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Session 2023-24
Project file on –
Measuring the solubility of saturated
(submitted in fulfilment of AISSCE-2024
examination conducted by CBSE)
Submitted by: Submitted to:
Hiten Katariya Mrs. Rashmi Ojha
12th Science (P.G.T. Chemistry)
Certified by the Department of Chemistry
that this is bona fide project work of Hiten
Katariya of class XII Science during the
academic year 2023-2024 in practical
fulfilment of Chemistry Investigatory Project
conducted by AISSCE on the topic “Measuring
the solubility of Saturated Solutions”.

Signature of Signature of Signature of

InternaL External Principal
Examiner Examiner

It gives me immense pleasure to present

the project of Chemistry. First and
foremost, I would like to thank the
almighty god for granting me wisdom,
health and strength to undertake
research task and enabling me to its
completion and for always guiding me to
walk to the right path of life.
I am highly obliged to our principal Rev.
Father Cantius Ligoury, for providing me
the opportunity to showcase my talent in
the form of this project.
I am highly indebted to Mrs. Rashmi Ojha
Mam for her valuable guidance, whole
corporation, unfailing inspiration and
pains taking attitude throughout the work
on the topic and making it successful.
My heartiest thanks to my parents and all
my co- supporters who helped me to
complete this project.

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