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Meghna Manuel
Albin Antony
Doris Maria
Interfering Acid Radicals

1. Oxalate
2. Tartrate
3. Fluoride
4. Borate
5. Phosphate
Why are they called Interfering Acid
• The salt of interfering radicals are soluble in acidic medium and become
insoluble in alkaline medium.
• As long as the analysis remains under the grip of acidic medium, they remain
soluble and get no chance to interfere.
• But, after the 2nd group, the solution is made alkaline.
• Group reagent for 3rd group : NH4Cl & NH4OH.
• This leads to incomplete precipitation of IIIrd group cations as hydroxides and
causes immature precipitation of IVth ,Vth , VIth group cations as oxalates ,
borates, fluorides , phosphates and tartrates.
• That’s why they are called as interfering acid radicals.
Cause Of Interference :
• In acidic medium these salts produce their corresponding acids like oxalic acid,
phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, boric acid and tartaric acid.

H3BO3 ⇌ 3H+ + BO33-

H2C2O4 ⇌ 2H+ + C2O42-
H3PO4 ⇌ 3H+ + PO43-
HF ⇌ H+ + F-
Acid medium HCl ⇌ H+ + Cl-
Thus H+ ions causes common ion effect . According to Le- Chatelier’s principle ,
equilibrium shifts in the backward direction to neutralize the effect of increase in
• Higher concentration of H+ suppresses the ionization of interfering acids.
• Ionic product < Solubility product. Hence no precipitation takes place.
• For example, barium oxalate reacts with HCl and produces oxalic acid.

• BaC2O4 + 2HCl ⟶ BaCl2 + H2C2O4

• H2C2O4 ⇌ 2H+ + C2O42-
• HCl ⟶ H+ + Cl-
• Hydrogen ions acts as common ion among them and higher concentration of H+ suppresses
the ionization of oxalic acid.
• Therefore, ionic product of C2O42- and Ba2+ doesn’t exceed the solubility product of barium
oxalate which is why Ba2+ remains in the solution as barium oxalate.
• Interfering radicals do not interfere as long as the medium remains acidic .
• By adding 3rd group reagent ammonium hydroxide NH4OH, the solution becomes

• NH4OH ⇌ NH4+ + OH-

• H2C2O4 ⇌ 2H+ + C2O42-

• OH- ions combine with H+ and neutralize them to form water.

• This decreases the concentration of H+ ions which shifts the equilibrium of dissociation
of interfering acid forward and increases the concentration of C2O42- .

• Ionic product > Solubility product . Hence precipitation occurs.

• Thus the ionic product of C2O42- and Ba2+ exceeds the solubility product of barium
oxalate and Ba2+ gets precipitated in the 3rd group, which actually belongs to the
4th group.
Elimination Of Interfering Acid
• The interfering acid radicals interfere with the analysis of cations. Hence these

are to be eliminated before proceeding for the analysis of cations.

• Elimination of Oxalate.

• Oxalate is eliminated by dry ignition. The substance is heated in a broken china

dish with occasional stirring with glass rod till the whole mass chars. It is then

extracted with dil.HCl and centrifuged.

Elimination of fluoride

• A little of the substance is boiled with 2ml Conc.HCl in a china dish and

evaporated nearly to dryness. The process is repeated three to four times. The

fluoride volatilize as HF. The residue is extracted with water and centrifuged , the

centrifugate is used for analysis of the metal .

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