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Chapter 1
The Old Sea-dog at the Admiral Benbow
i. Jim Hawkins
ii. Billy Bones
iii.Black Dog
iv. Doctor Livesey
v. Squire Trelawney
vi. Captain Smollet
vii. Long John Silver
Viii. Ben Gunn
ix. Pew
x. Tom Ruderth
xi. Israel Hands
Themes of the novel
Criminality Duty
Exploration Youth, Friendship

• Squire Trelawney, Doctor Livesey, and others have asked Jim
Hawkins (our hero and first-person narrator) to write down his
So Jim is going to start where it all began: at the Admiral
Benbow inn, owned by Jim's father.
• One day, a tall, ragged, suntanned sailor walks into the inn.
• He is singing a song: "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest -
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" (1.2).
• The man asks Jim's father if they get many customers. When
he hears that business is slow, he decides to stay at the inn.
• The man asks Jim's father if they get many customers. When
he hears that business is slow, he decides to stay at the inn.
• Even though the man's clothes are ragged, his manner is
proud and commanding. He tells Jim's father he is a captain,
but he won't say much more about himself.
• He spends all day looking out at the sea through his telescope
and spying on the few sailors who pass through the area.
The captain takes Jim aside and promises to pay him an
allowance each month if Jim will help him keep an eye out for a
one-legged sailor.
The captain tells terrible stories about the violent life on the
high seas, which terrify d fascinate all the men of the
The captain keeps staying at the Admiral Benbow inn long after
his money runs out. Jim's father is too afraid to ask him to
Jim’s father is sick, and one evening Doctor Livesey comes by
the inn to see him.
After seeing Jim's father, Doctor Livesey sits talking to Taylor,
the gardener.
The captain is singing as usual - the same old song about the
"dead man's chest."
The captain signals for the whole inn to be quiet, and everyone
shuts up except Doctor Livesey.
• The captain signals for the whole inn to be quiet, and
everyone shuts up except Doctor Livesey.
The captain tells Doctor Livesey directly to be quiet.
• Doctor Livesey asks if the captain is talking to him.
• When the captain says yes, Doctor Livesey tells him that if the
captain doesn't knock off drinking so much rum, the world will
have one less "very dirty scoundrel" (1.14) in
it. (Oooh, snap!)
• The captain jumps up and draws a knife.
• Doctor Livesey doesn't bat an eyelid. He just warns that
captain that if he doesn't put the knife away, he'll hang for it.
• The captain knuckles under, grumbling.
• Doctor Livesey warns that he's going to keep an eye on the
captain from now on.
• Doctor Livesey is also the local magistrate (kind of like a
judge). If he hears any complaints about the captain, he's going
to have him thrown out of the district.
• Doctor Livesey rides away, and the captain continues to sit
Chapter 1 of "Treasure Island" lays the foundation for an
exciting and suspenseful tale of pirates and hidden treasure.
Through the introduction of key characters, such as Jim
Hawkins, Billy Bones, and Pew, as well as the establishment of
important themes, the chapter captivates readers and sets the
stage for the thrilling adventures that lie ahead. This chapter
serves as a crucial starting point for the narrative and piques
the readers' curiosity, leaving them eager to continue their
journey through Stevenson's classic novel.

Q1. Define the following terms.
i.Sabre cut
ii. Hand-barrow
iii. Capstan bars
iv. Rebuff
v. Connoisseur
vi. Seafaring
Reading Comprehension
i. Who asks Jim to write down the whole story?
ii. What is the name of inn where Jim lives?
iii. What is the name of the old soldier who comes to stay at the
Iv. What song does the old sailor sing?
v. What is the condition of the old sailor’s hands and nails?
vi. What is the other profession of Dr.Livesey?

Choose the correct option.

i. Who is the protagonist of “Treasure Island”?
a. The Black Spot b. Jim Hawkins
c. Billy Bones d. Pew
ii.Who is the mysterious guest in Chapter 1 of Treasure Island?
a. Billy bones b.Jim Hawkins
c. The Captain d. Doctor Livesey
iii. What themes are introduced in Chapter 1 of Treasure
a. Friendship and Loyalty
b. Innocence, Curiosity and bravery
c. Love and betrayal
d. Deception and Revenge
iv. What does the captain give to Jim before he dies?
a. A weapon b. A map
c. A letter d. A key
v. What is the significance of The Captain’s sea chest?
a. It contains treasure b. it is made of solid gold
c. it is always locked d. it is covered in mysterious
vi. What is the purpose of Chapter 1 in Treasure Island?
a. To set up the plot
b. To introduce the main characters
c. To establish the setting
d. All of the above
vii. Who is in conflict with The Captain in Chapter 1?
a. Jim’s father b. Jim’s mother
c. Drunken sailors d. other guests at the inn
viii. What is the conflict between The Captain and the Drunken
a. They are competing for leadership
b. They have a longstanding grudge
c. They are arguing about money
d. They are fighting over a woman
ix. How old is Jim Hawkins in chapter 1?
a. Around sixteen or seventeen
b. around ten or eleven
c. around fourteen or fifteen
d. around twelve or thirteen
x. What is the role of Captain Billy Bones in Chapter 1?
a. to provide comic
b. to act as a villain
c. to be a minor character
d. to serve as a mentor
Character Sketch
i. Find all the information about Jim Hawkins and write down
about his character in your own words.
Ans. Character sketch of Jim Hawkins:
ii. Write down a paragraph about the character of Doctor
iii. Write down the adjectives that has been used to describe
The Captain?
iv. Change these sentences into direct speech.(add
a. Well then said he this is berth for me.
b. Were you addressing me sir says the doctor.
Q. Find all the irregular verbs from given passage and write.
Also add hyphen if needed.
And indeed bad as his clothes were and coarsely as he spoke, he had
none of the appearance of a man who sailed before the mast, but
seemed like a mate or skipper accustomed to be obeyed or to strike.
The man who came with the barrow told us the mail had set him down
the morning before at the Royal George, that he had inquired what inns
there were along the coast, and hearing ours well spoken of, I suppose,
and described as lonely, had chosen it.
Q: Find all the examples of similes from chapter 1 and write here.

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