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Vivero, Xiomara Akeesha Grade 11 (ABM - D)

“The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” — 2 Timothy 1:7

A wonderful Thursday Ma’am, and to my fellow classmates. Hi I am Xiomara Akeesha Vivero. The devotional that I have read
earlier hit me with a realization that all the bad things doesn’t mean to be just bad, but it has a reason why you are
experiencing it. I wonder that how can a person feel so helpless to the point that they are questioning God. But if I’m being honest,
I also questioned Him and let my faith disappear. It doesn’t have a deep reason but there’s always a time or a day that you’ll
feel exhausted and feel tired just by believing in Him. But back to what I was saying earlier, I can’t imagine putting myself in
their situation not because I am religious, I am not, but I wonder what and how they feel. Now you’re thinking why am I saying this?
Simply because I want to make you all of guys realize how lucky you are. I’m not sugar coating the reality but also I know and it is
inevitable to have a problem but just try to think of it. Try to remember all those memories that you have experienced in your
past that you never imagined that you’ll be able to overcome it. So the devotional is telling us that God doesn’t give us problem
because He just wanted to, because He want us to be frightened, no. One day you’ll be able to thank Him because you surpass it
and those problems gave you the courage to improve especially for your self enhancement.

I know some of you guys will think that it doesn’t have a connection in our subject but for me it does. If we will set aside Him, just
focus on the term problem. Does problem doesn’t give you an improvement? Of course it does give you. And this is the main focus of
our assignment, self enhancement. This is what I chose to speak about.
For the conclusion, I want to read this verse from the book Hebrews 6:10-11
“Everything you do in your journey of self-improvement, including serving others in love, matters to God. He wants you to be
diligent in meeting others' needs as well as managing your own. God doesn't want you only focusing on yourself but growing in
Christlikeness as you give back to others.”

Reference : Tacoma Christian Counseling website

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