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Sparsely populated area


Botswana is located in Africa and is bordered by Nambia and Zambia. It has an approximate
population of 2.65 million and a land size of about 581,730 km2. Botswana is one of the
most sparsely populated countries in the world. This is because of its: immense desert, it
includes the Kalahari Desert (which doesn’t have good conditions for living), which is about
930,000 km2, non-fertile soil (which means that less people would come and live there
because they are not able to grow crops for food) and yearly (which mean that Botswana is
constantly being flooded, drving people out of the country)of 650mm (which mean that
Botswana is constantly being flooded, drving people out of the country). Furthermore, to
few roads, having only 519 villages, they are isolated and the roads and unpaved making
transport to be hard and if there is transport, then it would be very expensive due to the
poor roads.

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