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An individual’s lifestyle choices, nutrition and exercise habits all contribute to disease risk or prevention.
Complete the assignment by identifying how exercise & lifestyle changes can help to reduce or eliminate the
following risk factors.
Refer to chapter 2 for guidance.

Cigarette Smoking Give specific examples.

a) Can exercise reduce or eliminate yes
the effects of smoking? Yes or No
b) What lifestyle changes can be Quitting smoking is the most important change that can be made to
made to eliminate the risks eliminate the risks associated with smoking. This change can be achieved
associated with smoking? through continuous physical exercises on a daily basis (more active
lifestyle) and following a healthier diet. Such changes would decrease the
craving for smoking and reduce the negative effects of smoking on the
cardiovascular system.

High Cholesterol
a) How does regular participation in a) Regular participation in exercise, especially aerobic activities, helps
exercise help to lower cholesterol increase the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease the levels of
levels? LDL (bad cholesterol).
b) This balance of cholesterol levels prevents the buildup of plaques in
arteries, which can often eventually lead to dangerous outcomes, like a
stroke or a heart attack.
b) What nutritional changes are a) Decrease or eliminate consumption of processed foods like fast foods.
recommended to help lower Follow a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol.
b) Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and foods
rich in proteins.
High Blood Pressure
a) How does regular participation in a) Regular participation in exercise helps lower blood pressure
exercise help to lower blood levels by enabling the heart to pump more blood into the body with
pressure levels? less effort.
b) In other words, it strengthens the heart, which lowers the pressure
on the arteries.
b) What nutritional changes are a) Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy
recommended to help lower blood products that are low in fat. Decrease or eliminate the consumption
pressure? of alcohol.
b) Decrease the intake of sodium and consume foods that are rich in
a) How does regular participation in a) Regular participation in exercise, especially cardiovascular and
exercise help to improve body muscular conditioning, helps improve body composition by burning
composition? calories, reducing body fat and building muscle.
b) Such factors decrease obesity and help us in weight management.
b) What nutritional changes are a) Adopting a diet which is rich in nutrients is essential. Increase the
recommended to improve body intake of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains in meals.
b) Reduce or eliminate the consumption of foods that are rich in
saturated fats.
a) How does regular participation in a) Regular participation in exercise helps reduce the effects of stress
exercise help to reduce the effects of by producing endorphins, hormones that are natural mood lifters.
stress? These hormones improve mood, increase your sense of well-being
and lower stress.
b) It also decreases the levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and
b) What other stress management a) Other than exercise and a detailed healthy diet, relaxation
strategies are recommended to help exercises such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing are
lower stress levels? recommended to help lower stress levels. These exercises enhance
our focus and improve our sense of well-being. Ensuring sufficient
and quality sleep is another important strategy that lowers stress by
helping in mental recovery (the mind needs rest).
b) Having close and healthy social relationships also help lower
stress levels as family members and friends often provide emotional
support when we encounter struggles in life. They can help us with
our ability to cope with stress.

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