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Improved Understanding
of Inflammation in Acne
Leading to New Developments
in Treatment
New technologies have shown the presence of inflammatory pathways throughout all stages of
acne lesion formation.


cne vulgaris (AV) is the most common skin disor- independent pathophysiologic “life cycle,” most patients
der seen in ambulatory dermatology practices in present at any given point in time with a mixture of AV
the US. As a result, advances in pathophysiology lesions in various stages.3
that can lead to new therapies are always of high Inflammation in Acne Pathophysiology. Advances in
interest. immunohistochemistry and other research techniques have
Our understanding of the pathophysiology of AV is brought forth new information on AV pathophysiology.
evolving as new technologies have shown the presence Studies have included detailed analyses of cellular infiltrates,
of inflammatory pathways throughout all stages of acne gene expressions, and chemical messengers (e.g., cytokines,
lesion formation. As our understanding of the pathophysi- chemokines) present at different stages of AV lesion forma-
ology of AV increases, researchers can focus on targeting tion, including before the emergence of visible lesions. It is
specific points in cascades of inflammation as they develop now known that both follicular hyperkeratosis and perifol-
new therapies to treat AV. licular inflammation occur early during subclinical develop-
Conventional View of Pathophysiology. The conven- ment of an AV lesion.1-3 This subclinical inflammation is
tional pathophysiologic model of AV states an acne lesion primarily a lymphocytic process at the outset and changes
is initiated subclinically as follicular hyperkeratosis, which qualitatively and quantitatively as the life of the AV lesion
leads to formation of a microcomedone. AV then becomes progresses. An early inflammatory papule is associated with
apparent as closed and/or open comedones emerge, both a greater density of lymphocytic infiltrate. Perifollicular
associated with a lack of visible inflammation.1-3 Some AV inflammation may also be augmented with a greater infil-
lesions may progress to become visibly inflamed, appear- trate density that is more rich in neutrophils, presenting as a
ing as papules, pustules, and/or nodules. Ultimately, AV deeper papule, pustule, or a nodule. The latter occurs more
evolves with some lesions remaining as comedones, while often in association with follicular wall rupture. Although
others progress to superficial or deep inflammatory lesions, the cellular content and density of inflammation may be dif-
eventually resolving with normal appearing skin, discol- ferent among different AV lesion types, and the cellular mix
oration, or scarring. As each follicle goes through its own (Continued on page 50)



(Continued from page 45)

and cytokines that present may change as lesions progress, “Important information has been
inflammation is a constant and central part of an AV lesion
throughout its entire life cycle.1,3 gleaned over the past decade on
Targets of Acne Treatment. It is well recognized that AV pathophysiology that may
pathophysiologic targets for acne treatment include com-
edogenesis, sebum production, androgenic mechanisms, translate to development of newer
and inflammatory pathways. Important information has therapeutic approaches. An example
been gleaned over the past decade on AV pathophysiolo-
gy that may translate to development of newer therapeu- includes the role IL-1β in AV lesion
tic approaches. An example includes the role IL-1β in AV
lesion initiation and development. IL-1β is believed to play initiation and development. “
an important role in the initiaton of AV lesions, including
comedogenesis, and in the propagation of inflammation is naturally present in the human body. It functions biolog-
in AV.4 ically as a signaling molecule that is involved in many dif-
There is also newer information on the complex inter- ferent physiologic processes. Its primary role is to provide
relationship between Propionibacterium acnes, a bacterium vascular relaxation, immunomodulation, and direct antimi-
of the normal flora which inhabits and inflammation in crobial activity against several bacteria.11,12 The therapeutic
AV. Different subtypes of P acnes exist, with only some potential for NO in treatment of AV includes both direct
strains more commonly associated with the presence antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
of AV.5 Proinflammatory strains of Pacnes are known to Several companies are pursuing topical delivery of NO
induce major inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-8 and IL-12 in for the treatment of acne. Patented technology from
human monocytes and IL-6 in human keratinocytes, find- Novan, Inc for packaging NO as part of an engineered
ings that support reduction in colony counts of as one of macromolecule has enabled the creation of a topical gel
the approaches used to treat AV.6 Reduction in P acnes has (SB204) that is under development for the treatment of
been directly correlated with clinical improvement in AV.7 AV. Pharmacokinetic (PK) study of systemic exposure to
Current Approaches to Non-Antibiotic Topical AV the topically applied NO-releasing formulation showed
Therapy. The major prescription topical agents used to that SB204 8%, applied twice daily over 17 percent body
treat AV are benzoyl peroxide (BP), retinoids, and antibiot- surface area for five days, did not increase plasma nitrate
ics. BP has antimicrobial anticomedogenic properties, with concentrations and created no changes in hematologic
its primary limitations being cutaneous irritation dryness indices, methemoglobin levels, or chemistry panels as com-
and bleaching of colored fabric.7,8 Retinoids have long pared to vehicle gel.13
been used to decrease comedone formation by inhibiting With favorable PK and safety profiles verified, a Phase 2,
follicular hyperkeratosis and to help reduce inflammation multicenter, randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled,
directly through receptor inhibition.8,9 parallel-group, three-arm study of topical SB204 was com-
Antibiotic Therapy for Acne Vulgaris. Antibiotics are pleted.14 Subjects >12 years of age with AV were random-
commonly used to treat AV, with mechanisms of action ized to twice daily treatment with SB204 1% gel (n=51),
including P acnes reduction, and in some cases direct SB204 4% gel (n=50), or vehicle gel (n=52). Subjects treated
anti-inflammatory effects (eg doxycycline, minocycline).7,8 with SB204 4% showed a significantly greater reduction in
Among topical antibiotics, clindamycin is the most com- both inflammatory and non-inflammatory (comedonal)
monly prescribed agent for AV. Doxycycline and minocy- lesions at week 12 as compared to both the SB204 1% and
cline comprise the majority of oral antibiotic use for AV. the vehicle.14 (See Figures 1-3.) Changes in facial sebum
These agents, when utilized with proper patient selection measurements using Sebutape measurements were also
and in combination with other agents for AV, are effective. obtained during the study. Subjects treated with SB204 gel
However, a major disadvantage associated with antibiotic with a net decrease in total sebum also had a mean reduc-
use for AV is antibiotic resistance, not just with P acnes, tion of inflammatory lesions of 60 percent, suggesting a
but with other strains of bacteria found on the skin.10 This potential correlation between reduction in sebum and
perpetuates the need to develop antimicrobial drugs that reduction in inflammatory lesions.14 Overall, participants
do not induce antibiotic resistance in microorganisms. in the study experienced favorable cutaneous tolerability
Nitric Oxide: A Potential Therapy for Acne Vulgaris. and safety, with the majority of adverse events being mild in
Nitric Oxide (NO) is a diatomic, short-acting molecule that severity.




Overall, the development of new treatments that
address multiple components of AV pathophysiology,
incorporate novel mechanisms of action, are effective and
safe, and avert antibiotic resistance is exciting and wel-
come. It is hopeful that new agents will soon become part
of our therapeutic armamentarium.

James Q. Del Rosso, DO, is in private practice at

Lakes Dermatology in Las Vegas, NV, and is the
Figure 1. Inflammatory Lesions Director of the Del Rosso Dermatology Research
% Reduction from Baseline at Week 12 (End of Study) Center, also in Las Vegas. He serves as a consultant
and researcher for Novan, Inc and several other
companies that market and/or develop therapies for acne vul-
garis. He may be reached via email at

1. JeremyAHT, HollandDB, RobertsSG, ThomsonKF, CunliffeWJ. Inflammatoryeventsareinvolvedinacnelesioninitia-

tion, JInvest Dermatol. 2003;121:20-27.
2. Trivedi NR, GillilandKL, ZhaoW, LiuW, Thiboutot D. Genearrayexpressionprofilinginacnelesionsrevealsmarked
upregulationof genesinvolvedininflammationandmatrixremodeling, JInvest Dermatol. 2006; 126:1071-1079.
3. Del RossoJQ, KircikLH. Thesequenceof inflammation, relevant biomarkers, andthepathogenesisof acnevulgaris: what
doesrecent researchshowandwhat doesit meantotheclinician? JDrugsDermatol. 2013;12(suppl 8):s109-s115.
4. Krishna S, KimC, KimJ. Innateimmunityinthepathogenesisof acnevulgaris. In: Shalita AR, Del RossoJQ, Webster GF.
AcneVulgaris. Informa Healthcare, London, UnitedKingdom, 2011, pp12-27.
5. YuY, Champer J, GarbánH, KimJ. Typingof Propionibacteriumacnes: a reviewof methodsandcomparativeanalysis. Br
JDermatol. 2015;172(5):1204-1209.
Figure 2. Non-inflammatory Lesions 6. QinM, PirouzA, KimMH, KrutzikSR, GarbánHJ, KimJ. PropionibacteriumacnesInducesIL-1β secretionvia theNLRP3
inflammasomeinhumanmonocytes. JInvest Dermatol. 2014;134(2):381-388.
% Reduction from Baseline at Week 12 (End of Study) 7. LeydenJJ, Del RossoJQ, Webster GF. Clinical considerationsinthetreatment of acnevulgarisandother inflammatory
skindisorders: focusonantibioticresistance. Cutis. 2007;79(6Suppl):9-25
8. GollnickH, CunliffeW, BersonD, DrenoB, FinlayA, LeydenJJ, et al. Management of acne: a report fromtheallianceto
improveoutcomesinacne. JAmAcadDermatol 2003;49(Suppl):S1-38.
9. Hui AM, Shalita AR. Topical retinoids. In: Shalita AR, Del RossoJQ, Webster GF. AcneVulgaris. Informa Healthcare,
London, UnitedKingdom, 2011, pp86-94.
10. WalshTR, EfthimiouJ, DrénoB. Systematicreviewof antibioticresistanceinacne: anincreasingtopical andoral threat.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2016;16(3):e23-33.
11. WinkDA, Mitchell JB. Chemical biologyof nitricoxide: insightsintoregulatory, cytotoxic, andcytoprotectivemecha-
nismsof nitricoxide. FreeRadicBiol Med. 1998;25:434-456.
12. Hernandez-Cuellar E, Tsuchiya K, Hara H, et al. Cuttingedge: nitricoxideinhibitstheNLRP3inflammasone. J Immunol.
13. RicoJ, DeLeonE, Geer C, Guttendorff R, StaskoN. Pharmacokineticsof SB204insubjectswithacnevulgaris(abstract).
23rdWorldCongressof Dermatology, Vancouver, Canada, June, 2015.
14. RicoJ, QuiringJ, HollenbachS, EnlowC, StaskoN. Phase2studyof efficacyandsafetyof SB204inthetreatment of
acnevulgaris(abstract). 71St Annual Meetingof Societyfor InvestigativeDermatology, Albuquerque, NewMedxico, May,
15. EichenfieldL, et al. F053. Late-BreakingResearch: Clinical Trials. Presentedat: AmericanAcademyof Dermatology74th
Annual Meeting; March4-8, 2016; Washington, D.C.

Figure 3. Subject treated with SB204 4% Gel BID at Baseline and

at Week 12 (End of Study)

An additional Phase 2 trial evaluated the safety and

efficacy SB204 1% gel, SB204 4% gel, and vehicle gel once-
daily or twice-daily, and in a larger study population.
Researchers reported in March 2016 at the American
Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting similar positive
results with the SB204 4% formulation, with the important
clarification that once-daily application was as effective as
twice-daily dosing.15 The results of these PK and Phase 2
studies are very encouraging, and a Phase 3 study evaluat-
ing SB204 4% gel for treatment of AV is underway.


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