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Mar Elias High School

First Term Mid-Term

Practice Exam

Time: two hours


Part I: Written Production (50 Points)

Part II: Vocabulary (20 Points)

Part II: Language (30 Points)

Read the article below and answer questions 1-9 in English.
Exploring Underground

I Caves have fascinated people since ancient times. In pre-historic times, people lived

in caves for protection from the weather and wild animals. Early American Indians buried

their dead deep in caves. They decorated the cave walls with beautiful paintings that showed

their way of life. Ancient tribes in many parts of the world also explored caves to dig and

search for precious metals.

II Caves were also used as a place to hide by people who were trying to avoid the law.

For instance, in the 19th century, the American robber Jesse James hid in caves from the

lawmen. Pirates in the Caribbean Islands hid stolen treasures in caves.

III Then, about a hundred years ago, people began to explore caves out of curiosity and

also just for enjoyment. This activity has become so popular that there are caving

organizations on every continent. Caving is as adventurous as you want it to be. The

challenges involved in caving depend on the cave that is being visited. Tourist caves like

Mammoth Cave in the U.S. or the Cango Caves in South Africa offer activities at all levels of

difficulty. Families with children can take a short guided tour that follows a regular walking

path. More adventurous visitors who want to feel like "real" explorers can take longer tours

that require climbing and crawling through narrow caves.

IV For those people who like the idea of crawling through tight spaces or climbing ropes,

there are "wild" caves. These caves have no facilities', which makes exploring the caves more

challenging, but also more exciting. Imagine discovering underground waterfalls, colorful

rock shapes and unusual creatures like orange spiders? that glow in the dark. As one

experienced explorer says, so thrilling.


Answer questions 1-9 in English according to the article.

1. Put a by the TWO correct answers. (paragraph I)

People in ancient times used caves (-)
……. i) to stay safe
……. ii) for adventure
……. iii) for enjoyment
……. iv) to hide American Indians
……. v) to dig for precious metals
……. vi) to hide animals (8 points)

2. Complete the sentence. (paragraph II)

Jesse James is an example of_____________________________________________.
(5 points)

3. Give TWO reasons why people in modern times want to explore caves. (paragraph III)
ONE: _______________________________________________________________.
TWO: _______________________________________________________________.
(8 points)

4. Caving organizations are mentioned (line 13) to show that

(5 points)
5. Why would a family choose to explore Mammoth Cave? (paragraph III)
(5 points)

6. Why do the tours mentioned in paragraph III make people feel like "real" explorers?
The tours are (-)
…… i) more challenging
…… ii) less adventurous
…… iii) very popular
…… iv) short but exciting
(4 points)
7. Complete the sentence. (paragraph IV)
To explore wild caves, you have to be ready to _______________________________

(5 points)

8. Give ONE exciting challenge you can take in wild caves.(paragraph IV)
(5 points)

9. According to the writer, why are people excited by caving? (paragraph IV)
(5 points)
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
forgive give someone a call defend elevator stranger
tweet borrowed study article favor

1. Sarah wanted to ___________for her upcoming biology test to get a good grade.

2. Could you please ___________and let them know we'll late for the dinner


3. We took the ___________to the top floor to enjoy the breathtaking view.

4. When someone makes a mistake, it's often best to ___________them and move on.

5. The bird outside my window likes to ___________every morning.

6. The lawyer worked hard to ___________her client in court.

7. Can you do me a ___________and pass me the salt, please?

8. She didn’t know the man; he was a complete ___________

9. Did you read the ___________I sent you about the new movie theatre that opened in


10. John noticed that he didn’t have a pen, so he ___________ one from Mike.

B. Complete the following to show that you understand the words in BOLD.

1. Sam holds the school record for ……………………………………………………

2. People are not allowed to smoke in………………………………………………...

3. The kids planned on staying home to study………………………………………..

4. In the jar I always keep…………………………………………………………….

5. Some pets are easy to have at home, for instance,……………………………….

PART III- LANGUAGE (30 points)

A. Complete the following e-mail with the Present Simple or Present Progressive form
of the verbs in brackets. (10*1=10 points)

,Dear Sandy
I hope this letter 1. _________ (find) you well. I am writing to let you know about some
exciting news happening at our school. As you may know, our school 2. _________
.(organize) its annual talent show every year, and this year is no exception
The talent show 3. _________ (take) place on Thursday, and we 4. _________ (prepare)
for it. Many talented students 5. _________ (participate) in the event this year. We also 7.
_________ (need) volunteers to help with various tasks during the show, so if you're
.interested, please let us know
We look forward to seeing you at the talent show and hope that you 8. _________ (enjoy)
the performances. Remember, the event 9. _________ (start) at 9 O’clock sharp, so don't
!be late
Thank you for your continued support, and we 10. _________ (look) forward to an
.amazing evening

B. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE or
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. (10*1=10 points)

?What does you like to do everyday .1


.She is playing tennis every Wednesday afternoon .2


.She have two dogs .3


?How often are you go on holiday .4


?Do you go to Susan’s party tonight .5


?What do he eats for breakfast every day .6


?Do you listening to music at the moment .7


.My cat always sleep in the afternoon .8


.She like to listen to music every day .9


.He don’t likes to travel at all .10


C. Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE or
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. (10*1=10 points)

1.They ___________ basketball every Saturday afternoon.

a. played b. are playing c. play d. plays

2.She ___________ her grandmother's birthday cake at the moment.

a. bakes b. baked c. is baking d. will bake

3. My cat ___________ on the couch right now.

a. is sleeping b. sleeps c. slept d. sleep

4. We ___________ climbing every week.

a. go b. goes c. are going d. will go

5. The teacher ___________ the lesson on the board at the moment.

a. writes b. wrote c. is writing d. will write

6. The birds ___________ their nests on the trees!

a. build b. builds c. are building d. is building

7. He usually ___________ his bicycle to work.

a. rode b. rides c. is riding d. will ride

8. The movie ___________ at 7:30 PM on Tuesday.

a. is starting b. starts c. started d. will start

9. ___________ they ___________ the piano in the concert tonight?

a. Do/play b. Does/ play c. Are/ playing d.Is/ playing

10. Right now, she ___________ a delicious meal for her family.

a. cooked b. cooks c. is cooking d. will cook

Good Luck!

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