Reviewer MAED MATH

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1. Solve the system of linear equation shown using determinants and check your answer using
GAUSS –JORDAN elimination method:

a.) 2x + 3y + Ƶ = 1 b.) 3x + y + 2 Ƶ = 31

x + 2y – Ƶ = -2 x + y + 2 Ƶ = 19

-2x – y + 3 Ƶ = -1 x + 3y + 2 Ƶ = 25

2. The following are theorems on algebraic properties of matrix operations. Show the proof of
each theorem and give example of each.

a.) if A & B are mxn matrices, then A+B = B+A

b.) if A&B are mxn matrices and a isa real number, then a (A+B) = aA + aB

c.) If A, B, & C are mxn matrices, then A+(B+C) = (A+B) +C

d.) If A&B are mxn matrices and C is an nxp matrix, then (A+B) C = AC + BC

3. Show the proof of the basic properties of summation notation shown below:
n n n
∑ ( r i + si ) ai =∑ r i ai + ∑ s i ai
a.) i=1 i=1 i=1

n n
∑ c (r i s i )=c ∑ r i s i
b.) i=1 i=1

4. Solve the following linear programming problem using the SIMPLEX method:

a) Maximize : Ƶ = 50x + 100y + 150 Ƶ b) Minimize: Z = 60x + 50y

Subject to: 2x + 2y ≤ 200 Subject to : 3x + 5y ≤ 15

3 Ƶ ≤ 150 4x + 4y ≥ 16

4x + 4 Ƶ ≤ 600 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

x, y, Ƶ ≥ 0

5. Discuss comprehensively “ASSIGNMENT METHOD” of Linear Programming and solve the

problem shown below:

Four engineers are to work on 4 projects of ADFC Construction Company. The problem is to
decide which engineer should be assigned to which project. Each engineer charges different fees
on each project, due to distances of the projects and the complexity of the work. The cost of
assigning particular engineers to particular projects are as follows: the objective is to find the

1 P 11, 000 P8,000 P10,000 P7, 000
Engineers 2 6, 000 5, 000 3, 000 8, 000
3 4, 000 8, 000 10, 000 9, 000
4 11, 000 10, 000 5, 000 7, 000

Advance algebra and trigonometry are the solid foundation of students in
MATHEMATICS preparing them for other courses. These 2 courses will help the students
develop their problem-solving skills while fostering critical thinking. With this, it is but
necessary for graduate students to solve the following problems shown below:

1. Solve for the variable Y in terms of the other variable X in the equation:

−2 Y =0
X +Y
2. Derive the quadratic formula given the equation ax +bx +c=0 and discuss its
discriminant whether the function has real zeros or not and how many zeros to expect.
3. Find the solution set of the following inequalities:
a. 2≤ |4−x| < 9
b. |6 x−1| ≤ 11
4. The factor theorem which states that a linear function x-r is a factor of a polynomial
function P(x) if and only if r is a zero of P (x). With the aid of this theorem, a) Prove that
3 2
x+4 is a factor of x + 3x - 6x - 8
2 3 2 2
b) Find the value (s) of K so that x - x – 2 is a factor of x + kx - 6x + 1 - k

5. Solve for the value of the unknown in the exponential and logarithmic equations shown
1 1−x
a. = (25) c. log (x-1) + log (x+1) = log (x+11)
−x 3 x +1
b. 2- 32 (2 ) = 4 d. 6 =7
6. Derive the following laws which are necessary in solving oblique triangles:
a. Sine laws
b. Cosine laws
7. The derivation and simplication of expressions involving trigonometric functions are
called trigonometric identities. Trigonometric identities are equations which are TRUE
for all values of θ for which the functions are defined. PROVE that the equations shown

1+ Cθsθ Cosθ+1
a. + tanθ=
sin θ Sinθ Cosθ
2 2 2 2
b. tan θ-Sin θ = tan θSin θ
sin( A−B)
c. = Cot B- Cot A
SinA SinB
sin ( A +B ) sin ( A−B) 2 2
d. = tan A -tan B
cos A cos B

tan A+ )
π 1+ tan A
4 1−tan A


I. Out of 10 questions shown below choose only 5 and discuss comprehensively.

1. What is research? Why is it important in education? Cite authorities for your views.
2. What types of research are commonly conducted by graduate students? Why?
3. How do you identify a problem for thesis? what skills should you try to develop?
4. What are the characteristics of a good problem for research?
5. How are research and problem solving differentiated?
6. How does qualitative research differs from quantitative research?
7. What are the types of hypothesis? Give examples of each type?
8. What are some of the sources of related literature and studies?
9. Give the different types of sampling. Give example of each type.
10. Why is documentation required for a research paper? How would you ensure correct
format for this as well as for the entire paper.

II. Give the Parts of a thesis. Describe each part.

1. Find the greatest common divisor of the following numbers:
a. 1160 and 261
b. 1240 and 279
c. 1739 and 777

2. show by mathematical induction that: for all integers n ≥ 1

a. 3 - 1 is divisible by 8
2 n+2
b. 3 – 8n – 9 is divisible by 64
c. 3∙6 +6∙ 9+9∙12+…+3n(3n+3)= 3n(n+1)(n+2)
d. 6∙1² + 6∙2² + 6∙3²+…+6n² = n(n+1)(2n+1)

3. The definition on CONGRUENCE states that “two integers a & b are said to be
congruent modulo a positive m iff m divides a-b”. Prove that the relation congruent
modulo m is:
a. Reflexive
b. Symmetric
c. Transitive

4. Mr. x has three thousand six hundred fifty four pesos. He is planning to purchase x no. of
tables worth P207 each and y no. of chairs @ P 81 each. Kindly help Mr. x to find the
possible combinations of tables and chairs to be purchased.

5. A certain organization charged P180 per adult and P75 per child in a show. If the total
receipts amounted to P 900 and there were more adults than children, what is the least
possible numbers of children who attended the show?


f ( x+ h )−f (x )
1. Find where h ╪ o, given that f is a function defined by
a. f (x) = 4x - 5x+7

b. f (x) = √ x
2. Shown below are the theorems on limits. Write the proof of each.
a. lim sint = 0 d. lim (Sint + a) = Sin a
t→0 t→0

b. lim Cost = 1 e. lim (cost + a) = cos a

t→0 t→0

c. lim ( 1−Cost
t )=0

sin ∝
3. Show that limit of as ∝ approaches zero is equal to 1

4. The derivative of a function is the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function to the
increment of the independent variable when the latter increment varies and approaches
zero as a limit. Discuss comprehensively by showing the general method of finding the
derivative of a function given the function y = f (x)

5. Special rules have been derived from the 4-step method (increment method) for
differentiating certain standard forms in order to facilitate differentiation. Show the
derivation of the following rules :
a. The derivative of the product of two functions is equal to the first function times
the derivative of the second, plus the second function times the derivative of the
b. The derivative of a quotient of two functions is equal to the denominator times the
derivative of the numerator minus the numerator times the derivative of the
denominator, all divided by the square of the denominator.

6. Using the theorems on integration, evaluate the following integrals and check using
4 x dx
a ¿∫ b) ∫ tan x secx dx
( 1−8 x )
sin dx
c ¿∫ x d ¿∫


Shown below are some statistical tools that are frequently used in research. Explain
comprehensively each of them and solve the problem given in each statistical test.

1. Ƶ – test

A survey was conducted to compare the length of travel of students who were coming
from the south and students who were coming from the north of Manila. a sample of 50
students coming from the south revealed a mean length of travel of 90 minutes with a
standard deviation of 10 minutes. a sample of 45 students coming from the north revealed
a mean travel time of 80 minutes with a standard deviation of 13.5 minutes. @ .05
significance level, can we conclude that there is a difference in the travel time between
the 2 groups of students.

2. t – test

Ex: Prof x conducted a review on his STATISTICS class. he gave an examination before
and after the review and gathered the following data:

Student Score before review Score after review

1____________________ 16 ____________________ 18
2____________________ 8 ____________________ 12
3____________________ 12 ____________________ 10
4____________________ 10 ____________________ 17
5____________________ 20 ____________________ 18
6____________________ 17 ____________________ 20
7____________________ 9 ____________________ 11
8____________________ 10 ____________________ 9
9____________________ 18 ____________________ 17
10___________________ 19 ____________________ 20

@.05 level of significance, is the review class effective?

3. x - test

In a research study, 200 respondents are classified according to religion and employment
status. Test the hypothesis that these two variable are independent using 5% level of

Religion Unemployed Underemployed Employed

Catholic 14 26 30
Islam 10 12 42
Other Christian 6 10 50

4. F- test (ANOVA)

Students from three universities in the region were given an examination in Mathematics to find
out if there is a significant difference on the performance of students coming from three
universities @ 5% level of significance.

Note: The data for this problem is shown before the philosophy of education
University University University
24 17 20
20 20 22
12 10 10
10 8 9
10 6 7
12 22 27
24 26 32
23 28 30
21 26 28
19 20 22
20 18 26
14 14 16

Philosophy of Education

1. In your own opinion/ understanding, discuss the philosophical foundation of Education

and its Philippine Philosophical Orientation.

2. With the aid of a schema, discuss the following Philosophical thoughts of education and
draw implications to classroom instruction:

a. Naturalism
b. Realism
c. Idealism
d. Pragmatism
e. Extentialism

3. Discuss comprehensively Ethno mathematics.

4. Give the contributions and influences of foreign and Filipino philosophers.

5. What is your Philosophy in life and how does it affect your career as a teacher.
I. Use appropriate connectives and parenthesis to symbolize each statement:

Let P = Logic is easy

q = Algebra is difficult
r = Latin is interesting
a.) Latin is interesting and algebra is difficult, or logic is easy.
b.) It is false that logic is easy and algebra is difficult.
c.) Either logic is easy and Latin is interesting, or algebra is difficult.
d.) Neither is algebra difficult nor is Latin interesting.
II. Write each symbolic statements in words:

Let P = Harry studies

q = Harry will pass
r = Harry will succeed
a.) ~ p ~q
¿ ↔
b.) q r p
c.) p ( q v ~ r)
III. Construct a truth table for each statement:
a.) ~ p v (p ~ q)
b.) q (~ p v q)
c.) (p → q) ( q → r) → ( p → r )
¿ ↔
d.) ( p q) pvq
IV.Rewrite each of the following statements into a disjunction:
a.) If the tide is out then we can go swimming.
b.) If Bill drive his van, then he brought the packages.
V. Rewrite each of the following statements into an implication:
a.) Either 2 does not equal 3 or 4 equals 6.
b.) Bob didn’t pass the test, or he is unhappy about something else.
VI. Use De Morgan’s law to create a statement equivalent to each.
a.) ~ ( p→ ~ q)
b.) ~ (~ P ~ q)
VII.Symbolize each of the following arguments and by means a truth table and determine
whether the argument is valid or invalid.
a.) You may attend the concert iff you purchased a ticket.
You purchased a ticket.
Hence, you may attend the concert.
b.) Pat or Sandy will bring the documents.
Pat did not bring the documents.
Therefore, Sandy did not bring the documents.

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