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4 Forms of


 Have you ever been to the dentist?

 Have you ever needed to send a pet to the vet?

 Have your family ever used a solicitor (maybe to help them buy a

• What do these 3 types of business have in common?



Write a definition of business forms here:



Write a definition of limited liability here:



Unlimited liability

• If a business gains debts, goes bust or is sued this could be a

problem for the __________________________________

• If there is no money in the business then the owner would need to

pay using their own _____________________________, and finances, they

may even have to reportage their home or even sell their car to pay

the debts

• This is unlimited ____________________________________

• Watch the video can you now explain limited and unlimited liability?





Growth of a business

Sole trader

• Business owned by one owner, but they can take on staff

• Also known as a sole proprietor

• Can employ people but they will not be involved in control of


• Tend to be small businesses

• Has unlimited liability

• Examples include;




Research: Sole trader

Watch the video then in pairs make a list of possible sole trader jobs and


Share these with another pair until your class builds up a large list

How many of these types of businesses would be in trouble if they

remained a limited liability company? To answer this consider if they are

likely to accrue large debts or be sued.

List of sole trader jobs

Pros and cons of sole traders

Advantages Disadvantages

• Easy to set up – no • Unlimited liability, this

complicated forms means that if the business
• Make decisions quickly has financial difficulties the
• Less capital needed sole trader could lose their
• All profits kept by the owner own assets like their
• Can offer personal attention savings, house or car
to customers • Difficult to raise money –
• Don’t have to make any seen as a risk
information about the • Don’t have economies of
company public scale (buying in bulk)


• _________________ partners share the risks, costs and responsibilities

of being in business

• The profits and gains of the partnership are shared among the

partners unless the partnership ____________________________ states


• Each partner is personally responsible for paying ________________ on

their share of the ____________________ and gains

• Partners raise finance for the business out of their own

___________________, cash or with __________________

• The partners themselves usually manage the business, although

they can delegate certain responsibilities to _____________________

• It is possible to have _______________________ partners who contribute

capital investment to the business but are not involved in running

the business

Research: partnerships

• Partnerships tend to be groups of experts who can all work in a

practice together

• For example a dentists practice may be a group of dentists who

have started the business as a partnership

• Carry out some research and create a list of likely partnership


• Also find out what an LLP is - it is outside the scope of you’re a

Level but important to know

List of partnership professions

Pros and cons of partnerships

Advantages Disadvantages

• Easier than a sole trader to • Unlimited liability

raise extra capital, as • Partners may have
partners all have their own disagreements about;
sources of finance e.g.
• Profits go to the partners,
which is very motivating
• Smaller business means
good working relationships
• No need to make public any

Private Limited Company (Ltd)

• LTDs can expand and grow by selling more shares, giving the

business more ____________________________________

• _________________________________ can buy shares in the business, this

will make them part owners

• Shares cannot be bought by the _________________________

• LTDs owners have full _______________________ of who buys the shares

• LTDs have the benefit of limited __________________________, those that

own or buy shares in the business can only lose their original

_______________________________, their private assets remain safe

Research: Private Limited Companies

• Limited companies tend to be businesses where having limited

liability is critical.

• For example a scaffolding company could be worried about a pole

falling on the head of someone underneath and being sued. Limited
liability gives the owners some protection over their personal

• Carry out some research and find 9 limited liability businesses in

your local area.

Pros and cons of private limited companies (ltd)

Advantages Disadvantages

• Limited liability • Accounts of the company

• Can raise extra capital by cannot be kept private, they
selling more shares, to have to be available for the
friends and family, making it public to see
easier to expand • More complex and expensive
• Can employ managers to run to set up - more
the business if the owners administration
don’t want to do it

Franchising introduction





What is a franchise?





Franchising vocab



Cost of a franchise

When a business person decides to buy a franchise they will need to take

into consideration the costs:

• Cost of buying the franchise rights at the start

• Monthly royalty payment to the franchisor

Research: franchising

• Have a look at the franchising websites on the _____________________

• Choose a franchise and find out how much it would cost to


• Include any yearly _____________________ and the cost of premises and


Franchising pros and cons

Advantages Disadvantages

• The franchisor chooses the • Franchisees do not have the

franchisees carefully, they freedom of running their own
know what characteristics business
make a successful • Bound by rules e.g. Can’t
franchisee vary product or price
• The franchisor decides how • Franchisee pays a
much money the franchisee percentage of profits in
must invest in the business royalties

Social enterprise

• A social enterprise is a business that trades for

social and/or environmental purposes.

• At the core of a social enterprise is the objective to help society or

the planet in some way, they are not ______________________ (which rely

on donations)

Lifestyle business

• The aim of a start-up is to grow big enough to provide a return of

investment for _________________________________

• The aim of a lifestyle business is to provide great quality of life for

the owner

• ___________________________ start a business hoping to sustain a certain

level of income

• They may start a business doing _____________________ they really


• It allows an entrepreneur to live how they want and still run a


Online business

• Easy to set up, for example, an eBay business could be up and

running in an hour after some online form filling

• PayPal used to process payment transactions from customers

• Wix can be used for small business owners to quickly build a shop

and a website

• Online businesses can be managed by the owner from their home

• It means the business is open via the website 24/7, what does this

mean for international customers?





Growth to PLC and stock market flotation

• Once a limited ______________________ has grown in size and needs

further ___________________________ which it cannot get from its current

pool of owners it may consider becoming a ___________________________

• If it intends to ____________________________ shares on the stock

market, so they can be bought by anyone, it will need to first issue a

prospectus where ______________________ investors are invited to

purchase share before _______________________

• Going public is expensive

– Lawyers to draw up _______________ paperwork

– Publications

– Advertising and _________________

– Company must have ___________________________ in share capital


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