Lesson 4 Class Notes

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School of Computing Sciences.

Programme Bachelor of Computer Science / Diploma in Computing Science.

Course Title Computer Organisation & Assembly Language / Computer Organisation
Course Code RCS 108 / RCS 014
Perquisite Digital Logics / Introduction to Digital Electronics (RCS 101 / RCS 016).

Course Name : Mr. Matthew Thiong’o

Facilitators. E-mail : mthiongo@riarauniversity.ac.ke
Tel : (+254)703038375.

Welcome to this new semester whereby we will have a chance to further our
knowledge on computer’s hardware, their purpose and functionalities.
Having equipped ourselves with profound knowledge on digital systems, and
how they are designed and build, we have a good opportunity to learn and
understand how the digital systems are used as building blocks of modern digital
Computer systems.
With profound knowledge and skills you will obtain in this course unit, you will
be able to:
 Physically assembler a computer system, guided by the specifications
required for use.
 Troubleshoot and repair computer systems from the hardware point of
view and application.
 Give appropriate and professional advice on computation resources

Description This course covers computer systems architectures and organization. It also
introduce the learner to Microprocessors and their applications with reference
to operations and development of computer systems designs. The course also
introduces the learner to low level programing languages and the machine
languages, as well as programs development with respect to computing

Audience The learner should be well acquainted with the design and operation of digital
Description systems. The learner should also be in a position to perceive the operations of
the microprocessors from the Digital systems point of view.

Delivery This Course will be delivered in a blended mode of learning,

Mode Whereby we will have both online and face to face class experiences.
The blended mode of learning will enhance hybrid environment that not only
brings in the desired online learning but also facilitate the face to face learning
that is also desired to enhance some practical experience and interactive
learning approaches.
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to.
 Distinguish the various parts and components of a computer system.
Course  Distinguish the various parts of a microprocessor system, and examine
Objective the essential components of a computer system.
 Assemble a basic computer system and perform basic configurations.
 Determine the various parts and specifications of a computer accessories
as per the computation needs.
 Develop programs flow charts and computer programs in low level
programming language.
 Appreciate the use of mnemonics and op-codes in the assembly
 Assemble the source codes from and assembly program.
 Assembled programs and analyses the codes as well as the source codes.
Troubleshoot programs codes though debugging and step sequencing.
Upload and run assembly programs.
 Design and interface microprocessors and computer systems.

Upon successful completion of this course, successful participants will be

Expected able to:
Learning  Evaluate historical evolution of computers and project expected
Outcomes future.
 Describe various components of computer systems and their
 Describe the fundamental organisation of a computer systems and
their interconnections and interfacing.
 Explain the functional components of typical microprocessor
 Explain addressing modes, instruction formats and program instruction
control and execution.
 Distinguish the organization of various parts of a system memory
 Describe various memory types and distinguish them by their physical
 Describe basic concept of parallel computing.
 Describe fundamentals of instruction sets and classify the instructions
by functionality and addressing modes.

Teaching and We will have normal Lectures & Online Lectures / conferences;
Learning Tutorials in class will involve practicals & Discussions. We will also have
Methods Ungraded and Graded Quizzes & Assignments.
Learning will involve practicals for computer hardware and programming in
assembly language.
We will use Integrated Development Environments for coding and other
simulation facilities that will help to perceive how processing normally take
Weekly Dates Topics Descriptions
Week 1 Digital logics review.
Computer’s Data representations.
Basic conversions on relevant number systems.
Numbers, arithmetic operations and characters;
Addition and subtraction of integer signed numbers;
Overflow in integer arithmetic.

Week 2 Arithmetic addition/subtraction logic,

Designing of adders, Carry look ahead addition. Multiplication of
integer positive numbers; Integer division; Binary fractions.
Floating-point operations.

Week 3 Introduction to computers systems.

History of computers.
Computer generations.
Computer Hardware and their functionalities.
Types of ports and connectors.
Input output ports, purpose and specifications.
Software, Firmware, in computer systems.
Computer Booting processes.
Basic input output Systems (Bios)
Computer families and developments.

Week 4 Analysis of CPU elements and their Functionalities;

Hardwired control.
CPU memory interfaces.
Interfacing of Interrupts.
Serial inputs and outputs.
Interrupt controller hardware.
Input & output ports and interfacing.

Introduction to microprocessor instructions.

Micro-programmed control.
Micro instructions vs macro instructions.

Week 5 Instructions fetch execute cycles.

Instructions execution,
Input-output organization,

Introduction to Interrupts.
Vectored interrupts.
Polling methods of interrupts,
Enabling and disabling interrupts,
Priority interrupts. Interrupt nesting;
Simultaneous requests.

ISA – Instruction Set Architecture.

Week 6
Instructions and instruction sequencing,
Synchronous and asynchronous buses,
Interface circuits, Parallel interface, and Serial interphase.
Standard input/output interfaces.

Week 7 CATs CATS 1 / Assignments/ Online assessments.

Week 8 Memory addressing techniques.
Memory locations and addresses,
Byte accessibility and alignment.
Based on the ISA point of view.
Peripheral devices interfacing.
Stack and Queues, Handling multiple device.

Week 9 Types of computer memories.

Static and dynamic random access memories
(RAM, DRAM); Synchronous and asynchronous DRAMs;
Read only memories (ROM)
The memory system;
Single bit memory circuits,
Memory organization.
Memory addressing functioning.

Week 10 Latency and bandwidth.

Structure of the larger memories.
Memories mapping and addressing.
Direct memory access; Controllers.
Bus arbitration;
Centralized and distributed arbitration;
Week 11 Introduction to Computer architectures.
Harvard Architecture,
Von Neumann architecture.
Superscalar operations. Multiprocessor systems.
Large computer Systems.

Week 12 CATs CATS 1 / Assignments/ Online assessments.

Parallel processing.
Dynamic executions
MMX instructions.
Threads, hyper threading.
OS interfaces
Week 13 Introduction to computers networks
Types of networks.
Network topologies.
Network hardware devices and medium.
Week 14 Revision and Discussions

Week 15 Main Examinations

Holiday break.
Learner Some of the Learning materials will be provided fro to the learner and will
Support Plan & constitute, Main Text books, Power point presentations, Animations, Videos,
Resources and hardware for practicals.
Assessment Continuous Assessment Tests. 40%
Plan Grade Online Quizzes & Assignments.

Final Examination 60%

Grade Online Quizzes & Assignments.
Total 100%

In face to face classes, we will utilize audio visual systems, projectors

While on online sessions, we will utilize the Button and Google Meet.
Technologies Programming IDE and simulators (any suitable Intel / Atmel is suitable),
And can be downloaded and installed in a computer or one can use the online

1) M. Morris Mano & Michael D. Ciletti (2012). Digital Design, 5th ed.
Core texts
Prentice Hall.
2) Wakerly, J.F. (2005). Digital design: principles and practices. 4th ed.
Prentice Hall.
3) Kip, R. Irvine (2010). Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers,
6th ed. Prentice Hall.
4) William, Stallings (2012). Computer Architecture & Organization:
Design for Performance, 8th ed. Prentice Hall.
5) A.S. Tanenbaum (2012). Structured Computer Organization 6th ed.
Prentice Hall, Upper Sable River.

Additional 1) Patterson, D.A., Hennessy, J.L. (2011). Computer organization and

design: the hardware/ …..Software interface. 4th ed. San Francisco;
Morgan Kaufmann.
2) Stallings, William. (2012). Computer organization and architecture. 9th
ed. Prentice Hall.
3) Tanenbaum, A.S. (2012). Structured computer organization. 6th ed.
Prentice Hall.
4) David, A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy (2009). Computer
Organization and Design: The ….Hardware/Software Interface, 4th ed.
Morgan- Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
5) John, Wakerly (2005). Digital Design Principles and Practices, 4th ed.
Prentice Hall.

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