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YOUR, ENGLISH DLA DOROSLYCH POZIOM PODSTAWOWY PLUS Dorota Guzik Spis tresei Strona Sciezka Gramatyka 1, New friends 5 1-7 Present Simple tobe 2, Family relations 22 8-14 have got /has got Thyb rozkazujgcy 3. Everyday routine 39 15-21 Present Simple — pytania 4. People are different 5622-28 to look /to look like Praystowki 5. Avisit toadoctor 73-29-35 should shouldn't to need to 6. In fashion 90 36-42 Rzeczowniki przedimki i okreéIniki Teksty nagraf 108 Przyimki czasu 112 i miejsca Jak korzystaé z kursu Angielski dla dorostych? Kurs Angielski dla doroslych. Poziom podstawowy plus przeznaczony jest dla o86b, ktdre chey prypomnieé sobie podstawy i jednoczesnie na- uuczyé sig postugiwaé jgzykiem angielskim w praktycznych sytuacjach, Kaida z dwunastu lekeji rozwija potrzebne umiejgtnosei jezykowe, a réinorodne éwiezenia w podrgczniku ina plytach CD-audio rozszerza- Ja znajomosé stownictwa, pokazuja, jak tworzyé zdania, wykorzystujac znajomoSé gramatyki, ksztalcq rozumienie ze stuchu i pomagajg przela- maé barierg jezykowg, Aby nauka nie sprawiala probleméw i praynosita jak najlepsze efekty, wszystkie éwiezenia oznaczone sq wlasciviq ikonka: oO ‘Cwiczenia z glosnikiem wykonuj z plyta CD-audio (liezba przy ikonce plytki oznacza odpowiedni numer nagrania), S Gwiezenia z oléwkiem wykonuj pisermnie. Dokladnie przeczytaj polecenie i zapoznaj sig 2 praykladem. Ewiczenia z chmurkami wykonuj ustnie z plyta CD-audio. (S) Te zadania uczq reagowania na wypowiedzi, wige uwaznie stuchaj pytait lub poleces lektora &) Cwiezenia z ksigzka wykonuj ustnie z tekstem w podrecz- niu Po wykonaniu éwiczeé swoje odpowiedzi sprawdé w Kluczu do éwiezesi znajdujacym sig na koricu lekej. W kaécej lekefi znajdziesz réwniez sek- cig Everyday English wprowadzajacq stownictwo przydatne w codzien- nych sytuacjach oraz. dodatkowe ramki ulatwiajqce nauke: PR Uwagat — wyjasniajg ok najlepiej korzystaé z éwiezen, FE Parietal —preentaywyuth jnhowe, sczestoe prey lady wiycia gramatyki i czgsto mylone slowa i zwroty. Stowniczek — zawiera tlumaczenia trudniejszych stow i zwrotéw, Dodatkowo na koficu podrgcznika znajduja sig Teksty nagraii do éw. 9, a takie tabele: Przyimki czasu i miejsca w czeéei 1 podrgcznika oraz Czasowniki nieregularne w ezeéci 2. New friends )) Cwiczenie 1 ny Postuchaj dialogu i zaznacz, czy zdania ponizej sq zgodne z treseiq nagrania (True — prawdziwe) czy nie sq zgodne (False ~ bledne). “1. Chris works with Betty in the Betty doesn't know Robert's girlfriend, Robert and Kate | Wykonuj éwiczenia sprawedzajgce rozumienie ze stuchu, nie patrzac do tekstu nagrania. Zanim zaczniesz, stuchaé, przeczy- taj doktadnie polecenie i tres¢ zadania. Po wykonaniu éwiczenia sprawdé odpowiedzi w Kluczu do éwiezei na koficu lek )) Gwiczenie 2 Przeczytaj dialog. Nowe stowa i zwroty mozesz sprawdzié w stow- niczku na nastgpnej stronie. ‘A. Hello! Robert, is that really you? B. Hi, Betty. Yes, it's me. But look at you! How beautiful you are... I'm so glad to see you. A. Thank you. But please meet my friend, Chris. We work together. B. Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, Chris C. Hello, Robert B. And Betty, how are you doing? ‘A. I’m fine, thanks. I work as a personal assistant in the marketing department. You know... nothing special but I like my job. And of course I ave some great colleagues... Thank you, Betty. You're wonderful, in fact. We all love you. . You see. And what about you, Robert? I'ma senior manager in a computer company. . Oh, that's great! Yes. And I'm with Kate. Kate Brown, do you remember her? Yes, certainly. The clever Kate. Yes. We live in the centre. We're happy together. Great news! OK, Robert. It's good to see you but we must be going. Sure, And Betty, what's your phone number? My mobile is 697 325 187. 697 325 187. Right? . That's right. See you next time See you. Bye. Bye, Robert. D> wP>E>O A Stowniczek to look; Look at you! patrzeé; Spojrz tylko (na siebie)! to meet sb spotkaé, poznaé kagos together razem to work (as...) pracowaé (jako...) How are you doing? Jak leci? personal assistant osobisty asystent department oddzial, departament to know; You know... unaé, wiedzies; No, wies2. nothing special nic szczegdlnego of course, certainly ocaywiscie colleague wspélpracownik great, wonderful wspanialy in fact tak naprawde, w rzeczywistosei senior manager dyrektor company firma, przedsiebiorstwo to see; You see. widzieg, rozumiet; Sam widzisz, to remember pamigtaé clever bystry tolive mieszkaé, 2yé news wiesei, nowiny to go; We must be going. _is¢, jecha¢; Musimy lecieé, See you next time. Do gobaczenia nastepaym razem, Uwaga! W slowniczku mozesz sprawdzié nieznane stowa i zwroty. Zire uwage na rine skroty stosowane w wyjasnieniach, np. — somebody (ktos) — something (co8) Witanie sie i zegnanie Cwiczenie 3 Da Stuchaj i powtarzaj typowe zwroty stosowane przy powitaniach i pozegnaniach. Zwréé uwage na réine wyrazenia stosowane w sytuacjach formalnych i nieformalnych. Chciatbym/-abym przedstawié I'd like to introduce panig Windsor. Mrs Windsor. Witam, How do you do? Mito mi cig / panig / pana Nice to meet you. / Pleased poznaé. to meet you. Poznaj mojego najlepszego Meet my best friend. preyjaciela. To jest Piotr, méj kolega z pracy. Thi To sq nasi sqsiedzi. Jak sig miewasz? Peter, my colleague. These are our neighbours. How are you? Dobrze. Fine. / I'm fine. / OK. Jak leci? How's it going? / How are you doing? W porzadku, dzigki, Auciebie? I'm OK, thanks. And you? Bardzo dobre I'm very well. / I'm doing very well. Co u ciebie? What's up? W porzadku. / Niedle It's OK. / Not too bad. Musze lecieé. must be going. Do zobaczenia, See you. Do zobaczenia wkrétce. See you soon. Do zobaczenia jutro. See you tomorrow. To do zobaczenia. See you then. Cwiezenie 4 Podziel podane wypowiedzi na formalne i potoczne. Wypisz je w tabeli ponizej. = ae od == = Ss) ° ° | je \° | Jo = 1. New Gramatyka PRESENT SIMPLE Czynnosci zwyezajowe, codzienne oraz stale trwajqce w naszym Zy- ciu wyrazamy w czasie terazniejszym Present Simple. Zdania twierdzace tworzymy przy udyciu czasownika w formic podstawowej, a w 3-ciej osobie liczby pojedynezej do czasownika dodajemy koricéwke -s lub -es (wyjqtkiem jest czasownik have, kté- ty w 3-ciej osobie liczby pojedynczej praybiera forme has). sort ». a We / They in a hospital alot of friends.| ie asownik popraedzamy przeczeniem don't (do + not) lub doesn’t (does + not) w 3-ciej osobie liezby pojedynczej. in the a family centre here. Czasownik to be w czasie teraéniejszym odmicnia sig praez osoby i samodzielnie tworzy przeczenia i pytania. ©) Gwiczenie 5 § Stuchaj i powtarzaj przyktadowe zdania w czasie teraéniejszym Present Simple. Pracujg jako lekarz w szpitalu Twork as a doctor in w Berlinie. a hospital in Berli Ona lubi swojg pracg She likes her job. Jack chodzi do szkoly Jack goes to schoo! neighbourhood. My neighbours are retired. I'm not a senior manager. He doesn't study medicine. ‘We don’t live in the centre. They aren't students. w sqsiedztwie. Moi sqsiedzi sq na emeryturze. Janie jestem dyrektorem. On nie studiuje medyeyny. My nie mieszkamy w centrum. Oni nie sq studentami, Cwiezenie 6 Uzupelnij zdania w czasie teraéniejszym odpowiedniq forma czasownika w nawiasie. (live) in New York. (not learn) Spanish. (work) in a computer company. onsen (not be) retired. (study) psychology at Warsaw University. 6. My children... (go) to school in the centre. 7. Our friend (not know) Polish. 8. Mr White ... (work) as an English teacher. Dane osobowe Cwiczenie 8 Gwiczenie 7 S ‘Uzupelnij dialogi odpowiednim slowem z ramki- Sluchaj i powtarzaj praydatne zwroty. imig, nazwisko a name numer a telephone ; imig afirst name telefonu number ay “What s yournamesnd your “ nazwwisko asurname ——_komérka a mobile phone TanuRevin Jason: zawéd ajob numer konta an account 2. ‘What's his sonnel wiek age number "He works as a teacher in a language school.” adres anaddress —ubezpieczenie insurance 3. "What .oosssssnnonsnsun is Professor Aston?! adres staly apermanent dokument an ID ‘He's American.’ address tozsamos 4, ‘Whats their. so adres atemporary —paszport a passport ‘They live at 13 King Street, London.’ tymezasowy address prawo jazdy a driving 8 Suiiieyos licence? ae oe : 5. ‘Ts this your snus re — ‘No, [can't drive.” what's ha ? Zaimki osobowe i dzieraweze 6. ‘What's her... swe phone number? ‘It's 682 349 648." 7. ‘What's your sess .. number?” ‘Idon't know." 8. ‘Is it their permanent address in Brighton?” ‘No, it's Cwiczenie 9 8 Everyday English - Wyrazenia konwersacyjne Teraz postuchaj dialogu i uzupetnij karte z danymi osobowymi. Giezeni © Po wykonaniu éwiczenia mozesz zajrzeé do tekstu nagrania na 2) Cwviezenie 10 & koficu ksiqzki. Stuchaj i powtarzaj zwroty przydatne w codziennych rozmowach. Daigkuje (bardzo). ‘Thank you (very much). sll Naizie Alez prosze. You're welcome. Przyjeranosé po mojej stronie. My pleasure. Daigki. Thanks. / Thanks a lot. Nie ma za co. Not at all. Przepraszam. I'm sony. Bardzo przepraszam. I'm very sorry. Przepraszam za spdénienie. I'm sorry I'm late. Nic nie szkodzi. Never mind. Przepraszam (zwracajac czyjgs. —- Exeuse me. cuwage). Slucham (proszac 0 powtérzenie)? Pardon? Prosze (podajac co8). Here you are. W porzadku. Zgadza sig That's right. / That's OK. Naprawde? Really? Dobrze. All right. / OR. : Czy moze mi pan/pani poméc? Can you help me? Stowniczek Oczywiseie. Of course. / Certainly. / Sure. Obawiam sig. I'm afrai Rozumiem. Tsee. Nie martw sig Don't worry. Rozchmury sig. Cheer up. To nie ma znaczenia, It doesn’t matter. Co to jest? What is it? Nie wiem. I don't know. Nic mam pojecia. No idea. Cwiczenie 11 Dopasuj zdania (1-9) w kolumnie A do wypowiedzi (A-J) wkolumnie B. Kaida odpowied? zastosuj tylko raz, phone? number. 2. Is this your mobile 3. Thanks a lot, is my insurance 9. Idon't have a job. 1. I'm sony I'm late. AN. A. That's right. C. Notatall. D. Cheer up! E. Allright. G. Thank you. EF You're welcome. H. Don't worry. Never mind. please. J. No idea, t down, ©) Gwiezenie 12 ® ‘Teraz wed udzial w dialogach i zareaguj na uslyszane wypowiedzi, Przykladowe odpowiedi mozesz sprawdzié w tekScie éwiczenia. 1. This is Angela, my new friend from work. Hello Angela. Nice to meet you 2. I'd like to introduce Doctor Ferguson. How do you do? 3. What's up? Not too bad, thanks. 4. Here you are. This is your English book. ‘Thanks a lo. 5. Can you help me? Yes, of course 6. Thank you very much for everything. My pleasure. 7. Hi, How are you doing? T'n fine, thanks. And you? Powtorka Cwiezenie 13 Wybierz poprawng odpowiedé a, b lub e. 1. ‘How «it going?’ ‘Fine, thanks.” a) are b) is 0) do 2. ‘I'd like to Professor Watson.” “How do you do?’ ) introduce b) meet ©) see 3. Where ... your cousins from? a) is b) am ©) are 4 Da with my friends in an Italian restaurant. a) meets b) meet ©) meeting 5. Peter ann like his neighbours. a) don't ©) doesn’t 6, ‘Is this your driving licence?” a) That’s right. b) Allright. ©) Not at all. Te‘ sosnnnnnn are Our colleagues, John and Andrew." ‘Hello. Nice to meet you.” a) This b) These o) Here I'm afraid I remember your girlfriend a) don't b) doesn’t ©) aren't 9. Angela together with Chris. a) work b) working ©) works 10. Mark's 18 and he a driving licence 2) have b) has ©) haves Cwiezenie 14 Odpowiedz na pytania o sobie i swoich znajomych. 1. What's your full name? 2. What's your phone number at work? 3. What's your permanent address? 4. How old is your best friend? 5. What nationality are your neighbours? 6. Where are they from? Kluez do éwiezen Gwiezenie 4 Styl formalny Styl potoczny * I'm pleased to meet you, * Bye. See you then. Mrs White. * [must be going. * [’dlike to introduce Mr Brown, * How are you doing? * Goodbye. * I'm OK, thanks. And you? * How do you do? 1. lives 5. studies 2. don't / do not lean 6. go 3. work 7. doesn’t / does not know 4, aren't / are not 8. works surname 5. driving . job 6, mobile nationality 7. insurance address 8. temporary 1. Jan /John 4, 68 Saska Street 2. 23 5, London 3. Polish 6. 48 602 533 198 ere I A (or Cwiezenie 13 1. b) 5. oo) 9 9 2. a) 6. a) 10. b) 3. ¢) 7. b) 4b) 8 a) My name's. vs. 1 (Chris Brown). 2 . (502 369 224) 3. It’s... (15 Dluga Street, Gdansk) 4. He/She is/’s... (fifty four) 5. They're... (English). 6. They're from... (York in England). co é 2 Family relations Gwiczenie 1 8 Postuchaj dialogu i zaznacz poprawne odpowiedzi. Mary and Robert are at a picnic / family party. Robert has got a small / big family. Mark is Robert's son / nephew. Mary's daughter is a pupil / student. morrow is Robert's / Mary's birthday party. wens ©) Stowniezek > Ewiezenie 2 Przeczytaj dialog. A. Hi, Mary! It’s good to see you B. Hello, Robert. Are you with your family here? A. Yes. They love family picnics, all these competitions and concerts, music and sweets, It's great fun for the children, B. Yes. And how many children have you got? ‘Three. Two daughters, they're twelve and ten, and a little boy. He's only five years old. B, Three? Well, congratulations! But it’s not easy to raise three children nowadays... And who's that boy with your wife over there? A. Oh. That's my nephew, Mark, my sister's son. My daughters like their cousin very much so they spend a lot of time together. B. That's good, family relations are very important, A. Yes, everybody would like to grow up in a happy family. And how about you, Mary? Are you married? Yes but my family isn't very big, only me and my husband and we've got one daughter, she’s at university now. A. Great! I'd like to meet your husband. Tomorrow is my birthday so come to a small party together. B. Really? Happy birthday then! We'd love to come but I'm afraid we're busy tomorrow so thank you for the invitation Maybe next ti Cztonkowie rodziny Ewiezenie 3 & Stuchaj i powtarzaj nazwy ezlonkéw rodziny. Zwréé uwage na xwroty koficzace sig na -in-law, gdy méwimy 0 pokrewieristwie x rodzing meza lub Zony. rodzice parents ciocia an aunt matka mother wujek an uncle ojciee a father bratanica / aniece brat a brother siostrzenica siostra a sister bratanek / anephew mae ahusband siostrzeniec gona aawife in / kuzynka syn ason cérka daughter ‘iowa babeia a grandmother dziadek —agrandfather —_synowa daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law wnuczka agranddaughter szwagier wnuk —agrandson szwagierka / bratowa my friend’s uncle wujek (ogo? | rodzina (eogo?/ez her parents’ family Ewiezenie 4 Uzupetnij zdania opisujace ezlonkéw rodziny Brownéw. a-3 Monica Brown ees __ Hany Brown 190i Ign _ Ane Suzy om fem_ Betty at OL Peter Brendon Chris Mary 1. Monica is Frank's Angela and Suzy are Frank and Monica’s . 3. Betty is Angela’s Suzy is Peter's and Brendon’s Mary is Peter's and Brendon’s 6, John is Mary's and Chris's 7. Frank is Brendon's .... 8. Monica is Betty's and John’s 9. Peter and Brendon are Tom’s ..... 10. Chris is Frank and Monica’ Gramatyka HAVE GOT / HAS GOT Mowige o posiadaniu, stosujemy zwrot have got czyli mieé. Cza- sownik have w 3-ciej osobie liczby pojedynczej przybiera forme has, aw formie przeczace} do have i has dodawane jest przeczenie not (17 You / W pytaniach ,czy...2" czasownik have / has przestawiany jest na poczatek zdania. Na tak postawione pytania udzielamy krétkiej od- powiedz Korzystajgc x tabel gramatyeznych, zwrdé uwage na wszystkie jaime informacje wyszczegélnione w osobnych sekejach. Prze- ytaj uwaznie przyklady, nastepnie éwicz gramatyke z plyta, powtarzajge przykladowe zdania. Aby sprawdzié, czy pamig- tasz zasady tworzenia zdaf, wykonaj Gwiezenie pisemne, nie zagladajgc do tabeli, W razie probleméw zawsze mozesz. wr6cié do poprzednich sekeji i powtérzyé materiat lekeji <) Ewiezenie 5 1® Stuchaj i powtarzaj przyktadowe zdania uzywane, gdy rozmawia- my 0 pokrewieristwie, zwiqzkach i relacjach rodzinnych. Czy masz duaa rodzing? Have you got a big family? ‘Tak, mam mnéstwo krewnych. Yes, I've got a lot of relatives. Czy twoja zona ma rodzefistwo? Has your wife got any brothers or sisters? Ma brata. She's got a brother. Czy on jest zonaty? Is he married? Nie, jest kawalerem. No, he’s single. Czy macie dzieci? Have you got any children? Mamy eérke i syna. We've got a daughter and a son. Oni maja partneréw. They're with partners. Czy masz wnuki? Have you got any grandchildren? Mam wnuczke. I've got a granddaughter. Ona jest po rozwodzie, She's divorced. Méj kuzyn jest wdowcem. My cousin is a widower. On jest w zwigaku. He's ina relationship. Siostra mojego wuja jest wdowa. My uncle’s sister is a widow. llu masz kuzynéw? How many cousins have you got? QY Gwiczenie 6 Zycie rodzinne Ut6z pytania z rozsypanki. © Gwiczenie7 1 1, brother / Is / married / your /? Sluchaj i powtarzaj zwroty opisujace zycie rodzinne, 7 sea ee byé zakochanym w. ove with... B, youe] thoes oephewai/ Are bapa? zakochaé sig to fall in love zargczyé sig to get engaged odenié sig, wyj8é za mgé to marry / to get married 3. you/ got / big / Have / a family /? mieé lub to have a wedding mieé to have a reception . to get pregnant 4. brothers / husband / Has / got / your / any / or / sisters /? mode dick regi Matis usp . wychowywaé dzieci to raise children 5, grandchildren / Have / any / got / you /? dorastaé to grow up obchodzié rocznicg slubu to celebrate a wedding anniversary to invite to a birthday party 6. divorced / your /Is / uncle /? rozejsé sig to break up rozwies€ sig to divorce / to get divorced 7. cousins / you / How many / have / got /? £5) Pamigtaj! 8. that / father-in-law / Is / man / your /? Pr ese eae $e ern cs swrotu would like ei . | Choemy mie¢ wielkie preyjecie. I'd like to get enj Cheialabym sig zargezyé. = ge = ans Mlaat | Would you like to get pregnant? | Czy chcialabys zajéé w cigag? Gwiczenie 8 ‘Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednim stowem z ramki. 1. My niece would like to in love When my baby is and raise him, , Twant to stay at home Do you want to celebrate your anniversary? sw Would you like to get .. ammmntt When is your party? 6. [’d like to invite you to my wedding John and Angela have a lot of problems but they don't want tO vececeeeeeeeeeee UP. 8. When my son grows , want to travel around the world. Gwiczenie 9 189) “Teraz postuchaj dialog6w (1-5) i zaznacz, w ktérym z nich styszysz. podane zwroty (A-E) stosowane przy okazji sktadania zyczen. Dialog 1 Same to you! Dialog 2 B. Happy birthday then! Dialog 3 ©. Merry Christmas! Dialog 4 D. Happy anniversary! Dialog 5 | E, Good luck! Everyday English - Formutowanie zaproszen ©) Ewiczenie 10 18) Shuchaj i powtarzaj zwroty przydatne, gdy formulujemy zaprosze- nia, Zwr6é uwagg, jakich wyrazeh uzyé, aby zaproszenie przyjqé lub je uprzejmie odrzuci Cheialbymy-abym zaprosié cig na wesele. Czy cheialbyé/-abys prayjs Zabierz/-cie prayjaciét na przyjgcie Dzigkuj za zaproszenie. Bardzo bym cheial/-a. ‘To dobry pomysl. Z prayjemnoscig, Byloby Swietnie. Przepraszam, ale nie mog Przepraszam, ale jestem zmeczony/-a Obawiam sig, Ze jestem wtedy zaigty/-a. Obawiam sig, Ze nie moge. Yo dobry pomys! Bardzo bym chcial/-a, ale, I'd like to invite you to my wedding reception. Would you like to come? Would you like to come for a drink? Come to my birthday party. Come and join us. Bring your friends to the party. ‘Thank you for the invitation, I'd love to. That's a good idea. With pleasure. Sure, why not? Sounds good to me. ‘That would be great. Sorry, but I can't. Sorry, but I’m too tired. I'm afraid I'm busy then. I'm afraid I can't. ‘That's a good idea but. T'd love to but... & 4. ‘It’s my birthday tomorrow so come to a small party.’ tuacji nieformalr r ce 5. ‘Bring Sandra with you. We'd like to meet her.” 6. ‘I’ve got two tickets for the tennis match tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?” te Preyidé-cie dzisiaj wieczorem na impreze. Don't be late! Nie spééni-cie sig! 7. ‘Come toa barbeque on Saturday.” S Gwiezenie 11 . . 8. ‘Would you like to go for a walk? Uzupetnij dialogi (1-8) odpowiedziami na zaproszenie (A-H). “ Katdg odpowiedé zastosuj tylko jeden raz. Great, thank you! What present would you like? ‘Thank you for the invitation. When exactly is it? Yes, that would be great. Where would you like to go? I'm sorry but I'm busy at the weekend. OK. She would be very happy. Yes, with pleasure. Is 5 p.m. OK? . Sorry, but I’m too tired today. Td love to. What time does it start? manmonep Slowniczek 1. ‘Come and join us at the party tonight.” ‘I'd like to invite you to my weddi anniversary.’ “Would you like to come for a coffee?” ©) Gwiezenie 12 1 Teraz odpowiedz na pytania lektora. Przyktadowe odpowiedzi moiesz sprawdzié w tekScie éwiczenia, 1. Are you married? If yes ~ what's your wife’s or husband's name? Yes, I’m married, My wife's name is Joanna. 2, Have you got any children? If yes ~ how old are they? We've got a son, he’s sixteen, and a daughter, she’s fourteen. 3. Have you got a big family? Yes, I've got alot of relatives, aunts and uncles. 4, How many cousins have you got? I don’t know. About fifteen, maybe. 5, Who’s your favourite cousin? Peter, we're great friends, too. 6. Would you like to have a big birthday party? Sure, why not? What present would you like? A ticket to a football match would be great. Powtérka Cwiczenie 13 Dopasuj pytania (1-8) w kolumnie A do odpowiedzi (AI) w ko- lumnie B. Kazdq odpowied? zastosuj tylko raz. A. No, he's my father- | indaw. Are you married? iB T'd love to. I’m in love with Tom, she got any brothers or siste |2. Is that man your uncle? C. No, I'm single. D, No, those three men 3. Is ? Is your friend divorced’ are my fiends Are they all your E, No, he's in a relation- family? F. No, they haven't got a big family. How many nieces have you got? G. Only one brother. His name's Andrew. 6. Would you like to get engaged? Do they want to have H. Two, they're my a big reception? ster's daughters. Is your son married? 1. No, she’s a widow. Gwiczenie 14 Dokojicz zdania i zapros znajomych: 1 6. na swoje urodziny Come na drinka Would you like to .. zeby cig dzisiaj odwiedzili Come and ..... na I'd like to. Zeby dotaezyli do was na przyjeciu le swojej cérki Come and... Zeby zabrali rodzing na imprezg w ogrodzie w sobotg Bring Kluez do éwiczent Gwiezenie 1 1. picnic 2. big 3. nephew 4. student 5. Robert's Re L. wife 6. uncle 2. daughters/children 7. grandfather 3. sister in-law 8. mother in-law 4. aunt 9. nephews 5. cousin 10. grandson 1, Is your brother married? 2. Are those boys your nephews? 3. Have you got a big family? 4. Has your husband got any brothers or sisters? 5. Have you got any grandchildren? 6. Is your uncle divorced? 7. How many cousins have you got? 8, Is that man your father-in-law? 9, Is your neighbour a widow? 10. Are you na relationship? 4. married 7. break 5. birthday 8 up 6. reception 1G 4A 7D 2B 5. E 8. C 3. F 6H to my birthday party. come for a drink? visit me today. invite you to my daughter's wedding reception, join us at the party. your family to the garden party on Saturday. Everyday routine Cwiezenie 1 1) Postuchaj dialogu i zaznacz poprawne odpowiedzi a, b lub c. 1, Ann leaves for work at about ..... the morning, a) 7 o'clock b) 7.30 am. c) 7.45 a.m. Every day she travels to work by a) bus b) train ©) bus and train 3. Before she leaves home, Ann has a : breakfast a) big b) small c) no 4. Every day she a) does the cleaning b) cooks dinner _c) goes to bed early 5. Ann's children help her to a) walk the dog —_b) do the shopping c) cook 6. Ann's children don’t want to a) playat night —_b) gotoschool _c) goto bed early ©) Ewiczenie 2 Przeczytaj dialog. A. Ann, do you have a lot of work? B. Yes, I work a lot. I start very early every day; Ik about 7 o'clock and I'm back home late in the afternoon, A. Poor you! When do you have time to do the shopping, the cleaning and so on...? B. Usually at weekends, From Monday to Friday I’m too busy and tired. A. And how do you travel to the office? B. I take a bus to the station, and then I go by train to the centre. Te takes a lot of time every day. we home at Do you have breakfast at home before you leave? Just a coffee and a sandwich And do you cook for your family? And what about your children? Do they help you? Sort of A B A B, Yes. Every day we have dinner together and then we relax. A B they do some cleaning and walk the dog, A. That's nice. What time do they go to bed? B. Oh. We always argue about that because they want to play late at night. But, you know, they get up early in the morning and they're always very sleepy and cannot wake up. Terrible... Yes, I know. Don't worry, my children are the same. Oh well, that's life! => Stowniczek alot (of) early late to leave home / for work to be back home Poor you! to do the shopping cleaning and s0 on... usually too office station to go by train to take before just sandwich sort of to walk a dog always to argue about sth to get up sleepy ‘cannot to wake up terrible same That's life! duzo, mndstwo poény; poéno wychodzié 2 domu / do pracy Biedactwo! robié zakupy stacja (kolejowa, autobusowa) jechaé pociqgiem ad; pojechaé (czym§); (0 czasie) zanim tylko kanapka twoche wyprowadzaé psa zavisze spieraé sig 0 cos wetawaé Spigey nie moc budzi okropny taki sam ‘Takie jest Zycie! Codzienne czynnosci Gwiezenie 3 1 Stuchaj i powtarzaj ezasowniki opisujgce codzienne czynnosei. wstawaé to get up braé prysznic / kapiel to have a shower /a bath myé zeby to brush teeth ubieraé sig to get dressed jeS Sniadanie to have breakfast to leave for work to travel to work to have a lunch break to come back home to do the shopping to cook dinner to clean the house wychodzié do pracy podrézowaé do pracy mieé przerwe na lunch vwracaé do domu robié zakupy gotowaé obiad spraqtaé dom wyprowadzaé psa to walk the dog zostawaé w domu to stay at home wychodzié z domu (towarzyske) to go out 186 spaé to go to bed Cwiczenie 4 ‘Uléi, zwroty z ramki w typowej kolejnosci ich wykonywania, have alunch — break cook | dothe breakfast | sho, Teave for work | ween Gramatyka PRESENT SIMPLE — Pytania Pytania ,czy..2" w ceasie terazniejszym prostym tworzymy, za- czynajae zdanie od slowa do lub does w 3-ciej osobie liczby poje- dynezej. Na tak postawione pytania najczeScie udzielamy krétkie} odpowiedzi you we they get up he early? she it Pytania szezegélowe zaczynamy od odpowiedniego pytajnika przed operatorem do / does. Where you/we/ they | How often he/she Ewiczenie 5 19 3. (the children / brush their teeth) 4 > Stuchaj i powtarzaj przykladowe pytania w ezasie teraéniejszym "easciconene. They daienag dag Present Simple. . “ 4. (Maria / cook dinner for the family) Czy bierzesz rano prysznic? Do you have a shower in the e é nee os hes h “Yes, she does.’ “zy ona robi zakupy po oes she do the shopping in the poludniu? afternoon? (you / have for breakfast) Czy oni majq przerwe na lunch? Do they have a lunch break? "Whiticessensccimincss 2 Czy on wraca do domu péZno? Does he come back home late? “Just a coffee and a sandwich.’ O ktérej wsta) What time do you get up? st aicobtosia na $niadanie? What do you have for breakfast? 6. (Tom go out in the evening) j oni wychodza zdomu? What time do they leave home? “Where cen . y Jak ona jezdzi do pracy? How does she travel to work? , ? ‘He meets s fi ds in the cent Gadzie on wyprowadza psa? Where does he walk the dog? TSE Wich us Eerie ane core Co robicie wieczorem? ‘What do you do in the evening? 7. (he / come back home) “What time as 2 Ewiczenie 6 “Usually vey late.” W podanych sytuacjach napisz pylania w czasie terazniejszym 8. (they / clean their house) Present Simple, wykorzystujac wskaz6wki w nawiasie, How often 1. (you / go to work by car) Every Saturday. ‘No, always go on foot.’ 2. (he / get up late) ‘No, he gets up very early.” Codzienne podréze Gwiczenie 8 ©) Ewiczenie7 1 SprawdZ, czy pamigtasz zwroty. Dopasuj fragmenty wyrazen z kolumny A iB, nastepnie wypisz je ponizej. Sluchaj i powtarzaj zwroty zwigzane z codziennym podrézowa- niem réinymi Srodkami transportu. 1. ticket A. train kasa biletowa a ticket office 2. waiting B. fomDover poczekalnia awaiting room Deon 2 platform | 3. express CG. class pociag pospieszny a fast train | 4, cach D. office ekspres an express train atettn underground | 5. second | | E. three to catch a bus 6. sleeping |B ticket spéanié sig na pociag to miss a train | . pojechaé taksowkq to take a taxi 7. platform | | @ abuse przyjezdiaé do. to arrive in... / to come to... 8. leave | | H. in Bristol odjezdzaé 2... to leave from... . ) | przesiadaé sig w.. to change at... | 2s Sichun | ib eam zatraymaé sig w tocall at.. 10. arrive | | J. car pocigg hezposredni adirect train a - opdéniony delayed et pierwsza / druga klasa first / second class | 10. | wagon sypialny a sleeping car 1 | wagon restauracyjny a restaurant car Jt bilet powrotny areturn ticket bilet normalny a regular ticket 2 bilet ulgowy a discount ticket £ znizki dla dzieci discounts for children 3 > mnitki dla emerytow discounts for retired people 8 5 2 miejscowka a reserved-seat ticket 4 ca 9 ne 8 © bagad, baggage / luggage a ©) Ewiczenie 9 Postuchaj dialog6w (14) i uzupetni = The bus leaves at 7.55. What time does the show st 1 ‘The 11.48 direct train arrives in London at 16.12 express train to Manchester Platform: Discounts: Retired people ~ 35% Students Pupils — 30% a 4 BUS SERVICE Luton Airport: 8.15 a.m. ego Present Simple 1 re Autobus odjezdea 0 7:55. 2 O htérej zaczyna sig pokaz? Everyday English - W informacji i kasie biletowej )) Gwiezenie 10 Stuchaj i powtarzaj zdania przydatne w informacji i kasie biletowe. O ktérej jest pociag do Oxfordu? to jest pocigg bezposredni? ie sig przesiadam? Ma pan / pani przesiadke w Exeter. Wolalbym/-abym bezposredni. Proszg jechaé tym o 14.20. Ten pociag mi pasuje. Z ktérego peronu odchodzi? O ktére} przyjezd#a do Oxfordu? Czy w pociagu jest wagon restauracyjny? czy pocigg ma opdénienic? Poprosze bilet do Londynu: Na ktéry pociag? He kosztuje bilet? Cay sq mizki dla studentéw? Cay place za bagaz? Jakim autobusem dojechaé do centrum? Weigdé w 23 lub 62. J pigé minut. What time is the train to Oxford? Is it a direct train? Where do I change? You change at Exeter. I'd prefer a direct one. ‘Take the 14.20. This train suits me. Which platform does it leave from? What time does it arrive in Oxford? Is there a restaurant car? Is the train delayed? I'd like a ticket to London. wi ‘How much is a ticket? Are there any discounts for students? Do I pay for the luggage? » Which bus goes to the centre? — Take a 23 or a 62. They go 3, every five minutes. SS Gwiezenie 11 Dopasuj pytania (A-F) do sytuacji (1-6). 6. Which platform does it leave from? Where do I change? Is the train delayed? Does this bus go to the centre? ‘How much is a discount ticket? What time does it arrive? IO OW > “You change at Leeds.” “No. Take the underground." “Yes, twenty minutes.” ‘Platform 1.’ ‘Ir's £9,50." Cwiezenie 12 af) ‘Teraz wee udzial w rozmowie na stacji kolejowe. Zapytaj o pociag do Brighton i kup dwa bilety normalne. Stuchaj instrukeji lektora. Przykladowe odpowiedzi moiesz sprawdzié w tekScie éwiezenia. 1. How can I help you? Zapytaj, o kt6rej odjeZdza pociag do Brighton. What time is the train to Brighton? 2. There's a train at 9.15. Zapytaj, czy to jest pocigg bezposredni Isit a direct train? 3. No, it isn’t. Zapytaj, gdzie sig przesiadasz. Where do I change? 4. You change at Oxford. Zapytaj, o kt6rej przyjezdia do Brighton. What time does it arrive in Brighton? 5. 14.25. Powiedz, 2c ci pasuje i popros o dwa bilety normalne. OK. It suits me. Tivo regular tickets, please owtérka Cwiczenie 13 Odpowiedz na pytania 0 codzienne zwyezaje swojego/-e} przyja- ciela/-otki. 1. Does he/she work every day? 2. Does he/she start work early? What time does he/she leave for work? 3. How does he/she travel to work? 4. Does he/she have a lunch break? 5. What does he/she do after work? 6. Does he/she come back from work late? 7. Does he/she clean the house every day? 8, Where does he/she go out at the weekends? Cwiezenie 14 Przettumacz zdania. 6. Poprosze bilet powrotny do Luton. Czy to jest pociag bezposredni? O ktére} prayjezdza do Bradford? Gdzie sig praesiadam? Czy 64 znizki dla studentéw? Czy ten autobus jedzie na dworzec? Ile kosztuje bilet normalny? ‘Ten pociag mi pasuje. Klucz do éwiezel [ | Cwiezenie 1 | Gwiezenie 4 [ Gwiezenie 6 exo eene vey e get up get dressed have breakfast leave for work have a lunch break 6, do the shopping 7. come back home 8. cook dinner 9. watch TV 10. go to bed Do you go to work by car? Does he get up late? Do the children brush their teeth? Does Maria cook dinner for the fa What do you have for breakfast? amily? Where does ‘Tom go out in the evening? What time does he come back home? How often do they clean their house? Ds ticket office I; waiting room A; express train G, catch a bus G; second class 6. J; sleeping car 7._E, platform three 8. B; leave from Dover 9. Ediscount ticket 10. H; arrive in Bristol i Gwiezenie9 1. 16.46 3. 3/three 1, She works from Monday to Friday. 2. No, she doesn't. She leaves for work at about 9 o'clock. 3. She goes to work by bus. 4. Yes, she has a lunch break at 1 o'clock 5 She does the shopping. 6. Yes, she usually comes back home late. 7. No, she doesn't. 8. She goes out with her friends. Cwicemic ve 1, Pd like a return ticket to Luton, / A return ticket to Luton, please. 2. Isit a direct train? 3. What time does it arrive in Bradford? 4. Where do I change? 5. Are there any discounts for students? 6. Does this bus go to the airport? 7. How much is a regular ticket? This train suits me. People are different Ewiezenie 1 28s Postuchaj dialogu i odpowiedz na pytania, stosujge krétkie odpo- wiedzi. 1. Is Judy Robert's friend? dy got pretty hair? ster at the party? 4, Does Judy look young? 5. Does Robert like Judy? 6. Does Robert's friend want to meet Judy? Cwiezenie 2 Przeczytaj dialog. A. Robert, do you know that woman over there? B. Yes, she’s my cousin, Judy. A. Oh, really? She looks very attractive, quite tall and slim... And look at her hair. She's got beautiful, dark, straight hair, B. You're right. She looks like her mother, my aunt Rebecca. A very good-looking, elderly woman. A. Yes? B. Yes, and Judy's got a sister. They're very similar. The same faces with a beautiful smile, Well, just look at their photos. I’ve got some in my mobile. Here they are... A. Yes, they're really pretty. And how old is she? B. She's forty-five. We're the same age A. Hm. She doesn't look her age. Lucky her! And what is she like? Do you like her? B. To tell you the truth, she's rather selfish and very talkative. She's not my favourite person. ‘A. What a surprise! You see you can't judge people by their looks alone. B. Yes. I guess it’s not a good idea. Would you like to meet her? A. Well. Why not? I feel quite excited. B. OK. Come on. Stowniczek to look attractive ‘all slim straight hair to look like. good-looking elderly both similar face smile pretty to be the same age to look one’s age Lucky her! What is she like? to tell you the truth. rather selfish talkative favourite What a surprise! to judge sb by their looks alone to guess, Well. to feel excited Come on. wygladaé atrakeyjny, ladny wysoki sacauply proste wlosy é podobnym do. tojny, atrakcyjny w podesulym wicks obaj, obie pedobny twarz usmiech jadny byéw tym samym wieku wygladaé na sw6} wiek Soczgsciaral Jaka ona jest? prawde méwige raczej samolubny gadatliwy ulubiony Go za niespodziankal oceniaé kogos tylko 2 wygladu 2gadlywaé, damysh No coz. czué sie podekscytowany No, chods, (zachecajac kogos) )) Ewiezenie 3 28s Stuchaj i powtarzaj typowe zwroty opisujace wiek i wyglad zew- ngtrany. mlody stary w Srednim wieku w podeszlym wieku niski wysoki Sredni warostu szczuply chudy gruby young old middle-aged elderly short tall of medium height slim thin fat / plump Gwiczenie 4 dobrze well-built zbudowany znadwagy overweight proste wlosy straight hair krgcone curly lysy bald ladny pretty sliczny beautiful atrakcyjny attractive / good-looking przystojny handsome Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednim slowem z éwiczenia 3. 1. My uncle, Tom, isn't very tall; he's quite 3. ‘Their grandson is a football player; he's very tall and His daughter is very small, she’s only two months 4. My grandfather isn't... 5. Rebex ‘ais of .» but he's got grey hair height and quite slim 6. My neighbour is a good-looking woman with short, curly 7, Her cousin isn't very fat but he's a bit 8. ‘How old is your aunt, Maria’ ‘She's... op about 60, I think.” 9. ‘Who's that nice, .. woman over here?" ‘Oh, yes. She's very attractive. This is my close friend, Agnes.” 10. My brothers are very different. Tom is quite plump and Robert is very Gramatyka TO LOOK + przymiotnik / rzeczownik Czasownik look uzyty z preymiotnikiem lub raeczownikiem znaczy uuygladaé (na..), np, You look pretty. ~ Ladnie wygladasz, Does she look her age? ~ Czy ona uyglada na sw6j wiek? TO LOOK LIKE + rzeczownik Pordwnujge ludzi, mozemy zastosowaé czasownik to look like — bye podobnym do... x rzeczownikiem, np. He looks like his father. — On jest podobny do swojego ojea. What does he look like? ~ Jak on wyglada? = Przyimek LIKE Pytajgc o cechy ogdlne charakteryzujgce ludzi, zjawiska, rzeczy, itd., zadajemy pytanie z przyimkiem like, np. What is she like? — Jaka ona jest? &) Ewiczenie 5 Stuchaj powtarzaj przyktadowe zdania z czasownikiem to look. Moja sqsiadka wyglada bardzo My neighbour looks very young milodo i atrakeyjnie. and attractive. Ona nie wyglgda na sw6j wiek, She doesn’t look her age. On wygiada na okolo 50 lat. He looks about 50. Cry twoje dzieci sq do ciebie De your children look like you? podobne? Wysladajginacze, They look very different. try sq do siebie bardzo ‘The two sisters look very similar. podobne. Jak on wyglada? What does he look like? Jest niski i dosé gruby. He's short and quite fat. Do kogo jestes podobny? Who do you look like? Wozyscy jestesmy podobni do We alll look like our Grandma. babei. Gwiczenie 6 Uzupelnij zdania o sobie i swoich znajomych czasownikiem to look /to look like w odpowiedniej formie twierdzacej lub przeczace}. Lo my mother. 2. My cousins very similar. 3. My best friend his/her age. 4. My neighbours’ children their father. 5. My colleague very handsome. ©. My friend from school crass his/her cousin. OsobowoS¢ i cechy charakteru Ewiezenie 7 28 Stuchaj i powtarzaj przymiotni opisujace osobowosé i cechy charakteru. przyjacielski friendly okrutny cruel towarzyski sociable agresywny aggressive wesoly cheerful arogancki arrogant pomocny helpful wrazliwy sensitive spokojny calm gadatliwy talkative uczciwy honest nieémialy shy tolerancyjny tolerant cierpliwy patient grzeceny polite ambitny ambitious leniwy lazy niegrzecany rude samolubny selfish skapy mean £5) Pamigtaj! Tecate ieee ier so. ee eee ae tires Our boss is quite mean. Nase: szef jest dosé skapy. Moja prayjacidtea jest raczej My friend is rather shy. wie They're a bit rude. Oni sq troche niegraeceni. ) Gwiczenie 8 Sprawdé, ezy pamigtasz. zwroty. Dopasuj fragmenty wypowiedzi (A-H) do odpowiednich sytuacji (1-8). A. abit lazy at times E. are too arrogant B. always helpful and honest E._aren't very tolerant ©. very ambitious G. be rude D. is rather shy H. is quite talkative 1. cs “Mr Bark looks rather plump.’ _Jenny’s grandson studies a lot. “Don't , Ann.’ He's... 3 4 S Politicians My sister «cone : ‘They She's a sensitive person and don't care about people. doesn't like crowds of people are Ul “Look at Jane's new haircut! It’s terrible!” ‘Well, you My colleague, Jack, Just look at him! Our neighbour, Mrs White, ‘Is Peter a good friend?” but ‘Yes, he's ... we all like her. Stowniczek <)) Gwiczenie 9 268) Postuchaj dialogu i uzupetnij tekst brakujacymi stowami. A. How old is your husband? B, He's fifty-two. A. Really? He doesn't look his 1. . B, Well, maybe. And look, that young woman next to him is his, I think she looks ¢ like your husband. Is she his sister's daughter? B. Yes, you know, her mother's very attractive A. Is she married? B. Yes, she’s married to Jason. Where's he....? Oh, over there, with my son A. Well, they look very 3. , like two brothers. B, No, it's not true but they're both very handsome. A. And what about your son? Has he got @ 4. nan ? B. Idon't know; he doesn't want to talk about it A. Yes, he's very 5... and shy. But He's still very young, x are diferent Everyday English - Wyrazanie emocji Cwiezenie 10 2d Sluchaj i powtarzaj przykladowe zdania wyrazajgce odezucia i emocje. Jestem naprawde wiciekta! Moje dzieci sq dosé znudzone. Naprawdg martwig sig o mojq siostre. -uje sig kompletnie zaskoczona, Ona jest raczej zirytowana. On cauje sig dzisiaj okropnie. Ale niespodziankal ‘To nie moze byé prawda. Nie méwisz powaénie! Nie wierze! Ale wstyd! ‘Ale szkodal FJ Pamigtaj! I feel really miserable. He doesn't feel very well. P'm really furious! My children are quite bored. I'm really worried about my sister. feel completely surprised. She feels rather annoyed. He feels terrible today. What a surprise! It can’t be true. You can't he serious! Tcan't believe that! What a shame! What a pity! Cwiezenie 11 Zaznace ¥ poprawng odpowieds w kazdej parze. 1. T've got some news! My wife's pregnant a) Really? What a surprise! b) It isn’t true I feel so excited, There's a concert with Santana today! a) What a shame! b) Oh! That's fantastic 3. My grandfather doesn't feel very well today. a) Don't worry, b) Never mind. That's OK. 4. L feel really annoyed. I haven't got any tickets for the match. a) What a pity! b) You're a lucky boy! 5. Today is my cousin's 50th wedding anniversary! a) Don't feel miserable. b) I can’t believe that! 0. ['dlike to meet the president. a) You can't be serious! b) How do you do? 7. What's up? You look really excited. a) That's right. Tam, b) Not too bad, thanks |) Gwiezenie 12 2) ‘Teraz odpowiedz na pytania lektora na temat twojego najlepszego prayjaciela. Przykladowe odpowiedzi modesz sprawdzié w tekécie éwiezenia. 1, What's he like? He is cheerful and very ambitious. 2, What does he look like? He is quite tall but « bit overweight. He's got dark, straight hai I think he's quite good-looking 3. How old is he? We are the same age, he’s fifty-one. 4. Does he look his age? I don't know. He looks quite handsome, What about his personality? Is he a good friend? He is very friendly and sociable but quite lazy at times. 6. And how is he today? He's fine. Powtérka ) Gwiczenie 13 Dopasuj pytania (1-8) w kolumnie A do odpowiedzi (A-I) w ko- lumnie B, Kazda odpowied? zastosuj tylko raz. KOLUMNA A SG Se ‘How is he today? A. He's tall and handsome, B. He's got a driving test today: 1. Does he look like his. mother? Is he good-looking? Yes, he’s very ambitious. D. He's patient and very tolerant, | | | | | 3. Why is he so stressed? | | | 4. Does he look his age? E. No, he’s a bit overweight. 5. Ishea good father? F He's fine, thank you. 6. Does he work a lot? G. Yes, his children love she work a lot him | H. No, he looks like his grandmother, 7. What does he look like? 8, What is he like? No, he looks very young. Cwiezenie 14 Korzystajge z przymiotnikow w ramce, dopasuj wyrazenia o prze- ciwstawnym znaczeniu. _ happy. interested — arrogant — tall — 1 2. 3. miserable — 4. 5. friendly 6. overweight 7. sociable ~ 8. elderly ~ 9. worried — 10. aggressive —..... Kluez do éwiczent 1. No, she isn't. 4. Yes, she does. 2. Yes, she has. 5. No, he doesn't. 3. No, she isn't. 6. Yes, she does, | Cwiezenie 4 1. short 6. hair 2. old 7. overweight / plump 3. well-built 8. middle-aged 4. bald 9. beautiful / pretty 5. medium 10. slim / thin 1. look like / don’t look like 4. look like / don't look like 2. look / don't look 5. looks / doesn't look 3. looks / doesn’t look 6. looks like / doesn’t look like i, & 4D 74H 2.C 5. A 8B 3B 6. F 4. People are different 8 1. age 3. similar 5. sensitive good-looking 4. girlfriend A visit to a doctor La) 4 a) 7. a) 2b 5. b) a 6) ; Ewiezenie 1 & Postuchaj dialogu i zaznacz, czy zdania ponizej sq zgodne z tresciq, nagrania (True ~ prawdziwe) ezy nie sq zgodne (False — blgdne). LH 41 TON 2£E 3G 8D i 3B 6 | Gwiezenie 14 1. bored 5. selfish 9. calm 2. polite 6. slim 10. sensitive 3. happy 7. shy 4.) short 8. young — ©) Gwiczenie 2 Praeczytaj dialog. Nowe stowa i zwroty mozesz sprawdzié w slowniczku na nastepne] stronie. A. Peter, are you all right? Why are you in bed? B. [don't feel very well. ‘A, What's the matter? B, I’ve got a headache and I have difficulty in breathing A. Oh. It seems to be serious! Have you got a temperature? B, [don't know: I need to check it. A. Let me see... You're feverish, ‘Take your temperature and your blood pressure. Just in case. B. OK. Bring me a thermometer and a blood pressure monitor, please. They're in that cupboare over there. ‘A. Here you are, Well, I think you should go to the doctor. It may be flu or pneumonia, You need to get some medicine. B, OK. You're right. Can you call the doctor and make an appointment for me? Certainly. Stay in bed. And take a painkiller now. OK. Thanks, Marcus. => Stowniczek matter; What's the matter? headache difficulty in sth / in doing sth breathing to'seem toneed to check Let me see. feverish to take a temperature blood pressure Just in case. to bring thermometer blood pressure monitor cupboard should may flu pneumonia medicine to call sb to make an appointment to stay in bed painkiller sprawa; Co sig dzicje? bel glowy tradnosei w cayms / w robieniu ezegos oddychanie, oddech wydawaé sig potrzcbowaé, musieé sprawdzié Niech spojrze. rozpalony zmierzyé temperature cignienie krwi Tak na wszelki wypadek prayniesé termometr aparat do mierzenia cinienia szatka powinieneg/-nag moze grypa zapalenie pluc lekarstwo zadzwonié do kogos umdwié na wizyte zostaé w 1ozku tabletka praeciwbdlowa Choroby i dolegliwosci Gwiczenie 3 309 S) Ewiczenie 4 W podanych sytuacjach dopasuj pytania (AG) do odpowiedzi (1-7). Stuchaj i powtarzaj zdania opisujgce symptomy oraz réine dole- A. Are you allergic to mild sliwosei. B. Have you got problems with your Strasznie boli mnie glowa. T’ve got a terrible headache. C. Have you got a stomach-ache? Mam wysoka temperature. I've got a high temperature. D. How do you feel? Mam katar. I’ve got a runny nose. E. Have you got a cold? Boli mnie gardlo. I've got a sore throat. E Do you feel faint? Kasale ihe gora'enigts /Teough, G. Have you got a temperature? Boli mnie brauch. I’ve got a stomach-ache. Boly mnie plecy. I’ve got a backache. Boli mnie zab. T’ve got a toothache. Jestem przezigbiona. T've got a cold. 1 Mam grype / zapalenie pluc. I’ve got flu / pneumonia. “Yes, and I feel sick.” Czuije sig chora, I feel ill. i Cauje sig rozpalona. Jest mi stabo. I feel feverish. T feel faint. “Yes, and I've got a terrible headache.” Niedobrze mi. Teel sick. 3 Krgci mi sig w glowie. feel dizzy. : : Mecrucnmenies bars Pinallergie to dust think so, I've got a runny nose and I cough a lot. Mam zlamanq noge My leg is broken. 4s ‘Yes, I feel feverish.” FQ Pamigtaj! Par ‘Yes. When I drink it, I get a stomach-ache.” 6 ‘Idon't feel very well.” Have you got a temperature? Jat sig coujesa? How do you feel? ‘Yes. It’s broken.’ Gramatyka Gwiezenie 6 SHOULD + bezokolicznik Ui linia wroaippadl. Chege udzielié rady lub wyrazié powinnosé, mozemy zastosowaé czasownik should — powinienes, powinnas z ezasownikiem w bezoko- i, Aiiie/ Vow Awaver) should / aleve? . liczniku = oe ———— Fi | 2. dentist / go / the / should / Peter / to / yas you | | 1308 sing ee she in bed. she | antibiotics? 3. should / What / do /1/? we we thy they j Prey uéyciu czasownika should motemy ted wyrazié naseq opinig ume * & Dit/ He / sweets / he's / shouldn't / overweight / eat /;/ odnofnie tego, co powinno byé zrobione lub zapytaé o radg, np: I think you should be carefull. — Myslg, de powinienes byé ostrozny. 5. we / should / Where / go / ? What should we do? — Co powinnismy arabic? ©) Gwiczenie § 3£59 BP 6. today / Should / work/ go /T/to/? Stuchaj i powtarzaj przykladowe zdania z ezasownikiem should. one Powinnaé isé do lekarzi You should go to the doctor. 7. 1/ medicine / How often / take / should / the /? wiézku He should stay in bed for a few On powinien zost przez kilka dni days. Ona powinna regularnie braé She should take the medicines lekarstwa, regularly. Nie powinienes duo jes. You shouldn't eat a lot. On nie powinien iéé do szkoty, He shouldn't go to school. © Cay powinienem zadzwonié do Should I call the doctor? = lekarza? = Jak ezesto powinienem braé How often should 1 take the antybiotyk? antibiotics? Zalecenia lekarza ©) Gwiczenie 7 Stuchaj i powtarzaj zwroty prz} uméwié sig na wizyte badaé pacjenta mierayé temperature mierzyé cignienie mierzyé puls dostaé recepte / skierowanie wrigé lekarstwo / antybiotyk dostaé zastrzyk do szpitala zrobié badania mieé przeéwietlenie zalozyé gips na nog zrobié opatrunek mieé operacie FQ Pamigtaj! ia ee ie ere nal: latne podezas wizyty u lekarza. tomake an appointment to examine a patient to take a temperature to take blood pressure totake a pulse toget a prescription /a referral to take medicine / antibiotics tohave an injection to go to hospital todo some tests tohave an X-ray to puta leg in plaster to dress a wound to have an operation nik need to You need to take some medicine. | Musi pan / pani weiat lekarstvo. You don’t need to have an X-ray. ‘Nie musi pan / pani mice proetwiellenia. Cwiczenie 8 Sprawdé, czy pamigtasz zwroty. Dopasuj odpowiednie zalecenia lekarza (A-F) do dolegliwoSci pacjentéw (1-6). cceciincoiaarcaaanny A. You need to go to the doctor. 21 Pmallergic to something, B. You need to take your pulse regularly. G You need to have an X-ray 4) I've got problems with my heart. D. Yes, I need to put your arm in plaster, E You need to do some tests. EB 6 Yes, you need to take antibiotics Is it broken? o.a doctor Ewiczenie 9 33 ialog6w (1-5) i dopasuj informacje 0 osobach (A-F). Jedna informacja podana jest dodatkowo i nie pasuje do ‘Teraz postuchaj iadnego dialogu. Dialog 1 Dialog 2 Dialog 3 Dialog + Dialogs A. The person needs to make an appointment with the doctor. B. The person has got problems with his tooth. C. The person has got a cold. D. The person needs to take antibiotics. E, The person has got a painkiller. E. The person has got a temperature. Stowniczek Everyday English - Wizyta u lekarza -)) Gwiezenie 10 Sluchaj i powtarzaj przykladowe zdania przydatne podezas wizyty u lekarza. W czym problem? Co dokladnie sig dzieje? Czy ma pan / pani problemy z sercem? Czy zwykle ma pan / pani wysokie cignienie? Czy tu boli? Gdzie boli? Prosze waigé gleboki oddech. Proszg sig tutaj polody Proszg otworzyé us Wypisze panu / pani recepte. Zmierze panu / pani puls Zrobig opatrunek, Zaloze gips. [9 Pamigtaj! 3h) What's the matter? What's wrong exactly? Have you got problems with your heart? Do you usually have high blood pressure? Does it hurt here? Where does it hurt? ‘Take a deep breath, please. Please lie down here. Open your mouth, please. I'll write you a prescription. Tl take your pulse now. T'll dress the wound. I'll put it in plaster. Zbadam pana / pania, Dostanie pan / pani zastrayh. Gwiczenie 11 ‘Unupelnij dialog odpowiednimi stowami z ramki. “] a “allergic medicine | matter problems | A. Come in. Sit down, please. What's the L. ....... pened B. [don't feel very well A. Yes, What's 2. nun exactly? B. [ feel faint and I have difficulty in breathing. A. Hmm... Do you usually have high 3. sow pressure? B. I don't know. ‘A. OK. ['llcheck it. Have you got 4... with your heart? B, No, never. A. Are you 5... 2 B. I'mallergic to cats and dust. A. Allright, [need to 6. you. Take off your jacket... OK, Now take a deep breath... And lie down here, please. I'l 7. OK. Your 8. is too high. You need to take some 9. soos «T'll give you the prescription How often should I take that? Three times a 10. .......... your pulse now. >o p> oe Right. Thank you very much. Cwiczenie 12 38) ‘Teraz weé udzial w rozmowie podezas wizyty u lekarza. Stuchaj instrukeji lektora. Przykladowe odpowiedzi mozesz sprawdzié w tekScie éwiezenia. 1. Good morning. What’s the matter with you? Przywitaj sig i powiedz, Ze jest ci niedobrze i boli cig brauch. Good morning, 1 feel sick and I've got a stomach-ache: s Let me see. Have you got a headache? Powiedz, ze bardzo boli cig glowa i masz wysoka temperature. ve yot a terrible headache and a high temperature. 3. Yes, you look feverish. I think you've got flu. I'll give you some medicine. Here’s the prescription. Podzigkuj i zapytaj, jak ezesto masz je braé. Thank you, Doctor. How often should I take that? 4. Twice a day. And drink a lot of water. Zapytaj, exy masz. zostaé w tozku. Should I stay in bed? Yes. For two, three days. Powtérka Cwiczenie 14 Gwiczenie 13 W podanych sytuacjach zareaguj na wypowiedzi i ul6i pytania, wykorzystujgc wskazéwki w nawiasie. Wybierz poprawng odpowied? a, b lub e. 1. ‘I don’t feel very well.” (the matter) 1. Have you got problems with your ...... 2 “ vena? a) heart b) cough ) cold ui 2. ‘I've gota stomach-ache.’ (sick) 2. Idon't feel very ... . a) good ) well oe 3. Peter has got a... 3. ‘T feel feverish.” (a headache) a) runny ) sore 4 sates woo a 4, I've got a stomach-ache and I feel... . 4. ‘You've got flu.’ (bed) a) broken b) sick c) allergic “, si aie iaanlly eres 5 = high Bised ae 5. ‘You need to take antibiotics." (often) 6. My grandson is allergic to something. I think they should a oe a8 o 2 v 6. ‘Thave high blood pressure.’ ne some tests. (regularly) a) have b) do c) take sreeeresanscveneecesennann senses 7. Mary's neighbour .......0..:.000 her pulse regularly. 7. “My leg hurts a lot," (broken) a) has got b) takes ©) does ‘Teooroeamem oman co 8. What's. with your leg? 8. ‘You don't look good.’ (the doctor) a) wrong, b) matter c) problem cit tade - 9. ioe got a terrible toothache. She ... to go to the 9. ‘Tve got a terrible headache.’ (a painkiller) lentist. a) will b) should c) needs “pemepseti i Svencsrssaremvn : . ‘Tye got.a terrible backache.” 10. ‘Tve got a runny nose all the time.” (allergic) ‘Where does it ii exactly?” het . oe o — a) cough b) look o) hurt Kluez do éwiezen Cwiczenie 1 1, True 2. False | Gwiezenie 4 1. You should drink a lot of water. 2. Peter should go to the dentist. 3. What should I do? He shouldn't eat sweets; h 4 a bit overweight. 5. Where should we go? 6 7 Should I go to work today? How often should I take the medicine? 1, matter 5. allergic 9, medicine 2. wrong 6. examine 10. day 3. blood 7. take 4. problems 8, pulse Ewiezenie 13 1. a) 5. a) 9% o 2. c) 6. b) 10. c) 3. 0) 7. b) 4.) 8 a) Cwiczenie 14 1, What's the matter? 2. Do you feel sick? / Are you sick? 3, Have you got a headache? 4, Should I stay in bed? 5, How often should I take that/it? 6. Do you take/check it regularly? 7. Isit broken? 8. Should I go to / call / see the doctor? 9. Do you want / Would you like / Have you got a painkiller? 10. Are you allergic? 6 | In fashion Gwiczenie 1 363 Postuchaj dialogu i odpowiedz na pytania. 1, Why is Alice unhappy? 4, Where does Alice want to go shopping? 5. What does she want to buy for her husband? ©) Gwiczenie 2 Przeczytaj dialog. A. Alice, why are you so worried? B. Oh! Tomorrow's the Joneses’ wedding anniversary and I don't know what to wear... ‘A. You can't be serious. You've got a lot of smart clothes in your wardrobe, Am I right? No, you aren't. All these things are too old, I need something new and fashionable for the occasion. 2 And what about that new, black silk dress? You look great in it. ‘Thank you but it doesn't fit me. It’s too small. Well. How can [ help you? You need to go shopping with me. What? We haven't got any time. The party is tomorrow, Don't pepe> you remember? @ T know but we can try in the Galaxy shopping centre. It’s open till 9 pm. A. OK, you've got me here. Can we leave now? It’s almost 7 o'clock. B. Yes, I'm ready. And, you know, we can get a new tie for you as well Oh, no. I can’t believe that. I don’t need a new tie. . You always say you don't need anything but you haven't got fashio Stowniczek to wear smart clothes wardrobe fashionable, in fashion occasion silk dress to fit touy shopping centre open «ill You've got me here. almost ready tie as well anything to go with sth shirt Hurry up! nosié, zakladaé (0 ubraniach, biguterii) elegancki ubrania szafa modny okazja, wydarzenie jedwabny sukienka byé w dobrym rozmiarze probowaé centrum handlowe otwarty do, az do Ta mnie masz prawie gotowy krawat réwnied nie pasowaé do czegos koszula Pospicsz sie! A. Hello. 1. ce . ? B. Yes, please. I'm looking for a jumper. AL We' B. Well, black doesn't really suit me. A. OK. 2. sss e got some jumpers over there, That one is nice, B A. ? B. Medium. A. OK. Here you are, Would you like to try it on? B. Yes. 4. 2 A. Over there, on the left A. 5. rd B. It's too small. 6... ? A. Yes, that one is bigger. B. Pltake it. 7... tae ? . £19.99. Here you are Thank you. Ewiezenie 12 ‘Teraz wed. udziat w rozmowie w sklepie z odzi ji lektora. Przyktadowe odpowi éwiczenia, 1. Can Thelp you? Powieds, 4e szukasz koszuli. im looking for a shirt. 2. What colour would you like? Zapytaj, czy sw kolorze bialym lub niebieskim. Hlave you got any in white or blue? 3. What size are you? Podaj sw6j rozmiar. 4-41, 4, OK. Here you are. Would you like to try it on? Zapytaj, gdzie sq przymierzalnie. Where are the changing rooms? Over there. . Does it ft you? Powiedz, ze jest za duza i zapytaj, czy ma mniejszy rozmiar. Its too big, Have you got smaller size? Yes. This one’s smaller. Zapytaj, ile kosztuje. How much is it? 24 euro. Powiedz, ze ja wefmiesz. OK. I'l take it. 4 a, Sluchaj instruk- mozesz sprawdzié w tekécie Powtérka Gwiezenie 13 Dopasuj pytania (1-8) w kolumnie A do odpowiedzi (A-I) w ko- lumnie B. Kazda odpowied? zastosuj tylko raz. Payee What size are you? 1. Can Thelp you? 2. Have you got anything in ved? 3. Does this tie go with his shirt? D. Yes, the changing rooms are over th _E. Yes, what about this red dress? 4. What do you wear to the office? FE Of course. Here you are. 5. Can Ltry it on? size? ° Hove you gota bigeer I | Does it fit you? haven't No, it’s too red. Ewiczenie 14 Ul6i zdania z rozsypanki. 1. a/ looking / I'm / tracksuit / for / 2. rooms / the / are / changing / Where / ? 3. and / jeans / wear / 1/ sweatshirts / always /. 4, look / Can / round /1/? 5. at/ your / join / the / Take off / and / coat / us / table / 6. much / How / they / are /? 7. me / clothes / Black / suit / don't /. 8. cream / buy /1/ some / to / need / face / 9. smart / got / dresses / Have / any / you /? ion Klucz do éwiezen Because she hasn't got any clothes for the party at the Joneses’. Because they're old and aren't fashionable. In the Galaxy shopping centre. Anew tie, 1 Be 3. No, it’s too small, 4. 5. Rzeczowniki policzalne: comb, wallet, hairbrush, towel Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne: toothpaste, sun cream, shampoo, shaving foam 1. fit 5. 2, Put on 6. 3. wear 7. 4. fits 8. toothbrush, 3. money 4. try it on 9. Paton suit 10, wear take off goes with gloves 5. clothes suit I'm looking for a tracksuit. Where are the changing rooms? Lalways wear jeans and sweatshirts / sweatshirts and jeans. Can I look round? Take off your coat and join us at the table. How much are they? Black clothes don't suit me. I need to buy some face cream. Have you got any smart dresses? Teksty nagrant _Lekeja 1. Cwiezenie 9 A. Hello, my name's Kowal. B. Hello, Mr Kowal. Welcome to our Summer Language School. Sit down, please, ‘Thank you. What's your first name and your surname, please? Jan Kowal. It’s John in English OK.... John. How old are you, Mr Kowal? I'm twenty-three. And where are you from? I'm from Poland. Oh! It’s a beautiful country. What's your address? 68 Saska Street, Warsaw, Poland, ‘And your phone number? My mobile’s 48 602 533 198. OK. What's your job? Do you work or are you still at school? I'ma student now at Warsaw University of Technology. Fine, What's your temporary address here in London? It's 20 Talbot Road, London. 20 Talbot Road... Right. Here’s the schedule of your classes starting tomorrow. Thank you. See you tomorrow then. Bye. PP EPSP EPS PEPE PED pep [Lekein2, Gwierenie® L 4 A, What's up? A. Hi, How's it going? B. Well. It’s my birthday B. Not very good. I've got an today. exam today. A. Really? Happy birthday A, Don't worry and good luck! then! & 2 A, [t's our twentieth wedding ‘A, Hello, Mrs Jones. Merry anniversary today! Christmas! B, ‘Twentieth? That's great! Happy anniversary! B. Hello. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 3. ‘A. Happy New Year! B. Same to you! | Lekeja 3. Cwiczenie 9 x A. Good afternoon. What time is the train to London? B. There's a train at 10:35. A Is ita direct train? B. No. You change at Oxford. A, Hmm... Is there a direct one? B, Yes, there is an express train at 11:48. ‘A. What time does it arrive in London? B. 16.46." ‘A. OK, thank you. This train suits me. Be BP e>sr ep ope PRP DY Pe PrP B Teksty nagrah I'd like a ticket to Liverpool. Single or return? Single, please. How much is it? £24.50. ‘Are there any discounts for students? Yes, 30%. OK. Can I pay by credit card? Of course What time is the train to Manchester? ‘There’s an express train at 16.12. OK. Which platform does it leave from? Platform 3. Thank you. .. Excuse me. Is there a bus to the airport in the afternoon? ‘There's one in the morning at 8.15 and another one in the evening at 7.12. . Hm, I've got a problem then Yes but you can take a taxi. How much is it to the airport from here? I don't know. About £50, I think. OK. Thank you very much. i. A B PR PUPW>Y DE>ED>N D> DP pe po I feel awful. I think I need antibiotics. Don't panic. It’s just a cold. You need to stay in bed and take some vitamins OK. Maybe you're right Mary, are you all right? Why are you in bed? Idon’t feel very well. .. What’s the matter? I've got a headache and I cough a lot. . Oh, poor you! You look feverish. Paul, what's the matter with you? You don’t look good. T've got a terrible toothache... Well, it seems to be serious. You should go to the dentist. All right, all right but have you got a painkiller for me? . Sorry but I haven't. . OK, You need to take same medicine, Here’s the prescription, for the antibiotics. Thank you, Doctor. How often should I take that? . Twice a day after meals. And drink a lot of water. . Look. My blood pressure is very high today. Yes, it is! You need to take some medicine. . Do you think I should go to the doctor? Of course. Call him now, B Teesyragan Prayimki czas Przyimki czasu at 9 o'clock “in the morning on Monday(s) at 7.15 a.m, | in the afternoon on Tuesday morning at noon “in the evening | on Saturday night at midnight “in January on 16th May at night in (the) summer ‘on 2nd June 1995 at the weekend in 2010 ‘on Christmas Day at Christmas | in 19th Century on my birthday this this moming / this week / this month every every day / every week / every Friday last lest week / last July / last year next next Monday / next week / next month tomorrow tomorrow / tomorrow morning / tomorrow evening yesterday yesterday / yesterday morning / yesterday afternoon today today tonight tonight Przyimki miejsca at home ina room | on the floor at work ina shop ona door at school ina park ona table | at university ina town ona beach “at the doctor’s "in the country ona bus “at John’s (house) in England ona train ata party in London ona plane | a1 15 Oxford Street 1 Oxford Street

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