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Meezan Bank

Sep 2023
The Bank remains adequately capitalized with a Capital Adequacy Ratio of 23.37% – significantly above
the minimum regulatory requirement of 11.50%. Meezan Bank (common equity tier 1 CAR 19.74%, tier
1 CAR 20.65%)

Meezan Bank is one of the largest banks in Pakistan in terms of deposits, which crossed Rs 2 trillion
landmark, for the first time ever in the history, with Current Accounts and Savings Account (CASA)
representing 88% of total deposit portfolio.

Meezan Bank has a network of 983 branches in 327 cities and more than 1,100 ATMs across the country.

Total assets of the Bank crossed Rs 2.9 trillion, registering a 14% growth (Rs 364 billion), over December,
2022 (Rs 2.6 trillion).

The Bank maintains superior asset quality with non-performing financing ratio of below 2% compared to
industry average of approx. 7%.

The Bank maintains a comfortable level of provisions against its non-performing financings with a
coverage ratio of 171% – one of the highest in the banking industry.

Leverage ratio 4.69%

Liquidity coverage ratio 267%

Net stable funding Ratio 190%

The Bank has a market share of 7.4% of banking industry deposits with a CAGR growth of 34% since
its inception.

The major contribution of this growth is due to CASA deposits which grew by 21%, representing 88%
of the deposit mix.

Dec 2022
CAR 18.42%
Leverage ratio 4.09%
Liquidity Coverage ratio 284%
Net stable funding ratio 157%
Non performing loan under 2%
Deposits of the Bank grew by 14% to Rs 1.66 trillion.

The Bank added 60 new branches to its network bringing the total to 962 branches in 317 cities along with
more than 1,000 ATMs.

Total assets of the Bank crossed Rs 2.5 trillion, registering a 35% growth.
Its Gross financings grew by 31%, crossing Rs 1 trillion with Gross Advances to Deposits Ratio (ADR) of
61% vs 53% last year.

The Bank has a market share of around 8.6% of overall banking industry financings.

The Bank’s financing portfolio maintained its exemplary quality with the infection ratio falling to
1.3% compared to an average for the banking industry of around 7%. The Bank’s coverage ratio
stood at 166% - well above the banking industry average of 92%.
DEC 2021

CAR 17.81% (Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Adequacy ratio 12.89%. Tier 1 Capital Adequacy
Ratio 14.00%)
Leverage 3.92

Liquidity Coverage Ratio 222%

Net stable funding ratio 165%

EPS of the Bank increased to Rs 17.43 per share against Rs 13.62 per share in December 2020

Meezan Bank is one of the largest banks in Pakistan in terms of deposits, which closed at Rs. 1.45 trillion
– up by 16% from December 2020.

The Bank’s non-performing financing ratio declined from to 1.86% in 2021 from last year’s 2.81% as
the non-performing financings remained at the prior year-end levels despite significant growth in
the overall financing portfolio.

the Bank’s non-performing financing ratio improved to 1.86% in 2021

The Bank has a market share of 7% of the total banking industry deposits
The Bank expanded its geographical outreach by adding 87 new branches during the year, bringing its
network to 902 branches in 290 cities.

290 cities. The Bank also has a large network of 964 ATMs (2020: 880 ATMs)

Dec 2020

Total Capital Adequacy Ratio 17.82%(Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Adequacy ratio 12.25%, Tier 1
Capital Adequacy Ratio 13.63%)

Liquidity Coverage Ratio 263%

Leverage Ratio 4.09%

Net Stable Funding Ratio 180%

n impressive growth of 46%. EPS of the Bank increased to Rs 15.67 per share against Rs 10.77 per share
in December 2019

the Bank’s non-performing financing ratio (NPL ratio) increased to 2.8% as compared to 1.8% in
2019. The Bank’s total provision against financing amounted to Rs 8.3 billion – Rs 7.3 billion specific
provision (net) and Rs 1 billion – general provision duly approved by the Board. The Bank’s coverage
ratio stood at 128% - well above the banking industry average of 85%.
Deposits of the Bank closed at Rs 1.25 trillion – 35% up from December 2019

The Bank has a network of 815 branches and 880 ATMs in 248 cities across the country

Dec 2019

Total Capital Adequacy Ratio 16.58% (Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Adequacy ratio 11.30%, Tier 1
Capital Adequacy Ratio 12.92%)

Leverage Ratio 4.27%

Liquidity Coverage Ratio 192%

Net Stable Funding Ratio 163%

The Bank’s deposits crossed the Rs 900 billion mark to close at Rs 932 billion, recording a growth of 19%
against an overall banking industry deposit growth of 9.6%.

The Bank’s non-performing financing ratio of 1.78%, compared to a Banking industry average of 9% is a
testimony to the stringent risk acceptance parameters of the Bank.

an additional General Provision of Rs 1,525 million against any potential non-performing financings was
approved by the Board. The Bank’s non-performing financings coverage ratio stands at 142% – one of the
highest in the banking industry.

The Bank’s market share of deposits grew to 6.4% as compared to 5.9% in 2018.

. The Bank has one of the lowest infection ratio of 1.8% - as compared to the industry average of 9%.
The Bank’s coverage ratio increased to 142% as compared to 139% in 2018

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