Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation

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Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation (A)

3rd 4th March 2012

SYNOPSIS Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation (A) is a one-day course which aims to address the gap in young clinicians skills and basic clinical knowledge in treating older adult patients across various disciplines and clinical settings. This course will be conducted every alternate year, and is complemented by the Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation (B) which addresses other core topics pertinent to the rehabilitation of older adult patients. For this term, a half-day session on Highlights will also be included to provide updates on the management of specific conditions or techniques unique to the management of the older adult patient population. The topics include pelvic insufficiency fracture management, delirium management and pain management in the older adults. This session is not a permanent feature of the course. COURSE OBJECTIVE The main objective of this course is to equip young physiotherapists with knowledge on the ageing mechanism, the effects of ageing on rehabilitation, the pharmacological considerations for older adult patients, as well as the specialized assessments and functional outcome measures. TARGET PARTICIPANTS This course is recommended for physiotherapists - in acute, private or community setting - who are interested to familiarize themselves with geriatric rehabilitation considerations and concepts; and to sharpen their geriatric assessment and outcome measures skills. METHODOLOGY There will be lectures and practical sessions for participantss to assimilate the knowledge and apply the concept immediately. This course will also include interactive case studies and discussion sessions aimed at promoting problem-based learning among the participants. WORKSHOP DETAILS 3rd March 2012 (Saturday) : HIGHLIGHTS IN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 1.30pm 5.15pm @ Conference Room 1 (TTSH Level 1) 4th March 2012 (Sunday) : CORE COMPETENCIES IN GERIATRIC REHABILITATION (A) 8.00am 1.30pm @ Conference Room 1 (TTSH Level 1) 1.30pm 4.45pm @ Physiotherapy Outpatient Clinic (TTSH Level B1) Fees : $280 for SPA members $340 for Non-SPA members (inclusive of GST)
(Register before 31st Dec 2011 to enjoy an early bird discount of $20)

Closing date : 3rd February 2012

For Enquiry :

NOTE : All participants will receive certificate of attendance upon completion of course

TRAINERS DR TAN THAI LIAN MBBS (NUS), MRCP (UK), FAMS Senior Consultant & Head of Department, TTSH Geriatric Medicine Clinical Director, Ren Ci Hospital Vice-Chairman, Chapters of Geriatrician, Singapore Academy of Medicine Dr Tan has a strong passion to impart his knowledge and has won multiple awards in recognition of his effort and contribution : TTSH Best Teachers Award 2004 and TTSH Top 10 Best Teachers Awards 2007 & 2009. Dr Tan is currently the Course Coordinator for the Postgraduate Diploma Course in Geriatric Medicine and the Chairperson for the Staff Registrar Scheme Training Committee for Geriatric Medicine. His area of subspecialty interest is Urinary Incontinence. Dr Tan spent the year 2001 in Pittsburgh, USA - training under prominent geriatrician, Dr Nei Resnick and physicist, Dr Derek Griffiths - after which he produced a few publications on urinary continence. Dr Tans current interest is looking at the best way to improve the process of care for frail elderly patients in the highly complex health care sector, with the goal of achieving the best possible integrated care. MS TAN KENG TENG B.Sc. Pharmacy (NUS) Senior Pharmacist (Clinical), TTSH Ms Tan is a certified Geriatric Pharmacist and had undergone a one-year advance training in Geriatric Pharmacy Practice at the University of Southern California and its affiliated institutions. With a strong interest and passion to help elderly patients achieve the best outcome from their medications, Ms Tan works closely with the TTSH Geriatric Medicine Department to achieve this goal. MS SAW LAI AIK B.Phty, M.Sc. Clinical Exercise Science Principal Physiotherapist, TTSH
(Australia), MSPA

Ms Saw has 14 years of clinical experience as a physiotherapist and is currently heading the Geriatrics team in TTSH Physiotherapy Department. Ms Saw frequently conducts public talks on exercises for the elderly and other patient populations such as Parkinsons and dementia. She is also one of the speakers for the Geriatric Seminar-cum-Workshop 2003, 2005 & 2008, organized by TTSH Physiotherapy Department. Ms Saw has a special interest in the rehabilitation of geriatric patients in both acute hospital and community settings. She recently assisted the TTSH Geriatric Department in the setting up of physiotherapy programme for the community. MS RACHEL SOH B.Phty, M.Phty. Gerontology Principal Physiotherapist, TTSH
(Australia), MSPA

Ms Soh has 15 years of clinical experience as a physiotherapist, during which she headed the Orthopaedic Inpatient Team (2003 2006. Jan-Aug 2008). Ms Soh had conducted exercise classes for the elderly patients with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis of the knee and post-hip operations secondary to falls in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She is also one of the speakers at the 2003, 2005 & 2008 Geriatric-Orthopaedic Workshops, organized by TTSH Physiotherapy Department. Ms Soh also gave public talks on exercises for patients with osteoarthritis (event ran by TTSH Rheumatology Department) and exercises for patients with osteoporosis (event organized by Singapore Health Promotion Board). In 2008, Ms Soh initiated a 10-week community exercise programme for healthy community-dwelling elderly that resulted in a significant improvement in their functional status and outcome measures. Currently, Ms Soh is on board the TTSH multi-disciplinary Integrated Hip Care-path Committee that overseas the care of patients with hip fracture in the acute and community setting, fro point of discharge to long-term follow-up.

TRAINERS MS AGNES TEO B.Sc. Phty, M.Phty. Gerontology Senior Physiotherapist, TTSH
(Australia), M.Sc. Pain Management (Australia)

Ms Teo had presented at the World Confederation of Physical Therapist (WCPT 2003) and conducted talks at public events on the topic of exercises for osteoporosis and Parkinsons disease. She also spoke at the 2005 & 2008 Geriatric Seminar-cum-Workshop, conducted by TTSH Physiotherapy Department. Her special interest is in the field of geriatric rehabilitation. MS LEE SINYI B.App. Sc.Physiotherapy (Australia) Senior Physiotherapist, TTSH In the 5 years that she has spent in the hospital, Ms Lee has gained vast clinical exposure in the areas of cardiopulmonary, intensive care, orthopaedics and geriatrics (in inpatient, outpatient & community setting). Ms Lee also worked with the TTSH Community and Continuing Care Department to run community-based fall prevention exercise classes and provide physiotherapy services for patients post-hospital discharge. Ms Lee has been actively conducting talks for fellow healthcare professionals, including the 2010 Geriatric Workshop organized by TTSH Physiotherapy. Ms Lee will be pursuing the Masters in Applied Gerontology from Flinders University, Adelaide starting 2012. Sparked by a keen interest in working with older adults with cognitive impairment, delirium and patients under palliative management in the acute and community settings, Ms Lee hopes to inspire and encourage greater collaboration between healthcare professionals from the primary and tertiary sectors of healthcare to the intermediate and long-term care sectors. The goal is to further improve the quality of life of the geriatric population. MS KHOO TING YIN B.Sc. Physiotherapy (Malaysia) Physiotherapist, TTSH Ms Khoo joined TTSH in 2010 and has completed her rotations through the NeuroGeriatric, Orthopaedic and Cardiopulmonary teams. She had gained a fair exposure to treating elderly patients from acute setting to rehabilitation unit. Ms Khoo has a passion for rehabilitating the elderly patients with cognitive impairment and delirium.

MS LAU HIU YAN B.Phty Hons (Hong Kong) Physiotherapist, TTSH Ms Lau is a certified Pilates Reformer Instructor conferred by the Australian Training for Fitness Professionals. She has also completed The Arts and Science of Tai Chi certification course in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Upon graduating in 2010, Ms Lau joined TTSH and underwent rotations through the Neuro-Geriatric, Orthopaedic and Cardiopulmonary teams. Her passion is in serving the elderly and treating musculoskeletal cases in both the hospital and community setting. Ms Lau is a volunteer in the community, conducting exercise classes for the elderly and she envisions to transfer her knowledge into the practical settings.


1.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 4.15pm 5.15pm

Registration Management of Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures (Ms Lau HY & Ms Khoo TY) Tea Break Delirium and Its Management (Ms Lee SY) Pain in the Elderly (Ms Agnes Teo)


8.00am 8.30am 8.30am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 10.45am 11.45am 11.45am 12.45pm

Registration Theory of Aging : Medical & Biopsychosocial Perspectives of Geriatric Syndromes (Dr Tan TL) Geriatric Rehabilitation : Implications for Physiotherapy (Ms Rachel Soh) Tea Break Geriatric Assessment in Physiotherapy : What Do You Look Out For ? (Ms Saw LA) Phamacological Management : Effects of Aging & Implications for Geriatric Rehabilitation
(Ms Tan KT)

12.45pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 3.45pm 4.45pm

Lunch Functional Outcome Measures (Ms Rachel Soh) Practical - Functional Outcome Measures (Ms Rachel Soh) Tea Break Case Discussion Geriatric Assessment, Management & Functional Outcome Measures
(Ms Saw LA)

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