Make TWO CONVERSATION Based On The Two Situations

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Make TWO CONVERSATION based on the two situations!

Situation 1

Zira is walking towards her house to inform her mother and father about the school notice to be able to
attend face-to-face school. However, her mother did not agree because the situation was not stable,
while Erik her brother also did not agree because he was busy playing games and working so he was lazy
to go back to school. But her father agreed and promised to help Zira to talk to her mother and brother.
(expand the last part)

Situation 2

Hot day with cold AC in the school meeting room. Mr. Daren suggested a face-to-face school in stages,
however, Mrs. Karti as the principal wanted the children to learn more effectively so that face-to-face
learning was immediately carried out simultaneously. Mrs.Diana did not agree with the two of them
considering that they were still in a pandemic situation, only to give advice to continue schooling online.
(expand the last part)

Well these are my answer sir !

Name : Musyanadah

NIM : 211010600040

MATKUL : Interactional Conversation


Zira: Assalamualaikum, I’m back home….. Mom where are you? I want to tell you about notification from
my school..

Mom : Waalaikum salam honeyyy, I’m in the kitchen. Come here bring the notification to me I want to
read it

Zira : Yes mom, this ( Give a letter notification )

Mom : Santy can u call your daddy, please? I have to discuss with your daddy to give approval about the
implementation of face-to-face learning..

Zira : Yes mom …

Mom : daddy how do you think about the implementation of face-to-face learning?

Daddy : I agree, because face-to-face learning should be implemented immediately….

Mom : Are you sure daddy ?!!! I disagree, because the current situation is still unstable..

Daddy : hhhmmmmm….

Daddy : Zira.. How about Erick ? Can u call him here, please ?

Zira : Yes daddy… ( Call Erick who is playing game )

Daddy : Erick how do you think about the implementation of face-to-face learning ?

Erick : What?! I disagree …!

Daddy : What the reason…??

Erick : I have already satisfying with online learning.. I can playing game and working everyday..

Daddy : It’s not a reason !

Zira : Daddy how is this ? 

Daddy : Zira.. calm.. I promise I will help you to talk and explain to them..

Zira : Really ?

Daddy : yeah sure.. Now, tell your mother and your big brother to gather in the family room I want to
talk to them..

Zira Alright thank you daddy, yeayy …

Daddy : you’re welcome honey…

( In the Family room )

Daddy : Now listen to me.. Mom you have to give an agree to the implementation face-to-face learning,,
because they need to learn in school, they need to get to know the school environment, teachers and
also their friends. so let them have experience in school, don’t worry, the school will also limit the
students and the school will also carry out these activities according to the applicable prokes.

Mom : Hhmmmmmm Well, now I change my mind.. I agree and I will let them..

Daddy : Good!.. Now, Erick listen to me ! I disagree with your statement.. you have to go to school,, I
don’t like to see the game has controlled you.. this is real life and you are the big brother, you must have
a strong stance and have firmness, don't be lazy! You understand ?!

Erick : Yes dady I understand, I’m so sorry ..

Daddy : Good!


Ibu Karti : Assalamualaikum, good afternoon all…

Pak Daren : Waalaikum salam, good afternoon Mrs.karti

Bu Diana : Waalaikum salam, good afternoon Mrs.karti

Ibu Karti : I would like to inform that for the implementation of face-to-face learning to be carried out
effectively and simultaneously.

Pak Daren : Im so sorry before, I really agree with the policy to immediately implement this face-to-face
learning, but please allow me to give advice regarding this policy to implement it gradually due to the
current situation which is still in the middle of a pandemic, it would be nice for us to follow the licensing
procedures that were late given by the government related to face-to-face learning.

Bu Diana : Im so sorry before, but I disagree about the impelentation of face-to-face learning,
considering our situation which is still in the middle of a pandemic like this, my advice if possible to
continue learning online.

Ibu Karti : Yes Mrs.Diana you’re alright indeed we are all still in the middle of a pandemic situation, but
so that learning can be more effective the government has relaxed the rules for conducting school
activities with face-to-face learning and in several other schools have also conducted this face-to-face
learning, and I agree with the suggestion from Mr.Daren.

Pak Daren : Yes Mrs.Diana, It's true that the government has relaxed the rules for conducting face-to-
face learning, but on condition that it is carried out gradually and in rotation, given the situation that is
still in the midst of a pandemic like this, in order to prevent the emergence of the latest cluster variant
of covid-19. Please understand.

Bu Diana : okay I understand, then I just follow this policy I hope this is the best choice for our school in
the future. Aamiin.

Ibu Karti : Aamiin, Alhamdulillah, if everyone agrees with this policy, please notify all teachers
immediately and ask for a letter to request permission to conduct face-to-face learning for parents.

Pak Daren : Aamiin, Alhamdulillah, well, don't forget to make a face-to-face learning schedule in stages.

Bu Diana : Alhamdulillah.

Ibu Karti : Well, thanks you very much for all attention.

Bu Diana : You’re welcome Mrs.Karti

Pak Daren : You’re welcome Mrs.Karti

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