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17/10/2023, USTH
Electrical Engineering
Group 1 Nguyen Duc Anh BA12-008
Nguyen Quang Huy BA12-086
Phan Tung Duong BA12-060

In this course, we will use the COM3LAB course to practice some

experiments in electrical engineering.
An electrical circuit consists of Power sources, Power loads and line paths.
- Power sources: The power generator supplies charge carries
(electrons). These electrons flow through the line path in the form of an
electrical current,
- Power load: In the power load, the electrical energy is converted into a
different form of energy
- Line path: Charge carries flow to and from through the line path
between the power generator and the load.
1.3 Generation of current flow
An electrical current consists of the flow of charge carriers in a line path.
Electrical current is driven by a voltage
1.4 Open/closed electrical circuit
If a continuous line path is available for the flow of charge carriers (usually
consisting of electrons), this line path is referred to as a closed electrical circuit. If the
line path is interrupted at one or more points, current can no longer flow through it
because the charge carriers are prevented from traveling further. In this case, the
line path is referred to as an open electrical circuit.

1.5 Switches allow the control of current flow

Switches allow electrical circuits to be opened or closed as required using
switch contacts.
Contacts: The contacts of a switch can be closed and opened mechanically.
Similarly, an electrical circuit equipped with such a switch can be opened and closed.

1.6 Conductors and insulators.

Different materials exhibit different capabilities of conducting electrical current.

A distinction is made here between Conductors and Insulators.
The copper core of a lead, for example, is a conductor, while the air between
the contacts of an open switch acts as an insulator.
Conductors: Conductors possess mobile charge carriers (usually electrons).
Conductors include copper, silver, carbon and salt water.
Insulators: Insulators do not possess any mobile charge carriers and are thus
not able to conduct electrical current. Insulators include porcelain, PVC, rubber and
dry air.

1.7 Circuit diagrams

1.8 Set up of the experiment board

1.9 Work on the experiment panel

A simple electrical circuit consisting of a switch and a lamp acting as the

power load is investigated here. The switch is closed when its slider is on the lower
1.10 Electron flow and current direction

Electrons acting as charge carriers flow from the negative pole to the positive
pole of the power source. This direction of flow is regarded as the physical direction
of current flow. In practice, electrical current is said to flow from the positive pole to
the negative pole. This direction of flow is regarded as the technical direction of
current flow

1.11 Summary
2.1 Experiment description

This experiment set up is similar to the previous one. However, its line path
contains two switches connected in series

2.2 Work on the experiment panel

The aim of this experiment is to investigate a simple electrical circuit

consisting of two switches and a lamp acting as the load. The switches are
connected in series. They are closed when their slider is on the lower setting

2.3 Applications of series connections

Series-connected switches are often used to electrically protect machines.
Test the function of this protective mechanism in the display on the right.
2.4 Summary
The list on the right gives a survey of the most important items dealt with in
this chapter.

When the Left Switch is open, and the Right switch is open, the lamp is off
When the Left Switch is open, and the Right Switch is closed, the lamp is off
When the Left Switch is closed, and the Right switch is open, the lamp is off
When the Left Switch is closed, and the Right switch is closed, the lamp is on

3.1 Experiment description

The aim of this experiment is to investigate how parallel-connected switches

influence the current flow in an electrical circuit

3.2 Work on the experiment panel

A simple electrical circuit consisting of two parallel-connected switches and a
lamp acting as the load is investigated here. The switches are closed when their
slider is on the lower setting.
3.3 Applications of parallel connections

The adjacent circuit diagram displays a door opening system which allows a
building entrance door to be opened from four different floors. As the door opening
buttons are connected in parallel, pressing any one of them closes the electrical
circuit, thus allowing a current to flow through the door opener. Try out this function

3.4 Summary
The list on the right gives a survey of the most important items dealt with in
this chapter.
When the Upper Switch is open, and the lower switch is open, the lamp is off
When the Upper Switch is open, and the lower switch is closed, the lamp is off
When the Upper Switch is closed, and the lower switch is open, the lamp is off
When the Upper Switch is closed, and the lower switch is closed, the lamp is

4.1 Experiment description

This experiment demonstrates how to activate and deactivate loads from two
different points using changeover switches. You can test this function in the display
on the right. Click on the light switches for this purpose

4.2 Work on the experiment panel

The circuit in experiment panel 4 functions in exactly the same way as the two light
switches in the illustration on the previous page. The corresponding circuit diagram
is shown here

4.3 Summary
The list on the right gives a survey of the most important items dealt with in this

When the Left Switch is down, and the Right switch is down, the lamp is on
When the Left Switch is down, and the Right Switch is up, the lamp is off
When the Left Switch is up, and the Right switch is up, the lamp is on
When the Left Switch is up, and the Right switch is down, the lamp is off
5.1 Experiment description

This experiment demonstrates the function and connections of a polarity reversal

circuit. In addition to a two-pole switch and a lamp, this circuit consists of two display
elements for indicating the direction of current flow.

5.2 Current flow in the circuit

Operating the switch interchanges the connections at the positive and negative poles
of the power source.
As a result, the current flows in the reverse direction through the electrical circuit.
5.3 Work on the experiment panel

The two LEDs indicate the direction of current flow:

When the left LED is lit, the current flows from the top to the bottom of the lamp
When the right LED is lit, the current flows from the bottom to the top of the lamp
The operation of the lamp is not influenced by the direction of current flow

5.4 A sample application

The adjacent set up is a variant of the circuit illustrated on the previous pages.
Instead of changeover switches, this circuit contains two-way switches with an open
middle setting.
The direction of rotation of a DC motor depends on the direction of the current
flowing through it
5.5 Summary

The list on the right gives a survey of the most important items dealt with in this

When S1 is closed, the electric will go through the lamp and the H2
When S1 is open, the electric will go through the lamp and the H3

6.1 Experiment description

This experiment demonstrates the operation of a relay as a remote-controlled
electrical switch.
This relay circuit can be used to activate and deactivate a lamp indirectly

6.2 Design of a relay

When S1 is closed, parts of the relay is closed and the electric will go through

6.3 Primary and secondary circuits

Relays always use two types of circuit, a primary circuit and a secondary circuit.
These two circuits are not connected electrically with each other

6.4 Preparations for the experiment

6.5 Experiment procedure

6.6 Experiment part II

6.7 Different relay designs

6.8 Applications of relays

6.9 Overview of logic functions

6.10 Summary

When S1 closed, lamp comes on

When S1 closed, lamp is off

7 Conductivity
7.1 Experiment description
This experiment demonstrates how to adjust the current intensity by inserting
electrical resistances into the line path, i.e. by changing its conductivity.
The circuit in experiment panel 7 contains such a resistance.
- Electrical resistances
- This is the graphical symbol of a resistor. The line path inside the
resistor consists of resistive material. The resistors in the line path
allow electrical current to flow but reduce its intensity due to their lower
conductivity compared with the connecting leads in the line path. The
degree by which a component inhibits the flow of electrical current in a
line path is termed its resistance.
- Conductivity
- Different materials have different electrical conductivities. The better
the conductivity, the lower the electrical resistance. Conductivity and
resistance refer to the same property of a component, similar to
brightness and darkness which can both be used to describe the light
conditions in a room.

7.2 Experiment procedure

On the lower setting of switch S1, resistor R1 is included in the line path of the
electrical circuit. R1 is connected ahead of (i.e. before) the actual load in the circuit.
Such resistors are also called series resistors.
The letter R is used to designate a resistor

7.3 Applications

Resistors of different conductivities are present in most electrical and

electronic circuits. They are used, for example, to adjust the current to the required
The PCB illustrated on the right contains numerous resistors

7.4 Summary
If a resistor is pre-connected, the lamp decreases in brightness but does not
completely extinguish.
The series resistor allows less current to flow. That is why the lamp becomes

8. Ohm’s law
8.1 Experiment description
The aim of this experiment is to closely investigate the relationships between
voltage, current and resistance. The circuit for this experiment is provided on
experiment panel 8.
8.2 Variables and units

Measuring devices can be used to measure voltages, currents and

resistances in electronic components. Properties of electronic components which
can be measured, like those mentioned above, are called variables. In formulae,
these variables are not usually represented by their names, but by symbols. These
variables must also be accompanied by corresponding units

8.3 Connection of the first resistor

The experiment panel contains three resistors:
R1 = 200 Ω, R2 = 510 Ω, R3 = 1 kΩ.
In the course of this experiment, you will connect each of these three resistors
consecutively to the operating voltage. For this reason, the upper connection for the
operating voltage is not present on this experiment panel.

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