Federal Acquisition Regulation - #52-246-21

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Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.


and contracts when a fixed-price con- (End of clause)

tract for services is contemplated and
the use of a warranty clause has been 52.246–21 Warranty of Construction.
approved under agency procedures, un- As prescribed in 46.710(e)(1), the con-
less a clause substantially the same as tracting officer may insert a clause
the clause at 52.246–19, Warranty of substantially as follows in solicitations
Systems and Equipment under Per- and contracts when a fixed-price con-
formance Specifications or Design Cri- struction contract (see 46.705(c)) is con-
teria, has been used: templated, and the use of a warranty
clause has been approved under agency
WARRANTY OF SERVICES (APR 1984) procedures:
(a) Definitions. Acceptance, as used in this
clause, means the act of an authorized rep- WARRANTY OF CONSTRUCTION (APR 1984)
resentative of the Government by which the (a) In addition to any other warranties in
Government assumes for itself, or as an this contract, the Contractor warrants, ex-
agent of another, ownership of existing and cept as provided in paragraph (i) of this
identified supplies, or approves specific serv- clause, that work performed under this con-
ices, as partial or complete performance of tract conforms to the contract requirements
the contract. and is free of any defect in equipment, mate-
Correction, as used in this clause, means rial, or design furnished, or workmanship
the elimination of a defect. performed by the Contractor or any sub-
(b) Notwithstanding inspection and accept- contractor or supplier at any tier.
ance by the Government or any provision (b) This warranty shall continue for a pe-
concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the riod of 1 year from the date of final accept-
Contractor warrants that all services per- ance of the work. If the Government takes
formed under this contract will, at the time possession of any part of the work before
of acceptance, be free from defects in work- final acceptance, this warranty shall con-
manship and conform to the requirements of tinue for a period of 1 year from the date the
this contract. The Contracting Officer shall Government takes possession.
give written notice of any defect or non- (c) The Contractor shall remedy at the
conformance to the Contractor ll [Con- Contractor’s expense any failure to conform,
or any defect. In addition, the Contractor
tracting Officer shall insert the specific period
shall remedy at the Contractor’s expense any
of time in which notice shall be given to the
damage to Government-owned or controlled
Contractor; e.g., within 30 days from the date of
real or personal property, when that damage
acceptance by the Government,; within 1000
is the result of—
hours of use by the Government,; or other
(1) The Contractor’s failure to conform to
specified event whose occurrence will termi-
contract requirements; or
nate the period of notice, or combination of
(2) Any defect of equipment, material,
any applicable events or period of time].
workmanship, or design furnished.
This notice shall state either (1) that the
(d) The Contractor shall restore any work
Contractor shall correct or reperform any
damaged in fulfilling the terms and condi-
defective or nonconforming services, or (2) tions of this clause. The Contractor’s war-
that the Government does not require cor- ranty with respect to work repaired or re-
rection or reperformance. placed will run for 1 year from the date of re-
(c) If the Contractor is required to correct pair or replacement.
or reperform, it shall be at no cost to the (e) The Contracting Officer shall notify the
Government, and any services corrected or Contractor, in writing, within a reasonable
reperformed by the Contractor shall be sub- time after the discovery of any failure, de-
ject to this clause to the same extent as fect, or damage.
work initially performed. If the Contractor (f) If the Contractor fails to remedy any
fails or refuses to correct or reperform, the failure, defect, or damage within a reason-
Contracting Officer may, by contract or oth- able time after receipt of notice, the Govern-
erwise, correct or replace with similar serv- ment shall have the right to replace, repair,
ices and charge to the Contractor the cost or otherwise remedy the failure, defect, or
occasioned to the Government thereby, or damage at the Contractor’s expense.
make an equitable adjustment in the con- (g) With respect to all warranties, express
tract price. or implied, from subcontractors, manufac-
(d) If the Government does not require cor- turers, or suppliers for work performed and
rection or reperformance, the Contracting materials furnished under this contract, the
Officer shall make an equitable adjustment Contractor shall—
in the contract price. (1) Obtain all warranties that would be
given in normal commercial practice;

52.246–22 48 CFR Ch. 1 (10–1–98 Edition)
(2) Require all warranties to be executed, (b) The limitation of liability under para-
in writing, for the benefit of the Govern- graph (a) above shall not apply when a defect
ment, if directed by the Contracting Officer; or deficiency in, or the Government’s accept-
and ance of, the supplies results from willful mis-
(3) Enforce all warranties for the benefit of conduct or lack of good faith on the part of
the Government, if directed by the Contract- any of the Contractor’s managerial person-
ing Officer. nel. The term Contractor’s managerial person-
(h) In the event the Contractor’s warranty nel, as used in this clause, means the Con-
under paragraph (b) of this clause has ex- tractor’s directors, officers, and any of the
pired, the Government may bring suit at its Contractor’s managers, superintendents, or
expense to enforce a subcontractor’s, manu- equivalent representatives who have super-
facturer’s, or supplier’s warranty. vision or direction of—
(i) Unless a defect is caused by the neg- (1) All or substantially all of the Contrac-
ligence of the Contractor or subcontractor or tor’s business;
supplier at any tier, the Contractor shall not (2) All or substantially all of the Contrac-
be liable for the repair of any defects of ma- tor’s operations at any one plant, labora-
tory, or separate location at which the con-
terial or design furnished by the Government
tract is being performed; or
nor for the repair of any damage that results
(3) A separate and complete major indus-
from any defect in Government-furnished
trial operation connected with the perform-
material or design.
ance of this contract.
(j) This warranty shall not limit the Gov- (c) If the Contractor carries insurance, or
ernment’s rights under the Inspection and has established a reserve for self-insurance,
Acceptance clause of this contract with re- covering liability for loss or damage suffered
spect to latent defects, gross mistakes, or by the Government through purchase or use
fraud. of the supplies required to be delivered under
this contract, the Contractor shall be liable
(End of clause) to the Government, to the extent of such in-
surance or reserve, for loss of or damage to
Alternate I (APR 1984). If the Govern- property of the Government occurring after
ment specifies in the contract the use Government acceptance of, and resulting
of any equipment by brand name and from any defects or deficiencies in, the sup-
model, the contracting officer may add plies delivered under this contract.
a paragraph substantially the same as
the following paragraph (k) to the (End of clause)
basic clause:
[48 FR 42478, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 60
(k) Defects in design or manufacture of FR 34762, July 3, 1995; 61 FR 67426, Dec. 20,
equipment specified by the Government on a 1996]
brand name and model basis, shall not be in-
cluded in this warranty. In this event, the 52.246–24 Limitation of Liability—
Contractor shall require any subcontractors, High-Value Items.
manufacturers, or suppliers thereof to exe-
cute their warranties, in writing, directly to
As prescribed in 46.805, insert the fol-
the Government. lowing clause:
[48 FR 42478, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 59 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY—HIGH-VALUE ITEMS
FR 11388, Mar. 10, 1994] (FEB 1997)
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)
52.246–22 [Reserved] through (e) below, and notwithstanding any
other provision of this contract, the Contrac-
52.246–23 Limitation of Liability. tor shall not be liable for loss of or damage
to property of the Government (including
As prescribed in 46.805, insert the fol-
the supplies delivered under this contract)
lowing clause: that (1) occurs after Government acceptance
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (FEB 1997) of the supplies delivered under this contract
and (2) results from any defects or defi-
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) ciencies in the supplies.
and (c) below, and except for remedies ex- (b) The limitation of liability under para-
pressly provided elsewhere in this contract, graph (a) above shall not apply when a defect
the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or deficiency in, or the Government’s accept-
or damage to property of the Government ance of, the supplies results from willful mis-
(excluding the supplies delivered under this conduct or lack of good faith on the part of
contract) that (1) occurs after Government any of the Contractor’s managerial person-
acceptance of the supplies delivered under nel. The term Contractor’s managerial person-
this contract and (2) results from any defects nel, as used in this clause, means the Con-
or deficiencies in the supplies. tractor’s directors, officers, and any of the


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