Riview Question Page 73

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Curriculum Development

The Review Question Page 73

Dr. Gustaman Saragih, S.S., M.Pd

M. Alfizan Adib Naufal : 20227470044



1. What is the characteristics of the Competence - based curriculum?
The characteristics of a competency-based curriculum is to produce learners who
possess relevant competencies :
A. Focus on Competencies
B. Holistic Approach
C. Project - Based Learning
D. Competency Oriented Evaluation
E. Connection to the real life
F. Teacher as Facilitator

2. What is the advantages and disadvantages of Structural Syllabus?

The important to design a balanced, flexible, and relevant curriculum structure to
maximize the benefits for learners and support the achievement of learning goals. A
good curriculum structure can provide several significant benefits, including:
A. Organization of Content
B. Time Management
C. Clear Understanding
D. Consistency in Teaching
There are many negative impact of Structural Syllabus, including :
A. Inflexible
B. Overly detailed it can create pressure to teacher and learners
C. The content may be irrelevant

3. There are some reasons why it is allowed to combine two different types of
syllabuses :
A. Diversity of Learner Needs
B. Learning Environment
C. Enriching Learning
From the reasons it is crucial to ensure that the combination is relevant, consistent,
and supports the achievement of learning goals.
4. When the teacher revise the syllabus?
Revising a syllabus should be done with careful consideration and based on clear
reasons. Revisions should take into learning objectives, student needs, curriculum
changes, and relevant educational contexts. A teacher can revise their syllabus in the
following situations:
1. New academic year
2. Evaluation and Feedback
3. Changes in Needs
4. Reflection and Continuous Improvement

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