost: Free

Blood Apocrypha
(Auspex 1 amalgam)
In an attempt to create a secret language all their own, the Nosferatu have generated different methods of coding
their speed and messages. One faction living in the Levant uses Blood Apocrypha for private dialogue based on the
nuances of expending blood within their body. The Parisian Nosferatu, however, use a variant whereby they write
actually script that remains unseen. In both cases, the only people who understand this language are those with
Blood Apocrypha as well. Most broods who employ this trick have one Nosferatu among them who can provide
translations since it would be unreasonable to expect all clan members to be versed in this language.
This Discipline allows a Vampire to relay coded information in one of two fashions. If related to speech, the two
discoursing Cainites must be close enough to smell and taste the atomized blood. Kissing is the safest route. The
second method, scripting, enables the writer to draw blood pictographs using his own vitae on cloth. The blood
never actually touches the medium, but its dissipation infuses the porous fabric to create the message.
The recipient, in turn, must expend a small taste of blood to speak to the other Vampire or he can breathe blood
vapours upon parchment to highlight the text. In both cases, Blood Apocrypha does not supply the coded message; it
is merely the ink used to relate instructions. This means that a Vampire with this Discipline must also understand the
codes being used. That is why the Levantine and Parisii broods are able to maintain their secrets.
Regardless of whether the message is in speech or script, and whether the Vampire is in the sender or receiver, the
player must spend one blood point for the character to retrieve or relate the message. In spoken communication, as
long as the two Nosferatu are face to face, no roll is necessary. For written missives, the sender’s player should roll
on activation to determine how long the message will last (see below). Reading the message requires blood
expenditure but no roll — it succeeds unless the message has expired.
Successes / Survival of Written Messages
1 success: two days
2 successes: four days
3 successes: one week
4 successes: one month

5 successes: indefinitely
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Cloak of Shadows
As long as the Vampire stands still in one spot, people ignore their presence completely. It doesn’t matter where the
Vampire is or what they look like. People unconsciously move around the Vampire to avoid contact with them. If
moving around the Vampire is impossible (e.g., if they’re standing in the middle of a doorway), this Power fails when
someone bumps into them. People the Vampire touches or speaks to also notice them. People directly observing the
Vampire when the Vampire activates this Power don’t ignore them either.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Deceptive Aura
The Vampire can turn their predatory aura inwards to “smell” like a mortal. Other Vampires do not instinctively
recognize the Vampire as one of their own kind. Vampires with Auspex can only make a contest to see through this
Power if they taste the Vampire’s blood or if the Vampire does something out of character for a mortal (e.g., using a
Discipline or accepting the existence of the supernatural at face value). Other supernatural powers that would reveal
the Vampire for what they are also take a Will contest.
Ghouls who take this Power can also use it to masquerade as mortals even more thoroughly. Characters who taste
the ghoul’s blood through Taste for Blood must succeed on a contest to recognize they’re a ghoul.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Face in the Crowd

People don’t care what the Vampire looks like or what they’re carrying. They ignore the Vampire’s presence unless
the Vampire is somewhere they shouldn’t be or does something that would draw attention (screaming, punching
someone, etc.). People the Vampire touches or speaks to also notice them. People directly observing the Vampire
when the Vampire activates this Power don’t ignore them either.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

(Dominate 1 amalgam)
The Vampire can command the victim to ignore a person, object, sound, or smell as if it weren’t there. The victim
subconsciously recognizes a person’s or object’s presence and will move around it to avoid bumping into it, but
otherwise ignores it completely unless it does something to draw significant attention (e.g., if an ignored person
starts loudly screaming, or an ignored object gets thrown in their face). The victim ignores a sound or smell no
matter what.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Iron Facade
(Fortitude 1 amalgam)
The Vampire appears completely unaffected by any injuries they suffer, no matter how severe. The Vampire can
make existing injuries seemingly vanish or can just appear unimpaired by them. This can change the social dynamics
of many situations if the Vampire appears to take someone’s best shot and shrug it off. It can also conceal
vulnerabilities to banes and other weaknesses. Supernaturals with Auspex or other preternatural senses can see
through this power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Lost Visage

The ghoul gains the Lost Visage power that some Vampires have: Vampires do not appear normally in reflective
surfaces or visual recording media (photos, videos, etc.) unless they consciously choose to. The lighting comes out
too dark, the shot’s angle doesn’t catch the Vampire’s face, the image quality is poor, or something else goes wrong.
Some individuals can recognize Lost Visage for what it is, however, so this power can be a double-edged sword.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Silence of Death
Popular among the Banu Haqim, this power completely silences the Vampire, nullifying all sound made by them.
They can scream their head off and no one will notice. This Power does not eliminate sounds the Vampire makes
outside their personal space (e.g., throwing objects or slamming doors). As with other Obfuscate Powers, this Power
affects victims’ minds and does not fool microphones or other electronic sound detectors.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

(Presence 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can make someone disbelieve, dismiss, or ignore something they’ve just found out. The victim feels a
wave of whatever emotion is most conductive to their disbelief: e.g., jealousy towards a rival who’s just
accomplished something important (“There’s no way that hack could’ve done that!”), or adamant denial over a loved
one accused of a crime (“There’s no way my spouse is a murderer!”). This Power isn’t Dominate and the victim still
retains their memories of whatever they heard or saw: someone who witnesses a Vampire transform into a wolf or
drain someone to death isn’t ever going to dismiss that.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Obscure Vitae
Whenever someone uses A Taste for Blood on the Vampire or analyzing the Vampire’s vitae with Blood Sorcery, the
Vampire can choose what answers they receive. The Vampire can falsify their apparent clan, Blood Potency, relation
to other Kindred, and anything else that A Taste for Blood could detect.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Steal Face
The Vampire can make themselves look like a single person whose blood they’ve tasted within the same night. The
Vampire still sounds, smells, and feels like their normal self, making this disguise imperfect.
Ghouls with this Power can only use it to look like Vampires whose blood they’ve tasted. They aren’t set up to
consume the blood of other creatures.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire makes their voice sound like someone else’s. They can’t mimic a specific person, but they can make
their voice fit any other possible vocal type. The Vampire can also “throw” their voice and make it seem to originate
from any nearby point.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 2

Common Powers

Beneath Notice
This Power functions like Beneath Notice 1, except the
ghoul also gets a +2 bonus to their contest to stay
hidden from true supernatural. This effectively allows a
ghoul to be as good at hiding from Vampires with
Obfuscate as other Vampires.
This Power doesn’t apply against mortals or lesser
supernatural. It’s no harder for them to perceive the
ghoul than before.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Hide Away
The Vampire can lend their Obfuscate to other people.
For every level the Vampire lowers their Obfuscate, the
subject gains equally many Obfuscate levels, up to a
maximum of Obfuscate 5. The subject gains as many of
the Vampire’s Powers as the Vampire wants them to
know. A popular use for this Power is to empower
trusted ghouls during the day, when the Vampire
already can’t act.
Cost: 1 Blood point per Obfuscate level imparted, which
the subject must drink from the Vampire. Most
Vampires require beneficiaries of this Power to drink
straight from their vein (and further a blood bond) as
simple “cost of doing business.”
Duration: Until revoked

Lost Visage
This Power functions like Lost Visage 1, except the ghoul
no longer has to pay a Blood point to use it, and it no
longer has a limited duration: the ghoul never appears
normally in reflective surfaces or visual recording media
(photos, videos, etc.) unless they consciously choose to.
Prerequisite: Lost Visage 1
Cost: Free

Mask of a Hundred Faces

The Vampire can make themselves sound and look like a
nondescript stranger who someone expects to find in
the area. The Vampire appears as the same race, gender,
and build as the onlooker. The Vampire doesn’t smell or
feel any different than normal, and close interaction can give away that something is amiss. The Power’s effect also
breaks if the Vampire does something onlookers aren’t expecting them to do (e.g., punching someone at a charity
gala, but not punching someone at a riot).
Prerequisite: Face in the Crowd 1
Requirement: The Vampire must be somewhere onlookers expect to find possible strangers.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Memory Rift
(Presence 2 amalgam)

Invoking this power causes a single subject to forget the user’s presence during a single scene or specific event. The
Kindred merely invokes her mystic ability to vanish from the mind’s eye and then convinces the subject through
force of charisma that she was never even there in the first place. The subject’s memory of the Kindred’s attendance
at the event in question fades like fog at morning’s light. This power works on only one subject at a time, but it may
be used multiple times to alter the memories of multiple individuals.
If the Kindred is successful with the activation, the memory of her participation in the event of her choice vanishes
from the subject’s memory. The subject often remembers the event itself, but not the participation or presence of
the Kindred using this power. He may even go so far as to construct and believe “logical” courses of events, such as
an individual “slipping” off a bridge when in actuality she was pushed. Note that the memory is still present (and
may be found with certain applications of Dominate and similar powers), but it is repressed, ignored or otherwise
covered up subconsciously.
The Kindred invoking this power must leave the subject’s vicinity within five minutes of the power’s use, and
thereafter remain out of his sensory range for at least an hour. Failure to do so means the power fails, possibly in the
form of the memory “flooding back” to the subject’s consciousness.
Prerequisite: Presence 2
Cost: Normal

Shadow Feint
(Celerity 2 amalgam)
Although they are sometimes dismissed by the first cursed as inconsequential barbarians, the Children of Haqim are
masters of the killing arts. Their way is not that of brute force or direct confrontation, but misdirection, stealth and
the unexpected blow. This technique allows its wielder to slow an enemy’s perception of her, leaving an afterimage
a fraction of a second behind her actual location. The blur and flicker make the Vampire’s movements nigh
impossible to guess, giving her a decisive combat advantage.
The Vampire’s first action must be defensive, either dodge or parry of some kind. If these conditions are met, all
attacks made against the Vampire during the turn are made at a -2 penalty. This power is considered an Obfuscate
power for the purpose of negation — an observer with sufficient Auspex sees the Vampire’s true location.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One scene or a fight

Sleep Unseen
The Vampire can activate any Obfuscate 1 Power they know and have its effects persist throughout their next
daysleep. The costs is the same number of Blood points as normal. All Vampires can benefit from more daytime
security, but this Power tends to be especially popular with nomads who have less secure havens.
Cost: As Power used.

Steal Sense
With a touch, the Vampire can make someone blind, deaf, mute, or anosmic (unable to smell). The Vampire has to
chose one sense they wish to steal and can use this power multiple times on the same target.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Touch of Shadow
By touching an animal, person, or object small enough to carry, the Vampire can make people ignore it like it wasn’t
there. People subconsciously register an object’s presence and try not to bump into it, but don’t notice the object
unless someone forces them to interact with it (e.g., throwing it at them). An animal or person can break this effect
at will.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Unseen Presence

The Vampire turns functionally invisible. People ignore the Vampire completely, no matter where they are, unless
the Vampire does something that would disturb their environment or draw attention to themselves (screaming,
punching someone, etc.) People the Vampire touches or speaks to also notice them. People directly observing the
Vampire when the Vampire activates this Power don’t ignore them either.
Prerequisite: Cloak of Shadows 1 or Face in the Crowd 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Wolf’s Lament
(Animalism 1 amalgam)
The wolf’s howl echoes across the land, carrying messages in its mournful song. Nosferatu and Gangrel with this
Discipline technique may do the same, enabling them to howl messages that carry for miles. Even better, any wolf
that hears the message relays the sound with its own howl. Such messages can theoretically carry for dozens or even
hundreds of miles in this fashion, subject to the vagaries of chance.
Most individuals who hear the howl merely note its eerie tones and give it no further attention. Those with the
Animalism power Feral Whispers hear a voice in the keening. The content is brief and clipped, but it imparts
emotional inflection and general intent. It can warn of danger, signal an attack or carry any other simple message.
Prior to using this Discipline, the player must convey his intended message to the Storyteller and receive approval.
Generally, any message that can be conveyed in one breath is acceptable. The player then rolls on the activation skill
as the Vampire howls. The message carries a maximum distance determined by the successes according to the
following chart, although the Storyteller may restrict the range if she deems there are few wolves in the area. Failure
means no wolves pick up the howl, either because they are not present or disregard the message. A critical failure by
5 or more invariably attracts unwanted attention, such as hunters or enraged Lupines.
Successes / Distance
1 success: five miles
2 successes: 10 miles
3 successes: 50 miles
4 successes: 100 miles
5+ successes: 250 miles
Prerequisite: Animalism 1
Cost: Normal

Uncommon Powers

Bestial Guise
(Protean 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can make themselves look, sound, smell, and feel like an animal. The Vampire can only become
predatory, scavenging, parasitic, or plague-bearing animals: the Beast never assumes the form of prey. Many
Kindred consider this Power redundant next to the better-known Beast Shape Power, but there can be advantages
to secretly retaining human form.
Prerequisite: Protean 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Cleansing Impression
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
The Vampire can neutralize psychic impressions on objects around them. Anyone who examines an affected item
with The Spirit’s Touch or any other form of past sensing gets the impression that no one has ever touched it and
nothing has ever happened to it. Many seers find this sensation disturbing the first time they experience it. Once an
item has been cleansed, it remains void of impression until something meaningful happens to it.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

Predatory Aura

The ghoul can broadcast a predatory aura that makes them “smell” like a Vampire. Other Vampires who see the
ghoul assume they’re fellow Kindred. Vampires must be suspicious of whether the ghoul is actually a Vampire if they
want to make a Will contest to see through the ghoul’s disguised aura with Auspex.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Servitory Aura
The Vampire can turn their predatory aura inwards to “smell” like a ghoul. Other Vampires do not instinctively
recognize the Vampire as one of their own kind. Other Vampires must be suspicious of whether the Vampire is
actually a ghoul if they want to make a Will contest to see through the Vampire’s disguised aura with Auspex.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Steal Face
This Power functions like Steal Face 1, except the Vampire also sounds, smells, and feels like the person whose blood
they’ve tasted.
Prerequisite: Steal Face 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Ventriloquism 1, except the Vampire can also mimic the voice of any individual they’ve
heard before.
Prerequisite: Ventriloquism 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Common Powers

Cloak of the Gathering

The Vampire can extend the effects of any Obfuscate 1 Power they know to any number of people, animals, or
objects within a room-sized area. The Vampire can also affect a single object up to the size of a medium car.
Cost: 1 Blood point in addition to the original Power’s cost, if any.
Duration: Scene or original Power’s duration, whichever is shorter.

Cloak of Night
This Power functions like Unseen Presence 2, except the Vampire can use it even while under direct observation: the
Vampire straight-up vanishes to observers. People also don’t see, hear, or smell the Vampire no matter what the
Vampire does. People notice if the Vampire physically interacts with them or disturbs the nearby environment,
though, which breaks the Vampire’s invisibility towards those people. The Vampire can also make themselves visible
to some people but not others.
Prerequisite: Cloak of Shadows 1 or Face in the Crowd 1; Unseen Presence 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Ghost Form
(Protean 5 amalgam)
This Power functions like Mist Form, except
the Vampire still maintains their regular
appearance and appears fully solid to
onlookers. The Vampire can shift between a
mist-like appearance and their regular one
at will.
Prerequisite: Protean 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Mask of a Thousand Faces

The Vampire can make themselves look,
sound, smell, and feel like a subjective face
(“a frail old woman,” “a night watchman,”
etc.). People perceive the Vampire as
whoever they expect to see based on the
guise in question. The Vampire can’t appear
as a specific individual.
Prerequisite: Mask of a Hundred Faces 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Old Self Again

The Vampire can make themselves look,
sound, smell, and feel like their human
appearance. The Vampire can make
themselves older, younger, or the same age
as when they died. This Power is almost
exclusively used by the Nosferatu, Samedi,
and other Kindred cursed with hideous
Prerequisite: Mask of a Hundred Faces 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can conceal a mid-sized
apartment unit or several rooms within a larger building like they’re not there. People find the dwelling utterly banal
and unworthy of notice. People don’t notice what the dwelling looks like, who’s inside, or what smells or noises
emanate from within. People subconsciously register the dwelling’s presence and try not to approach it, but don’t
notice it’s there unless they’re forced inside. Individuals do notice, though, if someone they’re closely watching
enters the dwelling. Otherwise, people who enter or leave the dwelling just “happen” to do so at a point where
observers can’t specifically identify where they left or came from.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. The Vampire can also make this Power permanent over a dwelling they’re assumed to have
already bought as a Haven when play begins. Otherwise, to make a place permanent it needs the power to be
activated every day for a month. The Vampire can only have one permanent Oubliette active at once.

Second Face
The Vampire can make themselves look, sound, smell, and feel like a single person who doesn’t actually exist. The
Vampire can change what this form looks like with a Blood point and a full day of daysleep.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Sleep Unseen
The Vampire can activate any Obfuscate 1 or 2 Power they know and have its effects persist throughout their next
daysleep. This costs the same number of Blood points as normal. All Vampires can benefit from more daytime
security, but this Power tends to be especially popular with nomads who have less secure havens.
Prerequisite: Sleep Unseen 2
Cost: As Power used.

Smiling Jack’s Trick

(Dominate 3 amalgam)
Attributed to the rogue anarch Smiling Jack, this power causes a Kindred to confuse one Kindred with another. For a
brief period, the subject consistently mistakes the user of this gift with another Kindred in the immediate vicinity.
According to the story, Jack found himself caught by a scourge and his lieutenant. Invoking this power, Jack made the
scourge believe that his lieutenant was actually the anarch and vice versa. As the scourge turned his attentions to
the lieutenant, Jack escaped into the night, cackling all the while.
The player makes a contested Will roll, if the subject gains more successes, the power fails. If the character succeeds,
the subject briefly but unfalteringly transposes the character using the power with another Kindred in her line of
sight. From there on out, it’s up the character to make the best of the situation, but the strangeness of the change
usually buys enough time to escape, if not to completely change the anarch’s position.
Prerequisite: Dominate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Steal Face
This Power functions like Steal Face 2, except its duration increases from one scene to one night.
Prerequisite: Steal Face 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

True Love’s Face

(Presence 3 amalgam)
A sinister hybrid of Mask of a Thousand Faces and Entrancement, this Discipline technique enables a Vampire to
assume the form of a target’s true love. Both the Followers of Set and Nosferatu prize this power, though for very
different reasons. Where Serpents use the guise of loved ones to tempt and seduce, spiteful Lepers delight in
shattering victim’s minds by revealing their true face after a passionate embrace. Vampires may use this art to take
the form of someone they know their victim loves or allow their target’s expectations to manifest on their own. In
the latter case, however, the Vampire may need quick wits to discern whom she looks like, especially since the
copied person may or may not be living.
Prerequisite: Presence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Anticipatory Visage
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
This power was first developed by an investigative archon who was frustrated by his inability to sneak into the
gathering of a Gehenna cult because he didn’t know as whom to disguise himself. Anticipatory Visage allows the
Kindred to appear as whomever the target most expects to see in a given circumstance. The character herself has no
control over who she appears to be, and may not even be immediately aware of what form she’s taken. This power
has, to date, been used by archons alone.
The player rolls on activation, if successful, the character immediately takes the form (per Mask of a Thousand Faces)
of the individual the target most expected. If faced with more than one person, the character must select one
individual as the target and hope that the others expect to see the same person. The character is not immediately
aware of the form she has taken, and may have difficulty carrying the ruse further than the initial contact. While this

power provides the form of the expected individual, it does not provide any knowledge of her personality or
memories; the character must be exceedingly careful not to give herself away through suspicious behavior. A
Vampire with Auspex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the character’s Obfuscate.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Psychic Double
(Auspex 5 amalgam)
Astral projection has the annoying limit that the Vampire’s disembodied mind cannot affect the material world, and
even the faintest visible manifestation requires great effort. Through this combination power, a Vampire still cannot
affect material objects — but she can make other people imagine that they see and speak to her. Demetrius the
Malkavian uses this power to project his consciousness around the world.
Demetrius’ Psychic Double looks real and solid. His astral form can converse with other people. He even feels solid to
anyone who touches him, though he cannot affect physical objects in any way and his Psychic Image does not appear
in mirrors, photographs or video images. Mahtiel also knows this power, but her dream-walking spirit usually looks
transparent and ghostly.
Projecting a Psychic Double costs always a point of blood. As with Astral Projection, the Vampire picks a target
somewhere in the world and hopes he projects to the right place. Arriving at the desired location depends on the
activation roll, with the penalties or bonuses set by how well the Vampire knows the target location. A familiar
location not to far away gives a +2 bonus; a place on the other side of the world that the Malkavian merely read
about gives a -4 penalty to the activation roll. A critical failure by 5 or more on this roll indicates getting lost, and
maybe even breaking the silver cord back to the Vampire’s body. Evoking a psychic image with his own appearance
automatically succeeds. Appearing as someone else calls for a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a +2 bonus if you
met the person and a -4 penalty if the Vampire has only a picture.
A character with Psychic Double does not have to project a visible image. The Vampire can make his image appear
and disappear at will.
Although Psychic Doubles cannot exert any phsical force, a Vampire with this power can project certain other
Disciplines through his astral form. Since Animalism, other Auspex powers, Dementation, Dominate, other Obfuscate
powers and Presence have entirely mental effects, a Vampire can use them freely while astral. Obtenebration works,
since the dark force evoked by the Discipline is not actually physical either. An astral Vampire can thus affect physical
objects indirectly using Arms of the Abyss. A Psychic Double can also employ the non-physical powers of Valeren or
Prerequisite: Auspex 5
Cost: Normal. Minimum 1 Blood Point

Steal Sense
This Power functions like Steal Sense 2, except the Vampire can steal a victim’s specific perceptions instead of their
entire sense. For example, the Vampire could make a victim unable to see certain people, unable to hear certain
sounds, and so on.
Prerequisite: Steal Sense 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 4
Common Powers

Cloak of the Gathering

The Vampire can extend the effects of any Obfuscate 1 or 2 Power they know to any number of people, animals, or
objects within a room-sized area. The Vampire can also affect a single object up to the size of a small house.
Prerequisite: Cloak of the Gathering 3
Cost: 1 Blood point in addition to the original Power’s cost, if any.
Duration: Scene or original Power’s duration, whichever is shorter.

Cloak of Night
This Power functions like Cloak of Night 3, except people don’t notice the Vampire even if the Vampire physically
interacts with them or disturbs the nearby environment. People still notice when these things happen, though, and
may question their sanity if there’s no apparent cause. (Some Malkavians use this Power for exactly that purpose.)
The Vampire can even fight people while invisible, though this still takes a combat roll—opponents can try to
approximate the Vampire’s location.
If the Vampire uses this power while under direct observation, they can make any mortal, ghoul, or other lesser
supernatural observers forget they were over there.
Prerequisite: Cloak of Night 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Mask of Ten Thousand Faces
This Power functions like Mask of a Thousand Faces, except the Vampire can also make themselves appear as
specific individuals (e.g., “Todd’s friend Jason.”). Its duration also increases from one scene to one night. Many
Kindred use this Power to impersonate others.
Prerequisite: Mask of a Thousand Faces 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

This Power functions like Oubliette 3, except it can affect a building up to the size of a mid-sized family home or
several adjacent apartment units. The Vampire can use any Obfuscate Powers at any distance on any number of
rooms or objects within the area.
Prerequisite: Oubliette 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. The Vampire can also make this Power permanent over a dwelling they’re assumed to have
already bought as a Haven when play begins. Otherwise, to make a place permanent it needs the power to be
activated every day for a month. The Vampire can only have one permanent Oubliette active at once.

Sleep Unseen
The Vampire can activate any Obfuscate 1-3 level Power they know and have its effects persist throughout their next
daysleep. This costs the same number of Blood points as normal. All Vampires can benefit from more daytime
security, but this Power tends to be especially popular with nomads who have less secure havens.
Prerequisite: Sleep Unseen 3
Cost: As Power used.

Uncommon Powers

Army of One
Outnumbering an opponent provides tremendous advantages. When it’s not possible to actually have more allies
present than the enemy does, a savvy tactician fakes it. The Vampire can cause a dozen or so phantasmal allies to
appear around them. These phantom allies look like whatever the Vampire wants and can do whatever the Vampire
wants them to, but can’t affect the physical world. People see through the illusion if they see the phantom allies take
impossible actions or if they try and fail to interact with the physical world.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

False Thoughts
The Vampire takes Advantage on rolls to resist mind-reading powers such as the Read Thoughts line of Powers.
Additionally, if the Vampire successfully repels the invading mind, they can broadcast false thoughts and memories,
allowing the invader to think their use of their power was successful.
Cost: Free
Living Masquerade
(Presence 3 amalgam)
The Vampire is surrounded with a glamour of sorts, an aura of the ordinary and the expected which occults even the
most egregious demonstration of their inhuman nature. Their nocturnal lifestyle never raises any questions, and
people don’t wonder why the Vampire never eats, goes out during the day, or seems to get any older. Even when
someone points out those things, people just shake their heads and dismiss it.
Prerequisite: Face in the Crowd 1; Trustworthy 1 (Presence 1 power)
Cost: Free

Level 5
Common Powers

Cloak of the Gathering

The Vampire can extend the effects of any Obfuscate 1 to 3 level Power they know to any number of people,
animals, or objects within a room-sized area. The Vampire can also affect a single object up to the size of a large
Prerequisite: Cloak of the Gathering 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene or original Power’s duration, whichever is shorter.

Cloak of Night
This Power functions like Cloak of Night 4, except the Vampire can also use it to make other Vampires and true-night
forget they were ever there. If the Vampire disturbs the environment, people assume it was “always” that way
unless the change is impossible to rationalize—e.g., starting a fire, but not opening a door or removing an object. By
making an extra Blood point, the Vampire can extend the effects of Cloak of Night 4 to any person or object they
touch. The Vampire can drain a victim to death in the middle of a street and no one will bat an eye over their
Prerequisite: Cloak of Night 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Mask of Infinite Faces

This Power functions like Mask of Ten Thousand Faces, except it no longer costs a Blood point and the duration
increases to indefinite. The Vampire remains in their assumed form until they will otherwise, even through daysleep
and torpor, and can flow between different visages like water.
Prerequisite: Mask of Ten Thousand Faces 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Indefinite

This Power functions like Oubliette 4, except it can affect an area up to the size of a sprawling mansion or a single
skyscraper floor. The Vampire can also use any Obfuscate 1 to 4 level Power at any distance on any number of
people or objects within the area, as well as the area itself. This can completely transform what its contents and
occupants look like, such as turning a run-down hovel into a resplendent mansion, or making a set of floors on a
skyscraper “disappear.”
Prerequisite: Oubliette 4
Cost: Varies. 3 Blood points for a few rooms, 6 Blood points for a small house, 9 Blood points for a mansion. The
Vampire can spread the bloodletting out over multiple nights. Reduce this cost to 2, 4, or 6 Blood points at Blood
Potency 6+.
Duration: One night. The Vampire can also make this Power permanent over a dwelling they’re assumed to have
already bought as a Haven when play begins. Otherwise, to make a place permanent it needs the power to be
activated every day for a month. The Vampire can only have one permanent Oubliette active at once.

Sleep Unseen
The Vampire can activate any Obfuscate 1 to 4 level Power they know and have its effects persist throughout their
next daysleep. This costs the same number of Blood points as normal. All Vampires can benefit from more daytime
security, but this Power tends to be especially popular with nomads who have less secure havens.
Prerequisite: Sleep Unseen 4
Cost: As Power used.

“Son, I’ll punch you so hard that when someone pulls you out of the ground, they’ll have to crown him King of
— Vance St. Benedict, Cardinal of the Sabbat

Potence is the Discipline that endows Vampires with physical vigour and
preternatural strength. Vampires with the Potence Discipline possess
physical prowess beyond mortal bounds.
Every Cainite has the instinctual ability to increase her strength by
burning blood, giving herself the capacity for feats that mortals can only
dream of. The Discipline of Potence compounds the benefits of vampiric
strength, tapping otherworldly reserves of power to allow for truly
astounding displays of might.
A Vampire with high levels of Potence can easily lift a horse or cow,
break forged chains or crush a mortal's bones to powder with a few
blows. Even the lowest ranks of this power gift the Kindred with physical
might beyond mortal bounds. More powerful immortals have been
known to leap so far they seem to be flying, throw or toss cars aside like
tin cans, and punch through concrete as if it were cardboard. In the Dark
Ages, Vampire nobles have been known to break open fortress gates
with their bare hands and cut war horses in two with one stroke of a
greatsword. Dark whispers also suggest that the unholy might granted by this Discipline gives its bearer an
advantage in the struggle for a Vampire's soul that comes at the end of diablerie.
There is no doubt that Potence is one of the most effective combat Disciplines. The clans that favor it (the Brujah,
Nosferatu and Lasombra) certainly make the most of its benefits in that area, but great strength also provides an
advantage when performing hard labor or when physically trapped. It is also useful for impressing mortals, and it is
generally the first Discipline a ghoul learns. Potence is a reflection of God's curse on Caine and his ilk because it
removes a Cainite's ability to be gentle. The entire world becomes fragile and easily broken in the hands of a
particularly potent Cainite.
Potence's aspect in the curse of vampirism is that a Vampire slowly unlearns to be gentle. Those who rely too much
on Potence begin to show complete disregard for what they perceive as the weakness of others, putting all their
strength in any physical action, regardless how mundane it is.

Clans: Brujah, Lasombra, Nosferatu, Giovanni, Blood Brothers, Gargoyles

Nicknames: Blood’s might (common), hulking (vulgar), percutio (archaic), super-strength (vulgar)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: Medium to high. Lesser exercises of the Discipline might be passed off as “hysterical strength,”
but once pavement cracks and buildings start to crumble that explanation loses what little credibility it had.

Potence Augmenting Power: Vigor

The Vampire must take Vigor for their first level one Potence Power. There are no activation rolls connected to this
power. Vigor can be learned by every Vampire however, it costs much more than having the Physical discipline as a
Primary or Secondary discipline of the clan package. Other powers and devotions are still locked for any Vampire
that doesn’t have the Physical disciplines in their clan setup.

Blood potency: Vampires can use their Blood potency level to increase Vigor related stats. The below shows the
additional bonuses gained for high Blood potency to be added with the power’s bonuses.

Blood Potency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Extra Damage +1 +2 1d 1d+1 1d+2 2d 2d+1 2d+2 3d 4d

BL Multiplier x5 X10 X15

The Vampire becomes strong, physically powerful while using this power. He is able to throw punches with
incredible power that can shatter concrete and lift a car, throwing it at an enemy far away. Vigor adds extra damage
to thrust and swing and also multiplies the basic lift statistic of the character. It doesn’t increase (like using blood
points to boost) the ST stat, derived stats like the HPs or skills connected to it. It is only allowing the character to
accomplish extreme feats of strength. The GM may award a bonus to a skill roll where heavy lifting or hard hitting
would be of advantage on a physical level (not for intimidating opponents). The Vampire doesn’t look any more
muscular than they were before.
For jumping, the Vampire should use the following formula: (Potence level+Basic Move)x(Blood potency), instead of
only Basic Move in the jumping distance formulas.
Augmenting powers always cost Blood Points, 1 Blood point per level, even for the oldest of the Kindred. For Vigor,
the cost in Blood is calculated as an average of the levels of extra damage/BL multiplier and duration rounded down.
The highest level must be known, for both extra damage/BL multiplier and duration, to the Vampire that he wants to
use. Blood used to power Vigor may exceed the Vampire’s generational limit.
For example, a Brujah with Vigor 4 can use it to gain +4d extra damage/x20 BL multiplier for 4 hours at a cost of 4
Blood points. He can also take the level 4 damage/BL multiplier and level 1 duration, having +4d extra damage/x20
BL multiplier for a minute costing him 2 Blood points (4+1 for the levels divided by 2 = 2.5 = 2 Blood points). If the
Brujah would have Blood Potency at 3 then he would get additional +1d to the damage part and x5 to the BL
multiplier, applicable to all Vigor levels.

Level Extra Damage BL Multiplier Duration Point Cost


1 +1d to Thrust and Swing x5 1 min 2/4/8

2 +2d to Thrust and Swing x10 30 min 4/8/16

3 +3d to Thrust and Swing x15 1 hour 8/16/24

4 +4d to Thrust and Swing x20 4 hours 16/24/36

5 +5d to Thrust and Swing x25 8 hours 24/36/48

Level 1
Common Powers

Aura of Menace
One look at the Vampire, and people know better than to fuck with them. They receive a +2 bonus on Intimidation
rolls against the people around them. People won’t backtalk or stand up to the Vampire unless something they care
about is threatened or the Vampire seems impotent to threaten them right now (e.g., hunters who’ve just staked
the Vampire). Vampires with higher Blood Potency are unaffected by this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

The Vampire can make any object they drop or throw return to hand. The object travels at the same speed the
Vampire threw it. If someone tries to hold onto the object, make a contested ST roll (where the Vampire can add
their discipline level and Blood Potency as a bonus) to see if the Vampire can pull it back.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Give’em Hell
(Presence 3 amalgam)
Champions of the anarch cause have the power to motivate their fellows when push comes to shove and the only
choice left is violent action. This power allows a Kindred to stir his allies with valor and courage in the most
desperate of situations, rallying them to the fight. The anarch stands and cuts an imposing figure on the battlefield
and bolsters the bravery of those following him.
The player must be visible to those he wishes to affect, and he chooses who receives the benefit of his display of
heroism. Based on which physical Discipline he used as the basis of this power (Fortitude or Potence), the character
makes a display of his greatness in combat. For example, if he used Potence as the basis of this power, he might toss
aside a barricade intended to block attackers. If he used Fortitude, he might shrug off what looks like a crippling
blow. Thereafter, the characters he selected to use the power upon gain +3 to any roll involving a Will roll defending
against a fear or demoralization effect (the Storyteller is the final arbiter here). In some cases, this power has even
incited anarchs to acts of kamikaze sacrifice, throwing themselves boldly into the hero’s cause. The player rolls on
activation, with each success enabling up to three characters (as well as the user himself, if he wishes) to enjoy the
Note, however, that the character invoking the power chooses who it affects. Cynics whisper that traitors to the
cause have used this power to embolden the anarchs’ foes just before abandoning the cause and hanging the
anarchs out to dry.
Prerequisite: Presence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Instant Stake
The Vampire can snap off a nearby table leg, tree branch, or other piece of wood to crush in their hands and sharpen
with their teeth until it’s a fully functional wooden stake. Note that characters don’t need this Power to make stakes:
this Power just lets them instantaneously make stakes without being improvised weapons.
Cost: Free

(Obtenebration 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can conjure a weapon made from congealed shadowstuff. The weapon is near-weightless and can take
the form of a sword, knife, spear, or any other melee weapon the Vampire cares to wield.
Prerequisite: Obtenebration 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire can make the weapon dissolve back into shadow at any time, such as if they’re

Size Up
The Vampire can tell what someone’s Physical Attributes, combat Skills (Brawling, Karate/Judo, Guns, and Melee
weapons) scores at a glance. Every success rolled on activation reveals the target’s rating in one trait. If the target is
trying to conceal their true strength, such as an elder with a higher Blood Potency pretending to be a neonate, the
GM will provide false answers.
Cost: Normal

Timed Knockout
The Vampire can choose how long someone stays unconscious after they knock them out. They can have the victim
wake up anywhere between several seconds or (Potence levels) nights later. Other Vampires can’t be affected by
this Power, as they don’t ever fall unconscious. (Torpor is a distinct state.)
Cost: Free

Touch of Hypnos
The Vampire can render mortals unconscious with a
slight touch or pinch to pressure points along their
head or neck. This causes no lasting physical injury
to the victim, making it a bloodless means of quickly
dealing with troublesome mortals. The Vampire can
pair this Power with other Powers that activate
upon incapacitating a victim, such as Lethean Blow
or Timed Knockout. This lasts for a scene.
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on an
unarmed combat skill or Stealth roll against the
target (to either physically defeat them or get close
to them). The GM may waive rolls against
sufficiently weak or unwary mortals.
Cost: Normal

Uncommon Powers

Enfeebling Aura
(Presence 1 amalgam)
Many Brujah masters of Celerity and Potence claim
that Presence means nothing when you’re staring
down a skull-crushing fist. This Power seeks to
disprove that notion. It brings forth the Vampire’s
supernatural presence not to awe a crowd, but to
cow and enfeeble a victim. While it won’t
completely stop an assailant, it will even the playing
field in a tussle. Vampires with higher Blood Potency
are unaffected by this Power.
Prerequisite: Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Contest: As for Presence, if they win then they are
not affected. Every success on activation removes
one level from the victim’s highest Physical
Discipline. The Vampire can also specify a Discipline
to remove levels from.
Duration: Scene

The ghoul is extremely virile. Anyone they have unprotected intercourse with who’s capable of childbirth
automatically becomes pregnant. By using a Blood point, the ghoul can impregnate their partner even if they or their
partner is using protection. The pregnancy will be free of (natural) complications and the child born healthy. This
Power is of limited utility to most ghouls (and Kindred), but domitors who regularly breed their thralls swear by it.
Requirement: The ghoul must have been born with male genitalia.
Cost: Free

Level 2
Common Powers

Brujah’s Roar
The Vampire can amplify their voice to the same volume as a megaphone. They also take a +3 bonus on Intimidation
rolls against mortals and Kindred with lower Blood potency than them, as well as other Social skill rolls that would be
affected by the volume of their voice (e.g., talking straight over someone in an argument). This Power is considered
crass to use in Elysium, but it’s quite popular at Brujah rants.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Brutal Feed
Known as the “savage kiss,” this Power allows the Vampire to drain a victim with unholy strength. The Vampire can
swallow torrents of blood and perform a dangerous or fatal feeding in mere seconds instead of minutes. This is an
efficient, if messy, feeding method often employed in the heat of battle where the victim’s mangled remains can be
disguised. The Vampire may still need to incapacitate or kill enough victims, but actually feeding from them takes no
time at all. It is impossible to use this Power for light feedings and deep feedings. It’s too traumatic for the victim.
Cost: Free

Lethean Blow
The Vampire can cause anyone they knock unconscious or beat into torpor to forget the last scene’s worth of
memories. The victim may know they were painfully knocked out if they aren’t moved and their wounds healed, and
they’ll know there’s a gap in their memories, but they won’t remember the Vampire or exactly what happened to
them. Although this Power is best-known by its classical name, many younger licks sardonically term it “the Brujah’s
Cost: Normal

Powerful Breath
The Vampire can blow air through their mouth on the level of mighty winds. Fine motor control is impossible with
this Power, which blows away everything within a cone-shaped area, but it lets the Vampire move things from a
distance and without using their arms. The Vampire can blow their BL times the successes rolled on activation. In
earlier eras, Vampires with this Power would use it to propel ships, making it particularly popular among sea-faring
Lasombra. Its use in putting out fires, though, remains timeless.
Cost: Normal

Shatter the Shroud

(Auspex 2 amalgam)
With Auspex, Kindred can see through the shrouds of Obfuscate and other supernatural powers used to hide. This
Power extends that ability with force, shattering those gifts and exposing their users for the world to see. Whenever
the Vampire wins a contest roll to pierce a hiding power, the victim’s hiding power ends immediately. They can re-
activate it normally, but for a moment, everyone sees them and knows where to look for them.
Prerequisite: Shatter the Shroud 2, Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Touch of Hypnos
This Power functions as Touch of Hypnos 1, except it can be used against biologically alive supernatural such as
ghouls, mages, fae etc. Undead supernaturals remain immune. Supernatural with incredible recuperative powers,
such as werewolves, are only disoriented for a turn.
Prerequisite: Touch of Hypnos 1
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on an unarmed combat skill or Stealth roll against the target (to either
physically defeat them or get close to them). The GM may waive rolls against sufficiently weak or unwary mortals.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncanny Grip
Focusing their unnatural strength into their toes and fingers, the Vampire grips and burrows their extremities into
any non-metallic surface, enabling them to climb and even hang otherwise unsupported from walls and ceilings.
Close observation reveals tell-tale scarring or deformation on these surfaces afterward, however, as this is an
application of brute force, not superhero-style adhesion. Thin surfaces like glass shatter under the stress.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Brace for Impact

(Fortitude 4 amalgam)
A Cainite who possesses both the unnatural strength of Potence and the supernatural toughness of Fortitude can
learn to apply that strength to resisting some forms of damage. The power does not help against normal combat
damage such as fists, bullets or blades. It does not grant extra protection against fire, electricity, sunlight or other
energy-based sources of damage. The power only helps the character soak physical impacts that affect the entire
body: falling damage, car crashes, explosions, or being struck with very large objects. The character must also expect
the impact, so he can brace against it.
A character with this power receives a +1 DR of impact damage per successes rolled plus +1 DR per level of Potence
and Fortitude. This can be bashing, lethal or aggravated damage (as from falling off a skyscraper), but it must come
only from impact — no cutting, piercing, burning or other forms of damage. At the Storyteller’s option, Brace for
Impact can also help a Cainite resist crushing pressure or vacuum decompression.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 4
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can crush an inanimate object down to size between their hands. The object must be small or light
enough for the Vampire to carry or break with their own hands. The Vampire can make the object any size between
its normal size and around penny. The object isn’t damaged by this process and remains fully usable once it returns
to normal size.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or until the Vampire “pulls” the object back to its normal size.

Feral Imbuing
(Animalism 4 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may share his preternatural strength with a beast in his line of sight. Nosferatu use this
power more than any other clan, though the Gangrel know it as well.
The Vampire selects an animal in his line of sight, and the player rolls on activation. The Vampire may transfer as
many levels of his Potence Discipline to the targeted animal as the number of successes rolled. The Vampire
obviously cannot transfer more Potence than they possess. The Vampire’s own Potence rating is also reduced by the
number of levels transferred, weakening him for the duration of the power. Feral Imbuing may be withdrawn at will
as a reflexive action, restoring the Vampire to his full ability.
Prerequisite: Animalism 4
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Common Powers

Annihilating Strike
The Vampire can completely destroy an object they strike, reducing it to no more than a fine dust. The Vampire can
affect any object large or dense enough for them to already snap in half, weighing up to their BL level. The Vampire
can use this Power to instantly dispose of corpses and other evidence, or to rapidly collapse buildings by destroying
their supports. It also has terrifying shock value.
Cost: Normal

Beat It Out
The Vampire can cancel ongoing supernatural powers (anything with a duration listed) by beating them out of a
subject. The Vampire can beat Vampires using Protean back into their normal forms, beat implanted commands out
of a Dominated victim’s head, beat a Vampire using Obfuscate into visibility, and so on. This takes a Will contest and
the subject can’t reactivate the power for the rest of the scene.
This Power can’t cancel “unbreakable” powers like blood bonds that don’t normally allow a Will contest.
Requirement: The Vampire must inflict an injury with a penalty effect on the target, the penalty equal to the level
rating of whatever power the Vampire is trying to nullify (maximum -5).
Cost: Normal

Brujah’s Roar
This Power functions as Brujah’s Roar 2, except the Vampire is so loud that their scream can shatter glass and similar
materials. No sound quieter than a jet engine is audible over the Vampire’s cry. Victims are also deafened and can’t
make Skill rolls dependent on hearing for 1 minute per successes rolled on activation.
Prerequisite: Brujah’s Roar 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can throw objects across long distances—
anywhere within the same city− or county-sized area.
Thrown objects travel at the speed of terminal velocity and
are likely to arrive damaged if they aren’t made of durable
materials or stored inside a padded container. Objects
thrown from indoors smash through any roofs or windows
in their way. The Vampire can throw people as well as
objects, though mortals are likely to arrive at their
destinations injured or dead from the impact. Thrown
ghouls are likely to survive as long as they have blood in
their systems, and the worst that can happen to a throw
Vampire is torpor. People who don’t want to be thrown
must be subdued with a Brawling, Wrestling or Judo roll.
Many Brujah (often Anarchs) get a kick out of using this
Power to throw rivals into inconvenient or humiliating
locations, such as a city garbage heap. Ruthless Vampires
use it for intimidation, such as to send a ghoul’s severed
head smashing through the window of a rival’s haven.
More practical-minded Vampires use this Power to quickly
move useful objects between allies and subordinates—or
as a last-ditch effort to keep objects out of enemy hands.
Cost: Normal

Lethean Blow
This Power functions like Lethean Blow 2, except it can affect up to a night’s worth of the victim’s memories.
Prerequisite: Lethean Blow 2
Cost: Normal

Shatter the Shroud

(Auspex 3 amalgam)
This Power functions like Shatter the Shroud 2, except the victim can’t reactivate their hiding power after the
Vampire pierces it. The power stays down for the rest of the scene.
Prerequisite: Shatter the Shroud 2, Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

Spectral Strike
The Vampire can physically interact with ghosts, spirits, and other incorporeal entities as if they were fully solid. This
Power does not grant the Vampire power to see these entities, only to physically interact with them.
Cost: Free

Touch of Hypnos
This Power functions as Touch of Hypnos 1, except the Vampire can have its effects last up to one night. The Vampire
can also use it against all biologically dead supernatural such as other Vampires. Ghosts can only be affected if the
Vampire can physically interact with them. Vampires incapacitated with this Power are considered to be daysleeping
(and can be woken by stimuli that would wake a sleeping Vampire).
Prerequisite: Touch of Hypnos 2
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on an unarmed combat skill or Stealth roll against the target (to either
physically defeat them or get close to them). The GM may waive rolls against sufficiently weak or unwary mortals.
Cost: Normal

Uncanny Grip
This Power functions like Uncanny Grip 2, except it’s always active and doesn’t cost the Vampire any Blood points.
Prerequisite: Uncanny Grip 2
Cost: Free

Uncommon Powers

Beat It In
The Vampire can affect a victim with any Power they know by beating it into them. The Vampire must inflict an injury
with a penalty equal to the power’s level rating. The Vampire can beat hypnotic commands into someone’s head
(Dominate), beat their secrets out of their head (Auspex), beat them into loving the Vampire (Presence), and so on.
The Vampire doesn’t need to pay a Blood cost, deliver verbal commands, or succeed at the normal activation roll for
these Powers.
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on a combat roll against the victim. The Vampire can’t affect victims with
Powers that can only target the Vampire themselves. The Vampire must inflict an injury with a penalty effect on the
target, the penalty equal to the level rating of whatever power the Vampire is trying to beat in (maximum -5).
Cost: Normal

Deep Draught
The Vampire can draw extra strength from a victim’s blood by consuming part of their soul. Whenever the Vampire
feeds from someone, they can slake 1 extra Hunger.
Cost: Free

Material Projection
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can physically interact with the world around them when they use the Twilight Projection line of
Powers. The Vampire’s astral form becomes visible and semi-solid to people they touch or attack: anyone they try to
hurt can hurt them back. If the Vampire’s astral form is slain, they enter torpor as normal.
The Vampire still can’t use Disciplines besides Auspex and Obfuscate at Twilight Projection 4. They need Twilight
Projection 5 to use their full range of powers.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 4 and Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shatter Loyalty
The Vampire can shatter a ghoul’s blood bond towards their regnant. They simply beat the affection out of them.
This Power can’t be used to break blood bonds between other Vampires or any supernatural besides ghouls.
Requirement: The Vampire must inflict an injury with a penalty effect on the target, the penalty equal to the level
rating of the Blood bond. The penalty to achieve is at -5 to break a third stage bond, -4 to break a second stage bond,
and -3 to break a first stage bond.
Cost: Normal

Timed Torpor
The Vampire can choose whenever someone they beat into torpor or unconsciousness will wake back up. The
Vampire can also make the victim’s revival contingent on certain conditions, such as saying a particular phrase or
when a specific event comes to pass.
Prerequisite: Timed Knockout 1
Cost: Free

Level 4
Common Powers

The mightiest practitioners of Potence can delay the physical devastation of their blows. Instead of killing an
opponent, breaking an object, or performing any other feat of strength immediately, the Vampire can specify any
time in the next 24 hours when the effect of their physical action occurs. The Vampire can cause people to drop
dead, doors to burst open, machinery to rupture, and all manner of devastation to happen without apparent cause.
Cost: Normal

Draught of Might
The Vampire can saturate their blood with the power of Potence, conveying a portion of that strength to anyone
who drinks of it. Drinking a Blood point’s worth of blood lets the drinker temporarily use the Vampire’s Potence
levels in place of their own. The drinker gains no additional Powers besides Vigor. The draught can be bottled up but
is losing potency after a day.
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

The Vampire can slam their fist or foot into the ground, creating a shockwave that throws opponents prone and
causes them to lose their next action that would take a skill roll. One of the more dramatic applications of Potence,
this Power causes significant collateral damage. It cracks the earth, breaks furniture, and shatters glass. On any floor
but a building’s ground floor, it causes everyone to plummet to the floor below. If used carelessly, the Vampire can
literally bring the house down upon themselves. The area affected is 1 meter radius per Blood Potency plus Potence
Cost: Normal
Contest: The target affected by this power needs to roll on DX minus the successes rolled on activation. In case they
make the roll they don’t fall but get a -5 to any DX based skill for a turn.

Fist of Irad
The Vampire’s bare hands can inflict aggravated wounds. Other Vampires treat injuries inflicted by the Vampire
same as sunlight or fire. Mortals and ghouls take one week to heal for every day they would normally take. Ghouls
can’t use Mending to heal injuries inflicted by the Vampire at all.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

It’s a truism that “the great ones always make it look easy.” In the case of Flick, that saying stops being a truism and
becomes literal truth. An advanced user of Potence can make the slightest gesture—a wave, a poke, a snap of the
fingers, the toss of a ball—and have it unleash the full, devastating impact of a dead-on strike, or any other feat of
strength (e.g., throwing a car) that would normally cause visible exertion. Attacks made with this Power can come
without warning, limiting the victim’s ability to dodge or anticipate (take Advantage on rolls to ambush them in a
fight); this makes Flick one of the most feared applications of Potence. It’s also better for the Masquerade.
Cost: Normal

Killing Look
The Vampire can inflict physical harm on people and objects just by looking at them. Anything the Vampire could do
with their bare hands, they can do to whatever they’re looking at. Fine manipulation is impossible with this Power.
All the Vampire can do is destroy.
Requirement: The Vampire must make eye contact with the victim or object. They must be able to see each other
with the naked eye—this Power doesn’t work over video feeds or through binoculars.
Cost: Normal

Spectral Strike
This Power functions like Spectral Strike 3, except it’s always on and the Vampire never has to pay Blood to use it.
Prerequisite: Spectral Strike 3
Cost: Free

Touch of Thanatos
This Power functions as Touch of Hypnos 1, except the Vampire can instantly slay anyone they touch. Medical
examination shows the cause of death to be a stroke, blood clot, or similar cause, though any witnesses are likely to
be suspicious after seeing the Vampire touch the victim. Vampires affected by this Power succumb to torpor.
Werewolves are too hardy to be slain outright, but fall unconscious for the rest of the scene.
Prerequisite: Touch of Hypnos 3
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on an unarmed combat skill or Stealth roll against the target (to either
physically defeat them or get close to them). The GM may waive rolls against sufficiently weak or unwary mortals.
Cost: Normal

Uncommon Powers

Espirit de Corps
(Presence 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can stir the hearts of their allies, granting them courage and strength in the cause for which they fight.
For as long as the Vampire’s allies can see and hear them, allies can use the Vampire’s Potence levels in place of their
own (they gain no Powers besides Vigor) and are immune to fear. The Brujah are credited with developing this
Power, and have historically used it to lead followers into battle against even the most overwhelming odds.
Prerequisite: Presence 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Expel Soul
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can punch someone’s soul out of their body after defeating them in combat. This functions like Twilight
Projection 2. The bodies of mortal and ghoul victims fall into an apparent coma-like state. The Vampire can see and
hear the victim’s expelled soul normally. If the victim leaves the area, the Vampire can effortlessly find them by
following the silver cord linking their soul to their body. Powers to possess or take over the victim’s body succeed
without a roll.
Prerequisite: Twilight Projection 2 and Auspex 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent. The bodies of vampiric victims continue to take a daily Blood point and eventually fall into
torpor. The bodies of mortals and ghouls eventually die if not fed and hydrated, releasing the victim’s soul to its final
destination. The Vampire can rejoin the victim’s soul with their body at any time, as can other soul-manipulative
powers with a Will contest.

Extract Heart
The Vampire can rip someone’s heart out of their chest. A Vampire remains paralyzed and aware as if they’d been
staked. The Vampire can choose for the victim to fall unconscious or enter torpor if they don’t want the victim to
remain aware. The Vampire can slay the victim at any time by crushing their heart, or un-paralyze them by inserting
their heart back into their chest.
Only a Vampire with this Power can reunite a victim’s heart with their body. At the GM’s discretion, surgery and
other body-altering powers (like Fleshcraft) may be able to do so with a skill roll.
This Power is believed to have been developed by an unknown Lasombra who fought the Setites during the Sea
Peoples’ invasion of Egypt, and as a counter to the Snake Clan’s own heart-removing powers. While this Potence-
based version is somewhat cruder, there’s no denying that it works. Among other uses, it leaves its victims unaware
of their surroundings (unlike staked victims), and makes it much harder to wake them up (since the Vampire can
store the heart at another location). It’s also usable on entities besides Vampires.
Requirement: The Vampire must defeat the victim in combat by getting their HP under 0.
Cost: Normal

Psychic Assault
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can psychically attack a victim without raising a hand. This Power causes immense internal injury to the
victim, who looks to onlookers as if they are experiencing an agonizing seizure. Medical examination shows the
cause of death to be a heart attack, aneurysm, or similar cause. This power causes Swing crushing damage with each
use and as it is internal damage only powers that protect from such (Fortitude is applicable) can be used to counter it
but no DR.
Requirement: Auspex 4. The Vampire must touch or make eye contact with the victim.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted.

Level 5
Common Powers

Break Beast
The Vampire can “break” anyone they defeat in combat by snapping their back, castrating them, or performing some
other brutal display of dominance that reduces the victim’s Beast to a state of fearful submission. Thereafter, the
victim can no longer use Disciplines and receives a -4 penalty to all DX based skills. All damage is healed as
aggravated damage. Whenever the victim frenzies, they flee rather than fight.
Requirement: The Vampire must defeat the victim in combat by getting their HP under 0.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent until the victim manages to heal up to full HP.

Draught of Might
This Power functions like Draught of Might 4, except the drinkers gain one additional Power for every new Potence
level they gain. These Powers must be known by the Vampire.
The drinker must gain Powers at the corresponding Potence levels; for example, a drinker who gains Potence 5 must
gain Vigor, a Potence 2 Power, a Potence 3 Power, a Potence 4 Power, and a Potence 5 Power, rather than Vigor and
four Potence 5 Powers. If the drinker knows Potence, they still gain new Powers at levels the drinker already knows.
Prerequisite: Draught of Might 4
Cost: Normal. Plus 1 Blood point that will be consumed by the target
Duration: One night for mortals and ghouls; for other Vampires, until the next feeding or the other Vampire reaches
5 or less Blood points.

The Vampire rips open a gaping pit in the earth and throws the victim inside. The pit immediately closes after them,
leaving the victim trapped in a cave-like prison miles below the surface. The Vampire can make the prison as small or
as large as they want (within reason). Left on their own, the victim will eventually die of deprivation (if mortal) or
enter torpor (if Kindred). The Vampire can excavate the pit and free the victim at any time. Vampires with Interred in
the Earth or similar Powers can try to escape.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent

Inescapable Strike
The Vampire can physically attack anyone who is observing or communicating with them in real time. This can
include phone calls, video feeds, text messages, IM clients, hidden bugs, viewing the Vampire from a distance (e.g.,
with binoculars or a sniper rifle’s scope), or viewing the Vampire through solid barriers. This also includes Disciplines
that don’t require the Vampire or their victim to be physically present to observe one another (e.g., Share Senses,
Possession, Animal Dominion, Twilight Projection, etc.). The Vampire only needs to be aware someone is observing
them in order to lash out. This Power is highly disturbing for mortals to witness and can manifest in such forms as
the Vampire’s hands bursting from a TV screen, laptops crushing the victim’s head under their top cover, possessed
thralls swallowing the victim into their mouths, etc. The victim can still fight back and neither the Vampire nor the
victim actually leave their current location. Resolve any fights with a combat roll as normal.
Cost: Normal

Sins of the Father
Whenever the Vampire inflicts an injury on a Kindred victim, they can cause any number of Kindred relatives within
range of the victim’s blood sympathy to suffer equal harm. If the Vampire destroys the victim, their Kindred relatives
can be made to enter torpor, but not suffer final death. Any Kindred relatives who are affected by this power
instinctively sense the Vampire’s fate and current location.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted.

Uncommon Powers

Espirit de Corps
(Presence 5 amalgam)
This Power functions as Espirit de Corps 4, except it lasts for an entire night and continues to affect allies even when
they’re no longer able to see or hear the Vampire. While this Power’s applicability is more limited in the modern era,
its longer duration and ability to function throughout a battlefield’s chaos (where individual followers could easily
get separated from the Vampire) still makes it invaluable in turning the tides of battles.
Prerequisite: Espirit de Corps 4, Presence 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

My Name is My Name
Whenever someone in the same city as the Vampire shit-talks them, the Vampire immediately knows. As soon as the
victim leaves the room or rounds a corner, they find the Vampire there, ready to kick their ass. The Vampire
instantaneously traverses the distance between them. Walls and solid barriers are no obstacle. It usually only takes
several instances for word of the Vampire’s prowess to spread, but that’s the point.
If the Vampire is in trouble when this Power would be invoked, the Vampire appears before the victim once they’re
no longer in trouble. People who shit-talk the Vampire expressly to summon them with this Power also don’t cause it
to trigger. Finally, this Power only works at night.
Cost: Normal. This Power is free to use if the victim shit-talks the Vampire in the Vampire’s claimed domain.

Penumbral Rent
The Vampire can use their bare hands to tear open rents to extradimensional realms that overlap with mundane
reality, such as the Shadowlands, the Spirit World, or the nearest regions of the Hedge. Entities between the
Penumbral realm and the material world can freely cross over for as long as the rent remains open. This Power can
only be used to access a single extradimensional realm, determined when the Power is first taught to the Vampire.
The Vampire can learn this Power more than once to access additional realms, but such is rare.
Requirement: The Vampire must succeed on a Brawling (or other hand to hand skill) if they try to force someone
through the rent involuntarily.
Cost: 1 Blood point per local Gauntlet rating, Shroud rating, or other applicable rating to determine how thick the
barrier between worlds is. Every additional person or object they transport through the rift costs another Blood
Duration: For as long as the Vampire holds the rent open, during which time they can take no other physical actions.
If the Vampire walks through or throws people through, the rift snaps shut immediately afterwards.

“Her smile brought me a fiendish joy. Her silence drove me to angelic despair. Can you understand what it is to love
that deeply?”
— Ralph, LA Anarch

Presence is the Discipline of supernatural allure and emotional

manipulation which allows Kindred to attract, sway, and control
crowds. This discipline is fairly common among Vampires, especially
within the Camarilla, both because of its versatility and because of its
Vampires with this power can inspire passionate fervor or unreasoning
terror in mortals and Kindred alike. In addition, unlike most Disciplines,
some of Presence’s powers can be used on entire crowds at one time.
Presence can transcend race, religion, gender, class, and (most
importantly) supernatural nature. As such, this subtle power is one of
the most useful Disciplines a Vampire can possess. The major drawback
of Presence is that it controls only the emotions.
Unlike Dominate, Presence does not turn its victims into mindless
automations. Victims of Presence might feel differently toward the
power's user, but they retain the ability to think and act on their own.
This aspect of Presence can be very useful - a pawn might come up
with a useful solution to a problem that the character might not have seen. It can also be problematic, though.
Pawns are remarkable for their ability to surprise their beloved with expressions of affection at the worst possible
time. Targets of Presence do not leap to obey spoken commands, as they do with Dominate. They need to be
persuaded that a particular course of action is the best one for them. Doing so is rarely difficult, but it is not
automatic by any means.

Clans: Brujah, Setites, Toreador, Ventrue, Baali, Daughters of Cacophony

Nicknames: Charm (common), enthrallment (common), glamour (common), star mode (slang), sublimitas (archaic),
superstardom (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Low-Medium. A subtle power, people seldom realize Presence has affected them at all. As with
most Disciplines, its higher powers can leave puzzled witnesses behind, especially once the effects wear off.

Critical Failure: A critical failure is an activation roll missed by 5 or more, it leaves the target immune to all further
uses of Presence by the Vampire for the rest of the night.

Detecting Presence: Unlike Dominate, Presence is a subtle Power, and other supernatural don’t always know they’ve
been targeted with it.
• Vampires always know if they are compelled to perform out of character actions (including revealing secrets
they wouldn’t have).
• If the Vampire only performed actions they could have plausibly performed on their own, they are likely to
conclude their actions were fully their own. As such, anyone who uses Presence in a subtle rather than blunt
manner can get away with quite a lot.
It goes without saying that ordinary mortals are likely to believe their actions on their own, though sufficiently out of
character actions may cause them to question their own sanity.

Resisting Presence: If the victim realizes that they are being affected by a Presence power they can try to resist. The
same happens if the victim is nudged towards out of character actions.

• Mortals can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for each of the wielder’s Blood potency, Presence levels and
successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Supernaturals can resist by a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for the wielder’s Presence level and successes rolled on
the activation of the power.
• Vampires can resist Presence for one scene by succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a -1 penalty for
each of the successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Vampires with higher Blood potency who are not of lower generation than the discipline using Vampire, get a
bonus to their saving throws against any Discipline powers. This bonus equals the difference in Blood potency.
However, if their Blood potency is lower than the user’s, then they get a -1 penalty for each level of difference.
• Vampires with a lower Generation than the wielder need only succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll,
with a -1 penalty for each of the successes rolled on the activation of the power, to ignore Presence for an entire

After it Wears Off: The victim’s attitude towards the Vampire when Presence wears off depends on their previous
attitude and how they were treated. This applies equally to victims who are mortals or other Vampires.
• A neutral or well-disposed victim who was treated well (and who doesn’t realize they were affected with
Presence) is likely to remain well-disposed towards the Vampire.
• An unfriendly victim who was treated well may improve their attitude, or go back to their old attitude,
depending on their previous relationship with the Vampire and how the Vampire continues to treat them.
• A victim who realizes the Vampire used Presence on them (see above) is likely to regard it as an attack on their
person and respond accordingly.
Obviously, none of this applies to Presence Powers that inspire fear or other negative emotions towards the

Level 1
Common Powers

The Vampire broadcasts an aura of power, importance, and desirability. They take a +2 bonus on related reaction
rolls against the people around them. Everyone ignores or laughs off anything inappropriate the Vampire does that
doesn’t directly harm them or people they care about.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Behind the Throne

(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
Presence is all about being the center of attention, while Obfuscate focuses on its avoidance. Combining them allows
one to direct attention while unobserved. This Power allows the Vampire to focus the effects of Presence Powers on
someone else, as if they had used it instead of the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire tells the victim to confess a recent bad deed they’ve personally committed. (“Recent” is recent enough
to still weigh on the victim’s mind—the past few days for most garden-variety sins, but longer for especially vile
ones.) If the victim isn’t in a setting or emotional state where they might believably confess their sins, they are likely
to react with hostility and alarm.
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal.
Cost: Normal

Dread Presence
The Vampire exudes an aura of fear and subtle menace. They take a +2 bonus on Intimidation rolls against the
people around them. People shy away from the Vampire and back down from confrontations that don’t risk harm to
things they seriously care about. Supernatural with higher Supernatural Tolerance than the Vampire are unaffected
by this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Enchanting Gaze
The Vampire stares deeply into a victim’s eyes and makes themselves the center of their victim’s world. The victim
won’t leave or break eye contact until the Vampire lets them, and ignores anything happening nearby that doesn’t
physically harm them or people they care about. The Vampire also takes a +2 bonus on Social skill rolls against the
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Honeyed Words
(Auspex 1 amalgam)
Kindred are preternaturally skillful at telling their listeners what they want to hear. So skillful, in fact, that a Vampire
sometimes doesn’t even need to know what they’re talking about. This Power assures the Vampire that, no matter
what words tumble out of their mouth, they are always the perfect response (or at least not the wrong one).
Whenever the Vampire says something that might offend, confuse, or worry the target, the GM will tell the player
so, allowing them to revise any typed response. The target must be a mortal or lesser supernatural.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire stirs their victim’s emotions, either heightening them to a fevered pitch or blunting them until the
victim is completely desensitized. The Vampire may only amplify or dull emotions already present in the target. In
this way, a Vampire can inflame mild irritation into quivering rage or atrophy true love into casual interest (at least
for a little while). Take a +2 bonus on skill rolls that play to the victim’s emotion (or lack thereof) in question.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire broadcasts an aura of trustworthiness, as though they were someone’s long-time neighbour or co-
worker. The Vampire takes a +2 bonus on Social skill rolls to earn or exploit people’s trust. People disclose things or
take the Vampire’s word over things they’d normally be wary of around strangers, such as giving out their phone
number or getting into a car with the Vampire.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Enfeebling Aura
(Celerity 1 or Fortitude 1 or Potence 1 amalgam)
Many Brujah masters of Celerity and Potence claim that Presence means nothing when you’re staring down a skull-
crushing fist. This Power seeks to disprove that notion. It brings forth the Vampire’s supernatural presence not to
awe a crowd, but to cow and enfeeble a victim. While it won’t completely stop an assailant, it will even the playing
field in a tussle. Vampires with higher Blood Potency are unaffected by this Power.
Prerequisite: Celerity 1 or Fortitude 1 or Potence 1
Cost: Normal
Contest: Every success on activation removes one level from the victim’s highest physical Discipline. The Vampire can
also specify a Discipline to remove levels from.
Duration: Scene

Toughest SOB In The Room
(Fortitude 1 amalgam)
Sometimes people won’t listen. Sometimes things get physical before you’re done talking. But goddammit, they’re
going to listen, because you’re the toughest sonuvabitch in the room. When the Vampire activates this Power, any
penalty they’d take from injuries gives them an equal bonus instead to any Social skill roll to intimidate or coerce.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Rare Powers

Anesthetic Touch
The Vampire can ease a target’s pain or place them into a deep, soothing sleep with a touch. When the Vampire
eases pain, the target takes no penalties to rolls from injuries. They can still be hurt and still risk dying.
If the Vampire puts the target to sleep, they sleep peacefully and don’t suffer mundane nightmares or parasomnias.
Preventing supernatural nightmares takes a Will contest. The Vampire can’t use this Power on themselves.
This Power is almost exclusive to the Salubri.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene (ease pain) or however long is normal for the target (sleep).

Level 2
Common Powers

Aura of Accursed Rage

(Animalism 3 amalgam)
Originally obtained by the Gangrel from Brujah adherents to the Road of the Beast, this fearsome power unlocks the
savagery in every Cainite’s soul. Such rage knows neither friend nor foe, and incautious use of this Discipline can
transform a prince’s stately court into a gore-splattered abattoir in a matter of minutes. At least one reckless
Nosferatu has reputedly achieved this feat, though perhaps this is only a legend of the Low Clans.
The player rolls on activation, the difficulty of all Self-Control rolls to resist frenzy receives a -1 penalty per success
for the rest of the scene. This power affects all Vampires within range of the character’s sight — including the
character using the power. Vampires who leave the character’s sight still suffer for the remainder of the scene;
Vampires who enter the scene after this power is invoked are not affected. A critical failure by 5 or more on the
activation roll triggers immediate Rötschreck in the character, although other Vampires are not affected.
Prerequisite: Animalism 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Confess 1, except the bad deed the victim confesses could have been committed years ago.
Prerequisite: Confess 1
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal.
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can make someone like and trust them as if the Vampire were their best friend. Take a +4 bonus on
Social skill rolls that rely on goodwill.
Prerequisite: Trustworthy 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or until the Vampire does something to the victim they would consider an out of character
action from a best friend.

Dread Gaze
Briefly exposing their vampiric nature by hissing and baring their fangs, the Vampire instills a single subject with
utter terror. Mortals are cowed, run, or freeze with fear, while other Vampires either submit like whipped dogs or
flee in frenzy. The Vampire chooses what reaction to instill.
Prerequisite: Dread Presence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Easy Lay
The Vampire fills someone with feelings of lust for them. Mortals want sex; Vampires and ghouls want to share
blood. As soon as the victim has a convenient opportunity to do so, they’ll try to consummate their feelings with the
Vampire. The Vampire also takes a +2 bonus on Social skill rolls that play on the victim’s lust.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Take a penalty against mortals who aren’t sexually attracted to the Vampire’s gender.
Duration: Scene

Honeyed Words
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
This Power functions like Honeyed Words 1, except the Vampire can also use it against true supernatural.
Prerequisite: Honeyed Words 1 and Auspex 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Incite Emotion
The Vampire can shift someone’s emotional state to a single state other than true happiness, chosen when they first
take this Power: anger, envy, lust, confusion, grief, shame, etc. Take a +2 bonus on Social skill rolls that play to the
emotion in question.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Instant Entourage
This Power functions like Awe, except the victims can’t get enough of the Vampire. Short of their elderly mother
being on her deathbed in the hospital, or equally pressing personal business, they’ll drop whatever they were doing
to follow the Vampire around for the rest of the night. They’ll do anything to impress or curry favor with the Vampire
that doesn’t cross a serious personal line.
Prerequisite: Awe 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night.

King of the Hill

(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
A character who possesses this power cannot be knocked off his feet. Even if a stampeding animal charges him or a
car runs him over, the Kindred remains rooted to the spot, adamant refusing to yield his posture. This power was
developed by a gang leader in the Anarch Free State, who is rumored to have met his Final Death after being hit by a
train in an attempt to see just how far the power would protect him. Unfortunately for this anarch, King of the Hill
doesn’t confer any extra resistance to damage, it merely prevents the Kindred from being knocked aside or to the
This power is considered “always on,” though a character may choose to turn it off. Quite simply, the character
cannot be knocked aside or down — he stands his ground. Whatever caused the impact must yield instead. In most
cases, this presents no problem, as the person hitting the character absorbs the stress instead. In some cases,
however, this power is a downright threat to the Masquerade, as a car will rebound off the character as if it had hit a
telephone pole.
If the impact of whatever causes the damage is so great that it kills the Kindred, this power immediately ceases to
work, and his corpse (or whatever remains of it) is battered aside. This is presumably why the train that hit the gang
boss wasn’t derailed. Small objects, such as bullets, may also “blow through” at the Storyteller’s discretion, though
they are just as likely to be lodged in the Kindred’s body.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can lend their Presence to other people. For every level the Vampire lowers their Presence, the subject
gains equally many Presence levels, up to a maximum of Presence 5. The subject gains as many of the Vampire’s
Powers as the Vampire wants them to know. A popular use for this Power is to empower trusted ghouls during the
day, when the Vampire already can’t act.
Cost: 1 Blood point per Presence level imparted, which the subject must drink from the Vampire. Most Vampires
require beneficiaries of this Power to drink straight from their vein (and further a blood bond) as simple “cost of
doing business.”

Memory Rift
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
Invoking this power causes a single subject to forget the user’s presence during a single scene or specific event. The
Kindred merely invokes her mystic ability to vanish from the mind’s eye and then convinces the subject through
force of charisma that she was never even there in the first place. The subject’s memory of the Kindred’s attendance
at the event in question fades like fog at morning’s light. This power works on only one subject at a time, but it may
be used multiple times to alter the memories of multiple individuals.
If the Kindred is successful with the activation, the memory of her participation in the event of her choice vanishes
from the subject’s memory. The subject often remembers the event itself, but not the participation or presence of
the Kindred using this power. He may even go so far as to construct and believe “logical” courses of events, such as

an individual “slipping” off a bridge when in actuality she was pushed. Note that the memory is still present (and
may be found with certain applications of Dominate and similar powers), but it is repressed, ignored or otherwise
covered up subconsciously.
The Kindred invoking this power must leave the subject’s vicinity within five minutes of the power’s use, and
thereafter remain out of his sensory range for at least an hour. Failure to do so means the power fails, possibly in the
form of the memory “flooding back” to the subject’s consciousness.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal

Mortal Terror
(Animalism 3 amalgam)
While the power of Quell the Beast is certainly useful if you’re trying to soothe or quiet someone, sometimes you
need something a bit more dramatic. Mortal Terror focuses the power of Dread Gaze directly on another Kindred’s
Beast, bypassing the conscious mind entirely. This can potentially drive a Vampire into immediate Rötschreck.
The character must either touch her target or make eye contact, and the player must succeed in a contested roll of
the activation skill vs Will. If the character accumulates more successes than the victim, the power takes effect and
Rötschreck overwhelms the victim. The victim may begin making Self-Control rolls in an attempt to fight off
Rötschreck starting the next turn. Until he accumulates five successes, he will continue to flee from the character by
the fastest and most direct route.
Invoking this power spuriously is dangerous. Should the character have a critical failure by 5 or more on the roll to
invoke the power, the victim must immediately roll Self-Control to resist frenzy, rather than Rötschreck.
Prerequisite: Animalism 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions like Passion 1, except its duration increases as below.
Prerequisite: Passion 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Respect Your Betters

(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
Characters with lower Blood Potency than the Vampire’s can’t attack the Vampire unless they’re frenzying or the
Vampire attacks them first. This Power is widely taught among the Ventrue.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Stunning Awe
(Dominate 2 amalgam)
This power allows a Vampire to slow a victim with a mixture of terror and mystical compulsion. He need only lock
gazes with the target and unleash his monstrous will to stun them.
This power imposes a penalty (-1 per Blood potency of the Vampire) on all the target’s actions. This penalty lasts a
number of turns equal to the successes rolled on activation, after which it loses a -1 of potency each turn until the
target is free to act normally. If the Vampire’s Blood potency exceeds the target’s by 5 or more (non-Vampires have
0 Blood potency), then the duration is measured in minutes rather than turns. If a stunned target suffers any pain,
her player may roll on Will, each success reduces the penalty by a -1. This resistance roll may be attempted only
once per turn and only once for the same stimulus.
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Varies
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

The Vampire puts out a psychic call to anyone who is under a third stage blood bond with them and in the same city.
The thrall knows who is summoning them and
their regnant’s current location. They try to reach
their regnant as quickly as they can without
endangering themselves physically or financially.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. After the duration elapses, the
thrall loses their instinctive sense of where to find
the Vampire.

Uncommon Powers

(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
The Vampire can make someone disbelieve,
dismiss, or ignore something they’ve just found
out. The victim feels a wave of whatever emotion
is most conductive to their disbelief: e.g., jealousy
towards a rival who’s just accomplished
something important (“There’s no way that hack
could’ve done that!”), or adamant denial over a
loved one accused of a crime (“There’s no way
my spouse is a murderer!”). This Power isn’t
Dominate and the victim still retains their
memories of whatever they heard or saw:
someone who witnesses a Vampire transform
into a wolf or drain someone to death isn’t ever
going to dismiss that.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Repeat Customer
Developed by Kindred involved in mortal business
enterprises, this Power instills the victim with a
compulsion to return to the Vampire’s place of
business sometime within the next week. If the
Vampire’s service was bad, the victim comes back
despite their misgivings. If the Vampire’s service
was good, repeated applications can make the
victim an unshakably loyal client.
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Common Powers

Beast’s Face
This Power functions as Dread Gaze 2, except its use isn’t obvious, and the Vampire can choose to make the victim
afraid of a source besides them. The Vampire can fill the victim with terror over specific people, places, or situations,
or just instil them with formless, nameless dread.
Prerequisite: Dread Gaze 2
Cost: Normal

Command the Wary Steed
(Animalism 2 amalgam)
Through use of this power, the Cainite can cause his enemies’ mounts to rear and bolt, singly or en masse, by the
strength of his gaze alone. The player can also elect to bolster the courage and tractability of his allies’ steeds,
allowing greater control in battle and the ability to manipulate the animals into performing actions or entering
places they would normally avoid.
With a successful activation roll, enemy mounts affected become terrified and nigh uncontrollable. All Riding rolls
receive a -6 penalty, and mounted combat becomes impossible. Friendly mounts affected become much more pliant
(+4 bonus on all Ride rolls), and may be coerced to remain calm in situations they would normally avoid.
Prerequisite: Animalism 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Cupid’s Arrow
The Vampire can inspire feelings of lust between any two individuals within the same room. Many Toreador use this
Power to set up couples who are ‘right for each other’ or ‘need a nudge.’
Prerequisite: Easy Lay 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night, though it’s possible the victims’ feelings could persist if they hit off well.

Dread Gaze
This Power functions like Dread Gaze 2, except its duration increases to one night. The victim comes to their senses
when they leave the Vampire’s presence, but seeing the Vampire makes them overcome with terror again.
Prerequisite: Dread Gaze 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

The Vampire can befuddle the mental faculties of a victim whose mind they’ve already touched, reducing the
victim’s IQ related skills by the number of successes rolled on activation.
Requirement: The Vampire must have used another Presence Power on the victim the same scene.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or the original Presence Power’s duration, whichever is less.

Easy Lay
This Power functions like Easy Lay 2, except its duration increases to one night and the victim will act on their
feelings without any regard for situational context: they’ll try to slake their lusts upon the Vampire in the middle of a
public place or at their parents’ dinner party for all it matters. The Vampire can instill this impulse in the victim
immediately or postpone it until a more convenient time, and can re-inflame the victim’s desire to copulate as many
times as they like over the course of the evening. The Vampire also takes Advantage on Social rolls that play to the
victim’s lusts.
Prerequisite: Easy Lay 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. If the Vampire makes the victim consummate their feelings at a highly inconvenient or
embarrassing time, the Power expires after they’ve done so.

The Vampire can make someone regard them as a trusted leader and superior. The victim will undertake any actions
they would for a beloved boss, and follow any orders from the Vampire they wouldn’t strenuously object to.
Prerequisite: Trustworthy 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or until the victim makes a significant sacrifice for the Vampire.

Give’em Hell
(Fortitude 1 or Potence 1 amalgam)
Champions of the anarch cause have the power to motivate their fellows when push comes to shove and the only
choice left is violent action. This power allows a Kindred to stir his allies with valor and courage in the most
desperate of situations, rallying them to the fight. The anarch stands and cuts an imposing figure on the battlefield
and bolsters the bravery of those following him.
The player must be visible to those he wishes to affect, and he chooses who receives the benefit of his display of
heroism. Based on which physical Discipline he used as the basis of this power (Fortitude or Potence), the character
makes a display of his greatness in combat. For example, if he used Potence as the basis of this power, he might toss
aside a barricade intended to block attackers. If he used Fortitude, he might shrug off what looks like a crippling
blow. Thereafter, the characters he selected to use the power upon gain +3 to any roll involving a Will roll defending
against a fear or demoralization effect (the Storyteller is the final arbiter here). In some cases, this power has even
incited anarchs to acts of kamikaze sacrifice, throwing themselves boldly into the hero’s cause. The player rolls on
activation, with each success enabling up to three characters (as well as the user himself, if he wishes) to enjoy the
Note, however, that the character invoking the power chooses who it affects. Cynics whisper that traitors to the
cause have used this power to embolden the anarchs’ foes just before abandoning the cause and hanging the
anarchs out to dry.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 1 or Potence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Green Eyes
This Power functions like Incite Emotion, except the Vampire isn’t limited to just one emotion: the Vampire can
make the victim feel anything (anger, envy, lust, confusion, grief, shame, etc.) besides true happiness. Take
Advantage on Social rolls that play to the emotion in question. Additionally, the duration increases from one scene
to one night.
Prerequisite: Incite Emotion 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

This Power functions as Summoning 2, except it affects anyone who is either the Vampire’s descendant (childe,
grandchilde, etc.) or who currently has the Vampire’s blood in their system, and they can be anywhere in the world.
The victim knows who is summoning them and the Vampire’s current location. They try to reach the Vampire
reasonably quickly without endangering themselves physically or financially. They won’t sell their house to buy a
ticket or miss a vital meeting, but they might skip out of normal work or social commitments.
Prerequisite: Summoning 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. The victim can choose whether to keep making their way towards the Vampire after the Power
wears off. The Vampire is also free to use the Power again.

True Love’s Face

(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
A sinister hybrid of Mask of a Thousand Faces and Entrancement, this Discipline technique enables a Vampire to
assume the form of a target’s true love. Both the Followers of Set and Nosferatu prize this power, though for very
different reasons. Where Serpents use the guise of loved ones to tempt and seduce, spiteful Lepers delight in
shattering victim’s minds by revealing their true face after a passionate embrace. Vampires may use this art to take
the form of someone they know their victim loves or allow their target’s expectations to manifest on their own. In
the latter case, however, the Vampire may need quick wits to discern whom she looks like, especially since the
copied person may or may not be living.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Kiss of the Succubus
The Vampire can blood bond someone who engages in an act of passion with them such as kissing, fondling, or
intercourse. The Vampire secretes the vitae through their pores. This costs a Blood point as normal and the victim
gets a roll to resist (as resisting a Presence power) being blood bound, but they might not even realize they’ve been
turned into the Vampire’s thrall.
Prerequisite: Easy Lay 2
Cost: One Blood point

Living Masquerade
(Obfuscate 4 amalgam)
The Vampire is surrounded with a glamour of sorts, an aura of the ordinary and the expected which occults even the
most egregious demonstration of their inhuman nature. Their nocturnal lifestyle never raises any questions, and
people don’t wonder why the Vampire never eats, goes out during the day, or seems to get any older. Even when
someone points out those things, people just shake their heads and dismiss it.
Prerequisite: Face in the Crowd 1; Trustworthy 1
Cost: Free

Level 4
Common Powers

Cupid’s Arrow
This Power functions as Cupid’s Arrow 3, except its duration increases and it doesn’t require the two victims to be in
the same room. If the Vampire sees at least of one the victims face-to-face when they use this Power, the second
victim is affected once they see the first victim, whether or not the Vampire is still there.
Prerequisite: Cupid’s Arrow 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One week, though it’s possible the victims’ feelings could persist if they hit off well.

Green Eyes
This Power functions as Green Eyes 3, except its duration increases from one night to one week.
Prerequisite: Green Eyes 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One week.

The Vampire can inspire fanatical loyalty from someone. They’ll freely kill or risk their life, so long as they think it’ll
help the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Confidant 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or until the victim makes a significant sacrifice for the Vampire.

Paralyzing Glance
The Vampire can flood their victim’s mind with terror, reducing them into a whimpering, catatonic state. Mortal
victims can take no actions except curling up into fetal position and gibbering incoherently. Vampiric victims flee in
frenzy, and automatically do so whenever they see the Vampire again.
Prerequisite: Dread Gaze 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One week.

This Power functions as Summoning 3, except it affects anyone who shares blood sympathy with the Vampire or who
has ever tasted the Vampire’s vitae.
Prerequisite: Summoning 3

Cost: Normal
Duration: One night. The victim can choose whether to keep making their way towards the Vampire after the Power
wears off. The Vampire is also free to use the Power again.

Uncommon Powers

Aura of Inescapable Truth

(Dominate 4 amalgam)
A Vampire with this power can ensure
that only truth is spoken in his
presence. All beings who speak within
earshot of the Cainite are incapable of
telling a deliberate untruth while this
power is active. Those who attempt to
lie will choke on their own words,
unable to speak. Those affected by this
power may impart mistaken
information if they are not aware that
they are not telling the truth.
Use of this power is obvious to all
whom it affects, and in no way it
restricts them from leaving the area of
effect. Once a target is no longer in the
presence of the Vampire, she is no
longer affected.
If Aura of Inescapable Truth is used on
Cainites, it affects only those of lesser
generation than its user, as with other
uses of Dominate. The effect of the
power is based on the number of
successes rolled
1 success: The next statement made by
those affected must be truthful.
2 successes: Those affected must speak
the truth for the next full minute.
3 successes: Those affected must speak
the truth for the next 10 minutes.
4 successes: Those affected must speak
the truth for the remainder of the
5 successes: Those affected must speak
the truth for as long as they stay in the
user’s presence.
Prerequisite: Dominate 4
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Peaceful coexistence is not a common tenet of vampiric society. This Power nudges everyone in the Vampire’s
immediate vicinity (they can choose to leave out some people) into a spirit of cooperation and goodwill. The
Vampire states a single goal: affected individuals stop at nothing to achieve it unless it would risk serious harm to
them or people they care about. Even bitter enemies will work together in pursuit of the Vampire’s goal.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene or until the Vampire’s goals is achieved.

Espirit de Corps
(Potence 4 amalgam)
The Vampire can stir the hearts of their allies, granting them courage and strength in the cause for which they fight.
For as long as the Vampire’s allies can see and hear them, allies can use the Vampire’s Potence levels in place of their
own (they gain no Powers besides Vigor) and are immune to fear. The Brujah are credited with developing this
Power, and have historically used it to lead followers into battle against even the most overwhelming odds.
Prerequisite: Potence 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Star Magnetism
The Vampire can use Presence Powers on people viewing them on live feeds or hearing them over the phone. If the
Vampire uses a single-target Power, such as Loyalty, they must clearly enunciate the victim’s name. Recorded images
or messages do not retain this effect.
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal or under a blood bond to the Vampire.
Cost: As Power used, plus 1 additional Blood point.
Duration: As Power used.

The Wish
“For three nights, you’ll be fast, you’ll be strong, you’ll be beautiful, and you’ll stand above the flock. After that,
you’re mine. Do you understand?” This classic Setite Power is a common fixture of the serpents’ Embrace. The
Vampire finds someone they want to exalt, then makes them an offer. So long as the victim agrees to the terms
without supernatural coercion, then seals the deal by drinking 1 Blood point’s worth of blood from the Vampire,
they gain the Vampire’s levels in Celerity, Fortitude, Potence, and Presence. If the Power has a Blood cost, the victim
can pay it by spending Fatigue instead. The victim also doesn’t need to sleep, eat, or drink if they’re a mortal or
ghoul. After three nights, the victim becomes enslaved to the Vampire and three steps blood bound. They are also
considered to always have some of the Vampire’s blood in their systems, for purposes of other Powers where that
would benefit the Vampire.
Requirement: The victim must be a mortal, ghoul, or Vampire. Victims who become true supernatural other than
Vampires instantly lose any Disciplines gained from this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent. If the victim is a mortal or ghoul, the blood bond never breaks, no matter how much time
passes or how heinously the Vampire treats them. The bond can break normally for Vampires, or for a mortal or
ghoul who is Embraced or turned into another true supernatural. The Vampire can choose to release their thrall
from the bond at any time—though usually only does this if someone is willing to cut another deal…

Level 5
Common Powers

Diplomat’s Boon
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
A diplomat’s most difficult task is understanding what people need to hear in order to make them agreeable to a
suggestion. With this power, a Toreador may learn what it is that a target wants to hear. The power does not
necessarily reveal all of the views of the Cainite’s target, but it does grant invaluable information which can then be
put to good use in negotiation, avoidance of treachery and so on.
Despite it’s innocuous-sounding name, Diplomat’s Boon is not always used for peaceful matters. Enemies may be
allied, marriages arranged and wars started with proper application of this knack.
The player’s character concentrates for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular
response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as
convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Will roll
vs Activation roll + Discipline level, if they win then they are not affected. The effects last for one turn.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

The Vampire can summon horrific visions from the depths of a victim’s soul. The Vampire twists everything around
their victim to present one of the victim’s worst fears made flesh.
Victims take a 1HP damage for every point they lost the Contest. They also take a fear-related Condition or
permanent Disadvantage of the Vampire’s choice. Ordinary mortals can be made to die on the spot from sheer
fright. The Vampire can “hold back” from inflicting these full penalties if they wish to torment rather than kill.
Prerequisite: Paralyzing Glance 4
Cost: Normal

Royal Touch
“I’ll die without them,” the melodramatic teenager says about the crush they think is their everything, but the
Vampire makes those words literally true for victims they’ve already besotted. If the Vampire ever indicates they are
displeased by the victim, or goes a night without contacting them, the victim takes a 1d damage per night. This
manifests as stomach-churning nausea and effectively gives the victim a few nights to live. Succeed or fail, the victim
continues to take damage every night until the Vampire withdraws their disfavor. The Vampire can instantly heal the
victim’s wounds by touching them—the source of this Power’s name.
Requirement: The Vampire must have blood bound the victim or used a Presence Power on them that instills
obedience or infatuation.
Cost: Normal
Duration: For as long as the blood bond or Presence Power lasts. This Power also immediately ends if the Vampire
meets final death.

The Vampire can amplify their force of presence to nigh-godly levels, radiating an aura of irresistible desire, terror, or
authority. Everyone in the room does whatever the Vampire wants unless the order would risk direct and fatal harm
to them or people they care about. Even then, the victim is left quavering or simply struck dumb.
Prerequisite: Awe 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

This Power functions as Summoning 4, except the victim will do everything in their power to reach the Vampire as
quickly as possible: e.g., selling their house to buy a plane ticket. Its duration also increases to permanent.
Prerequisite: Summoning 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent. The victim won’t stop trying to reach the Vampire until they succeed or one of them dies or
enters torpor.

Uncommon Powers

Espirit de Corps
(Potence 5 amalgam)
This Power functions as Espirit de Corps 4, except it lasts for an entire night and continues to affect allies even when
they’re no longer able to see or hear the Vampire. While this Power’s applicability is more limited in the modern era,
its longer duration and ability to function throughout a battlefield’s chaos (where individual followers could easily
get separated from the Vampire) still makes it invaluable in turning the tides of battles.
Prerequisite: Espirit de Corps 4, Potence 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Star Magnetism
This Power functions as Star Magnetism 4, except it can also affect any Vampires and supernatural, not just ones
under a blood bond to the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Star Magnetism 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: As Power used.

“To hunt, to soar, to fear neither man nor beast. This is what it means to be a Vampire.”
— Beckett, Noddist Scholar

Protean is a Discipline that gives Vampires the ability to change form,

from growing feral claws to evaporating into a cloud of mist.
Protean allows the Kindred the mystical ability to manipulate his
physical form. Some Vampires believe the power stems from a
heightened connection to the natural world, while others consider it
to be a magnification of the mark of Caine. Whatever its basis may be,
those that develop this Discipline can grow bestial claws, take on the
forms of bats and wolves, turn themselves into mist, and even meld
into the very earth itself.
Transformed Kindred can generally use other Disciplines — Vampires
in wolf form can still read auras and communicate with other animals,
for example. However, the Storyteller may rule that certain Disciplines
may not be used in specific situations. The Kindred’s clothes and
personal possessions also change when he transforms (presumably
absorbed within his very substance), although armor and the like do
not provide any benefit while transformed.
Vampires cannot change or transform large objects or other beings; Protean is a personal expression of power. A
Kindred who has been staked (thereby trapping his soul within his body) cannot transform. Some Vampires believe
that those who have mastered the highest levels of Protean can deny this limitation.
In these nights, the secret of Protean is no longer entirely the property of the Gangrel. Other clans have unearthed
the Discipline's secrets and passed them from sire to childe, but no bloodline has the flair for it that the Gangrel do.
Protean allows a Cainite to change his body's for to aid in his nightly hunting, and in escaping his enemies (both
physical and spiritual). The ability is a reflection of God's curse on Vampires because it peels away the layer of
protection and civility provided by a Vampire's human shape. It displays the Beast in the Vampire using it and keeps
him from denying it and hiding from it.

Clans: Gangrel
Nicknames: Morphing (slang), Mutatio (archaic), shapeshifting (common)

Protean powers that change the shape or in other ways transform the body of the Vampire also affect clothing,
swallowed items, and other small (under a few grams) wearables. Protean does not affect larger carried items,
including backpacks, duffel and sports bags. For this reason, users of Protean often travel light.
Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: High. One of the most overt Disciplines available to Vampires, more or less all Protean powers
can breach the Masquerade on their own.

Level 1
Common Powers

Beast Shape
The Vampire can turn into a single animal they’ve killed by exsanguination, chosen when this Power is first taken.
The Vampire can only become a predatory, scavenging, parasitic, or plague-bearing animal: the Beast never assumes
the form of prey. The Vampire can only become a small and flight-incapable animal that humans don’t regard as a
serious danger: e.g., cats or rats, but not wolves or bears.
The Vampire gains an advantage on one type of roll related to the animal’s form (e.g., hiding for rats), or can make a
roll during a situation when they wouldn’t normally be able to. The Vampire gains any other advantages inherent to

the animal’s form: rats, for example, can get into all sorts of places humans can’t, and so on. The Vampire can’t use
Blood Sorcery or other powers that require speech.
The Vampire can take this Power multiple times, choosing a different animal’s form each time.
Ghouls can’t take this Power. They’re not set up to drink blood and it’s too radical a physiological transformation for
their mortal frames.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Beast’s Eyes
The Vampire’s eyes take on a supernatural red gleam, giving them sight even in the total absence of light. The
Vampire no longer takes penalties on sight-based rolls even in total darkness, and takes a +2 bonus on Intimidation
rolls against mortals who can see their eyes. The Vampire can also take a contest to see through supernaturally
created darkness.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Chameleon’s Skin
This Power has saved many monstrous-looking Gangrel and Tzimisce breaching the Masquerade—and has allowed
just as many to ambush unsuspecting victims. When Chameleon Skin is in effect, the Vampire’s skin takes on the
color and texture of the surrounding environment. This coloration changes reflexively as long as the Vampire
maintains a walking pace or slower, granting a +2 bonus on Stealth rolls. If the Vampire remains still, increase this
bonus to +4. Characters with Auspex can notice the Vampire with a Will contest.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Feral Claws
The Vampire can grow small claws from the tips of their fingers. The claws are considered melee weapons: the
Vampire gets a +1 damage on swing and thrust and the damage is always aggravated.
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Tools of the Trade

The Vampire can grow delicate claws that replicate the function of any handheld non-electric tool: lockpicks, surgical
instruments, screwdrivers, wire cutters, can openers, scissors, small saws, etc. Anything the Vampire could pick up at
a general store is fair game. The ‘tools’ are perfectly functional and don’t impose a penalty for being improvised.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

The Vampire can emit a soft glow from their skin. They can control the color and pattern of the illumination. This can
light a soft glow in the dark, create beautiful displays, or even act as a primal form of communication. Some Tzimisce
grant their ghouls or childer bioluminescence, developing an eerily nuanced and wordless language with their thralls
and broods.
Cost: Free

Pay Now
The Vampire can mark their flesh with scars, tattoos, or other blood designs symbolic of any Power they know. The
Vampire pays the Power’s Blood cost immediately, but can later use the Power for free. This is chiefly useful if the
Vampire has blood on hand now and doesn’t want to pay the Power’s cost when they need it.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night or until used, whichever comes first.

Prehensile Hair
The Vampire can manipulate their bodily hair like an appendage. The Vampire can have their hairs act independently
or in concert, though individual strands of short hair usually can’t do much on their own. Many strands of long hair
can do more or less anything a human arm and hand can do and counts as having a ST score of 8.
Cost: Free

Prehensile Tongue
The Vampire can extend their tongue to inhuman lengths as a feeding instrument. It may be delicate and forked like
a serpent’s or a monstrous cartilaginous spike, but the effect is the same. The Vampire can extend their tongue up to
three feet. Unlike traditional feeding, the Vampire’s tongue does not engender the pleasure of the kiss. Such feeding
is more like a giant mosquito plunging a fat needle into flesh and siphoning blood fast enough to collapse veins.
Cost: Free

Suck it Up
The sites of Kindred conflicts are often slick with spilled blood, and even the side that arguably wins the conflict is
probably ravenous after calling upon the gifts of Caine. Still, conflict attracts attention, and the last thing Kindred
want is to be caught hunched over, sucking the last draughts of vitae from the beaten bodies or lapping up blood
from the ground. This Power allows the Vampire to simply touch a pool of blood and draw it into herself. The blood
instantly vanishes and leaves no trace, but slakes hunger as normal. The Vampire can choose to leave behind any
amount of blood (as bloodless bodies with obvious wounds still raise questions). It is even possible to manufacture
false evidence by using this Power to selectively leave behind certain shapes or patterns of blood (such as absorbing
a large pool and leaving behind smaller spatters that appear to originate from another direction).
Cost: Free

Level 2
Common Powers

Beast Shape
This Power functions like Beast Shape 1, except the Vampire can be become a single animal which humans regard as
a danger (bears, wolves, etc.) and which is capable of flight. The Power’s duration also increases beyond one scene.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night.

Chameleon’s Skin
This Power functions as Chameleon’s Skin 1, except the Vampire takes a +2 bonus on Stealth rolls even if they’re
running and a +4 bonus when they’re walking. While still, they can only be immediately noticed by characters with
Auspex who succeed on a Will contest. Hiding from anyone without Auspex gives a +6 bonus on Stealth rolls.
Prerequisite: Chameleon’s Skin 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Fenris’ Talons
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
The einherjar of Scandinavia are known equally for their superlative hunting skills and unmatched savagery in battle.
Vampires who master this Discipline technique may choose to grow massive 6-inch talons befitting the Fenris Wolf
instead of the lesser claws normally grown with Talons of the Beast (Protean 2). These fearsome talons glisten
metallic black, and can rend wood and metal as easily as flesh.
The character may extend great claws using Talons of the Beast (at the same blood point cost). Change the damage
you inflict with a punch from crushing to your choice of cutting or impaling. These near-indestructible weapons
inflict an extra +2 damage per die in combat. Due to their bulk, the talons impose a -2 penalty on all DX related tasks

involving fine manipulation. Characters with this Discipline technique may grow the smaller claws of Talons of the
Beast if they desire, although few einherjar ever do.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Feral Vigor
(Animalism 1 amalgam)
This Power increases the power of the Vampire’s bestial forms at the cost of higher thought processes. Whenever
the Vampire transforms into a man-sized or larger animal (wolves, bears, wildcats, etc.), the Vampire can add the
sum of their Animalism and Protean levels to their normal ST and HT scores. However, the Vampire loses the ability
to read, write, and understand human speech. Some Gangrel enjoy using this Power to feel “more in touch” with the
animals whose forms they wear.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire also cannot re-assume human form until the scene is over.

Impart Mutability
The Vampire can lend their Protean to other people. For every level the Vampire lowers their Protean, the subject
gains equally many Protean levels, up to a maximum of Protean 5. The subject gains as many of the Vampire’s
Powers as the Vampire wants them to know. A popular use for this Power is to empower trusted ghouls during the
day, when the Vampire already can’t act.
Cost: 1 Blood point per Protean level imparted, which the subject must drink from the Vampire. Most Vampires
require beneficiaries of this Power to drink straight from their vein (and further a blood bond) as simple “cost of
doing business.”

Predatory Aspect
The Vampire can grow an animalistic feature, such as webbed hands, sharp claws, a hawk’s eyes, a dog’s sense of
smell, etc. This grants a +2 bonus on one type of roll related to the feature in question, or lets the Vampire make a
roll during a situation when they wouldn’t normally be able to. If the Vampire grows claws, he gets a +1 aggravated
damage on swing and thrust. Not all rolls or situations can benefit from this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Unnatural Contortion
The Vampire can bend and manipulate their body in unwholesome ways: Legs over shoulders, joints going the wrong
way, back of head touching the spine, and so forth. Some Vampires use this to freak out the kine. Others use it to
escape bonds or wriggle into spaces normally too small for them—an air duct, beneath a low-hanging bed, through a
cellar window, etc. The Vampire can fit anywhere that would accommodate a toddler-age child. They’re also
impossible to restrain or tie up.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Bestial Guise
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
The Vampire can make themselves look, sound, smell, and feel like an animal. The Vampire can only become
predatory, scavenging, parasitic, or plague-bearing animals: the Beast never assumes the form of prey. Many
Kindred consider this Power redundant next to the better-known Beast Shape Power, but there can be advantages
to secretly retaining human form.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as an Obfuscate power.

The Vampire can hide objects inside of their body. The Vampire’s flesh parts like ooze for them to insert or remove
objects, but remains solid to anyone the Vampire doesn’t grant ‘access.’ The Vampire can store any number of
objects whose combined mass is up to roughly the size of their body.
Cost: Normal

Pay Now
This Power functions like Pay Now 1, but its duration increases to the below amount.
Prerequisite: Pay Now 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One week or until used, whichever comes first.

Level 3
Common Powers

Beast Shape
This Power functions like Beast Shape 2, except the Vampire can transform into any animal whose blood they could
have plausibly killed by exsanguination, allowing them to choose from many potential forms. The Vampire can also
have a single, favored form they may assume at the cost of 0 Blood points.

The Vampire can take this Power multiple times, choosing a different favored form each time.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night.

Chameleon’s Skin
This Power functions as Chameleon’s Skin 2, except the Vampire is just as unnoticeable whether they’re walking,
running, or staying still, getting a +6 bonus to Stealth rolls. Only characters with Auspex who succeed on a Will
contest can immediately perceive them.
Prerequisite: Chameleon’s Skin 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Interred in the Earth

The Vampire using this power takes advantage of the Cainite affinity for the grave by sliding his body into the earth
itself, as though stepping into a tomb for the day.
The Vampire cannot move around once he is entombed in the earth; in fact, she cannot even be dug up. She is
immaterial and merged with the soil around her. An attempt to dig her up will eventually fail, as the roughly man-
sized blob of earth the Vampire inhabits cannot be moved or pierced without powerful magic. However, the ground
above her resting place is disturbed and overturned, as though a mortal were considering planting a garden there, so
those who are knowledgeable in such things can uncover the place of entombment.
The Vampire must have direct contact with the ground itself in order to use this power. A wooden or stone floor
blocks her melding into the dirt. She also cannot use this power while standing on a large piece of rock. She can inter
herself in earth, not stone. The power provides perfect protection against the sun's rays and the heat of ordinary fire
above. The character can be considered to be six feet under the earth for such purposes.
The very existence of this power sets paranoid Cainites to thinking. If powerful Vampires remain in torpor for
centuries, and many of the eldest Cainites are assumed to be able to inter themselves, then there could be hundreds
of elders buried in the earth, and they could emerge from torpor nearly anywhere at any time. The ancient masters
of the Roman nights are said to have known a ritual to lock such slumbering ancients in their earthly prisons. The
secret apparently involved salting the earth with a special mixture of alchemical powders. It was used to greatest
effect after the destruction of Carthage, when Brujah and other elders were locked under the soil of North Africa.
The character can use Auspex and other purely mental abilities while interred, but he may not activate any Discipline
with a physical effect.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Requirement: The Vampire must be physically touching the earth
Cost: Normal

Feral Vigor
This Power functions like Feral Vigor 1, except the Vampire can add their Protean levels to their Athletics, Brawling,
Intimidation, and Survival skills. However, the Vampire loses the ability to use any IQ based skills besides disciplines
and cannot distinguish between human faces. The Vampire can still tell other Vampires apart from humans—the
Beast never forgets the presence of rival predators. (And, according to some Gangrel, is even more sensitive while
this Power is active.)
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 2, Feral Vigor 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene. The Vampire also cannot re-assume human form until the scene is over.

Porous Flesh
The Vampire can warp their flesh into a rubbery substance and their bones into flexible cartilage, allowing them to
stretch, condense, and contort their body in impossible ways. The Vampire can fit through almost any gap more than
an inch across, as well as effortlessly escape many restraints like ropes and handcuffs.
Prerequisite: Unnatural Contortion 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Predatory Aspect
This Power enhances the effects of Predatory Aspect 2 and allows the Vampire to have multiple animalistic features
active at once. Additional features cost Blood points as normal.
Prerequisite: Predatory Aspect 2
Cost: Free

Sanguinary Expulsion
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
Developed by elder archons as a counter against the terrors (true and imagined) of the Vaulderie, this power allows
a Vampire to ingest small amounts of blood without absorbing them into her system. This not only prevents the
formation of blood bonds and Vinculum, but also protects against blood-borne poisons, drugs and diseases. The
unpleasant aftereffects of this power make most archons reluctant to utilize it, but it beats letting the Sabbat or
some arrogant elder compromise your loyalties.
The player rolls on activation, if she fails, the blood is consumed normally and all effects occur as normal. If the roll
succeeds, the character is able to hold the blood internally without absorbing it, and may vomit it back up later. This
prevents any blood bonds, Vinculi, poisons or other abnormal properties of the blood from affecting the character.
On the other hand, the character may not spend even a single blood point until the tainted blood is regurgitated; if
she does so for any reason (including waking up in the evening), the power ends instantly and the blood is absorbed
as normal. Although it doesn’t cost a blood point to activate the power, an additional blood point (above and beyond
the number consumed) is vomited back up and lost when the tainted blood is purged.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: One Blood point lost when the tainted blood is vomited up
Duration: Scene

Shared Entombment
(Animalism 1 amalgam)
Most commonly known among the Anda bloodline of the Mongols — where it is called Itugen’s Embrace — this
Discipline technique enables a Vampire to meld a ghoul or childe with him into the safe slumber of the earth. Pity
the mortal who beholds a mounted Anda warrior riding out of the very soil at dusk.
The effects of this power are indistinguishable from the Protean power Interred in the Earth, save that the Vampire’s
player must spend an additional blood point to bring a ghoul or Vampire under the earth with him. An interred ghoul
can be human or animal, but no larger than a horse. Only a Vampire who traces her ancestry through the character
or is bound to him by the blood bond can be so interred. Both creatures must enter the earth at the same time, both
feel the same effects, and both leave the earth when the Cainite who possesses this ability chooses.
Prerequisite: Animalism 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

Stone Meld
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
Although most Gangrel are content to seek refuge in the soil, a few have tempered their power with stone-like
resilience, allowing them to hide within solid rock. Excavation of such entombed individuals is all but impossible.
This power operates exactly as the Protean 3 power Interred in the Earth, save that it allows a Vampire to sink into
stone. Such stone can have been shaped and carved by tools, though it must be a single continuous block or slab
large enough to contain the Vampire’s mass. If the stone containing the Vampire is shattered, the Vampire is
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2

Torpid Hibernation
(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may enter controlled torpor without fear of slumbering away the ages. She simply sinks
into the earth and rests, knowing she will arise again when the desired time comes.
The Vampire melds with the ground using Interred in the Earth (Protean 3), or a similar power such as Tree Meld or
Stone Meld; and spends five blood points. If successful, the Vampire enters torpor and automatically reawakens
after the specified duration. Upon awakening, the character rises to the earth, though her awakening is delayed until

dusk if the power ends during the day. Failure on the activation
roll means the Vampire does not enter torpor, but arises the next
evening as normal from her slumber. A critical failure by 5 or more
drives the Vampire into normal torpor leaving her to slumber and
awaken according to her Road/Path rating.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3
Cost: 5 Blood points

Uncommon Powers

The Vampire can swallow someone whole. The Vampire’s throat
and stomach swell to impossible, snake-like dimensions to
swallow and contain the victim, but the Vampire doesn’t look any
larger from the outside. To devour someone a Vampire needs to
win a grappling contest first, the devouring lasts for 5 turns. The
Vampire can keep the victim trapped inside of them to do as they
please with, though victims deprived of food, water, or blood will
eventually starve to death or enter torpor. The Vampire is immune
to damage from unarmed victims with lower Potence levels than
their Protean levels. The Vampire can regurgitate the victim at any
time. If the Vampire is also able to consume human flesh, they can
swallow corpses (or live victims) whole and digest them like a
snake. The Vampire can also swallow objects up to the size of a
large person. The Vampire can’t have more than one person or
large object trapped in their stomach at a time. This Power is
widely taught among Setites.
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Common Powers

Bear’s Skin
(Animalism 2 amalgam)
According to legend, some berserks take on the fearsome aspect
of bears while in the midst of their battle rage. With this power,
Gangrel einherjar bring truth to that legend.
The Vampire must be in frenzy to use this power. Over the next
few seconds, the Vampire’s muscles twist and bulge while heavy
fur sprouts over his entire body, growing thickest where he
normally has hair. As skin toughens to leather, the Vampire’s maw
widens in a fanged half-muzzle capable of biting through limbs. In
this state, the Vampire can add the double of the sum of their
Animalism and Protean levels to their normal ST and HT scores, as
well as the effects of the Monstrous Maw advantage. The
transformation brought about by this power lasts as long as the
Prerequisite: Animalism 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until the frenzy lasts

Beast Shape
This Power functions like Beast Shape 3, except shifting forms no longer costs a Blood point. Its duration also
increases to indefinite, lasting even while the Vampire is in daysleep or torpor. The Vampire can freely shift between
animal forms and remain in any for as long as they like.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 3
Cost: Free
Duration: Indefinite

Claws of the Unholy

The Vampire can sprout enormous, knife-sized claws with a gleaming red sheen. The claws are considered melee
weapons: the Vampire gets a +3 damage on swing and thrust and the damage is always aggravated.
Prerequisite: Feral Claws 1
Cost: Free
Duration: Scene

Earth Meld
The Vampire can travel through any substance weaker than steel as if it were water, “swimming” through the earth
itself. The Vampire gains instinctive awareness of their nearby surroundings, even if they can’t see (such as from
traveling underground), and can sense the shortest path to re-emerge into an unoccupied space. Beyond facilitating
spying and travel, this Power is also useful for launching surprise attacks and retreats.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Interred in the Earth 3
Requirement: The Vampire must be physically touching the earth.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Vampire can grow a massive set of bat-like wings. They can fly through the air as quickly as they can run.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Interred in the Earth

This Power functions as Interred in the Earth 3, except the Vampire can bring additional subjects into their
underground cocoon with them.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Requirement: The Vampire must be physically touching the earth. Each subject must be physically touching the
Vampire. Unwilling subjects must be restrained or can resist otherwise.
Cost: Normal, plus 1 Blood point per additional subject brought underground.
Contest: Can be resisted

See the True Form

(Auspex 2 amalgam)
With mastery of full-body transformation and awareness of halos, a Vampire with this Discipline technique may
detect other shapechangers and discern the true form of any being she views.
The Vampire must gaze piercingly at her subject as if employing Soulsight (Auspex 2), while her player rolls on the
activation. The amount of information gleaned depends on the number of successes rolled. Simple success reveals
whether the subject is capable of changing form, though not the extent or nature of such powers. Two successes
determines whether the subject is presently in its true form. Three successes allow the Vampire to perceive the
subject’s true form overlaid with its present shape, while four shows every shape the subject has ever assumed.
Failure means the aura shows nothing of its malleability. A critical failure by 5 or more delivers false information.
This power can only pierce disguises that involve shapechanging, not illusions or mind tricks.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

The Badger’s Hide
(Fortitude 1 amalgam)
As might be suspected, the Protean-based combination power was developed by a Gangrel. When the Kindred uses
this power, his skin becomes tough and leathery to the touch. As a badger’s hide repels the stings of bees while it
takes their honey, so does the Vampire’s skin repel attacks that would pierce his flesh.
For the remainder of the scene, any attacks that pierce (but not cut — Storytellers, make a suitable judgment call),
such as stabbing knives or impaling spikes and spears, have their damage halved after DR is applied. Round down,
though any successful attack does a minimum of 1 HP of damage.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Uncommon Powers

Call the Wild Hunt

(Animalism 5 amalgam)
In ancient days, when Gangrel rode openly on the steppes, this power saw more use. It allows a Vampire to
transform her ghouls into a Wild Hunt, a pack of wild animals who run with her across the steppes. In the process,
the Vampire also transfers a portion of her Beast into her followers, making it more difficult for her to succumb to
frenzy. Her followers, however, give in to blood rage. The Wild Hunt stays close to the Vampire for the duration of
the transformation, never straying out of sight. They will attack anything in their path, trying to tear it to pieces in
their rage. The Vampire herself remains untouched by the frenzy and is immune to Rötschreck. The Vampire retains
her emotions, including anger, but the Beast cannot dominate her or undermine her courage.
A Vampire doesn’t have to be near or in frenzy to use this power. The ghouls involved must see the Vampire when
the power activates. The player rolls on activation and with each success affecting one of the Vampire’s ghouls
(either human or animal). If the attempt fails, the player must roll to avoid frenzy; a critical failure by 5 or more
means automatic frenzy.
Affected ghouls succumb to frenzy with all its standard benefits (ignoring wound penalties, resisting Dominate, etc),
but will not attack each other or the controlling Vampire. The ghouls will do everything they can to remain in sight of
their regnant, but should they fail, their minds suddenly calm. The Wild Hunt has no fear, and will attack any other
creature that gets in their way. Each member of the Wild Hunt also immediately gains Talons of the Beast (Protean
2), although the Storyteller or player should note that a point of blood is spent from each of their blood pools at this
time. These claws with retract once the frenzy breaks.
The controlling Vampire becomes immune to frenzy and Rötschreck checks. The Wild Hunt ends with the coming of
Prerequisite: Animalism 5
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Enhance the Wild Ride

(Animalism 4 amalgam)
A Vampire that has this level of power has developed the art of riding the mind of an animal to such a degree that he
can even affect the body of the creature. The Vampire’s body remains in a motionless trance akin to torpor, but the
possessed animal takes on some of the characteristics of the Vampire.
This power is a closely guarded secret of Clan Gangrel. Even were it to become known, it involves passing over a
great deal more of the soul to an animal possessed than other clans would find comfortable.
The player makes the activation roll, based on the successes rolled he is able to use the below disciplines while riding
the animal.
1 success: Can use Auspex, Presence
2 successes: Can use Dominate, Dementation, Animalism
3 successes: Can use Thaumaturgy, Chimerstry, Fortitude
4 successes: Can use Protean, Potence
5 successes: Can use Celerity, spend blood to enhance ST and heal
If the inhabited animal dies or experiences some great excitement (a fight or involvement in a hunt, for example),
then there is a chance the Vampire suffers. The player must make a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll to avoid the
Vampire losing her mind. Failure means the Vampire’s mind snaps back to her own body immediately, but she now

believes herself to be the animal. A critical failure by 5 or more means the Vampire returns and automatically enters
frenzy. Any successes mean the Vampire can continue to ride the animal, or can return without problems.
Using Enhance the Wild Ride during the day requires the player to make the standard roll for a Vampire to remain
Prerequisite: Animalism 4
Cost: Normal

The ghoul can drink blood from other mortals to heal
their wounds. As the ghoul still lacks fangs, this process
is rarely enjoyable for the victim. Drinking this blood
only heals the ghoul’s injuries, at 1 Blood point for 1HP
healed: it doesn’t reduce their craving or otherwise
count as Kindred vitae.
Cost: Free

Crawling Hand
The Vampire can control their own severed body parts
(this Power’s name is a misnomer, as the Vampire isn’t
limited to just hands). Eyes can see, ears can hear,
hands can manipulate objects, and so on. The body
parts can move as fast as an average person can run.
The Vampire can perceive everything within several
feet of the body part as if they were there themselves.
Body parts that are sensory organs can perceive details
up to their normal range.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night, after which the Vampire’s control
lapses and the body party reverts to the Vampire’s true
chronological age.

Loki’s Gift
(Animalism 4 amalgam)
With this power, a Vampire may assume the form of the
last living thing she fed on, be it human or animal. The
Vampire doesn’t gain any of the prey’s knowledge or
powers (if any), but the imitation is physically flawless.
The Vampire can only activate this power immediately
after drinking from a vessel (which can be no larger
than a bear). The transformation requires four blood
points, and takes effect as soon as the last point is
spent. The player rolls on activation; the change lasts a
number of hours equal to the successes rolled. Duration may be extended with additional blood at the cost of one
point per hour. However, if the Vampire feeds from any vessel other than the mimicked target, she immediately
reverts back to her true form. A critical failure by 5 or more means the transformation fails and the Vampire can
never assume the target’s form again.
A Vampire using this power appears to be the form assumed for all detection purposes, including inspection with the
Auspex 2 power Soulsight. This includes appearing as mortal, rather than undead. Soulsight still reveals a Vampire’s
emotional state. The Auspex technique See the True Form can pierce this disguise, as can any other forms of magical
perception that specifically detect shapechanging.
Prerequisite: Animalism 4
Cost: 4 blood points

Swarm Form
The Vampire can transform into a mass of tiny creatures: rats, bats, small snakes, and so on. The swarm can act in
concert, or individually follow a simple plan such as “scatter and hide.” The Vampire may only perceive through one
creature’s senses at a time. For example, the Vampire may listen in on a conversation using the body of one rat,
while directing the dozens of others to keep moving and avoid detection. Animals too far away to rejoin the Vampire
when they reform their body crumble into ash. The swarm is immune to attacks that don’t affect all the animals at
once: throwing punches or firing shotguns at single animals doesn’t do anything (unless the Vampire has had them
split off from the larger swarm), although grenades, machine gun fire, and other large-scale attacks certainly will.
The Vampire can still attack victims and drain blood from them normally. The Vampire can also distract people by
having the animals swarm over them, granting bonuses on any rolls that take advantage of their preoccupation.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Beast Shape 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Level 5
Common Powers

Ghost Form
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
This Power functions like Mist Form, except the Vampire still maintains their regular appearance and appears fully
solid to onlookers. The Vampire can shift between a mist-like appearance and their regular one at will.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Mist Form
The Beast bursts out from the Vampire’s body, dissolving it into a cloud of hungry smoke. Occasionally, their victims
can see flashes of yellow within the smoke, like the gleaming of eyes.
Taking on a smoke form gives the Vampire numerous advantages. They can move through pipes, crevices, cracks:
pretty much anything that isn’t airtight. Strong winds buffet the Vampire, but no natural force can disperse them.
Other beings pass right through the smoke. The Vampire is immune to all harm that doesn’t come from fire, sunlight,
or banes.
The Vampire can use Disciplines normally in smoke form, but can’t physically attack victims except by feeding. The
Vampire forces themselves into the victim’s lungs with strands of breath-stealing, semi-tangible smoke, or makes
blood boil out of open wounds. The Vampire can feed from other Kindred in this way, but risks developing blood
bonds as normal.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night.

Mother of Monsters
Echidna was called the Mother of Monsters. This Power allows the Vampire to birth monstrous creatures from their
flesh. The monsters grow from the Vampire’s skin, starting by opening eyes and mouths from their flesh, then
ripping from their body, taking part of the Vampire with them. The monsters have childlike intelligence and
understand the Vampire’s speech. They follow the Vampire’s commands without exception and cannot be
commanded or frightened away from their duty. The monsters’ appearances vary by Vampire: Setites often create
snakes or Typhonic beasts, Gangrel create whatever animals they most identify with, and Tzimisce often create
fleshcrafted horrors. Whatever their form, the monsters are terrifying and obviously unnatural.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Varies. 1 Blood point creates a monster the size of a cat or bat. 2 Blood points creates a wolf or eagle. 3 Blood
points creates a bear or tiger.
Duration: One night. The Vampire can spend CP on the monsters as Retainers to make them permanent. The
Vampire can reflexively subsume a monster back into their flesh.

Shape Mastery
It is one thing to master one’s own flesh and reshape one’s form, but it’s something else to impose one’s will upon
another. The Vampire can use any Protean Power they know upon another individual they’re physically touching.
The Vampire can also force shapeshifting creatures (such as werewolves and other Vampires with Protean) to take
any form they’re capable of assuming.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted
Duration: Scene or length of the Protean Power, whichever is longer.

Shattered Fog
(Auspex 1 amalgam)
Elder Gangrel know that guile can sometimes serve where brute strength fails. With this discipline technique, a
Vampire may rapidly dissolve her form into fog. Swords and arrows pass harmlessly through her ethereal flesh,
leaving opponents confused and off-balance when the Vampire solidifies a moment later and strikes.
Whenever the Vampire is attacked, her player may invoke this power by spending one blood point. The Vampire
instantly assumes mist form as if employing the Protean 5 power Body of Spirit. This power only lasts for the
remainder of the turn, after which the character once again solidifies. Vampires must be able to perceive the attacks
in order to evade them with this power, although sudden motion seen peripherally counts as perception.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal

Uncommon Powers

Death’s Crawl
The Vampire can subvert one of their greatest weaknesses: torpor. While the Vampire still remains an immobile
corpse, they can slowly move towards any location they’re familiar with. The Vampire can also move towards the
nearest Kindred with shared blood sympathy or towards anyone who has some of the Vampire’s vitae in their body.
The Vampire instinctively senses how close such individuals are, as well as how strong any blood sympathy is, but
otherwise remains unaware of their surroundings and is helpless to take actions. The Vampire does not walk, or even
properly crawl. Their body slowly tenses and retracts like a worm in order to pull them along.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Misplaced Heart
The Vampire’s heart has actually moved within their body, though no more than two feet from its original position
near the middle of their chest. It is impossible for attackers to stake the Vampire unless they target the right location
(which should be the Vampire’s most tightly guarded secret), which otherwise uses all the normal rules for staking.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Free

Rare Powers

Draught of Phoenix Blood

(Fortitude 5 amalgam)
The story goes that if a Vampire can manifest this Power, it is because they drank the blood of some long-forgotten
mythical monster and it somehow changed who and what they were, they have become literally unkillable.
If the Vampire would meet final death, their body decays like any other Vampire’s of the appropriate age. One week
later, whatever’s left of them disintegrates into ash as though consumed by fire. Then, the Vampire’s ash gathers on
the back wind, pulls itself up from the soil, etc., and the Vampire is reborn at full HP and their previous Blood points.
The Vampire has a new face and body of the same general appearance (race, gender, height, etc.), but is reduced to
Blood Potency 1 and suffers total amnesia, reducing them to the same number of character points as a starting
character. (This also means they lose Fortitude 5/Protean 5, so their next death is permanent.) The only detail the
Vampire recalls of their past unlife with any certainty is who killed them.
Cost: Free

Legacy Disciplines
During the ages, the Kindred grew in numbers and became more knowledgeable in using the powers of the Blood.
Bloodlines were created, each of them having a specific power coming from the blood. Most often, the creator of
such a bloodline was the first one to manifest a Legacy discipline.
In some cases, a Legacy discipline is Clan specific and it is very rare to have it by anyone outside the Clan. Most often,
these Clans are protecting the secrets of their Legacy discipline by eliminating any other Kindred that might have
received the powers of Blood via Diablerie.
The most famous of Legacy disciplines are Chimerstry, a power used to conjure illusions by the Ravnos, Quietus, the
power to use blood as a weapon by the Assamites, Serpentis, the Setite powers connected to snakes and Vicissitude,
the horrific power of the Tzimisce that enables them to fleshcraft, change their own and the shape of their victims.
These Legacy disciplines are coming with the blood of the Clan, however, there are also Bloodlines that are founded
with an access to unique disciplines. Some are so special that it’s not possible to learn them outside the Bloodline,
like the Sanguinus discipline of the Blood Brothers that needs multiple users of the same discipline to cooperate. It’s
very similar with the Salubri discipline, Obeah, as it need the use of the third eye which is specific to that Clan.

The following disciplines are considered to be Legacy:

Chimerstry is the trademark Discipline of the Ravnos that conjures illusions into existence.
Daimonion is a Discipline practiced only by the Baali drawing upon the forces of Hell and its demons.
Dementation is a Discipline widely known as the hallmark of the Malkavians drawing upon insanity.
Flight is a Discipline, unique to the Gargoyle bloodline, that allows these Vampires to fly.
Melpominee allows the Daughters of Cacophony to use speech and song for a variety of supernatural effects.
Mytherceria grants the Kiasyd mystical senses, the ability to steal knowledge, and other powers attributed to fae.
Obeah is the Discipline of the Salubri, formerly known as the Path of the Healer.
Quietus is the signature Discipline of the Assamites that grants them influence over blood.
Sanguinus is the Discipline of the Blood Brothers, an ability to share and exchange their mind and body parts.
Serpentis is the Discipline of the Followers of Set, it involves corruption and powers associated with snakes.
Thanatosis is the Discipline of the Samedi that involves manipulating effects of death and decomposition.
Vicissitude is the trademark Discipline of Clan Tzimisce, it is widely known as their art of flesh and bone shaping.
Visceratika is the extension of the natural affinity for stone, earth, of the Gargoyle bloodline

“Eternity is as ephemeral as breath, as fleeting as dream. Seize what you can while you can, and never let go.”
— Vassily Taltos, Ravnos mediator

Chimerstry is the trademark Discipline of the Ravnos that conjures

illusions into existence. Such phantom images are as real as the Cainite's
skill allows, and will even fool technological sensors.
While its origins are lost in myths and half-truths, it is assumed to have
been developed by the Ravnos Antediluvian, and over the centuries has
greatly contributed to the perception of Ravnos as tricksters and con
artists. Because Chimerstry works best when targets do not realize they
are being deceived by illusions, most practitioners keep their knowledge
of it a secret. Even then, it is not always easy to dismiss the phantoms
created by this Discipline even when one knows them to be false.
Vampires with high levels of Auspex may see through the effects of
As an added note, Chimerstry works against the Fae as if it were real.
Because of this, the Ravnos are often feared by the Fae who are aware of
this effect, since it essentially means the Ravnos can more or less do
anything it wants to the Fae. It is, however, unspecified how this effect
works with the power Horrid Reality, whether the world it traps the Fae in is an illusion or just as real as any other
Chimerstry creation is to a Fae. The Fae believe that this is the result of a pact between the Wanderer and the early
Unseelie Court from before the Sundering, which allowed him and his brood to call extensions of the Dreaming into
the Autumn World.
In order to properly utilize Chimerstry, the Vampire has to experience the illusion he creates himself, deceiving even
himself for an instant about the substance of his creation (which can lead to Rötschreck if the Vampire summons the
illusion of fire). Also, the Vampire can only create illusions he can perceive by himself; a deaf Vampire could not
create auditory illusions, while a blindfolded Vampire could not summon visual illusions.
Chimerstry is a part of the curse on a Vampire because it fools him into believing that he is able to truly creative acts,
when all he does is perverting and deceiving the senses of his audience.[3] Some advanced users become so
enthralled and convinced in the reality in their illusions that they lose themselves in dreamworlds of their own
making or other derangements.

Clans: Ravnos
Nicknames: Illusions (common), Fata Morgana (archaic), Trickery (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Medium to high

Piercing Chimerstry: If the victim realizes that they are being affected by a Chimerstry power they can try to resist.
• Mortals can see through Chimerstry by succeeding on a Will roll, with a -1 penalty for each of the wielder’s Blood
potency, Chimerstry levels and successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Supernaturals can see through Chimerstry by succeeding on a Will roll (any visual powers might apply a bonus
here), with a -1 penalty for the wielder’s Chimerstry level and successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Vampires can see through Chimerstry by succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a -1 penalty per
Chimerstry level and per successes rolled on the activation of the power.
• Vampires with a lower Generation than the wielder need succeeding on a Strong Will (Self-Control) roll with a +1
bonus per Chimerstry level while taking a -1 penalty for each of the successes rolled on the activation of the
power to ignore a Chimerstry power.

Level 1
Ignis Fatuus
The Vampire may conjure a minor, static mirage that confounds one sense. For instance, he may evoke a sulfurous
stench, the appearance of stigmata, or the shatter of broken glass. Note that though tactile illusions can be felt, they
have no real substance; an invisible but tactile wall cannot confine anyone, and invisible razor-wire causes no real
damage. Similarly, the Vampire must know the characteristics of what he's creating. While it's easy enough to
estimate what a knife wound might look like, falsifying a person's voice or a photograph of a childhood home
requires knowledge of the details.
The volume of smells, ambient lighting, smoke clouds, and the like are limited to roughly 20 cubic feet (half a cubic
meter) per level the Vampire has in Chimerstry. The illusion lasts until the Vampire leaves its vicinity (such as
stepping out of the room) or until another person sees through it somehow. The Cainite may also end the illusion at
any time with no effort.
Cost: Normal

Waking Dream
(Fortitude 1 amalgam)
You may briefly treat an illusion you've created as though it were real.
Once per scene, you may utilize a simple illusion (climbing a rope, landing on a trampoline, unlocking a door with an
illusory key, or similar) as if it were real for a minute. Waking Dream cannot be used to directly harm or help any
other character.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 1
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Bird in Ear
(Animalism 2 amalgam)
The Ravnos developed this power in order to better communicate between distant jati. The Vampire imbues a
message in a small animal who then carries the message to its intended recipient, relaying it in the Vampire’s own
voice. The animal can be any creature, but if it must travel long distances, a bird is best.
The Ravnos speaks the message he wants carried to the animal and commands it with his will to deliver the message
to his intended recipient. The Vampire must have a clear image in his mind of who the animal must find. When the
animal arrives at its destination, the message is delivered as the Vampire spoke it, the illusion of his voice emanating
from the animal.
Once the power is used, the animal has a number of days equal to successes to find its designated recipient and
deliver the message, otherwise the compulsion fades and the message is lost.
Prerequisite: Animalism 2
Cost: Normal

Fata Morgana
The Cainite can now create illusions that appeal to all the senses, though they remain static. For example, the
Vampire could make a filthy cellar appear as an opulent ballroom, though she could not create a glittering chandelier
or a score of graceful dancers. Again, the illusion has no solid presence, though it's easy enough to fool an
enraptured visitor with suggestions of what she might expect. A bucket of brackish water is as cool as chilled
champagne, after all.
These static images remain until dispelled, in much the same way that an Ignis Fatuus illusion does.
Cost: Normal

Heart's Desire
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
With this power, a Ravnos reaches into a target's mind and creates an image of the target's greatest wish. This desire
manifests as some sort of material object: A love letter, a stack of money, or the golden crown of a Prince. No matter
what manifests, the Ravnos who used this power understands the meaning and nature of the item, and is able to

comprehend the target's deepest desire. The Ravnos has no magical ability to understand the why or wherefore of
that desire; only that this is the person's fondest dream.
Obviously, handing that love letter to the target will not convince her that the Ravnos can (or has) caused her
greatest desire to truly come true. Instead, most Ravnos cunningly use this power to discover a target's secrets, and
never reveal to the other individual that Heart's Desire was used at all.
To target a character with this power, the Ravnos must have touched them within the last hour. If the Ravnos is
successful, an illusory item manifests within the Ravnos' hand as if Fata Morgana had been used, and the Ravnos
instinctively understands the meaning of the item and the general nature of the target's desire.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal

Sympathetic Agony
(Fortitude 4 amalgam)
The Kshatriya caste developed this power as a weapon of last resort, punishing their enemies with illusory agonies in
the throes of combat. After a target strikes a Ravnos who has successfully used this power, the target feels the pain
of that specific attack instead of the Ravnos.
Any time the target damages the user, she immediately suffers a penalty to all physical actions equal to the
successes scored when activating this power. Penalties inflicted by Sympathetic Agony last for three full turns.
Penalties from this power do not stack; a character under the effects of multiple applications of Sympathetic Agony
suffers a penalty equal to the highest number of successes scored on a single use of the power's activation.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 4
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Not really a power unto itself, Apparition allows a Vampire to give motion to an illusion created with Ignis Fatuus or
Fata Morgana. Thus, the Cainite could create the illusion of a living being, running water, fluttering drapes, or a
roaring fire.
The creator spends one blood point to make the illusion move in one significant way, or in any number of subtle
ways. For example, the Vampire could create the illusion of a lurking mugger lurching at her victim, or she could
create the illusion of a desolate street, down which a chill wind blows trash while a streetlamp flickers and hums.
Taking complicated actions besides maintaining the illusion - that is, anything that would require a Skill roll - first
requires success on a Will roll, resulting in the dissolution of the false construct if the roll fails. Once the creator
stops concentrating on the illusion, it can continue in simple, repetitive motions - roughly speaking, anything that
can be described in a simple sentence, such as a guard walking back and forth in front of a steel door. After that, the
Vampire cannot regain control over the illusion - she can either allow it to continue moving as ordered, or let it fade
as described under Ignis Fatuus.
Cost: Special

Eventide Strength
Typically, the powers of Chimerstry are dispelled by the touch of sunlight. However, a Ravnos who has studied this
power has learned subtle tricks to reinforce the maya within her illusions, rendering them less vulnerable to the sun.
A Ravnos who has learned this power can strengthen her uses of Chimerstry, causing it to survive one hour of
Prerequisite: Fortitude 1
Cost: Free

Mask Of Cathay
(Animalism 3 amalgam)
Ravnos in Asia have had to learn several tricks to conceal their presence among the fanatical Eastern Kindred. One of
the more common techniques is the ability to appear as an asuratizayya. This mask conceals the Ravnos' nature as
one of the Kindred descended from Caine and makes them appear to be asuratizayya for purposes of all tests.
This power does not grant the Ravnos any ability to learn Eastern Disciplines or adopt their Dharmic paths. It simply
allows the Ravnos to misrepresent herself.
Each success the player gains on the activation roll represents one success an onlooker must overcome with the use
of any power (Auspex, Kuei-jin Life sight, Death sight, etc.) to perceive the Ravnos as one of the Western Kindred.
Otherwise, senses show the Ravnos to be a yin-aspected Kuei-jin.
Prerequisite: Animalism 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: One night

Level 4
This power, also used in conjunction with Ignis Fatuus or Fata Morgana, allows a mirage to persist even when the
Vampire cannot see it. In this way, Ravnos often cloak their temporary havens in false trappings of luxury, or ward
off trespassers with illusory guard dogs.
The Vampire need only spend a blood point, and the illusion becomes permanent until dissolved (including
"programmed" illusions like those created by Apparition).
Cost: Free

Level 5
Horrid Reality
Rather than create simple illusions, the Vampire can now project hallucinations directly into a victim's mind. The
target of these illusions believes completely that the images are real; a hallucinatory fire can burn him, an imaginary
noose can strangle him, and an illusory wall can block him. This power affects only one person at a time; though
others can see the illusion, it doesn't impact them in the same way. Other people can try to convince the victim that
his terrors are not real, but he won't believe them.
Each success on the activation roll and for each level of Blood potency, the victim receives a 1HP of damage - the
Cainite assaults the victim's mind and perceptions, not his body so no DR can help here. Secondary effects (such as
frenzy rolls for illusory fire) may also occur. The victim heals all his damage instantaneously if he can be convinced
that the damage he took was illusory, but convincing him may take some doing. The target must be convinced of the
attack's illusory nature within 24 hours of it taking place, or it becomes too well established in his memory, and he
will have to heal the damage using blood (if a Vampire) or over time (if mortal). This power cannot actually kill its
victims (though a target with a heart condition may well die from fright). A victim "killed" by an illusory attack loses
consciousness or enters torpor.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Nightmare Curse
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
This power was developed as a means of punishment for those who deserve a fate worse than death. The Ravnos
creates an image of the victim’s greatest fear, setting it to plague him night and day. Only the victim can perceive his
nightmare, but it seems very real and substantial to him.
The successes rolled on activation are equaling each night the illusion is active. The Ravnos must concentrate for a
full turn to draw the victim’s greatest fear from his mind and give it life. The victim must be within line of sight of the
Vampire to use this power, though the Ravnos may take a -2 penalty to use it on someone within a mile radius as
long as she has access to a personal item. If her intended victim is beyond a mile, the power fails to take effect. The
player can choose to extend the curse’s duration by spending blood when using the power; each additional point
adds a full night to the curse. The illusion vanishes at sunrise after its final night.
While plagued by these nightmare visions, the victim suffers the effects of the Flashbacks (Severe) and Nightmares
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal

Craft Ephemera
(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
With this dread art, a Ravnos may transcend illusion and harden the stuff of dreams to create an object that is
functionally real. Disbelieving it is no more effective than disbelieving reality, perhaps lending credence to other
illusions. Fortunately, such blood-spawned phantasms fade away with the dawn, their nightmarish potency
extinguished. This Discipline technique is most often employed to fashion weapons, tools or precious objects (such
as gold or gems) to dupe fools.
The Vampire must imagine the object he wishes to fashion and force it into existence with supernatural will. If
successful, the object materializes in front of the Vampire (or in his hand for smaller objects). Created objects can be
no larger than the Vampire who created them, and must be inanimate. They can have moving parts, but complicated
objects may be impossible or require a Skill roll (at Storyteller discretion). The object is functionally real and may not
be disbelieved. Otherwise, the object remains until it is destroyed normally or dawn arrives, at which point it
dissolves into mist.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3
Cost: Normal

“You have been suckered by the illusion of ‘good’ and ‘evil.’ I assure, you, there’s no such thing.”
— Cybele of the Knossos Labyrinth

Daimonion is a diabolic Discipline practiced only by the Baali and the

very worst Vampire infernalists. Its power is that of the Devil himself,
and through the use of Daimonion the Baali draw upon the forces of
Hell and its demons to demoralize and cripple their enemies.
These are the mysteries of the Baali, black arts torn whole and beating
from the sorcerer-kings of ancient cultures and prehistoric civilizations,
incoherent memories passed from tome to tongue, hearkening to times
of insensate oblivion. They are sibilant secrets in which all begins to end
and begin again... and with every new night and novice brought into the
circle, the telling grows shorter.
Its foul powers are devoted to tapping the dark forces of existence and
corrupting the souls of others. Whatever vile master the Cainite
worships, Daimonion is a homage to evil and none can use it untainted.
It is for this reason that all Cainites stand united in their hatred of the
Baali, whose lust for power threatens to undermine Vampire society.

Clans: Baali
Nicknames: Demonism (common), Infernalism (archaic), Dark Art (slang)

Type: Social
Masquerade threat: Medium to high

Critical Failure: A critical failure is an activation roll missed by 5 or more, it leaves the target immune to all further
uses of Dementation by the Vampire for the rest of the night.

Level 1
Sense The Sin
A real mark always convinces himself. The most dangerous Baali aren't the ones that use extortion, threats, or over
displays of power; the most dangerous Demons simply know how to talk their victims into cutting their own throats.
This power allows the Baali to find a target's particular vice.
If successful, the Baali can sense the subject's greatest weakness of living or undead beings. The significance of this
information is dictated by the degree of success: One success might determine a weak Will, or a poorly defended
avenue of approach, while two might yield a closely guarded secret or conversational misstep. Three or more yields
a central derangement or formative trauma from the subject's past.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Blessing's Warning
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
The Tremere obtained knowledge of this art from the Baali bloodline in exchange for unknown favors (probably
related to the purge of the Salubri). With it, a Vampire's Soulsight can detect the Blessed and their relics, fervent
followers of the Road of Heaven - and sometimes, the third eye of Saulot. A few Tremre wonder why the Salubri can
be sensed with a power meant to find God's favor - and quietly fear the significance of such a mark. Those who have
such doubts wisely keep them to themselves.
This technique functions exactly like the Auspex power Soulsight. However, if the character specifically looks for
marks of holiness, the number of successes determines what the Vampire is able to see. One success can sense a
golden nimbus surrounding holy relics and the blessed. Holy ground shines with a soft radiance of its own, infusing

all that rests upon it with light. Three successes can spot any adherent of the road of Heaven whose Road rating is
high enough to trigger a positive aura modifier. The light surrounding such beings is much softer than that
enveloping the mortals touched by higher powers, so the two can never be mistaken for one another. Five successes
spot the third eye of the Salubri as a blazing brand on the Cyclops' forehead.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Fear Of The Void Below
Once the Baali has mastered reading a subject's darkest secrets, he can reach into the victim's mind and twist what
he finds there. The shock of feeling one's most deeply held beliefs and darkest fears manipulated can send the victim
into catatonia or fits of panic.
The Baali must first employ Sense the Sin (above) or use some other method to discern the tragic flaw of the target.
She must then speak to the target, playing upon his inadequacies and the inescapable consequences of his
shortcomings. A successful roll on the activation drives the victim into fits of terror (1-2 success), mindless panic-
borne flight similar to Rötschreck (3-4 successes), or even unconsciousness (5 or more successes). All effects last for
the remainder of the scene. Kindred targets may resist if they are accustomed to dealing with their Beasts.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Veil the Sin

(Auspex 2 amalgam)
Sinners, especially those who follow the Path of Pleasure, often become jaded, having subjected their selves to as
many different experiences as possible. In the quest to find a solution to this problem, Voluptuaries developed this
power. Veil the Sin allows the Sinner to discover some form of sensation, perversion or act that once brought
pleasure to the target but that no longer satisfies him. The Sinner can then make his target temporarily forget that
he ever experienced this sensation, allowing him to once again experience the full pleasure effect. This power can be
used on oneself, on a willing subject as a reward or on an unaware target as a future bargaining chip.
If used on another, the player must first spend blood, and the character must observe the target for a single turn.
then, the player rolls on activation. If this roll is successful, the character gains knowledge of a single sensation that
no longer satisfies the target and can attempt to make him forget that sensation.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Command the Swarm

(Animalism 1 amalgam)
The more powerful a Baali becomes, the more corrupted their form. Putrid insects and shadowy vermin begin to
encircle them wherever they go, making them a walking anima of death and disease. For Baali with this power,
however, these pests become their loyal servants and an extension of their power, allowing them to not only create
capable spies, but also use Daimonion Disciplines far away from their normal capabilities. This certainly explains how
someone who crosses a Baali can be cursed without ever seeing them again.
With this combo Discipline, the Baali gains the ability to speak to any vermin or insects drawn to them just as if they
were using Feral Whispers, but without the need for eye contact. The character may also spend a blood point to
enchant either a single member of their swarm or the swarm as a whole and send them to any location with a
specified range:
1 success - 1 mile/1.5 kilometers
2 successes - 2 miles/3 kilometers
3 successes - 5 miles/8 kilometers
4 successes - 10 miles/15 kilometers
5 successes - 20 miles/30 kilometers
6+ successes - 50 miles/75 kilometers

The insect or swarm acts as an extension of the Baali, allowing the character to borrow the swarm’s senses to see,
hear, and interact with the swarm’s surroundings. This also allows him to use Daimonion abilities through the
swarm, although at a cost of an additional blood point.
Prerequisite: Animalism 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Not all of the Baali's powers are designed for
manipulation and subtlety. The Demons can
also call up the fire from the realms of their
infernal patrons, hurling it at their enemies in
exultation of the Outer Dark. This fire spreads
and burns normally, but at the moment of
creation it is black and cold, as though drawn
from a place where terrestrial physics do not
This power creates a bolt of black flame that
inflicts 1d of aggravated damage within a 10-
yard range; blood may be spent to increase
the size and damage of the flame at a rate of
1d or additional 10 yards of range per blood
point. Such fires are fleeting and dissipate at
the end of the turn, unless the Baali continues
to spend a blood point on Conflagration every
turn. The player also rolls on Innate Attack to
hit his target, who may dodge as normal.
Vampires confronted with this black fire make
Rötschreck tests as if confronted with a similar
quantity of normal flame.
Cost: Normal

I am Legion
(Obfuscate 2 amalgam)
One of the Baali's most devious methods of
avoiding detection, this subtle magic allows
the Balli to forge a temporary pact with a
"speaking demon" or other malevolent spirit
(Storyteller's discretion as to what sort of
being is appropriate). Once the pact is sealed,
the Baali's partner in mischief temporarily
leaps into the Vampire's body, assuming a
state of limited control over its voice and
While the Baali is "possessed," the interloper
who answers is essentially in charge, allowing
for a certain amount of leeway when it comes
to answering uncomfortable questions. After
all, the demon can answer questions (truthfully) that might otherwise prove difficult for the Baali to respond to
under magical, Auspex-based, or other scrutiny. For example, the demon within may cheerfully answer "no" to such
tired questions as "Are you a Baali?" or "Do you engage in the worship of demons?" In a pinch, the demon may
attempt to pose as Caitiff or even mortal; "I am clanless" and "I am not a Vampire" are both perfectly reasonable
true statements for a non-vampiric creature to make, after all.

The number of successes on activation dictates the summoned creature's intelligence and willingness to help, which
in turn indicates the extent to which it is capable of concocting useful reactions to pertinent questions and/or
situations. A failure indicates just that - failure to ensnare the being - while a critical failure by 5 or more can result in
a true catastrophe (a creature who does not wish to leave the caster's body, or who betrays her, at the Storyteller's
Baali hedging their bets with this sort of deal can make "concessions" to the inhabiting creature to win more
cooperation. It is up to the Storyteller to determine what sort of goodies the possessing demon might want, what it
could give in return, and whether or not it will keep its bargains.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: A day.
Level 4
With this power, the Baali combines his ability to read the psyche of a victim with the ability to summon up matter
from the Outer Dark. Psychomachia pits a victim against the most dangerous, shameful parts of her own
The Vampire, after learning the targets tragic flaws (such as after using Sense the Sin, above), forces the subject's
player to roll her lowest Strong Will. Failing this roll pits the target against an apparition summoned from her darker
self, perceptible to the subject only. The target may see or feel his abusive father, a long-dead lover, a childhood
bogeyman, or (for Kindred victims) even the Beast itself. A critical failure by 5 or more indicates the target has been
overwhelmed and frenzies - or, worse, becomes possessed by his inner demons. This imaginary antagonist may be
wholly narrated, or assigned traits equivalent or slightly inferior to the victim's, at the Storyteller's option. All injuries
sustained by the target in such an encounter are illusory (substitute catatonia or tor for death as appropriate) and
vanish upon the phantasm's defeat or the Baali's loss of concentration.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 5
The Baali levies a curse upon the victim. The more skillful in her dark studies the Baali has become, the more dire the
curse is likely to be. Legend states that some Baali can wield curses so foul that the victims attempt suicide after a
single night - only to find that they can no longer die.
The successes achieved on the activation roll dictate the length and severity of the curse. Successes must be split
between both these effects, as per the sidebar below. The player must split successes between effect and duration -
curses with zero successes allotted to duration last for one night. For example, if the Baali's player rolls four
successes, she can inflict a two-success curse for one month, a three-success curse for up to week, or a four-success
curse for one night. At any time, the Baali may choose to end the curse. Storytellers should feel free to invent
creative or story-appropriate curses.
Successes Duration Example
1 One week. "No voice shall be lent your lying tongue." - All Subterfuge rolls suffer a +3 difficulty.
2 One month. "Sicken and wither, infidel... a babe's weakness upon you." - All ST rolls suffer a -2
penalty, or Vampire cannot use blood to boost ST.
3 One year. "Reap this bitter harvest - may your closest friends turn foe." - The character's
friends do not trust him. This can have any number of mechanical effects (-5 penalty
on Social skill rolls, friends might be more prone to frenzy around the character) at
the Storyteller's discretion.
4 Ten years. "Barren be thy seed and the loins of all your line." - The character becomes sterile or
barren, or (if Kindred) cannot Embrace childer or create ghouls.
5 Permanent. "The mark of doom - all you touch must fail." - Simple failures are considered critical
failure while the curse is in effect.
Contest: Can be resisted

“Madness is not the end. It is not the beginning. It is a twisted path that leads from darkness to darkness, and truth
to truth.”
— Hermann Göring, Malkavian of the Final Reich

Dementation is a Discipline widely known as the hallmark of the

Malkavians, it allows a Vampire to focus and channel madness into the
minds of those around him.
Disturbingly, Dementation doesn't actually make their victims mad, but
rather it seems to break down the doors to the hidden darkness of the
target's mind, releasing into the open whatever is found there. The
Malkavians claim that this is because insanity is the next logical step in
mental evolution, a transhumanist advancement of what modern
people consider consciousness. Other Kindred scoff that this reasoning
is an outright justification for the chaos that Dementation brings. They
don't scoff too loudly, however, lest the Malkavian advance their
consciousness next.
Dementation draws on the Vampire's own insanity and uses it to
achieve profound insights or inflict madness upon others. Such powers
are one of the primary reasons the Malkavian clan is often considered
both insightful and very dangerous. It also seems to grant a more
powerful link to the Madness Network (though a non-Malkavian who learns Dementation cannot access it), and
many have suspicions about its connection to the Malkavian Antediluvian.
It is impossible to use Dementation without at least one mental disadvantage. If that mental disadvantage is cured,
Dementation can no longer be accessed. This is seen as evidence by most Vampires to the connection between the
Discipline and the Clan Curse of the Malkavians. Also, users of Dementation are at risk of spreading their insanity to

Clans: Malkavian
Nicknames: Madness (common), lunacy (archaic)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Medium to high

Critical Failure: A critical failure is an activation roll missed by 5 or more, it leaves the target immune to all further
uses of Dementation by the Vampire for the rest of the night.

Level 1
Incubus Passion
This ability inflames emotions that already exist in its target. This can be done for good or ill, but even a positive
emotion that is tripled in intensity becomes uncontrollable, frightening thing. The Malkavian using Incubus Passion
seizes on the strongest and most obvious emotion, and he intensifies it to the level of madness. The target casts
aside other feelings he might be experiencing in favor of this one. A talented user of Dementation can use this ability
to make frenzy all but unavoidable in a Cainite. Under no circumstances can it be used to calm a situation down or
bring people to a more relaxed state.
When used in mortals, this power mimics one of the emotional effects of the Curse of Caine: Affection becomes
obsession, desire becomes avarice, irritation becomes hatred and so on.
Every success rolled on the activation extends the duration of the inflamed passion, per the following chart. Failure
on this roll has no effect. A critical failure by 5 or more takes the emotion that would have been kindled in the target
and forces it onto you, at tripled intensity the power creates. The effects last for a scene.

Successes Duration
1 One turn.
2 One hour.
3 One night.
4 One week.
5+ One month.
You may choose to use this ability to affect a Cainite's frenzy, instead. Every success you roll adds one to the number
of successes that the target must accrue to avoid the frenzy.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Creepy Clown Coat

(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
Everyone fears something. It may be a phobia, a person, or a concept. This ability allows you to appear as a
representation of a person's worst fears. She may flee, break down and cry, or start throwing punches at the very
sight of you.
Success allows the user to appear as a human representation of what the target fears most. If the fear is of a concept
or an animal, the user appears as a representation of that fear. For example, if a person is afraid of being burned
alive, the Malkavian might appear as an arsonist, or as a relative of the target who burned up in a fire. The target
must make a roll to resist to do anything other than react to the source of her fear.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Nikolai Steen’s Acuity

(Auspex 1 amalgam)
This gift allows the user to see the truths behind a person effortlessly. Many Malkavians use it for a bit of valuable
insight in their interactions, so they know exactly how to frame engagement.
This power requires no active roll. When using any Auspex or Dementation power to perceive another character,
your player can intuitively know from which Mental Disadvantages the other suffers.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 2
Catch a Whiff of Madness
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
This power will not work if the Malkavian has no sense of smell and he can be overcome by especially pungent odors
when using this power. The Malkavian has to specify before the activation which of things he smells for: a mental
disadvantage, quirks or a Blood Bond. If successful, the Malkavian will learn either one mental disadvantage, or a
Blood Bond (if they exist). This power will not reveal whom the bond is to, although that can be determined through
more common means.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

The Haunting
The Vampire manipulates the sensory centres of his victim's brain, flooding the victim's senses with visions, sounds,
scents, or feelings that aren't really there. The images, regardless of the sense to which they appeal, are only fleeting
"glimpses," barely perceptible to the victim. The Vampire using Dementation cannot control what the victim
perceives, but may choose which sense is affected. The "haunting" effects occur mainly when the victim is alone, and
mostly at night. They may take the form of the subject's repressed fears, guilty memories, or anything else that the
Storyteller finds dramatically appropriate. The effects are never pleasant or unobtrusive, however. The Storyteller
should let her imagination run wild when describing these sensory impressions; the victim may well feel as if she is
going mad, or as if the world is.

The number of successes rolled on activation determines the length of the sensory "visitations." The precise effects
are up to the Storyteller, though particularly eerie or harrowing apparitions can add a -2 penalty to any skill for two
turns after the manifestation.
Successes Duration
1 One night.
2 Two nights.
3 One week.
4 One month.
5 Three months.
6+ One year.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Malkav's Pavlovian Response

(Dominate 2 amalgam)
Malkavians blessed with the knowledge of both of these Disciplines can use them to connect someone or something
with a specific emotion. The Kindred can make someone hate their boss, love their enemy, or lust after a specific
The Kindred speaks a word, which can be hidden in a sentence, and connects a specific emotion to that word.
Whenever the target encounters the word or the object connected to the word, they feel the emotion. This lasts one
night per success rolled on activation, starting with the evening the Kindred uses the power.
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Random Patterns
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
Developed by Malkavian templars but slowly increasing in usage among archons as well, Random Patterns allows the
character to anticipate an opponent's next move in time to counter it. Blows can be blocked or avoided before
they're even thrown, pursuit can be cut off and bluffs can be called. The power doesn't allow the character to see
into the future per se, so much as it reads the patterns in the chaos and random chance that surround the target and
allows the Kindred to determine his next move based on previous actions and lines of probability.
If the activation roll succeeds, the character adds a +1 bonus per number of successes rolled to his next action
connected to that specific person. This must be a contest or combat-related skill roll against the target. For example,
the bonus could be applied to pursuit, melee or dodge, but not to the activation of a Discipline.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Respite of Lucidity
(Animalism 5 amalgam)
Unlike most powers based on Dementation, this art grants reprieve from madness rather than instilling such
infirmity. Vampires who know this technique may affix their insanity to their Beast as they draw it out, freeing their
minds from the prison of twisted consciousness. This power is quite rare, considering that many Malkavians regard
their dementia as a gift rather than a curse, and very few know the secrets of Animalism. The few wretches who
regularly employ this Discipline take a little solace in their respites, knowing lunacy must soon descend again.
Whenever a Vampire with this Discipline technique uses the Animalism 5 power Uproot Beast out the Beast, she
may also affix her madness to the Beast. This costs one blood point per -5 points of the disadvantage; the Beast’s
new host suffers the affixed derangements in lieu of the Vampire who expelled them. Once a character recovers her
Beast, she suffers the full effects of all her derangements.
Prerequisite: Animalism 5
Cost: Special

Whispers of Loathing
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
By implanting whispers of his own fractured madness into a victim’s mind, a Vampire with this power may infect
others with creeping insanity. Each night draws the victim deeper into depravity and despair, as half-heard whispers
speak recriminations and advise monstrous acts. The whispers eventually rise to a gale of unintelligible syllables and
curses that drive the strongest minds to abject paranoia or suicide. Only the moon-kissed childer of Malkav know
this wretched art, though that is little comfort to other undead.
The Vampire implants an echo of his twisted psyche into the victim which lasts for 1 week per successes rolled on
activation if not resisted. The disembodied echo whispers intermittently at first, criticizing and offering the worst
possible advice in equal measure. In time, the voice grows more insistent and other voices join the fray in howling
cacophony. The victim must roll on Will for each week that the infection lingers, if successful then the power doesn’t
manifest. If not successful then they gain -5 points as a disadvantage. The power ends once the target managed to
have a successful Will roll or the duration finished. The gained negative character points have to be added up and
the victim gains a new mental disadvantage/s in that value. This power requires the Vampire to touch the intended
victim or make eye contact.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 3
Eyes Of Chaos
This peculiar power allows the Vampire to take advantage of the fleeting clarity hidden in insanity. She may
scrutinize the "patterns" of a person's soul, the convolutions of a Vampire's inner nature, or even random events in
nature itself. The Kindred with this power can discern the most well-hidden psychoses, or gain insight into a person's
true self. Malkavians with this power often have (or claim to have) knowledge of the moves and countermoves of
the great Jyhad, or the patterns of fate.
The Vampire could also read the message locked in a coded missive, or even see the doings of an invisible hand in
such events as the pattern of falling leaves. Almost anything might contain some hidden insight, no matter how
trivial or meaningless. The patterns are present in most things, but are often so intricate they can keep a Vampire
spellbound for hours while she tries to understand their message. This is a potent power, subject to adjudication.
Storytellers, this power is an effective way to introduce plot threads for a chronicle, reveal an overlooked clue,
foreshadow important events, or communicate critical information a player seeks. Important to its use, though, is
delivering the information properly. Secrets revealed via Eyes of Chaos are never simple facts; they're tantalizing
symbols adrift in a sea of madness. Describe the results of this power in terms of allegory: "The man before you
appears as a crude marionette, with garish features painted in bright stage makeup, and strings vanishing up into the
night sky." Avoid stating plainly, "You learn that this ghoul is the minion of a powerful Methuselah."
Cost: Normal

Days Of Passions Past

(Auspex 2 amalgam)
People's moods shift from moment to moment. Vampires with Auspex can take their chances and try to interpret a
person's mood at that very moment from an aura. However, those with this power look into the chaos and see what
moods the target engages in most frequently.
Each success on the activation roll allows the Malkavian to see another emotion. One success allows the most
common color at the time to reveal itself; two successes allow the two most common, and so on. It may also be used
to detect when the Vampire has consumed the blood of a supernatural creature, including other Vampires. This can
be used to detect diablerie, but reporting such a crime becomes the Malkavian's word against the target. The
Malkavian gains no further insight about what happened, why the target felt this way, or to whom the consumed
blood belongs. The Malkavian can choose how far back in the target’s past they want to look, the farther they go the
harder it gets to discern the aura. They receive the following penalty on the activation roll:
Penalty Result
0 Since last night.
-1 Since last week
-2 Since last month.
-3 Since last year.
-4 Since last decade.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
Obfuscate has long been a staple for walking unnoticed through crowds. Sometimes, a Malkavian wants to deliver a
message to someone from the safety of a crowded street. This power allows a Malkavian to communicate with
someone while protecting his identity with a random face. Every time the target looks at the Kindred, she sees
somebody else.
The difficulty is determined using the guidelines below, and each roll targets a specific person. Every time the target
sees the Malkavian, she sees someone matching the current scene. If the target looks away and looks back, the form
she sees changes. One moment, the Malkavian might look like a willowy concertgoer. The next glance, the Malkavian
looks like a burly security guard, and so on. The less people around, the harder it is for the Malkavian to change
appearances. They receive the below penalty based on the scene they are at.
Difficulty Scene
0 A standing-room-only concert
-1 A shopping mall at Christmas.

-2 A busy restaurant at dinner.
-3 A sparsely attended gallery show.
-4 A city street at midnight.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted as an Obfuscate power.

Maddening Halo
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
With this clever power, a Malkavian can paint her spiritual halo with insane whorls of light and color to dissuade
scrying. Those unwise enough to peer at her with Soulsight find themselves driven mad by the vision.
Anyone who uses the Auspex 2 power Soulsight on the Vampire risks madness. If the victim does not score as many
successes on the Soulsight attempt as the player rolled when activating Maddening Halo, the spying character gains
a mental disadvantage for a number of nights equal to the difference. This mental disadvantage must be one that
currently afflicts the Vampire protected by Maddening Halo.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

(Auspex 4 amalgam)
For some, madness is a link to the storms of destiny, and the Malkavian seer is a powerful figure among Cainites. By
opening her mind to the inherent lunacy of the world and observing the mind-shattering patterns of fate (usually
through the device of ritual implements), the seer can predict the future. She may be bombarded by images or
simply gain instinctual feelngs, but either way she gains insight that is useful. She can keep this insight to herself, use
it to aid others or use it to do them harm.
The Malkavian who wishes to spout prohpecy, must look to the patterns of fate in the world about her. Such
supposedly random devices as thrown bones, billows of smoke, the entrails of slaughtered animals (or humans) or
the very tides are common devices through which she may see the course of fate. Although the Malkavian oracle
may do these things wordlessly, the player should phrase a question or subject for the divination. (Good examples
include “Who betrays the prince?” “What is the fate of my childe?” “How may I defeat my enemies?”) The process
takes about an hour.
If the character is seeking simple information, she receives visions from the seas of fate. A single success indicates a
quick flash accompanied by a dominant emotion, while five successes indicate a true experience set in the future. If
the character applies prohpecy to an action she is about to undertake — such as facing an enemy or traveling
through dangerous land — she gains an instinctual edge. The player treats the successes as a pool and can spend
them to reduce the difficulty of any subsequent rolls tied to the action. Each success can only be spent once. The
Storyteller has final say as to which type of prophecy is appropriate and can even choose to combine them.
Malkavian oracles often use this ability to trace the fate of others. The same rolls are involved in this case, but two
additional blood points are needed from the prohpecy’s subject. If the prophecy results in visions, it is up to the
Malkavian to relay them; if it results in an instinctual edge, the Malkavian must convey that edge through cryptic
warnings. These make little or no actual sense, but the subject’s player gets a pool of bonus modifiers (as above)
equal to half the Malkavian’s successes. A Malkavian can use prophecy once a week.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

Madman’s Quill
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
A Cainite using Madman’s Quill can weave a contagious madness into a work of art or a manuscript. The very swirls
of a pen or brush, the lines of a carving, the notes of a tune or the tiles of a mosaic encode the Malkavian’s own
lunacy, ready to transmit it to kine and Cainite observers. Using the Madman’s Quill, Malkavians can make the target
of their power insane or easily manipulated and decieved by the clever and damning forgery.
In most cases, the victim is only dimly aware that the art or manuscript is tied to his madness or delusions. Gnawing
obsessions and paranoia are common, but not fatal or deadly, so that the vehicle is preserved from desctruction —

which would end the torment. Only prolonged observations by someone with knowledge of such things will uncover
the arcane madness woven into the item.
The Malkavian can use Madman’s Quill to embed any active Dementation power he knows (most, except for Eyes of
Chaos, qualify) into a manuscript or piece of artwork. The player first chooses which single power he wishes his
character to encode in the document or art piece. The number of successes determines how long the madness will
infect the item (see below). The process takes a number of hours equal to the encoded power’s level.
Successes / Duration
1 success: one week
2 successes: one month
3 successes: three months
4 successes: one year
5 successes: indefinite
At any point during this duration, anyone who observes the item (except for the Malkavian who created it) for two
minutes or more at a stretch, is affected by the encoded Dementation power as if the Malkavian were right there
(although any change in the Malkavian character’s statistics subsequent to the encoding aren’t reflected in the
item’s abilities). The only additional effect is that any victim of the item also gains a mental disadvantage focused on
the document. The Storyteller should decide the specifics of the mental disadvantage using the number of successes
as a guide, but obsession and paranoia are very common. The mental disadvantage fades once the encoding
duration passes; both derangement and the encoded powers end if the item is totally destroyed.
Characters who successfully resist the encoded Dementation (the person rolling for the item gets no successes on
the Dementation attempt) can examine the item to uncover what is behind the strange feeling it causes.
Madman’s Quill is a single ability that can be used to encode any applicable Dementation power. It need not be
learned for each power.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

Sensory Overload
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
Sensory Overload allows a Malkavian to forcibly project their Auspex powers upon another unwilling victim.
However, it only makes the target believe they have projected their consciousness into the Astral Realm. This power
enhances that talent and actually forces the target into the Astral Realm.
If successful, the victim's spirit is forced out of their body as though they had activated the power of Psychic
Projection (whether they have the power or not). If the victim does not possess Psychic Projection, they are
extremely limited in what they can do while in this state. The victim must remain within line of sight of their body,
they cannot use other disciplines (even those that are normally allowed while using Psychic Projection), and they
cannot return to their body. If the victim already possesses Psychic Projection, then all of the normal rules of Psychic
Projection now apply to the victim of this power, save they are unable to return to their body of their own volition.
They remain forced out of their body for the remainder of the scene or an hour, whichever comes first. They may
move about the astral realm, use levels of Auspex or do whatever else they would be normally permitted to do while
using Psychic Projection. Should their body be attacked and damaged to the point where it would enter torpor or
expend Aegis, the victim may choose to immediately return to their body. If they choose not to, and their body is
destroyed, they will remain in Astral until the next Sunrise (as per Psychic Projection).
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 4
Silence The Sane Mind
Ancillae of nearly every clan fear the Malkavians, and with good reason. This ability, for instance, allows a Malkavian
to suppress another's conscious, sane mind for a long time. Once common application is to confuse the target by
suppressing the higher mind's ability to make sense of the world. Doing so makes the target little more than a pliable
automaton. The victim can do simple tasks, but she is prone to follow simple orders from anyone who states them
forcefully enough. When the victim returns to her senses, she does not remember what she did under its influence.
A sort of gray fog descends over her memory, obscuring nearly everything about that period.

While confused, the victim cannot remember may details about herself or her life. She wanders confusedly and has
no sense of time passing - only the Rötschreck caused by the rising sun forces her to safety, and that often fails to
protect her. The victim of Silence the Sane Mind rarely remembers the identity of her assailant, making it very
difficult for a survivor of this ability to exact vengeance single-handedly. A confused character seems very much like
a village idiot: He can answer direct questions, but he has little initiative and is unlikely to act without being ordered
or shoved around.
Befuddlement is not the only possible effect of this power: Cruel Malkavians may use it to enrage their targets,
driving them into a frenzy; or cripple them with fear, bringing about not the terrified flight of Rötschreck but rather a
sobbing collapse of catatonia. In such cases, the character has a general absence of mind, as seen for the confusion
aspect of the ability.
Make eye contact and engage in simple conversation with the victim. Activating this power takes one full turn. A
critical failure by 5 or more on this roll causes the Malkavian to enter the desired state for this target for a duration
determined by the Storyteller. Success causes the target to enter the confused state for a duration as follows:
Successes Duration
1 One turn.
2 One hour.
3 One night.
4 Three days.
5+ One week.
A victim afflicted with fury immediately enters a state akin to frenzy - though most Cainites who have been so
targeted say that their Beasts are not truly unleashed in the way that a true frenzy does. The fury this power creates
lasts just for on full day, unlike the confusion option. A victim driven to catatonia collapses and is not able to take
any useful action for a full day.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Voice Of Madness
By merely addressing his victims aloud, the Kindred can drive targets into fits of blind rage or fear, forcing them to
abandon reason and higher thought. Victims are plagued by hallucinations of their subconscious demons, and try to
flee or destroy their hidden shames. Tragedy almost always follows in the wake of this power's use, though
offending Malkavians often claim that they
were merely encouraging people to act
"according to their natures." Unfortunately
for the Vampire concerned, he runs a very
real risk of falling prey to his own voice's
One target is affected per success,
although all potential victims must be
listening to the Vampire's voice. Affected
victims fly immediately into frenzy or a
blind fear like Rötschreck. Kindred or other
creatures capable of frenzy, such as
Lupines, may make a frenzy check or
Rötschreck test (Storyteller's choice as to
how they are affected) with a -2 penalty to
resist the power. Mortals are automatically
affected and don't remember their actions
while berserk. The frenzy or fear lasts for a
scene, though Vampires and Lupines may
test as usual to snap out of it. The Vampire
using Voice of Madness must also test for
frenzy or Rötschreck upon invoking this
power, though his difficulty to resist is one
lower than normal.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

Do As I Say, Not As I Say
Clever users of Dominate often slip their command words into a sentence with a hint of inflection to hide their
commands. For those Malkavians who mastered both Dominate and Dementation, the words spoken don't have to
be the words intended. When this Malkavian locks eyes with the victim, the words spoken as a command are
different from the one the victim hears in their head. The one heard inside the head is the one followed.
Prerequisite: Dominate 1
Cost: Free

Screams Made Real

(Auspex 4 amalgam)
Everyone has hidden, disturbing images that hide somewhere in his or her mind. This power allows the Malkavian to
pull those images to the surface and confront their creator. Each success pulls a disturbing image from the mind of
the target. The target thinks the images are real and acts accordingly. The images last for a scene.
Affected victims fly into a blind flight or frenzy. Kindred or other creatures capable of frenzy, like Lupines, may make
a frenzy check with a penalty equal to the number of successes on the activation roll. Humans get no such roll. They
much choose flight or fight immediately.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Ze Monkey's Paw
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
Superstitions are little pieces of irrationality that still take hold in the rational world. Malkavians with this ability play
on these notions to convince a perfectly normal person that an inanimate object is the source of all their troubles.
It's a great way to get someone babbling about strange connections, or dig a valuable item out of the trash when the
victim throws it away.
The power is used while touching an object, picturing a specific person. The next time the target sees the object, the
power starts working. Every success rolled on the activation robs the target of 1HP (when an accident involving the
object occurs). The Malkavian has no control over what the target does with the object or when the curse strikes,
but the target is unlikely to keep it for long.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Chaos Fold
(Dominate 4 amalgam)
This power allows a Malkavian to “fold” a latent derangement into the mind of a subject and key it to manifest at a
certain event. Until the event takes place, the subject is unaffected by the derangement, and it may subsequently
vanish thereafter, but to the anarchs, that’s the beauty of this power. It makes the victim completely capricious and
unreliable, which can be a boon if they’re trying to make a case against someone’s credibility.
The trigger event can be as specific or as vague as the Kindred wishes, from “when you next meet with the prince” to
“the next time you feel hunger on a Friday after midnight.” When the circumstances are right, the subject suffers a
full-blown attack of the derangement in question. If the Malkavian obtained five successes on the resisted roll, the
derangement manifests permanently at that point.
The Malkavian gets -5 points per successes rolled on activation to choose a single mental disadvantage and stick it
into the target’s subconsciousness. The target may roll once every week to resist until the power activates. Only one
Chaos Fold power can be active at a time on a single target.
Note that this is a Dominate power, as such, it requires eye contact. The subject will not necessarily know what’s
happening as the character puts the derangement in place. In fact, unless she’s particularly suspicious or the
situation is suitably uncommon, she probably won’t give it a second thought.
Prerequisite: Dominate 4
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Level 5
Total Insanity
The Vampire coaxes the madness from the deepest recesses of her target's mind, focusing it into an overwhelming
wave of insanity. This power has driven countless victims, Vampire and mortal alike, to unfortunate ends.
The Kindred must gain her target's undivided attention for at least one full turn to enact this power.
If the activation roll is successful, the victim is afflicted with mental disadvantages worth of -50 points of the
Storyteller's choice. The number of successes determines the duration. On a critical failure by 5 or more... well, the
Storyteller can decide what a Vampire inflicts upon herself by attempting to incite the primal hells lurking within the
darkest recesses of a victim's mind. The victim (or the target of a critical failure by 5 or more) can spend 1CP per -10
points worth of disadvantages to end the duration prematurely. The Storyteller decides when such points can be
spent (such as after a therapy session or after a friend has managed to prove a particular delusion to be false). Only
one Total Insanity power can be active at a time on a single target.
Successes Duration
1 One turn.
2 One night.
3 One week.
4 One month.
5+ One year.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted

(Obfuscate 5 amalgam)
It is common knowledge that to cross a Malkavian is to invite upon oneself a fate worse than destruction — and
those who have suffered the torment of the Vanishing would attest to this if they could. With this offshoot of
Dementation, the Malkavian can cause its target to become a living, or unliving ghost. With a simple word, the target
literally fades from view, possibly never to be seen or heard from again.
For the Vanishing to work, the Vampire must lock gazes with his victim and curse him: the number of successes
rolled on activation determines the effect’s duration (see below.) For that time, the target fades from view
(depending on the Malkavian’s outlook, either swallowed by the shadows, devoured by demons or swept away by
angels). While vanished, the victim is rendered delirious and can do nothing except babble to herself and seek
shelter from sun. If the Malkavian scored enough successes, this eventually dooms the victim to torpor.
Successes / Duration
1 success: one turn
2 successes: one scene
3 successes: one night
4 successes: one week
5 successes: one month
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 5
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as an Obfuscate power

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward”
— Luma "Stone Beauty"

The Gargoyles' ability to fly is one of their more noticeable traits.

Although Gargoyles do gain enormous strength via Potence, and the
do sprout wings as a result of being Embraced or converted, their
enhanced body density (some Gargoyles have been recorded as
weighing over 800 pounds) makes natural flight an impossible
proposition - they don't have enough thrust-to-weight ratio to do more
than glide like a brick with a couple of sheet-metal wings taped on. The
more biology-minded among the Kidred have been wondering about
this for some time.
The truth of the matter is that Gargoyles shouldn't be able to fly. Their
ability to perform aerial maneuvers is unnatural (even for Kindred) and
is a direct result of Tremere experimentation. The initial
thaumaturgical process that created Gargoyles incorporated a highly
refined variant of Movement of the Mind as a fundamental component
of the subject's magical makeup, making one application of this
thaumaturgical path second nature to them. This instinctive magical
ability has been passed along though their blood for centuries. The Tremere scholar who gave the Gargoyles their
flight capability in this manner was destroyed in the Gargoyles revolt, and it's unknown whether anyone else knew
what he did. Thus, the secret of Gargoyle flight is likely lost forever.
All Gargoyles start with one level in flight automatically, further levels of Flight must be bought like any other clan
Discipline. As the character's Flight rating increases, so does her maximum speed.

Clans: Gargoyles
Nicknames: none

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: High

Level 1-5
Gargoyles don't think of Flight as a Discipline. To them, it's just flight, part and parcel to being a Gargoyle, and may
be baffled by notions such as teaching it to other Vampires. Although Flight did originate as a modification of
Movement of the Mind, it is not considered Thaumaturgy; Gargoyles with high Flight ratings may have slightly
effervescent auras, but they certainly can't perform rituals using Flight.

Level Flight Ability

1 The character cannot actually fly, but can soar like a hang-glider. He also cannot carry anything (he needs his
hands to help steer). Maximum speed is equal to prevailing winds, or 15 miles/25 kilometers per hour in
calm air.

2 The character can make a running takeoff and carry 20 pounds/10 kilograms while flying. Maximum speed is
30 miles/50 kilometers per hour.

3 The character can make a straight, vertical takeoff if unencumbered, or can make a running takeoff carrying
up to 50 pounds/25 kg. Maximum air speed is 45 miles/70 kilometers per hour.

4 The character can now make a vertical takeoff with up to 50 pounds/25 kg of baggage, but can carry up to
100 pounds/45 kg while flying. Maximum speed is 60 miles/95 kilometers per hour.

5 The character can now carry up to 200 pounds/90 kg, easily enough to carry away an adult person (or
Vampire). Maximum speed is 75 miles/120 kilometers per hour.

6+ An additional 100 pounds/45 kg of weight and 20 miles/30 kilometers per hour to the speed per level over 5.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Shoulders of Atlas

The power of flight is one of the reasons the Gargoyles have existed for so long. Usually, they can only carry a limited
amount of cargo based on their mastery of Flight. This combination allows them to apply some of their superhuman
strength to carry bigger amounts at lower levels of Flight.
This combination allows levels of Potence to be added to the levels of Flight when determining a Gargoyle’s carrying
capacity. For example, if Jurgen the Gargoyle has Flight 2, Potence 2, and this ability, Jurgen can take off with 50
pounds/25 kgs of load but carry up to 100 pounds/45 kgs while flying. Speed is still limited by the mastery of Flight.
This power is a level 2 Flight devotion.
Prerequisite: Potence 2

“Song is the handmaiden of love, and the courtesan of power. Little wonder, then, the envy we Daughters inspire.”
— Delilah Monroe, Anarch Daughter

Named for Melpomene, the Greek Muse of tragedy, the unique

Discipline of the Daughters of Cacophony is one of speech and song.
The powers of this Discipline explore the various uses of the voice for
both benefit and harm. As is the case with mortal art, it is not always
clear which of those directions these powers take. No character may
have a rating in Melpominee higher than her Performance rating.
Melpominee affects the subject's soul as well as the ears; thus, it
works perfectly well on deaf subjects, and has caused at least one
known breach of the Masquerade due to this effect. Additionally, the
powers of Melpominee work only on those who are present when it is
used - Daughters of Cacophony cannot record Melpominee, send
them across radio waves, or have them streamed over the Internet.
Daughters of Cacophony can use some of the powers of the
Melpominee Discipline in concert, as it were. If more than one Siren
uses the same level of this Discipline simultaneously, the lead user
receives a +1 bonus per each extra participant. The Discipline levels
that can benefit from this rule are noted below.

Clans: Daughters Of Cacophony

Nicknames: Singing (common), melodia (archaic), Rock’n’roll (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Low

Level 1
The Missing Voice
The character can "throw" her voice anywhere within her line of sight. This enables the Daughter to carry on
surreptitious conversations, sing duets with herself, or cause any number of distractions. This power can also be
combined with other Melpominee powers to disguise their source (and some Daughters use it to conceal the fact
that Melpominee powers do not function through recorded media).
This power functions automatically as long as the character wills it. However, using The Missing Voice while
performing any action other than speech or singing incurs a -2 penalty on that Skill due to the disruption of the
character's concentration.
Cost: Normal
Level 2
Phantom Speaker
The Daughter can project her voice to any individual she has personally met. Distance is no object, but it must be
night wherever the target presently is. The Vampire can sing, talk, or otherwise project her voice in any way she sees
fit (including other uses of Melpominee), but she cannot hear what she is saying. For instance, the Vampire could
project her voice to an enemy in an attempt to intimidate him.
Each success allows one turn of speech; three or more successes allow speech for an entire scene.
Cost: Normal

Tune Out
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
With this power the Kindred can dull their senses enough to avoid the effects of any sonic attacks or distractions.
She simply picks what she wants to hear, such as conversation, and ignores loud alarms or white noise.
This power works at the will of the power user. She can tune out background noise to hear conversations without
any penalties, or eliminate painfully loud alarms. However, when the power is activated the user cannot hear
anything except for the sounds she has decided to hear. This might mean she can only hear the conversation she
is having in a loud club, but not the music or background voices. Unfortunately, as she has to specify what she can
hear, she will be unable to adjust the power to hear any new sounds unless she knows they are there. So she can
easily add a new voice to a conversation when she sees someone join, but not hear someone talking behind her or
hear a new alarm going off.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Music has the power to sway the listener, engendering specific emotions through artful lyrics, pounding crescendo,
or haunting melody. The Daughters of Cacophony can tap into music's power, forcing listeners to feel whatever they
wish. The emotion becomes so powerful that the listener must act, though what a listener does isn't something the
Siren can directly control.
Each success rolled on activation instills the chosen emotion in a fifth of the Kindred's audience (more than five
successes have no additional effect). The Storyteller decides precisely which members of the audience are affected.
The song the Vampire sings must also reflect the emotion she wishes to engender - no one's going to mob the
concert security no matter how well she sings "High Hopes," but they might if she performs "I Predict a Riot."
Affected individuals should act in accordance with their Natures - enraged Conformists would join a riot but not start
one, aroused Bravos may force their attentions on the object of their desire, and jealous Directors may send cronies
after their rivals. Multiple Daughters may use this Discipline in concert.
Contest: Characters may resist this power for the duration of the scene but only if they have reason to believe that
they are being controlled by outside individuals. This power can be resisted the same way as a Presence power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

Silent Voice
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
By pitching her voice impossibly high, the Daughter of Cacophony can use her powers inaudibly. This means that
powers that rely on the voice to cause harm can be done in silence.
In most cases, this power works whenever the user wants it to with no roll. However, as it involves sound outside
even most supernatural ranges, those with Auspex are allowed a test to try and detect it. Unfortunately, those who
do so risk hurting their ears, and take 1d damage.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Level 4
Siren's Beckoning
The Daughters of Cacophony don't spread madness as surely (or as visibly) as the Malkavians, but their songs are
definitely detrimental to one's sanity. With this power, the Daughter can drive any listener to madness. Most of the
time, the victim is too fascinated to realize that he should leave the area and block out the music from his mind.
Siren's Beckoning requires an extended, resisted roll of the target’s Strong Will (Self-Control) vs activation roll +
Blood potence. If the singer accumulates five more successes than the victim at any point, the hapless soul acquires
a new Mental disadvantage of the Storyteller's choice (usually worth -5 point per the Daughter’s Blood potence).
This derangement normally lasts for one night, with an additional night per success over five. Multiple Daughters
may use this Discipline in concert.
Cost: Normal

Level 5
Most of the low-level Melpominee powers can only be used on one target at a time. When the Daughter reaches this
level of mastery in her Discipline, she can "entertain" a wider audience. Each member of the audience hears the
same message.
The Daughter may use Phantom Speaker or Siren's Beckoning on a number of targets equal to her activation roll +
Blood potence.
Cost: Normal + one blood point for every five targets beyond the first.

“Wisdom is a razor’s edge. It slices through the center of existence, cutting the world in two. All things fall on either
side: to know not, or to know.”
— Béatrice L’Angou, Ductus of the Librarians Pack

Mytherceria is a Discipline that manifests in faerie-blooded Vampires

such as the Kiasyd and Maeghar. It grants the Vampire mystical senses,
the ability to steal knowledge, and other powers attributed to fae.
Whatever odd commingling of blood which produced the Kiasyd has
led to a number of weird effects, not least of which is the Mytherceria
Discipline. This collection of powers mimics the abilities of faeries - or
at least, that's the best guess of the Kindred who are familiar with it.
The Kiasyd use this power to alter and beguile the minds of their foes,
as well as to force others to tell the truth. The Kiasyd do not, in
general, teach this Discipline to those outside the bloodline, and
supposedly it would require oaths sworn on the lifeblood of the
student to learn.
Powers inclined toward the exposure of new knowledge, Mytherceria
has driven many of its victims to babbling madness, or at least
frustration. The Kiasyd are loath to teach its ways to others outside
their bloodline – they know that were it turned against them, they may be forced to reveal secrets the world is
better off not knowing.

Clans: Kiasyd
Nicknames: Riddles (common), Enigmas (archaic), Weird stuff (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Low

Level 1
The Kiasyd can cleave truth from lies. The exact effect varies from Vampire to Vampire. Some Kiasyd experience
bleeding from the eyes or ears when they hear a lie, while some Weirdlings' eyes glow when told a falsehood.
Whatever the effect, this power detects lies, not mistakes, meaning that a target has to know he is lying in order for
this power to work.
The character knows when a target is deliberately lying. No roll or expenditure is necessary for this power to work,
but the character must deliberately activate it. This power does not provide any insight into what the truth might be,
nor does it enable the Vampire to tell if a target is simply stating something false that he believes to be true.
Cost: Free

(Dominate 2 amalgam)
Weirdlings enjoy exerting control over their victims, even in dreams. A Kiasyd who whispers into the ear of an
unconscious victim may implant fantastic or frightening thoughts that remain with the sleeper after waking. The
dreams Kiasyd insert in victims’ minds can be anything from seemingly disparate elements (you will repeatedly see
eagles and pink umbrellas) to intact narratives (you will dream of your husband chasing you around town with an
axe). Kiasyd have been known to use this power to compel victims to react to stimuli planted in their path, seeing
features from their dreams as symbols of good luck, or potential disaster.
The player rolls on activation as she commands the sleeper to dream whatever elements she narrates. The effect
manifests in the victim’s behaviors once woken, effecting concentration (difficulty of extended actions increases by
two) and potentially stimulating the victim in a positive (the victim responds favorably to subjects from his dream) or

negative way (the victim must make a Will roll to remain in the presence of what he dreamt) for a duration
dependent on the number of successes achieved by the player.
Successes Result
1 success One turn
2 successes One hour
3 successes One night
4 successes One week
5+ successes One month
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Fae Sight
The Kiasyd's knowledge of magic isn't just
theoretical. Their strangely-colored eyes are
capable of detecting the arcane energies of the
fae, as well as magic from other, more esoteric
sources. They are not, however, capable of using
this power to detect the residue of ghosts or
vampiric magic.
The Kiasyd sees faeries and other fae-touched
mortals for what they really are, with no roll
required. Additionally, the player can detect any
form of magic that does not stem from ghosts or
the undead, including magic from mages,
werewolves, and other such odd sources. The
character can recognize these for what they truly
are, provided he has seen similar effects before.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Aura Absorption
The Kiasyd is capable of seeing images of events
and emotions past by touching an object or an
area. However, unlike the Auspex power The
Spirit's Touch, this power absorbs the images,
making them harder for other beings with similar
powers to access. Anyone attempting to use this
power, Spirit's Touch, or a similar ability to see
what the Kiasyd has seen finds that the images are
hard to hold, slipping through his mind's eye like
minnows through a stream.
The number of successes on activation determines
the amount of information gained, both in terms
of images of the scene when the object was being
held or touched, and the nature of the person who
was holding the object. One scene-type image and
one aspect of the person's identity (aura, name,
sex, or age) becomes clear for each success the
player garners on the activation roll.
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Chanjelin Ward
The Vampire inscribes a ward on an object, a location, or a person. That ward disorients and befuddles anyone that
sees it, meaning that even if an intruder can penetrate a Weirdling's security and steal an object of value, he's
unlikely to be able to find his way to the exit. Spiteful Kiasyd use these wards as punishment - one story tells of a
Weirdling that drew a ward on an enemy's shirt as dawn approached, and then watched (from safety) as the
unfortunate Vampire burned in the sun, unable to remember which way to run.
The Vampire creating the ward inscribes the symbol in a visible location - on a library door, bookshelf, or an
individual's clothing. Anyone entering the warded area or touching the warded object loses 2d from her IT rating as
long as she maintains contact with or proximity to the ward. Additionally, anyone seeing the ward becomes addled
and lost for a scene unless she succeeds on a Will roll with the successes rolled on activation + Blood potence as
penalty. The Kiasyd is immune to his own wards. The glyphs last for a duration indicated by the number of successes
on theactivation roll:
Successes Area
1 One hour.
2 One night.
3 One week.
4 One month.
5 One year.
Cost: Normal

Level 5
The Riddle Phantastique
The Kiasyd whispers a riddle to an opponent, and the riddle consumes his mind. The target can do nothing until he
solves the riddle, and no one can help him - answers provided by others, even correct answers, fail to counteract this
After a successful activation roll, the victim can do nothing but sit and ponder the Riddle until she accumulates three
times the riddler's successes. The subject rolls on Will with the Blood potence of the caster as penalty. She makes
this roll as soon as she is told the Riddle, and then once per hour until she has gathered enough successes equalling
twice as much as the successes rolled on activation. Should the victim critical failure by 5 or more on a roll to solve
the Riddle, she takes 1d of damage as the mystical enigma racks her body, and she loses all successes from the
accumulated total. This damage cannot be healed until the Riddle has been solved. The riddler can end this trance by
telling the victim the answer, but no one else can.
Cost: Normal

“Trust is treason. Love is loss. Life cannot shield you from those who disappear or forget. Everyone leaves you in the
— Samiel, First Knight

Obeah is the unique Discipline of the Salubri, formerly known as the

Valeren Path of the Healer.
The bloodline known in modern nights simply as the Salubri is actually
descendant of one half of the ancient Clan. In bygone nights, one might
have spoken of "healer" and "warrior" Salubri. This Discipline allows the
Salubri to judge and even improve a subject's health. As the Vampire
grows more powerful, Obeah lets her heal a target's soul directly. It is
this power that forms the basis of the "soulsucker" charge that dogs the
bloodline these nights.
Obeah originated with Saulot in his travels in the East learning from the
Kuei-jin the use of the Dragon Pearl. Learning Obeah causes a third eye
to develop in the middle of one's forehead when the Kindred masters
the second level of Obeah.
The third eye is said to bestow "sight beyond sight" and enable the
Salubri to see the threads of life and death around them. Once their
abilities to restore lost vitality and cleanse individuals of taints of both
the body and the soul earned the Salubri awe and respect, but after years of Tremere propaganda the use of Obeah
became more associated with soul-stealing and infernalism.
It has long remained a closely guarded secret of the once-proud clan, and is all but forgotten in the Modern Nights
by vampiric society.

Clans: Salubri
Nicknames: Healing (common), Curatio (archaic), Patch up (slang)

Type: Mental/Physical
Masquerade threat: Low

Level 1
Just as a Vampire can lick a wound he has made with claw or fang and cure it, so can those with Panacea lick a
wound someone else has made and heal it.
For each Blood Point expended during the licking, the character can heal 2HP. Note that the character must be able
to lick the wound to heal it.
Cost: Special

Sense Vitality
With a touch, the Salubri can instantaneously read a target's injuries. She may learn how much damage a target has
incurred, and therefore make a guess at what must be done to save him. This power can also be used for diagnostic
purposes - useful for a victim who can no longer speak.
The Salubri must touch the target to see how close to death she is. One success on the activation roll identifies a
subject as a mortal, Vampire, ghoul, or other creature. Two successes reveal how much damage the subject has
suffered. Three successes tell how full the subject's blood pool is (if a Vampire) or how many blood points she has
left in her system (if a mortal or other blood-bearing form of life). Four successes reveal any diseases in the subject's
bloodstream. A player may opt to learn the information yielded by a lesser degree of success - for example, a player
who accumulates three successes may learn whether or not a subject is a Vampire as well as the contents of his
blood pool. Alternately, each success on this roll allows the player to ask the Storyteller one question about the

subject's health or health levels. "Was he drugged?" or "Are his wounds aggravated?" are valid questions, but "Did
the Sabbat do this?" or "What did the Lupine who attacked him look like?" are not. The Salubri may use this power
on herself if she has injuries but has somehow lost the memory of how the wounds were received.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Glare Of Lies
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
Upon activating this power, a Salubri's third eye opens and narrows in close scrutiny. The Cainite gains the ability to
see the harmony of truth and the disharmony of deception. It is virtually impossible to lie surreptitiously to a
Vampire who knows this Discipline.
Players of any characters wishing to tell a deliberate lie in sight of the Cainite must gain more successes on their skill
roll than the Vampire's player on the activation roll plus their Blood potency. Anyone who fails to meet this
requirement may still lie, but the Salubri recognizes the deception. This power cannot sense subtler deceptions by
omission or half-truth. As long as those scrutinized tell the truth - however partial or deliberately obtuse - the power
detects no falsehood.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Anesthetic Touch
The Vampire can ease a target's pain or place him into a deep, soothing sleep with nothing but a touch. This power is
intended to heal the pain or succor the mind of willing targets, but the character can, with some effort, employ the
power against someone who does not wish it.
If the subject is willing to undergo this process, the player makes an activation roll to block the subject's pain. This
allows the subject to ignore all injury penalties for one turn per successes rolled. A second application of this power
may be made once the first one has expired, at the cost of another blood point. If the subject is unwilling for some
reason, the player must make a contested Will roll against the subject, adding their Blood potency as a bonus. To put
a mortal to sleep, the same system applies. The mortal sleeps for five to 10 hours - whatever his normal sleep cycle
is. He sleeps peacefully and does not suffer nightmares or the effects of any derangements while asleep. He may be
awakened normally (or violently). Kindred, including the Salubri herself, are unaffected by this power - their bodies
are too tied to death.
Cost: Normal

Auguring The Sickness

Another diagnostic tool in the hands of the Salubri, this power allows a Healer to discover both the severity and
nature of the sickness plaguing her patient, although it offers no information about the cure. Knowledge of Auguring
the Sickness is believed to date back after Saulot's return from the East, leading to speculation that this is a power
found among Eastern healers (and possibly Vampires).
The Salubri lets her hands hover an inch or so above the body of her patient and traces a path from head to foot,
concentrating as she does. Each success on the activation allows the player to discover one detail about the illness,
such as its kind, what the likely symptoms and developments are, and so on.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Corpore Sano
The Salubri can heal wounds with a laying-on of hands. The subject feels a warm, tingling sensation over the affected
areas as pain leaves the body and flesh knits. The Vampire's third eye opens during this process.
This power works on any living or undead creature, but the character must touch the actual injury (or the closest
part of the victim's body, in the case of internal injuries). Each point of HP to be healed requires the expenditure of

one blood point and one turn of contact. Aggravated wounds may also be healed in this manner, but the Vampire
must spend two blood points instead of one for each aggravated HP lost.
Cost: Special

This gift is found among the healers, although not a few of the watchers have procured it for themselves. Similar to
Shepherd's Watch, it allows the Salubri to spread an aura of calm and peace around a small chamber. Under its
influence, tempers that had flared out of control find restraint, and arguments over trifles are reduced to differences
of opinion. Vampire lords have found this to be extremely helpful in negotiating treaties with mortal counterparts,
and some once requested the Salubri create the effect for difficult negotiations between Cainites.
It lasts for as many scenes as she has levels in Humanity/Path, or until she leaves the area. Her third eye opens, but it
sheds no light, and the power is not affected if she shadows her third eye under a hood or hat. Peacemaker is not a
numbing or hypnotic effect, more of "clearing the head." Those under the effect of this power are more inclined to
talk about a dispute rather than reach for the sword. Brujah in particular find it hard to lose their tempers, although
they're not immune to agitation - they are at +2 bonus on all rolls relating to keeping the Beast reined.
Anyone who wishes to insult someone or give in to bad temper while under the effects of Peacemaker must roll on
Will or simply settle down into mumbling and bewilderment. Those with normally quiet, gentle or peaceful natures
are often the least affected; the Salubri suspect it is due to the aura finding nothing to calm or settle as with more
violent or angry natures.

Once the effects of Peacemaker wear off, those who have been affected by it sometimes have a sense of "buyer's
remorse." Mortal enemies occasionally "come to their senses" and may renege on agreements made, while others
claim they were addled with witchcraft while negotiating. Another drawback is that the power works best in a small
chamber - the larger the chamber, the more spread out the effect, the more spread out the effect, and less potent it
is as a result.
Area Size Effect
Small chamber. Mortal enemies can talk about the issues at hand without lapsing into an argument.
Violence is impossible without extreme provocation
Large chamber. Loud disagreements are still possible, but violence is difficult to initiate.
Banquet hall, Sanctuary. A general feeling of goodwill, which can be shattered.

Vital Fluids
(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
With complete mastery over her undead frame and the power of vitae healing, the Salubri finds that healing wounds
no longer overly taxes her duties towards humanity. Additionally, the Salubri may apply Corpore Sano to herself,
though the only benefit is for healing aggravated damage.
Any blood spent to heal bashing or lethal damage returns to the Vampire’s blood pool, at a rate of one point per
hour. This does not apply to points lost to use Copore Sano. This power is always active at no cost.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3

Level 4
Neutral Guard
The Salubri with this level of mastery of Obeah can create an invisible barrier between those under his care and
those who would do them harm. The Salubri himself must stand among his charges as he generates this barrier; he
cannot defend them from afar. Enemies armed with guns or other ranged weapons can still attack, but none may
approach closer than a few paces.
Erecting this barrier is a standard action, but maintaining it from turn to turn or dropping it is a reflexive action. The
invisible barrier extends to about a 3-yard/meter radius from the character, and no one outside that barrier may
cross it while she maintains the power. Those within it at its creation may leave and return, however. The barrier
moves with the Salubri. It cannot be maintained at a distance.
Those who wish to cross the barrier from the outside, whether friendly or hostile, must best the character in an
extended, resisted Will roll (with the Blood potence as a bonus for the Salubri). The opponent may cross the barrier
as soon as he accumulates five more net successes than the Salubri.
If a Salubri using Neutral Guard is viewed using Auspex, the barrier will glow golden.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Treat the Sick Mind

By the time a character has learned to Treat the Sick Mind, the third eye has become completely developed. Using
the third eye on an unmoving target allows the Vampire to sense the target’s mental disadvantages, and to cure him
Sensing the mental disadvantages requires a Per roll. Actually, curing the mental disadvantages requires an
activation roll with a -1 penalty for each -5 character points costing the disadvantage. Remember, the mental
disadvantage is a survival mechanism and the subconscious will not be willing to let it go. For every success rolled on
the activation the mental disadvantages is supressed for a week.
During the treatment, the target’s body is bathed in a soft golden glow from the third eye, anyone in the area will
more than likely notice both the glow and the eye. If the target moves during this time, both the diagnosis and the
treatment receive a -2 penalty. The treatment ends if the target moves more than five feet away from the healer.
Cost: Normal

King David's Blessing
It is said that music has the power to sooth the savage beast. When you sing or play an instrument, your patients
seem to heal better and relax more. This can help someone forget his physical pain, draw him out of depression, or
even assist another healer in working her craft. Rayzeel was said to be the creator of this Discipline, originally
crafting this to draw Saulot out of his depression after the Baali Wars. Those Salubri who do not come from a strong
Christian or Judaic tradition often call this power Rayzeel's Song.
The music must be appropriate to the situation (a jolly country tune isn't likely to help someone relax, but it might
help distract a woman in labor). If the Salubri is attempting this before working a healing, each success on King
David's Blessing allows her to add a +1 bonus to her healing roll.
If the Salubri is working in tandem with a doctor, midwife or another Salubri, the player makes his roll as normal,
with each success granting the second healer a +1 bonus to for his Medicine/Obeah roll. Only a +5 bonus at
maximum can be granted by this power.
A critical failure by 5 or more King David's Blessing is very unpleasant for all concerned. Anything attempted after a
failure has -2 penalty, while a critical failure by 5 or more adds a -5 penalty to any rolls. The Storyteller may even
deem that a critical failure by 5 or more inflicts a 1d of damage as the subject thrashes in sudden distress.
Furthermore, medieval thought is firm in the knowledge that disharmony has a way of inviting all sorts of terrible
things, and spirits drawn to pain or disharmony may come sniffing around the victim.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Penitent Resilience
(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
With this power, a Salubri may briefly walk in the brightest sunlight without fear of injury. His purity defends him,
allowing the sun to burn the Curse within and leave the flesh unmarred. Some Salubri believe a truly penitent
Vampire may use this power to burn out the Curse of Caine entirely and regain his mortality, but such legends are
anecdotal at best.
The player may reflexively spend one blood point whenever the Vampire is exposed to sunlight, the power last a
minute. Until the Vampire exhausts his blood pool, he may receive any damage from sunlight. Once the Vampire
runs out of blood, he suffers damage normally.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3
Cost: Special

Level 5
Mens Sana
With this power, the Salubri can heal madness, quieting inner demons and bringing a soul to peace. Indeed, ancient
stories of the Salubri state that Saulot used this power to bring sweet, if temporary, relief to his "brother" Malkav.
Other, more recent stories claim that Saulot caused Malkav's madness in the first place.
The use of Mens Sana takes at least 10 minutes of relatively uninterrupted conversation. Success cures the subject of
one mental disadvantage of the Salubri player's choice. This power cannot cure a Malkavian of his core
derangement, though it alleviates its effects for the rest of the scene. A critical failure by 5 or more inflicts the same
mental disadvantage on the Salubri for the rest of the scene. This power may not be used by the Salubri to cure her
own mental disadvantages.
Cost: Normal

“Where can you go, when the night conspires against you? Where will you hide, while the shadows whisper your
name? Come with me. There is no other choice.”
— Barbelo, Bishop of Nod

The signature power of the Lasombra, Obtenebration grants the

Vampire power over darkness itself. The nature of the darkness invoked
by Obtenebration is a matter of intense debate among Kindred. Some
believe it to be merely shadows, while others feel that the power gives
control over the stuff of the Vampire's soul, coaxing it tangibly outward.
Obtenebration is said to further damn the Vampire who uses it, who
removes himself further from God's grace and into the dark pull of the
Abyss. For this reason, the user is shunned by animals and humans
alike. Proficient users may manifest physical changes: eyes become
pools of utter darkness, shadows move of their own accord in her
presence, and from time to time, spontaneous Obtenebration effects
may manifest.
The unnatural darkness summoned by Obtenebration is extremely
frightening to mortals, animals, and even other Cainites unaccustomed
to its use. The exact nature of this Discipline is unknown even among its
greatest masters, and it has been a subject of religious, philosophical,
and metaphysical debate among Vampires for millennia. The Shadow Crusade believes that Obtenebration stems
from the Iryi Azaneal, who gave Lasombra parts of its qlippothic powers in order to manifest in this world.
Regardless, the effects of Obtenebration are terrifying, as waves of darkness roil out from the Cainite, enveloping
those in their path like an infernal wave. As Obtenebration is mostly known as a Sabbat Discipline, any Camarilla
Vampire caught using the power had better have a damned good explanation.
Vampires using Obtenebration can see through the darkness they control, though other Vampires (even those that
also have Obtenebration) cannot. Dreadful tales of rival Lasombra struggling to blind and smother each other with
the same wisps of darkness circulate among young members of the Clan, though no elders have come forth to
substantiate these claims.

Clans: Lasombra
Nicknames: Shadowcraft (common), Tenebris (archaic), Horror (slang)

Type: Mental
Masquerade threat: Medium to High

Level 1
Shadow Play
This power grants the Vampire limited control over shadows and other ambient darkness. Though the Vampire
cannot truly "create" darkness, she can overlap and stretch existing shadows, creating patches of gloom. This power
also allows Kindred to separate shadows from their casting bodies and even shape darkness into the shadows of
things that are not there. Once a Kindred takes control of darkness or shadow, it gains a mystical tangibility. By
varying accounts cold or hellishly hot and cloying, the darkness may be used to aggravate or even smother victims.
Certain callous Lasombra claim to have choked mortals to death with their own shadows.
This power requires no roll, but a blood point must be spent to activate it. Shadow Play lasts for one scene and
requires no active concentration. Kindred cloaking themselves in shadow gain +2 bonus to their Stealth skill and
grant a -1 penalty to ranged weapon attacks against them. Vampires who use the darkness to make themselves
more terrifying add +2 bonus to the Intimidation skill. Opponents plagued by flapping shadows and strangling
darkness receive a -2 penalty to all HT rolls.

Only one target or subject may be affected by this power at any given time, though some modicum of concealment
is offered to a relatively motionless group. The unnatural appearance of this power proves extremely disconcerting
to mortals and animals (and, at the Storyteller's discretion, Kindred who have never seen it before). Whenever this
power is invoked within a mortal's vicinity, that individual must make a Will roll or suffer a -2 penalty to all skill rolls
for the remainder of the scene, due to fear of the monstrous shadows.
Cost: Special
Duration: Scene

Oblivion's Sight
The Vampire closes their eyes. Upon opening them, the irises of their eyes are black against the white of their sclera,
and they can now see clearly within pitch blackness, and can perceive ghosts who are not actively hiding their
On activation, the users eyes become supernaturally attuned to darkness, allowing them to ignore all low-light
penalties, including those of supernatural origin. They still need their eyes to see and are affected by blindfolds and
the like as usual. If a ghost is present and not attempting stealth or using a power to conceal its presence, the spirit
becomes visible to the Vampire using Oblivion’s Sight. In such cases, ghosts appear as they wish to appear, whether
as humans bearing the wounds that caused their death, as spectral monstrosities, or as perfectly immaculate
corpses. Ghosts do not automatically realize when a Vampire spots them, but if they do, many react with fear or
anger rather than passivity. This power does not grant the ability to make physical contact with ghosts.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Ashes to Ashes
Destroying evidence of feeding is a common necessity among Vampires who leave screaming, resisting vessels,
especially when those same vessels end up dead. This power enables a Vampire to destroy a corpse — fresh or long
dead — by introducing their vitae to its body. This power does not work on Vampires, but does work on animated
The Vampire expends a Blood point, and sprinkles the vitae over the corpse. After that the corpse disintegrates in a
number of turns equal to five minus the number of successes rolled on activation. Critical failure by 5 or more on,
the corpse putrefies but does not disintegrate, and is subsequently immune to this power from any user.
Cost: Special
Duration: Variable (see Difficulty effects)

Tenebrous Veil
(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
Many Anarchs have found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, and often what makes the difference
between being found out and being discovered is the judicious use of supernatural powers. This power, created
several centuries ago by Lasombra and Malkavian Anarchs, allows the Kindred to stand stock-still and avoid being
seen in almost any location. As long as some shadow is present, the Kindred can bend it around his body and
thereafter use that shadow to conceal himself from the minds of any onlookers.
No roll is necessary. As long as a square foot or more of shadow is present in the area, the Kindred can remain
effectively unseen for as long as he chooses to remain motionless. This power combines the basic principles of
Obtenebration and Obfuscate. It is very simple, but very effective.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Variable (see Difficulty effects)
Contest: Can be resisted as an Obfuscate power

Level 2
Shroud Of Night
The Vampire can create a cloud of inky blackness. The cloud completely obscures light and even sound to some
extent. Those who have been trapped within it (and survived) describe the cloud as viscous and unnerving. This
physical manifestation lends credence to those Lasombra who claim that their darkness is something other than
mere shadow. The tenebrous cloud may move, if the creating Kindred wishes, though this requires concentration.

Each success on the activation roll generates darkness roughly 10 feet (three meters) in diameter, though the
amorous cloud constantly shifts and undulates, sometimes even extending shadowy tendrils. The Vampire may
voluntarily reduce the area she wishes to cover. The cloud may be invoked at a distance of up to 50 yards/meters,
though creating darkness outside the Vampire's line of sight adds a -2 penalty to the activation roll and requires an
extra Blood point's expenditure. The tarry mass actually extinguishes light sources it engulfs (with the exception of
fire), and muffles sounds until they are indistinguishable. Those within the cloud lose all sense of sight and feel as
though they've been immersed in pitch. Sound also warps and distorts within the cloud, making it nearly impossible
to accomplish anything. Even those possessed of Heightened Senses, Eyes of the Beast, Tongue of the Asp, and
similar powers suffer the penalty for blindness due to the unnatural darkness. Mortals and animals surrounded by
the Shroud of Night must make a Will roll or suffer a -2 penalty to all skill rolls, or panic and flee.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Variable (see Difficulty effects)

(Potence 1 amalgam)
The Vampire can conjure a weapon made from congealed shadowstuff. The weapon is near-weightless and can take
the form of a sword, knife, spear, or any other melee weapon the Vampire cares to wield. The Vampire can make the
weapon dissolve back into shadow at any time, such as if they’re disarmed.
Prerequisite: Potence 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Shadow Cast
This power draws upon the darkness within the user to project a supernatural shadow from which to manifest other
powers, no matter the ambient lightning. This shadow usually mimics the movement and shape of the user but can
sometimes grow distorted and even monstrous, resonating with the current temperament its owner.
Activating the power conjures a supernatural shadow from the Vampire’s body. As long as the power is active the
user casts this shadow, which cannot be removed except by direct sunlight. Anyone witnessing the practitioner
notices the shadow cast from no visible light source on a PER roll. The Vampire can direct their shadow, elongating
or distorting (but not detaching) it at will, though it can sometimes act on its own accord, at the Storyteller’s
discretion. For the purposes of other powers such as Shadow Perspective, the shadow can be lengthened to up to
twice the practitioner’s Obtenebration rating + Blood potency in yards/meters.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Bagman's Shelter
(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
Vampires can't stand sunlight, but not every Vampire has the luxury of a haven or the ability to merge into the earth.
What they do have is access to some exotic Disciplines, and some of those who have to last the day in an unsecured
shelter have survived by this little beggar's trick.
The Vampire activates the power before resting for the day. All around her, the shadows darken and reinforce cover
in such a fashion that improves an otherwise flimsy shelter for the purpose of blocking sunlight. What light does
penetrate the space seems not to reflect from whatever surface it hits. As long as none of the exposure is direct, the
Vampire can sleep safely in a small space, such as the back of a truck cab under a heavy blanket or a basement
stairway in the alley covered in trash. For some reason, this ability doesn't work if the Vampire is awake.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3
Cost: Normal

Echo Of The Subtle Vizier

(Dominate 2 amalgam)
A Lasombra with this power may silently whisper commands to a target’s shadow without ever making a sound. The
commands remain silent until the desired duration passes, at which time the victim finally hears the Vampire’s
words and faces the Dominate power employed in the command.
Each success on the activation allows the Vampire to suspend a Dominate power for up to one hour. This power
must be immediately activated, with all necessary expenditures and rolls. The target resists as appropriate.
Regardless of the results, the target does not remember the brief exchange and nothing actually happens until the

duration of suspension passes. One of the more cunning uses of this power is to suspend The Forgetful Mind so that
it retroactively erases all memories during the time the power was suspended. The Vampire then issues commands
with immediate uses of Dominate, knowing the servant will remember none of his actions later.
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Fear Of The Dark

(Dominate 2 amalgam)
With a mixture of Dominate and
Shadowplay, the Vampire using this
ability can inspire a terrible fear of
the shadows in his target. Those
caught in this effect find their
paranoia runs rampant, as fearful
shapes seems to form in the shadows
around them in the corner of their
The Vampire invokes the power and
for each success rolled on activation,
the Vampire may force one person
(mortal or supernatural) in the
immediate vicinity to see frightening
shapes within the shadows around
them. If the target fails a Will roll
(with the Blood potency of the user
as a penalty), she runs in terror.
Prerequisite: Dominate 2
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a
Dominate power

Smothering Darkness
(Obfuscate 1 amalgam)
A Magister may use Smothering
Darkness to summon fluttering
shadows that immediately flock to
the nearest light sources (torches,
candles, oil lamps and the like) and
douse them. The behavior of these
shadows is akin to that of moths;
they find the brightest light source
and then dive into it in hopes of
being consumed. By using this power
a Lasombra can plunge an entire area
into darkness almost immediately,
rendering those unprepared for it
completely helpless.
Each success on the activation roll produces a fluttering shadow which then proceeds immediately to the nearest
light source in an attempt to douse it. These shadows can cause no damage but may well collide with other
characters in their flight, producing confusion and fear. The shadows can smother any fire up to the size of a torch;
anything larger requires the attention of multiple shadows. As soon as a shadow douses a flame, that shadow
vanishes. If there are more shadows than there are fires to extinguish, the excess number will flap around in the
dark, likely causing more confusion, before finally vanishing into whatever dark place they originated.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Arms of Ahriman
Refining his control over darkness, the Kindred can create prehensile tentacles that emerge from patches of dim
lighting. These tentacles may grasp, restrain, and constrict foes.
The player activates the power, each success enables the creation of a single tentacle. Each tentacle is six feet (two
meters) long and possesses ST and DX ratings equal to the invoking Vampire's Obtenebration level + Blood potency -
Potence and Celerity levels are added to these ST and DX ratings, respectively. If the Vampire chooses, she may
spend a blood point either to increase a single tentacle's ST or DX by 2 or to extend its length by another six feet or
two meters. Each tentacle has 8HP, is affected by fire and sunlight as if it were a Vampire. Tentacles may constrict
foes, inflicting 1 HP of damage per turn. Breaking the grasp of a tentacle requires the victim to win a resisted ST
contest roll against the tentacle. However, tentacles cannot be used for any kind of manipulation, such as typing or
driving. All tentacles need not emanate from the same source - so long as there are multiple patches of suitable
darkness, there are sources for the Arms of the Abyss. Controlling the tentacles does not require concentration; if
the Kindred is not incapacitated or in torpor, she may control tentacles while carrying out other actions.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shadow Perspective
The Vampire can project their senses into any shadow within line of sight, seeing and hearing as if they were hiding
within any part of it. This includes their own shadow, as manipulated by Shadow Cast.
The presence of the Vampire in the shadow is undetectable by anything but supernatural means. (Sense the Unseen,
for example). While this power is active the Vampire perceives both their surroundings as well as what can be
gleaned from the Shadow Perspective, as if looking through a screen or hole.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Touch of Oblivion
The Vampire using Touch of Oblivion channels the power through their vitae. When they make physical contact with
a victim, the annihilating element runs through the Vampire and into their prey like an electric current, except the
effect is to physical wither the target area. Effective on any part of the body, the touch shrinks and shortens muscles,
snaps tendons, and makes bones brittle, effectively aging the affected part catastrophically. Its main use is in the
withering of a limb, the choking of a throat, or the blinding a pair of eyes.
Following an activation roll, the Vampire grips their victim, with the victim suffering 1d of aggravated damage as well
as a crippling injury. If this injury is inflicted to an arm or leg, the targeted limb is rendered crippled and will in the
case of mortals require lengthy rehabilitation, while Vampires can mend the damage as regular aggravated damage.
Cost: Normal

Armory Of The Abyss

(Fortitude 3 or Potence 3 amalgam)
Armory of the Abyss allows a Vampire to fashion weapons and armor from shadows. Summoned items extrude from
every orifice and pore, quickly hardening from darkened phantasm to black crystal even as they assume their form.
The item takes one full turn of concentration to form and solidify. Any critical failure by 5 or more abruptly ends the
power and dissipates the half-formed shadow creation. A disturbance may include any violent physical contact,
sudden loud noise or similar stimulus. At the end of the turn, the weapon or armor completely hardens. Weapons
appear in their owner's grasp, while armor forms around its creator. Weapons may take any form and for purposes
of delivering damage they can add their creator's Obtenebration level to any swing/thrust rating. Shadow armor
adds the character's Obtenebration rating plus the successes rolled on activation as DR but provides no protection
against sunlight or fire. Objects created with this power last until the end of the scene or an hour has passed,
whichever is longer. Characters who learn the Fortitude-only variant can produce only armor, while those with
exclusive Potence can fashion only weapons. Vampires with Fortitude 3, Potence 3 and Obtenebration 3 may learn a
version that can provide attack and defense at the same time.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3 or Potence 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene or an hour

Shroud Of Absence
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
This variant of Shroud of Night creates not just an area of shadow, but also an area no one looks at. It is effectively a
cloak of invisibility, an area any bystander will simply ignore. To look inside the cloak of deception requires a
powerful act of will.
If successful on the activation, an area about ten feet/3 meters across within the Vampire's line of sight is cloaked.
The cloaked area can be moved at a normal walking pace and lasts for an hour for each success. Anyone wishing to
look into the cloaked area must make a contest roll for piercing Obfuscate powers. If she succeeds, she can see
through the cloak as if it wasn't there.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal

Witness Of Ahriman
(Dominate 3 amalgam)
With this subtle power, a Lasombra's eyes dilate to the infinite depths of the Abyss, filling a target who meets her
gaze with fear. Shadows plague the victim's mind, gnawing at his sanity and resolve.
Success on the activation means the target begins seeing disturbing flickers of darkness at the edge of his vision and
hears whispers he cannot make out. For as long as the phantoms last, the victim receives a -2 penalty to all Will rolls.
Once each day at dawn, the victim's player may attempt to throw off this spectral haunting with a Will roll (the
user’s Blood potency as penalty). For each day that the target does not throw off the curse, he receives a -1 penalty.
A mortal victim haunted for more days than his Will grows suicidal and ends his life at the earliest possible
Prerequisite: Dominate 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

Shadowed Eyes
(Auspex 3 amalgam)
This particular skill is a matter of control and delicacy, not raw power. The wielder summons forth small patches of
blackness which cover the eyes of the target, rendering him effectively blind and giving him a demonic appearance.
Those thus afflicted may find themselves in more than a little trouble with their neighbours who have little tolerance
for the blind, and less for those who appear unnatural.
The number of successes determines the duration of the shadows.
1 success: One turn
2 successes: One minute
3 successes: Five minutes
4 successes: 30 minutes
5 successes: One hour
Additional successes produce longer effects. The enveloping shadow cannot be removed by anything short of
plucking out the eye thus covered — a somewhat drastic remedy.
Note: This power affects all of the eyes of the victim, whether he be a one-eyed beggar, a “normal” Vampire, a
Salubri or the mythical Argus.
Certain Lasombra have been able to create a purely cosmetic variation on this power, covering their own eyes with
shadows while still maintaining the ability to see clearly. Using this power has the same difficulty as a regular use of
Shadowed Eyes but can impose terror on any beholding it.
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

Dark Steel
(Potence 3 amalgam)
Where Arms of Ahriman normally allows a Lasombra to summon forth tentacles of pure shadow to assault his foes,
this bastardized power grants those pseudopods of darkness greater strength and endurance. Cainites used to
dealing with the normal manifestation of this power may find themselves fatally suprised by the use of Dark Steel
Each tentacle is eight feet long and possesses ST and DX ratings equalling the double of the invoking Vampire's
Obtenebration level + Blood potency - Potence and Celerity levels are added to these ST and DX ratings, respectively.

If the Vampire chooses, she may spend a blood
point either to increase a single tentacle's ST or
DX by 2 or to extend its length by another six feet
or two meters. A Dark Steel tentacle has 12HP, is
affected by fire and sunlight as if it were a
Vampire. Tentacles may constrict foes, inflicting 2
HP of damage per turn. Breaking the grasp of a
tentacle requires the victim to win a resisted ST
contest roll against the tentacle. However,
tentacles cannot be used for any kind of
manipulation, such as typing or driving. All
tentacles need not emanate from the same
source - so long as there are multiple patches of
suitable darkness, there are sources for the Arms
of the Abyss. Controlling the tentacles does not
require complete concentration; if the Kindred is
not incapacitated or in torpor, she may control
tentacles while carrying out other actions.
Prerequisite: Potence 3
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Black Metamorphosis
The Cainite calls upon his inner darkness and
infuses himself with it, becoming a monstrous
hybrid of matter and shadow. His body becomes
mottled with spots of tenebrous shade, and wispy
tentacles extrude from his torso and abdomen.
Though still humanoid, the Vampire takes on an
almost demonic appearance, as the darkness
within him bubbles to the surface.
While under the effects of the Black
Metamorphosis, the Vampire possesses four
tentacles similar to those evoked via Arms of the
Abyss (though their ST and DX ratings are equal to
the Vampire's own attributes). The Vampire may
make an additional hand to hand attacks without
penalty by using the tentacles (for a total of two
attacks, not one additional attack per tentacle).
Additionally, the Vampire can sense his
surroundings fully even in pitch darkness. The
Vampire's head and extremities sometimes
appear to fade away into nothingness, while at
other times they seem swathed in otherworldly darkness. This, combined with the wriggling tentacles writhing from
his body, creates an unsettling sight. Mortals, animals, and other creatures not accustomed to this sort of display
must make Will roll (the successes rolled on activation and Blood potency as a penalty) or succumb to a panic that
amounts to Rötschreck (though it is inspired by the darkness rather than fire). Many Kindred cultivate this devilish
aspect, and the Black Metamorphosis adds a +4 bonus to the invoking Kindred's Intimidation.
Failure indicates the Vampire cannot undergo the Black Metamorphosis (though he spends the blood points
nonetheless). A critical failure by 5 or more inflicts 2d of damage on the Vampire as darkness ravages his undead
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

The Lasombra may create illusions crafted from shadow, perhaps summoning dark spirits or reflections of Ahriman.
Although the images are only made of inky blackness, and therefore would not be realistic in the light of day,
Vampires rarely work in such environments anyway, so they can easily craft illusions that are quire believable under
a night sky. The illusions are typically human-size and shaped, but with sufficient with skill, one might make larger
illusions or a whirling nightmare of shadows and chaos.
Each success on the activation lets the Vampire create one human-sized illusion; multiple successes can be combined
to make a single illusion that is much larger than a human. Victims of these illusions must make PER roll (the
successes rolled on activation and Blood potency as a penalty) to deduce that they are not real.
The Vampire can also use Nightshades to fill an area with a cloud of shadowy madness, a reflection of the dark half
itself. The players of those in the area who don't have Obtenebration take a -3 penalty to all skill rolls. The Vampire
can fill an area up to 10 yards in diameter per success on activation with Nightshades in this fashion.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Stygian Shroud
Darkness spews out of a nearby shadow as the Vampire blankets the area around them in gloom equivalent to a
moonless night, while sounds are muffled and indistinct. Anyone viewing the effect from without see it as a shadow
expanding over every surface, including the bodies of the victim, in the area. Those apart from the invoker caught in
the effects find themselves struggling to see and hear their surroundings, and mortals are drained of their very life
by the suffocating power.
The user spends a turn concentrating, spreading the shadow over the desired surfaces. The effect covers a circular
area with a radius equal to the user’s Oblivion rating + Blood potency in yards (or meters). The area is centered on
the user or a spot in their line of sight.
Anyone caught in the Stygian Shroud receives a -4 penalty to all skill rolls that need sight, unless they possess the
ability to see through supernatural darkness. Any mortals caught in the Stygian Shroud suffer 1d damage for every
turn they remain within it, due to the power’s suffocating effects.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Breaker's Glass
Created by the Lasombra Archon Noah Breaker, this power violently shatters darkness into shards that appear
similar to shards of black glass that can be used to rend, impale, and shred in a tenebrous display of violence. Unlike
Arms of Ahriman, this power is used strictly to perform violent actions, sacrificing utility for offense.
Upon activating Arms of Ahriman, the user may spend 1 Blood point to instead break shadows into physical shards of
glass on command. While this power is active, the normal appendages of Arms of Ahriman cannot be used.
In place of the gripping and bludgeoning appendages, Breaker's Glass conjures physical shards of darkness that deal
slashing and piercing damage with a damage modifier equal to the user's Blood potency. Breaker's Glass cannot be
used to grasp or manipulate objects in the same way that Arms of Ahriman can, and can only be effectively used to
cut, saw, or shred.
Prerequisite: Arms of Ahriman
Duration: As Arms of Ahriman

Level 5
Tenebrous Form
At this level, the Kindred's mastery of darkness is so extensive that she may physically become it. Upon activation of
this power, the Vampire becomes an inky, amoeboid patch of shadow. Vampires in this form are practically
invulnerable and may slither through cracks and crevices. In addition, the shadow-Vampire gains the ability to see in
natural darkness.
The Vampire is immune to physical attacks while in the tenebrous form (though she still takes aggravated damage
from fire and sunlight), but may not herself physically attack. She may, however, envelop and ooze over others,
affecting them in the same manner as a Shroud of Night, in addition to using mental Disciplines. Vampires in
Tenebrous Form may even slither up walls and across ceilings or "drip" darkness upward - they have no mass and are

thus unaffected by gravity. Rötschreck rolls from fire and sunlight receive a -2 penalty, as the light is even more
painful to their shadowy bodies.
Mortals, animals, and other creatures not accustomed to this sort of display must make Will roll (the successes rolled
on activation and Blood potency as a penalty) or succumb to a panic that amounts to Rötschreck (though it is
inspired by the darkness rather than fire).
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shadow Step
Stepping into a nearby shadow, the user disappears only to reappear from the same or another shadow further
away. Whether they enter the Labyrinth or merely pass along its surface is a source of conjecture among many
Lasombra, but the spiritual damage with which they can emerge imply they are touching something foul as they use
this power.
The Vampire must enter a shadow large enough to cover them, and emerge from another one turn later. The target
shadow must be within sight, though it can be perceived by mystical means, such as Shadow Perspective, if desired.
It is possible to bring another through the passage, but unless that person is willing, they must be held by a
successful grapple. If a Stain is incurred as a result of using this power, the passenger also receives one.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One turn

Eminence Of Shade
(Dominate 5 amalgam)
The Vampire assumes the form of living shadow with Tenebrous Form, spending one additional blood point during
the transformation. In this altered state, the Vampire may hunt down and grapple a potential host (requiring a
standard Brawling roll). Once the grapple lasts three turns without being broken, the Vampire pours into the victim's
mouth. The victim can only writhe in agony as the numbing cold of unnatural shadow courses through her veins.
From within, the Vampire may attempt to suppress the victim's soul and assume full control of the host body with
the Dominate power. If the possessing Vampire rolls a critical failure by 5 or more, the victim spends a turn vomiting
the shadow of the Cainite's form. The Vampire immediately shifts to normal corporeal form, stunned and unable to
act for a number of turns equal to the number the roll was missed by. The Vampire may relinquish and subsequently
regain control at any time, allowing him to slumber during the day and use the host body at night. The only
limitation on how long a Vampire may remain in a host is his blood pool, which diminishes at its normal rate each
evening and for other expenditures. Possessing Vampires cannot regain blood under any circumstances. Once a
Vampire exhausts his blood pool, he is forcibly ejected from the host as outlined above for a critical failure. The
Vampire may heal damage sustained by the host as usual. Vampires suffer the same damage as their hosts, relying
on their husks' augmented resilience to protect them both.
The Obtenebration version of this power may be used to possess living beings as well as other Vampires of higher
generation. If used to possess another Vampire, the tenant may draw on the host's blood pool to fuel healing and
maintain the corpse. Any blood consumed replenishes the host's blood pool rather than the parasite.
Both forms of this power betray clues as to the presence of the tenant. In the case of Obtenebration, the host's
pupils descend into points of infinite empty darkness.
Prerequisite: Dominate 5
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

“Courage is the blood of one’s soul. A brave heart beats with it. A brave soul dies with it. The two cannot be
— Reza Fatir, Black Hand Member

The Discipline of silent death, Quietus is practiced by those of Clan

Assamite. Based on elements of blood, poison, vitae control, and
pestilence, Quietus focuses on the destruction of a target through a
variety of means. This Discipline doesn't always cause a quick death, but
the Assamites rely on its lethality to hide their involvement with their
Though each of the Assamite castes possesses Quietus as an in-clan
Discipline, it is primarily known for being an assassin's tool in the hands
of the Warrior caste, and the lower level powers are largely geared
towards that end. Developed by the Assamite Antediluvian, Haqim, in
ages past, its use by his descendants is associated with passing
judgment on Cainites and protecting mortals from their depredations.
One strange side effect of such power over blood, however, is that it
seems to leave bloodlines with an affinity for Quietus vulnerable to
blood curses. Also, blood diseases spread more quickly among users of
Quietus. Advanced users are known to develop blood fetishisms thanks to the focus of the Discipline on blood.

Clans: Assamites
Nicknames: Haqim’s Gift (common), Hematus (archaic), Juice Control (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: Medium

Level 1
Silence Of Death
Many Assamites claim never to have heard their targets' death screams. Silence of Death imbues the Vampire with a
mystical silence that radiates from her body, muting all noise within a certain vicinity. No sound occurs inside this
zone, though sounds originating outside the area of effect may be heard by anyone in it. Rumors abound of certain
skilled Assamite viziers who have the ability to silence a location rather than a circumference that follows them, but
no proof of this has been forthcoming.
This power maintains a 20-foot (6-meter) radius of utter stillness around the Kindred for one hour.
Cost: Normal
Duration: One hour

Silence Of Death
Silence of Death has two different ways to use, either having no one hearing what the Assamite says or having only a
selected audience hearing him within the area.
The first way allows no one being able to hear the sorcerer while retaining the ability to still speak. While this may
seem a meaningless distinction, many applications of Assamite Sorcery require verbal incantations, which this power
allows the sorcerer to use without drawing attention to herself.
With the second option, once the zone of silence is activated, the vizier can decide whom, if anyone, can hear him
when he speaks. Thus, while the power is active, he can allow one or more people to hear him while no one else can.
More importantly, he can deliver instructions backed by Presence or Dominate without anyone else noticing.
Prerequisite: Dur-An-Ki
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 2
Scorpion’s Touch
By changing the properties of her blood, a Vampire may create powerful venom that strips her prey of his resilience.
This power is greatly feared by other Kindred, and all manner of hideous tales concerning methods of delivery
circulate among trembling coteries. Kindred with Quietus are known to deliver the poison by coating their weapons
with it, blighting their opponents with a touch, or spitting it like a cobra. An apocryphal account speaks of a proud
Prince who discovered an Assamite plotting her exsanguination and began to diablerize her would-be assassin.
Halfway through the act, she learned that she had ingested a dire quantity of tainted blood and was then unable to
resist the weakened hashashiyyin's renewed attack.
If the activation roll is successful, and the Vampire successfully hits (but not necessarily damages) her opponent, the
target loses 1 HT per the number of blood points converted into poison - Vampires attempting to drink the blood of
the Kindred with Scorpion’s Touch are automatically considered to be "successfully hit." The victim may resist the
poison with a HT roll (the successes rolled on activation and Blood potency as a penalty); successes achieved on the
resistance roll subtract from the Vampire's successes. The maximum number of blood points a Kindred may convert
at any one time is equal to her Blood potency plus Quietus level. The number of successes scored indicates the
duration of the HT loss. If a mortal's HT falls to zero through use of Scorpion’s Touch, she becomes terminally ill and
loses any immunity to diseases, her body succumbing to sickness within the year unless she somehow manages to
increase her HT again. If a Kindred's HT falls to zero, the Vampire enters torpor and remains that way until one of her
HT points returns. If a Kindred is permanently reduced to zero HT, she may recover from torpor only through
mystical means. To afflict someone with the poison, the Cainite must touch her target's flesh or hit him with
something that carries the venom. Many Assamites lubricate their weapons with the excretion, while others pool the
toxin in their hands (or fleck their lips with the poison, for a "kiss of death") and press it to their opponents.
Weapons so envenomed must be of the melee variety - arrows, sling stones, bullets, thrown weapons, and the like
cannot carry enough of the stuff to do damage, or it drips off in flight. Players whose Vampires wish to spit at their
targets must make a Innate Attack roll to hit. No more than two blood points' worth of poison may be expectorated,
and a Kindred may spit a distance of 10 feet (3 meters) for each 5 levels of ST (Potence included) the character
possesses. Vampires with Quietus are immune to their own poison, but not the blood-venom of other Kindred with
this power.
Successes Duration
1-2 One turn.
3-4 One hour.
5-6 One day.
7-8 One month.
9+ Permanently (though Stamina may be bought back up with experience).

Ishtar's Touch
This is an alternate version of Scorpion’s Touch available to the vizier caste. The player of a vizier or sorcerer
character must decide when purchasing the individual power whether to take the traditional version associated with
the warriors or the caste-specific version.
The vizier version of Scorpion’s Touch is Ishtar's Touch, instead of yielding a deadly poison, this power converts the
vizier's blood into a touch-activated narcotic that puts the victim into an inebriated state under which he is more
vulnerable to Presence, Dominate, and even mundane manipulation.
The vizier's player must spend a variable number of blood points (equal to her Blood potency plus Quietus level
maximum) and roll on activation. If the roll succeeds and the vizier touches the target's exposed skin, the tainted
blood passes into the target's blood stream through the skin. The target must then roll Will (the successes rolled on
activation and Blood potency as a penalty) - each success subtracts from the successes rolled for the vizier. If any of
the vizier's successes remain, the power takes effect.
While the effect lasts, all rolls by the vizier for manipulation of the target (whether natural or supernatural) receive a
bonus equal to equal to her Blood potency plus Quietus level. This effect only lasts while the target remains in the
vizier's presence, after which he will come to his senses. However, if the vizier returns to the victim's presence, she
will automatically fall back into her addled state. This debility lasts for a duration determined by the vizier's
successes as follows.

Successes Duration
1-2 One turn.
3-4 One hour.
5-6 One day.
7-8 One month.
9+ One year.

Truth of Blood
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
Assamite justice is swift and merciless, and it shares much with the tenets of Islamic justice. However, the Assamites
have ways of ensuring that their judgments are more firmly grounded in the truth than those of the surest mortal.
This power uses the blood of the individual being questioned as a means of divining not only the truth of the
subject’s words, but the truth behind those words. The interrogator pours the subject’s blood into his hand and
holds it for the duration of the questioning. The blood gradually smoulders throughout the scene, giving off a thin
red mist. It is reduced to vapor by the end of the scene and cannot be used for any other purpose.
The character must have one point of the subject’s blood to use this power, and it lasts for the duration of the scene
or until the character releases the blood. The degree of success on the activation roll indicates the degree of truth or
falsehood that the questioner becomes aware of.
1 success: The character knows if a given statement is a lie, a partial truth, or a whole truth.
2 successes: The character knows the emotional reason (fear, pride, loyalty) behind any lie or partial truth, though
not the full truth.
3 successes: The character learns the whole truth as the target consciously knows it.
4 successes: The character is aware of everything the target knows about the subject of the statement — even
information that the target is not consciously aware of, remebered but did not understand, or lost to Dominate
5 successes: The character experiences hazy visions of the actual truth behind the statement — even receiving veiled
hints at information that the target himself did not have.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Dagon's Call
This terrible power allows a Vampire to drown her target in his own blood. By concentrating, the Kindred bursts her
target's blood vessels and fills his lungs with vitae that strangles him from within. The blood actually constricts the
target's body from the inside as it floods through his system; thus, it works even on unbreathing Kindred. Until the
target collapses in agony or death throes, this power has no visible effect, and many Kindred like it because it leaves
no trace of their presence.
The Vampire must touch her target prior to using Dagon's Call. Within an hour thereafter, the Vampire may issue the
call, though she need not be in the presence or even in the line of sight of her target. The Kindred's player takes a
contest with the activation roll plus Blood potency vs. the target's HT. The number of successes the Vampire using
Dagon's Call achieves is the amount of damage, 1 HP lost per one success. For an additional point of blood spent in
the next turn, the Vampire may continue using Dagon's Call by engaging in another contest. So long as the Kindred's
player continues to spend blood and winning the contests, the character may continue rending her opponent from
Cost: Normal

Eyes Of Alamut
(Auspex 4 amalgam)
This power allows for a most cunning surveillance. The Assamite must touch the target to activate the power. If
successful, she can see through the target's eyes and hear through his ears.
This power can only be used to scry on someone who the Assamite has physically touched, and the connection lasts
for an hour per success rolled on activation. A target who also has Telepathy may notice the fact that someone is

riding his senses with a successful PER roll. Such a character automatically realizes the intrusion if the Assamite uses
Command from Afar and the control attempt is unsuccessful.
Prerequisite: Auspex 4
Cost: Normal

Retain The Quick Blood

(Celerity 3 amalgam)
In the nights of the Anarch Revolt,
the Assamites had an informal
alliance with the antitribu who
raged against their sires. Although
few Anarchs possessed knowledge
of the Assamite Discipline of
Quietus, a few did, and they
learned this blood-conserving
technique to aid them. Retain the
Quick Blood allows a Kindred to call
upon the preternatural gifts of
vitae without expending them.
Any blood that the player spends
on Celerity returns to her blood
pool at the rate of one blood point
per hour. Blood returned in this
way will never exceed the
character's maximum blood pool -
if he's full at the time that another
point of blood would return to his
system, that blood point is lost (as
are any others that would be
returned from the use of Celerity).
Prerequisite: Celerity 3
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Baal's Caress
The penultimate use of blood as a
weapon (short of diablerie itself),
Baal's Caress allows the Kindred to
transmute her blood into a virulent
ichor that destroys any living or
undead flesh it touches. In nights
of yore, when Assamites led the
charges of Saracen legions, the
Assassins were often seen licking their blades, slicing open their tongues and lubricating their weapons with this foul
secretion. Baal's Caress may be used to augment any bladed weapon; everything from poisoned knives and swords
to tainted fingernails and claws has been reported.
Baal's Caress does not increase the damage done by a given weapon, but that weapon inflicts aggravated damage
rather than normal. No roll is necessary to activate this power, but one blood point is consumed per hit. For
example, if a Cainite poisons his knife and strikes his opponent (even if he inflicts no damage), one blood point's
worth of lubrication disappears. For this reason, many Vampires choose to coat their weapons with a significant
quantity of blood. If the Vampire misses, no tainted blood is consumed.
Duration: Scene

Shaitan's Caress
The sorcerer version of Baal's Caress is less useful for slaying enemies than for smiting demons. With this power, the
sorcerer can spend one point of blood that he smears across his eyes. For the rest of the scene, the sorcerer can
perceive dematerialized spirits and similar creatures as if they were material. If he spends additional points of blood
to coat a melee weapon such as a dagger or sword, that weapon can strike such targets and harm them normally
despite their intangibility.
Duration: Scene

Shaitan's Sight
Oft times, the demon hunters of the sorcerer caste lack the time to activate the spiritual sight associated with
Shaitan's Caress. This power removes the requirement that they do so.
Upon learning this power, the sorcerer gains the permanent ability to see dematerialized spirits and the like. There is
no roll and no cost for doing so however, the power permanently alters the sorcerer's eyes, rendering them
disturbingly bloodshot as if he had a permanent infection in both eyes. In addition, any spirit in the sorcerer's
presence will intuitively sense that he can see them, which some spirits find offensive.

Blood Tempering
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
This power, which hails from long before the advent of Damascene steel, has seen a great deal of use in the nights of
the Crusades. Blood Tempering originatied as a means by which Assamites of the warrior caste reinforced bronze
and iron weapons and armour to withstand prolonged combat. Instead of envenoming her blades, the Assamite
imparts a small amount of her own resilience unto them by means of her blood. Some viziers use this power to
preserve their most ancient relics, and the clay tablets that bear the clan’s earliest history have benefited from
repeated Blood Tempering.
The character coats the item to be reinforced with her blood. The amount of blood used depends on the size of the
item: one blood point per foot of length. Thus, the average sword requires three blood points, while a lance may
need as many as 15. A weapon’s base damage rating is increased by +1 per each tempering, and it is rendered
unbreakable by any means short of a supernatural power with a rating greater than that of the character’s Fortitude
or a truly massive mundane trauma (such as a landslide).
Armor requires three blood points per additional 1DR and is likewise impervious to most harm (though the individual
within it may still be wounded by force that is transmitted through it). This power may be applied to solid objects
other than weapons and armour at the Storyteller’s discretion. It cannot reinforce flexible items such as whips,
leather armour or silk robes.
This power can be used on both armour and weapons to a maximum of one tempering per Blood potency level. Only
one type of blood can temper the same item, if another Assamite tries to temper an item that has an active bonus
on it via tempering, they fail and lose blood.
The duration of each tempering is based on the successes rolled on activation, as per the below table:
Successes Duration
1-2 One day
3-4 One week
5-6 One month
7-8 One year
9+ Permanent
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Special

Level 5
Blood Essence
Masters of Quietus have control over supernatural properties of vampiric vitae that is terrifying to behold. Blood
Essence demonstrates some of the most frightening aspects of this control since it clearly illustrates that he who
controls the blood has access to the unlife of the Vampire. With this power an Assamite can distil the unholy life
force of a Vampire and extract it as a thick, blackish blood. This process is deadly to the victim and very similar to
diablerie. Indeed, the distilled essence truly is what Cainites refer to as the "heart's-blood," the potent vitae that

contains all of the Vampire's power and self. Once extracted, this mere cupful of blackish liquid contains all the
destroyed Vampire's essence, and anyone who consumes it effectively diablerizes the victim.
Blood Essence is an important part of many rituals among the Children of Haqim. Warriors extract the heart's=blood
of the victims felled in battle and bring it back to their elders or even to hidden Alamut itself. They then either
consume the essence themselves or present it to an honored teacher. The growing blood addiction among Assamite
warriors has unfortunately undermined this practice. Assamite sorcerers and viziers are said to have many uses for
the heart's-blood, using it to peel back the layers of a victim's long existence year by year. The essence is also a key
component in religious observances among followers of the Path of Blood.
The process of distilling the Blood Essence is very similar to diablerie itself. The Vampire drains all his victim's blood
through whatever means are available, and then must drain the heart's-blood. Instead of sucking it out through
brute force, however, the Vampire uses this power to distill the potent vitae. The Vampire's player does not make
the extended ST roll of diablerie. Instead, he makes an extended activation skill roll that functions like the ST roll.
Failure means that the Vampire must pause to distill the essence but can continued next turn. A critical failure by 5
or more means the effort fails (though the Vampire may then proceed to attempt traditional diablerie). As in
diablerie, the victim remains alert during the entire process and cannot fight back. Once all HPs are gone, the victim
is destroyed and his essence is fully drained (usually into a chalice of some sort).
The distilled heart's-blood remains liquid and fresh for a number of nights equal to the Quietus master's Will score.
After that time, it becomes caked and dry, losing its potency. Anyone drinking the heart's-blood while it is still fresh
gains all the benefits and potential pitfalls of having successfully diablerized the victim, such as lowered generation.
Cost: Normal

Taste Of Death
A refinement of Baal's Caress, Taste of Death allows the Cainite to spit caustic blood at her target. The blood
coughed forth with this power burns flesh and corrodes bone; some Vampires have been reported to vomit
voluminous streams of vitae that reduce their targets to heaps of sludge.
The Vampire may spit up to 10 feet (3 meters) for each 5 levels of ST (Potence included) the character possesses.
Hitting the target requires an Innate Attack skill roll. Each blood point spewed at the target inflicts 1d of aggravated
damage, and there is no limit (other than the Vampire's capacity and per-turn expenditure maximum) to the
quantity of blood with which a target may be deluged.

Taste Of Bliss
This is an alternate version of Taste Of Death available to the vizier caste. Unlike the distasteful and caustic version
of this power used by the warriors, the vizier equivalent is Taste of Bliss. Instead of spitting out a deadly acid, the
vizier softly exhales a fine reddish mist towards the target. The vizier may spit up to 10 feet (3 meters) for each 5
levels of ST (Potence included) the character possesses. Hitting the target requires an Innate Attack skill roll. If the
attack hits, the vizier's player rolls 1d per Blood point spent and the target loses the rolled result from their Will. If
the target loses all of her Will, she treats the vizier as if she has a full blood bond to him until the sun rises.
Moreover, if the attack succeeds in causing the target to lose even one point of Will, treat the attack as if the target
had actually consumed a point of blood for normal blood bonding uses.

Taste Of Decay
This is an alternate version of Taste Of Death available to the sorcerer caste. The sorcerer equivalent to Taste of
Death works exactly the same as the warrior equivalent, except that the attack only targets dematerialized spirits
and the like as if they were solid. This is if the sorcerer has already made himself capable of perceiving such beings.

“One blood, one blood! United! One blood!”
— Terry

Sanguinus is the unwholesome Discipline granted to the Blood Brothers

by the Tzimisce who created them. A curious relative of Vicissitude,
Sanguinus allows Vampires who practice it to combine parts of their
bodies, loan them out to others and coordinate their minds and
Even low levels of it are unsettling (at best) to watch. Use of the higher
levels is disgusting, indeed, as flesh parts and exposed organs,
atrophied by the Blood Brothers' state of undeath, merge and pulse.
Indeed, it's so revolting to watch that mortals observing the spectacle
of this Discipline's more obvious powers might end up fleeing the area
in nausea.
Though usually only practiced by the Blood Brothers bloodline, it was
recently discovered that the discipline can be learned instinctually by
Caitiff, and what's more it could even be taught to other Kindred, as a
pair of thin-blooded Vampires discovered while under the tutelage of
Dr. Douglas Netchurch. While a single Vampire would not be able to
access it, two or more Vampires sharing a blood bond could make full use of the various powers, provided they
possessed knowledge of the discipline itself.

Clans: Blood Brothers

Nicknames: Freak Show (slang), Inbreeding (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: High

Level 1
Brother's Blood
A circle of Blood Brothers is closer than any Sabbat pack, any blood-bound pair of vampiric lovers, any ghoul family.
The circle shares flesh, mind, and, of course, blood. The members of the circle can spend blood to heal each other's
bodies, no matter how far apart they are.
The player spends a blood point, which may be used to heal any member of the circle, regardless of distance from
the character. The Blood Brother may heal another's normal and aggravated wounds over the course of several
turns. This power takes effect automatically; no roll is necessary. Blood spent by another Frankenstein does not
count against the maximum amount of vitae the target character can spend per turn.

Level 2
The Blood Brother circle can donate limbs and organs to one another. This isn't meant for healing after the battle,
but for use during the battle. An opponent facing down the Blood Brothers might see one of his opponents grow a
second set of legs (making him nearly impossible to knock down), another pair of arms (meaning he can block or
parry almost any incoming attack), extra eyes for 360-degree vision, or an extra mouth for an greater blood
consumption. Of course, the Frankenstein that gives up the organ might be left a limbless, eyeless, mouthless lump
of flesh on the side of the battlefield, but the Blood Brothers never seem to mind that.
The "donor" player spends a blood point for each limb or organ he wishes to loan to the other circle member. (Only
the donor needs to have this level of mastery of Sanguinus; the recipient may be any other member of the donor's

circle.) The loaned organs appear at the end of that turn, in whatever location the recipient wishes - eyes on the
back of heads or on the ends of hands have been seen, as have entire heads located between a Blood Brother's legs.
Use of this power does not impart any extra attacks, but it may allow for additional sensory input, more blood to be
consumed in a single turn, or extra hands to hold weapons or pin down foes. Only external organs may be loaned in
this manner - hearts, stomachs, and brains cannot.
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Blood Brothers share a hive-mind; this
ability was one of the guiding principles
behind their creation. The Gestalt power
is that hive-mind, the ability of the
Frankensteins to coordinate silently and
perfectly in battle, to avoid mind-
controlling powers, and to act in unison.
This power confers several benefits on
the Blood Brothers. For this power to
work, however, every Blood Brother in
the circle must spend a blood point. If
even one member cannot or will not
spend a blood point, this power fails.
Once a Blood Brother has met the Final
Death, he is no longer a part of the
circle, so the power continues to
function among the still-undead
members of the group. Not all Blood
Brothers in the circle need to have this
level of Sanguinus to benefit from the
Gestalt. If a given character does not
know this power, though, the player rolls
on activation when the power is
enacted. If this roll fails, the character
can still receive loaned Abilities, but
gains no other benefits from the Gestalt.
While this power is active:
(A) Dominate, Presence, and the like
take effect against the highest Will rating
(or contest rating) in the circle. For
example, if a Vampire attempts to
Dominate a Blood Brother under the
influence of Gestalt, she must roll against the highest Will rating any of the Vampires in the circle possesses, even if
her subject has the lowest Will rating in the circle. Additionally, a Blood Brother affected by powers in this manner
drops out of the Gestalt, though Gestalt remains active for others. This mental "fuse" was supposedly created to
prevent the entire circle from being Dominated by a Vampire looking into the eyes of one Blood Brother.
(B) PER difficulties for all Blood Brothers in the circle receive a +3 bonus, as they share the sensory input of other
Vampires in the circle.
(C) By taking no action other than concentrating, a Blood Brother may "loan" a Skill to another brother. For example,
a wounded Vampire with Brawling-15 may step out of combat and loan a circle-mate with Brawling-10 his mastery
of that Skill. The "borrowing" Vampire makes skill checks against the loaned skill as if it were his own.
(D) The Blood Brothers in the Gestalt may communicate through telepathy, allowing them to coordinate actions. In
game terms, only one initiative is used for the circle, based on the character with the highest initiative rating.
Duration: Scene

Level 4
Walk Of Caine
The sorcerous theory behind the Blood Brothers reads like a philosophical treatise on the nature of individuality, free
will, and haematology. The Frankensteins are not a group of Vampires but are one Vampire in several bodies, or so
goes the theory. As such, any of their characteristics must be viewed as a continuum - they are not individually
Twelfth, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Generation, for example, but they are collectively Ninth Generation at any given
time. While the metaphysics of this kind of thinking makes most Vampires' heads ache, there seems to be something
to it. A Blood Brother can draw strength from his circle, lowering his Generation to allow for greater feats of vitae
Each member of the circle can "donate" one step in Generation. In the example listed above, the Vampire of
Eleventh Generation could take one step from his two circle-mates and drop to Ninth, but the Vampire of Thirteenth
Generation couldn't drop lower than Eleventh. No matter how big the circle, no Blood Brother can drop to an
effective Generation lower than Fourth. Likewise, a Thirteenth Generation Blood Brother can drop to an effective
Generation of Fourteenth, which carries with it the penalties listed for the Fourteenth Generation Disadvantage. (He
cannot go to Fifteenth Generation, however.) As with Gestalt, only one Blood Brother needs to know this power in
order to begin the process. Any that don't have Walk of Caine need to make a Will roll. If this roll fails, they may not
participate in the action.

Level 5
Coagulated Entity
The Blood Brothers merge into a fleshy, bleeding mound of horror. This juggernaut surges forward, crushing and
consuming anything in its path. The Sabbat has learned to its chagrin that if the Blood Brothers are not explicitly told
to separate after using this power, they won't. This merger is, apparently, what the Blood Brothers truly want.
Every Vampire in the circle who wishes to become part of the Coagulated Entity spends three blood points. Three
turns after the process begins, the monster is complete and able to act. The Vampire of the lowest Generation who
is part of the construct guides the creature's actions. The actual Generation of the creature itself, however, is the
highest Generation of any Vampire present in the construct, less one for each additional Vampire present in the
construct. (Using the previous example, the Eleventh-Generation Vampire would be the guide but the highest
Generation is 13, so the overall Entity would be 13 minus 2, or Eleventh Generation.) The creature's ST, HT, and PER
are equal to the guide's, with a +2 for every additional Vampire contained within. (Generational limits do not apply
to this creature). All physical actions/skill rolls undertaken by the monstrosity gain a +1 bonus for each Vampire
beyond the first present in the construct.
Only one Vampire in the circle needs to possess Sanguinus at Level Five for this power to work. Body parts tend to
shift during the creation of a Coagulated Entity - fanged maws at the ends of hands and eyes atop fleshy stalks have
been reported by terrified survivors. Storytellers should feel free to give any bonuses (or penalties) to the construct
as they see fit. A Coagulated Entity may not be staked, as it has too many hearts in unconventional places for any but
the blindest luck to impale. It has the guide Vampire's normal HP, plus 5HP for each additional Vampire who
becomes part of the entity. The entity remains congealed for one scene, unless the Storyteller wishes to rule that no
one told the Blood Brothers to separate.

“The Serpent was in the garden first, you know.”
— Hesha Ruhadze, Collector and Archaeologist

Serpentis is the trademark Discipline of the Followers of Set clan. It

primarily provides shapechanging abilities, though it also encompasses
corruption and other characteristics associated with snakes.
Serpentis is believed to be the legacy of Set himself, a gift to his
children. The Followers of Set are very careful to guard this Discipline's
secrets, only teaching the art to those who they deem worthy. Most
Vampires fear the Setites because of the powers of Serpentis and its
connection to snakes and reptiles; this Discipline can evoke a primordial
fear in others, particularly those who recall the tale of Eden.
Serpentis has a near religious significance to the Clan, although Kindred
scientists presume a relation to the shape-shifting powers of Protean.
The Setites consider it a gift from their dark god and almost never share
it with other Vampires, although on occasion it is heard the use of a
blood boon has allowed others to achieve this dark gift.
Mastery of Serpentis brings a Setite closer to Set and some advanced
users come to disregard their human form, preferring the forms
Serpentis can bestow and reacting aggressive to suggestions that they abandon it.
Certain powers allow the Setite to remove either their own hearts or another Cainite, and other organs as well. A
Cainite without a heart is immune to staking and diablerie. A Cainite with all of their organs removed grows a scaly
shroud that is nearly indestructible, that can only be removed by feeding the Vampire their organs. However, if
someone else gains access to the Vampire's organs, they can eat the organ to gain one blood point and anyone who
stakes the heart has the same effect as staking the Vampire. Any Vampire who drinks from the heart needs to only
drink through two blood points before they can diablerize the Vampire.

Clans: Followers of Set

Nicknames: Corruption (common), Typhonism (archaic), Snake Charming (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: Medium

Level 1
The Eyes Of The Serpent
This power grants the Vampire the legendary hypnotic gaze of the sent. The Kindred's eyes become gold with large
black irises, and mortals in the character's vicinity find themselves strangely attracted to him. A mortal who meets
the Vampire's beguiling gaze is immobilized. Until the character takes his eyes off his victim, the person is frozen in
This power can be avoided if the mortal takes care not to look into the Vampire's eyes. The target must be able to
see the Vampire's eyes for Eyes of the Serpent to work.
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power.

Taste the Air

By allowing your tongue to flicker in and out of your mouth, you can scent the air in the manner of a serpent,
allowing you to operate without difficulty even in complete darkness. No vision related penalties apply to the Setite
using this power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Level 2
The Tongue Of The Asp
The Vampire may lengthen her tongue at will, splitting it into a fork like that of a serpent. The tongue may reach a
yard/meter, and makes a terrifyingly effective weapon in close combat.
The lash of the tongue's razor fork causes aggravated wounds (thr imp damage). If the Kindred wounds her enemy,
she may drink blood from the target on the next turn as though she had sunk her fangs into the victim's neck.
Horrifying though it is, the tongue's caress is very like the Kiss, and strikes mortal victims helpless with fear and
ecstasy. Additionally, the tongue is highly sensitive to vibrations, enabling the Vampire to function effectively in the
darkness the Clan prefers. By flicking his tongue in and out of his mouth, the Vampire can halve any penalties
relating to darkness.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Serpent’s Numbing Kiss

(Presence 3 amalgam)
Combining her serpentine Discipline with mastery over the heart, a Follower of Set who knows this technique can
envenom her razor tongue as a subtler weapon.
The character may immediately strike one opponent with her barbed tongue as if employing the Serpentis 2 power
Tongue of the Asp. Her tongue immediately resumes its normal form after the strike, sealing the victim’s wound as it
retracts. If the attack inflicts any damage that penetrates the victim’s armor, the Vampire injects a mind-altering
poison. The victim must roll on a HT check with a -2 penalty for Vampires, and a -5 penalty for living beings. If the
victim fails, her wits become addled for 30 minutes per successes rolled on activation. Any Discipline that affects the
victim’s mind, senses or emotions receives a +2 bonus to skill during this time, although generational limits still apply
to uses of Dominate on other Vampires. Interestingly, this blood poison is sometimes beneficial to the victim; the
mind’s barriers are lowered for friends as well as foes, and anyone attempting to repair the damage done by
Dominate or otherwise assist the victim also receives the bonus. Also, victims who possess Auspex find that the
premonitions they receive while poisoned are especially vivid.
Mortal victims who roll a critical failure by 5 or more on the HT roll fall into a dazed stupor for the duration of the
power and may take no actions of their own volition.
Prerequisite: Presence 3
Cost: Normal

Typhonic Maw
The Vampire’s jaw becomes a ferocious, malleable thing she can control in a variety of ways. Her jaw distends to her
chest, her fangs grow to the size of small daggers, her tongue lashes out a meter long and forked, and her throat
expands to consume. She can choose to adopt some or all of these adaptations when activating Typhonic Maw.
The tongue’s lashes cause aggravated wounds, same as The Tongue Of The Asp. Additionally, if she wounds her
enemy, the proboscis of her tongue allows her to feed from her victim as if she’d bitten him. She also suffers no
penalties from the darkness while her tongue is extended.
Her jaw allows her to make bite attacks without a grapple. Successful bites cause a thr+1 cut damage, and initiate a
grapple automatically. When she’s bitten an opponent, her enlarged throat can consume five points of blood per
turn instead of three.
Prerequisite: The Tongue Of The Asp
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
With this power, a Vampire can assume an almost invulnerable form. The character enters a state similar to torpor.
In this state the only things that can harm him are sunlight and fire. However, the character is completely incapable
of any action, and may not even employ those Disciplines that are normally active during torpor. The character can
only be revived from this state by the taste of blood.

No roll is required to assume the mummy form, but the change takes one turn.
Cost: Normal

The Skin Of The Adder

By calling upon her Blood, the Vampire may transform her skin into a mottled, scaly hide. A Vampire in this form
becomes more supple and flexible.
The Vampire’s skin becomes scaly and mottled; this adds a DR5 to the skin and can be used to withstand aggravated
damage from claws and fangs, but not from fire, sunlight, or other supernatural energies. The Vampire's mouth
widens and fangs lengthen, enabling her bite to inflict thr+1 cut damage. Finally, the Vampire may slip through any
opening wide enough to fit her head through. The Vampire's Appearance drops by 2 levels, and she is obviously
inhuman if observed with any degree of care, though casual passers-by might not notice, if the Vampire is in
darkness or wearing heavy clothing.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 4
The Form Of The Cobra
The Cainite may change his form into that of a huge black cobra. The serpent weighs as much as the Vampire's
human form, stretches over 10 feet or three meters long, and is about 20 inches (50 cm) around. The Form of the
Cobra grants several advantages, including a venomous bite, the ability to slither through small spaces, and a greatly
enhanced sense of smell. The character may use any Disciplines while in this form save those that require hands
(such as Feral Claws).
The change is automatic, but takes three turns. Clothing and small personal possessions transform with the Vampire.
The Vampire remains in serpent form until the next dawn, unless he desires to change back sooner. The Storyteller
may allow the Setite a bonus of +4 on all PER rolls related to smell, but for all hearing rolls are at a -4 penalty. The
cobra's bite inflicts thr+1 cut damage, but the Vampire does not need to grapple his victim; furthermore, the poison
delivered is fatal to mortals.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Typhonic Beast
(Potence 3 amalgam)
The Setite calls upon the primordial chaos of the Duat, expressing it through his own flesh. The Vampire takes on the
form of the mysterious Typhonic animal.
The transformation takes three turns to complete. The transformed Vampire gains a +5 bonus to each of ST, DX, and
HT. The Typhonic form gains the benefits of the Serpentis power called Skin of the Adder. The Setite also gains the
venomous bite of Form of the Cobra, doubles her Basic Move, and gains +2 on all PER rolls related to smell or
The Vampire remains in bestial form until the next sunrise, or until she voluntarily changes back. Clothing and other
small personal items transform along with the Vampire.
Prerequisite: Potence 3
Cost: Normal

Hatch the Viper

(Protean 2 amalgam)
This rare and horrific power is known only to the Followers of the Set. The members of other clans are hard-pressed
to master Serpentis to this degree, much less find a Setite willing to teach this particular ability. Vampires who know
this Discipline technique may create serpents out of their blood to act as servants, pets or assassins.
The Vampire takes an entire turn to activate the power, and the player spends four blood points; no roll is required.
The following turn, the character disgorges a living venomous serpent from his mouth.
Formed of vitae, this serpent is considered a ghoul with Fortitude and Potence of 1. It may act independently,
although it follows all commands from its parent without hesitation. If it is slain, or its masters fails to feed it one
blood point every three nights, the snake dissolves into a pool of fetid plasm. Anyone foolish enough to drink this
venom suffers 1d aggravated damage per point of blood the plasm is made up of (max. 4).

Characters with this power may create and maintain as many serpents as desired, assuming they are willing to feed
their retinue. Cainites with Animalism can communicate with serpents formed by this ability, but the snakes always
reflect too much of their creator’s personality to pass for natural animals. Each serpent bears a distinctive pattern of
scales associated with its master, although motifs of gold diamonds on black skin predominate.
Prerequisite: Protean 2

Level 5
Cheat The Scale Of Anubis
Egyptian legend has it that the god Anubis weighs the hearts of the deceased on his great scale. If the heart is not in
perfect balance with the feather placed on the other plate, it is considered to be weighed down by sin and the soul
of the deceased is fed to the Devourer and destroyed. Setite faith sees this story as a corruption of the dark truth:
Anubis acts as a gatekeeper for the tyrannical Osiris, who rules the afterlife. Those who have proven their soul's
strength by being willing to reject the laws that make them slaves (hence those who have "sinned") are destroyed
before they can enter the afterlife and overthrow the tyrant-god. If Set and his followers are ever to reverse the
state of affairs, there must be a way for the strong to get around Anubis's scales. This power allows a master of

Serpentis to do just that by removing his heart (as well as his other vital organs) from his body entirely and wrapping
his flesh in a protective cocoon.
The power, more akin to a ritual, can only be performed in the dark of night - either after the moon has set, before it
has risen or during the new moon - and only on oneself. It takes a few hours to complete. Once the Setite has
removed his heart and other vital organs, he must place then in specially prepared clay urns (called Canopic jars).
After that, servants can bury them or hide them away. After the Vampire has removed all his major organs, his vitae
and undead flesh combine to wrap him in a dry, scaly shroud that is nearly impenetrable. Only a small opening over
his mouth remains in the shroud. The character then falls into a sort of torpor. Only feeding him his removed
internal organs can awaken the character. Once that is complete, it takes about one minute for the cocoon around
the Setite to crumble to dust.
The enshrouded Vampire is virtually impossible to harm - no direct force, from inferno to high-noon sunlight, can do
him damage while so wrapped. However, the extracted organs are vulnerable, most especially the heart. Exposing it
to fire or sunlight causes the Vampire's instant and terrible immolation, destroying him. Although terrible, this
destruction is actually the final part of the ritual - in which the Vampire's followers burn his organs before a statue of
Set. By meeting the Final Death in this way, A Follower of Set reaches Anubis without a heart and is hence able to
pass him without ever undertaking the test of the scales, entering afterlife as a powerful agent of his god.
It is possible to undertake this ritual only part way, something usually done for one of two reasons. The first is to
assume the fully enshrouded form for protection's sake, which some Setites do when they are traveling. Their ghouls
carry them as cargo in a ship or caravan and then feed their master his organs when they arrive at their destination.
The other option is to stop the ritual with the removal of the heart. The Vampire is perfectly able to move without
his heart, but he becomes immune to standard staking or diablerie. However, if an enemy gets hold of the Canopic
jar containing the extracted organ, the Vampire is in serious trouble. Not only does it provide a powerful ritual
connection to the Vampire, but a simple flame or glint of sunlight can destroy the Vampire outright, and driving a
stake through the organ drives the Setite into torpor.
To undertake this ritual power, the Vampire must have time to herself (assisted by acolytes, perhaps) and be acting
on a moonless night. This power fails at any other time. Each roll on the activation skill means an hour of activity,
and the ritual ends in failure if the moon or sun rises before the player achieves the necessary successes (5 to
remove a heart, 12 to achieve the mummified form). A failure on a roll has no effect other than to extend the
process another hour. A critical failure by 5 or more entails a catastrophic failure that ends the ritual and causes 2d
of aggravated damage to the Vampire. Any Vampire who witnesses the process is subject to a Rötschreck.
The enshrouded body of such a Setite is completely immune to harm. No source of injury - save perhaps the might of
a Methuselah or Antediluvian - can do it direct physical damage. The organs, however, are extremely vulnerable, and
even the slightest sunlight or flame destroys them outright. The jars are opaque, but easily broken open. Except for
the heart, destroying an organ causes an unsoakable level of aggravated damage to the Vampire. Destroying the
heart destroys the Vampire outright.
The removed organs are rich with vitae. Most contain one blood point's worth (which reduces the Vampire's overall
blood pool), and that blood remains fresh indefinitely in the withered organ-meat. A ghoul or Vampire who
consumes a Setite's removed organ takes one step toward the blood oath as normal. The heart contains two blood
points and a Vampire consuming it is attempting diablerie against the Setite. Once the two blood points are drained
from the heart, the attacker passes straight to the heart's blood, and her player must make a roll as for Diablerie.
Staking the heart, stakes the Setite if he is still active.
Cost: Normal

The Heart Of Darkness

A Kindred with mastery of Serpentis may pull her heart from her body. She can even use this ability on other
Cainites, although this requires several hours of gruesome surgery. This power can only be invoked during a new
moon. If performed under any other moon, the rite fails. Upon removing her heart, the Vampire places it in a small
clay urn, and then carefully hides or buries the urn. While her heart is hidden, she cannot be staked by any wood
that pierces her breast. Moreover, because the heart is the seat of emotion, the difficulties of all her rolls to resist
frenzy gain a +2 bonus while this power is in effect. Cainites are careful to keep their hearts safe from danger. If
someone seizes her heart, the Vampire is completely at that person's mercy. The heart can be destroyed only by
casting it into a fire or exposing it to sunlight. If this happens, the Kindred dies where she stands, boiling away into a
blistering heap of ash and blackened bone. Plunging a wooden stake into an exposed heart drives the Vampire into
instant torpor. A Vampire may carry her heart with her, or have several false hearts buried in different places. A
smart Kindred often avoids her heart's hiding place, to deter discovery. Those wise in Setite lore whisper that the
corrupt elders of the Clan often hold their underlings' hearts as yet another method of control.

Those who witness a Vampire pull his heart from his breast (or cut the heart from another Vampire) must make Will
rolls. Failure indicates anything from strong uneasiness to complete revulsion, possibly even Rötschreck.
Cost: Normal

Weigh The Heart

(Auspex 3 amalgam)
The ancient Egyptians believed that conscience and judgment resided in the heart. In the afterlife, the gods weighed
a person's heart, the record of his deeds, against the feather of truth. A Setite who has learned the Serpentis power
of The Heart of Darkness not only can remove a Vampire's heart to keep it safe, he gains a potential insight into the
consciences of others. He can develop that potential through Auspex. Like the god Anubis, a Vampire with this
power can "weigh" another person's heart to read his character and sins. Such knowledge of another person's
character makes tempting, corrupting, or teaching him much easier.
This power does not require the removal of the target's heart. Each success on the activation roll reveals one truth
about the target's character, with particular emphasis on the person's weaknesses, passions, and guilts. The first
truth is always the target's nature. Subsequent truths might include any derangements or mental Disadvantages,
strong passions, or deep-laid fears and guilts (although never specific details about specific crimes).
Prerequisite: Auspex 3
Cost: Normal

Sawafi's Form
(Protean 3 amalgam)
This ancient Setite trick allows the Vampire to become a violent sandstorm. The transformation takes three turns to
complete. Additional Vitae can reduce this time by one turn per blood point spent.
The sandstorm takes up between one meter in diameter and five, at the character’s choice. This can be adjusted
with one turn’s concentration. Also, she can drop the sand to dormancy reflexively. She moves at her normal speed.
She cannot suffer physical damage but she takes normal damage from sunlight and fire. Anyone within the sand
cloud suffers a -4 penalty to all PER-based rolls, as the sand buffets his senses. As well, the Vampire can attack
anyone within the storm with a thr cr damage output.
Prerequisite: Protean 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene.

Mother of Monsters
Echidna was called the Mother of Monsters. This power allows the Setite to birth small typhonic beasts from her
flesh. The monsters grow from her skin, starting by opening eyes and mouths from her flesh, then ripping from her
body, taking part of her with them. These monsters have childlike intelligence, and understand the Vampire’s
speech. They follow her commands without exception, and cannot be commanded or frightened away from their
duty. Some Setites can create other mythological monsters. Rumors persist of some Setites who can create
rudimentary humans from their flesh.
Spend one or more blood points and mark off the HPs that the Vampire lends to the beast from their character
sheet. Those HPs cannot recover so long as the beast remains apart from the Vampire. The first blood point creates
the monster, additional blood points act as a blood pool the beast can use to heal damage (the way a Vampire can)
or to activate the Vampire’s level 1-4 Serpentis powers for himself.
Each monster takes one turn to birth. The Vampire may only spend as much blood as she can in a single turn to fuel
the monster’s blood pool. The Vampire can reflexively subsume a monster back into her flesh, replenishing its
remaining blood pool, and recovering the lost HPs. She may also subsume a beast’s corpse to recover the lost HPs.
The Setite can choose a different mythological form for the beast. However, these monsters must be obviously
Typhonic Beast
Attributes: ST, DX, HT same as the Vampire’s, IQ 4, Perception 10, Will 10
Skills: Brawling 10, Intimidation 10
HP: 3 HP per each HP the Vampire lends the beast
Disciplines: The beast shares the Vampire’s Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence powers
DR: 6 Hardened skin
Attacks: Bite (thr cut), Claws (sw cut)

“Don’t worry about the flesh, kid. Secrets rot the soul.”
— Archon Lithrac

This Discipline is an exclusive development of the Samedi bloodline,

and it is tied intrinsically to the Stiffs' identity and history. Although
Thanatosis appears to deal closely with death and the energies of
decay, no Giovanni have ever claimed mastery of this power. Outsiders
assume the Giovanni must be interested in learning this Discipline.
However, the Giovanni view the Samedi with distrust and loathing,
while the Samedi take on the Giovanni is usually expressed by
muttering a curse on the Clan and spitting blood. Thus, the possibility
of an exchange of information approaches nil.
The corpse-like bodies of Vampires are intimately tied to death,
trapped in a state of eternal, arrested decay. Thanatosis draws on that
connection, encouraging and feeding on blight and deterioration.
These are the powers of atrophy, decrepitude, putrescence, and rot. In
some ways, Thanatosis grants control over the curse itself, temporarily
suspending a Vampire’s immortality and causing even her eternal flesh
to suffer rot and decay.
Thanatosis is the signature discipline of the Samedi bloodline, and some say that it is a natural evolution of the
Cappadocian powers of Mortis Path. Certainly, the two are related and have many similarities — but the Samedi, by
and large, are more aggressive and less bookish.

Clans: Samedi
Nicknames: Black Magic (common), Voodoo (archaic), Juju (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: Medium

Zombie Anatomy: The Samedi gains the Disadvantage: Zombie Anatomy, which is also treated as an attribute for
certain rolls. Some other powers in Thanatosis increase the severity of Zombie Anatomy. Using the Blush of Life
removes up to 3 rating from Zombie Anatomy. The basic rating equals the Thanatosis level plus Blood potency.
As long as Zombie Anatomy is maintained, it confers the following:
• Can consume bones to decrease hunger. Consuming 20lbs of bones, roughly the equivalent of a full adult
human skeleton, will remove Hunger equal to half (rounded up) to Zombie Anatomy rating.
• Feels no pain. Decrease any injury penalties by Zombie Anatomy rating.
• Add Zombie Anatomy rating to Intimidation and related skills.
• Penalty equal to Zombie Anatomy rating to all relevant Social skill rolls with mortals.
• As Zombie Anatomy's severity increases, the Vampire's internal organs continue to wither and atrophy, until
they take on a more skeletal appearance. At rating 5 the Samedi looks like a month-old corpse and at 10 like
an old, desiccated mummy.

Level 1
Cadaverous Body
The Vampire's body takes on traits of a rotting corpse, causing all inner-organs, other than the heart, to atrophy, and
giving them a thinner frame with a sickly pallor, while also intrinsically altering their Vampiric state in some ways.
This Discipline allows the Vampire to mold their own rotting flesh into subcutaneous pockets, allowing them to store
objects in way similar to a kangaroo's pouch.
To create a pocket in which to store objects, the Vampire takes a moment to open their rotting flesh and fatty
tissues to create it. Small objects such as a wallet, keys, or a very small gun are easily hidden and are much less

noticeable, larger or heavier objects are more difficult to place within the body. The Vampire can store up to 2
pounds/1kg per Zombie Anatomy rating. On a success the object is hidden inside the body, but can be detected if
the Vampire is examined (Such as a guard patting them down,) on a achieving 5 successes the object is perfectly
hidden, on a failure the object is easily noticeable at all times.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Pockets last until undone.

CSI Shit
As one of the Baron’s children, you’ve learned a few tricks about death. One of them is knowing a lot about rot,
decay, and how bodies die. By carefully examining a mortal corpse you can immediately know the cause of death. If
the cause of death is supernaturally concealed, you gain the ability to use your activation roll despite that.
Cost: Normal

Switched At Death
(Obfuscate 3 amalgam)
Usually, the Samedi take great pains to hide their shriveled, dead appearance. Looking like the right corpse at the
right time, however, can prove to be quite useful.
Success on the activation roll allows the user to appear as a specific dead body that they’ve touched. The power
allows the illusion to emulate any damage done to the body, such as a fatal gunshot wound or a severed head. Any
actions the Kindred takes that are out of place for a dead body, such as obvious movement or direct communication,
trigger a Will roll for the observer to stay in the presence of the Kindred. This power can only duplicate the state of
the body the Kindred touched. If the mortal has been dead 100 years, the Kindred will look like a skeleton.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 3
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as an Obfuscate power

Level 2
Death Masque
An ancient and strange ability, that allows the Vampire to assume the apparent look of someone that has died with a
simple touch.
Your rotting countenance allows a certain degree of malleability when used in tandem with the strange power of
your blood. By touching a human corpse flesh-to-flesh and making the activation roll, the user can assume the
appearance of that corpse. Blush of Life will restore the user's appearance to a publicly acceptable state, though if
the corpse is too rotten it may not be enough.
A number of "appearances" equal to the user's Thanatosis level can be "stored".
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until sunrise, or ended

The Vampire can, with a touch, cause flesh to quickly rot. Hair falls out, teeth loosen, flesh rots, and fungus begins to
grow on the skin. Works on both living and undead.
Requires the Vampire to physically touch, flesh-to-flesh, with the intended victim. In combat this must be done by
first grappling (any hand-to-hand skill hit), if surprising the victim, a roll on Stealth is necessary.
On successively touching the target, the Vampire then performs the required activation roll. Putrefaction deals
damage and inflicts Rotting. Superficial damage dealt equals the margin of successes rolled on activation, 1 HP for 1
point of success. On a Critical Success, Putrefaction deals aggravated damage.
Rotting causes the target to lose 1HP per Thanatosis level a day. Vampires can make a HT roll with a penalty equal to
the successes rolled on activation to remove the Rotting. Otherwise, it will be removed upon waking the next night.
For mortals, the HT roll to oppose the Rotting is ongoing (with the same penalty as for the Vampire), they will lose
HPs until they make a successful daily roll.
Cost: Normal
System: Zombie Anatomy's severity is increased by 1.

Grisly Gris-Gris
(Fortitude 2 amalgam)
A common voudoun artifact is a gris-gris
bag. These talismans protect the wearer
from harm or bad luck. You can provide a
similar type of protection... to those with
an iron stomach.
The Kindred must break off a small piece
of their body, such as a bit of hair, a
fingernail, or a piece of skin. The target
must ingest the Kindred’s body part. The
next time the target receives damage, he
or she can use the Samedi’s Fortitude
level for the DR. While the gris-gris is in
the target’s body, they temporarily lose a
level in Appearance per hour as their
appearance becomes more and more
corpse-like. If the target drops to Horrific
Appearance this way, they become
violently ill and vomit up the gris-gris
along with the contents of their stomach.
The target may choose to expel the gris-
gris at any time once it’s become active.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2
Cost: Normal

Level 3
Ashes to Ashes
The Vampire collapses into a pile of thick,
sticky, white powder. While in this form
the Vampire is only dimly conscious, but is
immune to more forms of damage,
including Fire and Sunlight, making it a
powerful evasion tool. However, if the
ashes are scattered too far, the Vampire
may never be able to reform.
The Vampire forms into a pile of nearly
invulnerable ash-like powder. Whenever
the Vampire wishes to be aware of their
surroundings while in this form, they must
make a PER roll with a -4 penalty. The
Vampire cannot use any Disciplines while
in this form, or perform any other actions.
This power grants immunity to most forms of damage, with the only threat being a scattering of the Ashes. If the
ashes are scattered, the Vampire will reform with Aggravated damage, possibly missing limbs. The heart and head
will always reform at the expense of other body parts.
The Vampire can sleep during the day while in this form, and even enter Torpor, effectively allowing them to rest in
extremely safe spots.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Until reformed.

Corpse Explosion
This power makes dead flesh to violently explode in an intended cone of effect, similar to a blast from a shotgun, or
in more severe cases, a directed claymore mine.
The user picks a corpse within a number of yards of them equal to their Zombie Anatomy rating, then rolls on the
activation. On a success the corpse explodes in a cone of gore and sharp bone in the user's desired direction, dealing
damage equal to the margin of success rolled, plus half the corpse's HPs, rounded up. The user may then divide this
damage as they choose among all targets in the cone of effect. Damage is reduced by 1 for every 2 yards a target is
away from the Corpse Explosion.
Mortals take this as aggravated damage. This explosion can be Dodged as a typical ranged attack, but suffers a -2
penalty to attempts to do so, as it's a cone of effect, rather than a directed bullet.
While Zombie Anatomy is maintained, the user can also "explode" parts of their own body to deal damage as well.
Detonating the user's own flesh causes them to take 1 aggravated damage, but in turn does at least 1 aggravated
damage (plus the successes rolled on activation) to anyone damaged.
This can also be used to "explode" objects hidden within the user by Cadaverous Body outwards, when this is done,
increase the damage appropriately. i.e. exploding a knife out of the body might add +2 damage to the attack as it
lodges itself into a victim. However, such objects only cause the Vampire normal damage equalling the damage they
add, so the knife also wounds the Samedi with 2 HP.
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Dust to Dust
The Vampire maintains awareness while in Ash Form, and can perform non-physical Disciplines. Requires Ashes to
Ashes. While a pile of ash, the Vampire no longer needs to make any checks, and is aware of their surroundings at all
times. They also cannot be blown away or separated without considerable force.
The Vampire also gains the ability to move while in Ash Form, at a speed no greater half their basic move, and can
change their general shape to fit under doors or more easily hide behind objects.
Cost: Free
Duration: Until reformed.

Creeping Infection
Allows the Vampire to delay the effects of Putrefaction, Wither, and Necrosis, causing it to occur at some point after
the initial touch.
Upon successfully touching a victim, the Vampire can then delay the effects of the chosen Discipline by a number of
months equal to their Thanatosis. At any point the Vampire can instantly activate or remove the effect. Otherwise, it
will automatically occur when the chosen duration ends.
Multiple applications of Creeping Infection can be put on a single victim.
Cost: Free
Duration: Variable.
System: Zombie Anatomy's severity is increased by 1.

The Vampire can instantly rot a victim's limb, rendering it completely useless. This power works exceptionally well on
Kindred. Uses the same system as Putrefaction unless otherwise noted.
On a margin of three successes or greater, the Vampire can choose to rot the entirety of the touched limb, making it
dead and useless. On a lesser margin, it merely acts as Putrefaction would.
When succeeding on a Kindred victim, who views their body as immortal and unrotting, they will be utterly horrified
and have to make a Strong Will (Self-Control) with the Samedi’s Thanatosis level as penalty, before they can
immediately take an aggressive action or flee.
Vampires will fully restore the limb upon waking the next night, and remove the associated Rotting disadvantage.
Mortals will generally have to have the limb amputated.
Duration: Until healed.
System: Zombie Anatomy's severity is increased by 1.

Level 5
Ashen One
Through mastery of Ashes to Ashes, the Vampire gains additional abilities both in and outside of the Ash Form.
At any time, the Vampire can transform parts of their body into ash that they can control. If used to avoid damage,
add Thanatosis to Dodge attempts. This power, while used outside of Ash Form, does need an activation roll but no
blood expenditure.
While in Ash Form, the Vampire gains the following additional traits:
• After transforming, the first Strong Will check the Vampire makes will always be a success.
• Upon leaving Ash Form, the Vampire heals d6 normal damage.
• Can flow into a corpse, and can then control it as if it were their own body. If the corpse is too heavily damaged,
your Ash Form will begin to pour out and you will lose control of the body.
• Can now perform certain physical Disciplines while in Ash Form, ie. Putrefaction, and if possessing a Corpse, they
can use all Disciplines through that corpse as if it were their own body.
Prerequisite: Ashes to Ashes
Cost: Normal
Duration: One day

The total mastery of Putrefaction bolsters it to horrifying strength, allowing a Vampire to rot a living person to a
carcass with a mere touch.
Uses the same system as Putrefaction unless otherwise noted. On a success, all damage dealt by Putrefaction and
Rotting is dealt as aggravated damage. On a margin of 10 or more successes, the victim is horribly crippled by rot.
Mortals will generally rot to a putrid skeleton, and Vampires will have their ST and DX reduced to 3, effectively
paralyzing them until they can heal.
Duration: Until healed.
System: Zombie Anatomy's severity is increased by 1.

This power permits a character to create an "infection" in any aggravated wounds her opponent may have suffered.
This infection causes no damage, but can be used to feed Blood Points to the infected target at range. This ability is
often used to feed Retainers, and to Blood Bond other Kindred without them even being aware of the Bonding.
Infection requires a normal attack roll that hits, followed by a successful activation roll and the expenditure of one
Blood Point. It can be used only once per day on the same target.
Duration: 1 day per success rolled on activation.

“A soul is just another bit of clay, to be twisted between your fingers.”
— Sascha Vykos, Caine's Angel

Vicissitude is the signature power of the Tzimisce, and is rarely shared

outside the Clan (though it is known to some other Cainites of the
Sabbat). Similar to Protean in some ways, Vicissitude allows Vampires
to shape and sculpt flesh and bone. When a Kindred uses Vicissitude
to alter mortals, ghouls, and Vampires of higher Generation, the
effects of the power are permanent; Vampires of equal or lower
Generation can choose to heal the effects of Vicissitude as though
they were aggravated wounds. A wielder of Vicissitude can always
reshape her own flesh.
The wielder must establish skin-to-skin contact and must often
manually sculpt the desired result for these powers to take effect.
This also applies to the use of the power on oneself. Tzimisce skilled in
Vicissitude are often inhumanly beautiful; those less skilled are simply
There are rumors that Vicissitude is a disease rather than a "normal"
Discipline, but only the Fiends know for sure, and they aren't talking.

Clans: Tzimisce
Nicknames: Fleshcraft (common), Tailoring (archaic), Shaping (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: High

Duration: Typically, changes made by Vicissitude are permanent, with a couple of caveats. First, a victim of lower
generation than the Cainite using Vicissitude can heal any changes made as though they were aggravated wounds.
Second, Vicissitude can be used to undo changes wrought by that power - but such a thing might take time and a
great deal of work. Finally, Vicissitude cannot permanently undo the horrid aspect of a Nosferatu, the inky blackness
of an elder Assamite's flesh or the animalistic features of a Gangrel who has frenzied overmuch. Any Kindred
features that are intrinsic aspects of the victim's blood return after a day's rest.

Body Crafts: Vampires who wish to use Vicissitude well often specialize their knowledge in an art known as Body
Crafts (IQ/H, Defaults: IQ-6, Physiology-4, Physician-4, or Surgery-4). This skill enables its possessor to make all
manner of alterations to living and dead flesh and bone. It also gives insight into more mundane techniques; many
Tzimisce are skilled at flaying, bone-carving, embalming, taxidermy, tattooing, and piercing.

Level 1
Malleable Visage
The Vampire can alter their body’s flesh (including muscle, fat, and cartilage) in simple, cosmetic ways. They can
change their skin tone, eye or hair color, weight, build, sex, height, build and facial features among other things.
They can make normally impossible bodily alterations that don’t last with Kindred, such as piercings or tattoos. Such
changes are cosmetic and minor in scope - no more than a foot (30 cm) of height gained or lost, for example. She
must physically mold the alteration, literally shaping her flesh into the desired result.
The player must spend a blood point for each body part to be changed, then roll on activation and Body Crafts. To
duplicate another person or voice requires five successes on Body Crafts for a flawless copy; fewer successes leave
minute (or not-so-minute) flaws. These changes take an hour per blood point spent.
Increasing one's Appearance level needs 5 successes per level on Body Crafts, and the Vampire must spend an
additional blood point for each level of Appearance increased beyond their original level. Any roll under 5 successes

uses the blood but doesn’t change the Appearance level. A critical failure by 5 or more permanently reduces the
Attribute level by one and setting it as the original level. This takes a full day to complete for each roll.
Cost: Normal plus one blood point for each body part to be changed

Devil's Mark
(variable Discipline 1 amalgam)
This is a relatively recent invention developed by a nomadic pair of Toreador antitribu at the tail end of the
twentieth century. In the nights leading up to a war party, packs get inked, covered in symbolic body modifications
invoking different powers. Raucous parties tend to coalesce around the ritual, as each member gets marked, and the
pack gets more and more hyped and psyched up for the raid. The artist must invest her own blood into the process,
whether that's by bathing her tools in it or mixing it into her inks, so it's considered good form for the pack to
provide sources of blood for the artist during the revel, since she is investing so much for their cause. The
modifications themselves are often elaborate and are themselves sources of pride for the packs and artists alike.
Each piece of art is designed to unite the pack while complementing the individual, and packs will travel to find well-
known artists just so they can sport a special tattoo.
The artist must choose a single Discipline. The Vampire can imbue someone with use of a single Power they know for
that Discipline via mystic tattooing. The Vampire can take this Power multiple times, choosing a different Discipline
each time.
To place the Devil's Mark, the artist must make an extended Body Crafts roll every hour, requiring a number of
successes equal to three times the level of the power being imbued (no devotions or amalgam powers). The process
of creating the Devil's Mark costs one blood point, plus one point for every level of the power she wants to imbue
into the body modification.
A Vampire can use the power in the tattoo as if it would be their own, any activation skill rolls are same as the
artist’s skill level. They have to pay the blood as per their own generation though. A mortal has a single use of the
power and doesn’t need to use blood points for the activation (but where necessary, using HPs instead of any
additional Blood points for a power at a 1:1 ratio), as a person with no Blood potency.
If the subject is a Vampire, the modification heals as normal after the duration expires. If the subject is a mortal, the
tattoo remains, but loses its power. One subject can have as many levels of powers tattooed on them as half their HT
(rounded up).
The body modification itself is the focal point of the evocation, so must be visible to the target of any use of the
powers imbued. Also, the target can't use anything that would dull or neutralize the pain of the procedure.
Prerequisite: Variable Disciplines
Duration: One night per successes rolled on activation

Ears Of The Bat

(Auspex 1 amalgam)
The Vampire grows long, pointed ears and achieves echolocation, much like a bat. She can "see" in pitch darkness
and that sense extends 360° around her, leaving no blind spots for would-be ambushers to exploit.
While manifesting the ears, the character suffers a -3 penalty to all Social skills with mortals unless she takes steps to
hide her ears.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 2
This power is similar to Malleable Visage, above, but allows the Vampire to perform drastic, grotesque alterations on
other creatures and the Vampire can sculpt extra flesh onto a subject by removing it from another subject. Tzimisce
often use this power to transform their servitors into monstrous guards, the better to frighten foes. Only flesh (skin,
muscle, fat, and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed.
After activating the discipline, the Vampire must grapple the intended victim yo restrain them. Unwilling victims
must be restrained, the player of the Fleshcrafting Vampire makes a successful grappling skill roll.

A Vampire who wishes to increase another's Appearance does so as described under Malleable Visage; reducing the
Attribute is considerably easier and needs only 3 successes, though truly inspired disfigurement would be at 5
successes. In either case, the reduction of Appearance is by one level each use of the power.
A Vampire may use this power to move clumps of skin, fat, and muscle tissue, thus providing additional padding
where needed. For each success Body Crafts, the Vampire may increase the subject's DR by one, at the expense of
either a point of ST or HT (Vampire's choice).
Duration: Permanent; this Power is greatly feared for its ability to permanently disfigure victims. However, there are
several ways to undo its effects:
• Mending: Other Vampires with equal or higher Blood Potency than the Vampire can use Mending to revert their
flesh to normal. Each success on activation rolled on the power takes 5 Blood points and a full day of daysleep to
recover from. Vampires with Fortitude can instantly heal 5 Blood points per their Fortitude level, though still for the
same Blood cost.
• Vicissitude: Other Vampires with Vicissitude can simply sculpt their flesh back to normal. This takes time and
potential Blood points as normal. Vampires with lower Blood Potency can only ever make this attempt once.
• Other Powers: Supernatural with other healing or flesh-altering powers can attempt to do undo the Vampire’s
handiwork in the same way.

Flaying Touch
With this cruel power, a Tzimisce can tear away a victim's skin as easily as removing a robe, all without disturbing the
muscles and other tissue beneath. The Fiend simply grabs a handful of skin and pulls it away or surgically slices it
with the artful caress of a fingertip. Regardless of the method used, the target suffers excruciating pain and begins
bleeding profusely from the exposed flesh. Even if a target somehow survives the blood loss, the area of skinless
flesh soon becomes infected. Even Cainites suffer under this agony, though they do not have to fear blood loss.
The Vampire need not restrain the victim as long as he strikes exposed skin (with any hand-to-hand skill), in which
case the activation roll is reflexive. A success on activation inflicts additional 1d damage on swing. If the total
damage exceeds the victim's HT, she can only writhe and scream in pain for the rest of the turn.
Mortal victims continue bleeding profusely from their exposed skin, suffering the same damage each minute equal
to the extra damage rolled for the power. Once any of the original damage of the strike is healed or the wound is
stanched, the bleeding slows to 1 HP of damage per hour. Only when the original injury is completely healed does
the bleeding stop.
Cost: Normal

(Protean 4 amalgam)
This power allows a Vampire to invoke a Protean transformation into the form of a beast in response to the actions
of an aggressor. Any time the Vampire suffers any form of hostile action, such as an attack, being made the target of
a Discipline, or even being bullied, the Kindred may instantly transform into the shape of a beast. The Kindred may
spend the blood points at the beginning of a scene in which he plans to use Quickshift (for those Kindred of
generations too high to spend four blood points in one turn); at any point thereafter that scene, he may activate the
power at no additional cost. If the Kindred doesn't use that power in that scene, the blood points are simply lost.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Sculpt The Flowing Wound

A Tzimisce with this power may vastly accelerate her healing by concentrating and willing flesh to mold back to its
original form.
The player spends one blood point and rolls on activation. Each success heals one HP of normal damage. This power
cannot heal more HPs per turn than the Vampire's generational limit for blood expenditure. Any healing beyond this
limit extends into subsequent turns until complete.

See The True Shape

(Auspex 2 amalgam)
A Fiend with this power may recognize flesh that has been magically reshaped. Although Tzimisce are most adept at
noticing fleshcrafting wrought by Vicissitude, they can also recognize the changes brought about by Protean, mortal
magic or even the shapechanging of Lupines.

The Vampire scrutinizes the
target and her player rolls on
activation. The number of
required successes depends on
the nature of the target's
transformation. If the player
fails to gain the required
number of successes, the
Vampire senses no alteration
and assumes the target is in its
natural form. A critical failure
by 5 or more means the
Vampire mistakes the nature of
a transformation or sees
alteration where none exists.
One success spots works of
Vicissitude; three sees through
other shapechanging evoked
through vampiric Disciplines.
The character needs four
successes to pierce other magic
(including mortal wizardry) and
five for "natural"
shapechanging such as Lupines
use. If the player gains two
more successes than are
needed, the character not only
recognizes the type of
transformation but may make
an educated guess as to the
target's natural form. Even
more successes reveal more
detailed information as relayed
by the Storyteller.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
The signature Power of Clan Tzimisce, this terrible power functions as Vicissitude and Fleshcraft, but also lets the
Vampire manipulate bone in the same manner as Fleshcraft lets them manipulate flesh. The Vampire can reshape
victims into any form out of their most twisted imaginations, so long as the new form still uses an equivalent or
lesser mass of flesh and bone. Additional mass can be added if it’s removed from another subject and sculpted on.
Many fiends torture their foes and punish underlings by bonecrafting them into inanimate objects such as chairs,
coat racks, and even clothing.
Bonecraft may be used without the fleshshaping arts, as an offensive weapon upon touching the target. Each success
scored on activation inflicts one HP of damage on the victim, as his bones rip, puncture, and slice their way out of his
The Vampire can also grant servants (or themselves) bone spikes, claws, fangs and other defensive bodily features as
quills, carapaces.
If bone spikes, claws, fangs are used, the Vampire or victim takes one HP damage (the Vampire's comes from having
the very sharp bone pierce through his skin - this weaponry doesn't come cheaply). In the case of quills, the subject

takes a number of health levels equal to five minus the number of successes (a critical failure by 5 or more kills the
subject or sends the Vampire into torpor). These health levels may be healed normally.
Knuckle spikes, claws, fangs inflict additional +2 damage, it is aggravated in case a Vampire is having any of these
grafted. Defensive quills inflict 2 HP damage to hand-to-hand attackers unless the attacker scores 5 or more
successes on the attack roll (in which case the attacker takes no damage). Quills also enable the Vampire or altered
subject to add +2 to all damage inflicted via holds, clinches, or tackles. A carapace formed out of bone adds 1DR, this
can be added multiple times, up to the HT value of the target.
A Vampire who scores five or more successes on the activation roll and touches the target, may cause a rival
Vampire's rib cage to curve inward and pierce the heart. While this does not send a Vampire into torpor, it does
cause the affected Vampire to lose half his blood points, as the seat of his vitae ruptures in a shower of gore.
Characters subject to these bodily alterations have invariably terrifying appearances and violate the Masquerade if
seen. The lobotomized szlachta war ghouls for which Clan Tzimisce is known are created through this Power. Players
can doubtlessly think of other creative uses.
The Vampire must spend time altering the subject’s flesh and bones to form the changes. Bone spikes, claws and
fangs take 10 hours minus successes rolled on activation (always at least 1 hour). Quills need 5 days minus successes
rolled on activation (always at least 1 day). A bone carapace needs 10 days minus successes rolled on activation
(always at least 1 day). In this instance, the day’s work is counted as 8 hours.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent and as Fleshcraft.

Body Armory
(Protean 3 amalgam)
This power enables the Vampire to form wicked weapons from her own body. The Vampire may create sword
blades, axes, and even spiked mauls, these weapons do terrible damage to their targets. Many Tzimisce make sword-
arms, knife-bladed knuckles, and the like, but more dramatic implementations are possible.
This power costs two blood points per weapon (though larger weapons like two-handed swords and great axes cost
four), and the player must roll on Body Crafts. Each weapon takes two turns to form (larger weapons take three
turns). Weapons created in this manner cause aggravated damage, and turn to ash once they are removed from the
Prerequisite: Protean 3
Duration: Scene

Flesh Of Wind And Water

Under normal conditions, a Tzimisce who seeks to reshape his own form must take the time to mold his features and
limbs into the desired shape. This makes it difficult to adapt to changing situations, such as the chaos of combat or
the need for sudden disguise. Flesh of Wind and Water (so named because of the rippling effect seen in the flesh as
it operates) allows the Tzimisce to make those alterations allowed by the first three levels of Vicissitude almost
instantly (each use of the power takes but a single turn), without the need to physically sculpt the alterations. This
power can be used on the Cainite wielding the power only; if he wishes to alter someone else, he must do so at the
normal rate and with the normal methods.
The player spends an additional blood point each time this power is invoked in conjunction with an other power, and
must make all standard rolls required for the use of Vicissitude. He may use only a single Vicissitude power per use
of Flesh of Wind and Water. Thus, if he wanted to use both Fleshcraft and Bonecraft on himself, he would have to
use Flesh of Wind and Water twice, requiring a total of additional two blood points and two turns.
Prerequisite: Celerity 2

Pater Szlachta
(Protean 4 amalgam)
Some Tzimisce combine the Protean power to turn into an animal with the possibilities of Vicissitude. Forces of
chaotic change surge through the Fiend's body, forces he must direct while experiencing bone-breaking pain. When
the Tzimisce can bear the strain no longer, the body settles into the Pater Szlachta or bogatyri form - so named by
Tzimisce anarchs to insult either their servants or the "elder valiant champions" who served the anarchs' sires. In the
modern nights, this power is still known to a few Tzimisce, who sometimes use it in contests of improvisational

The change takes a turn per number of successes on activation to complete, during which the Tzimisce can only
howl, drool vitae and writhe. The character can add the number of successes to his Physical Attributes (ST/DX/HT),
but no addition to any Attribute can exceed the Blood Potency level. The player can describe what sort of alterations
he wants to make, but the process is difficult to control. In the end, the Storyteller is the final arbiter, choosing one
physical state for the character in bogatyri form or certain Vicissitude modifications such as bone spikes, spine-saws,
etc. Critical failure by 5 or more earns whatever physical Disadvantage the Storyteller chooses, maybe permanent
ones. The change lasts for one scene.
Example: The player of Csikos Thesz activates the power and earns five successes on his roll. Csikos Thesz spends one
turn changing into the bogatyri form, during which he struggles to rearrange his muscles and body fat to be faster;
he also concentrates on drawing forth bone mass to his knuckles, visualizing them coming to thick, knobby studs.
After the change, his player can add five points to his Physical Attributes, having a Blood Potency at level 3. He adds
2 points to his DX and 3 points to his ST. Since five successes indicate an "exceptional success," the Storyteller
decides that Csikos has grown bony spikes on his knuckles that inflict extra +2 damage.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Shape of All Beasts

(Protean 4 amalgam)
Cainites with the Protean power of Shape of the Beast can take their choice of two animal forms in a matter of
seconds. Cainites with Vicissitude can reshape their bodies into the form of any animal of the same mass, given time
and enough vitae to power the Discipline. A Cainite with both — and some knowledge of zoology and comparative
anatomy — can learn to take the form of any animal between the size of a tiger and a rabbit. They can also force
other beings into animal form.
As with Shape of the Beast, the transformed Cainite retains her psyche but can use the natural abilities of her animal
form: keener senses, flight, rapid swimming or even venom (but no more lethal than would be normal for the
Changing form costs one blood point and takes three turns. Each additional blood point spent reduces the time by
one turn, to a minimum of one turn. If the character uses the power to transform someone else, the transformation
takes minutes instead of turns. Additionally, an unwilling character can resist, with the player making a contested
Will roll (Self-Control) against the would-be flesh-shaper’s Body Crafts. If the potential victim gains more successes,
she successfully resists the restructuring of her body.
Unlike Shadow of the Beast, the transformation does not assimilate the Cainite’s clothing and small personal
possessions. While in animal form, a character can use any of her Disciplines except for Necromancy, Serpentis,
Thaumaturgy or Vicissitude. The Storyteller defines the natural abilities of the various animal forms.
A character with Shape of All Beasts can stay in animal form as long as she wants. She can resume her human form
at will, without the need to expend more vitae. So can another character who has Shape of the Beast. Cainites of
equal or lower generation than the character can heal back the transformation as if it were five HPs of normal
damage while Cainites of higher generation than the character heal it as if it were 5 HPs of aggravated damage.
Mortals cannot reverse the change at all without extensive reshaping by another master of Vicissitude.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal

Soul Decoration
(Auspex 2 amalgam)
The aura is a by-product of the body. Change the body, change the soul. The body's experiences can be summed up
in the aura, but this phenomenon is the product of physical forces. By fleshcrafting certain locations on the body –
chakras, joints, erogenous zones – a Tzimisce with this power can paint whatever aura he chooses. Auras summarize
the individual, revealing mood, the stain of diablerie, and the Curse of Caine. When under the gaze of perceptive
eyes, sometimes it's better to conceal such things.
Prerequisite: Auspex 2
Cost: Normal

Level 4
Devil’s Brand
This power enables the Vampire to create a permanent tattoo with Devil's Mark. All the other details are same but
the duration is permanent for all Vampires if the activation is successful.
Prerequisite: Devil's Mark

Horrid Form
Kindred use this power to become hideous and deadly monsters. The Vampire's stature increases to a full eight feet
(two and a half meters), the skin becomes a sickly greenish-gray or grayish-black chitin, the arms become apelike and
ropy with ragged black nails, and the face warp into something out of a nightmare. A row of spines sprouts from the
vertebrae, and the external carapace exudes a foul-smelling grease.
Once the Horrid Form is awakened, all Physical Attributes (ST/DX and HT) increase by 3, but IQ related skills get a -5
penalty, except when dealing with others also in Horrid Form. However, a Vampire in Horrid Form who is trying to
intimidate someone may add +3 to their skills, if the victim is a mortal, then the bonus is at +6. Damage inflicted in
hand-to-hand combat increases by +1 due to the jagged ridges and bony knobs creasing the creature's hands. Horrid
Form lasts until dismissed by the Vampire.
Cost: Normal

War Form
(Protean 4 amalgam)
The Vampire takes on the form of a larger-than-life, nightmarish monster. Tzimisce often take on their clan’s
traditional zulo shape: a scaled, greasy-furred humanoid with apelike arms tipped with jagged black nails, and a
bristling row of spines tracing the length of its backbone. No matter the form, it’s always terrifying, the Vampire can
add +2 to intimidation related skills involving other Kindred and +4 it the target is a mortal. The Vampire can’t
communicate in anything except bestial sounds or use Powers that rely on speech.
While in War Form, the Vampire’s Physical Attributes (ST/DX and HT) increase by 3. The Vampire also grows
claws, fangs, quills and a DR5 carapace as per the Bonecraft power.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Prerequisite: Protean 4
Cost: Normal

Unchain The Wrathful Beast

(Animalism 5 amalgam)
A Fiend with this power may project her Beast into a hapless host, where it immediately sets about warping flesh
and bone to better accommodate its monstrousness. The host writhes in agony, skin sloughing off and muscles
boiling into new and terrible forms. Once the change settles, the host frenzies as a terrible living weapon, wreaking a
swath of carnage until the Vampire bids his Beast return.
The Vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism power Drawing Out the Beast while touching the target. Once
the Beast finds a home, it burns two of the Vampire's blood points to change the host into zulo shape (use the War
Form for the details of the changes). The painful transformation lasts two turns, after which the host enters
immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the Vampire it rightfully belongs to, but assaults everyone and anyone
else in range of its claws. At any time, the Vampire may recall his Beast. If the host dies before the Vampire recalls
his Beast, the Beast rises out of the corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite faster than
mortal eyes can follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires regain their
form over three nights as they lose one point of augmented Physical Attributes. After the third night, all traits return
to normal. Mortals and ghouls are not so fortunate, remaining locked in the zulo shape indefinitely. Worse still,
mortals suffer 1d of aggravated damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumors.
This decay can be slowed to 1d of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals (ghoul or otherwise)
cannot heal the damage from their degenerating tissue, so this power spells their death sentence without extremely
potent curative magic.
Prerequisite: Animalism 5
Contest: Can be resisted

Level 5
A Vampire with this power can physically transform all or part of her body into sentient vitae. This blood is in all
respects identical to the Vampire's normal vitae; she can use it to nourish herself or others, create ghouls, or
establish blood bonds. If all this blood is imbibed or otherwise destroyed, the Vampire meets Final Death.
The Vampire may transform all or part of herself as she deems fit. Each leg can turn into two blood points worth of
vitae, as can the torso; each arm, the head, and the abdomen convert to one blood point each. The blood can be
reconverted to the body part, provided it is in contact with the Vampire. If the blood has been utilized or destroyed,
the Vampire must spend a number of blood points equal to what was originally created to regrow the missing body
part. A Vampire entirely in this form may not be staked, cut, bludgeoned, or pierced, but can be burned or exposed
to the sun. The Vampire may ooze along, drip up walls, and flow through the narrowest cracks. Mental Disciplines
may be used, provided no eye contact or vocal utterance is necessary, although the Vampire can perceive her
surroundings just fine (but the perceptions are always centered on the largest pool of blood). If a Vampire in this
form "washes" over a mortal or animal, that mortal must make a Will roll with a -4 penalty or fly into a panic.
The Vampire also cannot speak or physically harm others. If all of the Vampire’s blood is imbibed or otherwise
destroyed while they’re in bloodform, they meet final death.
Ghouls can’t take this Power.
Cost: Normal

Considered the pinnacle of a Tzimisce’s craft, this Power functions like Bonecraft, except the Vampire can reshape
flesh and bone on a molecular level. The Vampire can turn solids into liquids, semi-liquids, or gases; manipulate
hormones; purge or induce toxins; craft fully functional wings or gills; and make other radical physical alterations
(such as turning skin into scales, feathers, or bone). The Vampire still can’t create extra physical matter from
nothing: adding wings to a subject still requires flesh taken from somewhere else. Players can doubtlessly think of
other creative uses for this Power.
One of the largest obstacles to Fleshcraft and Bonecraft is that mortals and ghouls can’t survive more radical
applications. A Tzimisce who wants to turn their ghouls into sentient rugs or curtains, for example, would have to
remove too many essential organ systems for them to survive. A Vampire with Leptocraft, though, could simply
reconfigure their ghoul’s physiology to be like a slug’s, tapeworm’s, or other invertebrate’s.
The Vampire must spend time altering the subject’s flesh and bones to form the changes. Small alterations take 10
hours minus successes rolled on activation (always at least 1 hour). Medium alterations need 5 days minus successes
rolled on activation (always at least 1 day). Complicated alterations need 10 days minus successes rolled on
activation (always at least 1 day). In this instance, the day’s work is counted as 8 hours.
Prerequisite: Bonecraft
Cost: Normal
Duration: Permanent and as Fleshcraft.

Conquering Blood
(Dominate 5 amalgam)
The Vampire assumes the form of animate blood with Bloodform as appropriate, spending one additional blood
point during the transformation. In this altered state, the Vampire may hunt down and grapple a potential host
(requiring a standard Brawling roll). Once the grapple lasts three turns without being broken, the Vampire pours into
the victim's mouth. The victim can only writhe in agony as the undulating blood courses through her veins. From
within, the Vampire may attempt to suppress the victim's soul and assume full control of the host body with
Dominate. If the possessing Vampire rolls a critical failure by 5 or more on activation, the victim spends a turn
vomiting blood of the Cainite's form. The Vampire immediately shifts to normal corporeal form, stunned and unable
to act for a number of turns equal to the number the roll was missed by.
The Vampire may relinquish and subsequently regain control at any time, allowing him to slumber during the day
and use the host body at night. The only limitation on how long a Vampire may remain in a host is his blood pool,
which diminishes at its normal rate each evening and for other expenditures. Possessing Vampires cannot regain
blood under any circumstances. Once a Vampire exhausts his blood pool, he is forcibly ejected from the host as
outlined above for a critical failure. The Vampire may heal damage sustained by the host as usual. Vampires suffer
the same damage as their hosts, relying on their husks' augmented resilience to protect them both.
The Vicissitude version of this power cannot possess a Vampire (since it would effectively cause the host to
diablerize the tenant). Any mortal so possessed becomes a ghoul that draws on the Vampire's own blood pool. The
Vampire may also employ lesser Vicissitude powers to reshape the host body.
This power betrays clues as to the presence of the tenant. In the case of Vicissitude, the host's skin occasionally
undulates in a ruddy ripple.
Prerequisite: Dominate 5 and Bloodform
Cost: Normal
Contest: Can be resisted as a Dominate power

The False Drink

(Auspex 1 amalgam)
Some independent elder Fiends who pay lip service to the Sabbat developed this trick. Using a heightened self-
awareness and vitae control, the Tzimisce is able to divert imbibed blood to a discrete cavity within her body. The
compartmentalized blood is not absorbed into the Vampire's system, and thus, the blood bond or Vinculum can be
secretly avoided. The Vampire can then vomit up the unwanted blood at her leisure.
Upon drinking the blood, the player must roll on activation. Failure means the Vampire accidentally absorbs the
imbibed blood as normal, affecting any blood bond or Vinculum as per normal. Critical failure by 5 or more causes
the Vampire to vomit the imbibed blood, along with half of her own blood pool, in a messy spray.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal

“Why place statues in graveyards? Stone does not mourn.”
— Ferox, the Rock Lord

Visceratika is an extension of the Gargoyles' natural affinity for stone

and earth. Certain Visceratika powers closely resemble some aspects of
Protean and, to a lesser extent, Vicissitude. Tremere in a position to
know insist that this is pure coincidence, but the few among the
Gargoyles who retain scholarly aspirations insist that the Gangrel and
Tzimisce blood used to create the bloodline still maintains a certain
hold over its members.
Clan Tremere recently released a report stating that, contrary to
popular belief, the appearance and wings of the Gargoyles are results
of the Gargoyle Embrace or creation process, not side effects of
Visceratika as was previously believed. The implication is that other
Kindred can learn Visceratika and retain human appearance. That is,
Vampires - including the Tremere - believed that they couldn't have the
one without the others. Supposedly this isn't true, and provided one
can find a Gargoyle tutor, any Vampire can learn the Discipline. Of
course, that assumes one can find a willing tutor - the Gargoyles aren't
eager to reveal these secrets. Furthermore, few Kindred want to bet that the Tremere are wrong and risk waking up
with wings and horns.

Clans: Gargoyles
Nicknames: Sculpting (common), Stones (slang)

Type: Physical
Masquerade threat: Medium

Level 1
Skin Of The Chameleon
This basic power has saved countless Gargoyles breaching the Masquerade - and has allowed just as many to
ambush unsuspecting intruders. When Skin of the Chameleon is in effect, the Gargoyle's skin takes on the color and
texture of the surrounding environment. This coloration changes reflexively as long as the Gargoyle maintains a
walking pace or slower. More rapid movement causes the Gargoyle's appearance to blur, negating the camouflaging
effect. If this power is used while the Gargoyle is in flight, his skin becomes a reasonable facsimile of the night sky
(though it will not shift to mimic nearby skyscrapers or star patterns, and a black silhouette against a brightly lit
skyline is likely to be noticed).
For the rest of the scene, the Gargoyle is receiving a +2 bonus on Stealth rolls when moving at their Basic Move and a
+4 when standing still. This power is subject to the limitations described above. Any ground movement faster than a
walk negates this power's effect, as does flight (at the Storyteller's discretion).
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Whispers of the Chamber

The Gargoyle can detect others within an enclosed area approximately the size of a large apartment, even others
that are actively avoiding detection, whether by natural or supernatural stealth.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene
Contest: Can be resisted

(Auspex 1 amalgam)
This power allows the Kindred to see through a stone surface as if it were glass. The stone doesn't actually become
glass, however, so whatever's on the other side of the stone won't be able to see the Kindred. This power affects a
three-foot-by-three-foot area of stone, to a depth of up to three feet.
Prerequisite: Auspex 1
Cost: Normal

Level 2
Scry The Hearthstone
The Gargoyles' first function for the Tremere was that of guardian and watchdog. This power allows them to know
instinctively where anyone is inside a given structure. It even allows the Gargoyle to detect characters concealed by
magical means, if the Slave is perceptive enough.
The player activates this power, which remains in effect as long as the Gargoyle is within or in contact with the target
structure, or until the next sunset. Scry the Hearthstone may be used on anything up to the size of a cave complex, a
large theatre, a parking garage, or a mansion. The character gains an innate sense of the location and approximate
size and physical condition of all living (or unliving) beings within the structure. To pinpoint a specific individual's
location with this power, the player must succeed the activation roll. If the subject is attempting to hide, he may
oppose this roll with a Stealth skill roll, having the Gargoyle’s Visceratika level as penalty. Scry the Hearthstone may
be used to detect the presence of characters who are under Obfuscate or similar powers. In this case, the Gargoyle
only knows that there is someone present - she cannot actually see the individual in question. To determine the
Gargoyle's ability to detect Obfuscated characters, compare the relative levels of the Gargoyle's Visceratika and the
intruder's Obfuscate.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Wings of the Gargoyle

At this level the Vampire grows a pair of tough, leathery wings. While not usable to actually fly, the Vampire can,
under most circumstances, glide a distance equal to double the height of whatever they jump off of. By sacrificing an
action, the wings can also be used to block attacks, adding +1 to Block active defense.
These wings remain for the duration of the scene. To maintain them for longer, the Vampire will be required to
spend another blood point each scene thereafter. Regardless of blood spent, the wings last only until dawn. When
the Vampire awakes to a new night, she wakes without them.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 3
Bond With The Mountain
The Gargoyle sinks into a stone surface, disappearing into the rock until he wishes to reappear. This power allowed
Gargoyles to invade their masters' enemies' strongholds, fight until sunrise, then meld with the rocks or stone walls
and reappear the next evening. In modern nights, it can take the place of a haven for itinerant Runaways. Unlike the
Interred in the Earth power which it resembles, Bond with the Mountain does not conceal the Gargoyle completely.
A faint outline of his body can be seen in the rock where he hides.
The merge takes four turns to complete. This power functions in a fashion similar to the Protean 3 power of Interred
in the Earth, and may only be performed upon bare rock or a similar substance. However, the Gargoyle does not sink
fully into the substance with which he merges, and his outline can be detected within the stone with a successful
PER roll (with a -1 penalty per successes rolled on activation). A Gargoyle attacked while Bonded with the Mountain
has a DR10 against all forms of attack. However, if he loses more than half his HPs from a single attack, he is forced
out of his bond and suffers disorientation similar to that experienced by a character Interred in the Earth whose
slumber is interrupted.
Cost: Normal

I Am The Keystone
(Fortitude 2, Potence 2 amalgam)
Visceratika is known for Masquerade-shredding displays of toughness and strength. Masters of the Discipline can
invoke changes to their body that are a bit subtler but no less devastating when unleashed at the right time.
Upon activating this power, she may temporarily redistribute points between her Fortitude and Potence Augmenting
powers Resilience and Vigor up to the maximum allowed by her Generation. The powers stay redistributed until the
Kindred is incapacitated or the next sunrise, whichever comes first.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 2 and Potence 2
Cost: Normal

Voices of the Castle

The Vampire can detect all others within an entire building, or other enclosed area, even if they are using other
disciplines to hide. They can pinpoint their location with great accuracy, no Stealth skill helps here.
In order for this power to work against other disciplines, the Vampire must match the level the other is using. A
Vampire with Visceratika 4 will be able to detect a Vampire with Obfuscate 1 to 4 level power. However, the
character would be unsuccessful against a Vampire using an Obfuscate 5 power.
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Level 4
Armor Of Terra
At this level of Visceratika, the
Gargoyle's skin hardens and
becomes truly rock-like to the
touch. The Slave becomes harder to
harm, even with fire, and grows
inured to injury. A non-Gargoyle
learning this level of Visceratika
would find her skin becoming gray
and rock-like, putting lie to the claim
that the Discipline doesn't carry the
risk of the Gargoyle's curse.
This power is automatic and
requires no roll; it is always in effect.
A Vampire with Armor of Terra has a
DR5 against all attacks, reduces all
wound penalties by one, and halves
the damage of any fire-based source
of injury (this Discipline does not
change the rules for Rötschreck,
however). All touch-based PER rolls
have a penalty of -2 because the
Gargoyle’s skin becomes even

Carry The Mountain’s Burden

(Fortitude 3 amalgam)
Gargoyles who master the Armor of Terra can make themselves even tougher by using it in conjunction with their
Fortitude. These Disciplines work together to make the Gargoyle into an unstoppable brute that requires a miracle to
take down. For obvious reasons, this is a favorite choice of Sentinel Gargoyles.
All bonuses for the Armor of Terra double for the remainder of the scene. A Vampire with Armor of Terra has a DR10
against all attacks, reduces all wound penalties by 2, and reduces any fire-based damage to a quarter (round down)
of their original size (this Discipline does not change the rules for Rötschreck, however).

All touch-based PER rolls have a penalty of -4 because the Gargoyle’s skin becomes even tougher.
Prerequisite: Fortitude 3
Cost: Normal
Duration: Scene

Falconer’s Dive
(Flight 1 amalgam)
Gargoyles swoop down on their enemies like few other Kindred can. “Death from above” is a common tactic of these
Vampires, but a select few can streamline their diving forms for minimum wind resistance and maximum impact on a
The Kindred subtly make their body more aerodynamic as they fall. Using this ability requires room to maneuver high
in the air or a great height to drop from, like the edge of a skyscraper. The Kindred makes the activation roll as an
action. For each success rolled, they can add it as a bonus to their next Brawling or Melee weapon skill roll on a
target below them. The Kindred must make the roll as their next action or they lose the bonus. Using it indoors is
unlikely unless the space is massive, like an aircraft hangar or massive cave.
Prerequisite: Flight 1
Cost: Normal

Level 5
Flow Within The Mountain
The Gargoyle is no longer restricted to hiding within stone. Now, he can flow through stone like lava working its way
down a mountainside, emerging from the hiding place at any point he wishes. Since this power works on cement or
concrete as well as rock, the streets of a modern metropolis afford a Gargoyle some very interesting assassination
Once the character has used Bond with the Mountain, the player spends two more blood points to activate Flow
Within the Mountain for the duration of the scene. The Gargoyle can move within stone and cement (otherwise
using the same rules as the Protean power Earth Control). The character can also use this power to walk through a
stone wall and emerge on the other side without first using Bond with the Mountain. In this case, the player spends
one blood point and activates the power. The Gargoyle may flow through a maximum thickness in feet equal to the
number of successes rolled. If the wall or barrier is thicker than this, the character is trapped within it until he is
chiseled out or uses Flow Within the Mountain to escape.
Prerequisite: Bond with the Mountain

Using this power, the Vampire may turn herself into a statue. While in this form, the Vampire is completely unaware
of their surroundings and remains in this state until a certain event, decided at the time of transformation, occurs.
This event must be something that the Vampire would be capable of perceiving while not in statue form. Thus, a
person entering the room the Vampire is in would be acceptable, while a butterfly burning down a school on the
other side of the planet would not. Fire will not harm a Vampire in this form, nor will sunlight. For all other damage,
she is considered to have an additional DR10 of armour.
The Vampire may remain in this state for as long as she desires, providing she has the blood to sustain this form.
Cost: 1 Blood point

Clan and Bloodline Disciplines
Assamites Baali
Primary: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus Primary: Daimonion, Obfuscate, Presence
Secondary: Dur-An-Ki, Fortitude, Auspex Secondary: Dark Thaumaturgy

Brujah Blood Brothers

Primary: Celerity, Potence, Presence Primary: Fortitude, Potence, Sanguinus
Secondary: Anarch Sorcery No Blood Sorcery

Followers of Set Caitiff/Panders

Primary: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis Primary: Any 3 disciplines (can have one Legacy discipline)
Secondary: Protean, Akhu, Auspex Secondary: Anarch Sorcery

Gangrel Daughters Of Cacophony

Primary: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean Primary: Fortitude, Melpominee, Presence
Secondary: Anarch Sorcery Secondary: Anarch Sorcery

Giovanni Gargoyles
Primary: Auspex, Potence, Necromancy Primary: Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika, Flight
Secondary: Dominate, Fortitude No blood Sorcery

Lasombra Kiasyd
Primary: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence Primary: Dominate, Mytherceria, Obtenebration
Secondary: Abyss Mysticism Secondary: Necromancy

Malkavian Samedi
Primary: Auspex, Obfuscate, Dementation Primary: Auspex, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Thanatosis
Secondary: Dominate, Anarch Sorcery Secondary: Wanga or Necromancy

Primary: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Secondary: Auspex, Protean

Primary: Animalism, Fortitude, Chimerstry
Secondary: Sadhana, Auspex

Primary: Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah
Secondary: Dominate, Obfuscate

Primary: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Secondary: Anarch Sorcery

Primary: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy

Primary: Auspex, Animalism, Vicissitude
Secondary: Koldunism, Protean

Primary: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
Secondary: Auspex


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