1st BSCFD Objectives June2011

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(LC OF SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY) Pre-Final EXAMINATION, June 2011 Bachelor of Fashion Designing (BSCFD)

Subject : Fundamentals of Computer CODE : CB0005 Course / Sem : BSCFD/ I Full Marks: 70 Time : 1 hour Pass Marks: 30 Instructions: Write all the information like roll number, name of the student, class name, semester, subject name, subject code, etc on the Answer Paper. This paper is divided in three sections namely A, B and C. Each Section consists of multiple choice question having 1, 2 and 4 marks respectively. Write all the answers on the answer sheets provided and do not write anything on the question paper. Do not folds, bend, cut, tear, staple, punch, tie or otherwise deface / mutilate the answer sheet in any manner. Handover the answer sheets to invigilator before leaving the examination hall Read questions carefully and attempt the questions accordingly.
Group A (20*1=20)

1) Any Device Designed to assist in the entry of data into computer is known as I) Input Device II) Processor III) Printing Device IV) Entry Device 2) A Mouse key may have Number of buttons I) one II) Two III) Three IV) Four 3) The Icon Denotes I) Undo II) Redo III) Cut IV) none 4) Find Out The Odd one Regarding Microsoft Word I) Menu Bar II) Formula Bar III) Status Bar IV) TaskPane 5) Which one is ODD? I) Font Name II) Font Size III) Bold IV) Drop Cap 6) The full form of WAI is. I) Web Accessibility initiative II) Web Access intention III) Web Accessibility Invention IV) World Accessibility Initiative 7) animation is also called as path animation. I) Call based II) Cell based III) Cellular Based IV) Cell Strutted

8) file contains a digital representation of the waves. I) WAV II) Text III) Picture IV) Flash 9) Text, sound, animations & video are the elements of multimedia. I) True IV) False 10) Scanned images are pixel-based images, available in file formats like TIF, PCX AND BMP. I) True II) False 11) . Is used for different options for selection I) Title Bar II) Standard Tool bar III) View Bar IV) Menu Bar 12) Readymade Images and graphics for your presentation, can be obtained from.. I) Image Gallery II) My Pictures III) My Documents IV) Clip Art Gallery 13) Design templates provides different formation options for our PowerPoint presentation. I) True II) False 14) We call To powerpoint file. I) Document II) Worksheet III) Loose Sheet IV) Presentation 15) Data sheets can be imported from MS Excel to MS powerpoint. I) True II) False 16) Gradient, Texture, pattern and picture tabs belongs to .. I) Paint Bucket II) Fill Effects Palette III) Paint IV) CorelDraw 17) Icon Represents I) Picture II) Clip Art III) Drawing IV) Chart 18) are Graphical representation of the information. I) Text II) Picture III) Charts IV) Word Art 19) The icon Represents in Microsoft Excel I)Auto sum II) Formula III) Sigma IV) None 20) The Cell Reference A1:D1 includes Cells. I) 1 II) 2 III) 3 IV) 4 Group B ( 11*2=22) 21) Microsoft word File is called .. whereas we call for Microsoft Excel File . I) .. Workbook Document II) .. Document Workbook III) Document . .xls IV) DOC.. XLS 22) Which Formula is correct In excel ? I) Sum(a1:b5) II) =Sum(a1:b5) III) =Sum(a1,b5) IV) Sum(a1,b5) 33) State True or False a) Interpreter is translator software that converts program, one statement at a time and executes immediately. b) Compiler is translator software that converts entire program at a time and then executes it. I) Both are True II) Both are False III) Only A is True IV) Only B is True 34) RDBMS Stands for

I) Relational Database Management System II) Relation Data Management System III) Relative Data Management System IV) Relational Data Management System 35) Which is not quality of Object Graphic.. I) cant be resized easily II) Takes Low Storage Space than Bitmap III) Has Good Quality IV) All of Above 36) Status bar shows .. I) Position of Cursor II) Current Page III) Number Lock Status IV) All of Above 37 ) Which are software? I) Animator pro II) 3D Studio Max III) Ray Dream Studio IV) All of above 38) Which is common in Microsoft word, Excel and Power point ? I) Chart II) Mail Merge III) Data Consolidate IV) Slide Transition 39) We can Make Power point Presentation from.. . I) Auto content Wizard II) Design Template III) Blank Presentation IV) All 40) Which is Antonym Function for for CTRL+z Key .. I) ALT+z II) CTRL+y III) FN+z IV) None 41) The Horizental group of cells is called. I) Row II) Column III) Field IV) Cell Groups Group C (7*4=28) 42) Match The formatting Styles of Microsoft Excel 1) General Format A) 50 2) Percent B) $50 3) Scientific C) 5.10E+10 4) Currency D)50% I) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C,4-D II) 1-A, 2-D, 3-C,4-B III) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D,4-C IV) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A,4-D 43) Which is false regarding Multimedia? I) Its combination of Text, Graphics, sound and animation. II) To support Multimedia Computer Must contain Sound Cards. III) Graphics can be photographs, drawings and graphs. IV) The multimedia element Text doesnt include numbers. 44) Match the Shortcut Keys I) CTRL +O A) Paste II) CTRL + V B) Open III) CTRL + Y C) Redo IV) Ctrl + > D) Enlarge Font Size I) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D II) I-B, II-C, III-D, IV-A III) I-A, II-B, III-D, IV-C IV) I-B, IIA, III-C, IV-D

45) Match the following I) Lightpen A) Microsoft Word II) Winword B) Microsoft Excel III) Spreadsheet C) Secondary Storage Device IV) Hard Disk D) Input Device A) I-A,II-B,III-C,IV-D B) I-D,II-A,III-B,IV-C C) I-A,II-D,III-B,IV-C D) B) ID,II-A,III-C,IV-B 46 ) Match The followings: a) Logical Function I) If() b) Aggregate Function c) Range Operator d) Date Function A) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV, c) ) a-IV, b-II, c-III, d-I, II) Avg() III) : IV) Today() B) ) a-I, b-II, c-IV, d-IIII, d ) a-IV, b-II, c-V, d-III,

47) State True Or False I) Microsoft Word is Word Processing Software. II) Operating System Directly Works with computer hardware. III) Printers can be categorized according to their work speed, Quality and technology . IV) CPU has mainly two parts Namely, Arithmetic and Logic unit and Control Unit. I) All are True II) All are False III) Except I and II are True IV) Except III are true 48) Match The Followings I) MIDI II) Pixel III) Frames IV) Slides I) III) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D I-B, II-A, III-C, IV-D

A) Sound B) Picture C) Animation D) Powerpoint II) I-D, II-B, III-C, IV-A IV) I-C, II-B, III-A, IV-D
-Good Luck-

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