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Eaited. amd copied by Mz. Maheen avemi Canse at 20815 A- a Math 5-2 Notes Comprehensive nokes on Poisson Dienibotion with examples Buy Sie Tenvon Comprenensive concep + requins pradace = N Scanned with CamScanner Discrete Robability Distributions } Binomicl Disibykion (SI) | 2) Geometric Didnieutaen (SiS 2) Poisson Diswibukion (6a) Backarourd erowledge: The koomledae Ot the normal omd binomial dishibutems axe Yequired. Risson Dignibotion : Examples : t Compuker. breakdowns occur. romdemly on aneanye once even 4B hovrs db use. a The nombey dk emere ery yelephone colle Yo on emeraenay cenre art colle per ‘ovr. 3: People arrive eer omndh independently ak the elevoker m a block d+ Hake ok om avaage rake Jor 4 people eo B min 4. Men arive ak a dike ‘ndupendeney amd ak vomdem , a a umnskomt mean Yoke d+ 0: per minute. Conditions + Everts oceor singly . vondoml, S independentuy ond + ok a wmstank woke ( >) Meam [ avtnoge Scanned with CamScanner 1G al the —condiims above ore sokictied Yen “X” the disoreke. Yorndern variable vist follow fre Poisson diskrioulen « X~ lr Hy » X fortows Ane Poisson dicibulkon with paromeder uinere, "x ig are mean Laverage | rake "Nis the oni poromerer dy the digribulion. * A open whidn deines Ye dishipukion. Fayrnvlo : oh am Pixem = € » x where 120,412,322 OO Hence, Rosson dignipulaon is om ‘mfinike digwibbkion. Scanned with CamScanner Mean: EOd=> Noriance : VOQXN=A Hence. EGd = VOX = a Mode: ve Winen A is om ‘enbeges (3, Ynere are Ywo modes AR and > ie. X and C-NN. a When A is non 'mbeogs Ce 3B\ Men Bre mole ie Me ‘keen below A Ceq 3\. Roles for enalking coleolalans easy: “A Qh poets od -r ah 4. PKs l= € . P(X: Ne ae” ald 7 \\ Aye -» 3 Plxgay= PCOWaa = CO + cs + OX wes avr + ae -2] . y 3! ae Wy ay BN 4. P(XE3) 8 PO BA Be 8) = PON cue et [i+ a +t] si-e*{t Ad 5 PCXS3) = PCY BiG, oh = 1-PCo,1, a3) = a ay ars Ay rile Leta ta 3) c. POXSB) = Plo eet [it Ae) 1 o2Y Cc {wo The sun (total) dk} independent Poisson Variables: For two independent Variables X om Y \f :- X~ PLAN and Yu PR (ADS +hen Total YS Po (At Dd gum Scanned with CamScanner Note: Coxe. most be taken ¥ axding, he value d& A eed to Ye inves mvervals. Use rokio method for the value dt A. Exomple : T103/ RG (aa m booklet) \ Mean Hoors L 48 =z \-a8 (Fer Co roots) a co PCxany = PCO. 1, 2,3) m CO hovts 1-25 . =e \e 1284 bag* ab YW 2 = 0-962 ( 36%.) i) Computer -... Calls Mean outs Mean Hoots 1 4B 2 a4 a 6b Aw Co Ape aH Are Scanned with CamScanner => Az 1a +H = Gab P(Tokad= 4m GO Mt -€°* cant A\ 2 O12 Approximations : + Poisson Rpproxienadacn : Ss | Binomial —> Poisson Baivowwal —=> nd . Bp Conditions: axe — Nbot n>50 nar i 84 ne 12.0 X~Blarp) — K~ B(A=np) As Diecreke fo Diserete V v Rence No corti wwedion is needed wintre, Meon =ap> 0 =s Xv Plr= ap) Scanned with CamScanner a- Normal —approximabion & SI: N-App ix Ao Rinoms Peiegeon — > Nevenal opproximalron, Conaition : bie M75 MLIS KAN (he ot) Xarn(Kio’) X~ Pol —> X~N(AL® KAN (rt ver) Bux = BoA VO = oF = A - pe CC Poisson — > Normal approximation v \ Discrete Continuous Hence, Continuity wedi 6 vequised. Vee norniven tine for tarntioul) worredin- £ 3! 5 X~NC HOY Normal then Z: X¥-¥ digpolion 6 wd x~ 00,2) — approximation + oR -A then ze EEORAA — TX Scanned with CamScanner Nomber line ? N do & % Q\ eo) Ed, PES A\ ais o_Netenaleppro Fk a a es Aa RO P(e > AV5-a lower boond _ a. P( XS50) 2 P(K=61,61.-—) tsermal_ approx a A a write the First mevsve eu and “hen take Fhe lower oir Co BL im Ariss case) we Toke Ye tower bond. P(Z2> SoH =\ 3s P(X», a 10 Ios 405 P ( saca ez a) Note: Uri kervol: Core muck be token to specihy the imtewal being omsidered. Scanned with CamScanner Example T1oa/ae ii) Mean Moors 1 48 8 » 160 De (8a5 Since A>IH, we vse Me ncrmal approximation X~N (182-5, 184-5) a a Since normal % P(X > 200) ee eof ea iam Bt P(Z > a0 - 182-5 \ Thea P(Z > a00-h-1825) Jisas p(z>¥aaa) oc [- $ (i332) = 0-H - 0-408 Ans = 0-045 C3. sFY Scanned with CamScanner Be Horest |

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