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The first step is to make semi-products (pre-dispersion) with a pre-mixer to produce a pre-dispersion solution.

then in the BTM Mixer

the stirring process is carried out between the pre-dispersion solution, the active material, the solvent, and the binder solution.

Semi Product
Semi Product (Pre Dispers) (Binder)



CNT hopper Scale dan Conductive Hopper Scale, keduanya berisi jenis larutan Pra dispersi
metode pembuatan larutan yang berbeda :
1. Larutan Pre Dispers dalam CNT Hopper Scale dialirkan ke 3 mesin Netchzmill untuk medispersikan larutan, proses ini dinamakan 3
2. Larutan Pre Dispers dalam Conductive Hopper Scale ditansfer melewati mesin 1 mesin Netchzmill sehingga menghasilkan larutan
Pra Dispersi
CNT hopper Scale and Conductive Hopper Scale contain Pre dispersion solution.

Different methods of preparing solutions:

1. The Pre Dispers solution in the CNT Hopper Scale is flowed into 3 Netzmill machines to disperse the solution, this process is called
3 phase

2. The Pre Dispers solution in the Conductive Hopper Scale is transferred through 1 Netchzmill machine to produce a Pre Dispersion
solution, this process is called 1 phase.

Making Layout of the Cathode Mixing Chamber 1st Floor

1. Make Equipment Tables At The Cathode And Anode

2. Learning The Cathode And Anode Mixing Process Flow

3. Learning The Stages Of Making Cmc Solution, Binder Solution, Pre Wet Solution, And Slurry Anode

4. Learning The Stages Of Making Pre-Dispersion Solutions, And Binder Solutions, And Anode Slurry

The cathode mixing process is divided into two stages, namely the stage of making semi-products (pre-dispersion), and semi-products

(binders), as well as the final product mixing stage where there is a process of mixing pre-dispersion solutions, active materials,

solvents, and binder solutions

Anode binder is advanced material for the anode, one component of lithium-ion batteries. The anode binder of synthetic latex in the

form of emulsion, functioning as an addhesive that helps fixate the active material and conductive additive on the copper substrat.
Pengikat anoda adalah bahan lanjutan untuk anoda, salah satu komponen baterai lithium-ion. Pengikat anoda lateks sintetik berbentuk

emulsi, berfungsi sebagai perekat yang membantu memfiksasi bahan aktif dan aditif konduktif pada substrat tembaga

There are 3 main mixer process lines (BTM Mixer) in the manufacture of cathodes
from the BTM Mixer it will be transferred to the storage tank, through the magnetic separator and then transferred
to the transfer tank. Then it is channeled to the supply tank via the Feed Vessel for later use in the coating process.

In the Anode slurry manufacturing process, there are 4 Process lines marked by 4 Planetary Dispers Mixers
Slurry from the main mixer flows to the storage tank, then is channeled to the transfer tank. After that, it is then
transferred to the supply tank for further use in the coating process
The difference between 1 phase and 1 phase processes
In the manufacture of LB CNT predispers solution, there is a process of dispersing the solution through 3
Netczhmill machines, the purpose of the process is to reduce the size of the particles and disperse them, so that a
LB CNT predispers solution is produced.

The 1 phase process, namely the predispers solution only goes through 1 Netczhmill machine, so it is called a
conductive solution. In general, the Conductive Hopper Scale is not used in production, only when there is a
customer order that wants a 1-phase conductive solution.

Netczhmill Netczhmill Netczhmill Predispers

Pre Mixer Pre Mix Storage
1 2 3 Solution LB CNT
Mixing Cathodes
Solvent NMP (N-Methyl-2-Pyrollidone) functions as a solvent in the manufacture of cathode slurries
HPD01 is a Material Dispersion Additive which functions to glue all the materials in the main mixer
LB CNT (Carbon Nanotube) as a conductive material in the Cathode
Polyvinyldene Flouride (PVDF) as a binder material in semi-diluted products with NMP, so that it becomes a
binder solution
Active Material in the form of NCMA Metal (Nickel, Copper, Manganese, Aluminate)
Mixing Anodes
CMC (Carboxymethyhl Cellulose) functions as a thickener and emulsion stabilizer in semi-wet solution (Pre Wet
Solution), thus increasing the Viscosity so that the specifications are achieved. Viscometer is a tool used to check
Slurry specifications whether the thickness is according to standards or not with Centipoise (cP) units.
Distillate Water (DI WATER) as a solvent in the manufacture of Pre Wet Solutions and at the stage of making the
final product (Slurry)
Carbon Black as a conductive material
Silicon Oxide as the 2nd compliment active material which functions to increase battery capacity
SBR (Styrene Butadiene Rubber) serves to glue all the materials in the main mixer
The 5s are techniques for organizing and maintaining a work environment where everything has its place, is in
place and ready to go
Benefits of using 5s:
1. improve workplace settings
2. improve efficiency related to the disbursement of spare parts, equipment, records and information,
3. improve morale, safety, and quality
use of 5S can be useful for

1. to improve product quality

2. Creating a positive first impression on customers
3. to improve workflow and productivity
4. reduce the search time for equipment, parts, san supply
5. improve safety
6. Reducing wasted time and costs

1. Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning work safety which regulates occupational health and safety requirements
2. OHSAS 18001:1999
3. ISO 45001 in 2018
4. Regulation of the Minister of Work Number 4 of 1987 concerning the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory
5. Law Number 23 of 1992 concerning Health
The purpose of implementing K3

Based on Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning work safety, the main objectives of implementing occupational health and safety (K3),


1. Protecting and guaranteeing the safety of every source of production can be used safely and efficiently

2. Ensure that every source of production can be used safely and efficiently

3. Improving national welfare and productivity

Get to know Incidents, Accidents, and Nearmisses

1. Incident, an unforeseen event that does not result in serious injury or illness, but may result in property damage

2. Accident, an unexpected event that results in serious injury or illness to employees and can also result in property damage

3. Nermiss, an almost/almost unavoidable accident. Some institutions call a near miss a close-call or near-collision
Three Ways to Prevent Environmental Pollution

1. Administratively

Efforts to prevent environmental pollution are carried out by the government by issuing policies or regulations related to the


2. Technologically, it requires factories to have their own waste treatment unit. Before factory waste is discharged into the

environment, factories must first process the waste so that it becomes a substance that is not harmful to the environment

3. Educatively, educating the community about the importance and how dangerous it is

environmental pollution . In addition, it can be done through formal education or school

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