Argument-WPS Office

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I'm against because country who execute commonly cite the death penalty as a way to deter
people for commiting more crime. This claim has been repeatedly discredited, and there is no
evidence that the death penalty is any more effective in reducing crime than life imprisonment.

Hontiveros said that there are no empirical proof that shows that death penalty is an effective
deterrent against crime. She also said that the death penalty is a cruel, inhumane and degrading
punishment, which has a disproportionate impact on the poor and little guarantee that innocent
people would not be sentenced to death.

Senator Hontiveros said that the death penalty is a dangerous shortcut. She also said that it is
irreversible and irreparable. So what do mean by "irreversible irreparable" let's take for example
"death is permanent" pagnamatay ka bah eh pwede Kang mabuhay ulet Hinde diba? So how can a
person change if he's already dead. I believe that anyone deserve a second chance that's why I do not
agree with the revival of death penalty.


There is not different between LEGITAMATE and MARITAL so how can we change It if there bo

CAR AS atonomous

Yes I am in favor for a Atonomous Region, According to RA 8438- An Act to establish the people of the
cordillera, imploring the aid of devine providence exercising our fundamental and constitutional rights
to self-determination in faithfulness to the struggle of our forbears for the defense of our patrimony
and cultural heritage in order to secure for ourselves and our posterity a region of peace founded on
truth, freedom, justice, love of human solidarity and establish a regional autonomous government
that shall ensure our human rights, our human development and our participation in the affair of the

The other reason is that we are trying to avoid federalism because in the program there is no
cordillera cordillera is being divided eo be combine in other region and that's what we are trying to
avoid. We want to preserve Cordillera in any possible way.

Reason why?

Through the establishment of an Atonomous Region of the cordillera the people from the cordillera
will have the opportunity to decide on what policies and programs will best fit the region and at the
same time have the freedom to pursue thier political, economic, social and cultural development.


Actually the k to 12 will be further improved The quality of our education, us k-12 students are
exposed We are exposed to the practical learning experience which is made available to us, we are
actually doing whNmw.wka i like that you canat we are supposed to be doing in our actual work in
our real lives what we read in the book, so k-12 is not about adding 2 more years it actually improves
quality of education

While the K to 12 program promised to boost employability among senior high school graduates, only
a little over 20% were able to enter the labor force while 70% continued with their education,
according to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies.The number of enrolled learners for
School Year 2022-2023 increased to 28.7 million on Tuesday, surpassing the Department of
Education's (DepEd) target of 28.6 million.

Meron tayong tinatawag na intergenerational responsibility, it is our responsibility to sustain the

quality education that we have not just for ourselves but also for the future generation that will come

Ngayon paano natin masusutain Yun kung tatangalin natin Ang k-12 at patuloy tayong matatakot sa
pagbabago at pagpapaunlad ng k-12 Wich is very beneficial Naman sa ating lahat Robin S. Sharma said
that "The greatest things in life all require commitment, sacrifice, some struggle and hardship. It's not
easy. But absolutely worth it." So we must take the risk in order for us achieve something.

PUV modernization LAW

One of the biggest impacts that the jeepney phaseout can have is the severe lack of jeepneys in the
country. As less and less jeepneys ride, commuters may find it difficult to catch a ride. The
government should have an option that provides a more affordable way for drivers to acquire one of
the vehicles.

IF the PUV modernization LAW is implemented many jeepney drivers are affected because they
cannot afford the price of the minivan wich cost about 2.8 million pesos .an Average jeepney drivers
income daily 3000 to 5000 only Wich halfe of it is used for Thier daily needs and second is that the
PUV Program they want to phaseout the traditional jeepney Wich so alarming to jeepney driver,

what if they just use that programs money to Provide exclusive lanes and stops for public
transportation. Make bike lanes and pedestrian pathways even safer to give people the confidence to
choose walking and cycling over commuting for short distances?


Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). It's an inclusive term that applies to
everyone, whether they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, heterosexual
or cisgender (identifying with the same gender that one was assigned at birth).
It's important for schools to be inclusive and safe spaces for students of all sexual orientations and
gender identities. Being SOGI-inclusive means:

Speaking about SOGI in a way that makes every student feel like they belong

Not limiting a person's potential based on their biological sex and how they understand or express
their genderWelcoming everyone without discrimination, regardless of their sexual orientation or
gender identity

For the past 23 years, the Commission has stood with SOGIE Equality champions in stressing the
urgency of passing a measure that prohibits all forms of discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation, gender identity, expression and sex characteristics.

Yes I agree why.


-It advocates for equality and fairness not only to the LGBTQ members but also to every person in the

-It seeks to control the behavior and perception of the general public towards others based on sexual

-The LGBTQ members will have access to hospital services and other facilities without fear of

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