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LAB - 01

AIM :- Study and practice of unix/Linux general purpose utility command list

1.Command Name :- mkdir

Description :- Create the Directory(ies), if they do not already exist.
Syntax :- mkdir[OPTION]...DIRECTORY…
Examples :-

2.Command Name :- cd
Description :- The cd command in Linux stands for change directory.
It is used to change the current directory of the terminal.
Syntax :- cd <dirname>
Examples :-

3.Command Name :- ls
Description :- List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default)..
Syntax :- ls [OPTION]...[FILE]...
Options :- -l use a long listing format
Examples :-

4.Command Name :- touch

Description :- A File argument that does not exist is created empty.
Syntax :- touch [OPTION}..FILE...
Examples :-

5.Command Name :- cat

Description :- Concatenate Files(s) to standard output.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
Syntax :- cat [OPTION]....[FILE]...
Examples :-
6.Command Name :- cp
Description :- Copy Source to Dest, or multiple Source(s) to Directory.
Syntax :- cp
Examples :-

7.Command Name :- mv
Description :- Rename Source to Dest, or move Source(s) to Directory.
Syntax :- mv[OPTION]...SOURCE DEST
Examples :-

8.Command Name :- rm
Description :- rm removes each specified file.
Syntax :- rm[OPTION]...[FILE]...
Examples :-
9.Command Name :- rmdir
Description :- Remove the Directory(ies), if they are empty
Syntax :- rmdir [OPTION]...DIRECTORY…
Examples :-

10.Command Name :- pwd

Description :- Print the full filename of the current working directory.
Syntax :- pwd[OPTION]...
Examples :-

11.Command Name :- cal

Description :- cal displays a simple calendar. If no arguments are specified, the current
Month is displayed.
Syntax :- cal [options][[[day]month]year]
Options :- -m Display Monday as the first day of the week.
Examples :-

12.Command Name :- man

Description :- man is the system’s manual pager. Each page argument given to
man is normally the name of a program, utility or function.
Syntax :- man [man options][[section] page…]...
Examples :-
13.Command Name :- date
Description :- Display the current time in the given Format, or set the system date.
Syntax :- date [OPTION]...[+FORMAT]
Examples :-

14.Command Name :- echo

Description :- Echo the String(s) to standard output.
Syntax :- echo [Short - Option]... [String]...
Examples :-

15.Command Name :- ps
Description :- provides a snapshot of current processes and their status.
Syntax :- ps [options]
Examples :-

16.Command Name :- chmod

Description :- chmod changes the file mode bits of each given file according to mode,
which can be either a symbolic representation of changes to make, or an octal number
representing the bit pattern for the new mode bits.
Syntax :- chmod [OPTION]...
Examples :-
17.Command Name :- history
Description :- used to display the history of the commands executed by the user.
Syntax :- history
Examples :-
18.Command Name :- logout
Description :- terminates all processes either with the same controlling terminal as
the present process or with all processes which have this terminal open.
Syntax :- logout

19.Command Name :- chown

Description :- chown changes the user and/or group ownership of each given file.
Syntax :- chown[OPTION]...[OWNER][:GROUP]]FILE..

20.Command Name :- finger

Description :- a user information lookup command which gives details of all users logged in
Syntax :- finger

21.Command Name :- kill

Description :- a built-in command. It is used for manually terminating the processes.
Syntax :- kill [signal] pid
22.Command Name :- more
Description :- more is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time.
Syntax :- more [OPTIONS] files…

23.Command Name :- who

Description :- Print information about users who are currently logged in.
Syntax :- who[OPTION]...[FILE | ARG1 ARG2]

24.Command Name :- time

Description :- displays how long it takes execute a command.
Syntax :- time[option][command]

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